ions etc. together. The three main types of bonds that are formed are:
Chemical Bond
A chemical bond is the force of attraction between atoms that leads to the formation of chemical
compounds. The bond occurs because of,electrostatic force of attraction between atoms of opposite
charges, and through the sharing of electrons (in covalent bonds).
Atoms lose, gain or share electrons to attain octet configuration and stability. The force of attraction is
the result of the behavior of outermost or valence electrons. Based on this force, different types of
bonds are formed giving to rise to different properties in compounds.
The strength of chemical bonds varies considerably leading to the formation of either strong or primary
bonds and weak or secondary bonds.
Strong bonds include ionic or electrovalent bonds, covalent bonds and co-ordinate covalent or dative
Weak bonds include dipole-dipole interaction and hydrogen bonds.
Covalent Bonds: They are formed because of localised (directional) large interatomic forces and electron
sharing. They help form structures of low coordination and low conductivity at low temperature (for
pure crystals).
Ionic bonding is the complete transfer of valence electron between atoms. Ionic bonds occur between
metals (electron donors) and non-metals (electron acceptors) because of the electrostatic force of
attraction between positive and negative ions.
Ionic or electrovalent bonds are formed under the conditions of low ionization energy, high electron
Covalent bond
Covalent bonds are formed between two or more atoms when they share electrons. They are normally
formed between atoms of similar electronegativity and may occur between atoms of same or of
different kind.
Example: Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen share 1, 2 and 3 electrons respectively, with similar atoms to form
molecules. Carbon and hydrogen share electrons to form hydrocarbons.
Covalent bonds can be polar or non-polar. The more the difference in electronegativity, the more is the
polar nature of the molecule.
Polar covalent bonds are formed between atoms with difference in electronegativity, for example,
water and hydrogen chloride.
Covalent bonds are of three types: single covalent bonds, double covalent bonds and triple covalent