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The Structural Evolution of The T I M o R Collision Complex, Eastern Indonesia

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Journal o] Structural Geology, Vol. 13, No. 5. l"P. 489 to 5/)(I. 1991 0191-8141/91 $03.00+0.

Printed in Grcat Britain © 1991 Pergamon Press pie

The structural evolution of the Timor collision complex, eastern Indonesia


Department of Geological Sciences, University College, Gower St, London WC1E 6BT, U.K.



Department of Geology, Royal Holloway & Bedford New College, Egham Hill, Egham,
Surrey KT21 0EX, U.K.

(Received 25 July 1990; accepted in revised form 7 November 1990)

Abstract--The structural style of Timor is consistent with foreland fold belt processes, and zones of frontal
accretion and underplating can be recognized in the Australian parautochthonous sequence. The parautochthon
is overlain by an allochthonous sequence, which corresponds to the pre-collisional oceanic forearc. In northern
Timor the parautochthon has been underplated directly beneath the allochthonous basement. Unlike previous
interpretations of Timor in terms of foreland fold belt processes, the Timor foldbelt is here interpreted as having
evolved in a fairly straightforward way from the pre-collisional forearc by the sequential addition of thrust slices
of Australian continental crust to the front and base of the developing collision complex.

INTRODUCTION also subducted at the Banda Arc in the region of present-

day Timor. During the later Neogene (probably Late
TIMOR island, located in the southern Banda Arc in Miocene-Pliocene), continental crust of the Australian
eastern Indonesia (Fig. 1) forms part of the present-day passive margin began to enter the Banda subduction
collision zone between the northwestern margin of Aus- system, leading to the development of the present arc-
tralia and the southeast Asian island arcs. The island is continent collision complex of the Timor region.
frequently quoted as one of the best examples of active The primary aim of this paper is to develop a struc-
arc-continent collision, and an understanding of its tural interpretation of the Timor collision complex by
structure and evolution is thus not only of local interest, describing the structural style from a few well studied
but can also usefully constrain models of analogous parts of the island. However, before we can consider the
ancient collision zones. However, Timor is still rather structural style in any detail, it is first necessary to discuss
poorly known geologically~ and although several rather briefly two more specific problems. These are the defi-
detailed models have been proposed for its evolution, no nition of what constitutes the allochthon in Timor, and
consensus exists even on such basic questions as the style the origin of the Bobonaro Complex.
of deformation on the island. This paper outlines the
structural style of a number of better studied areas in
Timor, and attempts to reconcile this structural infor-
mation with a simple model for the evolution of the THE ALLOCHTHON IN TIMOR
Timor collision complex.
Timor occupies a forearc location in the southern Timor has frequently been described in terms of
Banda Arc of eastern Indonesia (Fig. 1). To the south is autochthonous, parautochthonous and allochthonous
the outer margin of the Australian Northwest Shelf, a structural elements (Audley-Charles 1968, 1986a,
passive continental margin created by the Jurassic Carter et al. 1976, Barber et al. 1977). The parautoch-
breakup of eastern Gondwana (Powell 1976, Veevers thon of Timor, which is the largest component of the
1982). Further west, the Indo-Australian Plate is com- island, is generally equated with Australian continental
posed of Jurassic oceanic crust (Larson 1975, Fullerton margin material thrust back towards Australia during
et al. 1989) which is being subducted northwards be- arc-continent collision. According .to Audley-Charles
neath the Sunda Arc, the westward continuation of the (1986a) the allochthon comprises a series of southward
southern Banda Arc. Prior to the Late Neogene defor- travelling exotic nappes that originated in the hanging-
mation in Timor, Indian Ocean crust was presumably wall of the subduction zone as part of the (pre-
collisional) Banda forearc. In papers by Audley-Charles
and co-workers up until at least Audley-Charles
* Present address: 3421 Canoncita Lane, Piano, TX 75023, U.S.A. (1986a), 'allochthonous' is also specifically equated with

SG 13:5-'A



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I Zone of extension
I. Imltmlml
,", Q u a t e r n a r y volcan

I EXMOUTH PLATEAU ,~, Active v o l c a n o e s

115" ' 125 ° " 135"

Fig. 1. Tectonic setting of Timor. Triangles mark the Banda-Sunda volcanic arc.

'Asiatic': that is, derived from the margin of southeast Australian margin origin for the Maubisse Formation, in
Asia rather than from the Australian continent. This line with most other work on its palaeogeographic loca-
frequent but poorly defined linking of the words 'alloch- tion (e.g. Crostella & Powell 1976, Grady & Berry 1977,
thonous' and 'Asiatic' has led to a great deal of confusion Chamalaun & Grady 1978, Hamilton 1979, Berry et al.
as to the origin of various lithotectonic elements on 1984, etc.). It now seems widely agreed that the Mau-
Timor. This is particularly true of the Permian Maubisse bisse Formation originated on, and remained located
Formation and the stratigraphically associated Aileu on, the northwestern flank of Australia up until the
Formation. Neogene arc--continent collision. It will be treated as
The Maubisse Formation is a predominantly lime- such in this paper.
stone sequence of Permian age, while the Aileu 'Forma- In this paper we take as our definition of the alloch-
tion' comprises metamorphosed siliciclastic sediments thon those sequences that originated in the pre-
and volcanics ranging from sub-greenschist to upper collisional Banda forearc. This definition follows estab-
amphibolite facies (Audley-Charles 1968, Barber & lished usage such as Carter et al. (1976), Barber et al.
Audley-Charles 1976, Barber et al. 1977, Berry & Grady (1977), Barber (1979) and Audley-Charles (1986a), but
1981a). The Maubisse Formation outcrops widely in it should be noted that Audley-Charles & Harris (1990)
Timor island, whilst the Aileu Formation is restricted to use the term allochthonous in a different way. On the
the NW corner of East Timor (Fig. 2). The grainsize of basis of our definition, the allochthon of Timor is now
the Aileu siliciclastics decreases southwards, and they fairly clearly established and not subject to widespread
pass transitionally into the limestones of the Maubisse dispute. The Timor allochthon includes the Mutis/
Formation. The highest metamorphic grades in the Lolotoi Complex which represents the basement of the
Aileu Formation are attained near the north coast of pre-collisional forearc, and the Palelo Group, Same
Timor, and metamorphic grade decreases southward. Formation, Barique Volcanic Formation, Noil Toko
The origin of the Maubisse Formation has recently Formation, Cablac Limestone Formation, Miomaffu
been reviewed by Barkham (in press), who concluded Tuff and Manamas Formation (=Oecusse Volcanics)
that the Maubisse Formation is an integral part of the which form the sedimentary-volcanic cover (Audley-
parautochthonous stratigraphy of Timor and not part of Charles 1968, 1986a, Audley-Charles & Carter 1972,
the allochthon. In more recent papers by Audley- Barber & Audley-Charles 1976, Carter et al. 1976, Haile
Charles (e.g. Audley-Charles & Harris 1990), the equat- et al. 1979, Earle 1981, Rosidi et al. 1981, Harris 1989,
ing of 'allochthonous' with 'Asiatic' is discarded, and Tobing 1989). These elements form a stratigraphic se-
'allochthonous' is used only to indicate 'far-travelled'. In quence entirely separate from the Timor parautoch-
particular, Audley-Charles & Harris (1990) indicate an thon.
The Timor collision complex, Indonesia 491

THE ORIGIN OF THE BOBONARO COMPLEX was emplaced as a single event, or as a series of smaller
The Bobonaro Scaly Clay (Audley-Charles 1965, In a later paper (Carter et al. 1976), the main period of
1968) or Bobonaro Complex (Rosidi et al. 1981) is a deformation was re-interpreted as occurring within
scaly clay melange consisting of a wide variety of planktonic foraminiferal zone N20 (mid-Pliocene). It
unsorted angular and subangular blocks set in a scaly was also recognized that the Bobonaro Complex con-
clay matrix. The matrix is generally dark reddish brown, tained material as young as Plio-Pleistocene. To explain
but is also commonly green, and less commonly black, this new data in terms of the olistostromal model, Carter
grey, yellow and bright red. Contortion structures indi- et al. (1976) proposed the following sequence of events.
cate plastic flow, and are particularly common around The Bobonaro Scaly Clay was emplaced as an olistos-
the exotic blocks. At outcrop the clay characteristically trome onto the allochthon during the period N17-18
has a 'popcorn' texture. According to Audley-Charles (Late Miocene), after which it was unconformably over-
(1968) the exotic blocks vary in age from Permian to lain by the Batu Putih Limestone during the period N18-
Lower Miocene, although microfossils as young as 19 (Early Pliocene), and was then carried onto Timor on
Upper Miocene were also found. Block sizes range up to the back of the allochthonous thrust sheets during N20
500 m across, and down to silt grade material. Most (mid-Pliocene). Subsequent uplift of Timor caused the
clasts are angular to subangular, but a few blocks show a Bobonaro Complex to slump southward over southern
remarkable degree of rounding. The blocks are ran- Timor towards the Timor Trough, incorporating
domly and chaotically distributed throughout the clay material from the autochthonous (i.e. post-orogenic)
matrix, although particular lithologies predominate Viqueque Formation (re-interpreted as Plio-Pleistocene
locally. in age). Thus in addition to 'primary' Bobonaro Scaly
Audley-Charles (1965) interpreted the Bobonaro Clay (the original olistostrome), there is 'reworked
Scaly Clay as a syn-orogenic olistostromal deposit. Bobonaro' of post-N20 age which results from landslip-
Based on the age of the youngest included clasts (Lower ping.
Miocene) and the age of the oldest overlying sediments Hamilton (1979 and earlier work) reinterpreted the
(the Viqueque Formation of Upper Miocene age), the Bobonaro Complex as a tectonic melange. Drawing
age of emplacement of the Bobonaro olistostrome (and analogies with geological studies of oceanic forearc
the contemporaneous climax of deformation) was deter- complexes such as Nias (e.g. Moore & Karig 1980), and
mined as Middle or possibly Upper Miocene. Audley- by reference to seismic lines across oceanic forearcs
Charles (1968) was unsure if the Bobonaro olistostrome which typically showed a chaotic structure, Hamilton

124"E 126"E

:~1 / AILEU-


...10= (r~lnly duramMo-Mioeeee)
T Fig.5 ~ I (mainly Permo-Trlaulc)
Fig. 4

Fig. 3~t ~4*E 126=EI

Fig. 2. Structural map of Timor. Adapted from Audley-Charles (1968) and Rosidi et al. (1981), with additional data from
Kenyon (1974), Berry & Grady (1981a) and Bird eta/. (1989). The Bobonaro Complex mainly crops out within the areas
recorded as the parautochthon, but also locally cuts through the allochthon, and occurs as isolated diapirs intruding the
post-orogenic autoehthon.

(1979) interpreted the whole of Timor as one very large Whilst admitting to an obvious bias, we believe that
melange complex in which more or Jess coherent litho- the shale diapirism model for the Bobonaro Complex
tectonic blocks were distributed through a pervasive (Barber et al. 1986) is the most successful interpretation
scaly clay matrix. The Bobonaro Complex was seen as of this unit. Shale diapirs can locally be seen intruding
this melange matrix, resulting from intense shearing by rocks as old as Triassic in the Kekneno area, and as
repeated thrusting in a forearc setting. young as Pleistocene in the Central Basin. The diapirs in
A third interpretation of the Bobonaro Complex was the Kekneno area occupy a very low structural position,
proposed by Barber et al. (1986), who interpreted the well below the level of supposed olistostrome emplace-
complex as resulting from the multiple intrusion of shale ment, and so it cannot be argued that the diapirism is a
diapirs. Mud volcanism is a widely occurring phenom- secondary reactivation of shales originally emplaced in a
enon in Timor, with at least 27 active mud volcano fields collision-related olistostrome. In the Noil Tuke River
recognized (Barber & Brown 1988). Mud volcanoes are section mentioned in the previous paragraph, an out-
the surface expression of shale diapirs that break crop of Bobonaro-type shales distinct from the Nakfunu
through to the ground surface (e.g. Biju-Duval et al. shales can be traced as a linear body some 100 m across
1982). These shale diapirs can have a vertical extent of for several kilometres parallel to strike. Structural ver-
several kilometres, being sourced from overpressured gence in the surrounding rocks is outward from this
shale horizons at depth. In Timor the overpressuring of inferred diapiric structure (Charlton 1987). The source
shales is thought to arise from the tectonic loading by horizon for the shale diapirism in this region is the Lower
thrusting and from hydrocarbon generation. The shale Cretaceous Nakfunu Formation, and a similar strati-
diapirs tend to be located along the lines of wrench faults graphic level sources young diapirs near the thrust front
which cut vertically through the thrust stacks and pro- south of Sumba to the southwest of Timor (Breen et al.
vide suitable conduits for the intrusion of the shale 1986, Masson et al. 1991).
diapirs. The Bobonaro Complex was interpreted by
Barber et al. (1986) as the deeper parts of multiple shale
diapirs exposed by erosion. STRUCTURAL MODELS OF TIMOR
Of the three interpretations, the olistostrome model
seems to have the most problems. The necessity of Three main structural models with numerous vari-
recognizing 'primary' and 'secondary' Bobonaro seems ations in detail have been proposed for Timor, which for
to be particularly suspect. For instance the whole of brevity are usually described as the Imbricate, Over-
central West Timor (a distance of 50 km across strike on thrust and Rebound models.
section 2, fig. 5 of Carter et al. 1976) must constitute I m b r i c a t e m o d e l (e.g. Fitch & Hamilton 1974, Hamil-
either a thrust sheet of Bobonaro Complex or 'reworked ton 1979)
Bobonaro', with the Neogene Batu Putih Limestone of Timor is interpreted as an accumulation of imbricated
the Central Basin having ridden passively on the back of and chaotic material at the hangingwall of a subduction
the gravity sliding mass of Bobonaro Scaly Clay. As zone whose surface trace is the Timor Trough. Hamilton
Audley-Charles et al. (1974) themselves commented (1979) emphasized what he interpreted to be the chaotic
"such a process seems highly improbable". nature of Timor, with a tectonic melange (the Bobonaro
Other problems with the olistostrome interpretation Complex) forming a pervasive matrix supporting the
include a lack of well documented localities where the more coherent stratigraphic sections.
supposed basal unconformity is seen; lack of bedding or O v e r t h r u s t m o d e l (e.g. Carter et al. 1976, Barber et al.
other sedimentary structures apart from ambiguous 1977, Barber 1979, Audley-Charles 1981, 1986a,b, Price
flowage structures in a sedimentary succession suppos- & Audley-Charles 1983, Harris 1989, Audley-Charles &
edly more than 3000 m thick; and no explanation being Harris 1990)
given by this interpretation of the characteristic scaliness Early investigators of Timor (e.g. Wanner 1913) inter-
of the clay matrix (especially problematical as the scali- preted Timor in terms of Alpine-type nappe tectonics.
ness is retained in the 'reworked Bobonaro'). Finally Subsequently Audley-Charles and his co-workers
there is the more general problem with the olistostrome (Carter, Barber and others) regarded Timor as made up
model in that no recent examples of olistostromes on of a series of thrust sheets including both oceanic and
anything like the scale required in Timor have been continental material which have been thrust onto the
documented anywhere in the world. Australian continental margin. A clear distinction is
Hamilton's (1979) interpretation of the Bobonaro made in most overthrust models between parautochtho-
Complex as a tectonic melange has more validity as nous units derived from the Australian continent, and
certain scaly clays seen in Timor undoubtedly result allochthonous units of non-Australian origin. Later
from thrust-related deformation. For instance, de- models by Audley-Charles (1981, 1986a,b) and Price &
formed shales in the Noil Tuke River section of the Audley-Charles (1983, 1987) regard the Timor Trough
northern Kolbano area of West Timor are thrusted not as a subduction-related feature equivalent to the
shales of the Cretaceous Nakfunu Formation. However, Java Trench south of the Sunda Arc, but as a foredeep to
these shales are distinct from the true Bobonaro Com- a foreland fold belt (Timor), with Timor having been
plex in having a strong planar fabric and in the absence thrust northward over the pre-collisional Banda forearc.
of obvious exotic blocks. Harris (1989) and Audley-Charles & Harris (1990) also
The Timor collision complex, Indonesia 493

infer a foreland fold belt structure, but continue to trough is illustrated in Fig. 3, which shows part of a
interpret the Timor Trough as an essentially intraconti- commercial multichannel seismic line from south of the
nental downwarp rather than as the fundamental tec- Koibano area, West Timor. The seismic reflection pat-
tonic break inferred by Hamilton (1979). tern in much of the northern trough slope is incoherent
R e b o u n d model (Chamalaun & Grady 1978) higher up the slope, becoming somewhat more coherent
This model suggests that the Australian continental in the lower parts of the slope closer to the deformation
margin entered the Banda Arc subduction zone at a front. In the lower slope region, a few structures can be
trench located in the vicinity of the Wetar Strait which identified: these are antiformal culminations over S-
currently separates Timor from the volcanic arc. Sub- directed thrusts. The antiforms are asymmetrical with a
sequently the continental lithosphere separated from long N-dipping limb and a short S-dipping limb trun-
the oceanic lithosphere which had been subducted cated by the underlying thrust. The foremost of these
ahead of it, resulting in the uplift of Timor by isostatic thrust-antiform pairs is a simple structure with an
rebound controlled by steep faults. The model interprets across-strike width of about 3 km. Structures further
virtually the whole exposed stratigraphy of Timor as into the northern trough slope are multiply thrusted
parautochthonous, with only a very minor allochthon antiformal stacks. Between these antiformal stacks are
emplaced as part of the supposed Bobonaro Scaly Clay minor sedimentary basins.
olistostrome. The model has been most fully applied to Crostella & Powell (1976) (Fig. 4) illustrated compar-
northern East Timor, where it has been used to explain able structures from higher up the northern trough
the evolution of the Aileu metamorphic complex and slope. The sketch of a seismic line shows a series of
surrounding areas (e.g. Berry & Grady 1981a, b, Berry asymmetrical thrust antiforms stacked piggyback
et al. 1984). fashion with a southward sense of override. The imbri-
The models outlined above all have elements of value cated sequence is interpreted as Cretaceous-Pliocene in
but also have significant flaws. The Imbricate model is age, unconformably overlain by Plio-Pleistocene post-
useful in that it draws analogies between Timor and orogenic sediments. The scale of the thrust-anticline
processes documented from other active forearcs, but it structures in Fig. 4 is directly comparable to those shown
implies a greater degree of structural incoherence than is in Fig. 3.
actually the case in Timor. The Overthrust model recog- The style of deformation illustrated in Figs. 3 and 4 is
nizes the importance of flat-lying thrust structures in suggestive of foreland fold and thrust belt tectonics. The
Timor, but the implication that the Timor Trough is not Timor Trough north slope can be interpreted as a
directly connected with subduction processes appears to forward propagating thrust sequence in which new
the present authors unreasonable. The Rebound model thrusts are sequentially developed at the axis of the
is useful in recognizing the importance of steep struc- Timor Trough, adding new thrust slices of the previously
tures in addition to thrusting and can apparently be undeformed Australian margin to the toe of the north-
applied to good effect in northern East Timor, but by ern trough slope. Subsequent to the addition of a new
downplaying the importance of thrusting and in not thrust package at the thrust front (such as the frontal
recognizing a substantial allochthon the model is not thrust package in Fig. 3), internal deformation within
usefully applicable to most other parts of Timor. In the the accreted sequence leads to the development of out of
following sections an interpretation will be developed sequence thrusts within the thrust stack, producing the
which uses facets of all these earlier models, but in complex antiformal stacks seen further north in the
particular the imbricate and overthrust models. The new accretionary prism (Fig. 3). Similar out of sequence
interpretation will be developed by considering the thrusting can be inferred in Fig. 4 where there is a
structural style in a number of areas sequentially across marked difference in scale between what can be inter-
the Timor forearc, starting from the most external parts preted as the original in-sequence thrust and the sub-
of the orogen close to the deformation front in the Timor sequent smaller out of sequence thrusts. This rather
Trough. small-scale out of sequence deformation can be inter-
preted as the internal shortening within the fold belt/
Tirnor Trough north slope accretionary prism necessitated by the Coulomb wedge
or critical taper model (e.g. Davis et al. 1983).
The Timor Trough marks the deformation front of the
Timor orogen (Fig. 3). To the south, the outer slope of The K o l b a n o area
the Australian Northwest Shelf dips into the trough at an
average of 2-3 ° . The northern trough slope is overall The Kolbano area (Fig. 2) is located on the south coast
only slightly steeper (3-4°), but is much more rugged of West Timor, immediately onshore from the Timor
topographically, with ridges, topographic lows and pla- Trough northern slope. The Kolbano area has been
teaus forming prominent features (e.g. v o n d e r Borch studied in detail by Barber et al. (1977) and by Charlton
1979, Karig et al. 1987). Between the northern and (1987). The stratigraphy has been summarized in Charl-
southern slopes at the axis of the trough is a flat-lying ton (1989) and Charlton & Suharsono (1990). Figure 5
sedimentary basin of very variable extent and sedimen- shows a detailed geological map of a small part of the
tary thickness (0--15 km wide; 0-1 km thick). Kolbano area, around a Jurassic inlier at the core of the
The seismic expression of the axial region of the Kolbano structure. The most striking structural feature



Timor slope Trough axis

0| 5km

Fig. 3. Detail of a commercial multichannel seismic line across the axis of the Timor Trough. The north slope of the trough is
interpreted as a thrust stack, with a number of anticlinal culminations located over southward directed thrusts. The
culminations are in part diffractions, but nevertheless discrete packages can be recognized, separated by basal thrusts. The
ridge on the left of the diagram is a multiply thrusted antiformal stack, whilst the right-hand thrust ridge is a simple anticlinal
culmination. The small central ridge appears to be a minor thrust developing within the larger frontal thrust slice, and
probably shows an early stage in the development of a complex antiform like that in the ridge to the left. See Fig. 2 for

of the Kolbano area is imbrication by high-angle reverse of deformation in the southern Kolbano area appears to
faults with a predominant S-vergence. The imbricated be identical to that imaged by seismic sections across the
sequence generally ranges from Cretaceous to Miocene Timor Trough inner slope immediately to the south, and
in age, but locally Jurassic, Triassic and possibly even the area is clearly a simple northward continuation of
Permian rocks are seen. this structural province.
Imbrication structures in the southern Kolbano area In the northern Kolbano area, the structural style is
occur on two important scales (Fig. 5). Firstly there is a somewhat different (Barber et al. 1977, Charlton 1987).
gross repetition of sequences on a scale of 2--4 km across Instead of repeatedly imbricated slices of essentially
strike. Most of Fig. 5 consists of such a structural homoclinal strata as seen in the southern Kolbano area,
package, bounded by outcrops of the synorogenic Sona- large recumbent anticlines predominate. These anti-
lete Formation (Charlton & Suharsono 1990) near Buni clines have a comparable size range (2--6 km) to the main
village in the south and in the Oe Baat river valley in the thrust packages further south, and have a similar S
north. Within these larger packages, there are smaller vergence. We interpret them as comparable structures,
reverse fault repetitions on a scale of a few hundred with the different structural style resulting from a north-
metres. Internally within these smaller imbricate slices, ward change in rock-type. The southern Kolbano area is
asymmetrical folds with a long northern limb and a short dominated by decimetre-bedded hard calcilutites with
southern limb terminated by the reverse fault are some- thin intervening shales which have deformed in a brittle
times seen. The folding is of a fairly open style, and fashion without much folding. In contrast, the northern
bedding inversion is only rarely recognized. The style Kolbano area is dominated by shaly sequences, and
The T i m o r collision complex, Indonesia 495

folding rather than thrust-imbrication is the preferred mated by Kenyon (1974) to be about 1500 m thick, whilst
mode of deformation. However, both the recumbent the actively subsiding Kupang Bay Basin may be only
folding and the thrust imbrication are probably re- tens to several hundreds of metres thick (Kenyon 1974).
sponses to the same necessity for internal shortening It will be suggested subsequently that the post-orogenic
within the thrust stack. Viqueque and Central basins are controlled by late-
stage wrench faulting.
The Viqueque and Central basins
The M u t i s - K e k n e n o area
Crostella & Powell (1976, fig. 10) also illustrated a
seismic line across the Viqueque Basin offshore from The M u t i s - K e k n e n o area of north-central West
southern East Timor (Fig. 2). This basin rests un- Timor (Fig. 2) is the highest part of West Timor. The
conformably on the deformed sequences of the Timor structure of the K e k n e n o area and the adjacent western
Trough north slope, and the sedimentary fill consists of part of the Mutis massif has been studied in particular by
turbidite-deposited conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone Bird (1987). The K e k n e n o massif is an area of about 40
and mudstone of Late Pliocene-Pleistocene age × 25 km composed entirely of Permian and Triassic
(Audley-Charles 1968, Crostella & Powell 1976). The rocks of Australian affinity (Bird et al. 1989, Cook et al.
basin fill is locally more than 2 km thick near its northern 1989). The structural style of the Kekneno area is
margin, and thins progressively southward over a dis- dominated by bedding-parallel thrusts with locally well-
tance of about 20 km. The seismic line shows a progress- developed imbrication structures. Folding and imbrica-
ive downward rotation of the northern basin fill, sugges- tion by high-angle reverse faults also occur, but are of
tive of accumulation in a basin controlled by syn- lesser importance here than in the Kolbano area to the
sedimentary listric normal faulting. The basin fill is south. Compared to the Kolbano area, the K e k n e n o
essentially unfaulted, and is clearly post-orogenic with structures are in general larger and more coherent.
respect to the main phase of deformation. The Kekneno massif is b o u n d e d to the east by an
The Central Basin, located immediately north of the important zone of wrench faulting which will be con-
Kolbano area, is the West Timor equivalent of the sidered in more detail subsequently. To the east of this
Viqueque Basin (Kenyon 1974). The Central Basin can wrench fault is a block of Maubisse Formation, here
be divided into a number of sub-basins including the interpreted as a further part of the parautochthon. The
Bokong, Noele and Kupang Bay sub-basins. Sediments Maubisse Formation is separated from the Mutis massif
within both the Noele and Bokong sub-basins are esti- by a zone of serpentinites (Rosidi et al. 1981). The

Seo Level




"~ 2ooo




0 I 2 3 4

Fig. 4. Interpretation of a seismic line shot offshore from the Kolbano area, southern West Timor (Crostella & Powell
1976). The central thrust slice is directly comparable in scale to the small central thrust ridge in Fig. 3, and may have had a
similar origin by out of sequence thrusting. See Fig. 2 for location.







Fig. 5. Geological map of the Pasi Jurassic inlier at the core of the Kolbano structure, southern West T i m o r (Charlton &
Suharsono, 1990). See inset m a p and Fig. 2 for location.

serpentinites probably mark a basal thrust plane to the it occurred in the pre-collisional forearc complex, with
Mutis block, which comprises part of the allochthonous the metasediments representing material underplated
basement. Earle (1981) and Sopaheluwakan et al. (1989) beneath a supra-subduction zone (forearc) ophiolite.
described the Mutis Complex as comprising distinct However, this may be an oversimplification, as radio-
ophiolitic and metasedimentary parts. In the Mutis mas- metric dating of pelitic metasediments in the Mutis
sif, the ophiolitic part consists primarily of peridotites, Complex suggests a peak of prograde metamorphism at
and these structurally overlie the metasediments. The about 118 + 38 Ma (Earle 1981), with a possible retro-
metasediments have an inverted metamorphic gradient, grade metamorphic event at about 38 Ma (Sopaheluw-
interpreted (Sopaheluwakan et al. 1989) as a metamor- akan & Helmers 1990). More likely these radiometric
phic sole beneath a hot overthrust peridotite body. In dates correspond to events occurring on the 'Asiatic'
other allochthonous klippen, metamorphics of the Mutis plate margin before the Mutis rocks occupied their
Complex are overlain unconformably by the Palelo eventual forearc position (e.g. Brown & Earle 1983).
Group, an unmetamorphosed sedimentary-volcanic se- For instance, the approximate 118 Ma date (mid-
quence of Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene age (e.g. Rosidi Cretaceous) may correspond to an important phase of
et al. 1981). Another member of the allochthon, the deformation recognized in SE Kalimantan and western
Miocene Cablac Limestone Formation, forms an iso- Sulawesi (Sukamto 1975, van Leeuwen 1981, Sikum-
lated klippe resting directly on the Kekneno massif (Bird bang 1986). The 38 Ma (Late Eocene) retrogressive
et al. 1989). event may correspond to a phase of uplift and erosion
The allochthon of Timor is interpreted as representing recognized in western Sulawesi (van Leeuwen 1981).
the pre-collisional Banda forearc (e.g. Audley-Charles Both SE Kalimantan and western Sulawesi show distinct
1986a). Tectonometamorphic events restricted to the stratigraphic similarities with the allochthon of Timor
allochthon, such as the metamorphic inversion de- (Haile et al. 1979, Earle 1981, Audley-Charles 1985).
scribed above, can be interpreted in terms of events For the structurally underlying parautochthon, the
occurring prior to arc-continent collision. Ophiolite greater structural coherence of the Kekneno area com-
complexes in intraoceanic forearc settings, such as the pared with the Kolbano area is here interpreted to be the
East Halmahera Ophiolite of NE Indonesia, have been result of a somewhat different tectonic history for the
interpreted as resulting from extreme extension and two areas. The Kolbano area, consisting primarily of
ocean-like spreading within a forearc setting (e.g. Bal- Jurassic-Miocene strata, was imbricated into the Timor
lantyne 1990). Thus one possible interpretation of the thrust stack by the process of frontal accretion. In
metamorphic inversion in the Mutis massif might be that contrast, the Kekneno massif, consisting exclusively of
The Timor collision complex, Indonesia 497

Permian and Triassic strata, was underplated to the base (1) Production of widespread layer-parallel schistosity
of the thrust stack. The underplated thrust packages of without recognizable folding, followed by a peak of
the Kekneno area are generally larger, structurally more prograde metamorphism (pre-70 Ma).
coherent and are bounded by longer, flatter thrust (2) Tight folding with axial planar schistosity, associ-
planes than the frontally accreted packages of the Kol- ated with gradual cooling (approximately 8 Ma).
bano area. The absence of post-Triassic strata from the (3) Two phases of minor folding under greenschist
Kekneno area is explained by the originally overlying conditions.
sequences having been stripped off the deeper units in (4) A further phase of open, macroscopic folding
an earlier phase of frontal accretion. Considering their probably synchronous with strike-slip faulting parallel to
relative positions and their broadly complementary age the north coast.
ranges, it is likely that the Kolbano and Kekneno area (5) Juxtaposition of the Aileu Formation with essen-
originally formed part of the same stratigraphic pile (as tially unmetamorphosed Permian and Mesozoic rocks
originally suggested by van Bemmelen 1949), with the by dip-slip faulting.
two sequences having become separated during sequen- The Aileu metamorphic complex originally com-
tial imbrication into the Timor thrust stack. prised a mixed sedimentary and basic igneous succession
Whilst the uppermost (i.e. youngest) sediments of the (Barber & Audley-Charles 1976, Barber et al. 1977,
colliding continental margin were added to the nascent Berry & Grady 1981a). In the south where the complex
fold belt by frontal accretion, the deeper parts of the grades into the Maubisse Formation, the Aileu Forma-
outer slope stratigraphy would have been initially thrust tion is presumably of Permian age. Elsewhere the proto-
below the former forearc complex before being added to lith probably extends up into the Mesozoic and possibly
the base of the thrust stack by underplating. This under- down into the older Palaeozoic (Barber & Audley-
plating would thus have taken place directly beneath the Charles 1976). The Hili Manu Lherzolite (Berry 1981),
former forearc basement, resulting in the present situ- which occurs in faulted contact with the rocks studied by
ation in the Mutis-Kekneno region with the Mutis Com- Berry & Grady (1981a) has been interpreted by Harris
plex directly overlying the Permo-Triassic parautoch- (1989) as the basement to the Aileu Formation. The
thon, separated by a zone of serpentinites which mark petrology of the lherzolite suggested to Harris (1989) an
the basal decollement to the pre-collisional forearc. origin close to the continent-ocean transition. The gra-
Although this relatively simple thrust belt interpre- dation of the Aileu Formation into the parautochtho-
tation is sufficient to explain the emplacement of alloch- nous Maubisse Formation suggests that this continent-
thonous basement onto the Permo-Triassic parautoch- ocean transition was the outermost margin of Australia.
thon, it is not sufficient to explain the presence of The metamorphic history of the Aileu Formation
allochthonous cover (i.e. the Cablac Limestone Forma- outlined above can be interpreted as follows.
tion) directly on the parautochthon. Harris (1989) in- (1) The development of layer-parallel schistosity with-
ferred a late-stage phase of low-angle normal faulting on out folding may suggest an extensional mode of forma-
Timor, which has locally excised the former allochtho- tion. Taken with the subsequent prograde metamorphic
nous basement, resulting in the present superposition of peak dated as pre-70 Ma, and considering the likely
aUochthonous cover directly on the parautochthon. Palaeozoic-?Mesozoic age of the Aileu protolith, this
extensional event can probably be correlated with the
Northwestern East T i m o r Late Jurassic rifting of the northwestern margin of
Northwestern East Timor is occupied by the Aileu (2) The approximately 8 Ma phase of tight folding and
Formation, a metamorphic complex ranging from sub- associated gradual cooling is the major tectonic event
greensehist to upper amphibolite grade (Barber & recorded in the Aileu Formation (Berry & Grady 1981a,
Audley-Charles 1976, Barber et al. 1977, Berry & Grady b). These authors interpreted this as the main arc-
1981a). Overall the Aileu Formation grades northward continent collision event in this area. The Late Miocene
from essentially unmetamorphosed and undeformed deformation pre-dates the Pliocene deformation con-
Maubisse Formation, through stylolitized limestones sistently recorded by sedimentary sequences elsewhere
with slates, to refolded slates with folded and lineated in Timor (e.g. Carter et al. 1976, Audley-Charles 1986a,
limestones, and finally to multiply deformed schists at Charlton 1987). Considering the location of the Aileu
the north coast (Barber etal. 1977). According to Barber Formation in the extreme north of Timor, the Late
& Audley-Charles (1976) and Barber et al. (1977), the Miocene deformation may record the very first phase of
Aileu Formation forms the northern half of the Aileu- collision between the most distal parts of the Australian
Maubisse nappe, which forms one of the highest struc- continent and the island arc system.
tural units on Timor. In a detailed study of the high- (3) The relatively minor post-collisional structural
grade schists near the north coast east of Dili, Berry & events recorded in the Aileu Formation may correspond
Grady (1981a) found no evidence of internal thrusting or to the main structuring (by thrust-imbrication) in the
imbrication within the Aileu Formation. These authors rest of Timor.
recognized the following metamorphic history (with (4) and (5) As elsewhere on Timor, the main defor-
additional radiometric dating by Berry & McDougall mation related to imbrication by thrusting is succeeded
1986). by a phase of wrench faulting and finally by late-stage

normal faulting (Audley-Charles 1985, Charlton 1987, (Audley-Charles 1985), and may similarly control the
Bird et al. 1989, Harris 1989, Barkham in press). Viqueque post-orogenic basins.
Perhaps the largest of the three NNE-SSW-trending
wrench faults in West Timor is the Belu Fault which
Wrench faulting in Tirnor
approximately follows the border between East and
West Timor, and bounds the Aileu-Maubisse Block on
As was mentioned in the previous section, a charac- its western margin. According to Audley-Charles (1968)
teristic pattern of thrusting followed by wrench faulting and Barber et al. (1977), the Aileu-Maubisse Block is
is recognized throughout Timor. The wrench faulting is thrust onto the Lolotoi Complex along its southeastern
often of great importance, locally as important as thrust- margin (Fig. 2). If this is correct, then according to the
ing in controlling structural relationships. This section interpretations outlined in this paper, the parautoch-
will briefly discuss some examples of well documented thon has been thrust onto the allochthon. This requires a
wrench faulting in Timor. late-stage thrusting event. The thrust front of the Aileu-
Figure 5 shows a geological map of the Jurassic inlier Maubisse Block has a NE-SW orientation compared
at the core of the Kolbano structure (Charlton & Suhar- with the earlier thrusting oriented more nearly E-W,
sono 1990). In addition to the reverse faults with a and a possible explanation of this late deformation event
predominant E-W strike and S vergence, there are two is that it resulted from transpression on the Belu Fault.
prominent sets of steep faults oriented NNE-SSW and Similarly the late-stage low-angle normal faulting in-
NNW-SSE. The NNE-SSW set are leftqateral wrench ferred by Harris (1989) might be related in general terms
faults. The NNW-SSE set were originally interpreted as to local transtension on these wrench fault systems.
a conjugate set of right-lateral wrench faults (e.g. Tjok-
rosapoetro 1978, Rosidi et al. 1981), but following
detailed fieldwork in the Kolbano area these have been S T R U C T U R A L E V O L U T I O N OF THE T I M O R
reinterpreted as both left-lateral wrench faults and nor- COLLISION COMPLEX
mal faults (Charlton 1987). The NNW-SSE wrench
faults generally have small offsets compared with the The structural style of Timor suggests interpretation
NNE-SSW set, and are interpreted as secondary fea- in terms of a foreland fold belt model. However, unlike
tures. In many cases these may be normal faults originat- the models proposed by Price & Audley-Charles (1983,
ing from extension related to wrenching on the NNE- 1987), Audley-Charles (1986a,b), Harris (1989) and
SSW set reactivated subsequently as wrench faults. No Audley-Charles & Harris (1990) which clearly dis-
indisputable right-lateral wrench faults have been recog- tinguish between a pre-collisional oceanic subduction
nized in the Kolbano area (Charlton 1987). trench and a post-collisional foredeep (the Timor
In northern West Timor, Rosidi et al. (1981) recog- Trough) with the two being essentially unconnected, the
nized an important fault lineament with a NNW-SSE interpretation developed here sees a simple structural
trend bounding the eastern edge of the Kekneno massif. progression from the pre-collisional forearc and trench
Bird (1987) recognized this as a left-lateral wrench fault to the present foreland fold belt and associated fore-
which he named the Tunsip-Toko fault zone (Fig. 2). deep. The predominant structural style of Timor can be
The fault cuts sharply across the E-W-striking structures related to the processes of frontal accretion, underplat-
associated with earlier thrusting, and is marked in addi- ing and subsequent out of sequence deformation. The
tion to the near vertical wrench fault strands by reverse main (parautochthonous) part of Timor has evolved by
faults subparallei to the fault lineament which appar- the sequential addition of imbricate thrust slices of the
ently root into the fault zone (Bird 1987). Australian continental margin to the front and base of
On a larger scale, Charlton (1987) recognized three the former forearc complex. After the main phase of
important zones of NNE-SSW left-lateral wrench faults deformation related to thrusting, Timor was cut by left-
cutting through West Timor (the Semau, Mena-Mena lateral wrench faults with a predominant NNE-SSW
and Belu faults: Fig. 2). The Tunsip-Toki fault zone is a trend, and finally by a phase of normal faulting. The
splay from the Mena-Mena Fault, joining the larger fault overall structural style of Timor is summarized in a
where the latter has a marked dogleg in central Timor. cartoon cross-section in Fig. 6.
These major faults have offsets of a few tens of kilo- The first portion of the Australian continental margin
metres, and are characterized by low topography fault to interact with the Banda Arc subduction zone was the
zones with abundant outcrops of the Bobonaro Com- most distal part: i.e. the Aileu sequence. Radiometric
plex. The Bokong and Noele sub-basins of the Central dating (Berry & McDougall 1986) indicates that colli-
Basin are offset by the Mena-Mena Fault, whilst the sion commenced during the Late Miocene at about 8
actively subsiding Kupang Bay Basin is associated with Ma. The youngest sedimentary cover of this distal Aus-
the seismically active Semau Fault (Tjokrosapoetro tralian sequence was probably stripped from the deeper
1978, McCaffrey 1989). The evolution of the Timor units by frontal accretion, and cannot now be recog-
postorogenic basins is probably related to transtension nized. The deeper Palaeozoic-?Mesozoic parts of the
on these late-stage wrench faults. Wrench faults with Aileu sequence were thrust beneath the former forearc
similar orientations and left lateral displacement but complex and soon after were accreted by underplating
with probably smaller offset, also occur in East Timor into the nascent collision complex. Rapid uplift and
The Timor collision complex, Indonesia 499



........ 2' Z


. -" "" eRE-PERMIAN ~ " ~".

U N D E R P L A T E D MATERIAL? "- ® ',0Ko
o lo 20 3o Km Vertical Exaggeration x 2.5

Fig. 6. Cartoon structural cross-section through the Timor fold belt in West Timor. The deeper structures are purely

deformation at this time produced the main phase of Tjokrosapoetro (M.G.I.). We are also grateful to Prof. M. G, Audley-
Charles and Dr R. Berry for useful comments made in review of an
structuring and the retrograde metamorphism in the earlier version of this paper. Fieldwork in Timor was primarily
Aileu Formation. financed by a group of oil companies sponsoring the University of
The second stage of collision commenced in the Early London geological research programme in southeast Asia.
Pliocene (Carter et al. 1976, Audley-Charles 1986a)
when the more proximal parts of the Australian conti-
nental margin overlying true continental crust began to
enter the subduction system. Again the younger, upper- REFERENCES
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