Gec 101 Reviewer
Gec 101 Reviewer
Gec 101 Reviewer
Direct Person Perception
The way we define who we are is a direct result of
Many of the personal attributes that observers
what we know. In basic terms the social self is
notice about another person need not be inferred
defined as how an individual interact with the
or incidentally because they are directly
social world presented to him/her and how
observable and are therefore noted immediately.
he/she approaches the formation of relationship.
Some of these attributes include categorical
To this point, we have seen, among other things,
judgments about other people such as their sex,
that human beings have complex and well-
race, and age.
developed self-concepts and that they generally
attempt to view themselves positively.
Social Norms
From a sociological perspective, these are
Interaction VS Relation
informal understandings that govern the
In social science, a social relation or social
behaviour of members of a society. Social
interaction is any relationship between two or
psychology recognizes smaller group units, such as
more individuals. Social relations derived from
a team or an office, may also endorse norms
individual agency form the basis of social
separately or in addition to cultural or societal
structure and the basic object for analysis by
social scientists.
Relationship is a strong, deep, or close association
Social Facilitation
or acquaintance between two or more people.
The other term is audience effect, a tendency for
people to perform differently when in the
presence of others than when alone. Compared to
Is a kind of action that occurs as two or more
their performance when alone, when in the
objects have an effect upon one another. The idea
presence of others, they tend to perform better
of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of
on simple or well-rehearsed tasks and worse on
interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal
complex or new ones.
Person Perception
This is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and
Refers to a general tendency to form impressions
behaviors to group norms. Norms are implicit,
of other people. Some forms of person perception
specific rules, shared by a group of individuals that
occur indirectly and require inferring information
guide their interactions with others. This tendency
about a person based on observations of
to conform occursin small groups or society as a
behaviors or based on second-hand information.
whole, and may result from subtle unconscious
influences, or direct and overt social pressure.
Indirect Person Perception
Conformity can occur in the presence of others, or
Many of the personal attributes or traits that
when an individual is alone.
observers may want to know about another
person. We discern if a person is loyal, honest, or Social Roles
contemptible based on their act (actually This is a set of connected or pattern of behaviors,
watching the person behave in a loyal or honest rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms as
conceptualized by people in a social situation. It is
an expected or free or continuously changing
behavior and may have a given individual social
status or social position. DIGITAL SELF