Compromise and Arrangements: Sristi Nimodia
Compromise and Arrangements: Sristi Nimodia
Compromise and Arrangements: Sristi Nimodia
Over the period of time, a business grows and expands itself. Companies can either internally restructure the
company, or amalgamate with some other company, in order to bring about a change. This growth can be
organic or inorganic depending on the way the business chooses to grow. When the company grows over the
time in the normal course of the business, this could be through acquisition of new assets, replacement of old
technologies that are there, advancement of the technology by research and development, or by establishing new
lines of product growth, in such cases it is a organic growth. The company can even have an inorganic growth,
where it acquires another business which is running, and through this it grows overnight. In such growth, there is
no thing as advancement of technology by research and development, rather, the company acquires shares of
other business or merges, and grows. Such combinations can be in the form of mergers, acquisitions, takeover,
amalgamations, etc. The inorganic form of growth is one of the form in which most of the leading business over
the world has grown.
Compromise is an amicable agreement between the parties in which they make mutual concessions in order to
solve the differences between them.
Arrangement is the process by which the share capital of the company is reorganised either by consolidation or
division of the shares, or doing both.
Amalgamation is the process where two business who are willing to combine or carry out their business together,
come together. The businesses or the companies, which are coming together, are the amalgamating companies,
and the new alliance formed is the amalgamated company.
Reorganisation is the process by which a company restructures itself, in order to adapt to the new environment of
Merger is the joining together of two separate entities. A merger occurs when two businesses fold their
businesses and form themselves into a newly formed legal entity.
Horizontal Merger: It is the combination between those business which have the same area of business. Its
is mostly done in order to reshape the market structure and eliminate sellers.
Vertical Merger: As against the horizontal merger, it is the combination of business in the same line of
business, i.e, business engaged in different stages of production/distribution of the same product.
For example, car manufacturing company merging with tyre manufacturing companies.
Conglomerate: It is the combination between those business which have the different area of business.
They are those companies which are in different areas of business but are coming together for some
When conglomerate mergers of those companies take place which are selling :
Or of those companies which are use same marketing channels of production process, then it is a product
extension conglomerate.
For example, Pepsico and Pizza Hut, etc.
When conglomerate mergers of those companies take place which are selling same product in different markets,
it is a market extension conglomerate.
Pure Conglomerate:
When the conglomeration takes place between two entities of any kind which have no comman/similar/related
business, i.e, there is no relationship between the business of the entities, then it is a Pure Conglomerate.
Income Tax (DTC): when a company comes together with a loss making company, in order to avoid tax
Stamp Duty
FEMA: When Indian companies come together with foreign companies
Indirect Tax
SEBI & Stock Exchanges
Accounting Standards
Takeover Regulations
Competition Commission of India
Companies Act, 2013
Compromise is a narrower set of things, whereas Arrangement is a larger set of things. As per Section 230 of the
Companies Act, 2013, Compromises and Arrangements can take place between:
As per the said act, the application for the Compromises and Arrangements can be filed before the tribunal, i.e,
NCLT by any of the following people:
In case more than one company is involved, joint application can be filed at the discretion of the company.
Liquidator (in case of winding up)
If at the meeting, at least 3/4th of the members/creditor either in value or number, agree to compromise or
arrangement, either in person or by postal ballot, then the compromise or arrangement will be binding on all
credits/class of creditors or members/class of members.
In those cases, where the company is being wound up by the liquidator or by contributors of the company, then
the compromise or arrangement will be binding on all credits/class of creditors or members/class of members.
Once the scheme of arrangement is finalised and accepted by different class of people it goes to the tribunal then
the tribunal looks into it. After which the Tribunal has to act in supervisory capacity and then the scheme. In case
an arrangement regarding de-mergers has been finalised, it will be binding on all the creditor, irrespective of
whether they agreed or not.
Before sanctioning the scheme, the tribunal has to check if the statutory provisions have been complied with. It
has to be satisfied that the company has submitted to the tribunal the following information by means of an
1. All material facts relating to the company’s financial status, audit reports, pending investigations if any
3. Any scheme of re-structuring which has a consent of 75% of secured creditors n value
4. A statement, if the company proposes to adopt any debt restructuring guidelines as per RBI
The tribunal further needs to check if all the class have been fairly represented. Moreover as was laid out in the
case of Miheer H Mafatal v. Mafatal Industries (1997), the tribunal needs to make sure that the scheme is fair
and reasonable. This case lays out the various points according to which the tribunal checks the scheme.
1. It has the power to modify or supervise the carrying out of Compromise or Arrangements.
2. It has the power to delete certain approved clauses, if it is important in its opinion to do so.
4. However, when the majority does not sanction the scheme, the tribunal cannot sanction it.
5. It has the power to recall the meeting, if it receives the information that the correct facts were not
7. It has the power to recall its ex-pate passed order, if the intervenor proves that the order passed u/s 230
was illegal or passed under misconception.