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A Robust Approach For Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned Efficientnet

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Received May 26, 2022, accepted June 10, 2022, date of publication June 17, 2022, date of current

version June 23, 2022.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3184113

A Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection

in Magnetic Resonance Images
Using Finetuned EfficientNet
JUN-HYUN PARK1 , ANAND PAUL 2 , (Senior Member, IEEE),
AND JAE-MO KANG 1 , (Member, IEEE)
1 Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, South Korea
2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, South Korea
3 Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, South Korea
Corresponding author: Jae-Mo Kang (jmkang@knu.ac.kr)
This work was supported in part by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
funded by the Ministry of Education under Grant 2020R1I1A3073651; and in part by the NRF, South Korea, under Project BK21 FOUR.

ABSTRACT A brain tumor is a disorder caused by the growth of abnormal brain cells. The survival
rate of a patient affected with a tumor is difficult to determine because they are infrequent and appear in
various forms. These tumors can be identified through Magnetic Resonance (MRI) Images, which plays an
essential role in determining the tumor site; however, manual detection is a time-consuming and challenging
procedure that can cause some errors in results. The adoption of computer-assisted approaches is essential
to help in overcoming these constraints. With the advancement of artificial intelligence, deep learning (DL)
models are being used in medical imaging to diagnose brain tumors using MR images. In this study, a deep
convolutional neural network (CNN) EfficientNet-B0 base model is fine-tuned with our proposed layers to
efficiently classify and detect brain tumor images. The image enhancement techniques are used by applying
various filters to enhance the quality of the images. Data augmentation methods are applied to increase
the data samples for better training of our proposed model. The results show that the proposed fine-tuned
state-of-the-art EfficientNet-B0 outperforms other CNN models by achieving the highest classification
accuracy, precision, recall, and area under curve values surpassing other state-of-the-art models, with an
overall accuracy of 98.87% in terms of classification and detection. Other DL algorithms such as VGG16,
InceptionV3, Xception, ResNet50, and InceptionResNetV2 are used for comparative analysis.

INDEX TERMS Brain tumor, deep learning, convolution neural networks (CNN), transfer learning,
MRI, detection.

I. INTRODUCTION due to brain and CNS tumors in 2021. The 5-year survival
A brain tumor is a disorder caused by the development of rate for the patients having brain tumors is only 36%, and
abnormal cells or tissues in the brain [1]. Cells generally the 10-year survival rate is 31% [2]. Furthermore, National
reproduce and die in a regular sequence, with each new cell Cancer Institute reported 86,010 multiple cases of brain can-
replacing the previous one. However, some cells become cer and CNS cancers diagnosed in the United States in 2019.
abnormal and continue to grow, causing severe damage to It was predicted that roughly 0.7 million people in the United
the brain functions, and often leading to death. A minimum States suffer from brain tumors. A total of 0.86 million cases
of 120 multiple types of brain tumors and the central ner- were identified, of which 60,800 patients had benign tumors,
vous system (CNS) exist. According to the American Cancer and 26,170 patients had malignant tumors [3]. World Health
Society, 18,600 adults and 3,460 children under 15 will die Organization reported that 9.6 million people worldwide are
estimated to have been diagnosed with cancer in 2018 [4].
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and One of the most significant aspects of saving a patient’s
approving it for publication was Ahsan Khandoker . life is early brain tumor diagnosis. The proper examination of

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
65426 VOLUME 10, 2022
H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet

brain tumor images is vital in evaluating a patient’s condition. Deep learning has recently been used in studies to boost
The conventional method of detecting brain tumors includes the effectiveness of computer-aided medical diagnostics in
a doctor or radiologist examining magnetic resonance (MR) brain cancer investigation. They play an essential role in the
images for anomalies and making decisions. However, it is healthcare profession and act as valuable tools in various vital
strongly dependent on a doctor’s medical expertise; dispar- disorders, including brain disease diagnosis and skin cancer
ities in experience levels and nature of images create extra image analysis [13], [14]. DL methods based on transfer
complexity for diagnosing with naked human eyes [5]. It is learning and fine-tuning are preferred and widely used for the
challenging for a doctor to interpret these images in a limited classification of Brain tumors. The motivation of this research
period since they contain several abnormalities or noisy data. is to conduct extensive experimentation using deep convo-
As the volume of information increases, assessing a massive lutional neural networks, transfer learning, and fine-tuning
amount of information gets even more challenging. The man- to automate the process of brain tumor classification and
ual detection of a brain tumor becomes more time-consuming detection. The primary contributions of our proposed study
and costly. Therefore, an automatic computer-aided diagnos- are:
tic (CAD) system is required to assist doctors and radiologists • A new automated method based on the state-of-the-
in the timely detection of these deadly tumors to save precious art EffcientNet-B0 model is fine-tuned with our recom-
human lives. mended layers, which can replace conventional invasive
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science brain tumor classification and enhance overall classifi-
that aims to give computers human-like intelligence, allowing cation accuracy.
them to learn, think, and resolve issues when confronted with • An initial three-step image preprocessing strategy is
various information. AI plays an essential role in identifying employed to enhance the low visual quality of the
and diagnosing brain tumors. The discipline of brain tumor MRI images.
surgery is an excellent choice for additional AI integration • The data augmentation strategy is utilized to generate
due to its complicated and elaborate processes. Multiple better outcomes on small datasets, and the effect of
attempts have been made to establish a highly accurate and over-fitting phenomena on classification is studied.
reliable approach for brain tumor classification. However, the • A comparative analysis is conducted regarding the accu-
wide range of shape, texture, and contrast changes across racy, weight sizes, and parameters between our proposed
and among individuals remains a difficult challenge to solve. model and other state-of-the-art deep CNNs models used
Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), subsets in this study. The proposed model outperformed the
of AI, have recently revolutionized neurosurgical procedures. other CNNs in every aspect.
They consist of data preprocessing, feature extraction, feature The remainder of the paper is divided and orga-
selection, feature reduction, and classification. According to nized as follows: Section 2 discusses a literature review,
the study [6] because of AI, neurosurgeons can leave the Section 3 presents the proposed methodology, Section 4 pro-
operating room more confident than ever in terms of their vides the implementation details, Section 5 represents the
patient’s brain tumor diagnosis. experimental results of the proposed techniques and a com-
Deep learning, particularly neural networks, gains parison with other recent state-of-the-art methods. Further-
substantial importance when it obtains promising results. more section 6 provides the conclusion and the future study.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are remarkable for
learning features and providing unlimited precision. Many II. LITERATURE REVIEW
deep learning applications have been developed, including This section reviews several related studies that employ
pattern categorization, object detection, voice recognition, machine learning and deep learning approaches to detect
and other decision-making tasks, [7], [8]. In previous studies, and classify infectious brain tumors and standard images.
traditional ML algorithms such as support vector machines Abd-Ellah et al. [15] conducted a detailed research study of
(SVMs), k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), decision trees, and several diagnostic methodologies for brain MRI images. The
Naive Bayes and DL algorithms, such as custom CNNs, authors also analyzed classical machine learning and deep
VGGNets [9], GoogleNet [10], and ResNets [11], approaches learning techniques in terms of limitations and performance
are used to help the healthcare community diagnose such metrics. In this study [16] the authors presented several strate-
malicious diseases. Although researchers have made various gies for detecting brain cancers from MR images. For deeper
attempts to detect tumors from MRI scans, many deficiencies segmentation, their study was based on three-dimensional
exist (i.e., low accuracy, big and slow models, and high based CNNs, SVMs, and multi-class SVMs. The DL method-
computational costs). Additionally, the more extensive data ology produced outstanding results and a reliable brain tumor
always remains a challenge in the healthcare domain because classification and segmentation approach compared to other
researchers cannot openly share medical information due to ML classifiers.
the privacy concerns of their patients. Furthermore, existing In a different study [17] the authors proposed a deep learn-
approaches have lower precision and recall levels, resulting ing neural model to extract the features of the MR images,
in low efficiency and requiring more time for image classifi- which are provided as input to the ML classifiers (Naive
cation, which could delay the patient’s treatment [12]. Bayes, SVMs, and Multilayer perceptrons). The proposed

VOLUME 10, 2022 65427

H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet

method achieved 96% classification accuracy with SVMs as for image manipulation, which significantly improved the
classifiers. Hossain et al. [18] proposed several machines and classification results. The authors proposed global thresh-
DL methods such as SVMs, K-NN, multi-layer perceptron, olding, adaptive thresholding, Sobel filter, high-pass filter,
Naive Bayes, and random forest algorithms for brain tumor median blur, histogram equalization, dilations, and erosions.
classification and segmentation. Among all these techniques, In addition, they also presented a transfer learning-based pre-
traditional SVMs achieved the highest accuracy of 92.4% in trained Resnet101 V2 model to detect the brain tumors in
classification. They also proposed a five-layer custom CNN 3762 images. Their results showed a 95% accuracy rate.
architecture that attained 97.2% accuracy in detecting brain In this research [27] the authors deployed a hybrid strategy
tumors in MR images. Khan et al. [19] proposed VGG19 based on CNNs and a genetic algorithm (GA) to detect
CNN architecture and K-means clustering for the classifi- glioblastoma and different brain tumor types. This proposed
cation and segmentation of brain tumors in MRI images. approach employed a genetic algorithm to choose a CNN
The proposed technique converts an input MR modality to structure automatically. The authors predicted the glioma
slices, and then intensities are preprocessed using a statistical pictures of three varieties with 90.9% accuracy. This study’s
normalization approach. They achieved an overall accuracy classification of glioma, meningioma, and pituitary cancer
of 94%. was 94.2% accurate.
In the study [20] the authors presented a fusion approach Majib et al. [28] proposed a hybrid approach, called VGG-
by using 2D and 3D MRI images; they designed a DenseNet SCnet, by combining VGGNet with a stacked classifier.
and custom 3D CNN architectures for classification and In their study, a pre-trained VGG-16 architecture is fine-tuned
segmentation of multi-modal images, respectively. The pro- with their suggested layers for quicker and more effective
posed approach showed good performance on the testing training to detect brain tumors from MRI scans automatically.
set by achieving 92% on DenseNet and 85% on customized Data preprocessing first identified the most prominent con-
3D CNN models. Kang et al. [21] presented an approach tours to identify the region of interest. Next, the augmentation
for classifying brain tumors using ML classifiers and an technique was used to eliminate the class imbalance problem
ensemble of in-depth features from pre-trained deep CNN. in the dataset. The features were extracted in the sixth layer
In this approach, the authors used three different dataset sizes because it provides fewer features. A stacked classifier was
(small, medium, and large). An SVM classifier with a radial used to determine if an image contains tumors. Meanwhile,
basis function kernel obtained the highest accuracy compared image preprocessing is used to construct an image of the
to other ML and DL classifiers. In [22] an entirely automated human body’s anatomical structure, as explained in [29] and
brain tumor classification system based on ML networks was MRI images are used to locate tumor cells in a diseased
proposed to detect high- and low glioma disease images. The human brain. In this paper [30] a method for detecting 3D
authors used an extreme gradient boosting model to perform MRI brain tumors is proposed, which combines multimodal
the multi-classification of brain tumors into primary, sec- information fusion with CNN. Multimodal 3D-CNNs were
ondary, and central nervous system brain tumors by achieving upgraded to obtain the properties of brain tumor lesions
90% and 95% accuracy. The authors of [23] proposed an under various modalities. In [31], the researchers provided
enhanced classification and segmentation ensemble model various categorization algorithms based on CNN architec-
called ‘‘Adaptive Fuzzy Deformable Fusion’’ by merging the tures, including VGGNets, GoogleNet, and ResNets, each
Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and deformable snake approach. with several repetitions. ResNet-50 has a higher accuracy rate
The experimentation showed that the ensemble technique of 96.50%, followed by GoogleNet, and VGGNets achiev-
obtained better results by achieving 95% classification ing 93.45% and 89.33% accuracy rates. ResNet-50 produces
accuracy. 10% more accurate results in 10% lesser time than VGGNet
Mehrotra et al. [24] presented various deep learning-based and GoogleNet.
pre-trained CNN techniques for distinguishing benign and
malignant brain tumor images. They used different optimizers
to complete the tasks, namely Adam, RMSprop, and stochas- III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY
tic gradient descent (SGD). Their research demonstrated The proposed model with multiple layers and pre-trained
that a fine-tuned AlexNet could perform exceptionally well algorithms will be thoroughly discussed in the subsequent
on medical imaging tasks. Grampurohit and Shalavadi [25] sections. Figure 1 depicts the stages of the brain tumor image
developed a custom CNN architecture and VGGNet for clas- preprocessing, augmentations, training, and evaluation. The
sifying 253 brain tumor images, of which 155 were tumors, proposed transfer learning and fine-tuning method are based
and 98 were non-tumors. They used data preprocessing and on DL algorithms that use numerous hyperparameters for
augmentation techniques for increasing variation in the data training and optimization. An optimizer is an algorithm that
samples to reduce the overfitting of the proposed models. The adjusts the neural network biases and learning rate. As a
customized CNN model attained an overall validation accu- result, it aids in lowering total loss and improving accuracy.
racy of 86%, while VGGNet exhibited the highest validation A loss function demonstrates how well a specific algorithm
accuracy of 97% on a particular dataset. The authors of this matches the given data for ML. With the help of an optimiza-
paper [26] reviewed several image preprocessing techniques tion function, the loss function gradually learns to decrease

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H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet

FIGURE 1. Block diagram of the proposed methodology.

the prediction error. The binary cross-entropy and adam opti- that manages all model scaling resources. This technique
mizer is used here to solve this specific problem. adjusts network depth, width and resolution to optimize net-
work accuracy and memory consumption based on available
A. EfficientNet BASELINE MODEL resources. Unlike other deep CNNs, EfficientNet-B0 adjusted
EfficientNet is a CNN model developed by the Google Brain each dimension using a predefined set of scaling coefficients,
Team [32]. These researchers examined network scaling and outperforming other cutting-edge models trained on the Ima-
found that optimizing network depth, width, and resolution geNet dataset. Even with the transfer learning technique, Effi-
can boost performance. To create a new model, they scaled cientNet produced outstanding results and demonstrated its
a neural network to construct more DL models that yield utility beyond the ImageNet dataset. The model was released
much higher efficacy and accuracy compared to the previ- with scales ranging from 0 to 7, indicating an increase in
ously used CNNs. For the ImageNet, EfficientNet performed the parameter size and accuracy. With the recent develop-
large-scale visual recognition with accuracy and consistency. ment of EfficientNet, developers and users can now utilize
Compared to the most exemplary established algorithms, and provide improved ubiquitous connectivity endowed with
such as VGGNets, GoogleNet, Xception [33], ResNets, and DL capabilities in different platforms to meet various needs.
InceptionResNet [34], this series of CNN architectures is
around eight times smaller and six times faster to infer.
EfficientNet-B0 uses a composite scaling method that creates B. PROPOSED LAYERS
different models in the convolution neural network family. This work is primarily related to implementing the
The number of layers in a network corresponds to the network EfficientNet-B0 model with the updated last layers inserted
depth. The convolutional layer width is proportional to the through layer freezing by fine-tuning and training to solve
number of filters it contains. The height and width of the input the problematic classification and detection of brain cancers
image determine the resolution. Figure 2 presents the latest in MR images. After performing data enhancement and aug-
EfficientNet-B0 baseline model that accepts a 224 × 224 × 3 mentation to images measuring 224 × 224 × 3, the images
input image. This algorithm captures characteristics across were sent into the pre-trained EfficientNet-B0 model, which
layers using numerous convolutional (Conv) layers with automatically extracted the features. These characteristics
a 3 × 3 receptive field and the mobile inverted bottleneck could be color and shape descriptors like edges, circular-
Conv. Equation (1-5) illustrates how the authors propose ity, roundness, and compactness. Figure 3 represents the
scaling the depth, width, and resolution regarding ø. proposed final layers for the EfficientNet-B0 composed of
flattening, dropout, two fully connected (FC) layers, and a
d = αφ , (1)
sigmoid classifier. We directed the feature sets from the sixth
w= βφ, (2) MBConv layer and converted them into a 1D array using a
r = γ φ, (3) flattened layer. After flattening, it is passed to a dense layer
s. t α · β 2 · γ 2 ≈ 2, (4) with 128 hidden units. We used rectified linear unit ReLu
as an activation function coupled to another dense layer with
α≥ 1, β ≥ 1, γ ≥ 1. (5)
one neuron representing our provided labels before predicting
where d, w, and r denote the network’s depth, width, and the results. This method generated a probability by linearly
resolution, respectively, and the constant terms α, β, and applying a fresh set of weights and biases to each feature map.
γ were determined using the grid search hyperparameter In addition, we used a dropout layer with a 20% rate after
tuning technique. The coefficient is a user-defined variable the hidden layer of 128 neurons to eliminate the overfitting

VOLUME 10, 2022 65429

H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet

FIGURE 2. Baseline EfficientNet model architecture.

problem. We used sigmoid [35] as our final selected classifier. a DL model is to achieve the absolute lowest rate of errors,
Equation 6 shows the mathematical function of a sigmoid considering that a model with a lower computed loss is more
classifier with a recognizable S-shaped curve. Sigmoid is efficient. We used cross-entropy (CE) to obtain the average
a logistic function that performs a binary classification. measure of the difference between the expected and predicted
It assigns values to 0 or 1 by setting up the threshold value values. The loss measurement for the binary classification
of 0.5, where 0 represents non-tumor and 1 represents tumor is shown in Equation 7, where y represents binary values
images. The neuron at the last dense layer represents these of 0 or 1, and p represents the probability [39].
CE = −(y log(p) + (1 − y) log(1 − p)). (7)
f (x) = Sigmoid(x) = . (6)
1 + e−x We chose Adam [40], as our optimizer to achieve the best
possible loss reduction during training. This optimization
technique uses an adaptive gradient descent function to assist
This section demonstrates how we trained and refined the weights in more quickly approaching the local minima.
our model. Figure 4 demonstrates our proposed finalized Compared to alternative optimization techniques, such as
model. First, the Keras library has imported a pre-trained SGD [41], or RMSProp [42], we selected Adam because of
EfficientNet-B0 base model trained on the ImageNet dataset. its ease of implementation, efficient memory use, and faster
The pre-initialized weights from ImageNet allowed the base learning process. Adam recently had excellent DL applica-
model to use its features and enhance image recognition tions that trained models for assistance in medical imaging
capability immediately. The weights obtained by training analysis [43]. Table 1 presents the values of hyperparameters,
with the ImageNet dataset include features that can assist with a small learning rate (LR) adjusted to function with the
in detecting shapes, edges and other essential components other hyperparameters. Adam efficiently and more quickly
required for image classification [36]. This strategy accel- operated to reach a rapid convergence. The batch size of
erated the process while requiring less work than arbitrarily 32 allowed us to send information over the network without
initialized weights. The EfficientNet-B0 base model trained using up all of our computational memory. Furthermore,
on the ImageNet data consisted of 1000 different classes and we used fixed durations to train each model to watch how
over 14 million images. Consequently, the current structure of it would react after 50 epochs.
EfficientNet-B0 could not be employed for our chosen task,
and thus, fine-tuning was required [37]. We then froze all
TABLE 1. Training Hyperparameters and loss function for training.
layers of the base model before fine-tuning our proposed end
layers with the brain tumor MR image training data. With this
method, we were able to keep the feature extraction capability
in the weights obtained by training with the ImageNet dataset
within the extraction layers and prevent them from being
overridden during the training iterations. After training both
the classifier and our recommended layers, we unfroze the
complete layers of our network with weights obtained from
the brain tumor MR image dataset and the ImageNet dataset
weights to combine and construct our final model. Next, IV. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS
we used our test data to validate the final model. A. DATASET DESCRIPTION
The dataset contained 3762 MR images, 3060 were used
D. HYPERPARAMETERS AND LOSS FUNCTION as a subset, and 1500 were labelled as 1 (tumors). The
This section describes the hyperparameter settings and loss other 1500 scans were labelled as 0 (non-tumor). In order
function settings chosen for the task to produce efficient to avoid class dominance, the dataset was equally divided
outcomes. The performance of a DL model depends not only between the two classes, with 80% (2400) of the images
on accuracy but also on loss [38]. The fundamental goal of going for training and 20% (600) going for validation [44].

65430 VOLUME 10, 2022

H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet

FIGURE 3. Schematic diagram of the proposed layers.

Furthermore, 60 images are used to test the proposed model’s Figure 5 represents the preprocessing steps used in image
evaluation. Our subset selection depends on removing images cropping.
that may have misled the model training. The image col-
lection has no fixed dimensions. Therefore, all image sam-
ples are normalized and resized using an automated resizing
script from Keras that automatically resized all the input The effectiveness of most ML and DL models is deter-
images into 224 × 224 dimensions. The images dataset used mined by the quality, amount, and relevance of training data.
in these experiments is an open-source dataset available on However, one of the most prevalent problems in applying
Kaggle. The dataset is a subset of the authorized benchmark machine learning in organizations is a lack of data. It is due
Brats2015 brain tumor dataset, and the challenge database to the fact that gathering relevant data may be costly and
includes completely anonymized images from The Cancer time-consuming in many circumstances. Data augmentation
Imaging Archive [45], [46]. is a series of methods for artificially increasing the quantity
of data by producing additional data points from current data.
It is a quick and efficient way to expand the dimensionality
B. DATA PREPROCESSING of training data and improve generalization to new unseen
Preprocessing the images will transform the data into a stan- samples by making minor data modifications or deep neural
dard classified format. In the first step, the images were networks to generate additional data samples. Data augmen-
converted to grayscale with a constant pixel resolution of tation is popular in computer vision and natural language pro-
224 × 224. Second, the images were blurred using Gaussian cessing, signals, and speech domains [47]–[49]. In computer
blur to reduce noise and increase the output quality. These vision, the original dataset’s augmentations undergo several
photos were then processed through a high pass filter, which image transformations to increase the data samples, which
sharpened the picture and allowed the extraction of more helps better train models and decrease overfitting. These
complex features. Image processing techniques like erosion operations include geometric transformations, flipping, color
and dilation eliminate pixel intensities in too tiny regions space, random cropping, random rotations, and noise injec-
to carry the structuring element. Erosion is the process of tions. Models trained in this manner are more generalizable
removing pixels from the edges of objects. After eroding the and generate better predictions from distributions other than
white areas (e.g., tumors), the volume was reduced, while the the training data [50]. The image augmentations were per-
gaps, especially the holes in the white areas, grew in size. formed by employing an open-source python library named
Dilation works opposite to erosion and adds pixels to the Albumenatations to enhance the size of the dataset by creating
edges of structures. After dilation, the white areas increased a new set of images via various transformation methods
in size due to extra white pixels on the edges. Meanwhile, such as random rotation (90◦ , 180◦ , 270◦ ), horizontal, and
the gaps in the white regions were filled. In the last step, vertical flips, and transposition [51]. The goal of employing
We removed the black portions of each image. For these Albumenatations was to preserve pixel-by-pixel information,
operations, contours were detected from the top, bottom, left, essential for medical imaging tasks. The MR images were
and right directions based on the presence of black regions. normalized using a Keras normalize function to transform

VOLUME 10, 2022 65431

H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet

FIGURE 4. Detailed architecture of the proposed model.

each pixel value from 0 to 255 to a floating pixel range TABLE 2. System specification used for the implementation.
of 0 to 1.

The proposed model was deployed on the open-access
dataset. The fine-tuned EfficientNet model was implemented
in Python using the Keras and TensorFlow frameworks
as the foundation. The overall network was trained on a
computer system with the following specifications: Intel
Core i5-11400 CPU at 2.60 GHz. Our system had a 64-bit experiment. Some of the validation procedures will be dis-
operating system with 16-GB memory, and 1 TB HDD, cussed in Section 6 for the specific dataset used herein.
128 GB SSD. The experiments were conducted using an
details. First, we imported the pre-trained EfficierntNet-B0 The confusion matrix (CM) is a standard method representing
network from Keras and froze the beginning layers of the base how well a trained model could predict a given validation
model. In the second phase, fine-tuning was performed with dataset. The CM has equivalent rows and columns indicating
our proposed ending layers with the brain tumor MR images, the actual class and the ground truth labels (i.e., tumors or
and the complete network was re-trained. The proposed non-tumors). Similarly, the predicted values represent the
and other CNN models were also compared to validate our number of correct and wrong predictions or classifications for

65432 VOLUME 10, 2022

H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet


This section discusses the results generated during the
training and the validation of the proposed fine-tuned
EfficientNet-B0 model trained on the MR images taken
from open access from Kaggle. Several preprocessing and
data augmentation techniques were applied to enhance this
particular dataset’s quality and size. For better training,
we used a variety of hyperparameters to train our proposed
model. We used Adam optimizer with an initial learning rate
of 10e−3 , ReduceLROnPlateau callback with a minimum
learning rate of 10e−5 , batch size of 32, and CE loss function.
A sigmoid classifier was employed as our final selected clas-
sifier. Meanwhile, the Keras API with a backend TensorFlow
was used to train our fine-tuned EfficientNet architecture. The
proposed model was trained to use 80% data for training and
20% for validation. Figure 6 represents the training results
and validation results. Figure 7 represents the loss curves with
training epochs. For the proposed model, the graph illustrates
that the accuracy of the validation and training sets steadily
grew in a shorter period with the given hyperparameters as
the number of epochs increased until it reached a point of

FIGURE 5. Data preprocessing and augmentation results. Figure5(a)

shows the preprocessing steps. Figure 5(b) illustrates the data
augmentation applied on magnetic resonance images.

each validation sample. True Positive specifies the number

of correctly identified positive samples as positive, whereas
True Negatives indicate the number of accurately predicted
negatives as negatives. False Positives are predictions in
which the image was labelled as positive; however, it was
not positive. False Negatives are negative results that appear
to be positive [52]. The performance of the AI-based mod-
els was assessed using numerous metric measures such as FIGURE 6. Training and validation accuracy curves of the proposed model.
validation accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, sensitivity,
specificity, and area under the receiver operating character- To evaluate the performance of our proposed model, a CM
istic curve. We calculated the overall accuracy, precision, was used to identify the number of correctly classified
sensitivity, specificity, and F1- score of each model using the and misclassified data and estimate the performance using
equations (8 - 12) below: the evaluation metrics mentioned above. Figure 8 shows
TP that the CM of the proposed model successfully identified
Precision = , (8) 225 images as tumors while failing to detect two images.
The second-class model correctly identified 338 images as
Sensitivity = , (9) non-tumor and failed to detect five images. Figure 9 displays
TP + FN the evaluation metric score of the proposed model.
TN Figure 10 depicts the Receiver operating characteris-
Specificity = , (10)
TN + FP tic (ROC) curve that characterizes the performance of our
TP + TN brain tumor detection model. The area under the curve (AUC)
Accuracy = , (11)
TP + TN + FP + FN is a crucial assessment parameter for different classifiers,
2(TP) indicating the degree of distinction across classes. It demon-
F1Score = . (12)
2(TP) + FP + FN strates how well the model differentiates across categories.

VOLUME 10, 2022 65433

H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet

FIGURE 9. Evaluation metric score of the proposed model.

FIGURE 7. Training and validation loss curves of the proposed model.

FIGURE 10. Receiver operating characteristic plot of the proposed

EfficientNet-B0 model.

FIGURE 8. Confusion matrix of the proposed EfficientNet-B0 model.

CNN in each study employed the same set of parameters

The greater the AUC, the better the model can distinguish (Table 1) and features that varied according to the depth of
between patients who suffer and do not suffer from the con- the convolution layer and the FC layers. Table 3 shows the
dition. An efficient model with an AUC close to 1 indicates a validation accuracy for the fine-tuned proposed network and
high competence level. It can be observed that EfficientNet- other pre-trained DL models used in this study. It also reports
B0 showed an AUC value of 0.988. the other calculated evaluation metrics. All models showed
As shown in Figure 11(a) the proposed model correctly a minimal error gap at the end of each phase, except for
classified the brain MR images. If the image contains a tumor InceptionResNetV2, which had a slight overfitting problem
(True: 1), the model predicts that it contains a tumor (Pred: 1); at the beginning. All the other models showed a very stable
however, if the image does not contain a tumor (True: 0), minimization of loss.
the model assumes that it has no tumor or is a regular In the first study, EfficientNet-B0, a deep neural network
image (Pred: 0). Figure 11(b) illustrates how the proposed developed by Google AI, with our proposed layers, was
model misclassifies the brain MRI images. If an image has a employed to investigate the transfer learning approach for
tumor (True: 1), the model assumes it does not have a tumor detecting the brain tumors in MR images. The proposed
(Pred: 0). If it does not have a tumor (True: 0), the model fine-tuned EfficientNet-B0 network achieved the highest
predicts that it has a tumor (Pred: 1). (98.87%) accuracy on the validation data by outperforming
the other networks discussed below. In the second study,
B. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED MODEL WITH the VGG16 architecture developed by the Visual Geometry
THE RECENT STATE-OF-THE-ART METHODS Group was employed to investigate the effectiveness of the
This study compared the performances and efficiencies of transfer learning approach in detecting the brain tumors
six CNN architectures: VGG16, GoogLeNet, InceptionRes- in MR images. The fine-tuned VGG16 network achieved
NetV2, Xception, ResNet50, and EfficientNet-B0. Each deep 98.64% accuracy on the validation data. The InceptionV3

65434 VOLUME 10, 2022

H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet

TABLE 3. Comparison of the performances of the proposed model and other fine-tuned models.

FIGURE 12. Receiver operating characteristic plot for the proposed

EfficientNet-B0 and other convolution neural network models with the
area under curve values.

TABLE 4. Comparison of the accuracies of the proposed and previous

state-of-the-art ML and DL methods.

The results for the ResNet50 algorithm showed the

lowest 95.8% accuracy on the validation dataset among all
the tested models in this specific study, which is average.
FIGURE 11. Results of the proposed EfficientNet-B0 architecture on the The examination and the comparison of the results of each
testing data. Figure 11(A) shows the correct classified results of the
proposed model. Figure 11(B) illustrates the misclassified images of the
structure using the fine-tuned technique. (i.e., Table 3 and
proposed model. Figure 12) showed that all CNNs dominated by the proposed
model with a minor difference. The proposed EfficientNet-
study model developed by the Google team was deployed B0 model achieved the highest accuracy among the six CNN
to investigate the transfer learning approach to detect brain designs by generalizing the brain tumor images.
tumors. It obtained a validation accuracy of 97.5%. The Table 4 provides a performance review of this study and
Xception, developed by the Google team, was used to show other current studies that used ML and DL based solutions
the model’s efficacy by achieving an overall 97.8% valida- for brain tumor detection. Note that this research does not
tion accuracy. Meanwhile, the InceptionResNetV2 algorithm directly compare the following studies due to differences
achieved 98.33% accuracy on validation data. Also, a pre- in data preparation, training and validation methodologies,
trained version of ResNet50 developed by the Microsoft and computational power used in their methods. However,
team was used to detect the brain tumors in MR images. we observed that the proposed model produced an excellent

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Jul. 2013. intelligence, wireless communications, and physical layer security.

VOLUME 10, 2022 65437

H. A. Shah et al.: Robust Approach for Brain Tumor Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Finetuned EfficientNet

JUN-HYUN PARK received the B.E. degree JAE-MO KANG (Member, IEEE) received the
in mechanical engineering from Kyungpook Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
National University, South Korea, in 2021, where the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
he is currently pursuing the M.S. degree with the Technology, Daejeon, South Korea, in 2017.
Department of Artificial Intelligence. His current He was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Depart-
research interests include reinforcement learning, ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
computer vision, reconfigurable intelligence sur- Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada, and
face, and 5G. was an Assistant Professor with the School of
Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong
University, Seoul, South Korea. He is currently an
Assistant Professor with the Department of Artificial Intelligent, Kyungpook
National University, Daegu, South Korea. His research interests include the
IoT, LoRa, 6G, machine/deep learning, reinforcement learning, federated
ANAND PAUL (Senior Member, IEEE) received learning, and edge AI.
the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan,
in 2010. He is currently working as an Associate
Professor with the School of Computer Science
and Engineering, Kyungpook National Univer-
sity, South Korea. He is a Delegate representing
South Korea for M2M focus group and
for MPEG. His research interests include algo-
rithm and architecture reconfigurable embedded
computing. He was a recipient of the Outstanding International Student
Scholarship Award during 2004–2010, the Best Paper Award in National
Computer Symposium in 2009, and the International Conference on Soft
Computing and Network Security, India, in 2015. He is the Track Chair
of Smart Human Computer Interaction in ACM SAC 2015, 2014. He has
guest edited various international journals and he is also part of the Edi-
torial Team for Journal of Platform Technology, ACM Applied Computing
Review, and Cyber-Physical Systems. He serves as a reviewer for various
IEEE/IET/Springer and Elsevier journals.

65438 VOLUME 10, 2022

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