Version 1.0
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
1. Overview ............................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Related Documents............................................................................................................... 5
2. Motherboard Electrical Design Suggestions ................................................... 6
2.1 PCI Bus ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 PCI Simulation.......................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Simulation Results and Recommendations.............................................................. 6
2.1.3 PCI REQ#/GNT# Implementation ............................................................................ 6
2.1.4 64-bit PCI ................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.5 IDSEL Assignment ................................................................................................... 7
2.1.6 3VSB ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.7 PCI_PME#................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 IDE Signals............................................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Floppy Signals....................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Power Signals ....................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 -5V............................................................................................................................ 10
2.4.2 PWR_OK.................................................................................................................. 10
2.4.3 PS_ON# ................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.4 5VSB ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.4.5 Power Design ........................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Front Panel Signals............................................................................................................... 12
2.5.1 HD_PWR, HDA#, LED_GRN, and LED_YEL Signals.............................................. 12
2.5.2 FPBUT_IN ................................................................................................................ 12
2.5.3 FPSLP# .................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.4 FP_RST#.................................................................................................................. 13
2.5.5 IRRX, IRTX, and IR_PWR Infrared Signals ............................................................. 13
2.6 Fan Control............................................................................................................................ 13
2.7 Tamper Detection.................................................................................................................. 14
2.7.1 Tamper Detect Design ............................................................................................. 14
2.8 Implementing Audio on microATX Platforms......................................................................... 15
2.9 Infrared Design...................................................................................................................... 17
2.10 Modem Wake ........................................................................................................................ 17
3. Motherboard Device Placement ........................................................................ 18
3.1 AGP-up Design ..................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 AGP-down Design................................................................................................................. 19
3.3 Motherboard Design Checklist .............................................................................................. 20
4. Electrical Implementation of AGP ..................................................................... 22
4.1 Simulation Results................................................................................................................. 22
5. Definitions........................................................................................................... 24
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
Figure 1: Motherboard Layout for Simulation Exercise......................................................................... 7
Figure 2: Fan Control Circuitry.............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 3: Routing Audio, Example........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 4: Plane Splits, Example............................................................................................................ 16
Figure 5: IR Implementation, Example ................................................................................................. 17
Figure 6: AGP-up Motherboard Layout, Example................................................................................. 18
Figure 7: AGP-down Motherboard Layout, Example............................................................................ 19
Figure 8: Skew Components ................................................................................................................ 22
Table 1: IDE Signals ............................................................................................................................. 8
Table 2: Floppy Signals ........................................................................................................................ 9
Table 3: Power Signals......................................................................................................................... 10
Table 4: 2x9 Front Panel Header Pinout, Example .............................................................................. 12
Table 5: Motherboard Recommendations for AGP............................................................................... 22
Table 6: Control and Clock Signal Recommendations ......................................................................... 23
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
1. Overview
microATX is a new motherboard form factor designed to meet new market trends and PC
technologies. Lower system cost is the main driving force for the new form factor. The size of the
form factor allows for smaller chassis, motherboard, and power supply, thus reducing the cost of
entire system. The microATX form factor is also backward-compatible with the ATX form factor
with some modifications. This document is intended to provide electrical design suggestions as a
reference for OEMs to help them realize the benefits of the microATX form factor. The document
does not provide design details.
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
2.1.6 3VSB
3VSB should be routed to the PCI slot for cards that require standby voltage. For details, refer to
the PCI Local Bus Specification.
2.1.7 PCI_PME#
The exception to PCI termination is the PCI power management signal. Because power
management is driven by motherboard circuitry, which in turn may be at various power wells, the
motherboard should pull the PCI_PME signal up to the motherboard-defined power level.
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
2.4.1 -5V
The -5V signal is optional. For systems without ISA slots, this signal may not be necessary. A
cost-reduced power supply like the SFX power supply can be used when the -5V signal is not used.
2.4.2 PWR_OK
This signal is asserted high by the power supply to indicate that +5 VDC and +3.3VDC outputs are
above the voltage thresholds specified by the power supply. The logic designer can assume that
when this signal is asserted, the power supply will deliver the continuous energy specified by the
power supply. See the SFX Power Supply Design Guide for electrical and timing characteristics of
the PWR_OK signal. Many power supplies have limited drive capability, so the designer is
encouraged to consult the power supply documentation and provide bulk capacitors where needed.
2.4.3 PS_ON#
This signal is driven by circuitry on the motherboard to toggle the power state of the power supply.
This is an active low signal. When asserted, the power supply will turn on, leaving the standby
voltage off. When deasserted, the power supply will shut down, leaving only the standby voltage
on. For the exact timing required by the power supply, refer to the SFX Power Supply Design
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
2.4.4 5VSB
This is a standby voltage provided by the power supply while the system is off. The exact amount
of current available on this signal is different from each power supply. For details, refer to the SFX
Power Supply Design Guide.
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
2.5.2 FPBUT_IN
This signal is the front panel On/Off signal. It should be implemented using a momentary contact
switch on the front panel. When the switch is triggered, the system turns on if the system was
initially off or turns off if the system was initially on. This function may vary depending on system
implementation. Proper debounce circuit should be implemented.
2.5.3 FPSLP#
This signal is routed to provide a request for the system to enter a power-saving mode. One
implementation is to use this signal in conjunction with power management software and hardware
to place the system in a sleep state. This functionality is typically implemented using a momentary
contact switch on the front panel. The motherboard should provide any required debounce circuit.
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
2.5.4 FP_RST#
This signal corresponds to a front panel reset signal to the motherboard. This should be
implemented using a momentary contact switch on the front panel. When the switch makes
contact, the signal is grounded, causing a system-wide reset. The motherboard should have any
required debounce pullup resistor.
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
Band to
Line_R GND Primary
Because the impedance will be high for the return path that is directly under the audio traces, the
returning signals would normally use the ground plane as a return path. For this reason the portion
of the ground plane under the audio signals and circuitry should be isolated. This isolated ground
should be tied back to the digital ground. The power supply plane for the audio section must also
be separated from the rest of the motherboard supply planes (Figure 4). As is always the case,
stitching ferrites between the analog and digital planes may be needed if EMI becomes a problem.
The designer should also be aware of special audio specifications like the Audio Codec ’97
Component Specification that the system may need to comply with.
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
22 ohm 22 ohm
Ferrite Ferrite
Bead Bead
3 4
IRSL0 Bead
5 6 IRSL2
Ferrite Ferrite
X Bead
IR Header
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
The motherboard in Figure 6 is a full size microATX implementation 9.6 inches (244mm) x
9.6 inches (244mm). Because a main focus of the microATX form factor is to reduce cost, it is
possible to reduce the motherboard size according to feature set. The designer must ensure that
with a smaller board size and possibly fewer mounting holes, the board is still mechanically sound.
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
The flexibility of the microATX form factor allows the designer to use a smaller board size. The
designer should do routing studies to ensure that the component layout allows sufficient routing
channels for all signals.
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
It is strongly recommended that the designer review the microATX Motherboard Interface
Specification in sufficient detail to be confident that the design complies with the
Motherboard Mechanical/Placement Requirements
Ensure that board size is no larger than 9.6 inches (244mm) x 9.6 inches (244mm).
Ensure that mounting holes are placed in accordance with the microATX Motherboard
Interface Specification.
If an AGP connector is supported, it must be placed as shown in microATX Motherboard
Interface Specification.
Ensure that the motherboard primary side keepout zones are not in violation of the microATX
Motherboard Interface Specification.
Ensure that height restrictions on the rear I/O panel are not violated.
Ensure that component height restrictions are not in violation of the microATX Motherboard
Interface Specification .
Observe keepout zones suggested in the microATX Motherboard Interface Specification.
Ensure that add-in cards can be removed without hitting chassis features.
Ensure that cables are easily accessible.
If a tamper-detect switch is implemented, ensure the integrity of the switch with the chassis
cover on and off.
EMI concerns
VCC and VCC3
The bulk capacitors should be low in ESR and range from 10 to 22uF; the number needed
is system-specific.
The decoupling capacitors should be in the range of 0.1 uF and should be placed around
the power connectors and power pins of devices.
There should be an adequate number of stitching capacitors linking the VCC and VCC3
power planes.
+12V, -12V, -5V, 5VSB—These other power sources are typically routed as thick traces. Bulk
and decoupling capacitors should be added to support the power requirements of the system.
PS_ON#—This signal should be routed to the power connector to allow the motherboard the
ability to cycle power in the system. Care is needed to reduce EMI emission.
PWR_OK—Route to the power supply connector. Care is needed to reduce EMI emission.
Keep analog and digital signals apart.
Keep externally routed signals (e.g., keyboard, mouse, front panel) away from high-speed logic
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
Table 6 shows the constraints imposed on the clock and control signals of the AGP bus. Because
some of the control signals require pullup resistors, the stub to these resistors should be tightly
controlled. The clock lines on the motherboard strictly depend on the clock driver that is being
used and on the motherboard trace topology, so specific simulation needs to be done on these
In multilayer motherboards, the designer must ensure that all signals are routed as a group. This
implies that the group is collectively routed as either microstrip or stripline but not combined.
Grouping is necessary because traces routed on the external layer (microstrip) have different
propagation delays than traces routed on internal layers (stripline).
microATX Electrical Design Suggestions
Version 1.0
5. Definitions
This list defines how terms are used in this document; the terms are not intended to be industry
Accelerated Graphics Port. Refers to the devices supporting 1.0 of the AGP specification.
Bus Mastering
The ability for a PCI agent to function as an initiator in PCI transactions. For this to be
possible, the agent must have access to a REQ#/GNT# pair of the PCI arbiter.
I/O Slot
Either a PCI or ISA connector that supports an add-in card.
PCI Agent
Either a PCI device or add-in card.
Pulldown Resistor
A resistive element used to place an undriven signal in a logic low state.
Pullup Resistor
A resistive element used to place an undriven signal in a logic high state.
Refers to the PCI request and grant signals on the PCI bus. Each request signal has an
associated grant signal.
Parallel Termination
The process of adding a resistive element between a signal and either power or ground
Series Termination
The process of adding a resistive element in series with a signal to provide a means of
reducing ringing and ensuring signal integrity.
The process of adding either series or parallel termination to a signal.