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SEC System: Express
SEC System: Express
Maribel Rey
Company Name /
Concentrix CVG Philippines lnc
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San Lorenzo, CITY OF MAKATI, METRO MANILA, Philippines C
Contact lnformation 09282596281
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"Fffi.q*# G#pv
W E B H E L P P H I L P P N E S I N c
( F 0 R M E R L S E L L B Y T E L G R 0 U P
P H L I P P N E S N )
2 F M A K T s K P L A z A A Y A L A
Mobile N0frb!r
80&7940 N/A
occur.rdse ltsffit rirr intvfralivn rnd vwtplzla csnldcl dalrilt ol ah. fr,fr cpiaa(| p&rbn dErfo/dled
2: All 8or.t frurt be p.!,pA4ty .nd rmplFlely fil,E&up. Failure lo do so sir,l cir*. Irre derry ,h
NolieF ol Defrcicnchs Furihw, aotxaipl of[ofirs o/Deriiriencir srlall rol arcuto the cDlpd..lian hDn
rl Frii; Ti-:;[i ri ffi fl]PY
** m*ms$
The Management of WEBHELP PHILIPPINES, lNC. is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of financial
statements, including the schedules attached therein, as of and for the years ended December 31,2021 and 2020 in
accordance with the prescribed financial reporting framework indicated therein, and for such internal control as
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
ln preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company's ability to continue as a
going coneem, disclosing, as applicable matters related to going concem and using the going concern basis of accounting
unless management either intends to liquidate the Gompany or to cease operations, or has no realistic altemative but to
do so.
The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the Company's financial reporting process.
The Board of Directors reviews and approves the financial statements ineluding the schedules attached therein, and
submits the same to the shareholders.
RAMON F. GARGIA AND CO., CPAs, the independent auditors appointed by the shareholders, have audited the financial
statements of the Company in accordance with Philippine Stiandards on Auditing, and in their report to the shareholders,
FeBo ---.._:'
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Rrrplr F. Grfti€ e Collpeay CPAs
Crowe SOF Bt4gundy CaqxnSe Touer,
252 Scn gl Puyol Ai€., M*sti C[]r
Telepbane No. +E-a2 582i 6
The Shareholders and Board of Directors
ffi* mlss
1ZF Makdi Sky Plaza
6788 Ayala Ave., Bpy. San Lorenzo,
We have $(amined the financial slalements of WEBHELP PHILIPPINES lNC. (funefly: SEILByTEL GROU?
PHILIPPINES, LVc.) for the years ended December 31,2021 and 2020, on which we have rendered lhe ettachBd
reporl, dated May 5,2022.
ln compliance with SRC Rule 68, we ere stating that the said Company has one ('l) shareholder owning more than
one hundred (100) shares.
ReNn F. Gstiz lrd C,/rrf,sny, CeSe e E lBrba. ot C,@ C12.,r,,a,l.ei*leiir€ A&1ir Te A, Arfv $f, Ss(\s. Ci-.€ Gfrl t: ilrillsl
a&d iftdepada{( 9-.!rx$r$ €d i@,,tirE ftrhslh* rE1affi,.,J i' ff Gre in a;4"R{ria nior tt* I'qleiea{ f*
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of WEBHELP PHIUPPINES lNG. (formetty: SELLBrTEL
GROUP PHlLlPPlNEs, INC.) which comprise the statements of financial posilion as at Decembei 3.1, 2021 and
2020, and the statennents of inecme, slstements of changes in equity and statemenls of cesh flows for the years
then ended, and notes to the financial statemerts, including a summary of significant accounting policies.
ln our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position
of WEBHELP PHILIPPINES lNC. as at December 31,2021 ano 2o20, and its financial perfbrmance and its cash
flqryg for the years then encted in accordance wilh Philippine Financial Reporting Slandards for Small Eilities
(PFRS for SEs).
We conduded our audits in accordance with Philippine Stanrlerds on Auditing (pSAs). our responsibitities under
those standards are further described in the Auddors' Respons,bilides for fhe Auail bf me Fin'ancialsfafiernenfs
sedion of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the Gode of Ethics for professional
AcoountsDts in the Philippines (Cocle of Ethics) together with the ethical requirements thet are relevant to our audjt
of the financisl slatements in the Philippines, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responslbilities in accordance
with these requitetrtents arid the Cude of Eii',;';s- We bs;ieve ihat ihe audit evicler'Le we have otrtained is sufficient
afld appropriale to provide a basis for our opinion.
ResponsiD/lres of Managemeot and Thase Charged with covemance forthe Financial Stalements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial slatements in ascordance with
Philippine Financial Reporting Standards for Small Entities (PFRS for SEs), and for such intemal corflrol as
managemenl delPrmines is necessary to enable the prepsralion of the financial statEme[ts that ere free from
material misstatement, whether due to freud or enor.
ln preparing the financial statemeflls, manegement is responsible for assessing the Company's ability to continue
as a going concem, disdosing, as applicable, matlers related to going eoncern and using thagoing concern basis
of accouniing unless management eilher intends to liquidate the Gompany or to ceale operations, or has no
realistic altemalive but to do so.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company's financial reporting process.
REton F G..L;: aM Csr,Frny, CFAr * B reinl+. of C.a*s Gl?,.a] .$i'#*rr€ erj{ T4 & A:!dar) s,s ,ia C.. t^{q i{cl M!6.d 3r srirrBtr
aftdind+r,pdrnd'::i:r'li,"Jrlc:-L.-strilir'dFr*rss!ilelLqwJb&c*rdsinsK.fl.s*rnv*uueprw*-pe r .r$l liertg.ou.€Gr,fal iti'lt
€ a MFpra,rir:'i€ i,ibiy r*: +W ,\4, Vv-rk polydeylat *&rc tC.!q{S. .s,ei$ lre b/ t}p
aifrts oi enJ do n.f; €ii&ie rc sf.l,e, drd ar* ftA tird*. fior 6-€ ar-.:&*i, {1 6 !}-.k, /'t.,vi,Jal
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Date: 2023-04-04 Time: 09:4L:47 AM
verffUf ame: Kasandr
As part of an audit in accordance with PSAs, professional judgment and maintain
skeptieism throughout the audit. We also:
r ldentify and sssess the risks of material Int ct ihe financisl statemeitts, to fi"aud or
enor, design and perform audil {h$se aS$
sufficient and appropriate to provide $pinion. &k
misstaternerft resuhing frcrn fraud is
colluslon, forgery, intentional
r Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of thB 0oin0 concern basis of sccounting and,
based on the audit evidence oMained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions
that may cast s(lnificsnt doubl on the compsfly's aHlity to coritinue as a going @ncem. lf we conclude
that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in ouieuditors' report to the relat€d
disclosures In the financial datements or, il s.rch disclosures are inadequete, to modiry our oprinion. Our
conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtainecl up to the date of our auditors; report. However,
future events or conditions may cttuse the Company to ceese to contlnue as a going cDncern.
r Evaluale the overall presentation, strudure and content of the financial statements, including the
disdosures, and whether the financial stalernents represent the underlying transadions and events in a
manner thst achieves fair pesentation.
We cornnnunieate with these cha!"ged with govemance regarClng, ernong cther metters, the plcnned scrpe arC
timing of the audit and signiRoant audit finrlinqs, including any significant delisiencies in inleinal control that we
idenlify during our audit.
Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements laken as a
whole. The supplementary information on taxes, dulies and license fees in the Notes 10 th6 Financial Statements
is Presented for purposes of frling with the Bureau of Intemal Revenue and is not a requlred part of the basic
financial statemenls. Such supplementary intormation is the responsibility of management. The supplemenisry
inFormation has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the basic financial staiements. ln
May 5,2022
Makati City
Current Assets
Cash in banks 16,503,504 20,786,124
Trade and other receivables 64,3gg,46g 14,236,829
PrepaymenLs and other cunent assets 300,281 1,870,570
income tax 1.971,79'l
Non-current Asset
Property and equipment, net 25,6 714,389
Deferred tax assets 2m, l,b 3,324,497 364,321
- Total 4,03S,876 364;321
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 2c,2h,7 1 0,080,388 1,779,247
lncome tax payable 2m 233,946
Other current liabilities I u,rar,rrc 2.654.282
037 4,667,475
Non-cunent Liabilities
Due to related parly 2n, 16 43,282,714 14,738,379
Pension liability 2j, 13 2,9S8,78S 2,OOO,22Z
{ {+r,',..: #,ffiPV
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'l ol 17
Date: 2023-04-04 Time: 09:47:47 AM
(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of
L$ f.fif $
1 .165.496
(see no1f,9 to li,2an6,aj slalFmert$J
g&,;:t'r1$':$fl,S Tr
(formerlll: SEttByTEt GRO U P PH lLlPPt NES,
(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Sellbytel Group e..$r$tE
Statements of Chanqes in Equity
For the years ended December 31,2021 and Kffihffiffi
(ln Philippine Pase)
ffi o
4of 17 L-AFs?C11
The Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sellbytel Group GmBH (the 'Parent'), a corporation organized and
exisling under the laws of Germany. For the current year, name of Parent was change to Webhelp Holding
Germany GmbH.
The Compatty's registered office address is located at 1ZF Makati Sky Plaza, 6788 Ayala, Brgy. San
Lorenzo, Makati City, Philippines, 1223
The accompanying financial statements of the Company for the years ended December 31 ,2A21 and 2020 were
reviewed and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on May 5,2022.
The financial statements prepared by the Company is in accordance with the 'PFRS for Sntall Entities" issued by
the Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC). The significant accountirrg policies that have been used in the
preparation of the financial slatements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to the
period presented, unless otherwise stated.
a. Basis of preparation
1. Statement of compliance with Philippine Financial Reporting Starrdards for Small Entities.
The financial statemenls of the Association have been prepared in acserdance with Philippine Financial
Reporting Standards for Small Entities (PFRS for SEs) (the 'Framework') as approved by the Financiat
Reporting Standards Council, Board of Accountanry, and Securitles and Exchange Commission (SEC).
SEC Memorandum Circular No. 05 (2018) defines small entilies as those that meet all the following
i. total assets of between P 3 million to P 100 million or total llabilities of between P 3 million to P 100
million. lf the entity is a parent company, the said amounts shall be based on the fgures;
ii. not required to file financial statements under Part ll of SRC Rule 68;
2. Basis of measurement
The financial statements of the Company have been prepared under the historical cost convention, excepl
for retirement liability whir:h as preserrted at presenl val basls whlch
contemplate the realization of assets and settlement of liabiliti
..p"e, I 4b
L,y: rer:
Date: 2023-04-04 Time: 09:4I:4'7 AMase5oftz
(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Webhelp Holding G
Notes to Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31,2021
(ln Philippine Peso)
b. Financial lnstruments
A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to both a financial asset as one entity and a financial
liability or equity instrument of another entity. A financial instrument is recognized when the entity becomes a
party to its contractual provisions. The Company classifies its financial instruments into the following
categories: (a) basic financial instruments, and (b) complex flnancial instruments.
The Company's basic flnancial instruments consist only of cash in bank, trade and other receivables,
accrued expenses and advances. The Company does not have complex financial instruments.
lnitial instrument
On initial recognition, a debt financial instrument is measured at transaction price (including transaction
costs), unless the arrangement is in effect a flnancing transaction. ln this case, it is measured at present
value of the future payment discounted using a market rate of interest for a similar debt instrument.
Debt financial inslruments are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.
At each reporting dale, the Company assesses whelher there is objective evidence of impairment on any
financial assets that are measured at amortized cost. Where there is any objective evidence of impairment,
an impairment loss is recognized immediately in profit or loss.
The impairment loss is the difference between the asset's carrying amount and the present value of
estimated cash flows discounted at the asset's original effective interest rale.
An entity only derecognizes a financial asset when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the assets
have expired or are settled, or the entity has transferred to ano(her party substantially all the risks and
rewards of ownership relating to lhe financial asset.
Financial liabilities are derecognized only when these are extinguished - that is, when the obligation is
discharged, cancelled or has expired.
d. Cash in bank
Cash in bank is carried in the statement of financial position at cost. Cash in bank generally earns interest
based on daily bank deposit rates.
Other receivables pertaining to advances for carried at face value and less allowance for any
uncollectible amount.
Receivables are included in cunenl assets if maturity is within 12 months from the reporting period.
Otherwise, these are classified as non-current assets.
Prepaynrenls represent expenses not yet incurred but already paid in cash. Prepayments are initially
recorded as assets and measured at the amount of cash paid. Subsequently, these are charged lo the
statement of income as they are consumed in operations or expire with the passage of time. Prepayments of
the Company pertains to prepaid insurance and other prepayments.
Assets that are expected to be converted to cash within 12 months or to be realized, sold or consumed
within the Company's normal operating cycle are classified as cunent assets in the statement of financial
position. Other current assets recognized by the Company includes deferred input taxes arising from
purchases of services and other cunent assets.
Property and equipment are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment in
The initial cost of property and equipment comprises ils purehase price and any directly attribrrtable cost of
bringing the asset to its vrorking condition and location for its intended use. Expenditures incurred after the
assets have been put into operation, such as repairs and maintenance and overhaul costs, are normally
charged to expense in the period the costs are incuned. ln situations wlrere il be clearly demonstrated
that the expenditures have resulted in an increase in the fulure economic benefits expected to be obtained
from the use of an item of property and equipment beyond its original assessed standard of performance, the
expenditr-rres are capitalized as an additional cost of property and equiprnent.
Depreciating an item begins when property and equipment is available for use and to continue depreciation
of an item until it is derecognized, even if in lhat period the item is idle.
Depreciation are calculated on a straight-line basis over the following estimated useful life of the assets:
The useful life and depreciation method are reviewed periodically to ensure that the period and method of
depreciation are consistent with the expected pattern of economic benefits derived from items of property
and equipment.
An item of property and equipment is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are
expecled from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the
difference behveen the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is included in the
statement of income of such period. The carrying amount of a part of an item of property and equipment is
derecognized if that part has been replaced and included the cost of the replacement in the carrying amount
of the item.
A previously rccognized impairment loss is rcversed only if there has been a change in the estimates used to
determine the recoverable amount of an asset, however, not to an amount higher than the carrying amount
that would have been determirred (net of any depreciation and amortization) had no impairment loss been
recognized for the asset in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is credited to cunent operations.
Payables of the Company representtrade payables, accrued expenses recognized during the year and other
cLrrrent liabilities.
Trade and other payables are recognized initially at the transaction price and subsequently measured at
anrorlized cost using the effective interest method.
Other payables are recognized initially at the transaction price and subsequently measured at amortized cost
using the effective interest method.
Accrued expenses are recognized based on expected amount required to setfle the obligation or liability.
Provisions are recognized when the Company has a present obligation, either legal or constructive, as a
result of a pasl event, it is probable that the Company will be required to settle the obligation througlr an
outflow of resources embodying economic benefits, and the amount of the obligation can be estimated
When the effect of time value is material, provisions are measured at the present value of the amount
expected to be required to settle the obligation using a pre-tax rate(s) that reflect(s) current market
assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the obligation. Changes in the provisions
due to passage of time are recognized in statements of income.
Contingent liabilities and assets are not recognized because their existence will be confirmed only by the
occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the
enti$. Contingent liabilities are disclosed, unless the possibility of an outflow of resources enrbodying
economic benefits is remote. Contingent assels are disclosed only an inflow of economic benefits is
Employee benefits
Employee benefits are all forms of consideration given by an entity in exchange for service rendered by
empioyees, including direetors and management. Employee benellts are recognized when the employee
eams those benefits, not when those benefils are paid in cash. Employee benefits of the Company comprise
of the following:
1. Short term
Comprise of the monetary benefits like wages, salaries, social security contributions, bonuses and meal
allowances. While non-monetary benefits consist of medical care.
The cost of the defined benefit Retirement Plan is determined by applying the Accrued Benefit Actuariel
Cost Method (Projected Unit Credit). Computed benefits were treated as accrued retirement benefit cost.
Accrual approach is applied by calculating the expected liability as of reporting dale using the current
salary of the entitled employees and the employees' years of service, without consideration of future
changes in salary rates and service periods.
k. Equity
Share capital is determined using the nominal value of shares that have been issued.
Accumulated profits include current and prior period results as disclosed in the statement of income.
Revenue is measured as the fair value of the consideration received or receivable, net of disaounts,
excluding returns and value-added tax. Revenue is recognized to the edent that the revenue can be reliably
measured and it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Company; and the costs incurred or to
be incurred can be measured reliably. ln addition, the following specific recognition criteria must also be met
before revenue is recognized:
3. Other incanle - other income and other non-operaling income are recognized when eamed.
Cost and expenses are recognized in the statement of income upon utilization of services or at the date they
are incurred.
The Company uses deferred income taxes method, under this method, an enl.ity shall recognize the current
and future tax consequences of transactions and other events that have been recognized in financial
Current income tax assets or liabilities comprise those daims from, or obligations to, fiscal authorities
relating to the current or prior reporting period, that are uncollected or unpaid at the reporting period. They
are calculated using the tax rates and tax laws applicable to the fiscal periods to which they relate. based on
the taxable profit for the year. All changes to current tax assets or liabilities are recognized as a component
of tax expense in the statement of income
Defened Tax
Deferred tax is income tax recoverable in respect of the tax loss for future reporting periods as a result of
past transaclions or events.
financial and operating decisions. Such between and/or among entities which are
under common control with the reporting ente and/or among the reporting enterprises and
their key management personnel, direclors, or its rs. Transactions between related parties are
accounted for at anns' length prices or on terms to those offered to non-related entities in
economically comparable market.
ln considering each possible related party relationship, attention is directed to the substance of the
relationship and not merely on its legal form.
Post year-end events that provide additional information about lhe Company's position at the end of the
reporting Beriod (adjusting events) are reflected in the financial statements. Post year-end events that are
not adjusting evenls are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements when material.
The Company's balance of cash in bank amounts to P 16,503,504 and P 2O,786,124 as at December 31 ,2021
and2O2O, respectively. Cash in bank generally earns interest based on daily bank deposit rates.
lnterest income earned for 2021 and 2O2O anrounted to P 8,976 and P 26,404, respectively.
2021 2020
Trade receivables 58,257,505 13,849,292
Trade receivables - related party (Note 16) 5,728,481 300,454
Other receivables 403,483 87,083
Total 54,389,469 14,236,829
Trade receivables pertains to receivable from customers for virtual support services billed by the Company and
intercompany reeeivable.
Other receivables consisl of advances subjeet to liquidation and receivable from SSS.
2021 2020
Deferred input 81,205
Other prepayments 219,076 1.870,570
Toial 300,28't 1,870,570
ln 2021 , other prepayments perlain to unclainred creditable withholding tax and other payments to supplier while
in 202O, it mainly pertains to incentive provided with attached bond for length of service to be provided.
Computer 2021
December 31,2020
Acquisltions 779,333 779,333
December 31.2021 779,333 779,333
Accumulated Deprecialion
December 31, 2020
Depreciation 64,g44 64,94
December 31 .2021 64,944 64,944
The Company's acquisition of property and equipment amounted to P 779,333 and nil in 2021. Major acquisition
pertains to laptops to support the Company's expansion of operations.
Depreciation charged to operations during the year 2021 and 2020 amounted to P 64,944 and nil.
Management believes that lhe carrying value of the Company's property and equipment approximates its fair
values or recoverable values. Also, after due consideration of the assessment of its assets for impairment, the
Management believes that there are no indications that the property and equipment as at December 31,2021
impaired nor its carrying amount cannot be recovered.
There are no property and equipment items as at December 31 ,2021 and 2020 that are pledged as security to
2021 2020
Trade payables 6,308,293 939,740
Accrued expenses 3,598,614 686,274
Other oevables 173481 153,233
Total 10.080,388 1,779.247
Trade payabies represents amount billed by suppliers for goods or services acquired during the course of
business of the Company. This also includes rebates entitlement of customers that shall be applied against future
receivables with the customers.
Accruals represents expenses already incurred but not yet billed, including accrued professlonal fees and other
expenses. This also includes acerued expenses related employees such as commission, employee beneflts and
other accrued expenses.
Note 9 - Revenue
Revenue of lhe Company represents income from virtual support servises provided to ils customers. This
includes senrices as virtual operation support specialists, virtual marketing manager, virtual demand generalion
specialists and virtual team lead services. These are billed on a monthly basis on a 30 - 60 days' paymenl terms.
As at 2A21 and 2020, the revenue of the Company from these services amounted lo P 142,110,g7g and
P 25,571 ,683, respectively.
2021 2020
Salaries and other benefits 123,552,923 19,453,7'16
SSS, PHIC and HDMF contributions 7,062,245 769,677
Employee benefits 5,158,507 170,3?1
Retirement expense (Note 13) 792,921 543,215
Consultants' Fees 240,000 120,943
Tran and 97.425 21,823
'136,904.021 21.O79
2021 2020
Salaries and other benefits 8,345,537
Professional fees 3,825,756 1,921,517
Sofhnare and licensing expense 802,549
Recruitment expense 685,600
Taxes and licenses 668,909 140,823
SSS, PHIC and HDMF contributions 304,320
Bank charges 290,769 48,673
Employee benefits 279,457
lnsurance 172,615 317,U8
Retirement expense 't 65,641
Training expense 111,564
Depreciation 64,94
Total 16,897,593 2.S j 1.396
Verified b,,: z
Date: 2023-04 -04 Time: 09:47:4'7 AMasel2oriT Use
. :) ,i : :l
(A Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Webhelp Holding
Notes to Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31,2021
(ln Philippine Peso)
The Company has a non-contributory and of the final salary, defned beneflt type covering regular and full-tlme
employees. The retirement plan provides a retirement benefit equal to one-half month's final salary for every year
of credited service in accordance with Republic Act No. 7641 , wherein "one-half month" is defined as lifteen (15)
days salary plus one-twelfth (1/12) of the 13th month pay and the cash equivalent of five (5) days of service
incentive leave. Benefits are paid in a lump sum upon retirement or separation in ascordance with the terms of
the Plan.
2021 2020
Beginning, Jan. 1 2,000,222 1,457,007
Add: Accrual for the vear 958,563 543,215
Ending, December 31 2,S58,785 2,040,22:2
Additional accrual of retirement expense for the year amounted to P 958,563 (2020 - P 543,215), in whiclr P
792,921 (2020 - *3,215) is reported under cost of service while P 165,641 (2020 - nil) is under operating
a. Details of the shareholde/s equity as at December 31 ,2021 and 2020 are as follows:
b. As at Desember 31,2021 and 2020, the Company has one (1) shareholder owning more than one hundred
('100) shares.
Deferred tax:
Retirement expense 19',t,712 162,965
Realized Forex Loss - previous year s,238)
Unrealized Forex Loss 592,025 19,857
Effect of chanqe in tax rate - CREATE (121,440l,
Subtotal 649,060 182.822
Reconciliation of provision for ineome tax using statutory rate to provision for income tax as shown on the
stalements of income is as follows:
2021 2020
lncome tax at statutory rate of 30% 3,400,317 (4S8,413)
Adjustments; (tax effects)
Effect of change in tax rate - CREATE (5,975)
Other adjustment (13,239)
Non-taxable income 1,795 7,921
Deferred tax assets of the Company as at 2021 and 2O2O are as follows:
2021 2020
NOLCO - 2021 2,31 1 ,105
Retirement liability 42',1,356 344,444
Unrealized forex loss 592,026 19,857
Total 3,324,487 364,321
Effective July 2008, Republic Act (RA) 9504 was approved giving corporate taxpayers an option to claim
itenrized deduclion or optional slandard deduction (OSD) equivalent to 40% of gross income. Once the
option to use OSD is made, it shall be irrevocable for the taxable year for which the option was made.
For 2021 and 2020, the Company opted to claim itemized deductions.
Palis - -_ fregea
Date: 2023-04-04 Time: 09: 47:47 AMease 14o117 Verifio<l -' US
(AWholly-Owned Subsidiary of Webhelp Holding Ge
Notes to Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31, 2021
(ln Phitippine Fesa)
d. Changes in tax rates Kffi&#s'}
On March 26,2A21, the President signed i 3
Reeovery and Tax lncentives for Enterprises wFich{ redlceditre cprFpr*eSincome tax
rates and rationalized the cunent flscal i time bound, targeted and performance -
based- CREATE Act introduces reforms in the : income tax, value - added tax, and tax
incenlives, aside from providing COVID - 19 reliefs The salient provisions of the Create Act
applicable to the Company are as follows:
1. Etfective July 1,2020, domestlc corporatiotr with tolal assets not exceeding P100 million and taxable
income of p5 miilion and below shall be subject lo 2Aa/o income tax rate while the other domestic
corporations and resident foreign corporations will be subjecllo 25n/o income tax rate.
2. Minimum corporate income tax (MCIT) rate reduced lrom 2a/s to 1% effective July 1 , 2020' to June 20'
Applying the provisions of the CREATE Act, the Company would have been subjected to lower income tax
riG ot iS,t and MCIT rate of 1% effective July 1 , 2020. Based on the provisions of RR 5-221 dated April 8,
2021 issued by BlR, the prorated income tarand MCIT rate of the Gompany for 2020 is 2516 and 1.5%,
Note 16 - Related
The sum6ary and nature of accounts with the related parties as at December 3'l ,2021 and 2020 and for the Year
then ended are the following:
Officers / Directors
Salaries of top
Compensation to keY and middle
management personnel manegement
(s7,554,233) fiAAA-g
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Dd te: 2023-04-04 Time: 09: 4L:4'l AMpgsglsof 17 **l
(forme rly : S ELLBYT EL G ROIJ P P H I Ll P P N E S, I NC.)
lmpact of Govid-l9
ln compliance with the requirements set forth by RR 15-20'10 hereunder are the information on taxes and
license fees paid or accrued during the taxable year.
1. Output tax
2021 2420
Accounl Output Tax Tax Base Tax
Tax Base
VATable sales 98,882,473 1 1,865,897 24,7e4,901 2,974148
Zero-rated sales 1,111,190
Total 98,882,473 11,865,897 25,896,09',l 2,974,188
The Company's revenues were subjected to or"rtput tax set at 12%-fhe CompanY charged VAT based
on actual collections received, hence may not be the same amounts recognized in the statement of
income and expenses.
Balance at January 1
Cunent year's domestic purchases for:
Goods and services 321 ,550 247,903
Add (deduct) adjustments:
Total output vat closed against input vat (11,865,897) 818
Vat the ,--,-*.. T.IlSzlc
Balance at December 31
Fa6p :i Fai:5
V:.rtfud b)E T4t^ $ []ato il
Date: 2023-04-04 Time z 09:41 AM P39s 16 of 17 andra Dallo
(fo rme rty : SELLBYTEL G RO U P PH I Ll P P I N ES, IN C)
(AWholly-Owned Subsidiary of Webhelp Holding
Notes to Financial Statements
As at and for the years ended December 31 ,2O2'l
(ln PhilipBine Pesa)
, Sseur*ti
3 Taxes on irnportations
The Company have paid documentary stamp tax amounting to P 480,526 in 2021 for insurance and
loan with related party, and nil in 2020 .
Payments of laxes and licenses for 2021 and 2020 are as follows:
2021 2020
Business permit 139,560 121,318
BIR annual registration 500 500
Documentary stan"tP tax 290,344
Other fees
Total 668,909 140,823
7. Withholding taxes
2021 2020
Expanded withholding taxes 181,366 17,891
Final withholding taxes 588,962 10,o2'l
Compensation withholding taxes 10,579,205 2,434,828
Total 11,349,533 2,462,740
The Company has no tax assessment nor tax cases as at December 31,2021 and 2020.
b. RR 34 - 2o2o ]
ln conrpliance with BIR RR 34-2020 (issued last December 8, 2020) in prescribing Guidelines and
Procedures for the Submission of BIR Form 1709, Transfer Pricing Documentalion [PD) and offer
supporting documents to allow the BIR to veri! that taxpayers are reporting their related party transactions
at arm's length prices, the Company is not required to submit BIR Form 1709 based on the criteria set
under the said revenue regulation,