Deepak Dubey
Deepak Dubey
Deepak Dubey
Session 2022-2023
School of Management
Babu Banarasi Das University
Sector I, Dr. Akhilesh Das Nagar, Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U.P.) India
The data mentioned in this report were obtained during genuine work done and
collected by me. The data or information obtained from primary (first-hand sources)
and any other alternative sources are absolutely acknowledged. The result and
analysis embodied during this project has not been submitted to the other University
ROLL NO.1210672102
MBA 4th Semester
First and foremost am indebted to the Almighty. It provides Pine Tree State immense
faculty Mr. Rajat Krishna Lal from Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow for
all the timely help and support rendered. But for her constant motivation,
encouragement and adept guidance during the entire course of research, my endeavor
would not have culminated in fruition. The sincerity and dedication put in by her for
the sake of my Research Report is remarkable. I would like to thank her for the
under his guidance. I am grateful to Prof. (Dr.) Sushil Pande, the Dean/Incharge -
SOM of Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow for sparing his valuable time for
me on different occasions. I really appreciate all the bank employees who provided
the requisite data for my research work. It was their cooperation and input that made
this research possible. I express my gratitude to all the library staff of Babu Banarasi
family and friends. They were always there for me with their wise counsel and
sympathetic ear. I could not have done any of this without you all. Thank you once
ROLL NO.1210672102
MBA 4th Semester
opportunity to work in a truly professional environment where team work score over
executed and evaluated training helps a lot in inoculating good work culture. The
about the marketing aspects. The project research has provided me an opportunity to
a greater extent. I have tried to summarize all our experience and knowledge acquired
up till now, in this report. This project is a keen effort to obtain the expected results
and fulfill all the information required. At the end annexure and bibliography are
This project report is prepared as the partial fulfillment of two year degree programme
project is a compulsory part of the academics. This research is done in the fourth
Today employees expect quality of work life, more than financial benefits from the
organization. With the advent of new technologies, factors related to mental health in
Tata Motors Limited are taken into consideration more than ever. Studies have
organization is quality of work life. Another influential factor is job satisfaction which
efficiency. Quality of work life is an experience which an employee feels about the
job and work place in organization. The purpose of this paper is to identify the
relationship between two variables like, quality of work life and job satisfaction. The
study is an attempt to explore the better understanding of quality of work life and
employee job satisfaction in Tata Motors Limited. Findings of the study will help the
management and employees of Tata Motors Limited to understand the level of quality
Chapter 5: Findings
Chapter 6: Suggestions & conclusions
Chapter 7: References
Chapter 8: Annexure
This report is an honest work towards the topic. There can be many short comings in
it because of the lack of the time, unavailability of data and other constraints.
2 Plagiarism Certificate ii
3 Declaration iii
4 Acknowledgment iv
5 Executive Summary v
6 Introduction 1
7 Company Profile 12
8 Literature Review 27
10 Research Methodology 39
12 Findings 64
15 Conclusion 70
16 Bibliography 73
17 Annexure 76
Chapter – I
In today's changing world, finding the right individual for the appropriate job is critical. Companies
rely on qualified resources, but finding them is an expensive endeavor.Most firms have a conventional
hiring process that includes evaluating resumes, group discussions, interviews, and psychometric tests.
According to studies, companies are movingand adopting technology. Without abandoning the idea of
going global in social aspects, the recruiting cost can be decreased by having an e-recruitment
platform. Most Organizations should be concentrating on building an online recruitment procedure that
allows for the creation of concrete premade profiles. Banking sector is a backbone of any
financial system. Indian Banking Industry covers various segments such as current
account, saving account, housing loan, auto loan, personal loan, education loan,
consumer durable loan, credit card and debit card etc. There are various drivers of
banking in India which contributes in the growth of banking. To meet the changing
preferences of the customers and to stay ahead of competitors, bankers are bound to
provide quality and efficient services. Banks can enhance customer service by
factor in all service industries to enhance and improve the profitability. The
Chapter – 2
service they provide. With the expanding consumer base as well as growing
adopt differentiation in their services. Some researches done in this area are described
below. Kangis and Vassilis (1997) studied customer’s expectation and perception of
public and private banks of Greece. They studied five dimensions of service quality
and concluded that consumers of private sector banks have favorable impact of
Katerina (2005) made a similar attempt to study Greece customers’ satisfaction level.
Their study concluded that in terms of marketing efficiency public sector banks have
Al-Tamimi and Al-Amiri (2003) compared service quality between the Dubai Islamic
Bank and the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank. The result of their study indicated no major
Islam and Ahmed (2005) used SERVQUAL model to compare private, public and
foreign banks in Dhaka. The study concluded that personal attention to clients, error
free records, safety of transactions and tangible physical facilities are most important
significant difference between expected and perceived service quality of public and
private banks.
Ahmad, Rehman, Saif and Safwan (2010) examined how customers perceive the
services provided by Islamic and conventional banks in Pakistan. The study revealed
that customers of Islamic banks expect a high quality of service from their bank while
Haq and Muhammad (2012) compared public and private sector banks of Pakistan.
Customers were found to be more satisfied with the private sector banking services.
As these banks were technologically well equipped and had multiple branches at
convenient locations.
Akhter (2012) analysed public and private sector banks of Bangladesh. The study
demonstrated a large gap between public and private banks. Commercial banks in
public sector needan overall change and improvement in its system so as to meet the
demand of their clients. The study also reveals that there exist a gap between
public and private sector banks in Sri Lanka. Their study revealed that there exist a lot
of difference between performance and expectation of public and private sector banks.
The major areas where the performance gap persists are tangibility and reliability.
Aurora and Malhotra (1997) made efforts to study level of customer satisfaction and
marketing strategies adopted in public and private sector banks in India. Their study
explored various factors of satisfaction in these banks and concluded that customers
are more satisfied with private banks mainly because of the staff factor. They suggest
public sector banks to be well equipped, have trained staff, personalise the services
Varghese (2000) conducted a study to compare public and private sector banks of
Kerela. He considered two banks from each category and analyzed their performance.
The study revealed that there exist no major differences between services of public
and private sector banks. Also, banks in both the sectors adopt similar internal
marketing strategies.
Bodla (2004) examined four private sector banks and four public sector banks of
Chandigarh, Delhi and Haryana in order to assess their service quality. He concluded
these two sectors. Israel, Clement, and Selvam (2004) made similar attempt to analyse
service quality of banks. Their study identified that marketing efforts and performance
of banks in public sector are less efficient than in private sector, but when it comes to
reliability and security public sector banks are trusted more over private sector banks.
Sudesh (2007) analysed service quality of banks in India and reported that services of
public sector banks are of poor quality. These banks are rated low for tangibility,
responsiveness and empathy when compared to private sector banks. The study also
suggested that management should keep a close watch on potential failure points and
Singh and Arora (2011) studied the factors effecting customer satisfaction with the
quality of services. The study was conducted in some selected branches of public and
private sector banks of Delhi. The respondents reported that they were not satisfied
with the employee behavior and infrastructure of public sector banks. While private
Lohani and Shukla (2011) focused on banks in Lucknow city and concluded that
Chandigarh city. They identified that customers prefer private sector banks mainly
because of two reasons, firstly these banks focus on building and maintaining good
relationship with their clients and secondly as they are well equipped with the use of
Simon (2012) studied customers’ perception with respect to service quality of public
sector and private sector banks in Coimbatore. She concluded that private sector
banks give tough competition to public sector banks by providing better quality and
Franklin and Arul (2014) surveyed banks of Chennai city and compared satisfaction
and expectation of consumers of public and private sector banks. They reported that
service gap of private sector is better than public sector across all service dimensions
Chapter – 3
Puja K and Yukti A reveals that Private Banks have more satisfied customers due to
good services. Private sector banks are successfully maintaining level of quantity of
its customers by providing better banking services than Public sector Banks. In any
satisfaction level. Further, Puja K and Yukti A advocated that success mantra could
its customers in Private sector Banks has been successful in achieving its goals.
However, Public sector banks have to improve in the area of dealing with the
customers. Private Banks need to focus on their loan and insurance services while
Public sectors banks need to improve their infrastructural facilities and provide some
training to the employees’ who are dealing with customers. Equipped with latest
hours and locations of the branches are the factors affecting the customers’
satisfaction level. Mishra US, Sahoo KK, Mishra S and Patra SK (2010) explained
that service quality, customers satisfaction, customers retention, customers loyalty etc.
are the major challenges to in attracting and retaining customers in banking sector.
customers and creating brand loyalty among the customers. Mishra US, Mishra BB,
Praharaj S, and Mahapatra R observed that whole banking sector is facing the
challenge of attracting and retaining customers. They revealed that public sector
banks are better than private sector banks in attracting and retaining customers. The
main factors for opening a new account are convenient location and reputation of the
banks etc. Retired or higher age group business man customers prefer public sector
banks due to its high reputation. The customers of public sectors banks are more
satisfied than private sector banks. But, the major factors of dissatisfaction of
customers in public sector banks are enquiry counter and front office services. The
private sector banks are executing pure banking services while public sector banks
that infrastructural facilities in the branch not only leads to customer satisfaction but
overall improves the working of the branch [3] revealed that the Private Banks has
advanced technologically but the reverse situation is available in Public sector banks
observed from their analysis that that customer satisfaction in banks vary according to
the quality of services. Nominal charges of services, location of bank branches and
staff attitude towards solving problems of customers are the factors responsible for
highest customer’s satisfaction. Private bank customers are more satisfied with their
facilities. Public sector banks are not so technologically advanced. But, Public sector
banks are maintaining satisfaction level of the customers due to its reliability, high
reputation in the society and low charges of the services. Customer care services of
the Private Banks are better than Public sector banks. Vijay PG and Agarwal PK
found in their research that the empathy, friendly attitude of staff, and customer
guidance, customer support are the behavioral treatment factors for high customers’
satisfaction. Tangibility and empathy are the other factors create satisfaction among
customers. Private and Public sectors banks are needed to consider the weak areas of
the concern to enhance the level of satisfaction. According to Doddaraju ME, the
behavior of Public sector banks employees are not so courteous comparatively Private
sector banks. The Public banks should provide special training and developmental
of infrastructure and tangibility of the banks are also affecting the satisfaction level of
the customers. The new schemes of the investment and other related informations
promotional schemes of the banks also increase satisfaction level. Puri J, Yadav SP
found that the public sectors bank performed better than private sector banks in all
dimensions and revealed that the new private sector banks are performing better than
the old private sector banks. The technical efficiency was better in public sector banks
comparatively private sector banks [4] indicated that the time factor is very important
for the customers and customer relationship should be maintained to satisfy the
customers. Location of the bank, timely delivery of the services and customer oriented
policy making are the factors enhance satisfaction in Private sector banks resulting
larger customers base. Public sector banks are equipped with latest technology and
technically trained staff. The infrastructural appearances and extra services like home
facility, round the clock facility etc. and query resolution through telephone, lowest
prices of the services and above all availability of the multiple products are the special
features in Private Banks to enhance the level of satisfaction of the customers [2]
Naveena C and Neha J explained in their study that people are more satisfied from the
Private sector banks due to their better services provided by them in terms of fast
hours, advisory services, skilled and co-operative staff, better customer relationship
management etc. But, there is need to make aware rural customers about the services
of Private Banks. The most facility availed by customers of the Public sector banks
are ATM and least facilities are demat a/c and foreign transfer of funds. The Private
sector banks’ customers are using internet or phone banking by ATM/ Debit card.
Justin P, Arun M and Garima S [5] explains about Private sector banks’ fast services,
quick connection to the right person, efforts to reduce time in processing transactions,
knowledge of the banks products and responsiveness of the employees are positively
associated with the customers’ satisfaction level. In Public sector banks, slow
services, low knowledge of banking products appearance is the factors negative for
the satisfaction level of the customers. Kesari S and Nitin G [6,7] explain in his
studies that Public sector banks should work to attain the confidence of salaried class,
lower age group customers, students and self-employed businessman people. Private
sector banks should give much attention to the lower income group customers also
because the higher income group found the services provided by banks to be more
effective but high service charges, which is out of the reach of the lower income
group of customers. Seema S stated that the performance of urban banks on service
delivery and customer satisfaction exceeds the expectations of the customers in terms
customers. Kumar J, Thamilselvan R [8-13] stated in his research that private sector
banks are competing with the public sector banks in terms of Capital Adequacy, Asset
Quality, Management Efficiency, Earning Capacity and Asset Quality. They found
that capital adequacy, assets quality and liquidity in public sector banks while
management efficiency, earning quality banks was better, comparatively [1]. found
that few customers are dissatisfied because of the poor responsiveness and empathy of
the employees in urban and rural area branches. Further, concluded that there is need
to give special training to the employees who are working in rural areas directly
behavior of the employees are the factors lead to customers’ satisfaction in banking
Chapter – 4
Chapter – 5
Chapter – 6
Chapter – 7
Chapter – 7
The respondents are only from few parts of India and rural respondents are very less
informations are collected from the respondents within one month and study is static
in nature while the satisfaction of the customers varying according to the change in
the services quality of the banks. So, the results of study may be different due to lag in
In Indian banking industry, banking customers from Urban and Rural areas are
satisfied and there is no significant difference among the customers from the Urban
and Rural areas. But, behaviors of Public sector banks’ employees are not supportive
in comparison to Private sector Banks. There are some infrastructural, tangibles and
ATMs related problems in Public sector Banks. There is need to provide special
training to the Public Banks employees’ to deal cordially with the customers of
different jobs, employment and gender. ATMs of Public Banks should be established
at more convenient and easy reachable places. There should be equipment of latest
customers of Public and private Banks are satisfied but level of satisfaction in Private
banks is higher than the Public Banks due to some tangible and behavioral
get satisfaction level of Public and Private bank customers’ weighing various aspects