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What Are P-Adic Numbers? What Are They Used For?

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Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter

What are are p-Adic
p-Adic Numbers?
Numbers? What are
What areTheyThey
Used Used
for? for?
U A Rozikov
U A Rozikov

Abstract. In this short paper we give a popular intro- rational numbers, such that |2|∗ < 1. This is done
duction to the theory of p-adic numbers. We give some as follows. Let Q be the field of rational numbers.
properties of p-adic numbers distinguishing them to
Every rational number x  0 can be represented
“good” and “bad”. Some remarks about applications
of p-adic numbers to mathematics, biology and physics in the form x = pr mn , where r, n ∈ Z, m is a positive
are given. integer, ( p, n) = 1, ( p, m) = 1 and p is a fixed prime
number. The p-adic absolute value (norm) of x is
1. p-Adic Numbers given by
 −r
p-adic numbers were introduced in 1904 by the  p , for x  0,

|x|p = 
 0, for x = 0.

German mathematician K Hensel. They are used
intensively in number theory. p-adic analysis was The p-adic norm satisfies the so called strong
developed (mainly for needs of number theory) triangle inequality
in many directions, see, for example, [20, 50].
|x + y|p ≤ max{|x|p , |y|p}, (2)
When we write a number in decimal, we can
only have finitely many digits on the left of the and this is a non-Archimedean norm.
decimal, but we can have infinitely many on the This definition of |x|p has the effect that high
right of the decimal. They might “terminate” (and powers of p become “small”, in particular |2n |2 =
become all zeros after some point) but they might 1/2n . By the fundamental theorem of arithmetic,
not. The p-adic integers can be thought of as for a given non-zero rational number x there is a
writing out integers in base p, but one can have unique finite set of distinct primes p1 , . . . , pr and
infinitely many digits to the left of the decimal a corresponding sequence of non-zero integers
(and none on the right; but the rational p-adic a1 , . . . , an such that x = pa11 . . . par r . It then follows
numbers can have finitely many digits on the that |x|pi = p−a i
for all i = 1, . . . , r, and |x|p = 1 for
right of the decimal). For example, the binary any other prime p  {p1 , . . . , pr }.
expansion of 35 is 1·20 +1·21 +0·22 +0·23 +0·24 +1·25, For example, take 63/550 = 2−1 · 32 · 5−2 · 7 · 11−1
often written in the shorthand notation 1000112. we have
One has 1 = 0, 111111111 . . .2 = 0, (1)2. But what is 

 2, if p = 2,

. . . 111111, 02 = (1), 02? Compute (1), 02 + 1: 

1/9, if p = 3,

. . . 111111, 02

25, if p = 5,

�� 63 ��� = 
�� � 
+. . . 000001, 02 

. . . 000000, 02 � 550 �p  

 1/7, if p = 7,

11, if p = 11,

Hence (1), 02 = −1. This equality can be written as

 1, if p ≥ 13.

(1), 02 = lim 2i = lim (2n − 1) = −1. (1)
n→∞ n→∞
i=0 We say that two norms � · �1 and � · �2 on Q are
This limit equivalent to limn→∞ 2 = 0. In real
n equivalent if there exists α > 0 such that
case one has limn→∞ qn = 0 if and only if absolute
� · �α1 = � · �2 .
value |q| is less than 1. Remember that to define
real numbers one considers all limit points of It is a theorem of Ostrowski (see [41]) that
sequences of rational numbers, using the absolute each absolute value on Q is equivalent either
value as metric. to the Euclidean absolute value | · |, the trivial
To give a meaning of the limit (1), one has absolute value, or to one of the p-adic absolute
to give a new absolute value | · |∗ , on the set of values for some prime p. So the only norms on

October 2013, Volume 3 No 4 1

Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter 2

The sum ∞

Q modulo equivalence are the absolute value, n=0 n! exists in every Qp . The follow-
the trivial absolute value and the p-adic absolute ing problem has been open since 1971.
value which means that there are only as many Problem. Can n=0 n! be rational for some
completions (with respect to a norm) of Q. prime p?
The p-adic absolute value defines a metric It is not known if ∞

n=0 n!  0 in every Qp .
|x − y|p on Q. Two numbers x and y are p-adically 7. For any x ∈ Q, we have
closer as long as r is higher, such that pr divides 
|x − y|p . Amazingly, for p = 5 the result is that 135 |x| |x|p = 1.
is closer to 10 than 35.
The completion of Q with respect to p-adic This formula have been used to solve several
norm defines the p-adic field which is denoted problems in number theory, many of them us-
by Qp . Any p-adic number x  0 can be uniquely ing Helmut Hasse’s local-global principle, which
represented in the canonical form roughly states that an equation can be solved
over the rational numbers if and only if it can be
x = pγ(x) (x0 + x1 p + x2 p2 + · · · ),
solved over the real numbers and over the p-adic
where γ = γ(x) ∈ Z and xj are integers, 0 ≤ xj ≤ numbers for every prime p.
p − 1, x0 > 0, j = 0, 1, 2, ... (see more detail [31,
50, 54]). In this case |x|p = p−γ(x) . The set of p-adic 3. “Bad” Properties of p-Adic Numbers
numbers contains the field of rational numbers Q
but is different from it. 1. Qp is not ordered.
Using canonical form of p-adic numbers, simi- 2. Qp is not comparable with R, for example
√ √
larly as real numbers, one makes arithmetic oper- 7  Q5 , but i = −1 ∈ Q5 .
ations on p-adic numbers (see for example, [41]). 3. Qp is not algebraically closed.
But | · |p can be extended uniquely to the
2. “Good” Properties of p-Adic Numbers algebraic closure Qap and the completion of (Qap , |·|p )
is called Cp , the field of the p-adic complex num-
The ultra-metric triangle inequality, i.e. (2), under- bers. Cp is no locally compact, but separable and
lies many of the interesting differences between algebraically closed.
real and p-adic analysis. The following properties Now define the functions expp (x) and logp (x).
of p-adic numbers make some directions of the Given a ∈ Qp and r > 0 put
p-adic analysis more simple than real analysis:
1. All triangles are isosceles. B(a, r) = {x ∈ Qp : |x − a|p < r}.
2. Any point of ball D(a, r) = {x ∈ Qp : |x−a|p ≤ r}
The p-adic logarithm is defined by the series
is center. Each ball has an empty boundary. Two

balls are either disjoint, or one is contained in the  (x − 1)n
logp (x) = logp (1 + (x − 1)) = ( − 1)n+1 ,
other. n=1
3. | · |p1  | · |p2 if p1  p2 . This means that each
which converges for x ∈ B(1, 1);
prime number p generates its own field of p-adic
The p-adic exponential is defined by
numbers Qp .

4. x2 = −1 has a solution x ∈ Qp if and only if  xn
expp (x) = ,
p = 1 mod 4. n=0
5. A sequence {xn } in Qp is a Cauchy sequence
which converges for x ∈ B(0, p−1/(p−1)).
if and only if |xn+1 − xn |p → 0 as n → ∞.
Let x ∈ B(0, p−1/(p−1), then
This has the useful corollary that a sum con-
verges if and only if the individual terms tend to | expp (x)|p = 1, | expp (x)−1|p = |x|p , | logp (1+x)|p = |x|p ,
6. (A student’s dream) ∞ logp ( expp (x)) = x, expp ( logp (1 + x)) = 1 + x.

n=1 an < ∞ if and only
if an → 0.
4. Some “good” functions become “bad”. For
Since |n!|p → 0 we have, for example,
example exp (x) is very “good” function on R, but
∞ ∞
  as we seen above expp (x) is defined only on ball
( − 1)n n!(n + 2) = 1, ( − 1)n n!(n2 − 5) = −3.
n=0 n=0 B(0, p−1/(p−1) ).

2 October 2013, Volume 3 No 4

Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter

4. Remarks about Applications p-adic mathematics in many directions: theory of

distributions [6, 31], differential and pseudodif-
When the p-adic numbers were introduced they ferential equations [32, 56], theory of probability
considered as an exotic part of pure mathematics [31, 56] spectral theory of operators in a p-adic
without any application (see for example [41, analogue of a Hilbert space [7, 8, 33].
42, 50, 56] for applications of p-adic numbers The representation of p-adic numbers by se-
to mathematics). Since p-adic numbers have the quences of digits gives a possibility to use this
interesting property that they are said to be close number system for coding of information. There-
when their difference is divisible by a high power fore p-adic models can be used for the description
of p the higher the power the closer they are. of many information processes. In particular, they
This property enables p-adic numbers to encode can be used in cognitive sciences, psychology and
congruence information in a way that turns out sociology. Such models based on p-adic dynamical
to have powerful applications in number theory systems [3–5].
including, for example, in the famous proof of The study of p-adic dynamical systems arises
Fermat’s Last Theorem by Andrew Wiles (see [42, in Diophantine geometry in the constructions
Chap. 7]). of canonical heights, used for counting rational
What is the main difference between real and points on algebraic varieties over a number field,
p-adic space-time? It is the Archimedean axiom. as in [21].
According to this axiom any given large segment There most recent monograph on p-adic dy-
on a stright line can be surpassed by successive namics is Anashin and Khrennikov [9]; nearly a
addition of small segments along the same line. half of Silverman’s monograph [52] also concerns
This axiom is valid in the set of real numbers and p-adic dynamics.
is not valid in Qp . However, it is a physical axiom Here are areas where p-adic dynamics proved
which concerns the process of measurement. To to be effective: computer science (straight line
exchange a number field R to Qp is the same as programs), numerical analysis and simulations
to exchange axiomatics in quantum physics (see (pseudorandom numbers), uniform distribution
[31, 56]). of sequences, cryptography (stream ciphers, T-
In 1968 two pure mathematicians, A Monna functions), combinatorics (Latin squares), au-
and F van der Blij, proposed to apply p-adic tomata theory and formal languages, genetics.
numbers to physics. In 1972 E Beltrametti and The monograph [9] contains the corresponding
G Cassinelli investigated a model of p-adic valued survey. For a newer results see recent papers and
quantum mechanics from the positions of quan- references therein: [10, 14, 15, 28, 36, 37, 38, 48, 51].
tum logic. Since 80th p-adic numbers are used in Moreover, there are studies in computer science
applications to quantum physics. p-adic strings and cryptography which along with mathematical
and super strings were the first models of p-adic physics stimulated in 1990th intensive research in
quantum physics (see, for example, [17, 29, 50, p-adic dynamics since it was observed that major
54]). The interest of physicists to p-adic numbers computer instructions (and therefore programs
is explained by the attempts to create new models composed of these instructions) can be considered
of space-time for the description of (fantastically as continuous transformations with respect to the
small) Planck distances. 2-adic metric, see [11, 12].
There are some evidences that the standard In [33, 53] p-adic field have arisen in physics in
model based on real numbers is not adequate the theory of superstrings, promoting questions
to Planck’s domain. On the other hand, some about their dynamics. Also some applications
properties of fields of p-adic numbers seem to of p-adic dynamical systems to some biological,
be closely related to Planck’s domain. In partic- physical systems has been proposed in [3, 4, 5,
ular, the fields of p-adic numbers have no order 22, 23, 33, 35]. Other studies of non-Archimedean
structure. dynamics in the neighborhood of a periodic point
The pioneer investigations on p-adic string and of the counting of periodic points over global
theory induced investigations on p-adic quantum fields using local fields appear in [39, 47]. It is
mechanics and field theory (see the books [31, 54, known that the analytic functions play important
55]). This investigations induce a development of role in complex analysis. In the p-adic analysis

October 2013, Volume 3 No 4 3

Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter 4

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4 October 2013, Volume 3 No 4

Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter

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October 2013, Volume 3 No 4 5

Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter

U A Rozikov
Institute of Mathematics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

U A Rozikov is a professor in Institute of Mathematics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He gradu-

ated from the Samarkand State University (1993). He otained PhD (1995) and Doctor of
Sciences in physics and mathematics (2001) degrees from the Institute of Mathematics,
Tashkent. He is known for his works on the theory of Gibbs measures of models on trees
of statistical mechanics (recently he published a book: Gibbs Measures on Cayley Trees
(World Scientific, 2013)). He developed a contour method to study the models on trees
and described complete set of periodic Gibbs measures. Rozikov has (with F Mukhamedov)
an important contribution to non-Archimedean theory of phase transitions and dynamical
systems. He has important results on non-Volterra quadratic operators. N Ganikhodjaev and
Rozikov gave a construction of a quadratic operator which connects phases of the models of
statistical mechanics with models of genetics. His most recent works are devoted to evolu-
tion algebras of sex-linked populations. He was invited to several leading universities and
research centres in the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain etc. His (more than 100) papers
are published in front-line journals.

6 October 2013, Volume 3 No 4

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