that law should serve to promote human dignity, as for instance
by the enforcement of equal rights for all. Muslim societies
also embrace a kind of natural law, which is closely linked to
the religion of Islam.
9. health, comfort, and happiness;
10. having the highest position of power, importance, or
1. Provide synonyms for the following words:
a) rule; behavior; means; morality; custom; crime;
discrimination; religion.
Sentence Meaning
right, left and centre.
promulgated by government; statutes or enactments of
legislative bodies; country or municipal ordinances;
constitutional provisions; administrative agency rules and
regulations; judicial decisions – judgments -- or the decrees
and rules of a court”.
in a volume typically bearing the title ”Laws of ( name of the
e) A/An........ is often a set of rules prescribed by a
governmental administrative agency in the public interest.
were appeased in ritualistic ceremonies ending perhaps in
sacrifice or expulsion of the wrongdoer. Wrongs against
individuals, such as murder, theft, adultery, or failure to repay a
debt, were avenged by the family of the victim, often in actions
against the family of the wrongdoer. Revenge of this kind was
based on tribal custom, a major component of early law.
f) the crime of stealing.
g) to develop sth by gradually changing.
h) to mix.
i) the quality of being fair.
j) used instead ( because they were more effective)
What do you know about: substantive law, procedural
law, public law, private law and international law?
and those between governments and individuals. Because the
Roman codes were almost entirely limited to the private area,
public law is usually not codified. In civil-law countries,
separate administrative courts adjudicate claims and disputes
between the various branches of government and citizens, and
many lawyers specialize in public law.
Public law is not quite so clearly demarcated in the United
Kingdom and the U.S. Under the common-law approach the
same courts handle public and private litigation. Because the
United Kingdom has no written constitution, basic principles
pertaining to government powers and limits and to fundamental
individual rights are found in acts of Parliament, judicial
opinions, and tradition. The U.S., on the other hand, has a
distinct body of constitutional law.
The development of administrative law is a comparatively
recent occurrence. Numerous federal and state administrative
agencies now make rules that reach into all manner of
activities, including licensing, regulation of trades and
professions, protection of health, and promotion of welfare.
Their powers emanate from legislation, and their rules are
reviewable by the courts.
Private law involves the various relationships that people
have with one another and the rules that determine their legal
rights and duties among themselves. The area is concerned
with rules and principles pertaining to private ownership and
use of property, contracts between individuals, family
relationships, and redress by way of compensation for harm
inflicted on one person by another. Historically, government
involvement was usually minimal. Private law has also
operated to provide general guidelines and security in private
arrangements and interactions in ways that are complementary
to morality and custom but that are not necessarily enforceable
in a court of law, such as noncontractual promises and
agreements within an association of private individuals.
The relative significance of purely private law has
decreased in modern times. Public law dominates in
government-controlled societies; democratic societies
increasingly have a mix of public and private law. The private
sphere includes individuals and a vast array of groups,
associations, organizations, and special legal entities such as
corporations. They compete with one another and with
government for control of resources, wealth, power, and the
communication of ideas and values. Special fields of law, such
as labor law, facilitate and control this competition. Much of
such law is in the commercial and corporate areas.
precedents on which it rests are the acts of independent
governments in their relations with one another, including
treaties and conventions. Behind many of its rules is only a
moral sanction: the public opinion of the civilized world. When
treaties or conventions are involved, however, machinery to
enforce them exists -- either an arbitration or conciliation
procedure or the submission of the dispute to a regional or
international court. A discernible body of rules and principles
(concerning such matters as territorial titles and boundaries,
use of the high seas, limits on war, telecommunication,
diplomatic and consular exchange, and use of air space) is
observed or at least acknowledged in international relations.
The major sources of international law on these matters are
multilateral treaties and international custom.
The United Nations is one of the primary mechanisms that
articulate and create international law. Certain courts also have
indirect impact, including the International Court of Justice.
Procedural Law
Public Law
Private Law
Type of Law Definition
International Law
Provide synonyms for the following words:
duty to inflict
larceny guideline
injury security
claim custom;
trial agreement
dispute association
branch entity
approach to facilitate
power authority
act treaty
pervasive to enforce
to render submission
invalidate affair
14. We (to distrust) our new colleague.
2. How long (know) him?
3. I (know) Tom since he (work) in our office.
4. We (be) busy lately.
5. Tom (live) in this house for ten years.
6. I (explain) this problem to them for half an hour, but they
don’t seem to have understood it yet.
7. What will you do after you (finish) school?
8. I hear that your secretary has left. Anybody (appoint) to
take her place?
9. A terrible accident (happen): a car ran into a group of
children and killed two of them.
10. They (discover) the mistake.
6. I hardly/scarcely (to enter) the room when somebody
knocked at the door.
7. I knew she (not to see) him since Christmas.
8. John explained to his father that he (watch) TV at 8 o'clock.
9. They were looking at us as if I though they (not to hear)
what we had asked them.
10. We wondered what she (to do) all that time.
1. We (to speak) when we think fit.
2. You (to help) me with this report?
3. This time next month we (to travel) to London.
4. What Torn (to tell) us?
5. I (not to tell) you the truth.
6. Tomorrow we (to be) on holiday for one month.
7. At 2 o’clock they (to discuss) for four hours.
8. He told me that he (to go) there soon.
9. Torn reminded us that at that time he (to travel) to Paris.
10. The President (to arrive) at 8 o’clock.
3. Supply the correct tense of the verbs given in
arrangements of published editions. Copyright (to call) the
trading system for works of the mind.
Copyright does not have to be registered. Once a work to
create in tangible form -- a book, painting, programme, or
recording of a piece of music -- the creators or right owners
can keep to themselves or authorize to others the exclusive
right to copy, publish, perform, broadcast, or adapt their
The duration, or legal term, of copyright varies
internationally, but “life-plus-50-years” is common in many
parts of the world -- that is , copyright to exist in a work for
50 years from the end of the year in which the author (to die).
Several countries in the European Union, including the
United Kingdom, (to increase) now this term to 70 years.
The author or creator of a work is typically the owner of
the copyright he or she (to assign) that right to someone else,
or completes the work in the course of employment, in which
case the employer will own the copyright and be entitled to
all the economic but not the moral right in that work.
6. hard and fast f. honest
7. in black and g. following rules or orders exactly as
white they are written
8. keep your nose h. in writing
9. know the ropes i. establish and enforce regulations and
10. lay down the j. authoritative documents
Did you know that the phrase “to turn the tables” means
to give an opponent the same treatment he has been
giving you? The expression comes from a popular
sixteenth century card game, where a player might have
found himself in a worse position than his opponent,
and so turned the board or table around to put the other
man in the same position.
Two closely related expressions also come from
the word table. One is "to put your cards on the table".
The other is the phrase, "to deal under the table".
f) Wrong laws make short governance.
g) Time is the father of truth.
h) Truth and oil are ever above.
i) Truth is the daughter of time
12. Mergeam la serviciu ieri, când am văzut o casă în flăcări.
13. Alerga pe stradă când a căzut i i-a rupt piciorul.
14. Când am plecat de la poliŃie, Tom încă mai vorbea cu un
15. Mi-am amintit adresa ei.
16. De cât timp a tepŃi?
17. L-am întrebat pe poliŃist de adresa lui John.
18. Ma gândesc la ce a spus de mai mult de două ore i tot
(încă) nu pot să înŃeleg ce s-a întâmplat acolo.
19. Am încercat adesea să îi spun adevărul.
20. I-am mulŃumit.
21. Tom ne-a spus că fratele său tocmai plecase.
22. Doream să nu fi pierdut trenul.
23. I-am spus prietenului meu că îi voi imprumuta cartea
după ce o voi citi.
24. Am anunŃat poliŃia despre accident imediat ce a avut loc.
25. Nu ne-am speriat până nu am auzit zgomotul.
26. Dl. Johnson nu i-a început discursul până nu s-a a ezat
toată lumea.
27. Dupa ce a citit telegrama, bătrâna a izbucnit în lacrimi.
28. Incendiul se răspândise i la alte case înainte ca pompierii
să sosească.
29. Când poliŃia a găsit fetiŃa, aceasta se plimba singură pe
străzi de ore întregi.
30. Ea se uita la noi de parcă nu ne recunoscuse.
31. Vrem să ascultăm tirile. Să dau drumul la radio?
32. Pe vremea aceasta săptămâna viitoare voi studia dreptul.
33. Fratele meu va absolvi facultatea în iunie.
34. De cât timp vei fi lucrat în acest birou când te vei
35. Mi-ai spus că ea va înŃelege asta mai târziu.
36. Unde îŃi vei petrece acest weekend?
37. Se va opri dacă va vedea semaforul.
38. Ei sunt pe cale să facă o mare gre eală.
1. What do you know about CIVIL LAW ?
2. Is there any difference between CIVIL LAW and
typically contrasted with common law, a system that evolved in
medieval England and that is the basis of law in most of the
United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States.
and enacted by legislators. They may also consult legal
treatises on the issue in question. The civil law system assumes
that there is only one correct solution to a specific legal
problem. Therefore, judges are not expected to use judicial
discretion or to apply their own interpretation to a case.
LAW ….
3. Order the following paragraphs:
Roman law. In 533 and 534 this commission published three
books that were collectively known as the Corpus Juris
Civilis (Body of Civil Law), or the Justinian Code. The
Corpus Juris Civilis embodied many generations of legal
pronouncements as well as interpretations by great jurists
(legal scholars).
Several other intentional torts include fraud and deceit, libel
and slander, the invasion of another`s privacy, the maintenance
of a nuisance, and antitrust violations.
Businesses that are involved with mass communications, such
as newspapers, magazines, and the broadcast media, are apt
without utmost care to commit the tort of libel or slander. The
damage suffered by a victim is essentially to the person`s
reputation as the result of a false statement or imputation. Thus,
both libel (written statement) and slander (oral statement) are
included in the broad term defamation. The constitutional
guarantee of “freedom of speech” does not protect the
tortfeasor who intentionally and knowingly defames the
reputation of another.
The tort of invasion of privacy stems from the right of the
individual to be left alone. Because it is an individual right, it
cannot be claimed by a corporation, institution, or business.
Damages for intrusion into an individual`s privacy might
consist of humiliation or shame, mental distress, or outrage by
person of ordinary sesibilities.
Nuisance consists of using one`s property in such an
unreasonable way as to damage another. The doctrine is really
a limitation on the use of property. Many businesses, as a part
of a manufacturing process, could cause damage to adjacent
property owners. The process could, for example, discharge
noxious fumes, which the business should take every
precaution to prevent. Environmental pollution may be a public
nuisance, and courts could order it abated or stopped.
Antitrust violations involve the activities of an unlawful
monopoly or combination that injure another. While state
antitrust statutes provide for the recovery of actual damages by
an injured party, the federal statute, the Sherman Act, provides
for treble, or three times, the actual damages.
Negligence is an unintentional tort for which a person can
receive a monetary judgment for damages. In all negligence
actions, the standard of care that an individual must exercise is
due care under the circumstances. A person is negligent when
he or she fails to exercise that degree of care that a reasonably
prudent person would have exercised under the same
circumstances. Negligence may arise from an act of omission
(the failure to do an act a reasonably prudent person would
have done under the same circumstances) or an act of
commission (the doing of an act that a reasonably prudent
person would not have done under the same circumstances).
The negligent act - the wrong - must be the proximate cause of
the injuries sustained.
Personal property is frequently classified as corporeal or
incorporeal. The term corporeal personal property refers to
personal property that is tangible and includes goods that are
also referred to as chattels. Another distinction of corporeal
personal property is that it is visible and movable.
Incorporeal personal property involves “rights” rather than
tangible objects- patents (grant to the inventor to use, sell or
allow others to use the invention exclusively for 17 years);
copyrights-(grant giving an author an exclusive right to
possess, publish, or sell the production of their intellect);
trademarks- (a sign, mark, name or symbol that identifies a
business or its product- may be registered- for 20 years
and renewed at the same interval; mortgages on both real
estate and chattels; leases of apartments, offices and stores;
promissory notes; stock certificates; bonds; bank accounts; and
even court judgments.
III. Find the words whose definitions are given below:
1. The number of young people who ………….crimes has
risen sharply in recent years.
2. Another house was broken into last week. This is the
third…………in the area in the past month.
3. The judge………………….him to seven
years’..……………………for armed robbery.
4. After twelve hours, the Jury finally reached
its….……………: the prisoner was guilty.
5. Although the police suspected that he had been
involved in the robbery, since they had no
definite…………………there was nothing they could
do about it.
6. He parked his car in the wrong place and he had to pay
a 20$ parking ……………….
7. This is the fourth fire in the area recently. The police
8. The shop decided to install closed-circuit television in
an effort to combat the problem of………………
9. He was……………… by the police outside a pub in
Soho and………….with murder.
10. There are two criminal courts in Britain --
the……………….for minor offences and the.
……………………for more serious ones.
11. A…………………………….is a young person who
breaks the law.
12. A…………………...is someone who sees a crime
being committed.
13. The lawyer who prepares the case for his/her client
prior to appearing in court is called
14. The sum of money left with a court of law so that a
prisoner may be set free until his/her trial comes up is
15. The bank manager admitted taking 250,000$ of the
bank’s money during the previous five years. He was
found guilty of…………………………
16. The witness held the Bible in her right hand and said: “I
swear by Almighty God that the……………………I
shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth”.
17. The formal statement made by a witness in court is
called a ……………………
18. If a person is……………………………, this means
that s/he is put in prison before his/her trial.
19. Since it was his first offence, he was not sent to prison
but put on…………………for six months.
20. At a trial, the barrister who speaks for the accused is
called the Counsel for the………, while the barrister
who speaks against him is called the Counsel for
GROUP WORK. Make comments on:
“Honesty is the best policy”.
A striking difference between French and British civil
proceedings is that the great majority of the former end in a
written and reasoned judgment, whereas the latter
experience a considerable rate of pre-trial settlements. The
suspicion here is that a great number of settlements in
England are due simply to the cost of proceedings.
3) Cu toate că oferul a fost grav rănit, a putut să iasă din
ma ină înainte ca motorul să explodeze.
4) Deoarece aveam toate documentele în ordine, am putut
să trecem prin vamă rapid.
5) Nu îl putem recunoa te acum, dar puteam să-l
recunoa tem când avea mustaŃă.
6) Este posibil să plouă la noapte.
7) Vorbe te mai tare, astfel încât să te putem auzi.
8) Este posibil ca vecinii no trii să fi auzit ni te zgomote
când ma ina ne-a fost furată.
9) Dacă vorbe ti engleza bine, ai putea obŃine slujba
10) Astăzi este miercuri, a a că Tom trebuie să meargă la
universitate. El a trebuit să meargă acolo ieri i va
trebui să meargă i mâine, de asemenea.
11) Nu putem discuta chestiunea aceasta altă dată? Nu,
trebuie să o discutăm acum.
12) Copii nu trebuie să traverseze strada pe aici.
13) In România traficul trebuie menŃinut pe partea dreaptă,
în timp ce în Anglia trebuie să fie pe partea stângă.
14) ÎŃi voi spune secretul acesta, dar nu trebuie să spui
nimănui despre el.
15) Nu este nevoie să mergem la serviciu mâine, dar eful
trebuie să meargă.
16) Este nevoie să merg acolo în fiecare zi? Este nevoie să
merg acolo acum?
17) Nu a fost nevoie să bat la u ă deoarece era deschisă.
18) Ar fi trebuit să încui u a înainte de a pleca de acasă.
19) Am stins luminile pentru ca nimeni să nu observe că
eram acolo.
20) A închis geamul de teamă să nu îl audă vecinul său.
21) Este recomandabil ca el să încerce să-l găsească.
22) Este corect ca el să spună adevărul de la început.
23) Ce ar face dacă s-ar întâmpla să găsească un pa aport
pe stradă?
24) Ar trebui să fii atent la regulile de circulaŃie!
25) Ea ar trebui să- i îndemne toŃi prietenii să participe la
26) Vă deranjează dacă repetaŃi întrebarea?
27) Băiatul a promis că va fi aici la prânz.
28) Tom obi nuia să fumeze mult când era în armată?
29) Cum au îndrăznit să vină a a de târziu?
30) Nu îndrăzne te să se arate în faŃa noastră.
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Topics for
In the common law system, judges decide cases by
referring to principles set forth in previous judicial decisions.
Common law systems are typically contrasted with civil law
systems, which are found in most Western European countries,
much of Latin America and Africa, and parts of Asia. In civil
law systems, judges decide cases by referring to statutes, which
are enacted by legislatures and compiled in comprehensive
books called codes.
7. a situation in which people fight or behave violently in
8. no trouble or crime
defense of duress/coercion.
As a general rule, the law provides a defence for actions that
(reason) appear necessary to protect oneself from the imminent
use of (law) force.
Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being by
a person who had an intent to kill.The intent is known as
malice aforethought. No actual hatred, ill will, or spite is
Assault and Battery are common law crimes that differ from
murder and manslaughter primarily in that the victim is not
killed. But assault (an attempt to inflict bodily injury upon
another) and battery with a deadly weapon or with intent to
commit some other crime
(such as rape) are commonly punishable as felonies, while
simple assault and battery are considered misdemeanors.
commission of another offense, such as robbery or rape; or
terrorize or inflict bodily injury on the victim.
enemies of the government, or to give aid and comfort to the
To be guilty of a crime, the person must also have had
the intent to act in a harmful way. This element is sometimes
called the requirement of mental fault (mens rea, Latin for
“guilty mind.”) Thus, many crimes are defined in terms of
intentionally, knowingly, maliciously, willfully, recklessly, or
negligently acting or bringing about a result, or of conducting
oneself with intent to accomplish a specified consequence.
A. Defence is a broad term that refers to numerous
claims that serve to rebut, mitigate, justify, or excuse conduct
that the state has labeled criminal. This defense is based on
the premise that those who are unable to control their actions
or appreciate the criminality of their actions due to mental
defect or illness should not be punished under criminal law. It
is a legal test of criminal responsibility and does not strictly
conform to the medical definition of mental illness. Although
a great deal of publicity is usually generated when it is
invoked, it is rarely used and infrequently
successful.Evidence of the accused person’s diminished
capacity may reduce the severity of the crime charged or of
the sentence imposed upon conviction.
B. A perpetrator's youth has long been a defense to
criminal charges because children are deemed incapable of
making rational decisions for which they should be held
accountable. Under the common law, a child under seven is
deemed too young to be criminally responsible. A child
between seven and fourteen cannot be convicted of crime
without proof that s/he knows the difference between right
and wrong; but any child older than that is deemed
sufficiently mature to be criminally responsible in most
circumstances. Under these statutes children who commit
crimes are considered guilty of delinquency rather than of a
criminal act, based on the theory that children need help more
than punishment.
C. Whether caused by alcohol, illegal drugs, or
prescribed medications, this may produce a state of mind
resembling insanity. An offender in this state often cannot
distinguish right from wrong or may have an irresistible
impulse; in order to be used as a defense against a crime, it
must be involuntary.
D. A person who commits a crime because another is
exerting extreme influence or pressure upon them may have
this defense. Most jurisdictions allow it only when the
pressure exerted is immediate and substantial, such as the
threat of death or serious bodily harm; the coercion is such
that a reasonable person in the offender's position would have
committed the crime; the offender did not willingly
participate in creating a situation where coercion was likely.
For example, if a woman kills a man because another person
who is armed threatens to kill her if she does not, she would
have this defense to any charge of murder.
E. This one constitutes a defense to criminal liability
if it can be shown that, owing to it, the accused person lacked
the mental fault required to commit the crime in question. If a
person unintentionally takes another's coat, believing that it is
his/her own coat, this thing negates the intent to steal that is
required for the crime of larceny. On the other hand, if a
person, with the intent to steal, takes another's coat believing
that the coat belongs to a third person, this does not negate
the person’s intent to steal, and s/he is guilty of larceny.
F. As a general rule, the law provides a defense for
actions that reasonably appear necessary to protect oneself
from the imminent use of unlawful force. For example, a
person is justified in the use of deadly force if s/he
reasonably believes that deadly force is necessary to prevent
an act that would cause immediate death or serious bodily
injury to him/herself. If so acting, one may respond only with
force proportional to the force defended against or necessary
to resist the unlawful attack, even deadly force in response to
deadly force. One who has initiated or provoked an attack
generally may not claim this kind of defense.
G. A person who is induced by the police to commit a
crime that s/he would not have otherwise undertaken can claim
this defense. To prove it, one must show that the idea for
committing the crime originated with a law enforcement agent,
that the agent persuaded him/ her to commit the crime, and that
s/he was not predisposed to commit such a crime. A person
cannot successfully claim this defense if the police officer
merely furnishes the person with a favorable opportunity to
commit crime-for example, by pretending to be intoxicated in
order to catch a pickpocket who has been targeting drunk
The Constitution gives the federal government authority over
certain limited subjects, such as the power to tax, to regulate
interstate commerce, to declare war, and to regulate the mail.
These powers include an implied authority to define some
crimes. For example, the taxation power includes the
authority to make it a crime to fail to file an income-tax
return or to understate income in a return that is filed. The
authority over mail includes the implied power to make it a
crime to use the mail to defraud or to distribute obscene
The Constitution explicitly grants power to define criminal
behavior. For example, it gives the federal government the
authority to punish counterfeiting, treason, and felonies
committed on the high seas (such as piracy) and to govern
land areas in the United States devoted to federal uses, such
as military bases and national parks. The federal government
may also protect itself from harm.
The states retain broad power to make law, including
criminal law, over matters not delegated by the U.S.
Constitution to the federal government or specifically denied
to the states. In fact, the states have primary responsibility for
defining and enforcing criminal law. The vast majority of all
criminal prosecutions take place in state courts under state
criminal codes. Each state, within its own territory, has so-
called police powers to make and enforce such laws as it
deems necessary or appropriate for promoting the public
health, safety, morals, or welfare.
cardsharp/ card shark
vagrant/ tramp
alcoholic person who lives either by begging or by doing odd
jobs. Hobo is also applied to a migratory worker.
The homeless refers to a group of destitute individuals
and families, often
recently poor or mentally ill, who lack the financial resources
to have a home. These people, largely rejected by society, can
be seen especially in large urban centers.
Bag lady is a 1970s slang term for a homeless, destitute,
usually elderly woman who wanders the streets of a city. The
name comes from the fact that she carries her few possessions
with her, usually in shopping bags. Such a hapless man is
likely to be called a bum or a drifter- not a bagman, for this
slang term denotes a go-between in offering bribes, collecting
money for the numbers racket, or engaging in similar shady
Crime violates the laws of a community, …… . or
nation.It is punishable in accordance with these …… . The
definition of crime varies according to time and place, but the
laws of most …… consider as crimes such ….. as arson, ….. ,
burglary, ….. , murder, and .….. .
Not all offences against the law are ….. .The laws that
set down the punishments for crimes form the …… . This law
defines as crimes those offences considered most harmful to
the …… . On the other hand, a …… may wrong someone else
other way that offends the ….. law.
The common law recognizes three ….. of crime:
treason, ….. and misdemeanour. Death or …… is the usual
…… for treason. Laws in the United States, for example,
define a felony as a crime that is punishable by a …… of one
year or more in a state or federal ….. .A person who commits
a …… may be punished by a …… or a jail term of less than
one year.
1. steals _____
2. steals purses and wallets ___k______
3. gets money by threatening to ____k______
disclose personal information
4. seizes airplanes __ j_____
5. takes things from shops without _ _ _ _ _ i_ _ _ _
6. kills people __r_____
7. steals from houses or offices ___ g___
8. steals from banks or trains __b___
9. takes people hostage for a ransom ___n_____
10. steals government secrets ___
11. willfully destroys property v_____
12. marries illegally while being b_ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. Choose the correct answer.
1. This was one of the few crimes he did not ….. .
a) achieve b) commit c) make d) perform
6. “ Thieves will be …… .”
a) liable b) lifted c) persecuted d) prosecuted
9. The police car raced down the street with the ….. blaring.
a) alarm b)bell c) gong d) siren
10. The tourist`s camera was …… because he had brought it
into the country illegally.
a) bereaved b) confiscated c) deprived d) extorted
12. He said he would sue us, but I don`t think he`ll …… his
a) achieve b) bring about c) carry out d) perform
14. The thieves ….. the papers all over the room while they
were searching for the money.
a) broadcast b) scattered c) sowed d) strayed
17. He was arrested for trying pass ….. notes at the bank.
a) camouflaged b) counterfeit c) fake d) fraudulent
20. The burglar ….. silently into the room.
a) crept b) stood c) strode d) wantered
2. The safe deposit box ….. a high-pitched sound when it was
a) ejected b) emitted c) expelled d) excluded
8. The intruder was badly ….. by the guard dog in the palace
a) damaged b) eaten c) mauled d) violated
9. When the police examined the house they found that the
lock had been ….. with.
a) broken b) hindered c) tampered d) touched
10. The hooligan ….. the money out of my hand and ran away.
a) clutched b) gripped c) snatched d) withdrew
12. There are many crimes and offences apart from
the few mentioned above. Explain, define or give
examples of the offences listed below.
1. Enlarge on:
Never ask pardon before you are accused.
Woe be to him whose advocate becomes his accuser.
A guilty consciences needs no accuser.
Africa, and parts of Asia. Civil law and common law systems
have entirely different approaches to criminal procedure. Most
countries with civil law systems use what is known as the
inquisitorial system. Common law countries use what is
called the adversarial system.
The inquisitorial process is characterized by a
continuing investigation conducted initially by police and then
more extensively by an impartial examining magistrate. This
system assumes that an accurate verdict is most likely to arise
from a careful and exhaustive investigation. The examining
magistrate serves as the lead investigator – an inquisitor who
directs the fact-gathering process by questioning witnesses,
interrogating the suspect, and collecting other evidence. The
attorneys for the prosecution (the accuser) and defense (the
accused) play a limited role in offering legal arguments and
interpretations that they believe the court should give to the
facts that are discovered. All parties, including the accused, are
expected to cooperate in the investigation by answering the
magistrate’s questions and supplying relevant evidence. The
case proceeds to trial only after completion of the examining
phase and the resolution of factual uncertainties, and only if the
examining magistrate determines that there is sufficient
evidence of guilt. Under the inquisitorial approach, the trial is
merely the public finale of the ongoing investigation. Critics
argue that the inquisitorial system places too much unchecked
power in the examining magistrate and judge, who both
investigate and adjudicate the case.
In a common law, an adversarial approach is used to
investigate and adjudicate guilt or innocence. The adversarial
system assumes that truth – that is, an accurate verdict – is
most likely to result from the open competition between the
prosecution and the defense.
Primary responsibility for the presentation of evidence and
legal arguments lies with the opposing parties, not with a
judge. Each side, acting in its self-interest, is expected to
present facts and interpretations of the law in a way most
favorable to its interests. The approach presumes that the
accused is innocent, and the burden of proving guilt rests with
the prosecution. Through counterargument and cross-
examination, each side is expected to test the truthfulness,
relevancy, and sufficiency of the opponent’s evidence and
The adversarial system places decision-making authority in the
hands of neutral decision makers.
The judge ascertains the applicable law and jury determines the
facts. Critics of the adversarial approach argue that the pursuit
of winning often overshadows the search for truth.
Furthermore, inequalities between the parties in
resources and in the abilities of the attorneys may distort
the outcome of the adversarial contest.
2) Pair Work. Ask your colleague questions
and fill in the gaps.
Amendment requires that government procedures adhere to
due process of law, which means basic standards of (A6) and
equity. Under the Sixth Amendment, a (A7) is guaranteed a
speedy and public jury trial during which the defendant will
get notice of the charges he or she faces and may call witnesses
and face his or her accusers. The Eighth Amendment prohibits
excessive (A8), excessive fines, and cruel and unusual
State Criminal Procedure – A person prosecuted in the
courts of a particular state on charge of violating the criminal
laws of that state is subject to state criminal procedure. State
criminal procedure is found in the (A9), statutes, rules, and
judicial decisions of that state. Furthermore, portions of the
U.S. Constitution are applicable to state criminal defendants.
State constitutions generally (A10) a state criminal
defendant most of the same rights that a federal defendant is
provided by the Bill of Rights. Some states have provisions
that vary from federal constitutional requirements.
The Supreme Court of the United States has required states
to provide to criminal defendants most of the procedural
guarantees in the U.S. Constitution.
Text for student B
defendant will get notice of the (B7) he or she faces and may
call witnesses and face his or her accusers. The Eighth
Amendment prohibits excessive bail, excessive (B8), and cruel
and unusual punishments.
State Criminal Procedure – A person prosecuted in the
courts of a particular state on charge of violating the criminal
laws of that state is subject to state criminal procedure. State
criminal procedure is found in the constitution, statutes, rules,
and (B9) decisions of that state. Furthermore, portions of the
U.S. Constitution are applicable to state criminal defendants.
State constitutions generally guarantee a state criminal
defendant most of the same rights that a federal defendant is
provided by the Bill of Rights. Some states have provisions
that vary from federal (B10) requirements.
The Supreme Court of the United States has required states
to provide to criminal defendants most of the procedural
guarantees in the U.S. Constitution.
The rules of criminal procedure affect many actions prior to the
formal trial of the defendant. Even before a suspect is arrested,
certain procedural rules govern the activities of the police and
the rights of the suspect. After an arrest is made, a series of
events takes place leading up to either release, a guilty plea, or
a trial to determine the accused person’s guilt or innocence. All
of these events are governed by the rules of criminal procedure.
sufficient evidence to justify a trial on the crime charged, it
issues an indictment - a formal document containing a plain
statement of the facts constituting the offense charged. The
indictment or information replaces the complaint as the formal
charging document in the case. Once the formal accusation has
been issued, the accused is referred to as the defendant. A copy
of the accusation is given to the defendant before s/he is called.
D.___ refers to the security that the accused gives to the court
to guarantee his or her appearance at subsequent judicial
proceedings. The accused person's promise to return for trial is
secured by some form of collateral, such as money or property
(fixed by the judge or magistrate), that the accused forfeits if he
or she does not show up for trial. The system attempts to
balance the due process rights of the accused with the state's
need to ensure that a person accused of a crime will return for
criminal prosecution). It can be made with or without a
warrant. Before questioning a suspect in custody, the police
must inform him or her of certain legal rights, including the
right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney present
during questioning. These Miranda warnings are named after
the 1966 Supreme Court case, Miranda v. Arizona, in which
the Court declared the necessity of such a procedure.
A judge may issue a warrant if either a police officer or a
private person swears under oath that the accused has
committed a crime, or that a crime has been committed and
there is probable cause for believing the accused committed it.
For certain crimes, a summons (formal document notifying a
person that he or she is required to appear in court to answer a
charge) may be used in place of an arrest.
is made of the arrest. The name and address of the person
arrested (sometimes referred to as the arrestee), the time and
place of arrest, the name of the arresting officer, and the arrest
charge are entered in the police log. This process can also
involve searching, fingerprinting, photographing, and testing
the arrestee for drugs and alcohol.
g) Cross Examination by Plaintiff – each defense witness
is cross-examined.
h) Closing Statement by Plaintiff – prosecutor or
plaintiff’s attorney reviews all the evidence presented
(noting uncontradicted facts), states how the evidence
has satisfied the elements of the charge, and asks for a
finding of guilty (in criminal cases) or for the plaintiff
(in civil cases).
i) Closing Statement by Defense – same as closing
statement by prosecution/plaintiff. The defense asks for
a finding of not guilty (in criminal cases) or for the
defendant (in civil cases).
j) Rebuttal Argument – prosecutor or plaintiff has the
right to make additional closing arguments.
k) Jury Instructions – judge instructs jury as to the law
that applies in the case.
l) Verdict – in most states, a unanimous decision is
required one way or the other. If jury cannot reach a
unanimous decision, it is said to be a hung jury, and the
case may be tried again.
for a new trial on the basis of newly discovered
evidence that, had it been available at the trial, might
have resulted in an acquittal may be made after the
defendant has been sentenced; however, there is
generally a time limit on this. If the trial judge grants
the motion for a new trial, the conviction is set aside
and the defendant may be tried again by a new jury. If
the motion is denied, the defendant will be sentenced.
offenders are expected to serve this term. However, a
judge may permit a departure from this presumptive
sentence – either an increase or decrease in the length
of the term – if specific justification is shown.
Legislators often spell out in detail the factors that
justify a judge’s departure from the presumptive
sentence. Some states have enacted statutes that provide
for long and often mandatory terms of imprisonment
upon proof that the defendant has a prior record of
criminal activity.
e) A convicted criminal may appeal his or her conviction
and sentence to a higher court, known as an appellate
court. The appellate court will review all or part of the
written record of what transpired at the trial to
determine whether any error prejudicial to the
defendant was made. If any such error occurred, as
where the trial court erred in its rulings on the
admissibility of evidence or in its instructions to the
jury on the law to be applied, the appellate court usually
remands (returns) the case for a new trial. Sometimes,
however, the error is of a type that leads to a reversal of
conviction and the release of the defendant. For
example, if the trial court incorrectly refused to declare
unconstitutional the statute on which the prosecution
was based, the appellate court would nullify the
conviction, and the defendant would go free. In such a
situation a new trial based on the unconstitutional
statute is not permitted. If the appellate court finds no
error or deems any errors harmless – that is, not
substantial and not prejudicial to the interests of the
defendant – it affirms the conviction.
and most frenetic correctional buildup of any country in
the history of the world. During this time the number of
Americans in prison and jail has tripled to 1.5 million.
For some minority groups, the rate of incarceration has
increased tenfold. About 50 million criminal records -
enough to cover nearly one-fifth of the entire U.S.
population - are stuffed into police files. Hundreds of
billions of dollars have poured from taxpayers'
checking accounts into penal institutions and the
businesses that service them. One would think the
extraordinary expansion of the criminal justice system
would have made at least a small dent in the crime rate.
The increase in the prison population did not reduce
crime nor did it make Americans feel safer. In fact,
some criminologists have argued that the overuse of the
penal system for so many small-time offenders has
actually created more crime than it has prevented.
C. For those concerned with public safety as well as
vengeance, the issue of jail and prison conditions
becomes more complicated. We all want inmates to feel
the sting of punishment and loss of freedom. On the
other hand, it does not serve public safety to so frustrate
inmates that they return to the streets embittered and
angry. Jail and prison conditions exert a significant
influence on whether an inmate becomes productive
upon release or resumes criminal behavior. More than
nine out of ten inmates currently in prison will be
released at some point.
they commit tremendous numbers of violent and other
crimes that go wholly undetected, unprosecuted, and
insanity with regard to other murders was rejected and he was
20… of killing his wife.
Soon afterwards there was an 21… into the 22… of
Timothy Evans. The 23… decided that justice had been done
and Evans had been rightly hanged. It was only in 1966 that
another 24… was set up. This time it was decided that Evans
had probably been 25… and he was given a free 26… . Better
later than never, as they say.
might someone who, having been accused of a crime, is held in
custody or released on bail while on or awaiting trial.
felony/ misdemeanor
homicide/ murder
sentence, in self- defense when one`s life is endangered, or as
the only way to arrest an escaping felon. According to Black`s
Law Dictionary, “the term`homicide` is neutral; while it
describes the act, it pronounces no judgment on its moral or
legal quality”.
Both murder and manslaughter, however, are crimes. In
most states, a person faces the charge of murder in the first
degree (or first-degree murder) if he or she kills another
unlawfully and maliciously or with premeditation; with atrocity
or cruelty ( as by poison, starvation, mayhem, or torture); by
lying in wait for the victim; or while committing or attempting
to commit a serious felony such as arson, rape, robbery, or
burglary. All other kinds of murder are considered murder in
the second degree( or second-degree murder).
Manslaughter is also the unlawful killing of another,
but without malice aforethought, either expressed or implied.
There are two kinds of manslaughter; voluntary( resulting from
a sudden quarrel or heat of passion)and involuntary( resulting
from the failure to exercise due caution or circumspection in
the performance of a lawful act, so as to safeguard humanlife
or from the commission of an unlawful but not felonious act).
Still another unlawful killing is assassination, in which
the victim is likely to be a politically important person. This
kind of murder is committed by surprise attack, usually for
payment or from zealous belief.
People convicted of major crimes( felonies) are likely to be
confined in a prison or penitentiary, these words being used
Another type of penal institution( the generic term for
all places of confinement for those adjudged guilty of a crime)
is a reformatory, or house of correction, where juveniles
convicted of lesser offenses are sent for training and discipline
intended to reform rather than punish them. A penitentiary for
women is sometimes called a reformatory as well.
Gaol and jail came into Middle English at more or less the
same time from two French dialects. Gaol represents Norman
French, gaiole, gayolle, or gaole; jail the central and Parisian
Old French jaiole, geole( modern French geole). The Norman
French version would have been pronounced with a hard g, as
in <goat>.
In the I7th century there seems to have been some controversy
as to which was the correct form; one quotation in OED reads,
`they cannot come to a Resolution … whether they shall say
Jayl or Gaol`. This now seems to be resolved with a typically
British compromise; the word is always pronounced jail but is
spelt gaol in official use. In literary use either spelling may be
used. The Americans just use jail.
A person who steals things from
1) an assassin a.
a shop
A person who breaks into
2) a blackmailer b.
houses to steal things.
3) a shoplifter c. A person who kills an important
person, possibly for political
A person who demands money
4) a hijacker d. from a person about whom they
have secret information.
A person who commits violent
5) a robber e.
acts for political purposes.
A person who takes money from
6) a burglar f.
a bank (or another person)
A person who keeps someone
7) a terrorist g. prisoner until they are given
A person who steals money
8) a pickpocket h.
from people’s bags or pockets.
A person who takes control of a
9) a rapist i.
plane by force.
A man who attacks a woman for
10) a kidnapper j.
sexual purposes.
Two students are the “suspects”. They are sent outside and
instructed to prepare an “alibi” for one another. This means
they have to invent and be prepared to describe a situation
during the period of the crime, in which they were in each
other’s company and can therefore vouch for each other’s
innocence. Meanwhile the “suspects” prepare their story to try
to anticipate questions and give exactly corresponding versions
of their alibi. After ten minutes of preparation, the first suspect
is called in and asked questions about his/her movements and
actions during the crucial time. Then the second. If they do in
fact corroborate each other’s stories, they are “innocent”; but if
there are inconsistencies and contradictions, they are “guilty”.
6. The police arrested the wrong man mainly because
they ….. the names had been given by the witness.
a) bewildered b) confused c) merged d) puzzled
7. The police ….. off the street where the bomb had
gone off.
a) battened b) cordoned c) fastened d) shuttered
12. The police who were ….. the crime could find no
clues at all.
a) enquiring b) investigating ) researching d) seeking
14. The police are ….. the town for the stolen car.
a) combing b) investigating c) looking d) seeking
15. The police have not yet found a possible ….. for
the murder.
a) example b) motive c) principle d) understanding
16. The police ….. their attention to the events that led
up to the accident.
a) completed b) confined c) confirmed d) contained
23. The police made sure everyone stood well ….. of
the fire.
a) away b) clear c) free d) out
3) eviction c) death
10) a suspended sentence j) being imprisoned
completely alone
8) As it was her first offence, the judge gave her a …..
a) kind b) lenient c) severe d) tolerant
10) The accused man was able to prove his innocence at the
trial and was ….. .
a) absolved b) acquitted c) forgiven d) pardoned
14. Put each of the following words and phrases into
its correct place in the passage below.
accused acquit civil suits counsel
court cross-examination fault guilty
judge Jurors jury legal disputes
legislature List money officer
panel sentence swear testimony
trial witnesses
Trial by Jury
15. Choose the right answer.
1) There is no doubt about the outcome of the trial. The man
is a ….. criminal.
a) self-centred b) self-confessed c) self-conscious d) self-contained
9) A prominent local figure was ….. as co-respondent in a
divorce case.
a) accused b) cited c) nominated d) quoted
11) As she was the murderer’s mother, the judge ….. the normal
restrictions on visits and let her see him.
a) abandoned b) lifted c) relinquished d) surrendered
12) The baby at the centre of the controversy has been made a
….. of court.
a) child b) progeny c) protege d) ward
13) After considering the evidence for a few hours, the Jury
came to a(n) ….. verdict.
a) unambiguous b) unanimous c) undivided d) united
Part A
12 His strange behaviour raised my 12 ______________
Part B
3 I saw a suspected person outside the 3 _____________
17 Laws are done to be broken. 17 _______________
5. To kill someone in informal English is to ___ with them.
a. do away
b. have away
c. stay
2. Fill in the missing particle
1. The bank was held ______ by three masked men.
2. If you don't give me what I want, I'll do you ______.
3. He's dead. He was bumped ______ by another gangster.
4. The thieves broke ______ my car and took my radio.
5. The police have pulled ______ a suspect for
6. I think you should give yourself ______ to the police.
7. The car was blown ______ by terrorists.
8. He was turned ______ to the police by his best friend.
9. I put my bag down for a moment and somebody made
______ it.
10. She thinks that people who harm children should be
locked ______ for life.
11. She thinks that people who harm children should be put
______ for life.
12. She thinks that people who harm children should be
banged ______ for life.
13. He was informed ______ by one of his neighbours and
the police came to arrest him.
14. He grabbed the bag from me and ran ______ it.
15. I don't see why politicians who commit crimes should
be let ______ so lightly.
16. The gang of youths beat ______ the old man.
17. He literally got ______ murder.
18. If I had my way, I'd lock them ______ and throw away
the key!
19. The police are rounding ______ the usual suspects.
20. I'm concerned because the crime figures are going
______. We need more police.
e) La ora 8.00, programul TV va fi urmărit de toŃi prietenii
f) Cazul a fost deja discutat.
g) S-a crezut că ai spus adevărul.
h) HoŃul a fost recunoscut de unul dintre copii.
i) Am descoperit un document care a fost scris în secolul
al XIX-lea.
j) Am auzit că ai fost rănit în accident.
2. Enlarge on:
If you steal for others, you shall be hanged yourself.
The hole calls the thief. /Ease makes thief.
A bean in liberty is better than a comfit in prison.
Punishment is lame, but it comes.
Before you read about the suggested topic, think of your own
judicial system:
Courts are the branch of government established to
administer the civil and criminal law. They are classified in
many ways. Among the more usual general classifications are
courts of record and courts not of record; courts of superior
jurisdiction and courts of inferior jurisdiction; courts of first
instance and appellate courts; civil courts and criminal courts.
In courts of record the proceedings are recorded
completely; no detailed record is made of the proceedings in
courts not of record. Courts of superior jurisdiction, often
called higher courts or appellate courts, are generally those to
which appeals are made from decisions of courts of inferior
jurisdiction, referred to as lower courts or courts of first
instance. Civil and criminal courts deal with cases arising from
infractions of the civil law and the criminal law, respectively.
Courts with special, limited jurisdictions are known by the
names of those jurisdictions. For example, probate or
surrogate’s courts are tribunals dealing with the probate of
wills and the disposition of estates.
5. Courts of first instance may be referred to as
courts of inferior jurisdiction.
Court, where a circuit judge sits, usually with two
magistrates who did not hear the case in the magistrates’
Either the defendant or the prosecution may appeal to the
House of Lords in its appellate capacity, which does not
involve lay members of the House, but is heard by a committee
of paid Lords of Appeal in Ordinary.
Courts in the United Kingdom
(1) (2) (3)
COURT (civil matters) COURT (circuit judge)
(district judge)
Arrows show either the course an appeal will follow from one court to another, or the
progression of a case if it is felt to be too complex or serious for a lower-level court. No
indication is given here of the levels of the different courts represented in relation to one
Courts in the United States
State Courts
The state court systems also include a number of minor courts
with limited jurisdiction. These courts dispose of minor
offences and relatively small civil actions. Included in this
classification are police and municipal courts in cities and
larger towns and the courts presided over by justices of the
peace in rural areas.
Most of the courts in the federal court system of the United States are
constitutional courts; the exceptions—the Tax Court, the Court of International
Trade, and the Claims Court—are legislative courts. Constitutional courts
decide the constitutionality of federal, state, and local laws and regulations. The
Supreme Court makes final decisions regarding constitutionality and is the
highest court of appeals in the country. Although this court hears cases never
tried before, the bulk of the work of the nine Supreme Court justices is made up
of appeals from lower courts.
1. jurisdiction a. a type of court that is given official
authority to deal with a particular situation
or problem
2. controversy b. someone who is making a claim against
someone, or defending themselves against
a claim in a court of law
3. treaty c. amount of money that you must pay to
the government
4. approval d. a serious crime
5. tribunal e. the right to use an official power to
make legal decisions
6. claim f. the legal right of belonging to a
particular country
7. tax g. an illegal action or a crime
8. enactment h. a crime that is not very serious
9. involve i. the act of officially accepting a plan or
10. citizenship j. a formal list of something
11. misdemeanor k. making a proposal into law
12. felony l. to include something
13. litigant m. a serious argument or disagreement
14. schedule n. the principle that a fair judgment must
be made in a situation where the existing
laws do not provide an answer
15. equity o. request for money
16. offence p. formal agreement between two or more
countries or governments
A. What is the highest court of the land?
a. the Supreme Court
b. the Presidential Tribunal
Circuit Courts of Appeals
District Courts
D. In the system of checks and balances, how does the
judicial branch have power over the other two branches
of government?
a. The Supreme Court appoints all judges.
b. The Supreme Court can decide on the
constitutionality of laws and Presidential Actions.
J. Must the Supreme Court hear all appeals from lower
a. Yes, because hearing appeals is its only
b. No. It takes only the more important cases
(especially cases concerning individual rights and
the constitutionality of laws or actions.)
O. What are the District Courts and what happens in them?
a. They are state courts. All cases concerning state laws
begin there.
b. They are the lowest level of federal courts. Federal
cases begin there.
Year Case Decision
Even in small cases, the government
Gideon v. must provide a lawyer to a defendant
Wainwright (person on trial) if he or she can’t
afford one.
The police must tell an arrested person
Escobedo v.
1964 about his or her right to remain silent
and to have an attorney (lawyer)
Miranda v.
1966 present when he or she answers
Unequal treatment based on sex
1971 violates (goes against) the Fourteenth
States cannot make abortion illegal,
1973 Roe v. Wade
except in the later stages of pregnancy.
Congress may draft (take for military
Rotsker v.
1981 service) only men (not women) into the
armed forces.
Illegal (undocumented) aliens are
persons under the Constitution and
1982 Plyer v. Doe
have the same protections under the law
as citizens and residents.
The United States government can give
asylum (protection) to refugees if they
INS v.
have reason to fear death or
1987 Cardoza -
mistreatment in their native countries.
Refugees no longer have to prove that
their lives are in danger.
Read each situation and answer this question: Why would the
Supreme Court disapprove of the situation? On the line, write
the name and year of the Supreme Court case that is the
1) __Plyer v Doe
Texas keeps the children of illegal aliens out of its
public schools.
2) ___________________________________________:
California taxes all goods from Nevada.
3) ___________________________________________:
Oregon refuses to let a family move there from
Washington because they have no home and little
4) ___________________________________________:
Arizona sends a woman to jail because she went to the
doctor to abort a two-month old fetus.
5) ___________________________________________:
Without permission, Nebraska takes land from an
Indian reservation to build a state prison.
6) ___________________________________________:
A young man refuses to enter the U.S Army because his
sister does not have to serve in the armed forces.
7) ___________________________________________:
The police send a man to prison for drunk driving but
do not give him an attorney because he can’t afford
8) ___________________________________________:
A public university refuses to admit a student because
she is not white.
9) ___________________________________________:
You are the best-qualified candidate for police chief but
the city won’t give you the job because you are a
10) ___________________________________________:
The INS sends a political refugee back to his country
because he cannot prove that his government would
take his life.
11) ___________________________________________:
The police arrest a man and tell him to confess his
crime on videotape in a room with no one else present.
12) ___________________________________________:
Congress makes the Speaker of the House the head of
the armed forces even though the Constitution gives
that position to the President.
The Jury
trial. In a civil case, the purpose of a trial is to find out
whether the defendant failed to fulfill a legal duty to the
plaintiff. In a criminal case, the purpose of a trial is to
determine whether the defendant committed the crime
If the parties choose to have a jury trial, determining the
facts is the task of the petit jury. If they decide not to have a
jury and to leave the fact-finding to the judge, the trial is called
a bench trial. In either kind of trial, the judge makes sure the
correct legal standards are followed. If there is a jury, the judge
tells the jury what the law governing the case is. For example,
in a robbery case in which an unloaded gun was used, the judge
would tell the jury that using an unloaded gun to rob a store is
legally the same as using a gun that is loaded. But the jury
would have to decide whether the defendant on trial was
actually the person who committed the robbery and used the
The group of people seated in the boxed-in area on one
side of the courtroom is the petit jury or trial jury.
Juries were first used hundreds of years ago in England.
The jury was a factor in the events that led to the Revolutionary
War. The Declaration of Independence charged that King
George III deprived the colonists “in many cases, of the
benefits of trial by jury.” Thus, the U.S. Constitution now
guarantees the right to a jury trial to most defendants in
criminal cases and to the parties in most civil cases.
In federal criminal cases, there are usually twelve jurors
and between one and six alternate jurors. Alternate jurors
replace regular jurors who become ill, disqualified, or unable to
perform their duties. In federal civil cases there can be from six
to twelve jurors. All of the jurors are required to join in the
verdict unless the court excuses a juror from service during the
trial or deliberations.
6. GROUP WORK. How can an attorney for
the benefit of his/her client use jury selection?
− Know the demographics, attitudes and experiences of
jurors who will respond most/least favorably to your
− Know the questions to ask to identify those jurors
− Educate the jurors to your arguments
− Establish your power position over opposing counsel
− Make intelligent strike decisions
− Win your case in voir dire
In jury selection you are expected to decide which jurors
will most fairly judge your case, but are given precious
little information on which to base that decision. The
following 7-step jury selection process facilitates that effort
and provides you a crucial edge over your opponent.
6) Developing an Evaluation Sheet: Design an Evaluation
Sheet by which to evaluate each juror according to
his/her responses to the Juror Questionnaire.
7) Selecting jurors: In the courtroom, report to counsel,
not only listening to the verbal message, but the
nonverbal one, as well, as an important indicator of bias
and character.
Exchequer as a tribunal having exclusive jurisdiction
over revenue cases arising out of unpaid debts to the
Crown, and the establishment of the Court of King’s, or
Queen’s, Bench as the supreme appellate tribunal of the
realm, presided over by the monarch. The Court of
King’s, or Queen’s, Bench was also invested with
original jurisdiction over both civil and criminal cases
and thus encroached on the jurisdiction of the Court of
Common Pleas. In fact, the jurisdictions of all three
courts overlapped and were not entirely differentiated
until much later.
dispensed. In this innovation were the seeds of three later
important legal developments: assize courts, circuit
courts, and a central legal authority. This innovation was
adopted by other feudal monarchs in their struggles with
the landed nobility, who controlled the manorial, or
seigniorial, courts.
2) If you break the law, you will be …… trouble.
a) for b)in c) out d) out of
10.Study the following words:
Sports Illustrated, Westmoreland v. CBS, United States v.
Louisiana, and Dawson v. Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore. In saying a case title, some people pronounce the v.
as”vee”; some give the full from, versus; and some substitute
the word against.
In the case title of the original suit, the plaintiff is listed
first. However, if the losing party in a suit in a federal court
appeals the case, this party`s name appears first; in other
words, the case title in the appellate procedure gives appellant
versus appellee. If the appeal goes all the way to the U.S.
Supreme Court, the party seeking the review is called the
petitioner and the party responding to the petition is called the
respondent. For example, when James J.Hill sued Time, Inc.,
for invasion of privacy, the case was titled Hill v.Time, Inc.,
but on appeal the title became Time, Inc. v. Hill.
Every criminal case-that is, every court action taken to
redress a public wrong-also has a defendant, but here the
initiator of the proceedings is called the prosecution. The
prosecutor, or prosecuting attorney, who is a public official
such as a district attorney, conducts the criminal suit on behalf
of the state or the people.
Criminal actions are referred to much the same way as
civil ones. In the original case title the prosecution ( the name
of the federal, state, or local entity) precedes the name of the
defendant; but in any appellate procedure whoever seeks the
review is listed first. For example, by the time Illinois v. Gacy
reached the U.S. Supreme Court for review, it was called Gacy
v. Illinois, John Wayne Gacy having appealed his conviction
and death sentence for murder.
11.If you commit a crime you may be:
7) The youth involved in the disturbance at the
demonstration made a(n) … to the police.
a) account b) notice c) statement d) summary
14) The driver admitted that the accident was partly his own
a) blame b) cause c) evil d) fault
15) In fact, the murderer was … from the country before
extradition proceedings could be started.
a) barred b) deported c) exported d) interned
24) I wish you’d let me speak for myself and not … the
words out of my mouth.
a) grab b) pull c) snatch d) take
7. The suspect is not under arrest, nor have the police
placed any … on his movements.
a) obstacle b) regulation c) restriction d) veto
10. His legal training enables him to put his case … very
a) down b) out c) over d) up
Trial by Jury
A courtroom trial in which a ….. decides the facts is called a
….. by jury.
Before each ….. term, a jury commissioner or another
public ….. prepares a panel, or large initial ….. of qualified
jurors. For each trial, ….. are selected by lot from this ….. .
Before the trial begins, the jurors ….. to decide the facts fairly.
They hear the ….. given by witnesses for both sides, including
….. . Then ….. for each side sum up, or summarize the case,
and the ….. explains the applicable law in his instructions to
the jury.
In ….. for financial damages, the jury must decide who is at
….. and must determine the amount of ….. to be paid. In
criminal cases, the jury must decide whether or not the ….. is
guilty “ beyond a reasonable doubt “, and then either return a
verdict of guilty, or ….. the defendant by a verdict of not
guilty. If the verdict is ….. the judge imposes the ….. , or
punishment, within limits that have been fixed by the ….. .
had refused to have recourse (8)… pagan courts, became a part
(9)… the Roman legal system. As the Roman Empire
disintegrated, the ecclesiastical courts survived and assumed
jurisdiction (10)… secular affairs.
State courts share jurisdiction with federal courts, and they
exercise sole, or exclusive, jurisdiction in other cases, mainly
those involving state law. Only those state court decisions that
involve the U.S. (1) and federal law may be appealed to the
federal courts.
The state court systems are similar in structure, but they vary
widely in specifics and (6). The major trial court may be a
circuit court in one state and a district court, or superior court,
in another. Some courts derive their titles and functions from a
past era and are not the result of systematic planning.
criminal (7) may also conduct preliminary hearings for more
serious crimes to be tried in higher trial courts. These limited-
jurisdiction courts often receive most of their financial support
from local governments. Next is a level of general-jurisdiction
trial courts that hear the full range of serious cases and often
appeals in minor cases from lower courts. Finally, each state
has courts with mainly appellate (8). Every state has a supreme
court, although it is not always called by that name; about half
of the states have intermediate appellate courts below the level
of their highest courts.
d) Answer the following questions after searching for
information relating to trials.
1. What are the qualifications required to be a juror?
2. How are future jurors selected for jury service?
3. Can a person change his/her jury service report date?
4. Can a person be transferred to another courthouse?
5. Can a person be excused from jury service?
6. What is the Opt-Out Program for jurors 70 years of
age or older?
Courts of Appeal
European Court of Justice
Supreme Court of the United States
European Court of Human Rights
International Court of Justice (UN), World Court
Personal experience in a law court
What may happen if the witness gives false evidence?
Or if the jurors do not agree on the verdict?
Your opinion on films about court trials
Jury trials vs. Judge trials
1. What do you know about the British Constitution?
2. Name the parts of Parliament.
The Constitution of the United Kingdom, not written
in one place, is made up of statute law, common law, and
conventions. Conventions are rules and practices which are not
legally enforceable but which are regarded as indispensable to
the working of government ; many are derived from the
historical events through which the British system of
government has evolved.
The key principles of the constitution are the rule of law
( everyone is subject to the laws of the land ), and the
sovereignty of Parliament ( there are no restrictions of the laws
that Parliament can pass ).
In England, the legislative power, that is the power of
making, altering, or repealing the laws, belongs to Parliament.
The three parts of Parliament are the monarch, the House of
Lords and the House of Commons.
The Queen is head of State and an important symbol of
national unity. She is head of the executive, an integral part of
the legislature, head of the judiciary; commander-in-chief of all
the Armed Forces of the Crown, and the ‘supreme governor‘ of
the established Church of England. The Queen acts on the
advice of her ministers. Britain is governed by Her Majesty’s
Government in the name of the Queen. In international affairs
the Queen, as head of State, has the power to declare war and
make peace, to recognize foreign states and governments, to
conclude treaties and to annex or cede territory.
For electoral purposes Britain is divided into 651
constituencies, each of which returns one member to the House
of Commons or the Lower House. Each elector may cast one
vote, normally in person at a polling station. Voting is not
compulsory. The simple majority system of voting is used.
Candidates are elected if they have more votes than any of the
other candidates, although not necessarily an absolute majority
over all other candidates.
British citizens and citizens of other Commonwealth
countries, together with citizens of the Irish Republic, may
stand for election as MPs provided they are aged 21 or over
and are not disqualified. A candidate must also deposit 500
pounds, which is returned if he or she receives 5 per cent or
more of the votes cast.
All election expenses, apart from the candidate’s
personal expenses, are subject to the statutory limit.
The House of Lords, with arround 1200 numbers, or
the Upper House, consists of the lords spiritual, i.e. two
archbishops, twenty-four bishops of the Established Church,
and the lords temporal, hereditary peers and peeresses, and life
As there are no legal restraints imposed by a written
constitution, Parliament can make or change any law. It can
even prolong its own life beyond the normal period without
consulting the electorate. In practice, however, Parliament does
not assert its supremacy in this way. A Parliament has a
maximum duration of five years, but in practice general
elections are usually held before the end of this term. The
maximum life has been prolonged by legislation in rare
circumstances such as the two world wars.
The privileges of the members of the Commons include :
freedom of speech, freedom from arrest in civil actions,
exemption from serving on juries, or being compelled to attend
court as witnesses, and the right of access to the Crown, which
is a collective privilege of the House.
11. What church do the archbishops and bishops in the
House of Lords belong to?
12. What is the full duration of Parliament?
in government ‘White Papers’. Consultation papers, sometimes
called ‘Green Papers’, (5)… government proposals which are
still taking shape and seek comments from the public.
A (6)… is given a first reading in the House of
Commons without debate; this is followed by a thorough
debate on general principles at second reading, and a third and
final reading.
Bills must normally be passed by both Houses. They
must then receive the Royal (7)… before becoming Acts. In
practice this is a (8)….
privacy laws.
2 Are you interested in British 2 …………………
3 The Minister was the victim 3 …………………
of a combine against him.
4 We’re electing a new party 4 …………………
5 We must join ourselves to 5 …………………
win the next election.
6 Are you a member of the 6 …………………
Preservative Party?
7 They’ll have to control your 7 …………………
passport before they let you
8 Conversations about trade 8 …………………
agreements are continuing.
9 They’ve set up centers to 9 …………………
council the unemployed.
10 Has he got the necessary 10 …………………
qualities to direct the
11 The government was chosen 11 …………………
with a small majority.
12 She’s one of the greatest 12 …………………
faces in modern politics.
13 Are you member of the 13 …………………
Labor Faction?
14 The folk will be voting on 14 …………………
May 14th.
15 Dictators have a lot of craft. 15 …………………
16 What is the basis of political 16 …………………
17 A dictator rules by strength. 17 …………………
18 Do you know all the words 18 …………………
of your National Hymn?
19 The great forces decide the 19 …………………
destiny of smaller nations.
20 We pay imposition on 20 …………………
Part B
1 An industrious nation needs 1 …………………
a lot of capital investment.
2 Civil service departments 2 …………………
are full of plot.
3 Paris was discharged in 3 …………………
1945 by the allied forces.
4 The most of people are in 4 …………………
favor of a change in the law.
5 There’s been a peaceful 5 …………………
manifestation against
6 What is the date of the 6 …………………
annual party lecture?
7 You have to tackle misery 7 …………………
before you tackle crime.
8 The German country is a 8 …………………
formidable force in Europe.
9 She’s been named to lead 9 …………………
the party into the next
10 Whose part are you on? 10 …………………
11 I’m enjoying peasant life 11 …………………
now I’ve moved out of
12 It’s government by the 12 …………………
peoples for the peoples.
13 What’s your political 13 …………………
14 Politic is central to the study 14 …………………
of history.
15 A government must reign or 15 …………………
16 Britain has a republican 16 …………………
17 The way we are governed 17 …………………
affects the whole of
18 Britain is a small country, 18 …………………
which is divided into lands.
19 Trade Syndicates defend 19 …………………
worker’s interests.
the Americans and British began to develop joint military
plans, the expression "to table" needed a clearer explanation.
There were some British proposals that the
American leaders were strongly opposed to. They did
not even want to discuss them. Politely, they said, "let's
table them". The British were happy to hear it. They
thought the Americans were ready to give their
proposals serious consideration.
For a time, the misunderstandings were troublesome.
But the British and Americans in time understood what each
meant by the expression "to table". Communications between
them improved.
So did their military situation. It is a matter of history
how the Allies "turned the tables" on Hitler.
After being on the defensive for a long time, suffering
one disaster on top of another, they moved forward to take the
offensive on all fronts.
The phrase "to turn the tables" means to give an
opponent the same treatment he has been giving you. The
expression comes from a popular sixteenth century card game,
where a player might have found himself in a worse position
than his opponent, and so turned the board or table around to
put the other man in the same position.
The phrase dramatically tells the story of the war. The
Allies at last "turned the tables" on the aggressors and defeated
Two closely related expressions also come from the
word table. One is "to put your cards on the table". The other is
the phrase, "to deal under the table".
A honest man lays his "cards on the table", so to speak.
You can clearly see he is not trying to hide anything. He is said
"to be above board", out in the open where everything can be
But the man who wants to hide his plans and purposes
"deals under the table". This expression is used to describe
many dishonest activities.
One who makes a secret, illegal payment to another is
said to be "paying under the table".
representatives. Everyone has the right of equal access
to public service in his country. The will of the people
shall be the basis of the authority of government; this
will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine
elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage
and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free
voting procedures. Britain is a parliamentary
democracy, the Government being responsible to the
people through the elected House of Commons, which
has the power to force a government to resign on a vote
of no-confidence. The other House in the British
Parliament is the non-elected House of Lords, which is
normally a chamber of discussion and revision of
proposals and not a rival to the Commons. Its powers to
delay legislation are limited by law. Candidature for
parliamentary elections is open to anyone aged 21 and
over who is eligible to vote. The secret ballot is used in
all British elections. The electoral system is the ‘simple
majority’ system. The candidate with the largest
number of votes is elected. Officials working in central
and local government have a long tradition of political
neutrality. A change of minister therefore does not
involve a change of departmental staff, whose functions
remain the same whichever political party is in office.
Public offices are open to men and women, without
distinction on grounds of sex, religion, race or colour.
Staff is recruited to the Civil Service and its executive
agencies through fair and open competition solely on
the basis of merit.
as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and
full consent of the intending spouses. The family is the
natural and fundamental group unit of society and is
entitled to protection by society and the State. All
marriages are registered by the State. It is unlawful to
force anyone to marry against his or her will or to bring
about a marriage by fraudulent means. Members of the
family are in an advantageous position in matters of
succession. If death occurs without a valid will, the
spouse and children of the deceased have priority.
Children have equal rights of inheritance from parents
whether the parents are married or unmarried.
social protection. Everyone has the right to form and to
join trade unions for the protection of his interests. The
Employment Service, an executive agency of the
Department of Employment, helps unemployed people
to find work through its job placement and other
services and pays benefits and allowances to those
entitled to them. A fundamental reform of the
vocational qualifications system is being undertaken by
the National Council for Vocational Qualifications. It
aims to develop a system of nationally recognised
vocational qualifications based on standards of
workplace competence set by employers. Equal esteem
for academic and vocational qualifications is being
promoted with clearer and more accessible paths
between them. In most industries the pay and
conditions of workers are settled by national and/or
plant bargaining between employers and trade unions.
Laws impose duties on employers and others to ensure
the health, safety and welfare of their employees in
factories offices, mines, building sites and ail other
work activities. People may join trade unions, which
have members in virtually every occupation and some
10 million members in all. Dismissals for union
membership or non-membership are automatically
unfair. It is also unlawful for an employer to refuse to
employ an individual on the grounds of that
individual’s membership or non-membership of a trade
union. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure,
including reasonable limitation of working hours and
periodic holidays with pay. The basic working week in
Great Britain is about 37,5 to 40 hours for manual work
and 35 to 38 for non-manual work. A five-day week is
usually worked. Overtime is paid at higher rates.
f. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as
in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily
deprived of his property. Compensation is paid for any
losses suffered through compulsory purchase or the
deterioration of property as a result of activities by
public authorities.
h. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with
his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to
attacks upon his honour and reputation. Every one has
the right to the protection of the law against such
interference or attacks. The common law allows people
to speak and act in their own homes as they please and
to carry on their daily business, provided that they do
not infringe the rights of others or commit an offence.
Parents are free to bring up their children as they so
wish, provided that they do not infringe laws against
cruelty and exposure to moral and physical danger.
Parents also have to observe the law regarding
compulsory education of their children.
manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice,
worship and observance. Worship and religious
teaching take place without any interference from the
State. There is complete freedom of thought,
conscience or form of worship and no restriction on the
right of any citizen to change his or her religion.
Atheists and agnostics are also free to propagate their
What do you know about the British government?
ministers are members of the Commons, although the
Government is also fully represented by ministers in the
Lords. The Lord Chancellor is always a member of the
House of Lords.
The composition of governments can vary both
in the number of ministers and in the titles of some
offices. The Prime Minister is, by tradition, First Lord
of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service. The
Prime Minister’s office is located at 10 Downing Street
in central London.
To keep the workload of the Cabinet within
manageable limits, a great deal of work is carried on
through the committee system.
The doctrine of collective responsibility means that the
Cabinet acts unanimously even when Cabinet ministers do not
all agree on a subject.
As press adviser to the Prime Minister, the
Prime Minister’s Press secretary and other Staff in the
Prime Minister’s Press Office have direct contact with
the parliamentary press through regular meetings with
the Lobby correspondents. The Lobby correspondents
are a group of political correspondents who have the
special privilege of access to the Lobby of the House of
Commons where they can talk privately to government
ministers and other members of the House. The Prime
Minister’s Press Office is the accepted channel through
which information about parliamentary business is
passed to the media.
Answer the following questions:
1) After a general election, who becomes Prime Minister?
2) Whom does the Prime Minister choose for the
3) What minister does the Prime Minister choose for
foreign affairs?
4) What do all the ministers chosen by the Prime Minister
5) What does the doctrine of collective responsibility
6) What do the Lobby correspondents do?
Administration of justice rests with the Lord Chancellor,
the Home Secretaries, the Attorney General and the
Secretaries of State for Scotland and Northern Ireland. The
highest judicial appointments are made by the Queen on
the advice of the Prime Minister. The judiciary is
independent, its adjudications not being subject to
ministerial direction or control.
England and Wales
Service, the Director of Public Prosecutions is subject to
superintendence by the Attorney General, as are the Director
of the Serious Fraud Office and the Director of Public
Prosecutions for Northern Ireland.
The Office of the Parliamentary Counsel is responsible
for drafting legislations and advises the Government on
legal, parliamentary and constitutional questions.
16. Eram complet con tient de ceea ce se întâmpla.
17. Acest succes s-a datorat în mare parte eforturilor
18. GlonŃul a trecut exact prin fereastră.
19. La puŃin timp după aceea, a sosit poliŃia.
20. Va trebui să îi întâlnim la ora nouă dimineaŃa, luni,
pe 4 Martie 2002.
21. Ea a spus că îl întâlnise cu două zile înainte.
22. Nepotul nostru ne-a vizitat în Mai, dar nu l-am mai
văzut de atunci.
23. Nu te-am înŃeles bine.
24. Îmi amintesc de faptul că ea avea o influenŃă
considerabilă acolo.
25. El va face tot ce va putea ca să ne ajute.
26. A vorbit atât de repede, încât nimeni nu l-a înŃeles.
27. Nu îmi place această idee i, mai mult, cred că este
28. Banditul a intrat în cameră. Încet, i-a mi cat mâna
spre armă.
29. Mai devreme sau mai târziu îŃi vei da seama că are
30. În nici un caz să nu deschizi u a aceea.
Topics for
Marriage and Family
Fair Trial
Personal Liberty
Right to Privacy
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Expression
General Political Rights
The right to work. Working Hours
Education, Science, and the Arts
the royal household
royal palaces and residences
law amendment
Genesis of the Constitution
people in governance and threaten individual rights and local
interests. The significant and lasting accomplishment of the
opponents was to get the Bill of Rights added to the
Three main principles from the basis of the Constitution are:
- the separation of powers of the three branches of
- government of, for, and by the people;
- basic human rights (individual freedom, equality,
and justice).
The Constitution has three parts:
1) The Preamble tells its purposes: to protect the nation and to
assure justice, peace, and liberty for all;
2) The Document contains seven articles;
3) Twenty-six Amendments guarantee individual rights and
freedoms and establish other basic principles of
Write the words from the text.
4. After if was signed, the Constitution was offered for
5. One of the main principles of the Constitution is the
________________ of powers of the three
____________________ of government.
6. Another principle is government of, for, and by
7. The third principle is basic ___________________, such as
individual _______________ equality, and
8. The three parts of the Constitution are
__________________, the seven ______________ of the
Document, and the twenty-six ________________.
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of; or
abridging the freedom of speech, or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for
a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of
a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,
shall not be infringed.
Amendment III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any
house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of
war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches
and seizures, shall not be violated.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or
otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or
indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the
land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual
service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any
person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in
jeopardy of life or limb.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the
right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the
State and district where in the crime shall have been
committed, and to be informed of the nature and cause of
the accusation.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines
imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall
not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the
Amendment XII
The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote
by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at
least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with
Amendment XIII
Section I – Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,
except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall
have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United
States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Amendment XIV
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and
subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizen of United
States and of the State wherein they reside; nor shall any
State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without
due process of law; nor deny to any person within its
jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Amendment XV
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not
be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State
on account of race, color, or previous condition of
Amendment XVII
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two
Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for
six years; and each Senator shall have one vote.
Amendment XIX
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not
be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State
on account of sex.
Amendment XX
The terms of the President and Vice-President shall end at
noon on the 20th day of January, and terms of Senators and
Representatives at noon 3rd day of January, of the years in
which such terms would have ended if this article had not
been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then
If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the
President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice-
President elect shall become President.
Amendment XXII
No person shall be elected to the office of the President
more than twice, and no person who has held the office of
President, or acted as president, for more than two years of
a term to which some other person was elected President
shall be elected to the office of the President mote than
Amendment XXIV
The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any
primary or other election for President or Vice-President,
for electors for President or Vice-President, or for Senator
or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or any State by reason of
failure to pay poll tax or other tax.
Amendment XXV
In case of the removal of the President from office or of his
death or resignation, the Vice-President shall become
Amendment XXVI
The right of citizen of the United States, who are 18 years
of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by
the United States or any State on account of age.
7. Amendment ________ says that individuals have rights in
addition to those in the Constitution.
8. Amendment ________ gives the right to vote to all citizens
over the age of lightens.
9. Amendment ________ guarantees all the rights of citizens
to people born or naturalized in the United States.
10. Amendment ________ says that to bring a person to trial, a
grand jury must charge him or her with a crime. Also, the
government may not bring a person to trial more than once
for the same crime.
11. Amendment ________ limits presidents to two terms in
12. Amendment ________ says that the government may not
search or take individual property without a warrant.
13. Amendment ________ prevents anyone from being denied
the right to vote for failing to pay a poll tax.
14. Amendment ________ gives individuals the right to an
open trial by jury and a lawyer. They have the right to hear
the charges and to question witness.
15. Amendment ________ guaranteed the right to vote to
16. Amendment ________ says that the government may not
force people to take soldiers into their homes in peacetime.
The American System of Government
2 3 4
2. Match the words with their meanings.
District Courts. This branch explains and interprets laws and
makes decisions in lawsuits. It has power over the other two
branches because it can declare their laws and actions
unconstitutional (against the principles of the Constitution).
2) What is a “bicameral” legislature?
a. one with cameras
b. one with two houses (divisions)
2. Fill in the gaps.
house without a _______________, or _____________
(change) the bill.
Political Parties
Since 1854, the two major parties have been the Democrats and
Republicans and the Republicans. Smaller parties have lasted
for only a short time. “Third parties” have won in local
elections, but their candidates have never won a Presidential
Many people say that there is not much difference
between the Republican and Democratic Parties. “Liberal”
politicians usually favor reform (change) and progress.
“Consecutive” politicians usually oppose change. But both
liberal and conservative members belong to the major political
parties, and their ideas often change with the times and issues.
Republicans got interested in farm, land, and business issues.
In general, Republicans vote more conservatively than
Democrats. They want government to support big business but
not to control the lives of citizens. They often oppose
government spending for social programs but support military
spending. The party symbol is the elephant.
The federal government usually provides funding and
the states distribute the money and provide programs
Student 1: Which governments declares war and
makes treaties?
Student 2: The federal governments.
7. ... oversees local government and grants city
8. ... funds public projects, like dams and
9. ... maintains courts systems?_________________________
10. ... issues copyrights and patents?_____________________
11. ... provides public assistance and health care for people in
need? _____________________
12. ... provides funding for the protection of natural resources?
13. ... distributes money through programs to improve living
and working conditions? ___________________________
Before the United States
won independence from British
rule, George Washington was
a farmer in the colony of
Virginia. He served as a
military leader in the
Revolutionary War. The
colonists trusted him because
he did not want power for himself. He wanted all the states
and the people to work together as one. He wanted the
government to serve the people well.
Washington said that power should belong to institutions,
not to men. He also said that people could understand the
U.S. Constitution in many ways, not just one. He did not
think that the United States should have strong ties with
other countries.
George Washington was the first President of the
United States from 1789 to 1796. He is often called "the
Father of Our Country."
Thomas Jefferson could
do many things. As a young
man, he was a farmer and a
lawyer in Virginia. He was
also a scientist, an inventor, a
philosopher, and an architect.
He designed his own home,
called Monticello. He could
communicate in French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, and Greek.
Many of Jefferson's ideas became basic principles of
the government of the United States. For example, he
believed that „all men are created equal” (are born the same
and should receive the same treatment under the law). He
also said that power must come From „the consent of the
governed” (the voters, not the leaders). He wanted free
elections, a free press, and free speech.
Thomas Jefferson held many important government
jobs. He was Ambassador to France, Secretary of State
(under George Washington), Vice President (under John
Adams), and the third President of the United States, from
1801 to 1809. As President, Jefferson bought the huge
Louisiana Territory for the United States from France.
Abraham Lincoln grew up in
Kentucky in a log cabin. He
couldn't go to school, so he
taught himself. He became a
lawyer. Friends called him
„Honest Abe.” As a delegate
from Illinois, he served in
Congress from 1847 to 1849.
Lincoln was against slavery and gave some famous
speeches about his ideas when he was running for the
In 1861 Abraham Lincoln became the sixteenth
President of the United States. He wanted the states of the
Union to work together as one country, but he had to lead
the North against the South in the Civil War. Some people
thought that Lincoln was too strong as President because he
used power that the Constitution did not give him.
President Lincoln freed the slaves with the
Emancipation Proclamation. He had a plan to bring the
South back into the Union after the Civil War, but he
couldn't carry out the plan because he was assassinated. In
1865 an actor named John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham
John F. Kennedy was
President for only three years,
from 1961 to 1963, but his
personality and ideas changed
America. He was both the first
Roman Catholic and the
youngest President in the history
of the country. He set clear goals
for America. For example, he promised that the United
States would land a man on the moon before 1970.
Kennedy supported the ideas of Martin Luther King, Jr.
and fought for civil rights, fair housing, and programs to
stop poverty. He asked Congress for more money for
education and medical care for elderly people.
Kennedy was against Communism. For example, when
the Soviet Union put missiles in Cuba, he sent U.S. ships to
surround the island. But he believed that the best way to
fight Communism was not by sending armies but by
attacking poverty and injustice. He organized the Alliance
for Progress to help the countries of Latin America. He
started the Peace Corps and sent Americans to over sixty
countries in Africa, Asia, and South America. These young
volunteers worked and lived with the people, built schools,
and taught farmers more modern methods.
Kennedy was a man for the future. He worked to stop
the testing of nuclear weapons. But on November 22, 1963,
he was assassinated.
11. Which President is each sentence about? Write the first
initial of his last name on the line.
9. ____ He was a man for the future, and one of his goals was
to land a man on the moon before 1970.
11. ____ He did not think the United States should have strong
ties to other nations.
American Symbols
The Flag of the United States
This was the „Great Union Flag.” It was the flag of the
American army during the Revolutionary War. The flag of
England was in the corner. The red and white stripes were
symbols for the thirteen American colonies.
During the War of 1812 the flag had fifteen stars and
fifteen stripes for the fifteen states. After a battle Francis
Scott Key wrote a song about the American flag. The „Star-
Spangled Banner” became the national anthem of the
United States.
4. ____ The "Star-Spangled Banner" is a song about the
Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty.
5. ____ The flag of the United States now has thirteen
stars for the American colonies and fifty stripes for the
fifty states.
4. More American Symbols
The delegates of the thirteen
American colonies planned the
Declaration of Independence, and
Thomas Jefferson wrote it. The
document declared the independence
(separation) of the colonies from England.
Congress adopted the
Declaration of Independence, and the
delegates signed the document on July 4, 1776. The Liberty
Bell in the State House in Philadelphia rang out on that day.
The French gave the Statue of
Liberty to the United States as a symbol
of friendship. Now it is a symbol of
freedom for new immigrants to this
The donkey and the
elephant first appeared in political
cartoons. They are simbols for the
Democratic and Republican
NUTS AND BOLTS Every machine is held together by its
"nuts and bolts". Without them, the machine would fall apart.
That is also true of an organization. Its "nuts and bolts" are its
basic, necessary elements. They are the parts that make the
organization work.
In government, industry, diplomacy -- in almost
anything -- the man who understands the "nuts and bolts" is
the most important. Success depends more on them than on
almost anyone else.
In government, the president or prime minister may plan
and shape programs and policies, but it takes much more work
to get them approved and to make them successful. There is a
mass of detailed work to be done, the "nuts and bolts". This is
often put in to the hands of specialists. The top leaders are
always well known, but no those who work with the "nuts and
This is equally true in the day-to-day operation of the
Congress. The Majority Leader of the Senate, and the Speaker
of the House of Representatives, together with the chairmen of
committees, keep the business of Congress moving.
But behind every Senator and Congressman are
assistants. These people do all the detailed work to prepare the
Congressman to vote wisely on each issue. The top assistant is
the "eyes and ears" of a legislator.
In diplomacy, the chief ministers are unquestionably
important in negotiations. But there are lesser officials who do
the basic work and preparations on the different issues to be
A recent book tells of a British prime minister who
decided to send an ambassador to Washington to learn if a
detailed plan could be worked out for joint action on an
important issue. The talks in Washington, the minister said,
would be of "nuts and bolts." He meant, of course, the talk
would concern all the necessary elements to make such
common action successful.
President John F. Kennedy did this when he spoke at
a dinner for 49 Americans who had been given the Nobel
Prize. President Kennedy said: "I think this is the most
extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that
has ever been gathered together at the White House-with the
possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone".
And the women voters laughed when Charlotte
Whitton who was mayor of Ottawa, Canada, said: "Whatever
women do they must do twice as well as man to be thought
half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult".
President Abraham Lincoln was highly skilled in the
use of "tongue-in-cheek" humor. For a long time, job seekers
almost drove him out of his mind. So when he came down with
that terrible disease, smallpox, while still in the White House,
he said, "Tell all job hunters to come on in, I've got something
for all of them."
Many people who are not circus acrobats "walk a
tightrope" today. You walk a tightrope when you have to
balance carefully between opposing sides, when you cannot
take one side or the other in an argument.
A negotiator between opposing groups often has to
"walk a tightrope" if he is to succeed. He cannot appear to
support one side against the other. He has to keep his balance
between the two sides, to stay in the middle. And balancing in
the middle is what keeps the negotiator and the tightrope
walker safe.
P.T. Barnum was an early and very famous American
showman. He traveled around the country with his circus acts,
visiting town after town. To attract a crowd in each town
Barnum marched through the streets with all the members of
his circus. His band played loudly as it rode on a large wagon
in the parade. Everyone called it "the bandwagon".
Soon a new expression became popular - to "jump on
the bandwagon". Political groups built bandwagons of their
own during election campaigns. The bandwagons were used to
attract voters to hear a candidate speak. Small boys often
jumped on a bandwagon to join the musicians as they rode.
The 15th Amendment guarantees the right to vote to ex-
slaves and black people.
24 It is illegal to require voting taxes.
25 The Vice-President becomes President if the
President can’t carry out his duties.
26 All citizens eighteen years and older may
Because of its larger size, the House is more formal and has
stricter rules than the Senate. For example, a member of the
House (usually called a representative) is recognized to
speak during a debate for a limited period of time, often five
minutes or less. Senators normally have no such time limits
placed on them. Therefore it is possible, as an extreme
measure, for a senator or group of senators to use this
privilege of unlimited debate to delay or defeat legislation.
This delaying tactic is called a filibuster.
committee. The committees, in turn, will distribute bills to
even more specialized subcommittees.
2. Answer the following questions.
Topics for
1. What do you know about legal education in U.K./the
Law schools in the United States are usually accredited by the
American Bar Association (ABA). The ABA determines
whether a new law school has skilled teachers, an adequate
library, and sufficient resources to conduct a successful
program of legal education. After the ABA grants a law school
accreditation, it visits the school once every seven years to
ensure that the school still meets the required standards.
Graduates of ABA-approved schools may take the bar
examination in any of the 50 states. Because each state has
different laws, each one has different requirements for passage
of its exam.
1. Match the titles with their corresponding paragraphs.
applicant. Very few law schools interview candidates for
jurisprudence (J.D.). The J.D. degree permits an individual to
take the bar examination, which is, in turn, a prerequisite for
receiving a license to practice law. After completing a J.D.
degree, students may return to law school for one additional
year to earn a master of law, or LL.M. degree. Some schools
offer a highly specialized degree known as the doctor of
juridical science (S.J.D).
the country. This relatively large number of lawyers has
discouraged some people from going to law school because of
concerns that they may not be able to get a job after they
graduate. As a result, the number of applications to law schools
declined in the mid-1990s, and some schools decided to reduce
the size of their student bodies. Other schools have developed
special programs to help them compete for students. The
question of how many lawyers and law schools our society
really needs is a subject of debate among legal educators and
government officials.
jurist, law is cognizable by pure reason; to the analytical jurist,
it is the command of the sovereign power; to the historical
jurist, it is the formulated wisdom of men and women. To the
natural-law jurist, law is applied ethics, and, in the extreme
form of the theory, that which is not right is not law. To the
analytical jurist, a law that commands what is ethically wrong
or forbids what is ethically right is no less a law if it proceeds
from the political sovereign. The historical jurist accepts this
position taken by the analytical school, but points out that it is
difficult for a lawmaker to act otherwise than in accord with
the contemporary sense of right, and that laws which run
counter to that sense are not likely to be enforced. Historical
jurisprudence differs from analytical jurisprudence chiefly in
emphasizing the great part played by social custom in
developing and establishing law. To the analytical jurist,
customary law, including judicial custom, is an anomaly that
should be abolished by covering the whole field of social
relations with written codes.
The historical school dates from the 19th century, as a reaction
against natural-law ideas. Its principles were first clearly
defined in 1814 by the German jurist Friedrich Karl von
Savigny. The latest school, the comparative, of which the
leading early exponents were the German legal scholar Rudolf
von Jhering and Albert Hermann Post, represents a widening of
the field of investigation. Each national law is studied
historically and the various national systems are compared at
similar stages of development. As a result of this process, not
only may the normal course of legal development be
discovered, but that which is universal and human may be
separated from that which is particular to a single nation or to a
special stage of development. Then, as Jhering hoped, it may
eventually become possible to write a history of the law of the
If you think you have skills and experience nedde for this
demanding, rewarding and thought-provoking work, we would
like to hear from you. Although we might not have an
immediate vacancy, we will keep your details on file and
should you match our needs, we will contact you when an
opportunity arises.
c) Duties
d) Types of Position
1. Many kinds of positions are available to the legal secretary.
They include working in a single-attorney office, in a large law
firm, in the in-house law department of a large corporation, and
in the local, state, and federal court systems. In addition, legal
practices vary from the general to specialties in real estate law,
corporate, corporate law, criminal law, tax law, estate planning,
marital law, and labor law.
information, such as the postoponement date of a trial, whether
some legal papers were received, or whether certain exhibits
need to be attached to papers (e.g., a copy of a lease in a
landlord-tenant dispute).
Have available the name of the case and the case index
number. And when receiving information from the court clerk,
write it down.
contract will
deed affidavit
The Preposition (Review)
build built built a construi
burn burned, burnt burned, burnt a arde
burst burst burst a izbucni, a năvăli, a
buy bought bought a cumpara
bust (Br.E.) bust, (Br.E.) bust, a face felul; a arunca în
(Am.E.) busted (Am.E.) busted aer
cast cast cast a arunca, a distribui
catch caught caught a prinde
chide chided, chid chid, chidden a ocărî
choose chose chosen a alege
cleave cleaved, cleft, cleaved, cleft, a despica, a separa
clove cloven
cling clung clung a se agăŃa
come came come a veni
cost cost cost a costa
creep crept crept a se târî, a se furi a
cut cut cut a tăia
deal dealt dealt a trata, a se ocupa de
dig dug dug a săpa
dive dived, (Am.E.) dive a (se) scufunda, a plonja
do did done a face
draw drew drawn a trage, a desena
dream dreamed, dreamed, a visa
dreamt dreamt
drink drank drunk a visa
drive drove driven a conduce un vehicul, a
dwell dwelt, dwelled dwelt, dwelled a locui
eat ate eaten a mânca
fall fell fallen a cădea
feed fed fed a hrăni
feel felt felt a (se) simŃi
fight fought fought a (se) lupta
find found found a găsi
flee fled fled a fugi
fling flung flung a arunca
fly flew flown a zbura
forbid forbade, forbidden a interzice
forecast forecast forecast a prevedea/estima/
forego forewent foregone a precede
foresee foresaw foreseen a prevedea, a anticipa
foretell foretold foretold a prezice, a prevesti
forget forgot forgotten a uita
forgive forgave forgiven a ierta
forsake forsook forsaken a părăsi/abandona
forswear forswore forsworn a (re)nega, a jura,
freeze froze frozen a îngheŃa
get got got, (Am.E.) a primi, a obŃine
give gave given a da
go went gone a merge
grind ground ground a măcina
grow grew grown a cre te
hang hung, hanged hung, hanged a atârna, a spânzura
have had had a avea
hear heard heard a auzi
heave heaved, hove heaved, hove a ridica, a aburca, a
hide hid hidden, hid a (se) ascunde
hit hit hit a lovi
hold held held a Ńine
hurt hurt hurt a lovi, a răni, a durea
input inputted, input inputted, input a alimenta/furniza
inset inset, insetted inset, insetted a introducere, a băga, a
interbreed interbred interbred a (se) încruci a
interweave interwove interwoven a împleti/întreŃese, a
lega stâns
keep kept kept a Ńine, a păstra
kneel knelt, (Am.E.) knelt, (Am.E.) a îngenunchia
kneeled kneeled
knit knitted, knit knitted, knit a tricota
know knew known a ti, a cunoa te
lay laid laid a pune, a a eza a a terne
lead led led a conduce
lean leaned, (Br.E.) leaned, (Br.E.) a (se) apleca, a (se)
leant leant sprijini
leap leapt, leapt, (Am.E.) a sări
(Am.E.)leaped leaped
learn learned, learnt learned, learnt a învăŃa
leave left left a pleca, a lăsa
lend lent lent a da cu împrumut
let let let a lăsa, a permite
lie lay lain a sta întins, a se afla
light lit, lighted lit, lighted a aprinde
lose lost lost a pierde
make made made a face
mean meant meant a însemna
meet met met a (se) întâlni
miscast miscast miscast a repartiza; a distribui
mishear misheard misheard a nu auzi bine
mislay mislaid mislaid a pierde, rătăci
mislead misled misled a induce în eroare
misread misread misread a citi gre it, a interpreta
misspell misspelt, misspelt, a scrie gre it
misspelled misspelled
mistake mistook mistaken a confunda, a gre i
misunder- misunderstood misunderstood a înŃelege gre it
outbid outbid outbid a supralicita
outdo outdid outdone a întrece
outgrow outgrew outgrown a depă i, a lăsa în urmă
outrun outran outrun a întrece
outsell outsold outsold a întrece în vânzări
outshine outshone outshone a întrece în strălucire
overbear overbore overborne a impune/constrânge,
overcast overcast overcast a înnora, a întuneca
overcome overcame overcome a învinge, a înfrânge, a
depă i
overdo overdid overdone a exagera, a întrece
overdraw overdrew overdrawn a exagera, a nu avea
overeat overate overeaten a mânca prea mult
overhang overhung overhung a atârna deasupra, a
overhear overheard overheard a (sur)prinde o
overload overloaded overloaded, a supraîncărca
overpay overpaid overpaid a plăti prea mult
override overrode overridden a nesocoti; a se extinde
overrun overran overrun a invada, a covâr i, a
depă i
oversee oversaw overseen a supraveghea
overshoot overshot overshot A trage/ Ńinti prea
overtake overtook overtaken a ajunge din urmă, a
depă i
pay paid paid a plăti
partake partook partaken a împărŃi
plead pleaded, pleaded, a pleda; a susŃine un caz
(Am.E.) pled (Am.E.) pled
prove proved proved, a dovedi
put put put a pune
read read read a citi
rebind rebound rebound a lega din nou
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt a reconstrui
recast recast recast a remodela, a preface
redo redid redone a face din nou
relay relaid relaid a repune
remake remade remade a reface
repay repaid repaid a răsplati, a restitui
rerun reran rerun a relua
resell resold resold a revinde
reset reset reset a repune, a rea eza, a
rethink rethought rethought a reconsidera
rewind rewound rewound a învârti, a întoarce
rewrite rewrote rewritten a rescrie
rid rid, ridded rid, ridded a se descotorosi
ride rode ridden a călări, a merge cu
ring rang rung a suna
rise rose risen a răsări, a se ridica
run ran run a fugi
saw sawed sawn , sawed a tăia cu ferăstrăul
say said said a spune
see saw seen a vedea
seek sought sought a căuta
sell sold sold a vinde
send sent sent a trimite
set set set a potrivi, a monta, a fixa
sew sewed sewn, sewed a coase
shake shook shaken a scutura, a tremura
shear sheared shorn, sheared a tunde oi
shine shone, shined shone, shined a lustrui, a străluci
shoot shot shot a trage, a împu ca, a
show showed shown, a arăta
shrink shrank, shrunk shrunk a intra la apă, a se
shut shut shut a închide
sing sang sung a cânta
sink sank, sunk sunk a (se) scufunda
sit sat sat a edea
slay slew slain a ucide, a măcelări
sleep slept slept a dormi
slide slid slid a aluneca
slink slunk slunk a se furi a
slit slit slit a despica
smell smelt, (Am.E.) smelt, ( a mirosi
smelled Am.E.)
sow sowed sown, sowed a semăna
speak spoke spoken a vorbi
speed sped, speeded sped, speeded a accelera
spell spelt, (Am.E.) spelt, (Am.E.) a ortografia
spelled spelled
spend spent spent a cheltui, a petrece un
spill spilt, (Am.E.) spilt, (Am.E.) a vărsa
spilled spilled
spin spun, span spun a toarce
spit spat, (Am.E.) spat, (Am.E.) a scuipa
spit spit
split split split a despica
spoil spoiled, spoilt spoiled, spoilt a răsfăŃa, a strica
spread spread spread a (se) răspândi
spring sprang , sprung a izvorî, a (ră)sări
(Am.E.) sprung
stand stood stood a sta în picioare
steal stole stolen a fura
stick stuck stuck a (se) lipi, a înfige
sting stung stung a înŃepa
stink stank, stunk stunk a mirosi urât
stride strode stridden a merge cu pa i mari
strike struck struck a lovi
string strung strung a în ira
strive strove, strived striven, a se strădui, a năzui
swear swore sworn a jura, a înjura
sweep swept swept a mătura
swell swelled swollen, a (se) umfla, a cre te
swim swam swum a înota
swing swung swung a (se) legăna
take took taken a lua
teach taught taught a preda, a învăŃa (pe)
tear tore torn a rupe, a sfâ ia
thrive thrived, throve thrived a prospera
throw threw thrown a arunca
thrust thrust thrust a înfige
tread trod trodden, trod a călca, a pă i
unbend unbent unbent a dezdoi
unbind unbound unbound a dezlega, a elibera
underlie underlay underlain a sta la baza
undersell undersold undersold a vinde mai ieftin decât
understand understood understood a înŃelege
undertake undertook undertaken a întreprinde
underwrite underwrote underwritten a subscrie, a garanta
undo undid undone a desface, a dezlega; a
unwind unwound unwound a desfă ura, a dezlega
uphold upheld upheld a sprijini, a confirma, a
upset upset upset a se răsturna, a se
wake woke, waked woken, waked a (se) trezi
wear wore worn a purta
weave wove woven a Ńese
wed wedded, wed wedded, wed a se cununa
weep wept wept a plânge
wet wetted, wet wetted, wet a (se) uda
win won won a câ tiga
wind wound wound a răsuci, a erpui
withdraw withdrew withdrawn a (se) retrage
withhold withheld withheld a reŃine, a opri
withstand withstood withstood a se împotrivi, a rezista la
write wrote written a scrie
Between a rock and a Choice between two equally dangerous things
hard place/between
the devil and the deep
blue sea/on the horns
of a dilemma
Between the rock and Faced with two or more alternatives or choice,
the hard spot all of which are bad
Bible Authoritative documents, such as manuals,
textbooks, etc.
Bigwig/ big wheel/ Important person
kingpin/top banana
Bird dog, to To supervise or watch closely
Blak sheep Person who does things that are not are
accepted, that violate tradition
Blow one`s stack/ top; Lose one`s temper; get very mad
blow up
Blow the deal/works Cause a plan or operation to fail as a result of a
stupid mistake
Boiling mad Be very angry
Bottleneck A place or person who acts as an obstacle to
progress or free movement
Brain An intelligent person
Break out Escape; remove from storage or holding place
Break, give someone a Don`t enforce the rules or standards fully
Break, take a break A short rest
Briefing Explanation of a plan
Bring to light, to To reveal; illustrate
Bring up a point Introduce a piece of information
Broad picture A general view of a situation
Buck the system Challenge or oppose standard procedures
Bucket of worms A difficult, complicated, or ambiguous situation,
Build an empire Enlarge an organization for the purpose of
making one`s own position or job appear more
Bull by the horns; take Approach a problem or difficulty directly
the bull by the horns
Burn one`s Destroy any chance of turning back or changing
bridges/boats one`s decision
Burnt out Mental or physical exhaustion
By the book Following rules or orders exactly as they are
Call it a day Quit for the day
Come up with the To find the answer, to solve
solution, to
Carry on with, to To continue
Carry out an order,to To do or execute an order
Cat, let the cat out of Release information, ideas, etc, before the
the bag intended time
Catch on, to To understand
Catch, what`s the This sounds top easy; there must be a hidden
Chiefs and not enough Too many people giving directions and not
Indians, too many enough people doing the real job
chiefs and not enough
Clear-cut Definite
Cloak-and- Spying or intelligence work
Cloud the issue Confuse the issue
Cold blooded people People acting in cruel ways
Cold feet, get Become afraid or timid
Cook up, to To preparare; make a plan
Cool down/off Decrease in intensity; calm down
Count me in Include me
Count me out Exclude me
Count on, to To depend or rely on
Crap Information that is not true or believable
Cross someone`s heart Promise to tell the truth
Cross your fingers Hope for good luck
Cross-check, to To verify from different sources
Cry over spilled milk;
Don`t worry about things that have already
don`t cry over spilled
happened when you can`t change the results
Cut down; cut Deflate a person`s opinion of himself
someone down to size
Damned if you do, You`re likely to be criticized equally by those
damned if you don`t who are for it and those who are against it
Dark, in the Ignorant of/without knowledge
Deadline Completion date; Prevent the use of
a great loss when it is lost
Easy touch/ soft touch Someone who is kind and helpful
Easygoing Relaxed; unexcited
Eat your words Be forced to admit that a previous statement was
Eye on, to keep an To watch closely
Federal case, make a To exagerate; to stress something which is not
Feel for you; I feel for I have sympathy for your situation but I can`t do
you anything about it
Feel like two cents Feel embararrased or foolish; feel small
Feet on the ground; Get organized or oriented
get one`s feet on the
Fence, on the fence Undecided, neutral
Figure hammer and To fight heavily; closely engage
tongs, to
Figure out Reason out; discover; determine
Fingertips, to have at To have available; ready
Fink A person who carries stories or information to
his superiors
Flip ( one`s top) Act in an irrational or unrealistic way
Follow one`s nose Go straight ahead; do what is appropriate or
Foot in one`s mouth; Say something one should not have said
put one`s foot in one`s
Free ride Get something extra without expense or effort
Freeze Be too frightened to move; to restrict; stop in
Get action Obtain results
Get ahead, to To advance
Get along without, to To exist without
Get around a, to To find an answer
Get away with it Succeed by taking a chance
Get by with, to To succeed; to manage ( with little money, etc.)
Get in touch with, to To communicate with
Get on with Continue
Get rolling Begin; start
Get the show on To begin; start
Give away ( a give Fail to deceive( failure in deception)
Give him the green Give your agreement ( signal to continue)
Give the highlights(of, Cover only the most important points
Give up Surrender
Go along with Agree
Go for it! Try!; Take a chance!
Go for record Do something officially
Go through the mill, To experience; to undergo hardship
Go to law/go to court/ Sue
file a lawsuit/ bring an
action against/take
legal action/undertake
proceeding/institute an
action at law/prefer
charges against
someone/ press
charges against
Guesstimate A close guess based on experience( from guess
and estimate)
Hand in glove with Closely together; closely related
Hand; get out of hand Get out of control
Handcarry (it) Personally take a letter, report from, etc., instead
of sending it by mail or through distribution
Hands are tied Cannot act
Hands full; got his He`s fully occupied
hands full
Have somebody in the Have strong influence on someone
palm of your
hand/eating out of
one`s hand/ twist
someone round one`s
little finger/ lead
someone by the nose/
someone is putty in
your hands.
Hang tight Not to give up
Hard and fast rule Invariable; fixed
Hard time, give one a Make it more difficult than necessary for
hard time someone
Hardnose A person who enforces regulations strictly and
Have one`s hands full Be very busy or occupied with
Head over heels In a completely confused state or condition
Helping hand Help
Highlight, to To emphasize; stress
Hit the ceiling Lose one`s temper
Hit the road Begin, start
Hit the roof Lose one`s temper
Hits the nail on the Is exactly correct
Hold it Stop it; wait
Hold out Continue to resist
Holding the bag, left Be held responsible
Horns of dilemma, on In a difficult position
Hot ( news, poop), the Latest, important information
Hot potato Difficult problem; a situation
Hot water, in In trouble
I`ll buy that I agree
In black and white In writing
In the air Currently rumored/ undecided; uncertain
In the bag Positive certain
In the black In a good situation
In the red In debt
In tune with Agree; in accord with
In/ by my book In my opinion
Irons in the fire; have Have project going
irons in the fire
It`s all yours/ It`s It’s your problem
It`s beyond me I don`t understand this
Jam, in a In trouble
Jammed up Crowded
Jump ahead of, one Planned in advance
Jump to conclusions Decide too quickly
Junk Useless, worthless items
Kangaroo court Kind of court that often takes the law into its
own hands
( e.g. illegal trials held by prisoners in jails and
prisons )
Keep cool Stay calm
Keep in mind Remember
Keep the ball rolling Don`t let things slow down
Keep your finger To control or keep in contact with
Keep your heed Don`t get excited
Keep your nose clean Stay out of trouble
Keystone The principal point
Kick the bucket Die
Kick the habit Free oneself of a bad habit
Kickoff, to To begin
Kid gloves, handle Treat very carefully
Knock it off Shut up; cease; stop it
Know the ropes, to To know the procedures
Know your way To be ( became) familiar with
around, to
Know-how, the The ability, the knowledge
Lay it out on the table/ Explain clearly and thoroughly, all the details
lay the cards on the
table, to
Learn the ropes Learn the standard procedures; learn the job
Let`s blow Let`s go; let`s leave
Let`s take a look Let`s examine
Letter of the law Each detail of the law
Lobbying Attempt to influence a legislator`s vote on a bill
Look into Examine
Make a mountain out Make a small problem into a big problem
of a molehill/make a
big deal out of
something, to
Make do Use what you have in the absence of what you
want or need
Mess around Waste time or effort
Mess up Ruin; spoil
Monkey business Secret, maybe illegal activities
Nail down Determine exactly
Nail him to the cross Impose or inflict the most severe punishment
Never mind Forget about it
Never say die Never give up hope
Nose around Informally visit, converse, etc., for the purpose
of obtaining information unofficially
Number one The best; the top man; the person in command
Nutshell, in a Briefly
Off the cuff, record Not official; not to be quoted
Off the track Away from; unaware
On the carpet To reprimand
On the double Quickly rapidly
On the drawing board Being
On the fence Undecided
On the hook In a difficult position
On your own Independent; alone
Out of hard Out of control
Out of the woods The most difficult or dangerous part of
something is ended
Out on a limb Undecided; doubtful
Over my head Difficult to understand
Overall picture Complete situation
Paint a rosy picture, to To describe in an ideal manner
Pass the buck, to To avoid responsibility by giving it to another
Payoff , the Result, climax
Pay off, to To produce good results
Piece of cake/easy as Extremely easy
Plant, a A spy
Play games Be childish; be playful; not serious
Play it by ear Operate independently and in response to the
needs of the situation
Play safe, to To be cautious
Poll the class Take a vote; ask for opinions
Point, there is no There is no reason
Poker face Someone who shows no emotion
Pro and con For and against
Put your finger on it Be specific; explain
Recap, to To recapitulate; to summarize
Right down my alley Very familiar to me
Rolling out the red An especially warm welcome of any kind
Rough idea, a A general conception
Rough time Difficult time
Rule of thumb Fixed rule
Run ( it) down Trace something to its source; try to find out
where something originated
Run the show, to To command, to be in charge
Run, on the To run moving quickly
Save your skin/ hide Protect yourself
Saved by the bell Had a very narrow escape; just barely escaped
Scapegoat One who is blamed
Schedule, tight A great deal in a very short period of time
Scraping the bottom Having to use inferior supplies, men, equipment,
of the barrel etc., because the best quality has already been
used; getting the very last of something
Screw up Ruin; spoil; make a mistake
See the light, to To understand
Shake-off, to Get rid of; lose
Shape up or ship out Conform to or obey the standards or be prepared
to leave
Shift gears Change a presentation or talk to better fit the
level of the audience or the needs of the
Shoot! Go ahead!
Shortcut A quick and easy way
Shot, to take a To attempt; try
Showdown Important meeting
Sidetrack Divert from main purpose
Silver lining, the The happy part of a situation which seems
Sit tight Wait; do not move
Size up the situation Make an estimate of the situation
Skin of your teeth, by Just barely succeed
Skip over, to To avoid mention of, to omit
Smoking gun Piece of evidence that proves someone is guilty
of a crime
Snow under To overwhelm
Snowball, to To become bigger
Sorry about that That`s bad, but that`s the way life is( usually
used in a humorous manner)
Sort of Somewhat
Spell out To be specific; to explain step-by-step
Spread the word Convey a message to others
Stand by Wait; reserve item, group, etc., which is held in
Start from scratch Explain from the beginning
Start the ball Begin
State of the art Modern
Step on people`s toes Offend or antagonize others
Take care of Be responsible for; be able to handle
Take it easy Relax
Take over, to To take the place of; to replace in command
trow the book away
Tied up Busy; detained
Time`s running short Not much time remains
Toe the line/ mark Meet standards
Touch-and-go Very closely matched
Tough time ; give one Make things difficult for a person
a tough time
Turn into Become
Up in the air Not yet decided or resolved
Up to you, it’s It depends on you
Update him Give him the most recent information on
Update it Make agree with new facts
Up-to-date/Up-to-the- The latest information
VIP Very important person
Washed up A failure; a person who has no future
Wear two hats Act in two or more jobs at once
What’s up? What is going on?; what is the state of the
White lie Harmless false statement or lie
White-collar job Job where you work at a desk, using your brain
instead of your muscles.
Whitewash Hide or cover up mistakes or failures
Work it out, to To solve
bail down a case a prezenta un caz în linii mari
bow the crumpet to a- i recunoa te vina/ invinuirea adusă
(într-un proces)
bring a charge against somebody a aduce cuiva o acuzaŃie, a
acuza (oficial) pe cineva
bring a charge/crime home to somebody a dovedi vinovăŃia
bring into open a da în vileag, a dezvălui, a face public
bring more sacks to the mill a aduce argumente suplimentare
bring to light a dezvălui
bring to trial a da în judecată, a acŃiona în justiŃie
drop the bucket austral., arg. a arunca/ da vina pe cineva
(într-un proces)
duck the scone austral., arg. a - i recunoaste vina (într-un
give somebody the lie (direct) a dovedi contrariul (spuselor
give something a good/thorough going-over a
examina/cerceta ceva cu mare atenŃie
give teeth to something a da putere de aplicare unui lucru (o
give the lie (direct) to something a dezminŃi ceva
go behind a decision a reveni asupra unei hotărâri
go beyond the law a încălca legea
go by default (d. un proces) a se judeca în contumacie
go in somebody’s favour a da câ tig de cauză cuiva
go to bat against somebody a depune mărturie împotriva
cuiva, a înfunda pe cineva
go to the bar a intra în barou, a deveni avocat
go to the trial a fi judecat, a ajunge în instanŃă
go unpunished (d. o persoană) a rămâne nepedepsit; (de o
faptă) a scăpa nepedepsită
in abeyance (d. legi) neaplicat; în desuetudine
in accordance with în conformitate cu
in actual fact în realitate
in bad faith cu rea-credinŃă
in character with în conformitate cu
in compliance with: în conformitate/conform cu
in the first instance în prima instanŃă
nail a lie ( to the counter) a dovedi falsitatea unei afirmaŃii
not guilty nevinovat
not to have a leg to stand on (for something): a nu aduce nici
o dovadă concludentă, (d. ceva) a nu avea nici un fundament
put the law on somebody a intenta cuiva un proces
put the execution a de cuiva pedeapsa capitală
take a brief for/on behalf of somebody (d. avocaŃi) a se ocupa
de procesul cuiva, a prelua un caz juridic, a se constitui
apăratorul cuiva
take action against somebody a intenta un proces cuiva
take bail a accepta/lua/primi o cauŃiune
take legal advice a consulta un avocat/jurisconsult
take the stand a se afla în boxa martorilor
take to court a da în judecată, a chema în faŃa instanŃei
tamper with a witness a influenŃa depoziŃia unui martor, a
mitui un martor
tender în evidence a înainta/prezenta ca dovadă/mărturie
thrust somebody from his rights a scoate pe cineva din
drepturile lui (legitime), a răpi cuiva un drept
trench upon somebody’s rights a încalca/ uzurpa/ atinge/
legea, drepturile cuiva
trip up a witness a prinde un martor cu declaraŃii false
trump up a charge against somebody, to: a depune acuzaŃie
falsă împotriva cuiva
try somebody for/ on a charge of…, to: a judeca pe cineva
acuzat de…
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