This document provides the Responsorial Psalm for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, including the response and verses. The Psalm is Psalm 66 and focuses on crying out with joy to God, worshipping and singing praise to God for his glorious works, and declaring what God has done. It consists of the response sung by the organ and choir, followed by the verses to be sung by a cantor or choir.
This document provides the Responsorial Psalm for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, including the response and verses. The Psalm is Psalm 66 and focuses on crying out with joy to God, worshipping and singing praise to God for his glorious works, and declaring what God has done. It consists of the response sung by the organ and choir, followed by the verses to be sung by a cantor or choir.
This document provides the Responsorial Psalm for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, including the response and verses. The Psalm is Psalm 66 and focuses on crying out with joy to God, worshipping and singing praise to God for his glorious works, and declaring what God has done. It consists of the response sung by the organ and choir, followed by the verses to be sung by a cantor or choir.
This document provides the Responsorial Psalm for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, including the response and verses. The Psalm is Psalm 66 and focuses on crying out with joy to God, worshipping and singing praise to God for his glorious works, and declaring what God has done. It consists of the response sung by the organ and choir, followed by the verses to be sung by a cantor or choir.
Proclaim his glo rious praise. 2. Let all on earth worship and sing praise to you, Come and see the works of God, 3. He has changed the sea into dry land; Therefore let us re joice in him. 4. Hear now, all you who fear God, Blessed be God who re fused me not
1. Sing praise to the glory of his name;
Say to God, “How tremendous are your deeds! 2. Sing praise to your name!” His tremendous deeds among the chil dren of Adam. 3. Through the river they passed on foot; He rules by his might for ever. 4. While I declare what he has done for me. My prayer or his kindness!