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Rectal BX

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Rectal Bx


Hirschsprung’s disease
occur in new
born babies

M &moganglion enlarged colon

• congenital aganglionic megacolon

• absence of ganglia, aganglionosis

• between the circular and longitudinal smooth muscle
junction (myenteric plexus) and in the submucosa
• Due to failure of migration of primitive neuroblasts
into the developing gut
• marked increase in no. and thickening of non-
argyrophilic nerve fibres in the submucosa and the
lamina propria
Hirschsprung’s disease
• Diagnosis made on bx by demonstrating a lack of
ganglia and the associated, unchecked proliferation
of parasympathetic acetylcholinesterase-producing
nerves in the mucosa enzyme

• Acetyl cholinesterase method is used to

demonstrate the abnormal nerve fibres in the
lamina propria
• Identification of Hirschsprung’s is required to
confirm initial diagnosis and before corrective
surgery - Rectal suction biopsy
Rectal biopsy handling
• rectal suction biopsies has replaced full thickness
• fresh tissues are wrapped by gauze moistened with
normal saline and send to the lab
• specimens are in a disc-like structure having a gross
appearance of two concentric layers:

➢a circle of mucosal tissue
➢a circle of muscularis mucosae with or without -
Rectal biopsy handling
:too small, immediate frozen section

• Transfer the tissue onto a dental wax plate with a

pair of fine forceps
• Identify the presence of mucosa and submucosa
with a dissecting microscope
X contaminate w/fixative

• avoid inducing traumatic & drying artefacts

• specimen should be sufficient for both FS (enzyme
histochem) & FFPE (HE, IHC) studies
Rectal biopsy handling
• Frozen sections:
➢to document absence of ganglion cells
➢acetylcholinesterase staining 31EE.) ganglion III (surgery
cut part remore

& w/ganglion)
➢determine level of bowel transaction at surgery
↓ cutseveral from anus)
pieces ( 10 am
20130 am away

• Block freezing - "double embedding" technique

[OIIs embed ODEJS.embed

5 paraffinsection

• Cut one section (4um) for rapid HE to identify the

presence of mucosa and submucosa layers
• Cut 10 µm cryostat sections for ACHE
demonstration enzyme
Rectal biopsy handling
after than frozen block
• After frozen sectioning, the tissue is fixed in 10%
NBF and processed
• Routine HE sections (levels) are examined for the
presence / absence of ganglion cells
• IHC may also be used in detecting aganglionosis
“Double embedding" technique
• A small sheet of aluminium foil is placed onto the freezing
stage of the cryostat with a blob of OCT added
• When the OCT begin to solidify, the disc of rectal tissue is
placed on top of the OCT
• The tissue will easily fall flat and become frozen
• Excess OCT is trimmed away at either ends of the frozen
block using a razor blade
• Turn the frozen block 90O by means of a pair of pre-cooled
forceps and embed it into a new blob of OCT on a tissue
• The tissue is then in a plane perpendicular to the chuck &
well-orientated transverse sections are easily obtained
Acetylcholine Esterase (AChE)
substrate of Achenzyme

mix in
correct order

1 X
optional (inhibit pseudoAchE seducebg

brown precipitate
Acetylcholine Esterase (AChE)
• acetylcholine esterase hydrolyzes the substrate
acetyl thiocholine to give thiocholine
• thiocholine reduces the ferricyanide to
• ferrocyanide combines with the copper ions to
form the insoluble brown granular copper
ferrocyanide precipitate (Hatchett’s brown) at the
site of enzyme activity
Acetylcholine Esterase (AChE)
• AChE stains the parasympathetic nerve fibers and
trunks of fibers that increase dramatically in the
lamina propria mucosa and sub mucous layer, but is
not a specific marker for ganglion cell
Intramuscular nerve plexus in HE staining, arrows indicate numerous
ganglion cells

Gastroenterology Review, 9, 264 - 269. DOI:10.5114/pg.2014.46160

normal specimen

Normal rectal suction biopsy specimen including mucosa, muscularis mucosae and
submucosa. Ganglion cells are visible with different stainings (arrowhead). a
Hematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E). b Acetylcholinesterase staining (AChE). There
is a minimal AChE activity in the lamina propria.

Pediatr Surg Int (2008) 24:785–792

↑ AchEactivity

Chypertropic here

Hirschsprung's disease specimen including mucosa, muscularis mucosae and

submucosa. a Hematoxylin and eosin staining (H&E). Ganglion cells are absent in the
submucosa. b Acetylcholinesterase staining (AChE). AChE activity is markedly
increased in the muscularis mucosae and lamina propria of the mucosa. Thick nerve
fibers are strongly stained in the submucosa.
Pediatr Surg Int (2008) 24:785–792
Supportive evidence for the
diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease
submucosal are
formally pale stained
strongly stained

• absence of ganglion cells in both submucosal and

myenteric plexuses
• presence of hypertrophic submucosal nerve fibers
• presence of acetylcholinesterase positive
cholinergic nerve fibers within the lamina propria (a
feature not present in normal individuals)
• It has been suggested that absence of
calretinin staining to be superior and more
reliable marker than increased AChE
staining for the diagnosis of Hirschsprung
• Vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein
involved in calcium signaling
• Important role in the organization and
functioning of the central nervous system
• Absence of calretinin expression in nerve
fibers was correlated to aganglionosis
• Antibody to the calcium-binding protein calretinin
stains delicate nerve fibers in the lamina propria
of ganglionated rectal biopsies but not biopsies
from HD
• Advantages over AChE reaction
– easier reproducibility and interpretation
– use in paraffin-embedded tissues
autostainer can be used (more standardizedfrozen section is added

• Calretinin immunohistochemistry is an adjunct to

and not a substitute for traditional methods of
examining RSB
A, Calretinin immunohistochemistry
highlights mucosal nerves (arrows)
and a subset of superficial
submucosal ganglion cells (g) in
normal rectal tissue.
B, Immunoreactive mucosal nerves
and ganglion cells are completely
absent in a biopsy from aganglionic
rectum, although expression is
present in enlarged submucosal
nerves (asterisk) and mast cells
Acetylcholinesterase histochemistry
(C and D) demonstrate sparse or
nerve absent cholinergic mucosal nerves in
coarse nerve
fibers biopsies from normal ganglionic
rectum (C), as opposed to numerous
coarse mucosal nerves (arrows in D)
in aganglionic rectum

Pediatric and Developmental Pathology 2020, Vol. 23(1) 8–22
if ganglion cell ->
if ganglion cell requestdeepcut


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