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03 Final Database2

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Database Management System

The Enhanced Entity Relationship Model EER:
constraints more precisely than the conceptual ER Model.

The EER goal is achieved by incorporation of a semantic data modeling concepts into the
conceptual ER Model.

These semantic concepts are:

1. Object Oriented Concept =>
 Superclass & Subclass Relationship
 Attribute & Relationships inheritance
2. The concept of Specialization => Looking for the real world from different point of views
3. The concept of Categories => Generation of a class which represents the union of entities of
other classes.

The cooperating of the previews concepts has the following advantages:
a. Storage Saving
b. Performance Enhancement

1. Object Oriented Concepts:-

Features of the Superclass /Subclass Relationship concept on ER:
1. An entity in a subclass is related via the key attribute to its superclass entity.
2. An entity cannot exist in a database by being a member of a subclass unless it is a
member in superclass.
3. An entity may be a member in many subclasses, but it is not necessary that every entity
in a superclass is a member in subclass.
4. An entity that is a member of a subclass inherits all the attributes of its superclass &
inherits also its relationships as well.
5. A member entity of the subclass represents the same real world entity in the related
superclass but in distinct specific role.

2. Specialization Concept:
It is the process of defining a set of subclasses based on a distinguish Characteristics ( P.O.V “Point-of-

Figure (1)

1. In the previous example in figure (1).
We can determine three Specifications based on the following characteristics:
 Job Type
 Rank
 Method of Pay
2. The subclasses that define a specialization are attached by lines to a circle which is
connected to superclass.
3. The subset symbol on each line connecting a subclass to the circle indicates the direction
of the superclass/subclass relationships.
4. Attributes that apply only to entities of a particular subclass are attached to the rectangle
representing that subclass & these attributes are called Specific Attributes (or Local
Attribute) ex: Typing_Speed of SECRETARY
5. Subclass can participate in a specific relationship types ex: The relationship named
Belongs_to in previous example.

Constraint and Characteristics of specialization:
1. Definition Constraints:
a. Predicate Defined Specialization
It is process of defining a condition to determine exactly the entities that will become
members of each subclass by placing a condition on the value of some attribute of
the superclass, which is called Defining Attribute of the related subclass.

b. User Defined Specialization

When we have not any condition in order to determine membership in a subclass hence
membership is specified individually for each entity by the user and not by any condition that can
be evaluated automatically.

2. Disjoints Constraints:
a. Disjoint Specialization
This means that an entity can be a member of at most one subclass of a specialization
(see Fig: 2)

Figure (2)

b. Overlapped specialization:
This means that an entity can be a member in any number of subclasses of specialization (see
Fig: 3)

Figure (3)

3. Participation Constraints:
a. Total Participation Specialization
It specifies that every entity in a superclass must be a member of at least one subclass in
the specialization.
b. Partial Participation Specialization
It allows an entity in superclass not to belong to any of its subclasses in the specialization.

Specialization Hierarchies and Lattices: (see Fig: 4)

1. Specialization Hierarchy (Tree Inheritance)

It is the constraint that every subclass participates as a subclass in only subclass/class
2. Specialization Lattice (Multiple Inheritance)
It is the constraint that a subclass can be a subclass in more than one class/subclass relation.

Figure (4)


 In specialization with lattice or hierarchy inheritance, a subclass inherits the attributes not
only of its direct superclass but also of all its predecessor superclasses all the way to the
root of the hierarchy or lattice.
 Leaf Node Class: it is a class that has no subclasses of its own.
 Shared Subclass: it is a subclass with more than one superclass and its entities represent
a subset of the intersection of the entities of its superclasses. This means that an entity of
the shared subclass must exist as an entity in all its superclasses.
For an Example see Fig 4 the shared subclass ENGINEERING_MANAGEER means
that an engineering manager must be an engineer,manager, and salaried_employee.

Figure (5): shows another specialization lattice of more than one level. This part of a conceptual
schema for a UNIVERSITY database. Notice that this arrangement would have been a hierarchy
except for the STUDENT ASSISTANT subclass, which is a subclass in two distinct class/ subclass

Figure (5)

The requirements for the part of the UNIVERSITY database shown in Figure (5)
are the following:

1. The database keeps track of three types of people: employees, alumni, and students. A person
can belong to one, two, or all three of these types. Each person has a name, SSN, sex, address,
and birth data.

2. Every employee has a salary, and there are three types of employees; faculty, staff, and student
assistant. Each employee belongs to exactly one of these types. For each alumnus, a record of
the degree or degrees that he or she earned at the university is kept, including the name of the
degree, the year granted, and the major department. Each student has a major department.

3. Each faculty has a rank, whereas each staff member has a staff position. Student assistants are
classified further as either research assistants or teaching assistants, and the percent of time that
they work is recorded in the database. Research assistants have their research project stored,
whereas teaching assistants have the current course they work on.

4. Students are further classified as either graduate or undergraduate with the specific attribute
degree program (M.S, Ph.D., M.B.A, and so on) and class (freshman, sophomore, and so on),

In figure (5), all person entities represented in the database are members of the PERSON
entity type, which is specialized into the subclasses {EMPLOYEE, ALUMNUS, STUDENT}.
This specialization is over lapping; for example, an alumnus may also be an employee and may

also be a student pursuing an advanced degree. The subclass STUDENT is the superclass
for the specialization {GRADUTE_STUDENT, UNDERGRADUTE_STUDENT}, while
EMPLOYEE is the superclass for the specialization {STUDENT_ASSISTANT, FACULTY,
STAFF}. Notice that STUDENT_ASSISTANT is also a subclass of STUDENT. Finally,
STUDENT_ASSISTANT is the superclass for the specialization into
In such a specialization lattice or hierarchy, a subclass inherits the attributes not only of its
direct superclass, but also of all its predecessor superclasses all the way to the root of the
hierarchy or lattice.
For example, an entity in GRADUATE_STUDENT inherits all the attributes of that entity
as a STUDENT and as a PERSON. Notice that an entity may exist in several leaf nodes of the
hierarchy, where a leaf node is a class that has no subclasses of its own. For example, a
member of GRADUATE_STUDENT may also be a member of RESEARCH_ASSISTANT.
A subclass with more than one superclass is called Shared Subclass, such as
ENGINEERING_MANAGER in figure (4). This leads to the concept known as Multiple
Inheritance, where the shared subclass ENGINEERING_MANAGER directly inherits
attributes and relationships from multiple classes. Notice that the existence of at least one
shared class leads to a lattice (and hence to multiple inheritance); if no shared subclass existed,
we would have a hierarchy rather than a lattice.
An important rule related to multiple inheritances can be illustrated by the example of the
shared subclass STUDENT_ASSISTANT in figure (5), which inherits attributes from both
EMPLOYEE and STUDENT. Here, both EMPLOYEE and STUDENT inherit the same
attributes from PERSON. The rule states that if an attribute (or relationship) originating in the
same superclass (PERSON) is inherited more than once via different paths (EMPLOYEE and
STUDENT) in the lattice, than it should be included only once in the shared subclass
(STUDENT_ASSISTANT). Hence, the attributes of PERSON are inherited only once in the
STUDENT_ASSISTANT subclass of figure (5).
If we do not allow for overlapping to occur in specialization (by considering all possible
combinations of classes that may have some entity belong to all these classes) there will be no
shared subclasses.
For Example in the following solved example the person may be {E, A, S} and to prevent
overlapping It would be necessary to create seven subclasses of a person n order to cover all
possible types of entities: E,A, S, E-A, E-S, A-S and E-A-S which will lead to more

3. The concept of Category:

Category is a union type represented by a subclass that contains a collection of real world
entities (objects) which are a subset of the union of entity types.

Example of categories (UNION TYPES)


Attribute inheritance works more selectively in the case of category.For example in figure (5)
each owner entity inherits the attributes of a company, a person or a bank depending on the
superclass to which the entity belongs.

On the other hand, a shared subclass entity such as ENGINEERING_MANAGER figure (4)
inherits all the attributes of its superclasses: (SALARIED_EMPLOYEE, ENGINEER, and

An Example UNIVERSITY EER Schema, Design Choices, and Formal
In this section, we first give an example of a database schema in the EER Model to illustrate the use
of the various concepts discussed here and in chapter (3).Then, we discuss design choice for
conceptual schema, and finally we summarize the EER Model concepts and define them formally in
the same manner in which we formally defined the concepts of the basic ER Model in chapter (3).

Figure (6):

The UNIVERSITY Database Example:

For our example database application, consider a UNIVERSITY database that keeps track of
students and their majors, transcripts and registration as well as of the university’s course offerings.
The database also keeps track of the sponsored research projects of faculty and graduate students. This
schema is shown in figure (6). A discussion of the requirements that led to this schema follows.
For each person, the database maintains information on the person’s Name [Name], social security
number [Ssn], address [Address], sex [Sex], and birth date [Bdate]. To subclass of the PERSON entity
type are identified: FACULTY and STUDENT. Specific attributes of FACULTY are rank [Rank]
(assistant, associate, adjunct, research, visiting, and so on), office [Foffice], office phone [Fphone], and
salary [Salary].
All faculty members are related to the academic department(s) with which they are affiliated
[BELONGS] (a faculty member can be associated with several departments, so the relationship is M:
N). A specific attribute of STUDENT is [class] (freshman = 1, sophomore = 2, …, graduate student =
5). 9
Each STUDENT is also related to his or her major and minor department, if known ([MAJOR] and
[MINOR]), to the course sections he or she is currently attending [REGISTERED], and to the courses

completed [TRANSCRIPT]. Each TRANSCRIPT instance includes the grade the student received
[Grade] in the course section.
GRAD_STUDENT is a subclass of STUDENT ,with the defining predicate Class = 5. For each
graduate student, we keep a list of previous degrees in a composite, multi-valued attribute [Degrees].
We also relate the graduate student to a faculty advisor [ADVISOR] and to a thesis committee
[COMMITTEE], if one exists.
An academic department has the attributes name[Dname], telephone [Dphone], and office number
[Office] and is related to the faculty member who is its chairperson [CHAIRS] and to the college to
which it belongs [CD]. Each college has attributes collage name [Cname], office number [Coffice],
and the name of its dean [Dean].
A course has attributes course number [C#], course name [Cname], and course description [Cdesc].
Several sections of each course are offered, with each section having the attributes section number
[Sec#] and the year and quarter in which the section was offered ([Year] and [Qtr]). Section numbers
uniquely identify each section.
The sections being offered during the current quarter are in a subclassCURRENT_SECTION of
SECTION, with the defining predicate Qtr = Current_qtr and Year = Current_year. Each section is
related to the instructor who taught or is teaching it ([TEACH]), if that instructor is in the database.

The category INSTRUCTOR_RESEARCHER is a subset of the union of FACULTY and

GRAD_STUDENT and includes all faculties, as well as graduate students who are supported by
teaching or research. Finally, the entity type GRANT keeps track of research grants and contracts
awarded to the university.
Each grant has attributes grant title [Title], grant number [No], the awarding agency [Agency], and
the starting data [St_data]. A grant is related to one principal investigator [Pl] and to all researchers it
supports [SUPPORT]. Each instance of support has as attributes the starting date of support [Start], the
ending date of the support (if known) [End], and the percentage of time being spent on the project
[Time] by the researcher being supported.

EER-to-Relational Mapping:-
Here we are going to add further step to the ER-to-Relational mapping algorithm (Seven Steps) to
handle the mapping of specialization. This step will have 4-main options and conditions under which
we can determine the suitable option. We use Attrs( R ) to denote the attributes of relation R and PK (
R ) to denote the primary key of R.
First we describe the mapping formally, then we illustrate it by examples.

Step 8: Options for mapping Specialization:

Convert each specialization with m subclasses {S1, S2, …, Sm} and
superclass C, where the attributes of C are {k,a1,…,an} and K is the primary
key, into relation schemas using one of the following option.
A. Option 8A Multiple relations_Superclass and Subclasses:-

Create a relation L for C with attributes (L)= {k,a1,…,an} and PK(L)=k. Create a relation Li
for each subclass Si, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, with the attributes(Li)= {k} U {attributes of Si} and PK (Li)=k.
This option works for any specialization (total or partial, disjoint or overlapping).

B. Option 8B Multiple relations-Subclass relation Only:-

Create a relation Li for each subclass Si, 1 ≤ i ≤ m with the Attributes (Li) = {attributes of Si}
U {k, a1, …, an } and PK(Li) = k. This option only works for a specialization whose
subclasses are total (Why?). If the specialization is overlapping; an entity may be duplicated
in several relations. (If the specialization is disjoint & total it will be optimal mapping).

C. Single relation with one type Attribute:

Create a single relation L with attributes (L) = {k, a1, …, an} U {attributes of S1} U…U
{attributes of Sm} U {t} and PK(L)=k. The attribute t is called a type (or discriminating)
attribute that indicates the subclass to which each tuple belongs, if any. This Option works
only for a specialization whose subclasses are disjoint and has the potential for generating
many Null values if many specific attributes exist in a subclass.
D. Option 8D: Single relation with multiple type attributes:
Create a single relation schema L with Attributes(L) ={k,a1,…,an} U { attributes
of S1} U…U {attributes of Sm} U {t1,t2,…,tm} and PK(L) = k.
Each ti , 1 ≤ i ≤ m, is a Boolean type attribute indicating whether a tuple belongs
to subclass Si .This option works for specialization whose subclasses are
overlapping or disjoint.
1. Mapping the following EER Schema using option 8A:-

SSN Fname Minit Lname Birth_date Address Job_type

Secretary Engineer

Technician 11
2. Mapping the following EER Schema using option 8B




3. Mapping the following EER Schema using option 8C:-



4. Mapping the following EER Schema using option 8D:-




1. Option 8A works for any constraints on specialization (total, partial, disjoint,


2. Option 8B works for only when both the disjoint and total constraints hold. Why?
(use this figure in your Analysis)


3. Option 8c & 8D (Single Relations) are Not recommended if many specific attributes
(local att.) are defined for the subclasses. Why?
4. Option 8C & 8D (Single Relations) are recommended if few specific attributes (local
att.) are defined for the subclasses. Why?
5. Option 8C is used to handle disjoint subclasses by including a single type attribute
(discriminating) to indicate the subclass to which each tuple belongs. If specialization
is partial the type Attribute can have a Null values in tuples that do not belong to any
6. Option 8D is designed to handle overlapping subclasses by including m boolean type
field where m is Number of subclasses of the specialization.
7. The following Figure

Shows the mapping of this solved example:-



 option 8A is used for Person / {Employee, Alumnus, Student},

 option 8C for Employee / {Staff, Faculty, Student_Assistant}, and
 option 8D for Student_Assistant / {Research_Assistant,
Teaching_Assistant}, Student / Student_Assistant and Student/
{Graduate_Student, UnderGraduate_Student}.

Step 9: Mapping of categories(union type):

Example of categories (UNION TYPES)

All faculty members are related to the academic department(s) with which they are affiliated
[BELONGS] (a faculty member can be associated with several departments, so the relationship
is M: N).

For mapping a category whose superclasses have different keys, it is customary to specify a new key
attribute called surrogate key.
Surrogate key: it is a new key attribute created for a relation which corresponds to a category
defining superclasses that have different keys.

The surrogate key is primary key of the category relation and it is also included as a foreign key
in the relations which corresponding to superclasses of the category.

Distributed DB
Beside centralized and database, that resides on a single hardware machine, with associated
secondary storage devices such as disks for on-line database storage and tapes for backup. In recent
years, there has been a rapid trend toward the distribution of computer systems over multiple sites
that are connected together via communication network.

Reasons for Distribution and DDBMS functions:

A distributed DB is a collection of data that belong logically to some systems but it is physically
spread over the sites of a computer network. Several factors have led to the development of DDBSs.

The advantage of DDBSs as follows:

• Distributed nature of some DB applications: Many database applications are naturally distributed over
different locations.
• Increased reliability and availability: Reliability is broadly defined as the probability that the system is
up at a particular moment in time, where as the availability is the probability that the system is
continuously available during a time interval. When the data and DBMS software are distributed over
several sites, one site may fail while other sites continue in operation. Only the data and software that
exist at the failed site cannot be accessed, other data and software can still be used.
• Allowing data sharing while maintaining some measure of local control. In DDBSs, it is possible to
control the data and the software locally at each site. However, certain data can be accessed by other
remote sites through the DDBMS software.
• Improve performance by distributing a large database over multiple sites, smaller database will exist at
each site. Each site will have a smaller number of transactions executing than if all transactions were
submitted to a single centralized database. Distribution leads to increase complexity in the system
design and implementation. To satisfactorily achieve the advantages listed above, the DDBMS
software must be able to provide additional functions.

Some of these are:

 To access remote sites and transmit queries and data among the various sites via a
communication network.
 To keep track of the data distribution and replication in the DDBMS catalog.
 To device execution strategies for quires and transactions that access data from more than
one site.
 To decide on which copy of a replicated data item to access.

 To maintain the consistency of copies of a replicated data item.
 To recover from individual site crashes and from new types of failures such as failure of a
communication link.

Architecture of a DDES:
At the physical hardware level, the main factors the distinguish a DDBS from a centralized system
are the following:
• There are multiple computers, called sites or nodded.
• These sites must be connected by some type of communication network to transmit data and
commands among sites, as shown in the following figure:


The sites may all be located in the same building or typically within a l mile radius and connected via
a local area network, or they may be geographically distributed over large distances and connected via
a long-level network. Local area networks typically use cable, whereas long-level networks u?c
telephone lines or satellites.

Application Processors and Data Processors

To manage the complexity of a DDBMS, it is customary to divide software into three main
modules :
• The data processor (DP) software is responsible for local data management at a site, much
like centralized DBMS software.
• The Application processor (AP) software is responsible for most of the distribution functions;
it accesses data distribution information from the DDBMS catalog and is responsible for
processing all requests access to more than one site.
• The communication software provides the communications primitives that are used by the AP
to transmit commands and data among the various sites as needed.

In a DDBS it is possible that some sites contain both AP and DP software, where as other sites
contain only one or the other as illustrated in the previous figure.
A site is used mainly for DB function is called a back-machine, and a site that is used primarily for
the AP function is called a front-end machine.

Distribution Transparency
An important function of the AP is to hide the details of data distribution from the user; that
is; the user should write global quires and transactions as through the database were centralized,
without having to specify the sites at which the data referenced in global quires and transactions
reside. This property is called Distribution Transparency.

Data Fragmentation, Replication, and Allocation Techniques for

Distributed Database Design
This section discusses the techniques that are used to break up the database into logical units, called
fragments that may be assigned for storage at various sites. Also it discusses the use of data
Replication, so certain data may be stored in more than one site, as well as the process of allocating
fragments or replicates of fragments.
The information concerning data fragmentation, allocation, and replication is stored in a global
system catalog that is accessed by AP as needed.

Data Fragmentation:
Before distributing the data, the logical units of the database must be determined. The simplest
logical units are the relations themselves; that is, each whole relation will be stored at a particular
site. However in many cases the relation can be divided into smaller logical units for distribution.

We have three different types of fragmentation:

1. Horizontal fragmentation:-

A horizontal fragmentation of a rotation is a subset of the tuples in that rotation. The tuples
that belong to the horizontal fragment are specified by a condition on one or more attributes of
the relation.

2. Vertical fragmentation
Another type of fragmentation is called vertical fragmentation. A vertical fragment of a
relation keeps only certain attributes in the relation that are related together in some way.

3. Mixed fragmentation

Both vertical and horizontal fragments can be intermixed yielding mixed fragments.


The original relation can be reconstructed by applying union and outer join.
Data Replication and Allocation

Replication is useful in improving the availability of data. The most extreme case is
replication of the whole database at every site in the distributed system, thus creating a fully
replicated distributed database. This can improve availability remarkably because the system
can continue to operate as long as at least one site is up, it also improve performance of
retrieval for global quires because the result of such a query can be obtained locally from one
site. The disadvantage of full replication is that it can slow down update operations drastically
because a single logical update must be performed on every copy of the database to keep the
copies consistent. Also full replication makes recovery techniques more expensive than if there
was no replication. The other extreme from full replication is to have no replication; that each
fragment is stored at exactly one site. In this case all fragments must be disjoint, except for the
repetition of primary keys among vertical (or mixed) fragments. This technique is called non-
redundant allocation. Between these two extremes, we have a wide spectrum of partial
replication of the data; that is some fragments of the database may be replicated whereas others
are not.

The number of copies of each fragment can range from one to the number of sites in the
distributed system.

A description of the replication of fragments is some times called a replication schema. Each
copy of a fragment and the fragment itself must be assigned to a particular site in the
distributed system.

This process is called data distribution. The degree of replication depends on some factors:
• Performance and availability goals of the system.
• Types and frequencies of transactions submitted at each site.
Example of Fragmentation, Allocation and Replication :
We now consider an example of fragmenting and distributing the company database
previously mentioned. Suppose that the company has three computer sites -one for each
current department. Sites 2 & 3 for departments 5& 4 respectively. At each of these sites, we
expect frequent access to the EMPLOYEE and PROJECT information for the employees who
work in that department and the projects controlled by that department.
Further, we assume that these sites mainly access the NAME, SSN, SALARY, and
SUPERSSN attributes of EMPLOYEE. Site 1 is used by company headquarter and accesses
all employee and project information regularly, in addition to keeping track of Dependent
information for insurance purposes. The following figure explains this example:

Types of Distributed Data Base System
The term distributed data base management system can be applied to describe a variety of systems
that differ from one another in many respects
The main factors that differentiate distributed systems are:

• Degree of homogeneity of the DDBMS software.

If all DPS use identical software and also all APS use the same software, the DDBMS is
called homogenous; other wise is called heterogeneous.
• Degree of local autonomy:
If all access to DDBMS must go through an AP, then the system has no local autonomy. On
the other hand, if direct access by local transaction to a DP is permitted, the system has some
degree of local autonomy.
• Degree of distribution, transparency or alternatively the degree of schema integration:
If the user sees a single integrated schema without any information concerning
fragmentation, replication, or distribution, the DDBMS is said to have a high degree of
distribution transparency (or schema integration). But in different case if the user sees all
fragmentation, allocation, and replication, the DDBMS has no distribution transparency and
no schema integration.

Concurrency Control and Recovery in Distributed Database:-
For concurrency control and recovery purposes, numerous problems arise in distributed DBMS
environment. Some of these problems are the following:

 Dealing with multiply copies of data items:

The concurrency control method ids responsible for maintaining consistency
among these copies. The recovery method is responsible for: making a copy consistent
with other copies if the site on which the copy is stored fails and recovers later.
 Failure of individual site:
The DDBMS should continue to operate with its running sites if possible when one or
more individual sites fails. When a site recovers, its local database must be brought up
to date with the rest of the sites before it rejoins the system.
 Failure of communication links:
The system must deal with failure of one or more of the communication links that
connect the sites.
 Distributed commit:
Problems arise with committing a transaction that is accessing database stored on
multiple sites if some sites fail during the commit process, the two phase commit
protocol is often used to deal with this problem.
 Distributed deadlock:
Deadlock may occur among several sites, so techniques for dealing with deadlock
must be extended to take this into account.

Distributed Recovery
The recovery process in distributed database is quite involved. We will give only a very brief
idea of some of the issues here. In some cases, it is quite difficult even to determine when a site is
down without exchanging numerous messages with other sites.
For example, suppose that site X sends a message to site Y and expects a response from Xbut
does not receive it; there are several possible explanations
• The message was not delivered to Y because of failure.
• Site Y is down and could not respond.
• Site Y is running and pent a response but the response was not delivered.
Without additional information or sending of additional messages, it is difficult to determine what
actually happened.

Another problem with Distributed recovery is distributed commit. When a transaction is

updating data at several sites, it can not commit until it is sure that the effect of transaction on
every site can not be lost. This means that every site must have recorded the local effects of the
transactions permanently in the local site log on disk.

Introduction to Transaction Processing
Concepts and Theory
Transaction Processing Systems:
They are systems with large databases and hundreds of concurrent users that are executing
database transactions.

It is an executing program that forms a logical unit of database processing. A Transaction
includes one or more database access operations (e.g. insertion, deletion, and modification or
retrieval operations). Transaction can also be defined as an atomic unit of work that either
completed entirely or not at all, if it fails for any reason.

Examples of Transaction Processing Systems:

 Reservation Systems.
 Banking Systems.
 Supermarket Checkout Systems.

In these systems a Concurrency Control Problem arises which occurs when multiple transactions
submitted by various users interfere with one another in a way that produces incorrect results.

Single-User versus Multi-User Systems:

In a computer system, with single central processing unit, executing multiple programs
(processes or transactions) is allowed (i.e. multiple user environments), using Interleaving Concept.
Interleaving keeps the cpu busy when a process requires cpu is switched to execute another
process if the current process has an I/O operation or it has finished the currently allocated cpu slot
of time to it. Fig. (1) shows Interleaving Processing versus Parallel Processing of concurrent

Figure (1)

Basic Database Access Operations
The basic database access operations that a transaction can include are as follows:

1) Read-Item(X): Reads a database item named X into a program variable (also named X for
2) Write-Item (X): Writes value of program variable X into the database item named X.

Executing Read-Item (X) command includes the following steps:

1) Find the address of the disk block that contains item X.
2) Copy that disk block into a buffer in main memory (if that disk block is not already in
some main memory buffer).
3) Copy item X from the buffer to the program variable named X.

Executing Write-Item (X) command includes the following steps:

1) Find the address of the disk block that contains item X.
2) Copy that disk block into a buffer in main memory (if that disk block is not already in
some main memory buffer).
3) Copy item X from the program variable named X into its location in the buffer.
4) Store the updated block from the buffer back to disk (either immediately or at some later
point of time).

Why Concurrency Control is Needed?

In a Multi-User environment, transaction s submitted by the various users may execute
concurrently and may access and update the same database items. If this concurrent execution is
uncontrolled, it leads to the following main problems:

1) The Lost Update Problem:

This Problem occurs when two transactions that access the same database items have
their operations interleaved in a way that makes the value of some database items incorrect
(see Fig. (2)a).

2) The Temporary Update (or Dirty Read ) Problem:

This problem occurs when one transaction updates a database item and then the
transaction fails for some reasons. The updated item is accessed by another transaction
before it is changed back to its original value (see Fig. (2) b)

Figure (2)

3) The Incorrect Summary Problem:

If one transaction is calculating an aggregate function on a number of records while
other transactions are updating some of these records, the aggregate function may
calculate some values before they are updated and other after they are updated (Fig.

Why Recovery Is Needed?
Recovery is required to ensure the following when transaction is submitted to DBMS for
1. All the operations in the transaction are completed successfully and their effect is
recorded permanently in the database.
2. It is not allowed to some of transaction operations to update database, if transaction
fails for any reasons.

Types of Failures:
Failures are generally classified as Transaction, System and Media failures. These are several
possible reasons for a transaction to fail in the middle of execution:
1) Computer failure (system crash):
A hardware, software, or network error occurs in the computer system during
transaction execution. Disk failure is one of the main media failures since it contains the
system log file.
2) A transaction or system error:
Some operations in a transaction may cause it fails (e.g. divide by zero or logical
programming errors.
3) Local errors or exception conditions detected by the transaction:
During transaction execution, certain conditions may occur that necessitate transaction
cancellation (e.g. data for transaction not found or insufficient account balance).
4) Concurrency control enforcement:
The concurrency control method may decide to abort the transaction to be restarted
5) Physical problems and catastrophes: see page 558.

Why Concurrency is needed?
Why Concurrency control is needed?

Transaction States & Operations:

As mentioned earlier a transaction is an atomic unit of work that is either completed entirely or
not done at all. For recovery purposes, the system needs to keep track of the following operations
by DBMS Recovery Manager:

1) Begin Transaction
This marks the begging of transaction execution.

2) Read or Write Operations of Database Items in an Transaction
Some operations in a transaction may cause it fails (e.g. divide by zero or logical
programming errors.
3) End-transaction
This marks the end of transaction execution. At this point it is necessary to check whether
the changes introduced by the transaction can be permanently applied to the database
(committed) or whether the transaction has to be aborted.
4) Commit-transaction
This marks a successful end of a transaction, so that any changes executed by the
transaction can be safely committed.

5) Rollback (Abort)
This marks an unsuccessful end of a transaction so that any changes performed by
transaction to the database must be undone. Figure (3) shows the sate transition diagram
that describes how the transaction moves through its execution states.

Figure (3)

When transaction ends, it moves to the Partially Committed State.
At this point, some recovery protocols need to ensure that a system
failure will not result, so an inability to record the changes of
transaction permanently (this done by recording changes in the System
Log). Also, at this point the DBMS concurrency control system can
force the transaction to a failed state or it may fail and aborted during its
active state. Failed or aborted transaction may be restarted later either
automatically or after being resubmitted by the user. Aborted or failed
transaction changes must be rollback.

The System Log

To be able to recover from failures that affect transactions, the system maintains a Log to
keep track of all transaction operations that affect the values of database items. The records
(entries) that are written to the Log have a unique Transaction-ID (T). This key is generated
automatically by the system to identify each transaction.

The Log entries have the following forms:
1) [Start-Transaction, T]
2) [Write-Item, T, X, Old-value,[new-value]
3) [Read- Item, T, X]
4) [Commit, T]
Indicates that transaction T has completed successfully and its effect can be committed
(recorded permanently to the database).
5) [Abort, T]

Commit Point of a Transaction

A transaction T reaches its commit point when all its operations that access the database
have been executed successfully and the effect of all the transaction operations on the database
have been recorded in the Log. Beyond the Commit point, the transaction is said to be
committed, and its effect is assumed to be permanently recorded in the database. The
transaction then writes a commit record [commit, T] into the Log. If a system failure occurs,
we search back in the Log for all transactions T that have written a [Start-Transaction, T]
record in the Log but have not written their [Commit, T] record yet; these transactions may
have to be rolled back to Undo their effect on the database during the recovery process s.
Transactions that have written their commit record in the Log must also have recorded all
their write operations in the Log, so their effect on the database can be redone from the Log

Desirable Properties of Transactions

Transactions should posses several properties. These are often called the ACID properties. The
following are the ACID properties:

1) Atomicity:
A transaction is an atomic unit of processing to be performed entirely or not performed
at all. It is the responsibility of the transaction recovery subsystem.

2) Consistency preservation:
A transaction is consistency preserving, execution takes the database from a consistent
state to another consistent state. It is the responsibility of the programmers who write
the database program to enforce integrity constraints. A consistent state of the database
satisfies the constraints specified in the schema.

3) Isolation:
A transaction execution should not be interfered with any other transactions executing
concurrently. Isolation may be enforced by hiding (invisible) its updates to other
transactions until it is committed (this will avoid dirty read problem). It is responsibility
of the concurrency control subsystem.

4) Durability:
The changes applied to the database by a committed transaction must persist in the
database. These changes must not31be lost because of any failure. It is responsibility
of the recovery subsystem of the DBMS.

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