Jio 2020-38
Jio 2020-38
Jio 2020-38
Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31st March, 2020
(` in crore)
particulars notes 2019-20 2018-19
Revenue from Operations 22 54,316 40,663
Other Income 23 87 6
total Income 54,403 40,669
Network Operating Expenses 24 16,930 11,338
Access Charges 25 5,795 6,032
License Fees/Spectrum Charges 5,720 4,159
Employee Benefits Expense 26 1,463 1,658
Finance Costs (Net) 27 6,617 4,148
Depreciation and Amortisation Expense 1 7,396 6,398
Selling and Distribution Expenses 1,277 1,150
Other Expenses 28 1,564 1,230
total expenses 46,762 36,113
As per our Report of even date For and on behalf of the Board
For Chaturvedi & Shah LLp For deloitte Haskins & Sells LLp Mukesh d. Ambani Chairman DIN: 00001695
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Manoj H. Modi Director DIN: 00056207
Firm Regn. no.: 101720W / W-100355 Firm Regn. no.: 117366W / W-100018 Akash M. Ambani Director DIN: 06984194
Isha M. Ambani Director DIN: 06984175
R. Koria Abhijit A. damle Sanjay Mashruwala Managing Director DIN: 01259774
Partner Partner Mahendra nahata Director DIN: 00052898
Membership no: 35629 Membership no.: 102912 Mathew oommen Director DIN: 07176548
pankaj M. pawar Director DIN: 00085077
Kiran M. thomas Director DIN: 02242745
Rajneesh Jain Jyoti Jain Adil Zainulbhai Director DIN: 06646490
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary prof. dipak C. Jain Director DIN: 00228513
PAN: ABFPJ1815L Membership No.: A18825 prof. Mohanbir S. Sawhney Director DIN: 07136864
Place: Mumbai Ranjit V. pandit Director DIN: 00782296
Date: April 30, 2020 Shumeet Banerji Director DIN: 02787784