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UNDERSTANDING THE SELF manner), this is what we called not directly

Direct Person Perception
The way we define who we are is a direct result of
Many of the personal attributes that observers
what we know. In basic terms the social self is
notice about another person need not be inferred
defined as how an individual interact with the
or incidentally because they are directly
social world presented to him/her and how
observable and are therefore noted immediately.
he/she approaches the formation of relationship.
Some of these attributes include categorical
To this point, we have seen, among other things,
judgments about other people such as their sex,
that human beings have complex and well-
race, and age.
developed self-concepts and that they generally
attempt to view themselves positively.
Social Norms
From a sociological perspective, these are
Interaction VS Relation
informal understandings that govern the
In social science, a social relation or social
behaviour of members of a society. Social
interaction is any relationship between two or
psychology recognizes smaller group units, such as
more individuals. Social relations derived from
a team or an office, may also endorse norms
individual agency form the basis of social
separately or in addition to cultural or societal
structure and the basic object for analysis by
social scientists.
Relationship is a strong, deep, or close association
Social Facilitation
or acquaintance between two or more people.
The other term is audience effect, a tendency for
people to perform differently when in the
presence of others than when alone. Compared to
Is a kind of action that occurs as two or more
their performance when alone, when in the
objects have an effect upon one another. The idea
presence of others, they tend to perform better
of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of
on simple or well-rehearsed tasks and worse on
interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal
complex or new ones.

Person Perception
This is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and
Refers to a general tendency to form impressions
behaviors to group norms. Norms are implicit,
of other people. Some forms of person perception
specific rules, shared by a group of individuals that
occur indirectly and require inferring information
guide their interactions with others. This tendency
about a person based on observations of
to conform occursin small groups or society as a
behaviors or based on second-hand information.
whole, and may result from subtle unconscious
influences, or direct and overt social pressure.
Indirect Person Perception
Conformity can occur in the presence of others, or
Many of the personal attributes or traits that
when an individual is alone.
observers may want to know about another
person. We discern if a person is loyal, honest, or Social Roles
contemptible based on their act (actually This is a set of connected or pattern of behaviors,
watching the person behave in a loyal or honest rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms as
conceptualized by people in a social situation. It is
an expected or free or continuously changing
behavior and may have a given individual social
status or social position. DIGITAL SELF

Stereotype The digital self is the aspect of the self that is

This is an over-generalized belief about a expressed or sharedwith others through online
particular category of people, according to social interaction the internet, specifically in social
psychology. Stereotypes are generalized because networking sites. On such sites, users normally
one assumes that the stereotype is true for each disclose personal information such as their name,
individual person in the category. age, birthdate, address and contact details. Some
users also provide very personal information
COMMON STEREOTYPES about themeselves such as their like and dislikes,
1. Racial Profiling - One of the more common hobbies, favorite food, favorite movies,places
stereotype examples is stereotypes surrounding they have visited, relationship status, thoughts
race (assumptions based on one’s race, colour, and feelings and important events in their lives.
and ethnicity).
2. Gender Profiling - There are also some common Selective Self-presentation and
stereotypes of men and women, such as: ImpressionManagement
- Men are strong and do all the work. According to Ervin Goffman, self-presentation is
- Men are the "backbone." the “process of controlling how one is perceived
- Women aren't as smart as a man. by other people” and is the key to relationship
- Women can't do as good of a job as a man. inception and development. To construct positive
3. Cultures - Stereotypes also exist about cultures images, individual selectively provide information
and countries as a whole. Stereotype examples of about them and carefully cater this information in
this sort include the premises that: response to others feedback.
- All white Americans are obese, lazy, and dim-
witted. (Homer Simpson of the TV series The Needed Extended Self Due to Sharing
Simpsons is the personification of thisstereotype.) It takes only a moment of surfing the web to
- Mexican stereotypes suggest that all Mexicans realize that the Internet is a cornucopia of
are lazy and came into America illegally. information, entertainment, images, films, and
- All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists. music mostly all free for accessing, downloading,
4. Groups of Individuals - A different type of and sharing with others.
stereotype also involves grouping of individuals.
Skaters, Goths, Gangsters, and Preps are a few Gender and Sexuality Online
examples. Most of this stereotyping is taking place According to Marwick (2013), while the terms
in schools. “sex,” “gender,” and “sexuality” are often
5. Sexual Stereotypes - Sexualstereotypes, on the thought of as synonymous, they are actually quite
other hand,suggest that any feminine man is gay distinct. The differences between the common
and any masculine woman is a lesbian. Those who understandingsof these terms and how
believe gay stereotypes may also believe that researchers think about them yield key insights
homosexuality is immoral, wrong and an about the social functioning of gender.
Performing Gender Online
Theorist Judith Butler conceptualized gender as a precise the goal is, the better your brain will
performance. She explained that popular analyze the steps in order to achieve it.
understandings of gender and sexuality came to
be through discourse and social processes. She Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
argued that gender was performative, in that it is Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a motivational
produced through millions of individual actions, theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model
rather than something that comes naturally to of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical
men and women. levels within a pyramid. From the bottom of the
hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological,
Setting Boundaries to Your Online Self: Smart safety, love and belonging, esteem and self-
Sharing actualization.
The following guidelines will help you share
information online in a smart way that will protect Locke’s Goal Setting Theory
yourself and not harm others. Five Principles of Goal Setting, to motivate, goals
must have:
1. Clarity - Clear goals are measurable and
unambiguous. When a goal is clear and specific,
with a definite time set for completion, there is
less misunderstanding about what behaviors will
be rewarded.
2. Challenge - One of the most important
characteristics of goals is the level of
challenge. People are often motivated by
achievement, and they'll judge a goal based on
the significance of the anticipated
3. Commitment - Goals must be understood and
agreed upon if they are to be effective. Employees
MANAGING AND CARING FOR THE SELF: A are more likely to "buy into" a goal if they feel
BETTER ME AND MY FUTURE GOALS they were part of creating that goal.
4. Feedback - In addition to selecting the right
The Importance of Setting Goals type of goal, an effective goal program must also
The first thing a successful person needs to have is include feedback. Feedback provides
a goal (and the more, the merrier). We all seek opportunities to clarify expectations, adjust goal
success, and we know that nothing ever comes difficulty, and gain recognition.
easy. In order to achieve the success we spend 5. Task Complexity - The last factor in goal setting
our lives about how to accomplish them. theory introduces two more requirements for
success. For goals or assignments that are highly
How to set a goal complex, take special care to ensure that the work
Setting a goal is something you need to practice in doesn't become too overwhelming.
order to get it right. It takes time to understand
exactly how to set a clear goal that is possible to Albert Bandura’s Self Efficacy
accomplish. Goal setting is a process that will help Four ways to build self-efficacy
you motivate yourself, and the more detailed and
• Mastery Experiences - Is experiencing the There are four types of conflict:
results of self-efficacy first hand. The key to 1. Approach - approach conflict - occurs when a
mastery is approaching life with dedicated efforts person needs to choose between two options that
and experimenting with realistic but are both attractive.
challenging goals. Essential to mastery is also 2. Avoidance - avoidance conflict - occurs when a
acknowledging the satisfaction of goals that are person needs to choose between options that he
achieved. or she finds both unpleasant.
• Social Modeling - This means choosing role- 3. Approach - avoidance conflict - occurs when a
models that can demonstrate their self-efficacy. person needs to choose between options that
Observing those who employ this in their lives and have both positive and negative consequences.
have reached their goals despite adversity can 4. Multiple conflict - occurs when they are more
provide great motivation. than two options.
• Social Persuasion - This is about ‘finding the
right mentor’. While social modeling refers to the In order to deal the frustrations, conflicts, and
observation of a role model, stress people sometimes use unconscious
social persuasion is about having others directly strategies called defense mechanism to cope with
influence one’s self-efficacy by providing the pain and deal with anxiety.
opportunities for mastery experiences in a safe
and purposeful manner. Types of Stress and Stress Relief Techniques
• States of Physiology - Our emotions, moods, 1. Acute Stress - Acute stress is the type of stress
and physical state can influence our interpretation that throws you off-balance momentarily. This is
of self-efficacy. It is easy to judge oneself with bias the type of stress that comes on quickly and often
based on the state one in when a failure occurs. unexpectedly and doesn’t last too long, but
requires a response and shakes you up a bit, like
Carol Dweck’s Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Theory an argument with someone in your life, or an
Carol Dweck studies human motivation. She exam for which you don’t feel adequately
spends her days diving into why people succeed prepared.
(or don’t) and what’s within our control to foster
success. Her theory of the two mind sets and the These stress relievers can help you to relax and
difference they make in outcomes incredibly more quickly recover from acute stress:
powerful. • Breathing exercise - great for acute stress
because they work quickly.
• Cognitive reframing - learn to change the way
you look at the situation to manage your stress
• Progressive muscle relaxation - like bresthing
exercise, PMR will give you a moment to regroup
and calm down.
Stress refers to event that are perceived as
• Mini-mediation - take breathing exercises a step
challenging, damaging or threatening to ones
further with this quick, 5-minutes mediation
physical or psychological well-being. These events
techniques to calm-down in the moment.
are reffered to as stessors and the way people
respond to them called stress respond.
2. Chronic stress - Chonic stress is the type of
stress that tende to occur a regular basis. These
type of stress may leave you feeling drained, and
can lead to brownout if it’s not effectively The following strategies can help you to come
managed. back from a state of burnout or prevent it entirely:
• Take some time off - if you never take your
The following long-term habits can help you to vacation time, heres why you should start.
better manage general stress that you may feel • Get more laughter into your life - laughter can
from the chronic strssors in your life: lead into overall health and bring joy into your
• Exercise regularly - exercise and stress day.
management are closely linked for several • Indulge in hobbies - dont wait until your life
reasons. calm down to engage in your hobbies.
• Maintain a healthy diet - fueling your body well • Get more enjoyment out of your current job - if
can help with overall stress level because your you landed in a job you dont love, all is not lost.
entire system will function better. Learn how to make your job
• Cultivate supportive relationship - having a fulfilling.
solid support system is a crucial coping • Make your weekends count - learn how to bring
mechanisms. some of your weekend into your week for less
• Meditate regularly - while quick meditation are stress.
great for dealing with acute stress, a regular
meditation practice will help build your overall
resilience to stress.
• Listen to music - music can act as a wonderful,
stress reducing backdrop to everday tasks.

3. Emotional Stress - The pain of emotional stress

can help harder that some other type of stress.
That stress that are comes conflicted relationship
tends to bring a greater physical and stronger
sense distress than the stress that comes from
being busy at work.

Here are some ways to manage emotional stress:

• Write in a journal - thre are some different
journaling strategies to try, all with benefits.
• Talk to a friend - learn about the several
different types of social support kfriends can offer
• Listen to music
• Practiced mindfullness - help keep you rooted in
the present moment.
• Talk to atherapist

4. Battling Burnout - Burnout is the result of a

prolonged chronic stress of situation that leave
people feeling a lack of control in their lives.

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