Rizal Midtermmm
Rizal Midtermmm
Rizal Midtermmm
Both Don Francisco and Paciano wanted Jose to pursue higher learning in the University. But,
Dona Teodora, who knew what happened to GomBurZa, vigorously opposed the idea and told
her husband: “Don’t send him to Manila again; he knows well enough. If he gets to know more,
the Spaniards will cut off his head.”Jose Rizal himself was surprised why his mother, who was a
woman of education and culture, should object to his desire for a university education. Years
later he wrote in his journal: “Did my mother perhaps have a foreboding of what would happen
to me? Does a mother’s heart really have a second sight?”
Rizal enrolled in Santo Tomas and took up Philosophy & Letters for two reasons:
Rizal studied in Ateneo during his first school term in University of Santo Tomas
He took vocational course leading to the title of peritoagrimensor (expert surveyor)
At the age of 17, he passed the final examination in the surveying course, but he could not be
granted the title as survey or because he was below age. The title was issued to him on
November 25, 1881.
Happened during the summer of 1878 while he was a first year student at UST.
The man turned out to be a lieutenant of the Guardia Civil.
Brutally slashed the back of Rizal with a sword.
Rizal reported the incident to Gen. Primo de Rivera, but nothing happened with his complaint.
A letter dated March 21, 1887, addressed to Blumentritt, stated: “I went to the Captain-General
but I could not obtain justice; my wound lasted two week.”
(Year 1880) The Artistic-Literary Lyceum opened another literary contest to commemorate the
fourth centennial of the death of Cervantes, Spain's glorified man-of-letters and famous author
of Don Quixote
Rizal submitted an allegorical drama entitled "El Consejo de los Dioses" (The Council of the
Rizal won a Gold Ring which was engraved the bust of Cervantes.
There were frequent student brawls between the Filipinos and the Spaniards
1880: Rizal founded Companerismo (Comradeship), a secret society of Filipino UST students.
The members were called “Companions of Jehu”.
He was the chief of the society. His cousin, Galicano Apacible was the secretary.
In one of the skirmishes, Rizal was wounded on the head.
His friends brought him to Casa Tomasina where Leonor Rivera took care of him.
MAY 3, 1882
Left Philippines
First trip abroad
Boarded Barkong Salvadora
he boarded the Salvadora, stop over at Singapore, and checked in hotel Dela Paz for 2 days on
his way to pursue his studies in Spain
May 18, 1882 At 7:30 a.m. he left Punta de Gales for Colombo
Rizal arrived Colombo and in the evening trip was resumed May 27, 1882
He landed at Aden
He made observation at the time June 2, 1882
June 2, 1882 He arrived at the Suez Canal en route to Marseilles
He went to chateau fif where Dante jailed from his favorite Novel, Monte Cristo
June 16, 1882 – arrived at Barcelona, Welcomed by his colleagues in Ateneo. He boarded in the Fonda
De Espana
Dr. Louis De Weckert - He entered as an assistant to the well-known physician there Dr. Louis de
Weckert, which greatly helped him in specializing in the treatment of the eyes
Ferdinand Blumentritt (May 13, 1887) - the train arrived at the leimeritz station where he was
waiting for Rizal who has beautiful memories of this place
Maximo Viola (May 20, 1887) - Came to Vienna to meet Norfenfal, on the recommendation of
Blumentritt, who was a great novelist at the time
They stayed in this city from JUNE 2-3, 1887 to visit Schaffhausen which is considered one of the
most charming places in the alpine nation. then viola had to return to Barcelona and Rizal
continued his journey
After sightseeing in Lausanne, Rizal and Viola left on a little boat, crossing the foggy Leman Lake
to Geneva.
In Italy Rizal went to the place of Turin, Milan, Venice and Florence, On June 27, 1887 he went
to roma, after a week of sightseeing in roma here turned to the Philippines
August 8, 1887
o established a Medical Clinic
o Opened a gymnasium for young folks and introduced European Sports.
Recieved a Letter from Governor General Emilio Terrero
Governor General assigned a young Spanish Lieutenant as bodyguard of Rizal
The friars approached the governor general and filed a complaint against Noli Me Tangere
Due to Noli MeTangere and Rizal's interference in the agrarian problem at the hacienda in Calamba,
Rizal is very hated by the Dominican friars
Rizal was forced to leave the country again because the lives of his parents, siblings, and friends were in
danger and he could fight more for the sake of the people if he writes freely in the country
February 18, 1888 (MACAO) - Visited Macao with Jose Maria Basa
February 22, 1888 - Left Hong Kong boarded in Oceanic for Japan
Went to Tokyo and was visited by Juan Perez Caballero, secretary of the Spanish Legation.
Early in September 1888 - Rizal visited Paris for just a week for some historical materials at Bibliotheque
May 1888 - March 1889 - Rizal lived in London to expand his knowledge of English and make
annotations on “Succesos de las Islas Filipinas” of Antonio Morga.
He sent articles of “Filipinas Dentro de Cein Anos” (Ang Pilipinas sa Darating ng Sandaang Taon) and
“Sobre La Indolencia de los Filipinos” (Ang Tungkol sa Katamaran ng mga PIlipino)
December 24, 1888 - Rizal returned to London to celebrate Christmas and new year with Beckett's
March 19, 1889 - Rizal established Samahang Kidlat. Next, Indios Bravos and Redencion de los Malayos
(Para sa Katubusan ng mga Malayo)
Rizal wrote Por Telepono, a catholic against Padre Labrador Font who masterminded the ban on Noli Me
Tangere in the Philippines.
It was in Biarritz where he had finished the last chapter of his second novel, El Filibusterismo
On March 30, 1891, Rizal proceeded to Paris by train. Rizal retired from the Propaganda
Movement and retired also from La Solidaridad.
In Brussels Rizal worked day after day revising the finished manuscript of El Filibusterismo and
readied it for printing
He stayed at Ghent because the cost of printing is cheaper. Rizal had limited funds and lived in a
cheap boarding house
The El Filibusterismo was dedicated to the martyrdom of the Gom-Bur-Za
Rizal left Europe for Hong Kong
For the last time Rizal left the country for Spain
September 30, 1896 – Rizal was arrested and being blamed as the guiding force of the Philippine
Revolution that broke out in August 1896.
October 6, 1896 - Rizal was released from prison to be returned to Manila aboard the ship SS Colon.
Mr. George Taufer
Josephine Bracken - adopted daughter of Mr. George Taufer
casitas de salud
Ramon Carreon
o copra and abaca trading
o fishing business
Manuel Hidalgo
June 21, 1896
DR. PIO VALENZUELA- An emissary of Bonifacio. He visited Rizal in Dapitan to informed about
the Katipunan's plan to Launch a Revolution.
Rizal objected to Katipunan's plan
He instructed Valenzuela to get first the support of rich and influential people of Manila to
strengthen their cause
Rizal suggested to take Antonio Luna to direct the military operations of the revolution.
“I declare myself a catholic, and in this religion in which I was born and educated I wish to live
and die. I retract with all my heart what every in my words, writings, publications and conduct
has been contrary to my condition as a son of the church.”
Pro-retraction historians and writer also believed in the testimonies of reverend Father Pio Pi,
Luis Viza and Vicente Balaguer.
According to Father Balaguer, he married Rizal and Josephine at 5:30 am on December 30, 1896
Was it possible for a man of Rizal’s convictions and beliefs to be transformed overnight and
retract? Claro M. Recto, a foremost nationalist shared this belief in his article, Rizal y sus
Memorias de un Estudiante
“According to the Jesuits, Rizal prayed with all the fervor and devotion of which his sensitive and
romantic soul was capable and a miracle of faith occurred in him similar to those which history
has recorded attesting, not only gods omnipotence, but also his mercy.”
At 6:30 am December 30, 1896, Rizal dressed in black from head to foot, came out of his cell.
His arms were loosely bound, elbow to elbow
A bugler and a drummer led the detachment of Filipino soldiers who escorted him to
Bagumbayan. The firing squad was composed of eight Filipino soldiers with another line of
Spanish soldiers behind them to ensure that the Filipino did their job of shooting Rizal.