Interactions: Selling Treasure Trading Delerium
Interactions: Selling Treasure Trading Delerium
Interactions: Selling Treasure Trading Delerium
that cost over 500 gp are especially rare and must be brought
Emberwood Village is home to only about two hundred perma- in from outside Drakkenheim. It takes 21 (6d6) days to deliver
nent residents, almost all are commoners who endured years of such items, which cost five times the typical price.
hardship after Drakkenheim was destroyed. However, the recent The folk of Emberwood Village have grown accustomed to
flow of coin from explorers scouring the ruins allows many to live adventurers trying to haggle and swindle them. They don’t
modest or comfortable lifestyles. The common folk tend to keep give discounts or make deals, and tell adventurers who push
their dealings with adventurers friendly but professional. They for better prices to pay up or go elsewhere (there isn’t any-
give rough-looking warriors a wide berth, but enjoy hearing news, where else to go).
gossip, and stories about daring exploits in the ruins. As long as
interactions stay peaceful, the villagers will deal with anyone
regardless of their faction allegiances. The villagers live in strange
Selling Treasure
times, and are used to seeing odd-looking folk and weird magic. Most merchants in Emberwood Village will trade or purchase
They can recognize delerium, severe contamination, and muta- found treasure, salvaged equipment, gems, or art objects at half
tions, and encourage such individuals to seek magical aid. their listed value.
Law and Order and Petra Lang are human urban rangers of the
h Ansom
Hooded Lanterns. They are frequently relaying messages
Although the Hooded Lanterns claim otherwise, there is no es- and leading scout teams to the Old Watchtower, and can be
tablished law and order in Emberwood Village. Most businesses encountered there most days.
h Blackjack Mel is a human scoundrel working for the
provide their own protection and security, and the villagers look
out for each other. Word travels fast, though. Services, supplies, Queen’s Men. He can always be found at the back tables
or shelter aren’t available to adventurers with a violent and of the Skull & Sword with a bodyguard of 2d6 thugs. He’s
antagonistic reputation — for any price. happy to talk shop with mercenaries.
h Nathaniel Flint is a human chaplain of the Followers of
Belligerent curs who disturb the peace are beaten. Those who
commit robbery, fraud, and property damage are driven out of the Falling Fire. He is regularly seen at the Hendrix Farm
town and never welcomed back. Murderers and arsonists are preparing the latest group of pilgrims for the last leg of the
executed. Crimes of any sort involving magic are punished by journey towards Drakkenheim. He uses the old barn as a
hanging. On the flipside, there’s little the villagers can do when meeting place for important matters.
perpetrators aren’t caught red-handed. There’s no authority h Ophelia Reed is a human chaplain of the Silver Order.
willing to investigate crimes or search for missing people, so She is visiting the Chapel of Saint Ardenna where
the villagers must petition adventurers or the factions for help. Flamekeeper Hanna has granted her permission to hold
There are no trials; the mob becomes judge and jury. meetings and discussions.
In this respect, characters who make themselves villains h River is a tiefling mage of the Amethyst Academy. She
may be targeted by the Hooded Lanterns, the Silver Order, or can be met at the Red Lion Hotel. She rents a private suite
even the Queen of Thieves should they directly threaten the and is often reading in the parlour, where she might chat
immediate safety of Emberwood Village. Alternatively, a rival with adventurers.
adventuring party might even take up the bounty or intervene Roleplaying traits for each of these characters are described
in a crisis. However, if any of the villagers are killed, no one in detail in chapter 3 but all act mostly neutral during their first
comes to replace them. encounter with the player characters. Instead, they try to size up
their potential. Each explains some information about their fac-
Making Contact with the Factions tion, such as their ideals and general mission (see the faction dossi-
ers in chapter 3 for more information). These NPCs might share a
During their first visit to Emberwood Village, characters may drink or meal with the characters, ask them if they’ve been to the
encounter several faction agents. Each is a key contact be- ruins yet, or inquire about why they’ve come to Drakkenheim.
tween the characters and the factions during their adventures However, they won’t offer missions or quests until the characters
in Drakkenheim: have survived at least one expedition of their own to the ruins.
58 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Area Details Open Mike Night
“Mike” was the master of ceremonies who went missing shortly
Bark and Buzzard after the meteor fell. One of Mike’s final wishes was to open
the stage to any performer for magic shows, musical numbers,
Nestled amongst the residential cottages of Emberwood Village, poetry readings, performances, or storytelling. The Gilded Lily
this small one-level public house is a popular spot for locals and is willing to host any performer who wishes to take the stage
adventurers seeking a peaceful and laid back place to unwind. and though they do not pay their acts, they do put a hat out so
The sign hanging above the door depicts a cartoonish vulture patrons can toss a coin to their performer if they like the show.
feasting on the entrails of a bloodhound, both smiling pleasantly. h Any sort of act is allowed in the Gilded Lily. Performers may
The public house has a cozy and familial character: there’s no tell a story, recite a poem, sing, or play an instrument. Spell-
proper bar, nor any walls separating the kitchen from the dining casters might put on a magic show, and even demonstrations
room. Instead, a few benches are arranged beside the main cask, of acrobatic or athletic skill are welcome. Player characters are
and about a dozen round tables surround an inviting hearth. The invited to be as creative as they want to earn some extra coins.
Alsberg family has owned and maintained the establishment for a h Player characters who take to the stage may make a skill check
generation. Karin Alsberg and her husband, Holger (both human related to their performance: acrobatics, arcana, athletics, history,
commoners) make fine home-brewed beer known as Ember and performance are all suitable ways to represent their act.
Ale, and serve hearty braised lamb stew with fresh-baked bread. h Characters are paid in tips: they receive an amount of gold
h A mug of fine ale costs 2 sp. A meal costs 1 gp. based on their skill check result:
h The Alsbergs keep half a dozen one-room cottages in the village
9 or The character is booed off the stage, and receives no gold
that they will rent to travellers. The price is 2 gold per night. less for their performance. If this happens three or more times,
they are banned from ever performing again.
Old Rattlecan 10 to 14 Characters collect 2d6 gp in coins from tips.
15 to 19 Characters earn 5d6 gp from the impressed audience
Sitting behind the Bark and Buzzard like a scarecrow, Old
20 or The wonderful performance earns 10d6 gold pieces, and
Rattlecan is an intelligent suit of animated armour which higher characters are invited to perform an encore performance.
was found in the ruins of Drakkenheim. A mysterious magical However, characters must exceed their previous check result
enchantment causes it to rebuild itself when destroyed: to win further encores.
h Rival adventurers drinking in the Bark and Buzzard may
invite player characters to “come kick the can out back”.
They challenge them to see which character can defeat Old
Skull & Sword Taphouse
Rattlecan the fastest, or who can survive the longest before This dingy saloon was converted from an old farmstead. A jawless
being knocked out. Adding handicaps or bizarre “house skull impaled upon a rusty sword is embedded beside the main
rules’’ are popular ways to spice up the contest, such as being doors: no one knows who it was or who did them in, but it’s tradi-
blindfolded, using no weapons, or taking drinks between hits. tion to make a macabre greeting to the skull on your way into the
h Rattlecan rejuvenates after one minute when reduced to 0 hit bar. Inside the establishment is a rowdy environment - brawls and
points unless it is disintegrated or dispel magic is cast on its fist fights happen daily, and several ruffians are thrown out nightly.
remains. Everyone in town is terribly upset if this happens. The Skull & Sword is a popular place for scoundrels and
h A creature reduced to 0 hit points by Old Rattlecan is uncon- misfits to gather thanks to the cheap mead and liquor served
scious but stable and wakes up one minute later with 1 hit point. here. It may very well be the best place in Emberwood Village
h Old Rattlecan can occasionally be heard making remarks to to pick up rumours from the city, but you may want to keep a
those it fights. It yells things like “Have at thee cur!”, “‘Tis a low profile hanging out around there, or be ready to draw swords
flesh wound!” or “Was that the best you can do?” as it seems for looking at someone the wrong way.
to revel in battling any challenger. The establishment is run by a half-orc gladiator named
Frida Longhorn, who keeps most people in check. Despite the
Gilded Lily rough reputation of the establishment, Frida is pretty good
at keeping the peace and making sure there are no killings or
This lavish two-storey building is surrounded by a veranda broken windows in her bar. Her business partner, a halfling
decorated with a swirling lily motif and painted purple. It has spy named Cuff Goldburg, is usually sitting at one of the back
ornate golden glowing lanterns hanging between the veranda tables with Blackjack Mel. Cuff typically excuses himself when
arches and within its curtained windows. Inside, four large golden Blackjack Mel deals with mercenaries and adventurers.
lamps light a small stage set before rows of candlelit tables. Floral The Queen of Thieves bankrolls the bar, ensuring the flow of
arrangements line the walls. The well-stocked bar displays wines cheap booze (which is almost all stolen). While commonfolk in
and spirits from across the world. The Gilded Lily is owned by Emberwood Village believe the Skull & Sword is a hub for unlawful
a human noble named Mr. Killian Vandire, but the exquisite activity, most of what goes on here is above board aside from a few
hostess Madam Rochelle (a human spy) runs the business and sketchy meetings. The real dirty deals and smuggling happen in
organizes the nightly performance acts. The tavern is a popular Buckledown Row where the other factions can’t easily interfere.
place to share company, gossip, and have a few drinks, and many h A mug of cheap mead is 5 copper pieces. Brandy, rum, vodka,
adventurers make their last stop here for some good memories and gin are 1 silver.
before trudging into the dismal ruins. h Blackjack Mel is here every night, where he has a favourite spot
h Drinks cost 5 silver: wine, spirits, and coffee only, no beer or amongst the back tables with 7 (2d6) thugs. He’s eager to meet
food is served here. potential recruits in a private booth in the back corner.
60 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Watchtower Shrine of the Old Gods
This fortified stone watchtower is the tallest structure in Seven standing stones comprise this ancient shrine that rests
Emberwood Village, and lies upon the road on the north edge within a small grove of dying trees on the outskirts of town.
of town. A two-storey wooden house abuts the base. Inside is Inscribed on each stone are the legends of primordial gods, and
a small kitchen, a mess hall, and about two dozen bunk beds. between them rests a stone pedestal adorned with various animal
The tower has three main levels, one serving as a meeting room, bones, plants, and candles that are lit every night. A crude old
another as armoury, and the final as a private chamber for the hut lies down a dirt path near the shrine, smoke billowing from
watchmaster. Outside the tower the Hooded Lanterns keep a hole in the thatched roof chimney, and an odd scent of herbs
a small training yard and a modest stable large enough for six wafting from within.
horses. Nearby, a covered wooden bridge crosses the narrow The hut is home to Old Zoya, an elderly human druid who
Timberwash stream and leads out of Emberwood Village tends the shrine. Many in town wrongfully refer to her as a
towards Drakkenheim. witch, but hold a deep respect for the ornery mystic. She
This location once served as the initial outpost for the Hooded claims the shrine protects Emberwood Village through these
Lanterns until they successfully established a base of operations dark times. Zoya holds no love for the Sacred Flame, and keeps
within the city proper, and the remnants of a much larger faith for the old, true gods.
military camp are scattered about the nearby field. Now, only a
small detachment keeps watch in Emberwood Village.
h A small force of a dozen Hooded Lantern scouts are posted here,
Spellcasting Services
Old Zoya can cast druid spells of 3rd-level and lower, and knows
with one or two other squads out on patrol in the countryside.
h Raine Highlash, an urban ranger with a predatory look
the purge contamination spell and always keeps it prepared.
She charges 25 gp for a 1st-level spell, 50 gp for a 2nd-level
about her, serves as watch captain.
h Ansom or Petra Lang report in here regularly at the behest
spell, or 150 gp a 3rd-level spell, plus the cost of any expensive
material components.
of the Lord Commander, and use the outpost to meet with
She takes payment in coins, gems, or relics. She refuses to
mercenaries and adventurers.
speak of what she does with the money, and grows impatient
with anyone who gets too nosy.
who had a child with a local craftsman, but was abandoned human commoner, carries all manner of adventuring gear
after she passed away and the boy was taken by the Amethyst which they sell for twice the market value.
Academy. Since it caught fire, none have come to claim or repair h Gainsbury is especially well stocked on mining and prospecting
it. Children now tell tales of the strange noises coming from the equipment, and sells a pamphlet detailing the correct methods
cellar of the house, and how the charred doors and windows for safely handling and extracting delerium crystals. A copy
open and close on their own. costs 1 gp. The information inside is filled with hyperbolic (but
h U nbeknownst to the folk of Emberwood Village, this correct) warnings. The instructions are overly detailed and
house was owned by a former Archmage of the Amethyst rather long-winded, but reasonably accurate.
Academy. Behind an illusory wall in the cellar protected
by a glyph of warding is a teleportation circle used today by
members of the Amethyst Academy to come and go from
Fairweather Trades and Exports
their distant strongholds. Academy members only enter “When you’ve been around the world as many times as me, you see
or exit the manor under the effects of an invisibility spell, all manner of treasure. In all my years, I ain’t never seen anything like
hence the children’s rumours. these rocks. I’m happy to make a barrel or two of gold delivering it to
whomever wants to empty their pockets for ‘em.”
Caravan Court - Orson Fairweather
A marketplace has sprung up surrounding the boarded-up An iron-bound stagecoach is parked here flanked by two
water well in the village square. This colourful collection of massive flat-bedded wagons with stacks of leaden and steel-
caravans, wagons, canvas tents, and makeshift stalls is the studded chests, overseen by a dozen armoured men.
hub of commerce for adventurers, scavengers, and prospectors
h Orson Fairweather (a human gladiator) is among the most
looking to make their fortune in Drakkenheim. Dozens of canny
merchants have set up shop here to cater to the needs of the prolific exporters of delerium operating in Emberwood
factions and explorers. Village. The stout man has a heavily scarred and aged face, a
Traders and new goods arrive here daily, and the market is leather eyepatch, and a mouth of gold teeth. He speaks little
constantly abuzz with explorers looking to sell relics and treasures of his own history or exploits, but entertains rumours about
unearthed in Drakkenheim, or buy equipment needed for a his past life as a pirate and adventurer.
h Fairweather has a security force of a dozen veterans, and has
dangerous voyage into the city ruins. Amongst the bustle, heavily
armed and armoured thugs load ponderous wagons with locked paid the Amethyst Academy to create arcane locks and glyphs
and leaden chests filled with delerium shards for trade in distant of warding to protect his wares from thieves.
cities. Activity carries on through the afternoon, but most pack up Fairweather is among the few merchants in town willing and
shortly after sunset to head to the taverns and bars for drinks. able to purchase delerium in vast quantities. He offers half
62 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
the list price in Appendix D and doesn’t make deals. He
furiously rebukes anyone who questions his motives or asks Magic Items for Sale
prying inquiries about his buyers. Countless folk in distant Aldor has an enigmatic and ever-shifting stock of magical items
lands purchase delerium for unknown reasons, and in the grand that replenishes each week.
scheme of things, Fairweather is just a middle man. h 2d6 potions of healing (100 gp each) and 1d6 potions of greater
healing (300 gp each)
h Spell scrolls from the wizard spell list: 1d10 1st level spell
Aldor the Immense scrolls (75 gp each), 1d8 2nd level spell scrolls (150 gp each),
and 1d6 3rd-level spell scrolls (450 gp each). Add twice the
cost of any expensive components to the price of the scroll.
“Anyone who says money can’t buy happiness doesn’t know where to shop.” h 1d4 randomly determined uncommon magic items sold for
- Aldor the Immense 3d6 x 100 gp each.
h Material components for spells of 5th level and lower.
This massive and heaving covered carriage is decorated with h Use your discretion when generating these magic items. If
gold filigree and glimmering lanterns. Hitched beside it are you wish, occasionally Aldor the Immense might carry a
two great steel-skinned oxen that exhale green fumes from single rare magic item, which he sells for 10,000 gp.
their snouts. Three lanky attendants garbed in light armour and
carrying crossbows patrol the grounds.
Seated before the carriage on a buckling wooden chair is a
massive human man who must be nearly seven feet tall and
almost as wide. He is garbed in masterfully tailored jet-black
silk that flatters his obese frame: a frilled doublet, padded
breeches, and riding gloves, all worn under a great fur-lined
cloak, topped with a feathered cap. Each piece is delicately
embroidered with elegant silver trim. The smell of fine tobacco
mixed with perfume hangs in the air around him. He smokes
a fine black pipe and drinks from a bottle of vintage wine, a
rakish grin on his flabby face. He greets characters warmly
then rubs his hands together with anticipation. “Let’s get
down to business, shall we?”
h Aldor the Immense is a djinni who delights in mortal
pleasures and freely travels the world as a dealer of exotic
wares. He possesses a sharp wit, a sophisticated sense Concluding the Chapter
of humor, puissant skill with money, and a gluttonous
appreciation for material indulgences. Allow player characters ample time getting familiar with
h His elemental nature is completely indiscernible, and he Emberwood Village. Ensure characters gather a few rumours,
appears in all respects to be a grotesquely large human man. He make contact with at least two or three of the major faction
wears an amulet of proof against detection and location. agents, and encounter one or two groups of rival adventurers.
h Aldor the Immense deals in magic items and delerium. He is In addition, player characters can take this opportunity to get
accustomed to small-time heroes attempting to browbeat him, to know one another more, and perhaps snoop around town for
would-be seducers looking to cut a deal, and two-bit thieves any information related to their personal quests.
trying to rip him off. He is always one step ahead in the Eventually, several townsfolk may begin asking characters
mental bargaining game. if they’ve been to the ruins yet or tried their hand at collecting
h His attendants and bodyguards are three human assassins delerium shards. Boastful rival adventurers could even set
named Brill, Meyers, and Vandeerbeek. His oxen are up a wager. If characters are looking for advice, NPCs might
both gorgons. recommend characters seek out Gainsbury Expeditionary
h Aldor the Immense has commissioned the Amethyst Supply Company for equipment and information on
Academy to create arcane locks and glyphs of warding to harvesting delerium, or chat with Fairweather Trades and
protect his wares. In addition, he has a tiny chest in which he Exports about selling whatever they manage to dig up. The
keeps his own private treasures. next chapter, Exploring Drakkenheim, details how characters
can explore the ruins, and includes a “Delerium Hunt’’ to help
run their first foray!
ollowing an overview of the city itself, this chapter intro- small villages and hamlets a few days travel from the city. Only
duces the core mechanics for running urban exploration a few hundred people survived the cataclysm that devastated
in Drakkenheim: navigating the city streets and sewers, the city, and the folk who lived in the surrounding countryside
generating random encounters, and the properties of the myste- have abandoned the area for safer regions.
rious Haze. You’ll want to refer to these mechanics throughout The recorded history of Drakkenheim stretches back about
the campaign, alongside the appendix sections of this book six hundred years, but a settlement and fortification have stood
that detail the rules for Contamination, Delerium, the Random here since antiquity. The city was named after its founders, the
Encounter Tables, and of course, the City Map. now-extinct House von Drakken. Four distinct dynasties have
Finally, this chapter closes with an introductory exploration ruled the city since, with House von Kessel claiming the throne
adventure: a Delerium Hunt! one hundred fifty years ago.
Drakkenheim is divided into three main regions:
City Overview h The Outer City, estates, suburbs, and slums surrounding
the city walls.
h The Inner City, protected by the City Walls and accessible
Drakkenheim was a grandiose capital city famous for its many
architectural wonders. The even-handed rule of House von Kes- through five Gates.
h Castle Drakken, a palace and military fortification that lies
sel fostered a vibrant and industrious spirit that welcomed folk
throughout the realm and beyond, and the city was an inter- atop a high crag.
national hub for trade and culture. Nearly a hundred thousand The city itself is further divided by the Drann River. Common
people called Drakkenheim home, and thousands more lived in parlance calls the two halves the North Ward and the South Ward.
Streets The Haze
Five major highways lead to Drakkenheim. The roads transition The Haze is magical radiation emitted by the vast concentra-
into the city’s main streets: King’s Road, Temple Road, Shepherd’s tion of delerium in Drakkenheim. It permeates the ruins and
Way, Champion’s Way, and College Street. Each passes through extends about two miles outside the walls.
a correspondingly-named gate, and ranges from twenty to forty
feet wide with broad sidewalks along either side. Wrought-iron
lamp posts and sewer drains are placed throughout. They converge Effects on Characters
at Market Square. Elsewhere in the city, the common cobble- Creatures do not gain any benefits from finishing a long rest
stone-paved roads are twelve to eighteen feet wide. Most have a within the Haze.
narrow two-foot wide brick sidewalk. Sidestreets are often no more Creatures may remain in the Haze for up to twenty-four hours
than ten feet wide, and in other areas only a narrow alley separates before they must finish a long rest to recuperate from exposure
the buildings. In the outer city slums, many roads are merely grav- to its eldritch energies. For each additional hour spent within the
el-covered or raw dirt, though there are some stone-paved streets. Haze beyond twenty four hours, a creature must succeed on a DC
15 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of contamination.
Buildings Most monsters encountered in Drakkenheim possess the fully
contaminated trait (see Appendix A) and ignore these effects.
Drakkenheim is a city of stone buildings and slate spires. Many
in the Inner City may be three or four storeys tall, sometimes
taller. Most are tightly packed townhouses built on stone Environmental Effects
ground levels, although the upper levels are often made from At dawn, the Haze magically manifests mist throughout the
wood, and boast fine glass windows and sturdy chimneys. ruins. Characters can see normally through the mist up to 150
Wealthier homes even feature indoor plumbing directly connect- feet. Vision beyond is lightly obscured, but vision past 300 feet
ed to the city’s water system. Dozens of smaller chapel domes is totally obscured. Any mists dispersed during the day reform
and spires mark distinct boroughs in the city. In contrast, the ten minutes later.
outer city is mostly a ramshackle slum consisting of crumbling The mists dampen sunlight. Creatures with sunlight
tenements, wattle and daub cottages, and fieldstone shacks. sensitivity or similar traits do not suffer these penalties during
However, the northern estates and the sections along major the day while within the Haze.
roads boast fine construction similar to that of the inner city. The mist disperses shortly after sunset, but the Haze appears
as a shifting corona of octarine light shimmering over the city
Drann River during the night. Floating motes and hazy particles hang over
the city streets providing illumination akin to moonlight, and
The Drann River is roughly four hundred feet wide and flows delerium crystals emit a bright glow to a range of five feet.
southwest. The water is deep, slow-moving, and thoroughly The corpses of beasts and humanoid creatures do not rot
contaminated. Four stone causeways span the water. Stone within the Haze. However, most unattended corpses left in the
quays and piers surround the river within the Inner City. streets are devoured within a day by ravenous ratlings. Other
Contaminated Water. All water in Drakkenheim is food and drink spoils after 2d6 days within the Haze.
contaminated, including the Drann River. Characters who end
their turn in contaminated water must succeed on a DC 10
Constitution saving throw or gain one level of contamination. Effects on Spells
The erratic magic of the Haze disrupts many spells cast within
City Walls it. Any teleportation spell cast by a creature outside the Haze
targeting a creature or location within the Haze automatically
Stone masonry walls forty feet high and five to ten feet thick fails and the spell slot is wasted. Creatures inside the Haze may
separate the Inner City and the Outer City, with entrance via teleport normally within, but any attempt to leave the Haze via
five gates. These fortifications present a major obstacle when teleportation fails. Telepathic communications or effects such as
exploring the city: the five city gates are occupied by faction the sending spell transmitted from outside the Haze fail to contact
forces or monsters, and hostile gargoyles attack any who scale a character within it, and vice-versa. Sensors created by divination
the walls. Refer to the “Walls of Drakkenheim” in Chapter 7: spells can’t appear inside the Haze, and those created outside the
Inside the Walls of Drakkenheim for details. Haze can’t enter it. Finally, other divination spells fail to reveal
useful information about delerium, the Haze, the origins of the
Castle Drakken meteor, or any events that occurred within the Haze.
When a character attempts any of the above using a spell or other
Atop a high cliff on the north side of town perches Castle effect, they must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. On
Drakken. The fortification and palace is described in chapter 9. a failure, they take 6d6 psychic damage and become incapacitated
with madness until they finish a long rest. During this time they
speak only in gibberish. A greater restoration spell ends this effect.
Rope trick, Tiny hut and similar spells or abilities do not
provide shelter or protection from the Haze. However,
characters may rest within a magnificent mansion spell cast
within the Haze.
The Haze map at the back of this book indicates which areas of They take the most direct route to their destination and move
the city are covered by the Deep Haze. Other locations suffused openly on major streets. Characters cannot use stealth, and
by the Deep Haze are noted in location descriptions. make Perception checks with disadvantage. When checking
for random encounters (see “Random Encounters” later in this
chapter), each character rolls twice and takes the lower result.
Delerium Sludge h Normal. At this pace, characters advance one-half mile per
Gargantuan delerium geodes perspire an opalescent sludge. hour. They proceed carefully through the ruins staying vigilant
Characters submerged in delerium sludge make a DC 18 for threats and landmarks. Characters cannot use stealth, but
Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn. They take may make Investigation and Perception checks with advantage.
h Slow. At this pace, characters advance one-quarter mile per
42 (12d6) necrotic damage on a failed saving throw, and half as
much on a successful one. In addition, characters who fail the hour to evade hostile threats. They sneak down back alleys
saving throw gain one level of contamination. and avoid major streets. Characters may use stealth, and
make Perception checks normally.
Navigating the Ruins for something in the ruins, such as scavenged supplies, lost
treasures, unknown locations, a hidden foe, or a safe place to rest.
Drakkenheim behaves more like a dangerous wilderness than an Conducting a good search takes at least one hour; during which
urban location. Characters risk perilous random encounters with the characters may survey an area with up to a ¼ mile diameter.
hostile monsters and mysterious magical phenomena as they After one hour of searching, each character makes an Investiga-
traverse the ruins, but may also stumble upon delerium, lost tion or Wisdom (Survival) check (DC 10 for the Outer City, DC
treasures, and faction agents. 15 for the Inner City). Exceeding the DC by 5 or more grants an
additional success. Whether or not the characters find anything is
determined by the total number of successes:
Getting to the City h 3 or more successes. The party finds what they are
Aside from Emberwood Village, all towns and villages within looking for if it can be found within the search area, otherwise,
one week’s travel of Drakkenheim have been wholly aban- they conclusively rule out any possibility that what they were
doned. The nearest large cities are a three-week journey away. seeking was in the area of their search.
h 2 or more failed checks. The characters stumble into a
Travel times from safe havens are indicated below. When travelling
to the city, characters may arrive anywhere on the city outskirts. Random Encounter, but if they still had enough successes,
they also find whatever they sought.
Origin Point Distance Travel Time on Foot If your party is larger or smaller than four characters, increase
Eckerman Mill 1 mile 20 minutes or decrease the number of required successes proportionately.
Camp Dawn 2 miles 1 hour Alternatively, characters might use special skills when searching
Emberwood Village 5 miles 2 hours for something specific:
h Arcana. Delerium deposits or magical phenomena.
66 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Drakkenheim City Streets
Scale 1sq = 5ft.
Scale 1sq = 5ft.
68 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Random Encounters Cleaning Cube. A gelatinous cube awaits down a narrow
corridor in the sewers. It stays completely still until a creature
Dangerous monsters lurk everywhere in Drakkenheim. enters its space.
While characters navigate the ruins, ask each player to roll 1d20... Crimson Countess. The Crimson Countess hunts above
with a retinue of 5 (2d4) harpies.
h For each hour spent exploring the city (as directed above)
h Any time you feel the players are being indecisive or idle in a Dozing Hulk. A single haze hulk lays sleeping across the
dangerous environment narrow road. Squeezing past without waking it may prove
h Whenever the players are having an easy time and you need difficult, but it clutches a delerium shard in its hand.
to shake things up Deep Ones. 10 (3d6) aquatic delerium dregs and 1 chuul
h When directed by specific circumstances described within an occupy a sewer junction or are emerging from a sewer exit.
adventure site Double Trouble. Roll twice, ignoring this result on subsequent
There is an encounter if any player rolls a natural one. Consult rolls. If two groups of monsters or NPCs are encountered,
the random encounter tables below to determine what the they’re fighting each other.
characters encounter based on their location in the city. Some Drowned Dead. A one-hundred-foot long corridor in the
locations have their own unique random encounter tables. sewers is completely flooded. The tunnel has 10 (3d6) haze
You may wish to invent additional complications to the husks floating in it that appear lifeless unless attacked or until
encounter for each additional one rolled, such as an ambush, characters are halfway down the tunnel. The undead attempt to
additional monsters, unfavourable terrain, or erratic magical effects. hold characters in place until they drown.
Conversely, rolling a natural 20 might add a bit of good Executioner’s Summons. The characters stumble into
fortune for the players, such as an opportunity to get the drop Slaughterstone Square.
on foes or avoid them, a delerium deposit, monsters carrying
Fallen Heroes. 5 (2d4) haze wights are all that remains
treasure or a magic item, nearby allies who can help, or other
of this former adventuring party. They believe any living
advantageous circumstances for the characters.
humanoids they encounter are mutated monsters.
If every player rolls a one. What’s the worst that can
happen? It happens! Garmyr Hunters. 10 (3d6) garmyr leading 1d4 worgs are
Finally, you can adjust the die size rolled when players check stalking the streets for fresh meat. They are on keen lookout
for random encounters, such as using a 1d10 or even 1d6. The and watch for any signs of movement. Double the number
odds of a random encounter happening increase with lower die encountered in the Inner City.
sizes, so this is ideal if you have a smaller group or want the Garmyr Ravagers. 7 (2d6) garmyr berserkers with 2 (1d4)
characters to face more random encounters. hell hounds are rampaging through the streets, howling loudly
and starting fires.
Random Encounter Descriptions Ghost Lights. 2 (1d4) will-o-wisps attempt to lure passing
characters towards a mirage of treasure or delerium in the Haze.
Academy Surveyor. An Amethyst Academy mage and 1d4 In the inner city, there are 2d6 wisps instead.
hedge wizard apprentices are conducting research in the ruins. Gibbering Flesh. The walls here are covered in thick fleshy
Angry Furniture. 2 (1d4) mimics are disguised as perfectly growths, parts of the walls, streets, and rubble have grown eyes and
normal pieces of furniture in a nearby house. mouths that break away and form 2 (1d4) gibbering mouthers.
Chimera Nest. A chimera is nesting in a tall spire. Aggressive In the Inner City, it has become a protean abomination.
and territorial, it swoops down to rip apart any who wander Gloaming Ray. A cloaker flies through the dark rooftops
around its turf. above looking for prey.
— Sebastian Crowe
70 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Random Encounter Tables
Sewers (1d20) Common Locations (1d10)
Use these descriptions to set the scene for a random encounter.
1 Horribly Lost 11 Hateful Dead
2 Going in Circles 12 Lost Ones 1 Breakaway meteors demolished this area, leaving only broken
cobblestones and toppled ruins riddled with small craters.
3 Wrong Turn 13 Gibbering Flesh
2 A makeshift encampment. There’s a canvas tent, sleeping bags,
4 Gloaming Ray 14 Dozing Hulk and a few improvised barricades or defences. Embers still burn in
5 Living Ruins 15 Shadows of Drakkenheim the campfire.
3 A deserted alleyway filled with trash, access point to the sewers.
6 Troll Traveller 16 Fallen Heroes
4 A devastated street filled with broken wagons, abandoned
7 Sewer Monster 17 Cleaning Cube
vendor’s stalls, and bones.
8 Drowned Dead 18 Deep Ones 5 An open plaza or park around a small monument, fountain, or well.
9 Ratling Scavengers 19 Rival Adventurers 6 A courtyard leading up to a civic building, shrine, chapel, or estate.
10 Stalking Vermin 20 Double Trouble 7 A cluster of ramshackle taverns.
8 Seedy tenement buildings and rundown shacks.
Outer City (d100) 9
Several workshops surrounded by warehouses.
Rows of dilapidated and heavily damaged townhouses.
00-03 Run out of Town 52-55 Haze Haunt
04-07 Uninvited Guests
Warped Ruins (1d10)
56-59 Angry Furniture
08-11 Wrong Turn 60-63 Lost Ones
12-15 Troll Traveller Many buildings in Drakkenheim are not exactly normal anymore. Use
64-67 Shambling Husks
16-19 Menacing Manticore these and the Arcane Anomalies in Appendix D to inject weirdness and
68-71 Old Alchemist’s Shop horror as characters explore the city.
20-23 Shadows of Drakkenheim
72-75 Hooded Lanterns Scouts
24-27 Phase Webs 1 Stonework and timbers have transformed into solid glass.
76-79 Queen’s Men Looters 2 Cloaked in eldritch fire, but it’s not burning down.
28-31 Watching Gargoyles
80-83 Questing Knight 3 Blown apart, but frozen in time at the middle of the explosion.
32-35 Ratling Scavengers
84-87 Academy Surveyor 4 Flesh, limbs, eyes, mouths, and faces are merged into the walls.
36-39 Garmyr Hunters
They babble incoherently.
40-43 Hateful Dead 88-91 Pilgrims of the Falling Fire
5 The side facing the crater is melted like sticky wax.
44-47 Gibbering Flesh 92-95 Rival Adventurers 6 Disembodied screams and whispers resound from within.
48-51 Ghost Lights 96-99 Double Trouble 7 All colour within becomes black and white
8 An illusion of a childhood memory briefly appears in the front
13-14 Wandered into the 62-63 Chimera Nest 1 - 7 Nothing but broken refuse and ruined scraps of weapons and armour.
64-67 Harpy Flock 8 1d4 sets of tools in an abandoned workshop.
15-16 Sewer Monster
68-69 Lurking Wraiths 9 5d6 gold pieces in a coin purse clutched by a severed hand.
17-19 Stalking Vermin 10 1d6 potions of healing in a hidden cache.
70-71 Fallen Heroes
20-22 Ratling Raiders 11 1d4 uncommon spell scrolls tucked in a scroll case by a
72-73 Gloaming Ray
23-25 Hateful Dead wizard’s corpse.
74-76 Deep Ones
26-29 Lost Ones 12 1d4 art objects worth 25 gp each are found in a modest townhouse.
77-80 Rival Adventurers
30-31 Troll Traveller 13 2d6 delerium chips haphazardly stored in a backpack.
81-83 Pilgrims of the Falling Fire
14 2d6 x 10 gp in a lockbox in an old merchant’s tradehouse.
32-33 Phase Webs
84-87 Hooded Lanterns 15 1 restorative ointment upon an otherwise empty shelf.
34-36 Gibbering Flesh Scouts
17 1d4 delerium fragments carefully placed in glass containers.
37-38 Old Alchemist’s Shop 88-91 Queen’s Men Looters
18 1d4 potions of greater healing in a forsaken shrine.
39-40 Menacing Manticore 92-93 Questing Knight
19 A crumbling estate has a piece of artwork worth 250 gp inside.
41-42 Shadows of Drakkenheim 94-95 Academy Surveyor
20 1 rare spell scroll in a pile of books and loose pages fluttering
43-44 Ghost Lights 96-99 Double Trouble down the street.
n this short introduction to exploring Drakkenheim, player Nestled within a pine-covered valley, Drakkenheim is a walled
characters search the ruins for delerium and other plunder metropolis that straddles the wide and sluggish Drann River. A high
rocky hill rises above the city, upon which perches Castle Drakken.
they can sell in Emberwood Village. Along the way, they’ll
Below the imposing fortress, cobblestone streets weave around densely-
face a few random encounters in the ruins against monsters,
packed stone buildings and slate-shingle spires. The city spills from the
rival adventurers, and faction patrols. outer walls into a ruined urban sprawl.
The great dome of Saint Vitruvio’s Cathedral stands prominently
Adventure Hook southwest of the castle. At the heart of the city lies the Cosmological
Clocktower of Market Square, and to the northwest is the
Prospecting and Plunder. This fundamental hook is simple: Inscrutable Tower of the Amethyst Academy. The soaring obsidian-
the characters head into the Outer City Ruins on their own glass building is broken in half at the middle, but the top still hovers
initiative to seek out whatever treasure and delerium they can above in defiance of gravity.
find. Allow characters to take the reigns and plan their route. If Four bridges reach across the Drann River like desperate limbs; one
for some reason characters don’t think to do this on their own, is covered in massive stone statues of the heroes of old, and another
a friendly NPC contact in Emberwood Village or even a faction lurches under the weight of the ramshackle homes and other buildings
lieutenant suggests the characters experience the ruins firsthand constructed upon its length.
and prove they can survive the dangers there. It’s risky, but Billowing clouds of midnight purple and dusky violet mask the sky
there’s a chance to make good money! overhead, casting the city in a dismal gloom. In the rare moments
where the clouds part, stray sunbeams scornfully shine upon the city.
72 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
h If
the player characters trigger a random encounter, instead of
rolling on the Outer City table, use the Ratling Scavengers or Escaping the Ruins
Lost Ones results. Once the characters have found their prize, don’t forget to check
for random encounters as they leave the city! Only then may
Cratered Street they pawn their finds in Emberwood Village.
ll manner of treasure-seekers have made their fortunes
and met their fates in the Outer City. These crumbling
The locations in the Outer City make ideal early explorations
ruins surround the city walls like huddled masses des-
into Drakkenheim. However, characters who have not reached
perate for shelter. Describe the abandoned feeling of the ruined
at least 3rd level may find these locations quite challenging. The
Outer City as follows:
party need not visit every location detailed herein, but those who
Travelling down the decrepit thoroughfares of Drakkenheim, you do may reach up to 6th level exploring the Outer City. Characters
pass several buildings which have completely collapsed into rubble. may visit these locations in any order, but the “Rat’s Nest” and
Those which still stand are little more than condemned wretches the “Chapel of Saint Brenna” are ideal locations to begin.
teetering upon the brink of ruin. A rare few are undamaged, but Adventure Hooks. Each location in this section describes
still bear obvious signs of disuse and exposure: shattered windows, a variety of adventure hooks you can use to prompt characters
peeling paint, doors rotted off the hinges, and wet sagging rooftops. to explore the site: most involve one of the faction lieutenants
The cracked cobblestones are littered with abandoned refuse; broken approaching the party. See “Making Contact with the Factions”
wagons, litter, and an occasional bloodstain or scattered bones. Here in Chapter 4: Emberwood Village for a summary of the faction
and there, tiny motes of octarine glint within the light mist which lieutenants and where they can be found within the town.
hangs over the streets. For now, the streets are cold and deadly quiet. City Walls and Gates. The party should explore the
Outer City before taking on the Inner City. Nevertheless, if
characters are determined to make their way into the Inner
City, they can certainly try! Should the party approach any
of the city gates or attempt to scale the city walls, consult
“Magic is all fun and games until someone randomly turns Chapter 7 “Inside the Walls of Drakkenheim”.
into a potted plant...actually that is kind of fun too.” Once characters have gained experience exploring the ruins
and developed a relationship with one or more of the factions,
— Veo Sjena they’ll be ready to tackle the Walls of Drakkenheim and begin
exploring the Inner City locations (detailed in chapter 7).
Black Ivory Inn
“Listen, I know a guy, my cousin Mike used to run a smugglers tunnel Overview
underneath an old inn on the outskirts of town, leads ya right into the
In this adventure, the characters must escape the time-cursed
city. Now, I hear some people saying the old Black Ivory place is up
Black Ivory Inn with their lives and sanity intact. They may be
and running again? Maybe worth seeing if that smugglers tunnel is still
drawn in by the mysterious melody coming from the disturb-
operational for an easy way in and out of the city!”
ingly normal looking building, or they might seek out the Black
— Blackjack Mel Ivory Inn deliberately to find a missing contact or the smugglers
passage rumoured to run underneath the hotel.
he Black Ivory Inn stands utterly pristine; apparently
spared from the ravages of the meteor. Warm light,
sweet-smelling wine, mirthful laughter, and stunningly Adventure Hooks
beautiful piano melodies emanate from within and waft through A Haunting Melody. While travelling through Kingside,
the ruined streets nearby. However, the legendary music hall and the player characters may hear piano music in the air, and the
hotel is the site of a bizarre arcane anomaly that has warped the sounds of mirthful laughter. Following the music leads them
fabric of time and space. Until the malignant abomination anchor- to a pristine building, spared from the ravages of time and the
ing this twisted magic is destroyed, visitors to the Black Ivory Inn meteor itself. Alternately the characters may hear about the inn
are trapped within a time loop: doomed to forever play out the and its music from a rumour, and may choose to investigate it on
last four hours and thirty-three minutes before the meteor struck. their own accord.
The Smuggler’s Passage. In its heyday, the Black Ivory
Inn was a notable speakeasy known for having an excellent
“Magic is hard to control at the best of times. Sometimes smuggler’s passage to move illegal goods into Drakkenheim
you wish you could throw fire, and you end up setting under the walls. If this passage can be secured it may prove
yourself on fire. I know from experience. Look at this scar... useful for navigating the more dangerous areas of the city.
arcane anomaly.” Missing Prophet. A missing priest of the Falling Fire was
— Sebastian Crowe sent to aid and recruit the rumoured people staying at the Inn,
but has not returned. The party is asked to go investigate this
disappearance and, if possible, bring the priest back to his people.
The time loop is the result of a curious interaction between the Black Ivory Inn during the previous loop must succeed on a
Haze and a peculiarly worded wish. DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw, they
temporarily lose their awareness of being stuck in a time loop
until reminded by someone else what has happened to them.
Time Loop h Each time the time loop repeats or the characters
A renowned musician performed here named Miss Charlotte. are killed, each character must succeed on a DC 5
In her youth, Charlotte encountered an extraplanar entity that Intelligence saving throw or gain a random form of
granted her a single wish. Her wish was to be the greatest living indefinite of Drakkenheim Madness.
pianist of all time. However, Miss Charlotte was already an h Time continues to pass for those outside the loop. A creature
unparalleled musician. Instead of improving her talents, her wish trapped in the loop for over a year of real-world time loses
granted her immortality by binding her life and talents to her pi- their memories and becomes bound to the loop forever. They
ano, not unlike the relationship between a lich and its phylactery. die and crumble to dust if the loop ends, and then may only
As a result, she would perpetually remain the greatest living piano be restored via a wish spell.
player of all time, so long as her piano remained intact.
Miss Charlotte was impaled by a delerium crystal during
the destruction of Drakkenheim. She would have died if not Escaping the Loop
for her wish. Caught between life and death, Miss Charlotte’s A character may escape the loop via plane shift or wish, but tele-
wish has been twisted by the magic of the Haze, throwing portation spells directed outside the demiplane fail. Characters
the entire Black Ivory Inn into a temporal pocket that traps might also be able to convince Miss Charlotte to let them leave.
anyone who enters. Her body was transformed into a protean
abomination, which now lurks below the temporal reflection
of the Black Ivory Inn. Her mind projects a simulacrum of her
Breaking the Loop
original form that can continue playing her piano for all time. The time loop ends if the protean abomination and the
piano are both destroyed. When this happens the Black Ivory
Inn and its patrons slowly erode into black ash. All that are left
Becoming Trapped behind are the characters, and the five other visitors (or their
A character becomes trapped in the time loop the moment they corpses, if they did not survive the final loop). Little else remains
wholly step inside the Black Ivory Inn. There is no saving throw. of the Black Ivory Inn save rubble and ruin - it now appears as it
h Trapped creatures cannot perceive or interact with creatures should for a building struck by a meteor. There is a path through
and objects outside the Black Ivory Inn. This effect begins 10 the rubble to the Smuggler’s Warehouse below. The debris can
(3d6) minutes after the creature becomes trapped. During this be cleared away to re-open the underground tunnel.
period, victims can still perceive and interact with creatures
outside Black Ivory Inn, but such creatures and objects
appear hazy and faded before disappearing entirely. After this Key Events
point, when a trapped creature looks outside the Black Ivory “Miss Charlotte is the greatest pianist of all time.”
Inn, they see a time-lost version of Drakkenheim instead of
the present-day ruins. h The time loop begins at 3:40 PM
h Characters trapped within the time loop are visible to h Miss Charlotte plays all afternoon into the evening.
outsiders only while they remain inside the Black Ivory Inn; h At 7pm she takes a break from playing. She sits at the bar and
they can’t be perceived otherwise. chats with patrons, enjoying a glass of wine and a small meal
for thirty minutes.
Effects of the Time Loop h The meteor strikes at 8:13 PM, shortly after dusk. In this
moment, a meteor chunk impales Miss Charlotte, no matter
The loop itself behaves like a pocket dimension or demiplane.
where she is located at that time.
The anomaly constantly plays out the last four hours and thirty-
three minutes before the meteor struck in a time loop capturing h There
is a wash of dust and ash, and you open your eyes to
the events from 3:40 PM to 8:13 PM on September 16th. thunderous applause as Charlotte finishes her first set.
h Characters are instantly killed by the meteor at the end of Once inside the Black Ivory Inn, characters see Drakkenheim as it
each loop at 8:13 PM. was fifteen years ago, in the late afternoon of September 16, 1111.
76 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Miss Charlotte Phifer Winters. A young human commoner serves drinks
and coffee with a warm smile and a friendly compliment.
Miss Charlotte is a willowy woman with slender limbs and Though she’s often too busy working to chat, she’ll excitedly
delicate fingers. She wears a simple green gown, and keeps her talk about her aspirations to one day sail the Diamond Sea and
hair tied in a bun behind her head. She gracefully plays the travel to distant lands.
piano in an enraptured trance. Reginald Grimes. This human commoner is approaching
his seventies, but still cooks in the kitchen of the Black Ivory
h Ideal. To play music is all I’ve ever wanted, it’s all I’ve ever
Inn. He takes great pride in his culinary work and is completely
had, it’s everything I’ll ever need, and the only thing I have unable to tolerate criticism of his cooking. He deems each meal
left. Please don’t take that from me. he makes a work of art.
h Bond. Artists ought to be free to share their gifts with the
world. I admire any artist who has the same passion and skill
for their craft as I do for mine. Smuggler’s Ring
h Flaw. I cannot bear what has happened, and the truth fills A group of smugglers.
me with rage and anger. Instead, I will surround myself with h 3 (1d6) bandit captains and 14 (4d6) bandits.
music and mirth until the end of time.
Captain Wicket is a bandit captain who has an old pirate hat
Miss Charlotte and the piano are immune to all damage as long and blue coat on. He is holding a meeting for his men about the
as the abomination has one hit point or more. In addition, as next job they are doing in the basement meeting room in the
long as the abomination has at least one hit point, when Miss Black Ivory Inn. He has three trusted commanders and a gang
Charlotte fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead. of thieves who have come to meet him here. He has requested
When Miss Charlotte plays a chord on the piano (as an that no one disturb their meeting. Detailed below is his crew:
action), the abomination rejuvenates with all its hit points.
h Left Hand Lila: a bandit captain with a hook for a
“I remember you… you caused a bit of trouble last time you were here. right hand
Just try to relax and enjoy the music.” h Mr. Big: A gnome bandit captain with a devilish smirk and
a knack for dramatic plans
h Wind: an albino tiefling bandit captain with bright red eyes,
Most patrons encountered within the Black Ivory Inn are hope- this job
h Fred Oats: the twin brother of Ted with long black hair,
lessly lost and cannot comprehend their current predicament.
They are dimly aware of what is going on, but have endured defensive of his brother
so much madness it has crushed their actual will. Tales about
meteors and time loops are met with laughter or bewilderment,
which quickly turns to outrage and disgust if the player charac-
Trapped Visitors
There are five people who have become trapped here recently
ters pursue it. Even proof such as delerium shards or uncanny
whom the characters’ actions may jolt back into awareness.
foreknowledge fails to rouse them from their stupor.
Though they have forgotten themselves, they can be roused
h There’s roughly 35 (10d6) human commoners or nobles
from their stupor by reminding them of present events.
enjoying music, coffee, food, and accommodations at the Osiris Chronolly. A long-bearded and purple-robed
Black Ivory Inn, with a staff of 7 (2d6) more commoners Amethyst Academy mage who came to the Black Ivory Inn
who work as cooks, porters, and housekeepers alongside the following a long-lost rumour that the legendary musician
notable figures below. had gained her talents by making a wish. He, however,
h These people are forever lost to the time loop, and die when begrudgingly refuses any idea that he is trapped in a time loop
it ends. They never leave the inn, nor have any recollection or unless some sort of irrefutable evidence can be placed before
understanding of the time loop. him. Once presented with proof, he speculates that breaking the
h The tavern patrons defend Miss Charlotte if she’s attacked. loop will set recent arrivals free, but suspects those who were
They can’t perceive the protean abomination. here when the time loop was created are lost forever.
“Open” Mike Connolly. The owner of the Black Ivory Inn Aaron Grint. This middle-aged urban ranger of the Hooded
is a rotund human scoundrel with blonde slicked back hair, Lanterns used to come to the Black Ivory Inn during his youth, and
a curly moustache and a set of round framed glasses, dressed was a big fan of Miss Charlotte. He sits in a corner with his hood
in a red velvet coat. He is often found sitting close to the stage up smoking a pipe. He blissfully believes he has returned to his lost
admiring the musicians. Though he knows about the illicit youth and has forgotten the horrors he witnessed in the Civil War.
activities happening beneath his bar, he doesn’t discuss the The return of his memories drives him into a rage.
smuggler’s tunnel openly with anyone he hasn’t met before, but Anika Patel. This human knight of the Silver Order
mentioning his young nephew Mel sparks his attention. Mike devours meal after meal while enjoying the music. She has
has the key to both the cellar doors and the smuggler’s tunnel, forgotten that she came to Drakkenheim to fight with the Silver
which he keeps on a key ring on his belt. Order, and now believes her oath is to protect Miss Charlotte.
Rogan Blum. The well-dressed bartender of the Black Anika is willing to help, but is bewildered by the idea of a time
Ivory Inn is a human spy. Rogan will listen to any tale of loop. It takes extreme convincing for her to accept the concept.
woe and regret from a paying customer, and his advice seems Regardless, she stands up to quell any violence that breaks out
staggeringly insightful two or three drinks in. in the tavern.
78 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Basement Time-Lost Streets
Storage Cellar. This mundane cellar is stocked with a few A trapped victim exiting the Black Ivory Inn enters into an
kegs of ale, and has a large wall filled with fine wines of various illusory version of Drakkenheim as it was fifteen years ago. Once
ages and assortments. Most of them are Crownland wines from victims travel out of line of sight of the Black Ivory Inn, they
the north vineyard of Drakkenheim. Many jars and crates of immediately appear back before the inn again as if the streets
preserved foods and dried fruits and berries can also be found, themselves looped back around. All the doors and windows of
along with sacks of grains and flour, and a few household tools all the buildings seem to open into a crudely rendered room, but
and appliances. At the back of the cellar is an old oak door with when entered, a character appears back in the taproom of the
a padlock on it. Black Ivory Inn.
Gambling Den. This room is clearly appointed for preparing The folk walking the streets are merely phantasms with dim
smuggling operations and as a place for secret communication, awareness. They repeat only a few short phrases such as
planning, or illegal gambling to take place. The room is sparse “Lovely day today, isn’t it.” “Strange thing in the sky, that.”
of decorations save for a few round tables and some of the older or “I’ll be on my way, then…” If attacked or damaged, they
stools from upstairs. The tables are laid out with decks of die, and the others scream and run.
cards, bottles of booze, and even a map pinned on the wall
that details the underground passages, smugglers’ tunnels and
sewer systems of Drakkenheim. Currently there is a private
meeting happening down here between Captain Wicket and his
squad. One of the bandit captains stands at the door to make Developments
sure they aren’t disturbed as they lay out plans for smuggling a Check out anytime you’d like. With the protean abomina-
rare painting into Drakkenheim to sell to a fence procuring rare tion destroyed, the inn returns to the state it was meant to be in.
art for a local exhibit. The crew are hostile towards unwanted The creature dissolves into nothing but a pile of goo and within
guests and tell any who come near that they are having a private it rests a chunk of meteoric iron with 2d4 fragments of delerium
meeting and they best go back upstairs before they start trouble. embedded in it. The ceiling of the inn has mostly collapsed from
Smuggler’s Warehouse. The Smuggler’s Warehouse is the impact and a clear hole in the floor leads directly into the
in disarray. There are smashed crates and a spray of gold basement where the abomination lay. The inn lies in shambles,
coins across the floor. A shelf along the wall has toppled over another nondescript ruin of Drakkenheim. But, the entrance to
and splintered along the ground. Along the far wall is an the smugglers tunnel is still very much intact, and Open Mike’s
inconspicuous set of thick wooden doors that are locked with corpse can be found amongst the bodies of the patrons. The key
a large padlock. In the corner of the room is the protean to the smuggler’s tunnel is safely fastened on his belt.
abomination. It is a massive mound of flesh occupying the
A Safe Passage. The smuggler’s tunnel now lays open to
upper corner of the room, with sticky fleshy tendrils clinging the players. The players can choose to use this tunnel that
to the various walls and surfaces around it. It looks like it’s leads them directly to the cistern below Slaughterstone Square
spreading outwards towards the door - it has grown and caked without provoking a random encounter. They come out from an
over the smuggler’s tunnel doors almost completely, and one inconspicuous grate in the floor of the cistern that the monsters
can make out bits of debris, wood, and gold that have been of Drakkenheim seem to have overlooked. Once there, the
enveloped by the spreading horror. sewers function as normal.
h Stuck in the side of the creature is the remnant of a grand
Thankful Pilgrim. If he survives, the priest is endlessly
piano, and on the front of the creature one can make out a thankful to be rid of the Black Ivory Inn and to still be alive
feminine face, twisted in horror, with glowing octarine eyes and offers the party a bag of holding or an alchemy jug. He asks
and a gaping mouth. The abomination has several other eyes if they would accompany him to Saint Selina’s Monastery. He
and mouths around it that all moan and cry as one approach- would most like to introduce them to Lucretia Mathias and
es. Its’ eyes become fixed on anyone who enters the room. speak highly of their courageous and heroic deeds. He latches
Underground Tunnel. The smuggler’s tunnel is a long on to the characters, believing them to be the prophesied
straight tunnel that goes on as far as one can see. It is lined with heroes that the book of Falling Fire spoke of.
occasional torches. Friendly Factions. The other survivors are all a little dazed
h A small satchel hanging on the wall has a scroll of dancing from their time spent in the inn, confused and in shock of the
lights and a scroll of knock. grim reality they have just been awoken into. They all thank
h The tunnel connects to the Old Town cistern beneath the characters and agree to speak highly of them to their leaders
Slaughterstone Square. and commanders. If the characters made enemies of any of the
survivors, or if they boldly helped them or rescued them, those
stories are brought back to the factions they represented.
“In the deepest parts of the city, the Haze is as thick as
pea soup...if only it tasted like it.”
— Veo Sjena
“Listen, if you wanna make it in this town, you gotta stick with me,
right? I know people. I can make connections, introductions! You got On the surface, Buckledown Row might appear to be the
some fight in you. You wanna meet the Queen of Thieves? I got your stronghold for the Queen’s Men in Drakkenheim. It’s certainly a
ticket right here!” gathering point for the gangs and a hub for illicit activity, and
— Blackjack Mel the characters just might be able to make contact with the Queen
of Thieves here. Alternatively, they might just want to crack
some skulls in the fighting ring!
This infamous row of dive bars and dingy taverns lies on the
southeastern outskirts of Drakkenheim. Decades ago, these
were the choice watering holes for lower-class labourers, sweat- Adventure Hooks
soaked craftspeople, and assorted scoundrels who inhabited Rules of Buckledown Row. Characters might hear rumours
Drakkenheim. Today, Buckledown Row is a hub for outlaws, about Buckledown Row, especially if they frequent the Skull
outcasts, scavengers, and worse. The taverns are mostly intact, & Sword Taphouse in Emberwood Village. If they have been
and close enough to the edge of town for a band of rough- working with Blackjack Mel, he’ll even suggest the characters
and-tumble ruffians to make the trek easy enough, but still test their might in the fighting pits. He offers to sponsor them as
far enough into the city to dissuade others from following. a fighting team and act as their manager (for an equal cut of the
Ever since the Queen of Thieves brought the gangs under winnings, of course!). If they’re interested, he encourages them
her influence, the street has been controlled by the Queen’s to travel there with him. He’ll be sure to set up a good matchup!
Men: bandits and brigands meet here on neutral ground, join Blackjack Mel explains that anyone who proves themselves in the
in revelry together, trade with fences and smugglers, and only Buckledown Row fighting pit wins the honor to face the Queen
occasionally slit each other’s throats. There’s few rules and of Thieves’ personal champion in her secret arena (located in the
even less order. Flowing ale and gold tend to calm the most Court of Thieves). It’s the only surefire way to meet the Queen of
violent disputes, but for anything else the hidden fighting pit Thieves, and she’s even proclaimed that she’ll grant one personal
is the perfect place to settle feuds, make some bets, and lose a favour to anyone who can defeat her champion. Of course, no
few teeth. one’s actually managed to beat them yet...
80 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Interactions Area Details
The Queen of Thieves makes an appearance in Buckledown
Row, usually appearing for a few hours on a Friday or Saturday
evening to watch the best fights.
Buckledown Row
The bandits that fill the streets and taverns might not notice Roughshod fences and makeshift barricades block off this muddy
strangers, but also are not afraid to stab or steal from anyone street of ramshackle taverns. Crudely made bridges stretch between
who seems like they don’t belong. the rooftops, and crooked street lamps glow brightly in the mists.
Asking around the taverns and streets, it’s easy to gather that Laughter, cheering, and a general uproar echo down the alleys from a
the fighting pits below the taverns are the way people around here motley assortment of thugs, ruffians, cutthroats, and scoundrels who
get known. Many of the fighters in the pits are renowned legends drink, gamble, and traffic down the street. Keen-eyed sharpshooters
amongst the gangs. Anyone who can defeat the other fighters gets look down from the lookout posts, and a pair of muscled bruisers stand
to take a crack at the Queen’s champion in the royal fighting pits. watch outside the ramparts.
Beat the champion, and you get a private audience with the Queen.
The five taverns in Buckledown Row are all filled with h Atany time, 21 (6d6) bandits stroll the streets, and 5 (2d4)
various gangs of the Queen’s Men. Around every corner is scoundrels lurk upon the rooftops. A pair of bugbear
gambling, cards, dice, and occasionally people brawling openly veterans are posted at each entrance. They’ll drive off
in the streets. A body being thrown out a window, or the sound anyone who looks like a member of the Hooded Lanterns or
of shattering glass or splintering wood are so common that they the Silver Order, but they let anyone else through.
become almost part of the backdrop of the place. Everyone here If conflict with the factions is escalating, 1d4 Queen’s Men strike
is a little rough around the edges and if you stick out too much teams might be posted around Buckledown Row in case of trouble.
you’ll draw a lot of unwanted attention.
Consult the Outlaws and Scoundrels from the Queen’s Men
Dossier for some of the symbols and characters to fill out the Wishing Well
taverns. The gangs all mingle here but usually each gang has
a preferred tavern that their leader can be found in, and a few An ancient moss-covered fieldstone well rests on a terrace behind one
characteristics to help bring any NPCs to life. of the taverns. Upon a skeleton nailed to a gnarled tree nearby is a
If the party manages to fit in without drawing unwanted atten- crudely-painted sign that reads “Make a Wish”. Peering down the well
tion, the gangs pay them no mind above anyone else. The gangs reveals an impenetrable gloom.
are gaining so many members that if you are in Buckledown Row,
h Each week, representatives from each of the hundred gangs of
most assume you ought to be there. Discussing other factions, or
any plans or adventures that seem suspicious, might arouse the the Queen’s Men deposit their tribute to the Queen of Thieves
attention of people nearby. Also if the party is acting awkward here by dropping a marked satchel of gold or gems down the
or nervous, this may draw attention - it may also help their cause well. Each outfit pays a sum of 100 gold or more, depending
to dress in appropriate gang attire or to have symbols of a gang on their arrangements with the Queen.
h The gangs don’t know what happens afterwards, but the
on their gear. Again, the Outlaws and Scoundrels detailed in the
Queen’s Men Dossier can provide information the party might Queen always knows when someone misses a payment.
h The bottom of the well is concealed by a permanent major
gather to help them disguise themselves or hatch a plan to fit in.
If the party openly approaches a gang leader without invitation, image and a silent alarm spell, but their magic has been
they may gain some attention as well, but most of the leaders are hidden with the arcanist’s magic aura spell. Below is a portable
eager to hear out anyone bold enough to approach them and will hole that collects the tribute.
h In secret, the Queen of Thieves herself arrives invisibly through-
engage with the party in amused curiosity. Otherwise the gangs
accept the characters as more new recruits and try and encourage out the week to collect her tribute. She always leaves behind a
them with drinking, games, sometimes a fight, or a game of cards. sack of gold. This “float” is used by the Queen to track down
Or maybe trying to push them to join the fighting pits below. anyone who robs her: since she once possessed the gold, she will
scry upon the coins to locate any thief who rips her off.
Sweaty Bugbear
This small ramshackle taphouse is little more than a dank hole in
the wall. Almost literally. The door is missing and the wall where the
entrance was has been blasted away to leave just a gaping hole that
people come and go through. No signage seems to exist but in the large
window next to the blasted entrance is the cook of the place. There is
a smoking grill where a large bugbear named Brian is cooking some
charred-looking meat; he is wet with sweat caused by the heat of the
grill. Baskerville, the leader of the Howlin’ Dogs gang, sits at a table in
the corner with cushioned seats, a bottle of mead in hand and talking
with some scary-looking thieves. There is a game of knife throwing
happening in the back. There also seems to be a gnome in a top hat
strapped to the target they are throwing knives at.
Sneaky McGee’s
A large neon-painted sign of a ram skull with swirling designs and
patterns inside it is posted on the front of this old building. It’s three
storeys high and has balconies all along the top two floors, with a
large wooden door that has a cobra motif on it. Inside the tavern
there are several small private booths with tables and seating for
four to six people. At the far end of the tavern is a small stage where
some rough looking scoundrels are playing instruments and riling the
place up. A long bar along one side has a row of red-velvet-topped
stools contrasting against the dark almost black wood of the bar. A
dwarf woman behind the bar named Reeda Blackstone is polishing
glasses. She is friendly, kind-hearted, and welcoming to any who come
through the door. Everyone who orders a drink from her tips her one
gold and says “Thank you Reeda.” Above the bar is a wall of swords
and daggers, all stuck in place in an array of metal and leather. The
The Fighting Pits entire wall is just thousands of blades. Sitting at the end of the bar is
Scale 1sq = 5ft. Veronica Venom and her gang.
(Page 84)
h People in the tavern will tell you that Reeda may seem nice,
but she’s a ruthless killer and used to be one of the most
notorious assassins in Westemär before she retired. Everyone
respects her, and she demands respect.
h If the characters order anything from Reeda without tipping
her a gold piece , or dont say “Thank you Reeda,” she grabs
them and asks “Are you new in town honey? You seem lost.”
before motioning for Veronica to come over. This usually
grabs everyone in the tavern’s attention. If the characters
don’t smooth-talk their way out, there could be blood.
h Veronica ignores anyone who approaches her that she didn’t
invite. If she notices anyone who looks stealthy and like they
have a killer instinct, she may ask one of her gang members
to go invite that character and that character alone over. She
offers the character a spot in her gang if they can defeat her
champion, Mamba Jones.
— Veo Sjena
82 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Padlock Tavern Old Imperial Public House
The door to this tavern is covered top to bottom in keys of various shapes This long and large building still stands almost entirely intact and seems
and sizes. Gold, silver, bronze, copper, some rusted, some shining. All in pretty good condition. Its blue-painted wooden exterior still holds up to
manner of keys adorn the door. Upon entering the tavern one can see the only moderate chipping. The large sign outside reads “The Old Imperial”
walls are covered in padlocks of equally varying shapes and sizes. A bunch with a coat of arms on the door. Inside the tavern is fitted with beautiful
of round tables fill the centre of this building. And although two stories hand carved tables and chairs, and an ornately carved maple bar
tall, there is no upstairs save for a small balcony and a spiral staircase going stretches down the length of the house with a massive wall of wines and
up to it. A man sits up on the balcony in an animal fur coat with a large spirits behind it. There is a raised section to the bar up a few small steps
purple mohawk. The tavern is filled with leather clad bandits with spike where Rose Carver and her gang sit around a large table and drink. The
studded armour and chains hanging from all over their gear. There is a bar is tended by a large dragonborn named Israel. There are several
lot of hollering and it seems a fight is breaking out every couple minutes more heavily clad and armed folk by the bar chatting with Israel.
somewhere in the place. There is a small corner bar with a shelf of various
h Israeltakes in new recruits for the fighting pits downstairs.
bottles of alcohol spanning both storeys from floor to ceiling. A long rickety
ladder transcends the shelves on a wheeled system so it can slide back If you want to fight you have to register with him. You need
and forth across the many types of alcohol. Three goblins work the bar. a crew, a name, and a catch phrase. The audience pays more
One on the ladder, the other below catching and tossing bottles, and one when they have a catchy team to cheer for. So make it good.
making the drinks and sliding them down the bar to whoever catches them. Once you sign up, if you are new, you “gotta do the rounds.”
People don’t seem to ask questions, the goblins seem to make whatever Meaning fight all other champions.
mix of booze suits them and toss it down the bar to whoever catches it. h Rose Carver is looking for new recruits. She likes people
Occasionally a glass slides right off the bar and smashes on the wall to who are strong-willed and cunning in battle. Not brutes or
which everyone in the tavern hollers and cheers. overconfident muscle heads as she calls them, but tough folk
looking to make a difference, one way or another.
h Blackjack Mel can be found near the end of the bar with a h To join you just need to agree to give Rose Carver five
few of his trusted thieves. He has a private booth that he uses percent of any jobs you do under her guidance. If you agree,
to discuss business. you get the symbol and join her ranks.
h Leon the Swine doesnt leave his balcony, but if anyone wants to
talk to him they are welcome to come do so. He demands that
anyone who speaks to him calls him the Swine Prince. He refers Smee’s Palace
to the characters as his “Little Piggies.”
h To join the Pins & Clubs all you have to do is kill someone. The largest tap house in Buckledown Row, this large building used to be
Leon explains that they’re the biggest gang in Drakkenheim. a popular spot for local musical shows and plays. The large stage at the
Other gangs claim to be smarter, stronger, braver, more back of the tavern still stands, and often you can find a group of bards here
cunning. But no one has the numbers of the Pins & Clubs. So playing songs or occasionally a play being performed. The place is filled
to keep things proper, ya gotta go to one of the other taverns with elegant gold-accented wooden-carved features, and there is a large
and kill someone from a different gang. Come back with their chandelier with what seems like over one hundred candles. Each table is
illuminated by red wax candles in golden candelabras. The place feels the
right hand and Leon will let ya join. He gestures to a box in
fanciest of the local establishments. The server is a tall elven woman with
the corner of the balcony overflowing with right hands.
white hair and piercing hazel eyes named Tilda. She speaks elegantly and
softly to any who come to her. Even though she is soft spoken, one can hear
her clear as day through the noise of the ongoings of the tavern. Sitting at
the table closest to the stage is Christian Lament and his gang.
h There is a staircase behind the bar that leads down to the
fighting pits and people are constantly coming and going from
below. You can hear the sound of cheering amid the thuds and
clangs of combat.
h Christain Lament hates being interrupted if there is a show
on. He is a huge fan of music and theatre, and especially
musical theatre. Any interruption causes him to immediately
respond “Someone have this one killed please,” to which
usually no one does anything, but if the characters persist
Christan will sigh and turn to them.
h Christian is uninterested in any proposals from the characters
unless they cater to his massive ego and explain the need
for someone more cunning, smart, or handsome than any of
them. Pleading to Christan’s vanity is a sure way to change his
demeanor towards you.
h If one of the characters is charismatic and cunning with their
words he may ask them if they have what it takes to be a
Inn Wounded Heart. If they want to join his gang they need to
Keeper defeat Dorian Dare in the fighting pits, then Christain will
allow them to join the gang.
84 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Chapter 6: Outside the Walls 85
Chapel of Saint Brenna
hapels devoted to the Sacred Flame form the heart of “correct” way to overcome them. However, if characters rouse
many neighbourhoods in Drakkenheim. These were the remains of the interred clerics and paladins in the process,
places of religious worship, weddings, community they’ll have an interesting problem on their hands as the undead
gatherings, and funerals, as each stands over a small crypt will rejuvenate when destroyed unless laid to rest again properly.
where common folk interred the cremated remains of the dead.
However, many are also the resting place for the mummified
bodies of clerics and paladins of the Sacred Flame, and some
even contain reliquaries for holy artefacts. The Chapel of Saint
Adventure Hooks
Brenna holds a particularly valuable relic whose location was The Sceptre of Saint Vitruvio. Recently, a group of rival
unknown until recently: the Sceptre of Saint Vitruvio. Now three adventurers found letters and missives in another ruin that
factions seek this relic: the Followers of the Falling Fire, the indicated the Sceptre of Saint Vitruvio was buried beneath
Knights of the Silver Order, and the Queen’s Men. the Chapel of Saint Brenna. Unfortunately, these adventurers
disagreed over how to use this information and went their
separate ways. They each brought the discovery to the
Overview attention of different factions. Now, the race is on to recover
the Sceptre first! While each faction could send their own
In this adventure, characters explore the dungeon crypts under strike team to the chapel, whichever faction has the closest
the Chapel of Saint Brenna to recover the Sceptre of Saint Vitru- relationship to your party seeks out the characters’ aid instead.
vio. Complicating matters, at least two other factions have dis- A messenger from one of the factions seeks the characters out
patched strike teams of their own to claim the Sceptre. If you wish in Emberwood Village, urgently requesting them to meet with
to really challenge the characters, you could add a third! When one of the following faction lieutenants:
the characters arrive, one faction team is already searching the up- h Flamekeeper Ophelia Reed at the Chapel of Saint Ardenna
per level of the chapel, and another rival faction will arrive on the h Nathaniel Flint at the Hendrix Farm
scene later to contest the claim. It’s up to the characters to decide h Blackjack Mel at the Skull & Sword Taphouse
how to deal with these faction agents: they could fight them, trick
them, sneak past them, or negotiate with them in some way. The lieutenant gets right down to business.
The puzzles in the crypt invite player characters to use their h The characters need to act now, as other factions are already
own creativity to develop out-of-the-box solutions, as there is no sending agents of their own.
86 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
h Ophelia Reed.
[1] Crematory Garden
“We cannot allow the Sceptre of Saint Vitruvio
to fall into the hands of thieves or cultists. Help us retrieve it, and
when you meet me back at Camp Dawn, we’ll see you are rewarded
faithfully for your efforts.” Behind the chapel is a small terrace with stone benches and a sundial,
and a short footpath connects the chapel to a walled garden to the
h Nathaniel Flint. “We see little value in worldly gold and silver, but if
east. Two soil plots within served as sites for funeral pyres.
you help us with this task, you would be champions of our faith. You A melancholic statue of a plate-armoured woman holds vigil over these
must bring the Sceptre to Lucretia Mathias herself, in the hallowed halls
crematory mounds, clasping a silver rod in both hands over her chest.
of Saint Selina’s Monastery. There she will grant you a great boon.”
h A metal hatch behind the statue is locked with a padlock. The
h Blackjack Mel. “The Sceptre is exceptionally valuable to the right
buyer… but if you ain’t got the right connections you’ll never move it key is long gone, but the lock can be picked or broken with a DC
on your own. You’ll get your cut, but if we get wind of you trying to 20 Strength or Dexterity check. If opened, it leads to a steep
double deal us by selling it yourself, it’s gonna be bad news for you.” staircase leading down to the Crematory Passage (Area 6).
h DC 10 Religion. This statue depicts Saint Tarna, the
founder of the faith of the Sacred Flame.
h DC 10 History or Religion. The Faith of the Sacred Flame
cremates the dead and keeps their ashes and bones within
chapel crypts.
Interactions h The statue holds a silver immovable rod. It is one inch in
diameter and fifteen inches long. The button on the rod is
Whichever factions the characters aren’t working with send their engaged. If released, the rod slides out of the statue’s hands.
own strike teams to the Chapel of Saint Brenna. The Silver The rod is perfectly smooth save for a wedge-shaped divot
Order strike team always arrives first, and the Followers of the on the bottom edge. The rod functions as a handle for the
Falling Fire arrive just as the characters are leaving the site winches in the undercroft (Area 4).
with the sceptre. The Queen’s Men can either arrive first (if the h If the Queen’s Men strike team arrives first, they are
characters are working for the Silver Order) or show up if the encountered here. They’ve mistaken the immovable rod in the
characters take a short rest (if the characters are working for the crematory garden for the true Sceptre of Saint Vitruvio. They
Followers of the Falling Fire). suspect (incorrectly) that some kind of trap will be triggered
Followers of the Falling Fire. Katja Braun, a human when the button is pressed. They’re trying to figure out how to
cult fanatic leads 8 human cultists. She is a thin middle-aged disarm it, and failing, since there isn’t actually any trap here.
woman who believes she is guided by righteous purpose.
Knights of the Silver Order. Ser Bryce Landry, a human
knight leads 4 human guards. This clumsy and lanky warrior [2] Chapel
insists on doing things “properly” and refuses to damage the
chapel or defile the crypts in any way. Each has a warhorse The double doors open with a loud creak to a short carpeted hallway
that they hitch to the trees outside the chapel. decorated with candelabras. The hallway leads directly into the chapel
Queen’s Men. Rorsh, a human bandit captain with sanctuary. Puddles of brackish rainwater pool in the basin created by
horrible burns all over his body leads 8 human bandits. They the collapsed tower roof.
were promised 1,000 gp for the job, but are always looking out At the heart of the chapel is a three-tiered stone altar set with a
for a better deal. large bronze brazier. Petrified wood and ashes rest within. A few
prayer benches and a small altar box lay nearby. Worshippers of the
Consult the Roleplaying Traits in the Faction Dossier for Sacred Flame once gathered here, encircling the brazier hand-in-
ideas on how to roleplay these faction strike teams, and the hand to worship.
Strike Teams section for details on their combat tactics.
Dirt, dust, and debris cover most of the floor, here and there bits of
cracked paint from the floor mosaic are visible beneath. Painted on the
walls between the windows are fading frescoes of the saints and martyrs
of the Sacred Flame. The three alcoves each hold a large statue marred
by time and weather. The northern alcove depicts the legendary Saint
Area Details Tarna holding steadfast against a massive two-headed demon with long
tentacles for arms. The eastern alcove features a stoic statue of Saint
Vitruvio, the Patron Saint of Drakkenheim. The western statue depicts
Chapel Grounds Saint Brenna, for whom the chapel is named. She is shown performing
the miracle of resurrection.
A deteriorating chapel lies atop a small hillock in the middle of a Scattered about the room are ruined texts, iron braziers, and bronze
desolate residential borough. Despite heavy damage, its domed lamps, some of which still hang from the timbers on the roof.
slate roof rises above the surrounding townhouses. Two cylin- The room reeks of bitumen.
der-shaped towers flank the arched double-door entrance. One
h Two flasks of alchemist’s fire can be scavenged from the
tower has completely collapsed into a mound of stone rubble
roughly fifteen feet high, leaving a great breach leading into the brazier basin.
h The books and texts here are common copies of the holy
chapel at ground level. The other tower remains standing up to
the second storey. Piles of debris and stone surround the tower’s books and hymns of the Sacred Flame, and contain no rare
base. Elegant arched windows filled with stained glass mosaics knowledge or information.
h The altar box contains a silver ewer worth 25 gp, spell scrolls of
decorate the chapel, but most are shattered and broken.
88 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Chapel of Saint Brenna
Scale 1sq = 5ft.
As there is only one handle between the two winches, access to
the Reliquary Chamber (Area 10) normally requires opening
one set of doors with one winch, closing it, then moving the
handle to the other winch to open the other set of doors, then
repeating the process to allow an escape. This means either
splitting the party or creating an improvised solution to open all
doors simultaneously. 1
h The first shows the body being prepared: one priest washes
the body, another wraps it in linens, the last collects the
paladin’s weapon, shield, and helm. 4a
h The second mural shows two priests placing the body on a
tomb slab, while the third places a holy symbol in its hands 3 6
and a gemstone upon each eyelid.
h In the third mural, the priests anoint the body with holy water
or sacred oils.
h In the fourth mural, the priests place and light the candles
around the body.
h The final mural shows one priest reading from a scroll while
the others join hands and recite a hymn while standing beside
the body. Chapel Crypt
The opposite short curved wall contains several worn shelves and Scale 1sq = 5ft.
alcoves filled with vials, tools, dusty scrolls, and thin linens.
h The shelves contain equipment and tools used to prepare Chapel
the body, six vials of sacred oils, and spell scrolls of lesser
restoration, dispel magic, and remove curse.
h Amongst the vials here are two potions of healing.
7 Crypts
h 2d6 vials of holy water can be filled from the font.
Scale 1sq = 5ft.
h DC 12 History or Religion. The Faith of the Sacred Flame
treats the remains of clerics and paladins as holy relics. They
believe these faithful souls might one day need their earthly
bodies again, so they are preserved or mummified rather than
cremated. These murals depict this process.
Leaves, grass, dirt, and debris fill the floor in this stone chamber.
h The stairs lead to the crematory above. No one has used this
passage in ages.
h The oaken ironbound door is stuck, but can be pushed open
with an action.
over these remains may prevent this from occurring. hit points in ten minutes, unless its remains are placed upon
h If the door was opened recently and then closed, the
the stone slab, surrounded with lit candles, sprinkled with
characters can detect signs of newly disturbed dust and holy water, and a short prayer uttered over them, or a remove
grinding stone with a DC 15 Investigation check. The door curse is cast upon its remains.
h Saint Brenna rises if the door to her chamber is opened, and
must have been opened and closed again quite recently, as the
dust is still settling. begins wandering the crypts, droning softly while misquoting
scripture. She is gripped by madness and despair and attacks
To the south lies a stone door engraved with an any living creatures. If she passes near the other skeletons
image of a majestic dragon that reads: interred within, she spends an action to rouse them to follow
“No darkness is eternal while our faith fuels the Flame.” her. She doesn’t leave the undercroft.
This door opens to the Hidden Reliquary (Area 10). It’s raised To the north lies a stone door that bears the engraved countenance of
using the winch in Area 4a. Saint Vitruvio, and is inscribed with the words: “None are forever lost
to shadow, candlelight glows brightly in the deepest night.”
h The door leads to the Hidden Reliquary (Area 10). It’s opened
using the winch in Area 4a.
[10] Hidden Reliquary for the Falling Fire are invited to meet Lucretia Mathias at
Champion’s Gate. The faction leaders thank the characters
Two doors lead into the reliquary: one from the Tomb of Saint for retrieving a valuable relic, and implore them to pledge their
Brenna (Area 9 and opened from Area 4a) and one from the faith and service to their factions before turning the characters
North Crypts (Area 6 and opened from Area 4b). back over to a faction lieutenant for further instructions.
h If Theodore Marshal takes a liking to the characters, he
In the middle of this circular chamber is a large unlit pyre and several might arrange to set them up with mounts from the stables.
piles of ash and charred wood. A statue of Saint Vitruvio is here with h Characters who impress Lucretia Mathias and show genuine
two unlit candles set before him. He is an armoured warrior clad in interest in joining her faith might be invited to keep the Sceptre
plate wearing a decorated helm. At his right is sheathed a great blade, of Saint Vitruvio. She won’t yet invite them to take the Sacra-
and a large shield rests at his left side. He holds his hands forwards ment of the Falling Fire, but foresees a great destiny for them.
and upwards towards the heavens, bearing the Sceptre of Saint h Characters working with the Queen’s Men are invited to
Vitruvio upon them. Buckledown Row. Blackjack Mel would like to show
A character who touches the Sceptre of Saint Vitruvio hears an them the fighting pits, and he might even be able to make
ethereal voice in their mind that speaks the following: arrangements to meet the Queen of Thieves.
How the characters dealt with the other faction agents
Darkness leaves a heavy burden on the heart. encountered during this adventure could potentially influence
The light brings freedom from the weight of sin. future interactions with those factions. It’s possible the charac-
If you would take up my scepter,
ters use guile, negotiation, and stealth to navigate this scenario
it is not enough to merely bear the light.
without making enemies. If the characters slay all the members
You must illuminate yourself.
of a strike team, there might not be anyone who can actually
While within the crypt, the Sceptre of Saint Vitruvio report back to identify that the characters were the ones respon-
effectively weighs seven hundred fifty pounds. However, the sible. Nevertheless, if faction members survive and escape, or
Sceptre weighs only two pounds when held or carried by a evidence emerges implicating the characters, it could potentially
character who is shedding dim or bright light (either magical or sour future interactions. However, the factions still regard the
nonmagical), or a character who is attuned to it. characters as neutral mercenaries at this stage of the campaign.
h A character could use a class feature or spell to do so, such as
Faction agents clash with adventurers all the time in the ruins,
so becoming outright enemies of either faction should only
light, faerie fire, continual flame, or daylight. Spell scrolls of
occur if the characters incite serious altercations and violence by
each can be found elsewhere in the chapel. If such spells can
keeping the sceptre for themselves. If they simply retrieve and
normally only target an object, an object worn by a character
return the sceptre to whichever faction hired them, it arises ire
is suitable.
h A character could also set themselves on fire. If they do, they
from the other factions, but not retribution.
Characters who decide to keep the sceptre become a target
take 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of their turns.
h A held or carried light source, such as a torch, candle, or
for both the Followers of the Falling Fire and the Knights of the
Silver Order. Both factions entreat the characters to turn the
lantern doesn’t fulfill the requirements.
h A character can attempt to lift or drag the sceptre, or move
sceptre over to them, offering rewards in exchange. However,
if the characters don’t accept these offers, the factions dispatch
it using suitable magic (as long as the magic can lift objects
strike teams to attack them. The first strike team sent won’t
weighing over seven hundred fifty pounds)
h A character who lights the candles and the pyre in the room,
be ordered to slay the characters, but they will rough them up
badly and take the scepter. If this strike team is defeated or
then speaks a prayer of the Sacred Flame before the statue
killed, the characters might risk further escalation with one of
becomes illuminated, shedding bright light in a ten foot radius
the factions. Characters who incur the ire of the Silver Order or
for one hour.
h A bard, cleric, druid, or paladin can spend a short rest to
the Falling Fire then turn the sceptre over to one of the other
factions, have made an enemy of that faction.
attune to the sceptre. If the characters do so, this is the perfect
moment for a faction strike team to arrive!
92 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Eckerman Mill
Eckerman Mill is a dilapidated windmill that rests atop a lonely Mill Graffiti
hill northwest of Drakkenheim. Its stone base is covered in moss
and ivy, and the rotting wooden walls are riddled with holes. The The mill is scrawled over with chalk graffiti and carvings, transforming
entire structure creaks in the wind. The windmill blades still spin the walls into an impromptu message board. There are several roughly
softly in the breeze, but the machinery within is damaged beyond engraved messages along the walls. Most list the names of dozens of
repair and the millstone no longer turns. Scattered about the mill would-be heroes who have ventured into the ruins, though many names
are the leftovers from countless expeditions. A well-used bonfire are crossed out to mark those who did not return. Curiously, a few
pit surrounded by a few well-worn logs for seating and several groups have not marked off a single casualty… perhaps they all made it
tattered tents are set up beside the mill. Abandoned here are out alive, or more likely, none survived. In addition to these memorials,
a few bedrolls, battered cookware, a rusty chopping axe, and a along the wall one can find many dire warnings, cryptic riddles, poignant
waterlogged stack of wood. questions, crude maps to alleged treasure, and amateur drawings of
horrible monsters encountered in the ruins.
h The Mill is often used as a meeting place for adventurers
h Invite your player characters to write their own messages or
venturing into Drakkenheim from the northwestern side
of the Drann River. Since Emberwood Village lies several names on the walls of Eckerman Mill, to follow the tradition
miles to the south on the opposite side of the river, many use of those who came before.
h You can distribute one rumour to characters who examine
Eckerman Mill as a makeshift campsite as it is much closer to
the city proper. the writings of Eckerman Mill to represent what they learn
h Occasionally, faction agents who wish to avoid the eyes and from reading the scrawled messages and riddles on the walls.
ears of Emberwood Village arrange clandestine meetings
here. In particular, the location is favoured by field
surveyors dispatched by the Amethyst Academy. “This mill used to be my favourite stomping ground, now
it’s full of names of those who died. I gotta say, the
novelty is wearing off quick.”
— Sebastian Crowe
small chunk of the meteor broke off and crashed into
the Rat’s Nest Tavern in the Sprawl, utterly destroy- “Your continued discretion ensures continued employment.”
ing most of the building. However, an intact delerium
crystal was left behind. Unfortunately, a ratling colony has Missing in Action. (Hooded Lanterns) Ansom Lang
created a burrow under the taphouse basement and moved approaches the characters in Emberwood Village. His sister,
the meteorite into their warrens. The ratlings have grown Petra Lang, was captured when ratlings ambushed them
bold enough to launch raids throughout the ruins and take during a supply run last night. He needs the characters to rescue
several captives in the process. Petra before it’s too late. He offers 250 gold pieces as a reward
for her safe return.
h Against orders to retreat, Ansom tracked the ratlings to the
Overview Rat’s Nest. He was driven off when the ratlings wounded
him with a contaminated sling bullet. Ansom explains that
ratlings often keep prisoners to have a “fresh meal” later. He’s
In this adventure, the characters travel to the Rat’s Nest Tavern
positive Petra is still alive.
to obtain a delerium crystal or rescue a captive prisoner. How the
h Ansom warns the characters about the dangers of
characters accomplish either is up to them: they can fight, sneak
contamination. He can’t help the characters personally as he’s
past, or trick the ratlings, but the creatures will viciously defend
recovering from contamination himself. He advises them that
their lair by responding with ambushes and traps of their own.
if they get contaminated in the ruins, Flamekeeper Hanna in
Emberwood Village can help them with her magic.
Adventure Hooks h Finally, he promises to put in a good word with the Lord
Commander for the characters’ help. However, he emphasises
Good Prospects. (Amethyst Academy) River contacts this is a personal job - he’s already risking insubordination:
the characters for a clandestine meeting. She wants them to
retrieve a delerium crystal from the Rat’s Nest. A crystal of “Amongst the Hooded Lanterns, our survival doctrine says we don’t
this size is normally worth about 1,000 gp, but she offers to risk lives on ‘futile’ rescue attempts. We all knew the dangers when we
pay 1,250 gp for it. signed up, but she’s my sister.”
94 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
Interactions Area Details
For the most part, the ratlings in the burrow are hostile to
trespassers of any sort. They know who lives in the burrow and
who does not, and can recognize each other by scent. They
Scrag Lane
lure intruders into traps or ambushes where the ratlings can use The Rat’s Nest Tavern lies on the mud-slick and rubble-strewn Scrag
their numbers to their advantage. The ratlings are most active Lane south of Shepherd’s Way, nestled between ramshackle tenements
at night, when two-thirds leave the burrow on foraging raids. and crumbling flats. The original tavern has been almost entirely oblit-
During the daylight hours, most ratlings are sleeping in their erated, and the neighbouring buildings are heavily damaged. What
dens except for a few sentries. remains are stone foundations piled with debris. The first-floor walls
stand about chest high, a few supporting timbers splayed outward like
Befriending the Ratlings stone working. The breached wall was not caused by the
meteor impact. The passage was dug relatively recently.
In the original Dungeons of Drakkenheim campaign, the Rat Prince
surrendered to my player characters. Using deception to convince
the Rat Prince they were ghosts dispatched by the Rat God, the Ratling Burrow
Rat Prince befriended the characters and became a recurring NPC. These details are common to most areas within the ratling burrows:
The player characters continued to protect and hide the ratlings, Passages. The tunnels are dug out from packed earth, clay,
but once the gnolls were driven out of the city, nothing was holding loose dirt, and bits of stone. The cramped passages are five to
back a growing ratling population. Left completely unchecked, ten feet wide, and rarely more than six feet high. Medium-sized
their numbers swelled to gargantuan proportions that threatened to creatures must stoop throughout. The tunnels weave and bend
overtake the entire city! left and right, but also up and down.
fall. The edges of the pit are slippery, making escape difficult. Burrow 2
This tiny dugout cavity contains a cup-shaped nest made from long
grasses, hay, mud, twigs, and leaves, and is lined with shredded
bits of discarded cloth, fur scraps, bits of leather, paper, and small 6
glimmering trinkets.
h 8 ratlings and 1 ratling guttersnipe are present in each
nest cluster, scattered across the individual nest cavities. 8 Sewer
h Ratlings hoard small trinkets as personal treasure, plus a Entrance
delerium sliver or a pouch of 10 (3d6) gold. One nest contains
a potion of healing.
96 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
[6] Idol of the Rat God
This chamber contains a bloated effigy of a horrifically obese demonic
rat made from rubble, mud, and rat feces, set with two pieces of
Characters who successfully explore the Rat’s Nest might trigger
delerium for eyes. Offerings are scattered about the statue’s feet
— skulls, bone, daggers, bits of rotting meat, and smaller delerium the following developments:
fragments. Before it lies a blood-soaked altar made from a simple
stone slab.
The Delerium Crystal
h 6 ratlings attend the shrine. They flee for help if intruders River upholds her end of the bargain faithfully. If the characters
arrive here. were swift and professional in their dealings with her, she gives
h Treasure. The eyes of the idol are delerium fragments them a single dose of aqua delerium as an additional reward. She
(worth 100 gold each). 1d6 delerium slivers are scattered encourages them to take a few days off to recuperate, promising
about the altar. Several scrolls are placed at the altar here — to contact them shortly (in 1d6 days) with another job. On the
bane, faerie fire, and inflict wounds. other hand, River is much less impressed if the characters fail
to recover the delerium crystal. She still offers to buy any found
[7] Gathering Den delerium from the characters, but decides to wait and reassess
the characters’ capabilities before offering them further work.
Bales of hay and animal skins surround a glowing bonfire Characters who aren’t already in contact with the Amethyst
in this large foetid chamber. Academy still have a valuable find on their hands, which could
put them in contact with any faction. The Hooded Lanterns
h The Rat Prince is often found here carousing with six know the delerium crystal is worth a small fortune, but they’re
other ratlings. happy to let the characters keep it as an extra reward for their ef-
h The ratlings meet here to discuss their nefarious and ill- forts. Ansom or Petra could suggest the characters sell the crys-
conceived plans. There are several sets of tools in this room — tal in Emberwood Village to Fairweather Trades and Exports.
including tinker’s tools and alchemist’s tools, which the ratlings Another NPC might suggest the characters ask around the
use to create makeshift weapons and improvised explosives. village for contacts with the Amethyst Academy or the Queen’s
h This burrow tunnel opens into the sewers. The ratlings flee Men to sell the crystal to them. Alternatively, the characters
here and scatter if they are wounded or cannot defend their lair. might encounter a knight of the Silver Order, who encourages
the characters to destroy the delerium. Finally, a pilgrim of the
[8] Seer’s Den Falling Fire may claim the crystal has a holy purpose, and try to
convince the characters to bring it to Lucretia Mathias at Saint
Selina’s Monastery as an offering.
In this spacious chamber is a large and sumptuous basket nest. Woven
over the nest is a canvas made from stitched together scraps of fine
cloth, twigs, and choice leaves. Before the nest is a rough stone plinth
upon which is placed a hunk of silvery rock about a foot wide. A
Rescuing Petra Lang
protruding delerium crystal is embedded in its surface. If Petra Lang survives, she invites the characters to return with
her to Shepherd’s Gate. Her comrades are thrilled at her safe
h Squeaks the Seer keeps her nest here. She has an imp return, and Lord Commander Elias Drexel takes note of the
familiar who remains in rat form. In its true form, it resembles characters. He won’t meet them personally just yet, but instead
a disgusting winged and hairless rat. makes arrangements for Ansom or Petra to contact them for
h The delerium crystal is here. It’s still stuck in a rocky chunk: a another mission within 7 (2d6) days.
combination of stone from the tavern basement, melted earth, Ansom reminds the characters that their arrangement was a per-
and meteoric rock. The Ratlings dislodged it and brought it sonal matter, and technically not official Hooded Lanterns business.
here because they couldn’t break the crystal from the rock As such, this mission alone won’t earn the characters free passage
themselves. The chunk of rock weighs about fifty pounds. through Shepherd’s Gate. However, should the characters come to
the gate in an emergency, the Hooded Lanterns will help them. In
such an event, they’ll overlook the tariffs “just this one time” and
let them through.
If the characters fail to rescue Petra, Ansom believes them to
“This place was a dive before the meteor. Infested with be utterly incompetent. He hesitates to involve them further in
rats, terrible ale. Honestly, maybe it’s been improved?” Hooded Lanterns affairs, and bitterly mistrusts their capabilities
in any future situations.
— Sebastian Crowe If Petra dies, but the characters weren’t yet working with the
Hooded Lanterns, it’s up to them whether or not they reveal her
“I knew it was a dive bar but I didn’t think I would fall fate. Regardless, her comrades are shaken by her disappearance
head first into an actual rats’ nest.” and death. In grief, the hard-hearted Lord Commander never
speaks of her again. Ansom presses on, but it feels like he’s
— Pluto Jackson missing a part of himself.
we require is his brain.”
eed Manor stands in a now-dilapidated upper-class res-
idential neighbourhood on the north side of Drakken-
heim, just off College Road. The fate of the original Potions Inspectors
occupants is unknown, but it is now occupied by the malfeas-
ant wizard Oscar Yoren and his apprentices. “For several years now, we’ve been buying potions from a man named
Oscar Yoren. He’s a bit of a strange recluse, but his work is reliable and
he doesn’t seem to be bothering anyone. His potions are much cheaper
Overview than what the Amethyst Academy charges. Normally, he sends one of
his apprentices to Shepherd’s Gate every Monday with a new shipment,
In this adventure, the characters encounter Oscar Yoren. but they didn’t arrive last week. The week before we got half the normal
Yoren has developed valuable research about the Haze and order. Worse, we’ve discovered that several of the potions we previously
delerium, but the mage is not necessarily willing to share his received simply didn’t work, and a few were even contaminated. Some-
discoveries freely. Most notably, Yoren has developed a for- thing’s going on, and we’d like you to investigate.”
mula for brewing aqua expurgo, a potion that offers protection — Petra Lang
from contamination (see Appendix D). Characters must de-
cide how they’ll deal with Oscar Yoren: they may bargain with Lieutenant Petra Lang (or Ansom Lang) contacts the characters
him to obtain his research, steal his work through stealth and in Emberwood Village. She offers the characters 250 gold pieces
trickery, or attack the mage and destroy his experiments. De- for the task. Furthermore, the Hooded Lanterns will offer
pending on the characters’ actions, Oscar Yoren could become characters a weapon from their stockpile: either a +1 longsword
a recurring character in the campaign. or a +1 longbow.
98 Dungeons OF Drakkenheim
h “Our past dealings with Yoren have generally been positive, but it’s under his neck. His sunken bloodshot eyes glare with a purple-
possible that he cleans up his operation whenever we come around green light. He has yellow teeth and fingernails.
to check on him.” h Personality Trait. I talk down to anyone who isn’t as
h “We’re worried about these faulty and contaminated potions, and we intelligent as I am - which is everyone. I demand attention
need you to make sure Oscar Yoren isn’t cutting corners. “ when I’m speaking, and make thinly-veiled threats when I
h “However, if something happened to him, we need to know. We still don’t get my way.
h Ideal. The Amethyst Academy doesn’t understand my
need Oscar Yoren’s potions. We don’t have access to a lot of our
own magic, and we’re stretched pretty thin right now, especially with methods, but I cannot unlock the secrets of delerium if I am
several sick Lanterns.” hindered by petty morality and useless ethics. If I had proper
facilities and resources, unimaginable power would be mine.
h “He lives in an old house on the north end of town, I guess he uses h Bond. My apprentices are useful as long as they are loyal and
some kind of magic to keep himself healthy. We think he might have don’t question me, but disposable the moment they aren’t.
been kicked out of the Amethyst Academy, but that’s their business,
Only my own survival matters.
not ours.” h Flaw. I hold vindictive grudges against everyone who ever
If the player characters don’t take this mission, Petra dispatches wronged me. I’ll have my revenge someday, but I fear acting
a group of scouts instead. They show up while the characters against those with more power or resources than me. I must
are exploring the manor. hide for now, as I’m terrified the Academy will send assassins
to kill me and steal my brilliant research.
The Buyout Oscar Yoren uses the game statistics of a human mage. He has
darkvision 60 ft, 72 hit points, and resistance to necrotic and
“The greencloaks have a supplier who’s been making potions for ‘em at poison damage. He has the following spells prepared:
a pretty steep discount. He’s some sort of cast-off from the Academy. A Cantrips (at will) - chill touch, mage hand, ray of frost
guy like that can be a valuable asset… my employer would like to acquire 1st level (4 slots) - false life, mage armour, magic missile, shield
this asset. That’s where you come in. Make him an offer he can’t refuse.” 2nd level (3 slots) - invisibility, misty step, web
— Blackjack Mel 3rd level (3 slots) - animate dead, counterspell, lightning bolt
4th level (3 slots) - blight, polymorph
Blackjack Mel invites the characters to meet him at the Skull & 5th level (1 slot) - cloudkill
Sword Taphouse in Emberwood Village. He wants the charac-
Oscar Yoren’s spellbook contains all the spells he has prepared,
ters to convince Oscar Yoren to break ties with the Hooded Lan-
plus alarm, find familiar, glyph of warding, contact other plane,
terns and start providing potions for the Queen’s Men instead.
dispel magic, dimension door, magic circle, and planar binding.
He offers the characters 250 gold as payment, plus some “fancy
Thanks to long-term gradual exposure to contamination over
new shoes” — boots of striding and springing.
the past decade, Oscar Yoren and his apprentices have gained a
h “Rough him up, but don’t kill him. He’s gotta be able to work.” limited resistance to the Haze. They aren’t immune to contamina-
h “We want the same price he’s giving the greencloaks, but he has to tion, but they may rest in Drakkenheim normally. Oscar Yoren is
cut them off. As long as he delivers the goods, the Queen of Thieves working on how to reproduce these results, but his current method
can provide all the protection he needs. If he refuses, we’ll break his requires several years of risky and intense self-exposure to delerium.
legs and steal his work.” Oscar Yoren and his apprentices are secretive, but not out-
wardly hostile if characters approach them peacefully. Instead,
the apprentices offer to sell the characters potions. They admit
characters into the dining room to talk, but not further into the
manor. The apprentices do business in a curt yet cordial manner
(see “Potion Brewery” below).
Interactions When he meets with the characters personally, Oscar Yoren
bluntly demands to know who sent them. He staunchly
refuses to work with anyone who admits to working with the
Oscar Yoren Amethyst Academy or the Silver Order, and asks them firmly
to leave. Otherwise, he sees an opportunity. He plans to use
This malfeasant wizard fled the Amethyst Academy ten years the characters to recover delerium, monster parts, and arcane
ago. Oscar Yoren has since taken up residence on the north side reagents for him so he can advance his research, and then
of Drakkenheim in Reed Manor, and survived on the outskirts conveniently dispose of them once they become troublesome.
of the city through his grim intellect, ruthless self-interest, Oscar Yoren uses his research as leverage, revealing some of
and willingness to practice unsavoury forms of alchemy and his discoveries about delerium as proof of his knowledge (see the
necromancy. Several other outcast mages have since joined him sidebar on “Oscar Yoren’s Research”). In exchange for ensuring
as apprentices. See Reed Manor for details on Oscar Yoren’s his freedom, sparing his life, and making fair payment in coin
discoveries with delerium. and delerium, he offers to create aqua expurgo for the characters.
Oscar Yoren is a short, wide man in his mid-fifties. He wears He overstates the efficacy of aqua expurgo, but does not reveal its
slovenly leather breeches and a filthy black overcoat. He has side effects. He scoffs at the idea that anyone else could create the
shoulder-length greasy black hair and a thick beard of wiry potion. Yoren does not willingly give up his writings or formulas
unshaven hair creeping down his flabby neck. His skin is under any circumstances. Instead, he lies, claiming the most
covered in sores and pasty blotches, with bulging blood veins important secrets are “in his head.”
Area Details 3
but it’s sealed with an arcane lock spell. Scale 1sq = 5ft.
Groundskeepers 9
Outside the manor are two hulking figures wearing heavy brown
overcoats, and both have hoods drawn up over their bandaged faces.
One stands listlessly at the front gate, while the other lumbers in a
patrol around the manor grounds.
h A pair of ogre zombies patrol the grounds. One stands at the
gate. If approached, they lurch around and growl “What…
you… want…” then wait for a reply.
Oscar Yoren’s Research expedition to the Inner City to collect this key ingredient.
h If the Amethyst Academy obtains the formula, they’ll
The following information can be uncovered by interrogating begin producing the potion on a periodic basis. The main
Oscar Yoren or reading his writings: constraint is the supply of eldritch lilies. This prevents the
h Observations on delerium growth. “In truth, the crystal is unlike a Amethyst Academy from manufacturing vast quantities of
mineral or gemstone… I have seen the crystals grow like fungus on a aqua expurgo. They’ll ask characters to obtain samples, and
dead tree. The process takes some time; weeks, months, years even. if possible, seeds or full plants. This way they can attempt to
I only discovered this by closely observing wild samples near my new cultivate the flower themselves.
home. They do not grow outside the Haze. I wonder if this means h The Hooded Lanterns might suggest turning over the
there are new delerium deposits in the ruins… perhaps there is more
research to the Amethyst Academy as a possible inroad to an
now than when the meteor originally fell.”
alliance. They’re also willing to work with Oscar Yoren and
h Notes on using delerium crystals. “Just as one cannot make a mast continue providing him with protection and materials.
from a thousand saplings, a thousand small shards of delerium are h The Queen of Thieves wants to ensure that these secrets
nothing compared to a single large geode. Bigger crystals contain
remain known only to her for the time being. She may ask
exponentially more arcane power. Fracturing the rock is a wasteful
endeavor, as it causes valuable samples to lose their great magical po- characters to kidnap Oscar Yoren for her so she can force him
tential. Delerium crystals and geodes are ideally suited for great spells into making the potion for her own use.
and ambitious magical constructions. However, it has been difficult h The Silver Order is divided over the potion: it’s useful, but
to find these specimens in the outer ruins. Nevertheless, small twigs involves making use of contaminated flora and delerium.
are good for kindling, to set a fire, to keep one warm… and so the They defer to the characters on whether or not to use or
small shards make excellent alchemical reagents and arcane inks.” destroy it, but don’t produce it themselves.
h On the alchemical properties of Haze-grown flora. “The h The Followers of the Falling Fire possess their own means of
warping effects of delerium have caused new plants and animals guarding against contamination, so they have no interest in
to flourish in the city. A half-mad straggler returned from Queen’s the research.
Park bearing a wondrous flower - an eldritch lily. The pollen
If Oscar Yoren survives, but was attacked or mistreated by the
and petals soak in contamination to fuel its own germination.
Combined with other rare ingredients, I believe it may prove an characters (or later discovers they deceived him), he will plot
ideal remedy against contamination.” his revenge against them. He won’t act on these plans until he
obtains eldritch lilies, and tries to convince characters to bring him
h Aqua expurgo formula. Oscar Yoren has developed a more delerium and other resources, citing the needs for it to fur-
formula for aqua expurgo, a magical potion that protects against
ther his own work. In truth, he starts using these items to conjure
contamination (see Appendix D). However, it requires eldritch lilies
from Queen’s Park Garden. He needs more samples to refine the demons, create undead, and conspire against the characters.
formula before he can start producing doses of the potion. If Oscar Yoren dies, the Amethyst Academy approaches the
Oscar Yoren’s research is extremely valuable. Chief amongst characters about buying his brain and manuscripts (even if the
them is his formula for aqua expurgo. This potent defense characters were not working for the Academy originally).
against the Haze will permit characters to explore much more If Oscar Yoren is killed and his research is destroyed or aban-
dangerous areas in the city. The Hooded Lanterns, Queen’s doned, the formula for creating aqua expurgo is lost. However, a
Men, and Amethyst Academy would deeply desire this new player character or another group could also develop the formula
potion so they can advance their plans inside Drakkenheim. again later in the campaign by studying samples of eldritch lilies.
h Spellcasting. Eoghan is an 18th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit
with spell attacks). He has the following druid spells prepared:
Few in Drakkenheim have the power to return the dead to life.
Characters who do not have the ability to revive the dead by Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, mending, poison spray, produce flame
their own ability must seek out alternative solutions. The Shrine 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, faerie fire, speak with animals
of Morrigan is one such place. 2nd level (3 slots): animal messenger, beast sense, hold person
3rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, purge contamination*,
sleet storm
Adventure Hook 4th level (3 slots): ice storm, polymorph, wall of fire
5th level (3 slots): commune with nature, cone of cold,
Raise the Fallen. In the event a player character dies in
greater restoration
the ruins, Old Zoya, Elias Drexel, the Queen of Thieves, and
6th level (1 slot): conjure fey, heal
Eldrick Runeweaver could suggest characters seek out the
7th level (1 slot): resurrection
shrine. Their information is limited to rumours and legends:
8th level (1 slot): feeblemind
h Rumours tell of an old hermit who dwells in the wooded 9th level (1 slot): foresight
ravine north of Castle Drakken.
*spells found in Appendix D
h The elf is apparently a priest of some sort, and serves an old
h He gruffly rebuffs those who approach him, but then becomes
god of life and death.
h He can perform a ritual that brings back the dead, but it bears curious about why they have come.
h Three of the trees here are actually treants who defend
a terrible blood price.
Eoghan if he is attacked.
h The druid dwells in the barrow mound behind the shrine.
outh of the city walls lies an industrial neighborhood as the delerium itself. Don’t break their legs - just break their toys. The
known as the Spokes. The region was heavily damaged dwarves want to know what their money buys them, so show them. You
during the meteor shower, and a large trench cuts through can let them know they owe us twenty percent from here on out.”
the district. Nicknamed the “Scar”, this rough ravine was created - The Queen of Thieves
by a massive boulder ejected from the initial meteor impact that
collided with the walls and ricocheted south. This rogue projectile When the Ironhelms arrived in Drakkenheim, they immediately
tore open the ground and levelled many buildings as it skid across clashed with the bandit gangs who had previously been picking
the city, only narrowly missing the Spokes Smithy. over the delerium in the Scar. After wresting control of the
This once-humble smithy has been transformed into a fortified claim, they cut a deal with the Queen of Thieves: the dwarves
mining camp by an intrepid and entrepreneurial family of dwarven could mine the Scar unmolested, so long as they paid fifteen
prospectors. The four Ironhelm siblings arrived in Drakkenheim percent of their profits to the Queen of Thieves each week for
a few months ago, and used their wondrous mechanical weaponry “protection”. However, the Ironhelms have since acquired
to lay claim to the rich deposits of delerium found within the new weaponry, and no longer feel they need to pay such a
Scar. While this has made them one of the most successful large cut for protection that has never actually materialised.
delerium extraction teams in Drakkenheim, they’ve made a loose The Queen of Thieves is furious, and charges the characters
agreement with the Queen of Thieves for protection, and now with stealing, sabotaging, or destroying the dwarves’
find themselves caught in the crosshairs of all five factions. gunpowder weapons to make sure they’ll have to depend on
her services. However, she doesn’t want the dwarves’ mining
operations otherwise disturbed. Cracking a few skulls and
Overview roughing them up is fine, but if multiple dwarves are killed,
the characters won’t be rewarded.
In this adventure, one or more of the factions dispatch the play-
er characters to deal with the Ironhelm dwarves. Each faction
has different goals here, so the party may be asked to drive off An Exclusive Contract
the dwarves or negotiate with them. Regardless, it’s up to the
player characters to decide how exactly to carry out these orders: “The Ironhelm dwarves extract more delerium than anyone.
they might offer their assistance to the dwarves, attack them, We just want to put it to good use.”
trick them, or bargain with them. - River
The Scar and barbed wire. A makeshift iron gate sits in the middle and
several burlap bags of sand and dirt are piled atop the wall
where a row of muskets can be perched. Behind the wall are two
The Scar is three hundred feet long, twenty to thirty feet wide, and ten boxes each containing eight sticks of dynamite that the dwarves
feet deep. The melted earth has turned to black glass and glittering occasionally use in the Scar, or to defend the camp. Gertrude
obsidian sand, and the trench is now among the richest delerium veins can be found here most of the time during the night shift.
outside the city centre.
[5] West Barricade. The West Barricade is much the same
h Most of the delerium found here are chips and fragments fused as the east but covers less ground and doesn’t have a gate. Its
into the earth, and it requires diligent work to extract. purpose is to block the open gap between the long end of the
smithy and the Scar.
[6] Gun Platforms. Around the smithy are small platforms
[1-6] Spokes Smithy recently constructed, with a ladder that goes down to the camp
below. The platform has a reinforced barricade wall built along
The Spokes Smithy is a relatively small blacksmith shop. It has its the side facing out towards the city and a mounted turret has
covered forge, a small office, a yard that now functions as a campsite, been bolted to the platform here. Upon each platform is a
and a series of barricades recently constructed by the Ironhelms to cannon. There is a stack of cannonballs and several barrels of
secure the location. They have setup three gun platforms around the gunpowder next to each.
perimeter, each a features a massive cannon of dwarven construction..
A thunderous staccato and a whirring mechanical sound echo across
the ravine. As the noise dies down, it’s replaced by a bellowing voice
calling out “All clear!” in dwarven and the sound of clinking hammers
and picks against stone. A field of monstrous corpses is splayed out all
around: dead ratlings, mutated dregs, and other slain horrors. “Stand
down.” Calls the bellowing voice “Any beastie gets a bullet, but if
you’re no monster, you may pass.”
Developments displeased and informs the characters that they are now expect-
ed to make up the difference in profits. She quotes an outra-
geous figure, saying the characters have cost her thousands of
Accepting the Offer gold. She expects them to adequately make up the difference in
a timely fashion, and uses this fact to blackmail them into doing
If the characters successfully defend the site during the night
her dirty work for as long as possible.
shift, the Ironhelms are happy to accept an offer made by
the Amethyst Academy or the Hooded Lanterns. As a result,
characters have won a new ally. However, Reginald and Elouise Driving out the Dwarves
tell the characters that it’s now their responsibility to help the
If the dwarven mining operations are extensively sabotaged,
dwarves out if they need defenders in the future. They’ll con-
the Ironhelm siblings are financially ruined. The cost of buy-
tact the characters via a sending spell if they ever need them.
ing new equipment, hiring new labourers, and building new
At a pivotal moment in the campaign, the Queen of Thieves
defenses is simply too much to bear. Combined with the threat
(or another rival faction) might time an attack against the
of further retribution from another faction, this is sufficient to
dwarves with another crucial event. If you want to up the stakes
convince them to leave.
during an otherwise straightforward mission, the Ironhelms
call for aid when the players are already stretched for time. However, if it seems like the dwarves could recuperate or repair
Alternatively, they might request aid immediately after an whatever damages the player characters caused, they might seek
intense battle when the characters are low on resources. out aid from another faction to protect them from future attacks.
The Amethyst Academy and the Hooded Lanterns reward The next time the characters arrive, a strike team from a rival
characters with a faction boon for their excellent work. At your faction is on site as additional muscle.
option, the Ironhelm dwarves might be willing to teach the char-
acters how to use gunpowder weapons, and give them each a gun
and ammunition. Later in the campaign, the dwarves could be
Wiping out the Dwarves
called up to provide weapons for a major offensive as well. Should the characters decide to simply slay the dwarves, they’re
in for a bloody battle. If the tide of battle turns against them,
The Queen’s New Deal Reginald and Elouise contact their siblings outside Drakken-
heim via a sending spell. Since the dwarves work in two shifts,
If the characters sabotage the dwarven weapons but don’t the characters will have to deal with both groups. If one group is
otherwise cause major disruptions to the dwarven mining op- slain, the other does not exact immediate vengeance - instead,
eration, they begrudgingly acquiesce to the Queen of Thieves the survivors seek out help from the Hooded Lanterns, the
demands. She rewards characters with a faction boon, and Amethyst Academy, or the Queen of Thieves. Each faction is
lets characters keep any guns or ammunition they might have more than willing to send a strike team of their own to help the
absconded with (or remarks on how foolish the characters Ironhelm dwarves.
were if they did not purloin the weapons for themselves). The next time a rival faction sends out a strike team against
However, in the event the sabotage went too far or any of the the party, add the remaining Ironhelm siblings and 1d4 dwarf
Ironhelm siblings were killed, the Queen of Thieves is greatly veterans to the strike team.
he major bridges spanning the Drann River are all Ferryman grunts, gestures to his boat, and holds out his hand.
located within the Inner City. Before Drakkenheim was He waits until each person who enters his rowboat gives him
destroyed, crossing the river via these bridges required anything resembling a gold piece. Once every passenger has paid
merchants and travellers to pay the gate tax to enter the city their fare, the Ferryman takes them across the water. He only
proper, or otherwise make a detour fifteen miles south or west to transports characters to the opposite side of the river, and cannot
other river crossings. During this time, an old boatman named be commanded to do anything else. He growls if someone else
Pixis Stick made his living illicitly ferrying folk across the Drann tries to take the oars from him, and only fights to defend himself
River on the southern side of town using his rowboat. Often or protect his boat.
simply called the “Ferryman”, he enjoyed meeting the urchins
and ne’er-do-wells who inhabited Drakkenheim, and swapping
stories and gossip with penny-pinching merchants. Ferryman’s Treasure
When the meteor fell, the Ferryman became a haze husk, When alone, the Ferryman mindlessly returns to his old stash
one of the tortured and mindless undead creatures that drift to hide his gold. He keeps a duck-shaped buoy in the middle of
aimlessly about the city. However, he retained a strange the river, which connects to several ropes attached to sacks of
semblance of his past memory, and is not hostile to passers- gold hidden below the water. All told, the Ferryman’s treasure
by. Instead, the Ferryman takes paying passengers back and consists of 2,374 gold pieces placed in about a dozen satchels.
forth across the Drann River just as he did in life. He now only
communicates in low moans and grunts, but the Ferryman still
seems to enjoy company, conversation, and of course, gold.
“Stick may not be much of a talker, but I’d take riding
Rejuvenation. If the Ferryman is destroyed, it regains all its hit
with the undead over risking a dip in that water any day!”
points in one hour unless a remove curse spell is cast on its remains.
— Veo Sjena
Taking the Ferry “So we shoot undead on sight... unless they drive boats?”
The Ferryman inexplicably rows up to the water’s edge whenev- — Sebastian Crowe
er characters arrive at either bank of the river on the southwest
outskirts of Drakkenheim. If the characters approach him, the
he impressive city walls encircle Drakkenheim both h Champion’s Gate is nominally controlled by the Followers of
north and south of the Drann River. Although a section the Falling Fire.
of city walls was destroyed by the meteor, the crater h College Gate is now the site of a terrible dimensional rift.
left behind is widely considered impassable due to the extreme h King’s Gate has been occupied by the Troll King.
contamination present. The walls are otherwise intact, impeding h Shepherd’s Gate is defended by the Hooded Lanterns.
access to the Inner City for adventurers and faction agents alike h Temple Gate has become a makeshift stronghold for a
except via five gatehouses. massive garmyr warband.
Many baroque architectural flairs decorate the walls. The It’s up to the player characters to clear out one of these locations,
battlements feature leering demonic faces, claw-like spikes, make a deal with their faction occupants, or invent another
draconic carvings, and dutiful winged gargoyles that hold solution. Rival adventurers are quick to point out that using the
up machicolations. Yet these grotesque statues are no mere sewers to sneak into the city isn’t a smart alternative, as far more
ornamentation. When Drakkenheim was a living city, these dangerous monsters lurk there.
magical guardians could spring to life under the monarch’s will.
Now, they serve the twisted whims of the Haze in mockery of
their final order to safeguard the city, and viciously attack any
Adventure Hooks
who dare trespass over the walls! Over the Top. The characters should learn about the hazards
of the city walls through rumours or their own experiences, and
search for solutions by their own initiative. The city walls can
Overview be introduced as a complication for any other adventure hook
for the Inner City locations, as faction lieutenants and leaders
Characters should reach at least 5th or 6th level before they note that any mission to the city centre will be much easier if the
attempt getting over the city walls. Even still, constantly bat- characters have a reliable way in and out.
tling animated guardians each time they travel into the Inner The Battle of Temple Gate. At a key moment in the
City will prove extremely draining on the character’s resources, campaign, the Knights of the Silver Order will mount a major
so they’ll want to secure passage through one of the five city offensive to seize Temple Gate from the garmyr occupying it.
gates to access the city centre long-term. However, the gates are They’ll invite collaboration from the player characters as well
occupied by faction agents and monsters alike: as other factions in this joint effort.
Encounters wide double portcullis gate. While the gatehouses themselves
have largely similar construction, their current occupants vary.
Characters who do try to pass the walls may trigger one of the Each gatehouse has four levels, each approximately fifteen
following encounters: feet high. Outer walls are four to five feet thick. The interior
floors are wooden, but the central spiral stair is stone. The arrow
slit windows are only a few inches wide, and they provide three-
Wall Gargoyles quarters cover from those outside and below (+5 AC). Regular
7 (2d6) Wall Gargoyles (see Monster Appendix A) animate oaken doors are bound with wrought-iron and feature heavy
and attack characters who dare attempt any of the following: locks and crossbars.
Gate Passage. The gate tunnel is approximately fifteen feet
h Climbing more than halfway up the walls or towers
wide, twenty five feet tall, and twenty five feet long. At each
h Flying within one hundred fifty feet of the city walls
end are a wrought-iron portcullis and massive wooden doors
horizontally, or over them at any height bound with steel. The doors can be held shut via a massive bar
h Lingering on the walls or towers for more than ten minutes
that slides into place like a lever.
The gargoyles attack directly, viciously, and without remorse. Tower Stairs. At the core of each tower is a stone spiral
If they reduce their quarry to 0 hit points, they spend their staircase. The staircase is five feet wide and has landings on
next turn tearing apart the creature’s body before moving on to each level.
another target. The gargoyles pursue their quarry into the city Ground Level. The gatehouse can be entered from a barred
to any distance until they or their quarry are destroyed, but give doorway at a landing atop a ten foot high sloping stairway on
up pursuing characters more than three hundred feet outside the one of the bastion towers. The base level of the left tower is not
city walls. However, Wall Gargoyles do not attack characters accessible from the outside. These chambers are typically used
attuned to a Seal of Drakkenheim (see Appendix D). as sleeping quarters or a gaol.
Winch Level. It takes a team of operators to raise or lower the
Tower Dragons gate, requiring four successful DC 12 Strength checks, but the
winch can be released to cause the gate to slam shut immediately.
Astute characters will note that there is no barrier spanning the Battlement Level. Accessed via doors. A creature taking a
section of the city where the walls meet the Drann River. This firing position behind the battlements has three-quarters cover
section of the city is not undefended, however. Instead of gar- from attackers below the walls (+5 AC).
goyles, two Tower Dragons (see Appendix A) perched upon Tower Battlements. Accessed via hatches. Ballista,
the bastion towers flanking the river attack anyone crossing into catapults, or cannons were often deployed here.
the city via the river. They employ similar tactics to the Wall
Gargoyles as described above.
Champion’s Gate
This gate was struck by raining debris from the meteor and has
mostly collapsed. One of the towers has toppled over into sev-
eral buildings below. The gate itself is splintered and shattered.
The entire passage is strewn with large rocks, chunks of worked
Area Details stone, splintered wood and other scraps, debris, and refuse.
There is a thin walkway cleared through the rubble and one of
Described first are the general features common to the walls, the towers has been cleared up to the entrance. Just inside the
towers, and gates, followed by specific details on the inhabitants gate are a few tents gathered around a small makeshift camp-
of each gate: site. The camp is huddled near the one available entrance into
the gate tower. Twenty or so pilgrims of the Falling Fire can
Walls be found here resting and recuperating before going further on
their journey. They occupy the small camp and some use the
Walls. The stone masonry walls are forty feet high and ten feet tower for discussions, meetings, or for the wounded who need
thick with a machicolated battlement facing outward. Murder support and healing. The gate is watched over by a Falling Fire
holes and overhanging artillery posts feature throughout, and chaplain named Berman Weber.
areas of the wall near gates have wooden hoardings or shingled h The gate is almost entirely collapsed after the meteor strike,
rooftops for additional defenses. and passing through is difficult terrain.
Towers. Sixty-foot-tall towers thirty feet in diameter are spaced h The area around this gate is heavily contaminated and covered
throughout the wall. Some are topped with battlements, others by the Deep Haze. Characters passing through the gate must
have spired rooftops. Each tower is decorated with a majestic succeed on a DC 15 constitution saving throw or suffer 10 (3d6)
bronze dragon. The largest of these towers are built where the necrotic damage and gain one level of Contamination.
walls meet the Drann River. h All the followers of the Falling Fire based here have taken the
sacrament and are immune to the Haze.
h When new followers pass through on their pilgrimage they are
Gatehouses offered quick support and healing and sent on their way to the
There are five barbican-style gatehouses that lead into the city craters edge.
h The first time that the characters pass through this gate, Lucretia
proper. Each is composed of two squat bastion towers sixty feet
tall and forty feet in diameter. The towers flank a fifteen-foot- Mathias is here. She foresaw their coming and talks to them
Winch Level
Ground Level
he Cosmological Clocktower is built on the Market Once the characters begin developing a positive and collaborative
Square Plaza at the heart of Drakkenheim. Created at relationship with any faction leader, they’ll suggest the characters
the behest of an eccentric monarch, this mechanical claim it from the vicious harpies who dwell there.
wonder mysteriously stopped one hundred eleven years ago,
and its function as a public belltower was replaced by Saint
Vitruvio’s Cathedral. Many early expedition teams into the ruins
used the clocktower as a landmark and bivouac; remarkably the
tower attic lies just above the Haze. Yet the highest spires of
Drakkenheim are no safer than the streets below, especially
since a bloodthirsty flock of harpies took to roost in the tower. It’s unknown if these harpies were the result of strange mu-
tations wrought upon birds or humans, perhaps both are true.
Nevertheless these capricious, cruel, and territorial monsters have
Overview little interest in bargaining or negotiations. Nearly 40 harpies live
in the tower, though at any given time, half are out hunting. They
In this adventure, the characters assault the Cosmological Clock- are led by the Crimson Countess, a red-plumed harpy matriarch:
tower to wrest control of the strategic outpost. Not only will they h Personality Trait. I screech blood-curdling war cries and
be rewarded for their efforts with their own base of operations in perform aerial stunts as intimidation.
the city, they may also find a Seal of Drakkenheim here. h Ideal. Any who walk the earth are prey for those who soar the sky.
h Bond. I collect trophies from my kills to remind my flock who
Clocktower Facade
h It’s a two-hundred-foot drop to the floor below. A spiral
staircase in the northwestern parapet ascents twenty feet to
At the centre of the square is the clocktower. The three-hundred- the Clockworks above.
h 1d4 manticores, consorts to the Crimson Countess,
foot tall square tower is about fifty feet wide at the base, with
rounded turret corners and walls supported by great buttresses. make nests in niches in the belfry.
The front facade is a mechanical wonder. Near the top of the
tower is a massive thirty-foot-wide clock face made from glass,
the numerals and hands filigreed with silver, brass, and gold.
Above are several crenellated balconies, and the roof is a steep
spire topped with a wrought-iron weathervane.
Bordering the central clock is an embossed metal and glass
dial that depicts the transit of the sun and the phases of the
moon through each month. From this dial, one can read not
only the time but the date, as it shows a stylized interpretation
of the seasons and constellations. Extending down the clock face
is a further system of circular glass plates, gears, and wheels that
illustrate in mechanical precision the grand cosmic dance of the
planets and stars as they hurtle through the astral void. Multi-
coloured glass lenses superimposed over the planet depict the
metaphysical orbit of the afterworlds and side-realms and their
relation to the mortal world. The rest of the tower is decorated
with elegant carved statues depicting angels, saints, demons,
devils, elementals, and the various creatures of the worlds
beyond. On some levels are rows of gothic windows with trefoil
arches filled with stained-glass mosaics.
Scale 1sq = 5ft.
Clockworks itself, and could vary its density and composition to act as
the perfect pendulum. However, it is missing an appropriate
A complex mechanism of gears, counterweights, and clockwork power source.
dominates this chamber. Several thin windows overlook the surrounding The harpies rarely come to this level. They don’t use the
cityscape. The floor features several steel grates and wooden hatches that stairs, and fly directly into the Rookery or through the broken
allow access to the machinery and bells below. A strange granite obelisk windows in the Bell Tower.
is set in place of the main clock pendulum; the core of the “ticking”
mechanism that controls the clock. Three empty sockets lined with
delicate copper tracery are cut into the stone. A fine elven script inlaid
with thin lines of silver and gold are etched into the surrounding surface.
Several pennies are precisely balanced atop it. A system of pulleys, A disgusting amalgamation of bird nest and boudoir. Macabre
winches, and levers connects it to the rest of the clockwork. decorations of bone, skulls, and body parts are presented alongside
A set of shelves here contain several notched metal discs, each kept scavenged finery from the ruins: pillows, sheets, veils, and the like. All
in a paper folder bearing the title of a song. When the clock tower are filthy, torn, and ruined. Gibbet cages with skeletal remains of several
functioned, these discs could be loaded into the receptacle to determine prisoners hang from the balconies.
which song was played by the bells. h Thisis the lair of the Crimson Countess.
Several small and curious mechanical automatons wander listlessly h Treasure. The Crimson Countess has amassed many
around this chamber, examining and tinkering with the mechanical trinkets and trophies, most of them skulls and bones. She
components. They are shaped like platonic polyhedrons with wields a javelin of lightning, and her favourite charm is one of
spindly mechanical limbs, disturbingly realistic glass eyes, and a the Seals of Drakkenheim: the Steward’s Seal. It can be found
mechanical mouthpiece. in her nest alongside the following note:
h There are 1d6 automatons here. If their game statistics are My child — Take this treasure of mine and run. Hide it in a safe place
required, use those for animated armour, except their size outside the castle, then flee the city. No matter what happens, know
is small. If interacted with, they seem addled and confused. that I will always love you. — Papa
When they speak, they repeatedly utter “zero” and “one”
in long-winded combinations. The remains of a larger
automaton are splayed about the chamber, it appears like it
exploded from the inside.
Spire Attic
h The elven runes describe in precise and exacting detail several
The former clockmaster’s apartment has seen better days, but it seems
mathematical calculations involving the passage of time, the that at some point adventurers may have made camp here.
planets, the seasons, and the planes.
h The stone itself is quite lightweight; a character proficient in h 1d6 uncommon potions and a restorative ointment were left
Arcana or engineering-related fields could deduce that such behind here.
a stone would normally not be sufficient to accurately drive h This area is above the Haze, and characters may safely take a
such an intricate clock mechanism. long rest here.
h Examining the stone further with detect magic or identify spells h Searching through the bookshelves and documents uncovers a
determines it is a magic item. It is attuned to time and space letter to the clockmaster (see below)
he meteor crashed upon the South Ward of Drakkenheim. h Lucretia Mathias made the journey herself, but she does not
Once the industrial hub of the city, little remains here speak of what she discovered there. She cryptically remarks
save blasted ruins and a massive mist-filled crater. The that it cannot be explained or understood, and must be seen.
edge of the crater is a long-sought destination for prospectors and
Pilgrimage of Falling Fire. (Falling Fire) Characters who
pilgrims alike for the vast deposits of delerium found there. Few
demonstrate their faith in the teachings of Lucretia Mathias are
have ventured deeper within, however. Shrouded deep within the
invited to take the pilgrimage to the Crater’s Edge. There, each
most dangerous and contaminated region in all of Drakkenheim, must find a delerium fragment in the shape of their soul, and
madness and ruin fester in the pulsing Delerium Heart. bring it to the Chapel of Saint Gresha, where the pilgrim may
partake in the Sacrament of Falling Fire.
Depending on their objectives, player characters planning an
expedition to the crater might only aim to reach the Crater’s
Edge, or they might push onwards through the Crater Basin to
the centre of the crater. Either way, they’ll need potent tools to
protect themselves against contamination. Interactions
“Set a fire in your belly, warm your heart,
Adventure Hooks and shield yourself in light for the road ahead.”
Survey the Impact Site. (Amethyst Academy, Silver Order, or Lucretia Mathias, Nathaniel Flint, and other Followers of the
Hooded Lanterns). If the characters discover an extraordinarily ef- Falling Fire often lead pilgrimages of cultists and commoners
fective defense against contamination, such as the neutralizing field to the Crater’s Edge, and can frequently be encountered in this
spell or hazewalker plate, a faction leader may suggest using these region. Any random encounters in this region may be replaced
means to launch a mission to the crater. The goal is simple: find out with a Falling Fire strike team, or a pilgrimage of 10 (3d6)
what’s in there. Faction leaders can offer the following warnings: cultists led by a chaplain.
Area Details
and 17 (5d6) piercing damage.
Alternatively, characters can Search the Ruins (see chapter 5) to
The entire South Ward is suffused in the Deep Haze (see locate gentler slopes or a pathway where easier descent is possible.
chapter 5). If you’d like to add extra tension to this moment, consider
having a lone grotesque gargant climb out of the crater and
South Ward Ruins attack while characters are looking out over the basin, scaling
the cliff, or searching for a way down!
Few structures are standing in the South Ward of Drakkenheim.
Little remains save demolished foundations, massive chunks of Chapel of Saint Gresha
blasted rock, and piles of rubble and debris. The thick fog of the
Deep Haze blankets the wasteland. The direction of the devastation Along the northwest side of the crater rests the Chapel of Saint Gresha.
is unmistakable, however. Stone, brick, and timbers on any walls or Nothing remains of the domed rooftop. Instead, the bricks composing
pillars facing the crater itself appear melted rather than burned, and the circular chapel float in the air, deconstructed in perfect geometric
in some cases, pieces of rock or wood have partially turned into glass. order. Perhaps if the magic holding them aloft were broken, they would
Occasionally, you see the unmistakable glimmer of delerium fused into collapse back into their proper place. Inside the chapel walls, a lighted
the ground or walls of a tumbledown building. The air here is cold, the stone brazier stands upon a tiered marble dais. The entropic flame burns
mists billow about in hypnotic swirling patterns. A peculiar smell fills in an unnatural purple-red hue, the coals within are delerium shards. The
the air, it’s acrid and pungent as if some strange material were burning mosaic on the floor is cracked and broken. Several platforms may have
nearby. Once in a while you hear the sound of crumbling rock or the once held statues, but little else remains save blasted rock.
creaking collapse of a distant building. h Lucretia Mathias can be encountered here at dawn each
h Checkfor random encounters as normal as characters travel day, when she performs the Sacrament of the Falling Fire for
through this region. up to 12 pilgrims. Nathaniel Flint is sometimes here leading
a pilgrimage as well.
h Saint Gresha (see below) performs the rite each day at dusk.
h 12 neutral good wights guard the chapel. Each wears ancient
“I’ve had some horrible nightmares in my day. This half-plate armour. These are the sacred remains of former pala-
place was unfathomably worse.” dins interred in the chapel, and are not haze wights.
— Sebastian Crowe
Chapter 7: Inside the Walls 123
Saint Gresha Two or more failed check results triggers one of the random en-
Gresha is a neutral good arcane wraith. She was called back counters below. As characters are exposed to a powerful version of
in spirit by Lucretia Mathias to tend her namesake chapel. Her the Deep Haze here, they will need some means to gain immuni-
Spellcasting trait is replaced with the following: ty to contamination, otherwise they’ll have to make six Constitu-
At will: guidance, light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy tion saving throws each time they attempt searching the crater.
3/day each: bless, flame strike, guiding bolt, healing word,
prayer of healing, spirit guardians
1/day each: divine word, harm, heal, holy aura, Random Encounters
sacrament of falling fire*
*new spell described in Appendix D in the Crater Basin
If Saint Gresha is destroyed, Lucretia Mathias calls her spirit Check for random encounters as normal as characters explore
back again as soon as possible. the basin, using this table to generate encounters.
1 1 crater wurm
Crater Basin 2 1d4 grotesque gargants
3 4 (1d6) protean abominations and 10 (3d6) gibbering mouthers
The crater basin is a forlorn and desolate place. The raw earth is a deep
purple-brown colour. Black glass chips and rocky gravel crunch underfoot 4 35 (10d6) delerium dregs and 1d6 haze hulks
mixed with bits and pieces of unrecognizable masonry and flecks of 5 1d6 delerium elementals
delerium. Here and there you encounter peculiar vegetation: creeping
6 1d4 arcane wraiths and 1d6 warp witches
moss that resembles exposed sinew or swelling tissue, with leaves like fleshy
membranes and roots like spreading blood vessels. The strange plants cling
to clusters of delerium and around pools of sludge.
Deep Haze. Within the crater, the Deep Haze is exceptionally
Massive Delerium Clusters
thick and nearly impenetrable: vision beyond 30 feet is totally Unfathomably large delerium geode clusters protrude from the earth
obscured and blocks most of the light from the sky above, so throughout the crater basin. Most grow as tall as a human, some as
areas within are dimly lit and lightly obscured. At the end of big as ogres or even larger. Viscous opalescent liquid perspires from the
every ten minutes spent within, characters must succeed on a crystals, forming pools around it.
DC 20 Constitution saving throw or suffer 10 (3d6) necrotic
h There
are a living haze, animated delerium sludge,
damage and gain one level of contamination.
walking delerium cluster, and an entropic flame lurking
Eldritch Lightning. Sheets of flashing energy and crackling around the cluster and the pool.
eldritch lightning erupt through the mist around the crater, h The pools are two or three feet deep and anywhere from ten
which extends to the clouds above. Any airborne creature to forty feet in diameter.
flying higher than sixty feet above the Crater Basin rolls 1d6 h Characters can find 1 delerium geode, 1d6 delerium crystals,
at the end of its turn: on a one, it is struck by the lightning and 2d6 delerium shards that are easy enough to extract.
and must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or Harvesting the massive crystals in the field is impossible with
take 10d6 lightning damage and 10d6 force damage. If this portable equipment, however.
damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points, it and everything h If damaged or struck these massive geodes release an
it is wearing or carrying are reduced to black ashes and arcane anomaly.
scattered into the wind. The creature can be restored to life
only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
Twisted Space. A creature who teleports into or out of the Delerium Heart
Crater Basin is ripped apart by eldritch magic and takes damage
as if they were struck by eldritch lightning (see above) The air is humid and filled with the overpowering smell of ozone here.
Thrumming eldritch energy makes your hair stand on end, and a low
humming sound painfully rings in your ears. Suddenly, the mists clear
Finding the Delerium Heart somewhat, revealing an unfathomably colossal delerium shard seventy
Characters seeking the Delerium Heart must Search the Ru- feet high and thirty feet wide. Pieces of rock and meteoric iron cling
ins for one hour, as described in “Navigating Drakkenheim” in to the sides; it glows brightly with blinding octarine light and visibly
chapter 5. In addition to making Investigation checks, charac- perspires globs of prismatic delerium sludge that forms a pool around it.
ters may use Arcana, Insight, Religion, Nature, or Survival to The edges of the crystal intersect at incomprehensible angles, making its
geometry shift despite its apparent stillness. It gives you a headache to
help navigate the basin. Success requires a DC 20 check result,
look at it. Mounds of upturned earth, huge chunks of meteoric iron, and
with any check result of 25 or higher granting an additional
massive delerium geodes emerge like islands from the pond.
success. What the characters find each attempt is based on their
number of successes: h This is all that remains of the core of the meteor. The mere
sight of its impossible geometry is enough to drive a creature
2 successes or fewer Nothing
mad. The first time a humanoid creature witnesses the
3 successes Massive delerium cluster Delerium Heart, it must succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence
4 or more successes Delerium Heart saving throw. On a failed save, it is affected as if by a
feeblemind spell.
eep in the noble district of Drakkenheim, just south of or samples. The Academy is willing to offer the Pale Man a deal
Castle Drakken, a walled off community known as the for his cooperation, but fully expect him to decline. They do not
Kleinberg Estate stands. Amongst the ruins and debris, care if the Pale Man lives, as long as his work is recovered.
several of the large mansions have survived the devastation of The Witch Hunt. The Silver Order might hire the players to
Drakkenheim. One such estate has become lively with activity find and kill the Pale Man - they want his work burned, and any
in recent years. Figures have been seen coming and going from delerium in his possession destroyed.
it, which has spurred whispers and rumours within the taverns of
Emberwood village. Conversations between forlorn adventurers
and sickly survivors speak of a mage working out of the estate
who has means to help those who are suffering with contamina-
tion. The validity of these claims is yet to be proven, and so those
seeking help best be wary, as more often than not, people who
have ventured deeper in search of a cure seldom return.
The minions that work for the Pale Man are more social than
normal dregs, and should be portrayed as having quirky, weird,
Overview and insane personalities. They direct characters to Raven, who
handles all business deals. None of them know much about the
There may be many reasons the player characters choose to Pale Man’s research or experiments, and just express relief at the
uncover the Pale Man. aid he has offered them.
— Veo Sjena
Collapsed tower. The walls are mostly intact on this second level, but
the ceiling is long gone and the upper floor is covered in debris.
A few empty cages are placed here.
h Dregs use these cages as holding for misbehaving companions.
Kleinberg Estate
Scale 1sq = 5ft. Stables. Any sign that these stables were once used to house horses is
gone, the inside stripped away and made into a makeshift workstation.
The stables act as both a storage compartment for finished products
of delerium dust, but also housing for the many dregs who reside in
the estate. Several of the stalls are lined with hay, dirty blankets, and
buckets. The front of the stables by the entrance have been made into
a sort of shop where Raven sits at a small table with various potions
and alchemical ingredients lined for display.
T= Trapped
Door h 30 delerium dregs are found here either sleeping,
performing menial tasks, or polishing the black coach.
h Raven often oversees products, shipping and sales that all
happen out of the stable.
h Grunt sits telling stories to several of the delerium dregs
resting here.
h Secret Entrance. At the back of the stable is an old
hatch that opens to a ladder down to the old tunnels below
the manor.
h Trapped Door. The east door on the upper level is a Lab. These adjacent rooms have been stripped of their previous furniture
heavy wooden door depicting a carving of winged beings and refashioned into laboratories. There are various forms of equipment
soaring up towards the top of the door, and grotesque here. A table in the back has a strange hammer crafted from delerium
emaciated-looking creatures below reaching up to try and and a crate of shards and crystals that are seemingly being smashed into
grab the fleeing angels. The door is arcane locked and only dust. There are alchemical supplies and filtering devices that are used to
the password “As Above, So Below” will allow one to refine the dust at another station. A third station has herbs and chemical
access the door. The Pale Man uses this door to access the formulas and measuring equipment for concocting arcane delerium dust as
well as various delerium infused potions. It looks as though another station
balcony over the foyer to give orders to his minions
is for procuring delerium ink for spell scrolls and other uses.
Wretched Drawing Rooms. These once well-appointed drawing h 10 (3d6) assorted delerium dregs work around the clock
rooms are now covered in cobwebs and broken furniture, dismantled in this chamber at the various tables. Some have goggles or
bookshelves, and dirty animal fur rugs. The rooms have been stripped other scraps of lab gear.
of any valuables or usable goods. h Explosion. If combat occurs, one of the dregs hurls a half
h There are 5 (2d4) delerium dregs in each of these rooms. finished delerium concoction at the players, which functions
as a bottled comet.
Decrepit Dining Room. Food and dirt cover the various walls and
surfaces. Paintings are hanging crooked, while some have been broken. Master Bedroom. Lined with shelves of books, scrolls, folders,
There is a long wooden feasting table with four chairs on either side documents, and scattered parchments, this room appears to function
and a grand throne-like seat at the far end. Faces are drawn over as a library as well. Several shelves house glass jars with floating objects
hanging portraits and crude words are scrawled across the wall in food inside - a jar of eyeballs, a severed hand, an entire human head with one
substances or possibly blood. side of it dissolved and melted, several fleshy tentacles, and many other
horrors. An old dust-covered bed in the corner appears unused. The desk
h There are 8 delerium dregs eating. They know very well is covered in various jars of octarine substances as well as an old book
that this section of the manor is off limits to guests. bound in red leather and a quill and inkwell of glowing octarine ink.
h The food looks relatively unappetizing, a grey sludge with
bits of what might be meat, but the creatures here seem h Secret entrance. The bookshelf on the back wall next to
keen to enjoy it. the bed has a large blue book titled “the Secret Stairs” - when
pulled, it opens to the staircase leading down to the lounge.
Kitchen. The kitchen is a mess with dirty pots and pans stacked h Amongst the shelves one can find 1d4 magical potions, half of
almost to the ceiling. There are knives stuck in the walls, food and slop which are healing potions, and 1d6 uncommon spell scrolls.
everywhere, and stains on nearly every surface. Two creatures in little h The spell book on the desk contains the Pale Man’s work on
makeshift chefs hats and aprons work diligently to make some sort the new spells he has created. It is also infused with a glyph
of bland soup for the residents of the house, occasionally throwing in of warding to cast dimension door when triggered. The Pale
scraps they find on the floor into a big boiling pot. Man will grab his book and flee to his nest if need be.
h 2 delerium dregs are here and will attack anyone who
Study. As you step inside you see a mess of paperwork, tables, and
interrupts them. several drawings stuck on the wall with red string connecting various
Lounge. A couple couches and armchairs are pushed around an old sketches to locations in Drakkenheim. A large red circle on a map of
fireplace. The fireplace is not lit, and has five candelabras set on its the city indicates a focus on the Inscrutable Tower.
mantle with four candles placed in all but one. The furniture has been h The Pale Man has put together a rough plan to seize the
placed for convenience and conversation and less a proper attempt at Inscrutable Tower for himself. The plans seem incomplete
outfitting a room. and so far most of his research involves how to get into the
h There are 5 (2d4) delerium dregs here. tower. He has two current ideas; the first note states the
h Secret Entrance. There is a hatch on the ground in the front door will only open for a living Academy member
corner that opens to an old stone staircase that goes down wearing academy rings, the second is research for creating
into the lower tunnels. flying minions to fly into the breach. Beyond this, he has
h Secret Door. If a candle is placed in the empty candelabra not developed the means to control the Nexus.
on the fireplace mantle it opens the back of the fireplace into
a small staircase that goes up to the second level.
eneath Slaughterstone Square is a large underground h “Our Duchess will show you great hospitality, I’m sure of it! If you
reservoir filled with the waterlogged corpses of the would bring her a gift or perform a service for her, she could reward
Executioner’s many victims. As a result, the macabre you greatly, I’m sure of it! What is it you desire? Knowledge! Magic!
chamber has become the favoured scavenging ground for Health! Our Duchess is as mighty as she is benevolent, I’m sure of it!”
a group of aquatic delerium dregs who serve an eldritch h “Shewould love a magic trinket, or perhaps a great crystal, of
creature known as the Duchess. This nightmarish entity lurks course! I’m sure of it!”
deep below Drakkenheim’s forsaken waterways, slowly amass-
h “The Duchess is ruler of the deep water, all that flows below is her
ing contaminated thralls while fostering dark dreams to usurp
domain! I’m sure of it! She shelters and protects us, and in turn we
control of the surface.
are her loyal retainers, I’m sure of it!
h “She dwells near a great pool that collects the sky-water. There is a
terrible machine upon the surface, but we know a hidden way there
by water! I’m sure of it!”
Your characters might simply stumble into the cistern while
exploring the sewers, or by taking the smuggler’s passage from If the characters refuse at this first meeting, or attack, it’s
the Black Ivory Inn. The cistern lies directly below Slaughter- possible they could encounter this group again (or similar ones)
stone Square, so characters may even seek refuge here from the during their future adventures in the city. Don’t force this
Executioner. You should review that location before reading this hook upon the player characters: this is something they should
section further. investigate on their own initiative!
Interactions 1b 1a
The Duchess is an otherworldly abomination who holds many
mutated aquatic delerium dregs in thrall, using them to gather de- 1e
The Duchess
The Duchess is an aboleth of unfathomable origin. Whether it 2
was brought here by the unstable rifts of the Haze, or the result 3
[2] Bathhouse Ruins underlings, and 4 merrow and 12 aquatic delerium dregs
arrive five rounds later to help protect the Duchess.
h Delerium. The cavern walls contain countless small
This partially-buried rectangular chamber appears to be a bathhouse
of the sort built in ancient antiquity. A pillared aisle borders a central sparkling flakes of delerium, but with several hours of
pool set with a fine circular fountain decorated with statues of nymphs excavation characters can unearth 10 (3d6) delerium shards
basking around a long-forgotten god. Bas-relief carvings along the and 1d4 delerium crystals. Characters inspecting the cavern
walls depict primordial scenes of storms, shipwrecks, and vengeful walls can detect that the delerium crystals are embedded in
aquatic monsters. At one end of the pool is a semicircular alcove where the rock. There’s simply no way these shards came from the
a massive delerium crystal as tall as a human juts through the floor. It meteor, they’re too far underground.
is choked by a mass of thick pulsing veins and perspiring strange black h Below the water’s surface is a wide underground river that
nodules laced with prismatic colour. The glowing stone illuminates the connects to the Drann River.
room. Opposite the pool is a wide arched canal from which water flows h A mound of loose dirt and sand is not visible above the water’s
into the chamber. The air is cold and damp, and the sound of running surface, but obvious to any who dive underwater. Digging the
water echoes through the chamber. The vaulted ceiling overhead is mound out takes one minute of work, and contains the Duchess’s
cracked and buckling. personal treasure. It contains 1d4 delerium crystals, 1d6 water-
tight tubes each containing a rare spell scroll, 3d6 other gem-
h The statue depicts the old god Nodens, god of sea and storms. stones or treasures worth 250 gp each, and a rare magic item.
h Three sea hags - The Chancellor, the Chamberlain, and the
Cardinal - are here. They may also be encountered with 10
(3d6) aquatic delerium dregs and possibly a chuul.
h They are not initially hostile, and instead invite characters
to drink contaminated water they have mixed with delerium Developments
dust, touch the delerium geode, and then communicate with Regardless of whether or not the characters can learn anything
the Duchess telepathically. The process will undoubtedly from the Duchess, slaying this abomination puts an end to a
bring characters to the brink of a monstrous transformation. terrible scourge before it festers and worsens. Left unchecked,
h Delerium. This is a massive delerium geode cluster. It’s
the Duchess could become a potential interloper who interferes
exceptionally difficult to remove, but growing around it in future events. Alternatively, the Duchess may decide to
are 2d6 delerium shards that can be more easily harvested. pursue its interests elsewhere, leaving Drakkenheim via the
The Duchess’ attendants touch the geode when they contaminated Drann River. It travels downstream towards the
communicate telepathically with the Duchess, and refer to it ocean and spreads its corrupting influence into the wider world.
as “the Monument of the Duchess.”
h Treasure. The Chancellor has prominently pinned the
Chancellor’s Crest upon their robes. This valuable item is one
the Seals of Drakkenheim. Amongst the urns, bowls, and sacks
The Chancellor’s Crest
Characters who recover the Chancellor’s Crest have a major
kept here are 1d4 uncommon spell scrolls or potions.
find. As one of the missing Seals of Drakkenheim, it’s one of the
keys to the city. Should the Hooded Lanterns and the Queen’s
[3] Hydra’s Lair Men discover the characters possess it, they’ll make overtures
to meet them. Both Elias Drexel and the Queen of Thieves use
This chamber is the collapsed ruin of a once-magnificent circular bath. this as an opportunity to recruit the characters to their faction’s
cause. If the characters turn down the offer, these factions
h Ahydra dwells here in thrall to the Duchess to serve as a begin drawing up plans to take the Chancellor’s Crest by stealth,
personal guardian. It rarely leaves this chamber except to trickery, or even force if necessary.
devour worthless minions.
R Interactions
esting in the northern heart of the city between the
Inscrutable Tower and Castle Drakken, Queen’s Park
was built to honor the Queens of Drakkenheim who ruled While characters explore Queen’s Park, they can learn the tragic
as monarchs, but those who were royal consorts have also been fate of Queen Lenore von Kessel, and even locate the former
commemorated here. Over time, more monuments to other well- royal consort.
known women who defined the history of Drakkenheim were The day the meteor fell, chaos erupted in Castle Drakken as
constructed here as well. Commonfolk and nobles alike spoke the staff and royal family attempted to escape the Haze. At the
of fondly losing themselves in Queen’s Park as they wandered its behest of the royal steward, Queen Lenore’s retainers helped
elegant beauty on summer afternoons. Now covered by the Deep her escape Castle Drakken via a secret waterway that exits at
Haze, one might indeed become lost here forever. Queen’s Park. Hindered by Lenore’s baggage train, the royal
entourage became lost in the spreading mist, and were trans-
formed into monsters. They have remained here ever since,
Overview driven to madness with little remaining of their memories.
The transformed creatures that once were Lenore’s personal 1 success or fewer Nothing
attendants each use the game statistics for a dryad. Now called
2 successes Brackish Pool
the handmaidens, they resemble disheveled and misshapen
figures clad in moss-covered petticoats, their hair like slimy grass 3 successes Eldritch Lily Pond
and skin like knobbly bark. 4 or more successes Royal Grotto
h Just as they did in their former lives, these unfortunate
wretches attend, obey, and protect Lenore, but have only Two or more failed check results triggers one of the random
fragmented memories of their own. encounters below. Don’t forget that characters are exposed to
h They act avoidant, timid, and servile, but are resolute in the Deep Haze each hour they spend here!
their duties. They use their abilities to mislead and prevent
intruders from reaching the royal grotto while wandering the
garden searching for delerium and eldritch lilies to bring back
to please Lenore. “Do not, I repeat DO NOT mess with the flower gardens
h If interacted with, characters may be able to coax the hand- unless you want a lawn gnome’s boot to your face.”
maidens into leading them to the royal grotto by succeeding
on three DC 15 Charisma checks, perhaps portraying them- — Sebastian Crowe
selves as valiant knights here to help or conjuring some other
“I’ve never been into botany but I found those
fable. Otherwise, characters can follow or chase them back to
lilies enchanting.”
the royal grotto.
In addition, many of the haze wights wandering the garden — Pluto Jackson
are the undead remnants of the Queen’s personal guard, and still
bear the crests and livery of House von Kessel.
Royal Grotto
Scale 1sq = 5ft.
he Rose Theatre was the latest in a long line of
playhouses in Drakkenheim that typically remained Adventure Hooks
for a few decades before horribly burning down. The Dangerous Minds. Ryan Greymere has been in the sights of
three story circular theatre with a thrust stage and open-air the Amethyst Academy for some time. Although she was a
auditorium was once a hub for popular entertainment in the dear friend of Eldrick Runeweaver, she was also a fierce rival.
city. Throngs of common folk attended bawdy comedies, They want to know what she is up to in the ruins and what her
exaggerated and bloody histories, and dramatic tragedies research has uncovered about delerium.
written by highly competitive bards. Now it lays abandoned
Misguided Mage. Knights of the Silver Order would like to
within the Haze, devoid of any laughter, music, or applause.
see her brought to justice. As a practitioner of magic who has
abandoned the Edicts of Lumen, the Silver Order believes it is
Overview their duty to destroy her research and bring Ryan Greymere in
for imprisonment, but they are just as happy if the players take
In this adventure, characters explore the mysterious Rose her down.
Theatre, which is oddly sheltered from the city ruins by an in-
visible barrier, guarded by uncontaminated elemental creatures
and arcane constructs. Here, the characters encounter Ryan
Greymere, a talented archmage who abandoned the Amethyst
Academy. Though she has been branded a malfeasant wizard,
Ryan Greymere doesn’t practice contaminated magic, unlike Ryan Greymere aggressively responds to intruders into the
Oscar Yoren and the Pale Man. Instead, she’s crafted a potent Rose Theatre, but intends to incapacitate trespassers so she
suit of magic armour that protects against contamination. can find out why they are there. Since she is hiding alone in
It’s up to the player characters how to deal with her. They the Inner City under magical defenses, she expects anyone
can slay her to claim her magic items and seize her spellbooks, who has penetrated the magical barrier is an Amethyst
but could gain much by negotiating with her. They might even Academy assassin sent to kill her. However, she’ll stay her
be able to broker an agreement to admit her back into the hand if intruders attempt parley, but she’ll try to flee before
Amethyst Academy. she can be captured.
aint Vitruvio was a mighty paladin of the Sacred Flame, the catacombs below the contemporary building. Following its
the patron saint of Drakkenheim. Along with the ancient completion, worshippers would travel for miles around to make
gold dragon Argonath, this righteous warrior saved prayers and offerings to the Sacred Flame here. After the meteor
Drakkenheim from a marauding army led by chromatic dragons fell, these hallowed halls became a charnel house - the lair of the
that descended upon Westemär from the eastern vale centuries monstrous Lord of the Feast.
ago. Argonath gave their life in that battle, and Saint Vitruvio
subsequently died slaying the half-dragon warlock behind the
terrible scourge. Their bones and equipment have been kept as
holy relics since, as Saint Vitruvio prophesied the gold dragon
could be resurrected should Drakkenheim ever fall to darkness. In this adventure, the player characters must spearhead an
This gargantuan Cathedral of the Sacred Flame was built to assault or infiltration into Saint Vitruvio’s Cathedral, where
house their remains. However, it is a relatively recent con- they will face off against a terrifying garmyr warband. Then
struction, only completed a little over a century ago to replace characters may explore the catacombs below to recover the relics
another large chapel that was torn down during the expansion within. The cathedral is one place that can bring all the factions
of the city walls. Long before, the site was home to several together, but in the aftermath their disagreements blossom into
crypts and crematory gardens, and the dead are still interred in open conflict.
Faction Alliance
h Ideal. It is the right of the strong to consume the weak.
h Bond. Drakkenheim is the perfect hunting ground for an
Many factions can accomplish key objectives at the cathedral, alpha predator such as myself.
h Flaw. I am gripped with bloodlust that only subsides when I
which the characters can use to facilitate cooperation between
them. This is one of the few moments in the campaign where all rest in the cathedral.
the factions are willing to pool their resources and work together
with the player characters, so long as the following conditions
are met by the characters:
h Demonstrated their trustworthiness and full loyalty to the
faction’s ideals and goals.
h Acquired at least one Seal of Drakkenheim.
h Secured the clocktower and Temple Gate.
h Created an alliance with two other factions.
The factions must keep a reserve force and a garrison for their
current holdings, so each can only work with a few strike teams
for this operation. Plus, large numbers of people moving in the
city will attract more monsters, and quickly. They propose an
assault mission by the player characters supported by a handful
of faction strike teams.
h Elias Drexel and Theodore Marshal are both willing to
personally join the battle, and the other factions offer up
boons in advance to help the characters.