Project Report On: COVID19 Testing Management System
Project Report On: COVID19 Testing Management System
Project Report On: COVID19 Testing Management System
Nowadays, COVID19 Testing Management System is one of the most
essential tools that are mostly used in Testing Lab; it is mostly used to
manage COVID19 medical lab related activities.
1. Admin
2. User (Patient)
Admin Module
Admin is the super user of the website who can manage everything on
the website. Admin can log in through the login page
Dashboard: In this section, the admin can see all detail in brief like
the total, assigned and the sample collected and completed tests.
Phlebotomist: In this section, the admin can manage Phlebotomist
(add, update, delete).
Testing: In this section, the admin can manage all the tests like
assign the test to Phlebotomist and update the history.
Report: In this section, the admin can generate two types of report.
One is between dates reports and another one is by search. Admin
can search the report by order number, name and mobile number.
Notification: In this section, the admin will get a notification for
every new test request (notification bell).
Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover
the password.
Client Side:
MfgdfRA RAM 512 MB
Hard disk 10 GB
Server side:
Hard disk 20 GB
Processor 2.0 GHz
Software Requirement:
Client Side:
The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an
open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX
and Windows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient
and extensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the
current HTTP standards.
The Apache HTTP Server ("httpd") was launched in 1995 and it has been
the most popular web server on the Internet since April 1996. It has
celebrated its 20th birthday as a project in February 2015.
PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
• MYSQL is a database server
• http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Analysis and Design
online. So with the help of this project we are bringing the use of
technology in the field of medical diagnosis where patients can avail all
the diagnosis facilities at their door steps. This project makes the
time its help the diagnostic center to track all their patients details with
• Not user friendly: The present system not user friendly because
a chance of error.
• Lots of paper work: Visitors maintain in the register so lots of
• Time consuming
Design Introduction:
Design is the first step in the development phase for any techniques
and principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or system
in sufficient detail to permit its physical realization. Once the software
requirements have been analyzed and specified the software design
involves three technical activities - design, coding, implementation and
testing that are required to build and verify the software.
UML Diagrams:
A coherent set of roles that users of use cases play when
interacting with the use `cases.
Use case diagrams model behavior within a system and helps the
developers understand of what the user require. The stick man
represents what’s called an actor.
Use case diagram can be useful for getting an overall view of the system
and clarifying that can do and more importantly what they can’t do.
Use case diagram consists of use cases and actors and shows the
interaction between the use case and actors.
Phlebotomist (Add/Update / Delete)
Generate Reports
Update Profile
Change Password
Password Recovery
Users (Patient)
Book Test for COVID 19
Class Diagram:
A description of set of objects that share the same attributes
operations, relationships, and semantics
ER Diagram:
The Entity-Relationship (ER) model was originally proposed by Peter in
1976 [Chen76] as a way to unify the network and relational database
views. Simply stated the ER model is a conceptual data model that
views the real world as entities and relationships. A basic component of
the model is the Entity-Relationship diagram which is used to visually
represent data objects. Since Chen wrote his paper the model has been
extended and today it is commonly used for database design for the
database designer, the utility of the ER model is:
ER Notation
There is no standard for representing data objects in ER diagrams. Each
modeling methodology uses its own notation. The original notation
used by Chen is widely used in academics texts and journals but rarely
seen in either CASE tools or publications by non-academics. Today,
there are a number of notations used; among the more common are
Bachman, crow's foot, and IDEFIX.
All notational styles represent entities as rectangular boxes and
relationships as lines connecting boxes. Each style uses a special set of
symbols to represent the cardinality of a connection. The notation used
in this document is from Martin. The symbols used for the basic ER
constructs are:
ER Diagram
This table stores the patient test record details.
This table stores the phlebotomist information.
The goal of the system testing process was to determine all faults in our
project .The program was subjected to a set of test inputs and many
explanations were made and based on these explanations it will be decided
whether the program behaves as expected or not. Our Project went through
two levels of testing
1. Unit testing
2. Integration testing
Unit testing is commenced when a unit has been created and
effectively reviewed .In order to test a single module we need to
provide a complete environment i.e. besides the section we would
• The procedures belonging to other units that the unit under test
• Non local data structures that module accesses
In the Integration testing we test various combination of the project
module by providing the input.
Project URL: http://localhost/cvovid19-tms
Home Page
New User (Patient) Test Booking
Already Registered User (Patient) Test Booking
Admin Login
Admin Password Recovery
Admin Dashboard
Admin Notification
Add Phlebotomist
Manage Phlebotomist
Test Details-1
Assigned to
Take Action
Test Details Admin
B/w Dates Report Date Selection
Search Report
Search Report Result
Admin Profile
Admin Change Password
Admin Logout
COVID19 Testing Management System is very much graceful and lively.
Patients have to register to the portal by giving their details and then
they can take appointment through online with minimal effort. The
Phlebotomist comes to patient address to collect the sample. Once test
is done and test report is generated patient can download the report by
logged in to the portal. This system can be implemented in diagnostic
labs and clinics.