Computer Networks: BITS Pilani
Computer Networks: BITS Pilani
Computer Networks: BITS Pilani
Uma Maheswari
Ref : Chapter 2 of TextBook.
Learning Outcomes :
• A layered architecture allows us to discuss a well defined, specific part of a large and
complex system providing modularity which is much easier to change the implementation.
• But system remains unchanged when layers implementation is changed if the layer
provides the same service to layer above it and uses the same services from the layer
below it.
eg., if the gate function were changed(eg., to have people board and disembark by height) thus the remainder
of the airline system would remain unchanged since the gate layer still provides the same function(loading and
unloading people) it simply implements that function in a different manner after the change.
• Application-layer protocols such as HTTP and SMTP are almost always implemented in software in the
end systems; so are transport-layer protocols.
• Because the physical layer and data link layers are responsible for handling communication over a
specific link, they are typically implemented in a network interface card (eg., Ethernet or WiFi interface
cards) associated with a given link.
• When taken together the protocols of the various layers are called the Protocol stack.
• Internet protocol stack consists of 5 layers: the physical, link, network, transport and application
• The Internet's application layer includes many protocols such as the HTTP
protocol(which provides for Web document request and transfer), SMTP(which
provides for the transfer of e-mail systems) and FTP(which provides for the transfer
of files between 2 end systems).
• Conversion of names into IP address(32 bit network address) done with DNS or
Domain Name System.
• Application -layer protocol is distributed over multiple end systems with application in
one end system using the protocol to exchange packets of information with the
application in another end system.
• Internet's network layer is responsible for moving network layer packets known as Datagrams from one host
to another.
• The internet transport-layer protocol(TCP or UDP) in a source host passes a transport-layer segment and a
destination address to the network layer (eg., giving postal service a letter with a destination address).
• Network layer provides the service of delivering the segment to the transport layer in the destination host.
• The network layer has IP or Internet Protocol which defines the fields in the datagram as well as how the
end systems and routers act on these fields.
• Network layer also has routing protocols that determine routes that datagrams take between sources and
• Modern TCP/IP routing architecture groups routers into autonomous systems (ASes) that are independently
controlled by different organizations and companies.
• Network layer has numerous routing protocols.:
1. Interior Gateway protocols : The routing protocols used to facilitate the exchange of routing information
between routers within an AS
2. Exterior Gateway protocols : The routing protocols used to facilitate the exchange of routing information
between AS's or autonomous systems.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Link Layer
• Link layer provides the services of moving the packet from from one node (host or router) t
the next node in the route. This service is provided to network layer.
• egs. of Link layer protocol are Ethernet, WiFi and the cable access networks DOCSIS
• As datagrams typically need to traverse several links to travel from source to destination, a
datagram may be handled by different link-layer protocols at different links along its route.
• eg., a datagram may be handled by ethernet on one link and by PP on the next link.
• Thus network layer will receive a different service from each of different link layer protocols.
Link layer packets are called as Frames.
• Link layer is to move entire frames from one network element to an adjacent network
element, while Physical layer is to move the individual bits within the frame from one node to
the next.
• The protocols in this layer are again link dependent and further depend on the actual
transmission medium of the link(for eg., twisted-pair copper wire, single -mode fiber optics).
• eg., Ethernet has many physical-layer protocols: one for twisted pair copper wire another for
coaxial cable another for fiber and so on.