UNIT - 01 Introduction and Mathematical Modeling To Control Systems
UNIT - 01 Introduction and Mathematical Modeling To Control Systems
UNIT - 01 Introduction and Mathematical Modeling To Control Systems
• Engineering can be defined as the art of putting together elements, natural or manufactured, so as
to get the optimum conversion of resources for the benefit of mankind. Control engineering can be
viewed as study of behavior of such built-up systems subjected to control actions.
• A system can be natural, man-made or combination of the two.
• In modern times, control systems playa very important role in our daily life. The concepts of
automatic control are fundamental and well mixed in every aspect our life touches. From a simple
bread toaster to a complex modern power plant, there is a series of control principles that affect our
• Practically an engineer has to deal with systems in any industry he / she lands in, and so it is
necessary to be familiar with the analysis and design aspects of modern control systems. One must
be aware that the principles of control theory are applicable to engineering as well as non-
engineering fields. Also, control engineering can be associated with general engineering,
biological, sociological, organizational, defense, etc.
• Input: The stimulus or excitation applied to a control system from an external source in order to
produce the output is called input.
• Plant: It is the body or process or machine whose particular quantity or condition is controlled.
Control action is the actuating signal that is responsible for stimulating the plant / process to produce
the output
Depending on whether such a control action is dependent on the output or not, control systems are
categorized as:
(a) Open loop systems (b) Closed loop systems.
There is a comparison of the output and reference input state. This property is known as feedback and
this is the main difference when compared to the open loop systems.
• This error is applied to the controller which gives the activating signal m (t) for the process. (In
many cases the controller may contain more than one block in series so as to achieve necessary
power amplification and compensation to drive the process).
• The action of the controller will be to drive the controlled output in such a manner that the error is
reduced to zero i.e. the feedback signal is equal to reference input r (t).
• Command Input: The command is the input signal, which corresponds to the desired output,
given to the reference transducer
• Reference Transducer: The transducer which generates a reference input when a command signal
is given to it.
• Reference Input r(t): It is an external signal applied to a feedback control system in order to
obtain a specific action from the system
• Primary Feedback Signal b(t): It is the signal proportional to controlled output c(t)and is
algebraically summed with reference input r(t) to get the error signal e(t ).
• Error Signal: It is the signal obtained by algebraic sum of reference input signal and primary
feedback signal, i, e. r(t) ± b(t).
• Controller: It the unit which produces the manipulated output based on the control scheme and
error signal.
• Automatic electric iron; DC motor speed controlled by tachometer feedback; railway reservation
status display; missile launched and auto-tracked by radar; Servo voltage stabilizer; human
perspiration system; sun-seeker solar systems; water level controller
• An Automatic Electric Iron regulates the temperature of iron such that for a given cloth selection
the temperature remains in a specified range. When the temperature falls below the lower limit,
heating is started and when it exceeds the upper limit heating is stopped. Thus it is closed loop with
respect to temperature as the control action (which initiates heating or not heating the coil) depends
on the output temperature. This is the principle of closed loop temperature control.
• In simple electric iron systems bimetallic strips are used but in sophisticated systems, the feedback
transducer could be a thermocouple or remote temperature detecting device or some similar device.
• When the body temperature goes up, we perspire. Body heat is used to evaporate the sweat and our
temperature falls as a result. Hence our body maintains constant skin temperature and is closed
loop system.
There is a comparison of the output and reference input state. This property is known as feedback and
this is the main difference when compared to the open loop systems.
When feedback is given the error between system input and output is reduced. However
improvement of error is not the only advantage.
2) Sensitivity: (Sensitivity in the present context is the minimum magnitude of input signal required
to produce a specified output signal, for example, sensitivity of a transducer is the relationship
between input and output power)
Sensitivity requirements often play an important role in the design of control systems. All physical
elements have properties that change with environment and age and the parameters of control
systems cannot be considered to be constant over the entire operating life of the system e.g. the
winding resistance of motor changes with respect to time. A good control system should be very
insensitive to such parameter variations but sensitive to the input commands. It requires that, its
performance should not be affected by small changes in the certain parameters of the system.
3) External disturbance or noise: (can be internal or external) All the physical systems are
subjected to external disturbances and noise signals; during operation. Brush and commutator noise
in motors, thermal noise voltage in electronic circuits are good examples of noise while effect of
wind on performance of antenna is a good example of external disturbance. A requirement of a
good control system is that the system is insensitive to noise and external disturbances but
sensitive to the input commands. It should be able to reduce the effects of undesirable disturbances.
4) Stability: A concept of stability means output of system must follow reference input and must
produce bounded output for bounded input. However due to wrong selection of parameters it is
possible that output tends to increase without bounds. This is called as unstable condition. A good
control system is one which is inherently stable in nature.
• The Laplace transform method is an operational method that can be used advantageously for
solving linear differential equations.
• By use of Laplace transforms, we can convert many common functions, such as sinusoidal
functions, damped sinusoidal functions, and exponential functions, into algebraic functions of a
complex variable s.
• Operations such as differentiation and integration can be replaced by algebraic operations in the
complex plane.
• Thus, a linear differential equation can be transformed into an algebraic equation in a complex
variable s.
• An advantage of the Laplace transform method is that it allows the use of graphical techniques for
predicting the system performance without actually solving system differential equations.
• Another advantage of the Laplace transform method is that, when we solve the differential
equation, both the transient component and steady-state component of the solution can be obtained
Complex Variable: A complex number has a real part and an imaginary part, both of which are
constant. If the real part and/or imaginary part are variables, a complex quantity is called a complex
In the Laplace transformation we use the notation s as a complex variable that is, s = σ + jω where σ
is the real part and ω is the imaginary part.
Complex Function: A complex function G(s) a function of s, has a real part and an imaginary part
where Gx and Gy, are real quantities.
G(s) = Gx + jGy
Here, G(s) has zeros at s = -2, s = -10, simple poles at s = 0, s = -1, s = -5, and a double pole
(multiple pole of order 2) at s = -15.
• As noted earlier, the inverse Laplace transform can be obtained by use of the inversion integral.
• However, the inversion integral is complicated and, therefore, its use is not recommended for
finding inverse Laplace transforms of commonly encountered functions in control engineering. A
convenient method for obtaining inverse Laplace transforms is to use a table of Laplace transforms.
• In this case, the Laplace transform must be in a form immediately recognizable in such a table.
Quite often the function in question may not appear in tables of Laplace transforms available to the
engineer. If a particular transform F(s) cannot be found in a table, then we may expand it into
partial fractions and write F(s) in terms of simple functions of s for which the inverse Laplace
transforms are already known.
There will be n roots having only real part or complex conjugate pairs or both.
While plotting the roots on the complex plane the point to be noted is that the graduation along X –
axis and Y – axis should be equal.
• The roots are plotted on the s – plane which is a complex plane.
• To study and analyze the behavior of a system, it is necessary to have some type of equivalent
representation of the system. Such representation can be obtained from the mathematical equations
governing the behavior of the system. Since control systems under study are dynamic in nature, the
response of which are evolving with time, most of such mathematical equations are differential
equations and the system may be mechanical, electrical, thermal, hydraulic, etc.
• Thus, the set of mathematical equations describing the dynamic behavior of a system is called
mathematical model of the system. (Algebraic, ODE, PDE, Difference Equation)
When the force is applied at end A, it gets a displacement x1 and the end B gets a displacement x2, when
both ends are free to move, and the force is proportional to the net displacement (x1 - x2).
Similar to the three basic elements associated with mechanical systems, there are three basic elements
in electrical systems as well and they are:
• Resistor
• Inductor
• Capacitor
• Mathematically, it is defined as the ratio of Laplace transform (for definition and transform pairs of
Laplace Transform refer to appropriate standard Mathematics text books) of output (response) of
the system to the Laplace transform of input (excitation or driving function), under the assumption
that all initial conditions are zero.
• It gives mathematical models of all system components and hence of the overall system. Individual
analysis of various components is also possible by the transfer function approach.
• As it uses a Laplace transform approach, it converts time domain equations to algebraic
• It gives an operational method of expressing equations which relate output to input.
• The transfer function is expressed only as a function of the complex variable 's'. It is not a function
of the real variable, time or any other variable used as the independent variable.
• The few limitations of the transfer function approach called approach are,
• Only applicable to linear time invariant systems.
• It does not provide any information concerning the physical structure system. From transfer
function, physical nature of the system whether electrical, mechanical, thermal or hydraulic, cannot
be judged.
• Effects arising due to initial conditions are totally neglected. Hence initial conditions lose their
Obtain the transfer functions X1(s) / U(s) and X2(s) / U(s) of the mechanical system shown in the
figure below
Typically, we will be dealing with liquid heating system in our thermal system modeling. Such a
system is shown in the following figure.
A simple gas filled thermometer has a thermal conductance of B is filled with a gas whose thermal
capacitance is C. Obtain the TF relating the temperature of the gas in the thermometer to the
temperature of the medium in which the thermometer is inserted. (Refer the fig shown below).
Neglect the capillary effect of the thermometer tube.
• Rate of heat supplied by the medium to the thermometer = Heat energy gained by the gas inside the