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Group Discussion

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CHAPTER Group Discussioon

can move
Minds, when united,

Chapter Objective instrument for training

in spoken English f
discussion a s a n
To describe the inmportance of group for a specific job and to hein
and for assessing the suitability of candidates
developing the personality,
imbibe the skills required
for a n effective participation.
the learner

to exchange
problem or an issue to arrive at a decision and
A group discussion is held to discuss a
information on a significant matter related to
the function, growth or expansion of a professional
is also used as an instrument for assessing
the suitability of a candidate for the
organisation. It
is unstructured and there is no
job. Usually,the group comprises 6 to 10 persons. The discussion
For effective participation one
chairperson secretary to generate and regulate the discussion.
different interactive strategies,
should possess effective communication skills, an ability for using
and also to be aware of the nature of group dynamics.

instrument for judging the suitability of a candidate

Often, the group discussion is used as a n helps the
several personality traits come to the fore during the discussion, and this
for a job as
which are vital, for success
prospective employer assess the applicant. Some of these traits,
in the professional world, are: quick grasping power, mature reaction to views expressed
others, positive approach to issues and problems, leadership qualities, power of exposl
analytical ability, communication skills and group behaviour. GD is also used as an acadei

exercise for the development ofthese personality traits. In management courses G f o r

case studies has been found to be of great value. It develops important soft skills requirea
organisation and coordination of activities of groups of employees.

which a
The term Group disecussion (GD) 18 used to refer to an oral communication situation o
small number of professionals meet and discuss a problem or issue to arrive at a conse
Group Discussion

hange information on a
significant matter related to the
to e x c

the organisation to which function, growth or expansion
they belong. The purpose of the discussion is to elicit the views
l l participants.and through intense interaction evolve a
of a consensus.
of participants is small ranging from five to ten. It has
By its very nature, the
been observed that ifthe number
naller, the discussion does not get off the ground and the interaction is less animated and
ified with the result that often important aspects and factors are not properly focussed.
i f the number is large, a few participants become reticent and do not contribute to the
discussion. Thus, the very purpose of holding a group discussion is lost.


ITnlike a meeting, the group discussion is not structured. There is no chairperson, no secretary,
the problem or issue is stated and any member can initiate the
and no detailed agenda. Only
discussion and deal with any aspect. Similarly, any member can give a preview of what points
internal summary of the views expressed upto a point of time
are likely to arise, provide
discussion towards the end. However, it is the duty of each member
and summarise the the emergence
discussion proceeds smoothly in an orderly fashion, leading to
ensure that the emotion
course of action. Obviously, display of anger,
a common viewpoint or a
of a solution,
excitement has in a group discussion.
no place
and beforehand so that
is made known to the participants
Sometimes the topic to be discussed And sometimes the topic
and formulate the views before the discussion starts.
they can ponder minutes a r e allowed for
after the participants have assembled. In this case, a few
is announced circle round a table so that each
The participants generally sit in
thinking and preparation. eye contact with
the others.
observe the expression and make
participant is able to

GUIDELINES discussion. Your

have to take part in a group
a professional you may traits mentioned earlier.
As a student and later a s
whether you possess the personality have. The
effectiveness would depend upon the ones you already
and sharpen
if do not possess any below in the form
Try to cultivate them you follow the guidelines given
would improve if you
of your performance
of DO's and DON"Ts.

topic or the issue.
1. Define the
and implications.
2 Analyze its scope
the discussion.
3 Initiate and generate
of others intently.
4. Listen to the views members to speak.
and provide s i t u a t i o n demands.
5. Encourage when the
Intervene forcefully
but politely,
presenting your
point of view.
6. before
of the others
views of your views.
7. Summarize
in the
to the point reasonable.
8.Be brief and of view, if they are

others' points
.Concede to to a

10 Try to lead the group significant.

points you
11. Emphasize the
and Report Writing

Look at, and address, all

the members of the group.
13. Speak with proper pronunciation.
the discussion
within the
allotted time (usuallu
ly aan hour
14. Help the group conclude
so). throughout the discussioon.
l. Maintain a relaxed and pleasant
at the end.
16. Summarise the main view-points
17. State the conclusions reached.

1. Don't be assertive in presenting your
2. Don't dominate the discussion.
3. Don't monopolise the discussion.
4. Don't make any personal remarks.
5. Don't jump to conclusions.
6. Don't enter into dyadic discussion.
Don't speak continuously for a long time.
8. Neither raise your voice too high nor speak too softly.
9. Don't speak in monotone.
10. Avoid using speech mannerisms and time-fillers.
11 Don't use aggressive gestures.
12 Neither recline in your chair nor lean forward.
13. Don't ignore any member of the group.

We would now like to list few
expressions which you can use while participating in a grou
(i) Expressing your Opinion
I am of the view... I feel... I think.. so far as I am concerned.....
(ii) Defending your Opinion
Let me restate what I mean.. I
repeat what I said earlier because.. What l am
really supports my view.... This is what Iwasuyi
to say is... The point made
by ABC
to suggest... uy
(iii) Asking the Opinion of Others
What is your opinion.. Do
you have any feel
about this.. Do you have opinion on this matter.. What o
any comments on this
(iv) Agreeing with Others
I fully
agree... T hold the same
well taken. I endorse this opinion.... That's right. I also think so.. This po.
(u) Disagreeing with Othersviewpoint.....
think s0..
I don't agree... don't
I think so... I'm
afraid I feel y that. O
no, this is not the issue....
(vi) Expressing Certainty That's not the issue.. differently... you cant

I'm sure that... I'm

absolutely certain.... I've no
doubt that... There's
Group Discussion
(pii) Making Suggestions

I sugs that first we... Let's start with.... What

about.... May we then.... Why don't

(viii) Insisting
Let me emphasize this p0int.... I have to say again that... I must draw your attention
ag to what I said earlier. I'm afraid I have to insist on.... I reiterate..
ix) Giving In
I concede... I take that back.. Allright, then.. You are right, I withdraw.... I now see
the point... I accept your modification....
(x) Interrupting
Could you stop for a while. Just a minute... May I butt in here... Could you clarify
this point.... before you go on let me.


in professional organisations there is agrowing tendency to make a group ofpersons responsible
for formulating the poliey and its execution in day to day work. Because of this change in
increased. As a result besides
work culture the frequency of holding GD has considerably
there are other methods which
interactive group discussion which we have discussed so far,
Some organisations use for
elicitation of views and pooling of opinions. Let us briefly look at
an idea. The participants
these methods. In the first method a person presents a problem or
are asked to suggest solutions or express
their views about the idea. The response of eachh
whiteboard or a piece of paper. After this process
participant is written either on a blackboard,
made to arrive at a consensus. In the second
is over, discussion takes place and a n attempt is
think and write their views on the issue or problem
method, the participants are asked to
asked to present their solution or opinion
presented. After sometime the participants are suitable to the
the solutions or opinion from the most
by one. Other members silently rank suitable by
the solution or opinion ranked most
least suitable. Finally, the decision is based on to face. They
a majority of participants. In the third
method the members do not meet face
issue or a problem through a carefully
asked to express their response to
and circulated to all members of the group. They
questionnaire. The results are collected conclusions reached are
stand if they so desire. The
asked to react, modifying their earlier called group debate.
until a c o n s e n s u s is
arrived at. The fourth method is
again circulated in the
into two sub-groups. The issue or problem is presented
is divided
In this the group such group is asked to speak for,
and the other against, the
1orm a proposition and one knowledgeable
of to by a panel of three
or four senior and
proposition. The debate is listened decision and let it be known to the
debate is it is they who take a
professionals. After the over,
the group the r e a s o n s that led
it to arrive at the
The panel also informs
nembers of the group.
announced decision.

GROUP DISCUSSION AND assessment of the suitability of candidates

instrument of take the following
D18 considered an
as well. Visiting companies generally
ployment during campus
Tive steps for selection.
and Report Writing

selection panel give a talk in which resent

they present a
profle of the

The members of the of compensation.

Step One: and the package
a description of the job
test to find
out the suitability of the
Two: The talk is followed by an aptitude mindsetiof
the candidates for the job.
Three:Those who qualify in the aptitude
test are required to participate
about the topic as to
in aa GD Its
Step and extent of knowledge
much to test the depth interaction within the groun Ve
purpose is not so the quality of their
the participants' group behaviour and
then invited to appear in h .
is to the mark are
Step Four: Those whose performance up is made to find out the extent of techm
called a technical interview. Here an attempt nical
are generally based on contents of
the job. The questions the
knowledge and skills required for
discipline courses done by the interviewee.
All those who appear in the technical interview have to appear in Human Resoure
Step Five: rce
(HR) interview. It is a sort of oral personality test. Its purpose is to find out whether the
possesses soft skills and als0
whether he has the potential to grow quickly and
imbibe the relevant skills and work culture of the organisation within a short time.

When the need to assess the quality of contribution by participants arises, it is advisable to
use an evaluation sheet so that all aspects are taken into account for arriving at a conclusion.
the sample evaluation sheet given below (Exhibit 30.1), all the qualities and skills required
for effective participation are grouped into five categories. The first includes elements
such as the relevance of the views expressed, the significance of information presentation
the frequency of interaction, and reaction to the views of
others. The second refers to tne
manner in which presentations and interventions are
made. The third is a grouping of skls
of pronunciation, delivery, voice modulation and
use of body language. The fourth
abilities such as generating discussion, inciua h
flow of communication, prompting the
directing it on the right track, maintaining
a sT The
group to reach an agreed view-point or
fifth refers to the qualities of
courtesy and consideration for others and concern soluuo citing
the views of all members. eu

Note: Indicate your assessment
is as by putting a tick (/) in the priate column. The four

follows: A Excellent;
B Very appropriat
good; C =
Average; D Poor; E Exposed. 1ake first
self-explanatory. The fifth is to
be ticked when a
= =
contribution. He simply utters a few nt does
participant not
does nnd

etc., or does not speak at all. phrases such as 'No', Yes, I poin O o dpoint

agree', Thatsas
Group Discussion


of the

. No.
Broad aspects of evaluation A B

Extent and quality of contribution

Techniques used for discussion

. Communication skills

Leadership qualities

5. Group behaviour

Signature of the Evaluator

Let us now briefly explain the aspects mentioned in the Evaluation Sheet
Exhibit 30.1.
given in

1. Extent and
quality of contribution. In GD each member is expected to
contribute to the discussion. If you are well conversant with the issue/problem or are
knowledgeable about the topic, you may start the discussion. But do remember that
it is the responsibility of the first
speaker to analyse the topic and point out the scope
of discussion. If you
speak later, you may either react to the views of earlier speakers
by explaining their points further or by expressing your agreement or disagreement
with them. In either case you must support your opinion with reasons. The quality of
contribution is assessed on two parameters: first, whether what you say is relevant and
second, whether your contribution would lead to the solution or help the group arrive
at a proper conclusion.
2. Techniques used for discussion. You may summarise what has already been said
and then offer your comments or express your views. But ifyou so wish, you may express
our opinion straightaway in a forceful manner and then demolish the arguments put
forward by earlier speakers and show to the group how what you say is more relevant
or useful in solving the problem or resolving the issue.
Communication skills. These refer to both verbal and non-verbal means of
communication. Verbal communication includes the ability to choose words and
construct sentences which are acceptable both from grammatical and usage points of
View and are at the same time appropriate to the occasion. Active listening and effective
speaking are the other skills which form part of verbal communication. Among the
398 Business Correspondence and Report Writing

non-verbal skills are the use of voice and body language, which
hich we
we have d.
detail in Chapter 3. discussed in
Leadership qualities. As pointed out earlier, one or two participants a
leaders during the course of discussion in a GD. Some of the attributes that eag
stand out from the rest are listed below. The panel of evaluators would look them
qualities in your contribution to the discussion. To win the position of a lead.hese
should possess the ability: you
to generate new ideas or viewpoints on the given topic or problem:
to respond to the views of others with maturity;
look at positive side of things;
persuade other participants to your point of views;
to change the earlier stand if a more reasonable or acceptable viewpoint is n
forward; put
to keep the discussion on the right track;
to ensure participation by all members;
to summarise the various points of view expressed by members;
to handle aggressive discussers tactfully;
formulate the agreed solutions and suggestions for decision making;
to act as a cohesive force uniting diverse arguments into a harnmonious
to listen attentively and to speak clearly; and
to remain cheerful and vibrant throughout the discussion.
5 Group behaviour. The corporate world attaches a great deal of importance to an
employee's ability to work smoothly in a group. To be able to do so, you need to possess
team spirit and to function in cooperation with others. In GD this quality should
manifests itself in terms of your spirit of accommodation to others' views, your zest and
amiability, your emotional strength to remain cool and calm even to rude responses
and your willingness to listen to devastating comments and biting criticisms with a

Review Questionss DDDD

1. What are the various purposes for which group discussion is held?
2. In what ways is group discussion different from other discussion groups such as meeting
symposium, seminar, etc.?
3. Why do employers use group discussion as one of the instruments for assessing the
suitability of candidates for a job?
4. Describe briefly the points one should bear in mind for effective participation in a gou

5. Discuss the points that the group as a whole should bear in mind for the smooth and
oriented flow of communication.

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