Application Manual: Additional Axes and Stand Alone Controller
Application Manual: Additional Axes and Stand Alone Controller
Application Manual: Additional Axes and Stand Alone Controller
Application manual
Additional axes and stand alone controller
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Workspace 22B version a1
Checked in 2022-05-23
Skribenta version 5.5.019
Application manual
Additional axes and stand alone controller
RobotWare 6.13.03
Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 9
Product documentation .................................................................................................................... 11
Safety ................................................................................................................................................ 13
1 Introduction 15
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 15
1.2 Definitions ....................................................................................................... 16
1.3 General guidelines and limitations ........................................................................ 18
2 Getting started 19
2.1 Get started with additional axes, servo guns and non-ABB robots .............................. 19
3 Installation 21
3.1 Additional axes and servo guns ........................................................................... 21
3.1.1 Standard additional axis ........................................................................... 21
3.1.2 Template files ......................................................................................... 22
3.1.3 Serial measurement system configuration .................................................... 25
3.2 Non ABB robots ................................................................................................ 26
3.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 26
3.2.2 Drive module for non-ABB robots ............................................................... 27
3.2.3 Kinematic models .................................................................................... 28 Introduction ................................................................................ 28 Kinematic model XYZ ................................................................... 29 Kinematic model XYZC(Z) ............................................................. 30 Kinematic model XYZB(X) ............................................................. 31 Kinematic model XYZB(Y) ............................................................. 32 Kinematic model XYZC(Z)B(X) ....................................................... 33 Kinematic model XYZC(Z)B(Y) ....................................................... 34 Kinematic model XYZB(X)A(Z) ....................................................... 35 Kinematic model XYZB(Y)A(Z) ....................................................... 36 Kinematic model XYZC(Z)B(X)A(Z) ................................................. 37 Kinematic model XYZC(Z)B(Y)A(Z) ................................................. 38 Kinematic model XYZC(Z)A(X) ....................................................... 39 Kinematic model XYZC(Z)A(Y) ....................................................... 40 Kinematic model XZ ..................................................................... 41 Kinematic model XZC(Z) ............................................................... 42 Kinematic model XZB(X) ............................................................... 43 Kinematic model XZB(Y) ............................................................... 44 Kinematic model XZC(Z)B(X) ......................................................... 45 Kinematic model XZC(Z)B(Y) ......................................................... 46 Kinematic model XZB(X)A(Z) ......................................................... 47 Kinematic model XZB(Y)A(Z) ......................................................... 48 Kinematic model XZC(Z)B(X)A(Z) ................................................... 49 Kinematic model YZ ..................................................................... 50 Kinematic model YZC(Z) ............................................................... 51 Kinematic model YZB(X) ............................................................... 52 Kinematic model YZB(Y) ............................................................... 53 Kinematic model YZC(Z)B(X) ......................................................... 54 Kinematic model YZC(Z)B(Y) ......................................................... 55 Kinematic model YZB(X)A(Z) ......................................................... 56 Kinematic model YZB(Y)A(Z) ......................................................... 57 Kinematic modelYZC(Z)B(X)A(Z) .................................................... 58 Kinematic model YZC(Z)B(Y)A(Z) ................................................... 59 Kinematic model YE(Y)D(Y)B(Y)A(Z) ............................................... 60 Kinematic model YE(Y)D(Y)C(Z)B(Y)A(Z) ......................................... 61 Kinematic model XY ..................................................................... 62
4 Configuration 65
4.1 Basic settings ................................................................................................... 65
4.1.1 Limit peripheral speed of external axis ........................................................ 65
4.1.2 Minimal configuration of general additional axes ........................................... 67
4.1.3 Minimal configuration of servo gun ............................................................. 69
4.1.4 Minimal configuration of non-ABB robots ..................................................... 72
4.2 Advanced settings ............................................................................................. 77
4.2.1 Disconnect a servo motor ......................................................................... 77
4.2.2 Servo Tool Change .................................................................................. 78
4.2.3 Defining relays ........................................................................................ 80
4.2.4 Defining brake behavior ............................................................................ 82
4.2.5 Supervision ............................................................................................ 86
4.2.6 Independent joint .................................................................................... 87
4.2.7 Soft servo .............................................................................................. 88
4.2.8 Activate force gain control ........................................................................ 89
4.2.9 Defining parameters for general kinematics .................................................. 91
4.3 Coordinated axes .............................................................................................. 92
4.3.1 About coordinated axes ............................................................................ 92
4.3.2 Coordinated track motion .......................................................................... 93 How to get started with a coordinated track motion ............................ 93 Defining the base frame for a track motion ....................................... 95
4.3.3 Coordinated positioners ........................................................................... 97 How to get started with a coordinated (moveable) user coordinate
system ...................................................................................... 97 Defining the user frame for a rotational single axis ............................. 98 Defining the user frame for a multi axes positioner ............................. 101
5 Commutation 103
5.1 Commutate the motor ........................................................................................ 103
6 Tuning 105
6.1 Tuning the commutation offset ............................................................................. 105
6.2 Tuning of servo control parameters ...................................................................... 107
6.3 Additional tuning ............................................................................................... 108
6.3.1 Tuning of the soft servo parameters ............................................................ 108
6.3.2 Additional tuning for servo guns ................................................................. 110
9 Hardware 147
9.1 Configuration of the drive system ......................................................................... 147
9.2 Transformers .................................................................................................... 152
9.3 Drive units ....................................................................................................... 153
9.4 Measurement System ........................................................................................ 155
9.5 Serial Measurement Link examples ...................................................................... 156
9.6 Equipment for additional axes ............................................................................. 159
9.7 Motors ............................................................................................................ 160
9.8 Simple dimensioning of the motor ........................................................................ 162
9.9 Resolvers ........................................................................................................ 166
9.10 Serial measurement cables and connections .......................................................... 169
9.11 Relays ............................................................................................................. 173
Index 175
This manual can be used as a brief description of how to install, configure and
tune additional axes and non-ABB robots. It also provides information about related
system parameters. Detailed information regarding system parameters, RAPID
instructions and so on can be found in the respective reference manual.
The reader should...
• be familiar with industrial robots and their terminology
• be familiar with controller configuration and setup
• be familiar with the mechanical and dynamic properties of the controlled
Reference Document ID
Application manual - Controller software IRC5 3HAC050798-001
Application manual - Servo Gun Setup 3HAC065014-001
Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001
Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant 3HAC050941-001
Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions 3HAC050917-001
and Data types
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC050948-001
Product manual - IRC5 3HAC047136-001
Product manual - Motor Units and Gear Units 3HAC040148-001
Product specification - Controller IRC5 with FlexPendant 3HAC041344-001
Product specification - Motor Units and Gear Units 3HAC040147-001
Application manual - TuneMaster 3HAC063590-001
Revision Description
- Released with RobotWare 6.0.
A Released with RobotWare 6.01.
Replaced picture in section Commutate the motor on page 103, just to increase
Added a note in the section Defining brake relays on page 80.
Revision Description
B Released with RobotWare 6.02.
Updated the path to the template files, see Template files on page 22.
Notch filter removed.
C Released with RobotWare 6.05.
The allowed values are updated for parameters: K Soft Max Factor, K Soft
Min Factor and Kp/Kv Ratio Factor.
Minor corrections.
D Released with RobotWare 6.06.
Added section Relays on page 173.
E Released with RobotWare 6.07.
Added information about l_stator in Motor Type on page 133.
References to the new manual Application manual - Servo Gun Setup, that
replace the old Application manual - Servo Gun Tuning.
Added information about not having fast coordinated movements with non-
ABB track motion.
F Released with RobotWare 6.08.
• Removed information about tuning of servo control parameter and refer
to the TuneMaster manual instead.
• Max number of motion tasks for MultiMove system changed to seven.
• Added information and example for Arm Type on page 118.
G Released with RobotWare 6.09.
• Added Kinematic model XY on page 62.
H Released with RobotWare 6.10.
• Updated the information regarding tool data, see Limit peripheral speed
of external axis on page 65.
J Released with RobotWare 6.13.03.
• Added limitation for number of instances of the types Robot and Single,
see System parameters on page 115.
• Minor corrections.
Product documentation
Categories for user documentation from ABB Robotics
The user documentation from ABB Robotics is divided into a number of categories.
This listing is based on the type of information in the documents, regardless of
whether the products are standard or optional.
Product manuals
Manipulators, controllers, DressPack/SpotPack, and most other hardware is
delivered with a Product manual that generally contains:
• Safety information.
• Installation and commissioning (descriptions of mechanical installation or
electrical connections).
• Maintenance (descriptions of all required preventive maintenance procedures
including intervals and expected life time of parts).
• Repair (descriptions of all recommended repair procedures including spare
• Calibration.
• Decommissioning.
• Reference information (safety standards, unit conversions, screw joints, lists
of tools).
• Spare parts list with corresponding figures (or references to separate spare
parts lists).
• References to circuit diagrams.
Application manuals
Specific applications (for example software or hardware options) are described in
Application manuals. An application manual can describe one or several
An application manual generally contains information about:
• The purpose of the application (what it does and when it is useful).
• What is included (for example cables, I/O boards, RAPID instructions, system
parameters, software).
• How to install included or required hardware.
• How to use the application.
• Examples of how to use the application.
Operating manuals
The operating manuals describe hands-on handling of the products. The manuals
are aimed at those having first-hand operational contact with the product, that is
production cell operators, programmers, and troubleshooters.
Safety of personnel
A robot is heavy and extremely powerful regardless of its speed. A pause or long
stop in movement can be followed by a fast hazardous movement. Even if a pattern
of movement is predicted, a change in operation can be triggered by an external
signal resulting in an unexpected movement.
Therefore, it is important that all safety regulations are followed when entering
safeguarded space.
Safety regulations
Before beginning work with the robot, make sure you are familiar with the safety
regulations described in the manual Safety manual for robot - Manipulator and
IRC5 or OmniCore controller.
1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The additional axes option is used when the robot controller needs to control
additional axes besides the robot axes. These axes are synchronized and, if desired,
coordinated with the movement of the robot, which results in high speed and high
Stand alone controller is an ABB controller delivered without an ABB robot. The
purpose is to use it to control non-ABB equipment.
When the controller is used in a robot system with external axes or a non-ABB
manipulator, the system requires configuration and tuning as detailed in this manual.
This manual can also be useful when such a system needs to be upgraded.
As external axes and non-ABB robots consume more power the drive system needs
a more powerful transformer, rectifier and capacitor. In addition, suitable drive
units must be installed in the controller. The hardware setup must also be configured
with software to make the system functional.
Basic approach
This is the basic approach for the setup of additional axes or a stand alone
• Installation
• Configuration
• Tuning
For a detailed description of how this is done, see the respective section.
For more information on the hardware components see Hardware on page 147.
The manual mode peripheral speed of the external axis must be restricted to
250mm/s for personal safety reasons. The speed is supervised at three different
levels, which means that three system parameters need to be set up. For more
information see Limit peripheral speed of external axis on page 65.
1.2 Definitions
A robot is a mechanical unit with a tool center point (TCP). A robot can be
programmed both in Cartesian coordinates (x, y and z) of the TCP and in tool
Single-robot system
A single-robot system can have
• only one motion task
• only one robot
• up to 6 additional axes (which can be grouped in an arbitrary number of
mechanical units)
• up to 12 axes in total (located in one or two drive modules)
Non-MultiMove system
A non-MultiMove system can have
• only one motion task
• only one robot
• up to 6 additional axes (which can be grouped in an arbitrary number of
mechanical units)
• up to 12 axes in total (located in one or two drive modules)
MultiMove system
A MultiMove system can have
• up to 7 motion tasks (each task has the same limitations as in a
non-MultiMove system)
• up to 4 robots
• up to 4 drive modules (i.e. up to 36 axes including the robot axes)
Additional axes
The robot controller can control additional axes besides the robot axes. They can
be jogged and coordinated with the movements of the robot. The system may have
a single additional axis, for example, a motor, or a set of additional axes such as
a two axis positioner.
2 Getting started
2.1 Get started with additional axes, servo guns and non-ABB robots
This section describes the steps to get started with:
• additional axes
• a servo gun
• non-ABB robots
Step by step
Action See
1 Install the hardware, such as motor unit, connection See the product manual for
box cables and connectors. the respective product.
2 For additional axes and servo guns there are various Template files on page 22.
template files available depending on the setup of the
hardware. If the user does not already have a specific
template file, see information on what file to use.
3 For a non-ABB robot find the Kinematic model to be Kinematic models on page 28.
4 Install the RobotWare software and create a system Creating a stand alone control-
using RobotStudio. ler system on page 64.
5 Download the system to the robot controller.
6 Use RobotStudio or the FlexPendant for a basic config- Limit peripheral speed of ex-
uration of system parameters. ternal axis on page 65.
Minimal configuration of gen-
eral additional axes on
page 67
Minimal configuration of servo
gun on page 69
Minimal configuration of non-
ABB robots on page 72.
7 Verify if any advanced setting needs to be done. Advanced settings on
page 77.
8 When the configuration is done, the system needs to Commutate the motor on
be fine calibrated and tuned. page 103.
Tuning of servo control para-
meters on page 107.
3 Installation
3.1 Additional axes and servo guns
Normally all necessary configuration parameters regarding drive unit, rectifiers
and transformers are pre-loaded at ABB, and do not need to be re-installed. For
more information on how to add options to the system using the Installation
Manager, see Operating manual - RobotStudio.
Peripheral equipment
If the supplier of other equipment, such as track motion or peripheral equipment,
supplies configuration files, these files should be used instead of the standard
files. For more information, see the documentation provided by the supplier.
This section details the template files for respective hardware. Normally you only
need to change the motor data in these files. For more information on how to
change these files, see Operating manual - RobotStudio.
The template files are located in the following directory in the RobotWare
installation: ...\RobotPackages\RobotWare_RPK_<version>\utility\AdditionalAxis.
Navigate to the RobotWare installation folder from the RobotStudio Add-Ins tab,
by right-clicking on the installed RobotWare version in the Add-Ins browser and
selecting Open Package Folder.
There are template files used to connect the motors to the drive system and
measurement system.
Listed below are files for motors connected to drive module 1. They are located
in: ...\utility\AdditionalAxis\General\DM1.
Similar template files exist for drive modules 2-4. These files are adjusted for
additional axes on the same drive unit as a robot.
File name Measurement link Board position Measurement node
M7L1B1_DM1.cfg 1 1 7
M7L1B2_DM1.cfg 1 2 7
M7L2B1_DM1.cfg 2 1 1
M8L2B1_DM1.cfg 2 1 2
M9L2B1_DM1.cfg 2 1 3
There are also common template files for a general purpose. These files exist for
drive module 1-4 (but are rarely used for drive module 1 since axes 1-6 for drive
module 1 are usually used by the robot). Listed below are these files for drive
module 2. They are located in: ...\utility\AdditionalAxis\IRC_U\DM2.
File name Measurement link Board position Measurement node
M1_DM2 1 1 1
M2_DM2 1 1 2
M3_DM2 1 1 3
M4_DM2 1 1 4
M5_DM2 1 1 5
M6_DM2 1 1 6
These files exist for drive module 1-4. The measurement link, board position and
measurement node are all configured as for a regular robot. The manipulator XZB(X)
is chosen as it is composed of two linear and one rotating axis thus highlighting
the import settings described in section Defining parameters for general kinematics
on page 91.
Listed below are the configuration files for drive module 1. Primarily the "_11"-files
should be used. The other files exist to support the case when the XZB(X)
manipulator is connected together with for example another XZB(X) manipulator
on the same drive module.
Load all four "_11"-files (or all "_12"-files if it is the second XZB(X), "_13" for the
third and "_14" for the fourth) and then restart the controller.
File name
Recommended combinations
The following combination of configuration files for motor 7, 8, and 9 are the
recommended combinations in one drive module.
Motor 7 Motor 8 Motor 9
M7L1B1_DM1.cfg M8L2B1_DM1.cfg M9L2B1_DM1.cfg
M7L1B2_DM1.cfg M8L2B1_DM1.cfg M9L2B1_DM1.cfg
M7L2B1_DM1.cfg M8L2B1_DM1.cfg M9L2B1_DM1.cfg
The following section details how to configure the measurement link.
Measurement Channel
The Measurement Channel parameters can easily be changed via RobotStudio or
the FlexPendant. Select the configuration topic Motion and the type Measurement
Channel. Another alternative is to edit the parameters in the file MOC.cfg and load
this file to the controller. For information about how to load a cfg file, see Operating
manual - RobotStudio.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Select the serial measurement link by changing the value selectable values: 1 or 2
of the parameter Measurement Link.
2 Select the SMB placement by changing the value of the selectable values: 1 or 2
parameter Board Position.
3 Select the measurement node by changing the value of selectable values: 1 to 7
the parameter Measurement Node.
Each node (1 to 7) must not be used more than once on each serial measurement
3.2.1 Introduction
This section details how to create and install a stand alone controller system, i.e.
a system to be used with non-ABB robots. The basic steps to do this are as follows:
• Find the correct drive unit configuration.
• Find the appropriate kinematic model.
• Install RobotWare and the stand alone controller software on your PC.
• Create a stand alone controller system with the selected kinematic model.
• Download the system to the robot controller.
This section also details how to modify and distribute a stand alone package for
easy installation and startup at a customer.
For definitions of drive units and power stages see Drive units on page 153. Introduction
This section describes the different built-in kinematic models available in the
controller. It serves as a guideline for choosing the appropriate model for the current
robot system.
Model groups
The table below describes the different groups of kinematic models.
Notation: Indicates:
Single Axes one axis
Area three to six axes
Linear two to five axes
TopLoader four to six axes
Doppin Feeder two or three axes
Model notation
The specific kinematic models within a model group are designated with a
combination of capital letters. The table below details the meaning of this notation.
Notation: Indicates:
X, Y, Z linear motion
A, B, C, D, E, F rotational movement
A(X) rotational movement around X-axis
A(Y) rotational movement around Y-axis
A(Z) rotational movement around Z-axis
The base frame is orientated so that the linear motions are parallel to the
directions of the base frame axes X, Y and Z.
Related information
Useful information:
• Read about base and world coordinates in Operating manual - IRC5 with
FlexPendant, section Jogging.
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and no rotations.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and one rotation.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and one rotation.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around X axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm "robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and one rotation.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and two rotations.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around X axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and two rotations.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm "robx_6"
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and two rotations.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around X axis in base frame
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame if B is zero
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and two rotations.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame if B is zero
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and three rotations.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around X axis in base frame when C is zero
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame if B is zero
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and three rotations.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame when C is zero
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame if B is zero
a offset _z of arm ”robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and two rotations.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
A A rotating around X axis in base frame
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with three linear motions
and two rotations
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
A A rotating around Y axis in base frame
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and one rotation.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and one rotation.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around X axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and one rotation.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and two rotations.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around X axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and two rotations.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and two rotations.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linerar motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around X axis in base frame
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and two rotations.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and three rotations.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
X X-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around X axis in base frame if C is zero
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry, with two linear motions and no
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry, with two linear motions and one
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
The Y_Z_B(X) is a kinematic model, based on a linear gantry, with two linear motions
and one rotation.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around X axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry, with two linear motions and one
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and two rotations.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around X axis in base frame if C is zero
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry concept, with two linear motions
and two rotations.
D World Frame
E Base Frame
F Tool Frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry, with two linear motions and two
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around X axis in base frame
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame if B is zero
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry, with two linear motions and two
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame if B is zero
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry, with two linear motions and three
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around X axis in base frame when C is zero
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame if B is zero
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The kinematic model is based on a linear gantry, with two linear motions and three
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
Y Y-linear motion
Z Z-linear motion
C C rotating around Z axis in base frame
B B rotating around Y axis in base frame when C is zero
A A rotating around Z axis in base frame if B is zero
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
The five axes kinematic model is based on a TopLoader concept. It consists of a
manipulator with five rotating axes that can move with a linear movement. The
home position is shown in the figure below.
F World frame
G Base frame
H Tool frame
Y Joint "robx_1" linear along Y axis in base frame
E Joint "robx_2" rotating around Y axis in base frame
D "robx_3" rotating around Y axis in base frame
B Joint "robx_5" rotating around Y axis in base frame if the others are zero
A Joint "robx_6" rotating around Z axis in base frame if the others are zero
a offset_z of arm "robx_6"
b offset_z of arm "robx_4"
c offset_z of arm "robx_3"
d offset_z of arm "robx_2"
The six axes kinematic model is based on a TopLoader concept. It consists of a
manipulator with five rotating axes that can move with a linear movement. The
home position is shown in the figure below.
F World frame
G Base frame
H Tool frame
Y Joint "robx_1" linear along Y axis in base frame
E Joint "robx_2 " rotating around Y axis in base frame
D "robx_3" rotating around Y axis in base frame
C Joint "robx_4" rotating around Z axis in base frame if the others are zero
B Joint "robx_5" rotating around Y axis in base frame if the others are zero
A Joint "robx_6" rotating around Z axis in base frame if the others are zero
a offset_z of arm “robx_6”
b offset_z of arm “robx_4”
c length of arm “robx_3”
d length of arm “robx_2”
The kinematic model is based on an area gantry concept, with two linear motions.
D World frame
E Base frame
F Tool frame
X X-linear motion
Y Y-linear motion
The Doppin Feeder is a two or three axes kinematical model. (doppin_2; 2 axes
and doppin_3; 3 axes)
Home position for this model is with the arm "robx_2" pointing vertically upwards.
The figure below illustrates the kinematic model for the Doppin Feeder.
Note! The moving revolute joint "robx_2" will result in a non-linear motion of the
tool frame if the length of the arm "robx_2" is not equal to the length of the arm
"robx_3". The linear motion along "robx_1" and "robx_3" moves the whole
E Base frame
F Tool frame
Y Joint "robx_1" linear along Y axis in base frame
A Joint "robx_2" rotating around Y axis in base frame
Z Joint "robx_3" linear along Z axis in base frame
a offset_z of arm "robx_2"
b offset_x of arm "robx_2"
c length of arm "robx_2"
d length of arm "robx_3"
This section describes how to create a stand alone controller system using the
Installation Manager in RobotStudio.
General procedure
Follow these basic steps to create a stand alone controller system. For more
information on how to install RobotWare, SAC (stand alone controller), and create
a new system see Operating manual - RobotStudio.
1 Install RobotWare, as described in Operating manual - RobotStudio.
2 Install the SAC Add-In, as described in Operating manual - RobotStudio.
3 Create a stand alone controller system using the Installation Manager in RobotStudio,
see Installation Manager procedure on page 64.
Errors at start up
When the system is ready with start-up, inform yourself on system status by
studying the event log on the FlexPendant or in RobotStudio.
A system with non-ABB equipment needs configuration to become functional, and
it is even quite likely that your system is in system failure state at this point. Ignore
any errors until you are ready with the configuration procedure described in section
Minimal configuration of non-ABB robots on page 72.
If there are remaining errors after configuration is done find out more about error
localization in section Error management on page 111.
4 Configuration
4.1 Basic settings
Incorrectly defined parameters will result in incorrect speed. Always verify the
speed after changing these parameters.
There is a hazard that the speed 250 mm/s is exceeded in manual reduced speed
Given parameter values
Transmission Gear Ratio = 120
Speed Absolute Max = 320 rad/s
Arm Length = 0.5 m
Teach Max Speed Main = (0.25 /Arm Length) * (Transmission Gear Ratio / Speed
Absolute Max) = (0.25 / 0.5) * (120 / 320) = 0.188
Teach Max Speed Dsp = max{(Teach Max Speed Main * 1.20) , (Teach Max Speed
Main + (8 / Speed Absolute Max))} = max{(0.188 * 1.2) , (0.188 + (8 / 320))} = max
{0.226 , 0.213} = 0.226
This section describes how to make a minimal configuration of a standard additional
Incorrect definition of system parameters for brakes or additional axes may cause
damage to the robot or personal injury.
Load parameters
Use RobotStudio to perform the following instructions. See Operating
manual - RobotStudio.
1 Right click on configuration icon in the system view, and select Load Parameters.
2 Select Load parameters if no duplicates and click Open.
3 Browse to the template files in the RobotWare installation, see Template files on
page 22.
• For general additional axis, browse to the directory:
...\utility\AdditionalAxis\DriveSystem 09\General\DM1
• For track motion, browse to the directory:
...\utility\AdditionalAxis\DriveSystem 09\Track\DM1
4 Select the configuration file for required axes and click Open.
5 Perform a warm start of the system from the FlexPendant or RobotStudio.
Configure parameters
Use RobotStudio or the FlexPendant to perform the following instructions. See
Operating manual - RobotStudio.
For parameter description, see System parameters on page 115.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Select the topic Motion and type Mechanical Unit and • Name
define the following in the parameter. • Activate at Start Up
• Deactivation Forbidden
Note • Use Single 1
• Allow Move of User
For a single axis mechanical unit without kinematic Frame
model, Name and Use Single 1 in the type Mechanical
Unit and Name in the type Single must be the same.
2 Select the topic Motion and type Single and specify • Name
which Single Type to use. • Use Single Type
3 Select the topic Motion and type Single Type and Example of values of the para-
specify the type of additional axis in the parameter meter Mechanics:
Mechanics. • TRACK
Action Info/Illustration
4 Select the topic Motion and type Joint and set the Example: Logical axis 10 will
parameter Logical Axis to the logical axis number. then correspond to the field
eax_d in the RAPID data type
5 Select the topic Motion and type Arm and specify the • Upper Joint Bound
arm characteristics for the axis. • Lower Joint Bound
6 Select the topic Motion and type Acceleration Data • Nominal Acceleration
and specify the arm performance for the axis. • Nominal Deceleration
7 Select the topic Motion and type Transmission and • Transmission Gear Ratio
specify the following. • Rotating Move
• Transmission High Gear
• Transmission Low Gear
8 Select the topic Motion and type Motor Type and • Polepairs
specify the following. • ke Phase to Phase
• Max current (A rms)
• Phase resistance (ohm)
• Phase inductance (H)
9 Select the topic Motion and type Motor Calibration • Calibration Offset
and define the calibration and commutation offsets. • Commutator Offset
10 Select the topic Motion and type Stress Duty Cycle • Torque Absolute Max
and define the torque and speed absolute max on (Nm)
the motor side. • Speed Absolute Max
11 Perform a warm start of the system from the FlexPend-
ant or RobotStudio.
If Torque Absolute Max is too high it may result in a configuration error at restart.
If Torque Absolute Max is to high it may result in a configuration error at restart.
To avoid error do not set Torque Absolute Max higher than:
Torque Absolute Max < √ 3 * ke Phase to Phase (Vs/rad) * Max Current
• Max Current, belonging to the type Motor Type, is the maximum current of
the used drive module
• ke Phase to Phase (Vs/rad), belonging to the type Motor Type, is a voltage
This section describes how to configure a servo gun. It details the usage of
important parameters, some of them servo gun specific, which need to be set up.
Most of the advanced settings, such as relays, brakes and supervision, which are
described in the following sections, are also valid for servo guns.
Incorrect definition of system parameters for brakes or additional axes may cause
damage to the robot or personal injury.
Load parameters
Use RobotStudio to perform the following instructions. See Operating
manual - RobotStudio.
1 Right click on configuration icon in the system view, and select Load Parameters.
2 Select Load parameters if no duplicates and click Open.
3 Browse to the template files in the RobotWare installation, see Template files on
page 22.
...\utility\AdditionalAxis\DriveSystem 09\ServoGun
4 Select the configuration file for required axes and click Open.
5 Perform a restart of the system from the FlexPendant or RobotStudio.
Configure parameters
Use RobotStudio to perform the following instructions. See Operating
manual - RobotStudio.
For parameter description, see System parameters on page 115.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Select the topic Motion and the type Mechanical Unit • Name
and define the following parameter:
2 Select the topic Motion and the type Joint and specify Example: Logical axis 10 will
the logical axis number under parameter Logical then correspond to the field
Axis. eax_d in a RAPID data of the
type robtarget.
3 Select the topic Motion and the type Arm and specify • Upper Joint Bound
the arm characteristics for the axis. • Lower Joint Bound
Lower Joint Bound should be set
to zero or a small negative value
(e.g. -0.005 m) in order to protect
the gun from collisions. The limit
is not active during force control
of the gun. For force control
there is another positional limit,
Max Force Control Position Error,
in the type Supervision.
Action Info/Illustration
4 Select the topic Motion and the type Acceleration • Nominal Acceleration
Data and specify the arm performance for the axis. • Nominal Deceleration
5 Select the topic Motion and the type Transmission • Transmission Gear Ratio
and specify the following parameters:
6 Select the topic Motion and the type Motor Type and • Pole Pairs
specify the following parameters: • ke Phase to Phase
• Max Current (A rms)
• Phase Resistance (ohm)
• Phase Inductance (H)
7 Select the topic Motion and the type Motor Calibra- • Calibration Offset
tion and define the calibration and commutation off- • Commutation Offset
8 Select the topic Motion and type Stress Duty Cycle • Torque Absolute Max
and define the torque and speed absolute max on (Nm)
the motor side. • Speed Absolute Max
9 Perform a restart of the system from the FlexPendant
or RobotStudio.
After configuration additional axis tuning needs to be performed. See Tuning of
servo control parameters on page 107 for tuning of the system.
Tip force
The relationship between the programmed tip force and the resulting motor torque
is set up in the following parameters. The torques may be negative due to the sign
of the gear ratio while the forces must always be positive. Before setting up this
table, the parameters in the Force Master should be tuned. See Application
manual - Servo Gun Setup.
The easiest way to set up the table is by using a RAPID force calibration service
Parameter Description
Number of Stored Forces Number of stored forces in the force vs motor
torque table. The minimum value allowed is
Tip Force 1 Gun tip force 1 (N)
Motor Torque 1 Motor torque 1 (Nm)
Tip Force 2 Gun tip force 2 (N)
Motor Torque 2 Motor torque 2 (Nm)
Tip Force 10 Gun tip force 10 (N)
Motor Torque 10 Motor torque 10 (Nm)
This section describes basic configuration of non-ABB robots.
Incorrect definition of system parameters for brakes or additional axes may cause
damage to the robot or personal injury.
General approach
For each kinematic model a corresponding set of default configuration files are
supplied with the additional option Stand Alone Controller. It is possible to configure
system parameters by editing these configuration files directly with a text editor.
The recommended way, however, is to use RobotStudio or the FlexPendant.
Parameters to be changed when using the kinematic model TopLoader:
For arm... Parameter name Description
robx_2 length Length in meter according to the
selected Kinematic models on
page 28.
robx_3 length Length in meter according to the
selected Kinematic models on
page 28.
robx_4 offset_z Length in meter according to the
selected Kinematic models on
page 28.
robx_6 offset_z Length in meter according to the
selected Kinematic models on
page 28.
Doppin Feeder
Parameters to be changed when using the kinematic model Doppin Feeder:
For arm... Parameter name Description
robx_2 length Length in meter according to the
offset_x selected Kinematic models on
page 28.
robx_3 length Length in meter according to the
selected Kinematic models on
page 28.
2 To be able to program the mechanical unit you need to create a Rapid task. Select
the configuration topic Controller and add a new Task. Attach it to the mechanical
group created in step 1.
It is possible to disconnect and reconnect the motor of a deactivated axis if a certain
deactivation mode is setup.
If the axis is moved when disconnected, the position of the axis might be wrong
after reconnecting, and this will not be detected by the controller. The position
after reconnection will be correct if the axis is not moved, or if the movement is
less than 0.5 motor revolutions. For servo guns, there is a RAPID calibration
method available (the ToolChange calibration) that will adjust any positional error
caused by gun movement during disconnection.
Configure parameters
Use RobotStudio to perform the following instructions. See Operating
manual - RobotStudio
For parameter description, see chapter System parameters on page 115.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Select the topic Motion and type Measurement • Disconnect at Deactiv-
Channel and define the following in the parameter. ate
With the option Servo Tool Change it is possible to disconnect the resolver and
power cables from the motor of one external axis and connect them to the motor
of another additional axis.
For details about Servo Tool Change, see Application manual - Controller software
It is important that no other mechanical unit used with one tool changer are
activated, but the one corresponding to the currently connected servo gun! An
activation of the wrong mechanical unit may cause unexpected movements and
personal injury. See Defining relays on page 80.
In case the Servo Gun is equipped with a brake, the 24V to the brake must be
switched off before and during servo tool change. This is done via an I/O -signal
and brake relay (e.g. by using the instruction WaitTime on the brake relay). See
Defining relays on page 80, for defining of brake relays.
The list below specifies special considerations when switching motors:
• The two (or more) additional axes sharing the same motor cables are
configured as separate mechanical units.
• The additional axes are configured to use the same measurement node and
drive unit node.
• If two servo guns are used with a tool changer, the template file
M7L1B1S_DM1.cfg can be used for configuration of both guns (change the
name of the instance in one of the files).
• A motor switch can be done only if all sharing axes are deactivated.
• The reconnected motor is activated and this activation will restore the position
of the axis to the latest position.
• Always use the tool change tip calibration after activation (for spot welding
Connection Relay
To make sure that the correct mechanical unit is active, some tool changers support
I/O signals that specify which gun is currently connected.
It is also possible to lock unconnected mechanical units from activation by
specifying a connection relay and connect it to a digital input (DI).
Action Parameter
1 Select the topic Motion and type Mechanical Unit and • Use Connection Relay
define the name of the relay, or check the name if this
is already defined.
2 Select the topic Motion and type Relay and select the
named relay, if this is defined.
3 If the named connection relay is not defined, a new relay
must be created.
4 Change the name of the newly created relay to the same • Name
as the Use Connection Relay parameter. • Output Signal
Define an activation lock signal. • Input Signal
The additional drive unit can be activated via signals from the robot controller.
When a module is activated, e.g. by choosing the module in the Jogging window
on the FlexPendant, the output signal is automatically set. A check is made later
that the corresponding input signal from the relay is set.
For information about the hardware requirements for relays, see Relays on page 173.
Action Parameters
1 Restart the controller to check that the additional axes
can be activated from the I/O window on the FlexPend-
2 Select the topic Motion and type Relay and define the • Name
following parameters. • Output Signal
• Input Signal
3 Select the topic Motion and type Mechanical Unit and • Use Activation Relay
specify the name of the activation relay.
4 Perform a restart of the system.
Mechanical units that share brake relay with the robot must not be deactivated.
Set the system parameters Deactivation Forbidden and Activate at Start Up to
Action Parameters
1 Restart the controller to check that the brakes can be
activated from the I/O window on the FlexPendant.
Action Parameters
2 Select the configuration topic Motion and the type Relay • Name
and define the following parameters: • Output Signal
• Input Signal
3 Select the topic Motion and the type Mechanical Unit • Use Brake Relay
and specify the name of the brake relay.
4 Perform a restart of the system.
If the axis has a brake, parameters which control brake behavior should be
configured. If the axis is affected by gravity, more accurate parameter settings are
This section describes how to set up brake behavior for additional axes and non
ABB robots.
Scenario 1
Axis almost at standstill after brake ramp, electrical torque brake not activated.
Scenario 2
Axis still moving after brake ramp, electrical torque brake activated.
Action Note
3 Define Brake Control On Delay in Specifies the period of time during which decel-
seconds. eration by motor is used. It should be set close
or equal to the mechanical brake activation time,
but must be long enough to damp mechanical
oscillation. After the time has expired, the speed
of the axis is measured against Control Off
Speed Limit. If it is higher the electrical torque
brake is activated.
4 Define Absolute Brake Torque in Specifies max brake torque generated by the
Nm. motor in the electrical torque brake phase. Abso-
lute Brake Torque together with torque generated
by the mechanical brake must not exceed max
allowed torque for the arm, in order not to dam-
age arm and gearbox.
5 Define Brake Ramp Speed Limit in Specifies the speed limit for torque reduction in
rad/s. the electrical torque brake phase and is typically
set to zero.
6 Perform a restart of the controller.
Do not modify Control Off Speed Limit! Its predefined ratio of max speed value
defines zero speed.
4.2.5 Supervision
Supervision is used to avoid overload on the motors. To prevent misleading
supervision errors due to influence forces, all axes with mutual influences shall be
configured to the same influence group.
If a manipulator mounted on a "Trackmotion" accelerates, the reaction (influence)
forces affect the "Trackmotion". In the same way, if the "Trackmotion" accelerates,
the manipulator is affected. Up to 10 different influence groups can be used (1-10).
By default the manipulator belongs to the influence group no. 1.
Action Parameters
1 Select the topic Motion and type Supervision Type.
2 Select the additional axes to be grouped.
3 Specify the following parameter. Default value: 0. Influence Group
With the options 610-1, Independent Axes, an additional axis (linear or rotating)
can run independently of the other axes in the robot system.
An axis is set in independent mode by executing an independent move instruction.
Use the independent reset instruction to return to normal mode. Independent reset
instruction can also be used in normal mode in order to change the logical position
of the axis.
For more information about Independent Axes, see Application manual - Controller
software IRC5.
Action Parameter
1 Select the topic Motion and type Arm.
2 Double click the axis to be activated
3 Select the parameter Independent Joint in the
appearing list.
4 Set the Independent Joint to value On. • Independent Joint
• Independent Upper Joint
• Independent Lower Joint
Action Parameter
1 Select the topic Motion and type Transmission.
2 Specify the following parameters. • Transmission High Gear
• Transmission Low Gear
Soft servo can be activated for additional axes which are configured with Lag
Control Master 0. The behavior of movements with the soft servo activated is
described in the Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and
Data types.
There are four system parameters to consider when the soft servo is used for an
additional axis. The parameter are set to default values.
Action Parameters
1 Select the topic Motion and type Lag Control Master
2 Select the lag control master corresponding to the
external axis.
3 Select the desired parameter and change its value. • K Soft Max Factor
• K Soft Min Factor
• Kp/Kv Ratio Factor
• Ramp Time
4 Click OK to confirm.
5 Perform a restart for the changes to take effect.
Force gain control is used in cases when heavy load, high friction and low speed
makes it difficult for an additional axis to reach its end point.
All axes that affect force gain control must be within a certain position range from
the end point before forced gain control is enabled. This position range is also
specified in the configuration topic Motion, type Supervision.
When activating forced gain control for an additional axis, two types under Motion
must be considered. Decide which axes should have forced gain control in Lag
Control Master 0, and decide which axes should affect forced gain control in
Action Parameter
1 Select the topic Motion and type Lag Control Master 0.
2 Select the lag control master corresponding to the ad-
ditional axis.
3 Select the parameter to be changed. • Forced Control Active
• Forced Factor for Kp
• Forced Factor for Ki
• Rise Time for Kp
4 Press: OK to confirm.
5 Perform a restart for the changes to take effect.
Do not change supervision for the robot axes. Changes on these values could
affect the service interval cycles and impair its performance.
Action Parameter
1 Select the topic Motion and type Supervision.
2 Select the supervision corresponding to the axis that
should or should not affect forced gain control.
Action Parameter
3 Select the parameter to be changed. • Affects Forced Control
• Forced on Position Limit
• Forced off Position Limit
4 Click OK to confirm.
5 Perform a restart for the changes to take effect.
It is possible to use general kinematics for most manipulators. A set of template
configuration files can be found in ...\utility\AdditionalAxis\DM1\GeneralKinematics.,
see Template files on page 22.
A mechanical unit may be coordinated or not coordinated with the robot movements.
If it is not coordinated, each axis will be moved independent of the robot
movements, e.g. when jogging, only the separate axis will move. However during
program execution, the additional axes will be synchronized to the robot movement,
in such a way that both movements will be completed in the same time.
If the mechanical unit is coordinated, the TCP velocity in the object coordinate
system, will be the programmed velocity irrespective of the movements of the
additional axes. Two types of coordination categories exist. The first category of
coordination is when the robot base is moved, e.g. the coordination to a gantry or
track movement. This means that the robot is mounted on a gantry or a track, and
may be moved along these axes. The world and user/object coordinate systems,
however, will be fixed in the room, and the robot movements in these coordinate
systems will be independent of simultaneous gantry or track movements. This
coordination is automatically active, if the mechanical unit with the track motion is
The second coordination category, is when the robot movements are coordinated
to the movements of a user frame connected to a mechanical unit. E.g. a user
frame may be placed on a turntable and connected to its movements. An ordinary
work object may be used for this purpose, if it is marked with the name of the
mechanical unit to be connected to, and that it should be moveable. The
coordination will be active if the mechanical unit is active, and the coordinated
work object is active. When such a coordinated work object is used, in jogging or
in a move instruction, the data in the uframe component will be ignored and the
location of the user coordinate system will only depend on the movements of the
mechanical unit. However the oframe component will still work giving an object
frame related to the user frame and also the displacement frame may be used.
Coordination procedure
In the checklist below, the steps required to coordinate track motion are described.
In each step, there may be a reference to another chapter in this manual, where
more details of the specific actions to be taken will be found.
Action Info/illustration
1 Make sure the system parameter Mech-
anics in the type Single Type is set to
2 Calibrate the robot and the track motion, See section Calibrating in Operating manu-
i.e. the zero position of the measuring al - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
system for both robot and track must be
carefully determined.
3 Define the base frame of the robot. This See section 4 points XZ calibration in Operat-
defines the robot base frame relative to ing manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
the world frame. The procedure is neces-
sary only if the world frame is separate
from the robot base frame.
Please observe that the track must be
in its calibration position when the robot
base frame is defined.
4 Define the base frame of the track. This See Defining the base frame for a track mo-
defines the rotation of the robot base tion on page 95.
relative to the track.
Action Info/illustration
5 Activate the base frame coordination by
setting the system parameter Base frame
moved by (topic Motion and type Robot)
for the robot to the name of the track.
6 Create a backup of the system by tap- See Back up and restore systems in Operat-
ping ABB menu - Backup and Restore ing manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
-Backup Current system.
7 Activate the track unit in the jogging
window and check that the coordination
is working satisfactorily.
This may be done by choosing World or
Work Object in the field Coordinate
System and then jogging the track axis.
The robot TCP should not move, but be
fixed relative to the object coordinate
If the robot base frame is rotated after the calibration of the track base frame, a
new base frame calibration of the robot has to be done and also a new baseframe
calibration of the track.
To make coordinated track motion possible it is necessary to define the base frame
of the track. This frame is located in the calibration position of the track (see
illustration below).
For the definition of a track base frame you need a world fixed tip within the robot's
working range. The calibration procedure consists of a number of positionings of
the TCP to the reference point (world fixed tip).
Please note that before the base frame of the track may be defined, the base frame
of the robot must be defined with the track in the calibration position, that is robot
base frame identical with track base frame.
1 Tap the ABB menu - Calibration.
2 Select the mechanical unit for the track.
3 Select Base Frame and 3 points.
4 Activate the track unit and run it to the calibration position, that is zero position should
be displayed on the FlexPendant.
5 Select Point1.
6 Jog the robot as close as possible to the world fixed tip.
7 Modify the position by tapping Modify Position.
8 Move the robot along the track and repeat the steps above for the points Point 2 and
Point 3.
9 Press OK to calculate the base frame for the track.
The result of the calculation is displayed (expressed in the world coordinate system).
The following values are shown:
Listed values Description
Method Displays the selected calibration method.
Max error The maximum error for one positioning.
Min error The minimum error for one positioning.
Mean error The accuracy of the robot positioning against the tip.
Cartesian X The x coordinate for the base frame. (x, y, z is the same as for the robot
base frame).
Cartesian Y The y coordinate for the base frame.
Cartesian Z The z coordinate for the base frame.
Quaternion 1-4 Orientation components for the base frame.
If the estimated error is acceptable, press OK to confirm the new track base frame.
If the estimated error is unacceptable, press Cancel to redefine the calibration. How to get started with a coordinated (moveable) user coordinate system
Coordination procedure
In the checklist below, the steps required to coordinate a user coordinate system
are described. In each step, there may be a reference to another chapter in this
manual, where more details of the specific actions to be taken will be found.
Action Information
1 Calibrate the robot and the positioner, i.e. the zero See section Calibrating in Operat-
position of the measuring system for both robot and ing manual - IRC5 with FlexPend-
positioner must be carefully determined. ant.
2 Define the base frame of the robot. See 4 points XZ calibration in Op-
erating manual - IRC5 with Flex-
3 Define the user frame of the positioner. See Defining the user frame for a
rotational single axis on page 98
or Defining the user frame for a
multi axes positioner on page 101.
4 Create a backup of the system by tapping ABB - See Back up and restore systems
Backup and Restore -Backup Current system. in Operating manual - IRC5 with
5 Create a new work object data and give it a name, See section Creating a work ob-
e.g. wobj_turntable. ject in Operating manual - IRC5
In this work object, change the component ufprog with FlexPendant.
to FALSE, indicating that the user object should be
connected to a moveable mechanical unit. Also
change the component ufmec to the name of the
positioner (e.g. STN_1).
6 If you want the object frame to be displaced relative For more information about the
to the user frame, you may write the displacement object frame, see Operating
in the x, y, z values of the oframe component of manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant,
the work object. section What is a work object and
section Defining the work object
coordinate system.
7 Activate the positioner in the jogging window and
check that the coordination is working satisfactorily.
This can be done by:
• selecting Work Object in the field Coordinate
• selecting your work object, e.g.
wobj_turntable, in the field Work object
When jogging the positioner, the robot TCP should
also move, following the moveable object coordinate
The definition of a user frame for a rotational additional axis requires that the
turntable on the additional axis has a marked reference point. The calibration
procedure consists of a number of positionings for the robot's TCP on the reference
point when the turntable is rotated to different angles (see illustration below).
1 Tap the ABB menu - Calibration.
2 Select the rotational single axis positioner.
3 Select Base Frame.
4 Select the method 4 Point Z.
5 If you have a MultiMove system, select which robot to use for the calibration.
For non-MultiMove systems, go directly to the next step.
6 Select Point 1.
7 Jog the robot as close as possible to the reference point.
8 Modify the position by tapping Modify Position.
9 Move the rotational positioner to a new positive position and point out the new position
with the robot.
10 Repeat the steps 6-9 for the points Point 2, Point 3 and Point 4.
11 Jog the robot to a position where the tool center point (TCP) touches an imaginary
extension of the desired positive z axis.
In this case, this point should be along the rotational axis of the turntable (above the
This is only to define the positive direction of the z axis. It is not used to increase the
accuracy of the calibration. The exact direction of the z axis is defined as the normal
of the xy plane.
12 Select Elongator Point Z and tap Modify Position.
13 If you want, you can save the entered calibration data to a file. Tap Positions and then
Save. Enter the name of the file and then tap OK.
To restore this calibration, the file can be loaded from Positions - Load, instead of
performing steps 6-12.
14 Press OK to calculate the user frame for the positioner.
The result of the calculation is displayed (expressed in the world coordinate system).
The following values are shown:
Listed values Description
Method Displays the selected calibration method.
Max error The maximum error for one positioning.
Min error The minimum error for one positioning.
Mean error The accuracy of the robot positioning against the tip.
Cartesian X - Z The x, y, z coordinates for the user frame.
Quarternion 1-4 Orientation components for the user frame.
If the estimated error is acceptable, press OK to confirm the new user frame.
If the estimated error is unacceptable, press Cancel to redefine the calibration.
1 Tap the ABB menu - Calibration.
2 Select the multi axes positioner
3 Select Base Frame.
4 Select 4 Points for Axis 1.
5 If you have a MultiMove system, select which robot to use for the calibration.
For non-MultiMove systems, go directly to the next step.
6 Select Point 1.
7 Jog the robot as close as possible to the reference point.
8 Modify the position by tapping Modify Position.
9 Move the first axis in positive direction to a new position (according to right hand rule).
10 Repeat the steps 6-9 for the points Point 2, Point 3 and Point 4.
11 If you want, you can save the entered calibration data to a file. Tap Positions and then
Save. Enter the name of the file and then tap OK.
To restore this calibration, the file can be loaded from Positions - Load, instead of
performing steps 6-10.
12 Select 4 Points for Axis 2 and repeat step 5-11 for the other axes belonging to the
13 Press OK to calculate the user frame for the positioner.
The result of the calculation is displayed (expressed in the world coordinate system).
The following values are shown:
Listed values Description
Method Displays the selected calibration method.
Max error The maximum error for one positioning.
Min error The minimum error for one positioning.
Mean error The accuracy of the robot positioning against the tip.
Cartesian X - Z The x, y, z coordinates for the user frame.
Quarternion 1-4 Orientation components for the user frame.
If the estimated error is acceptable, press OK to confirm the new user frame.
If the estimated error is unacceptable, press Cancel to redefine the calibration.
When defining a work object for a coordinated motion, the user frame part of the
work object is left empty (unit frame). Instead the user part is computed when
needed using the kinematic model and the joint position for the mechanical unit.
5 Commutation
5.1 Commutate the motor
This chapter describes how to use the call service routine commutation, so the
additional motor runs properly.
The service routine commutation is used to:
• Find a commutation value for a synchronous permanent magnet motor.
• Check motor phase order
• Verify the pole pair parameter value is correctly typed in.
• Check resolver connection
Action Note
1 Set the motor in safe mode by changing the system Set the motor in safe mode/nor-
parameter Current Vector On (topic Motion, type mal mode on page 103.
Drive System) to Yes.
2 Start the service routine Commutation. See Operating manual - IRC5 with
FlexPendant section Program-
ming and testing - Running a ser-
vice routine.
3 Check motor phase order connections. Check motor phase connections
order on page 104.
4 Check resolver connection. Check resolver connections on
page 104.
5 Move the motor to commutation position. Check the motor phase connec-
• For the pre-Commutated motor: Check the tions on page 104.
motor phase connections. Update commutation offset on
• For the none commutated motor: Commutate page 104.
the motor by updating the commutation off-
6 The commutation is now finished and the motor is See Set the motor in safe
ready to use. When exiting, the program ask if the mode/normal mode on page 103.
motor is to be set in normal mode. The motor can
also be set to normal mode by changing the para-
meter Current Vector On to No.
If the motor is not properly installed, it can run away and destroy itself or other
equipment. To avoid this set the motor in safe mode.
If the motor is turning in the wrong direction then the motor phases has been
swapped. Try changing RST to SRT, RTS or TSR.
6 Tuning
6.1 Tuning the commutation offset
Before using an additional axis, you must tune the motors commutation offset.
This requires that you connect a DC power source between two nodes and then
measure the position of the motor.
ABB motors are precommutated with the commutation value 1.5708. Therefore,
an ABB motor does not require tuning of the commutation offset.
The motor must comply with the specifications in Motors on page 160. The resolver
must comply with the specifications in Resolvers on page 166.
Required material
This is a list of what you need to perform the tuning:
Material Description
PC with TuneMaster See Application manual - TuneMaster.
Power supply 24 V (DC).
The power supply should be equipped with a relay that trips
at short circuit. Otherwise a fuse will burn every time the
power is applied.
Check the motor data to see the current required from the
power supply.
2 cable sets Cables to brake release and motor phase.
Each cable set includes one plus and one minus cable.
Motor documentation Motor data sheet and electrical connection drawing.
Measuring procedure
This procedure describes how to measure the commutation position of a motor.
1 Deactivate the axis of the motor you want to tune.
2 Switch off the controller.
3 Disconnect the power cable to the motor.
4 Disconnect the motor from the gear (or in some other way make sure the motor is not
affected by external torque and friction).
5 If the motor is using a brake, release it by connecting the power supply to the contact
pins for the brake release.
See motor specifications for max brake current, which contact are for the brake release
and the polarity of the contacts (if any).
6 Ensure that the brake is released by manually turning the motor.
7 Connect the power supply with the plus cable to the phase S (V) and the minus cable
(0 V) to the to the phase T (W).
A short pulse is enough to move the motor to its commutation position. Disconnect
the power after the voltage pulse.
8 Connect the power to give another voltage pulse to the motor. If the motor is already
in its commutation position it should not move this time.
9 Disconnect the power supply from the brake release, so that the motor brake is on.
10 Reconnect the power cable from the drive module to the motor.
11 Activate the axis.
Do not move any mechanical unit.
12 Start the controller.
13 Configure TuneMaster, selecting mechanical unit and the signal ResolverAngle (signal
number 1).
Zoom in on the signal so you can read at least 2 decimals.
Note that the number of commutation positions are equal to the number of pole pairs.
E.g. a motor with 2 pole pairs have 2 possible values for this measurement. It does
not matter which of the commutation points you are measuring.
14 Set the measured value to the parameter Commutator Offset in the type Motor Calib-
15 Reconnect the motor to the gear.
The servo control parameters can be adjusted (tuned) to achieve the best possible
motion performance.
This section details how to tune the following parameters in the type Lag Control
Master 0:
• K Soft Min Factor
• K Soft Max Factor
• Kp/Kv Ratio Factor
• Ramp Time
The movements in this trim procedure should be done close to the point where
the soft servo is activated, to minimize the risk of an axis collapsing.
1 Determine a maximum axis movement for which the axis should not move, when the
softness is 100%. Such a movement can be 0.1 rad for a rotating axis.
2 Determine a minimum axis movement for which the axis should move, when the soft-
ness is 100%. Such a movement can be 0.2 rad for a rotating axis.
3 Activate the soft servo with softness 100% and perform the two movements.
4 If the axis moves for both movements, the axis is too stiff and K Soft Min Factor should
be reduced. If the axis does not move for any movement, the axis is too soft and K
Soft Min Factor should be increased.
5 Repeat step 3 and 4 until the axis does not move for the smaller movement but does
move for the bigger movement.
Ramp Time
If Ramp Time is changed, the duration of the activation and deactivation phase will
change. A short ramp time can result in a twitch of the axis at activation.
7 Error handling
7.1 Error management
This section details how to handle fault localization after having performed system
Fault localization is done in the following steps:
1 start the Hyper Terminal to get access to the log file containing information
about the communication between the controller and the PC
2 check the log file and search for faults
3 edit the *.cfg file
4 reload the configuration file
For a description of how to use a Hyper Terminal see the section How to use the
Microsoft HyperTerminal on page 113.
04-01-13 17:50:57 MC0: type The value of pole_pairs Change the value of the paramet-
= ERROR id = SYSTEM code (in this case, on line 179) er Pole Pairs in the
= 136 in the INT_XYZ_11.cfg file INT_XYZ_11.cfg file. The paramet-
arg 0: pole_pairs is not within the permitted er is described in Technical refer-
limits. ence manual - System paramet-
arg 1: 180 ers.
The error message indic-
Status -12 from config compr: ates that the error exists
/hd0a/SAC_5.XX.XXXX/GantryArea in the parameter
/XYZ_rob11/irb- pole_pairs, in some of
the lines before line 180.
Error management is necessary to secure that the right configuration file for a
certain kinematic model is used. It is also important to check that parameter settings
have been done with correct/allowed values.
Every time a new system configuration is done or axes are tuned, fault localization
and error correction must also be done to ensure that any remaining errors will be
This section details how to connect the robot system to the Microsoft
The Microsoft HyperTerminal is a program that can be used to connect the controller
to other computers, for example a PC.
1 Connect the PC to the controller. Use the CONSOLE port on the computer module in
the controller and the COM1 port in the PC.
2 Open the Microsoft HyperTerminal application.
A Microsoft Windows application may be used: Start / Programs / Accessories /
Communications / HyperTerminal.
3 Use UNIX commands to navigate in the controller software.
8 System parameters
8.1 Acceleration Data
These parameters are applicable to each arm of the external robot in question.
Parameter description
The parameters belong to the configuration type Acceleration Data in the Motion
Cfg name Parameter name Description
name Name Name of the Acceleration Data group. Max 32
wc_acc Nominal Acceleration Axis acceleration in rad/s 2 (or m/s 2 for linear
axes). If the value is too high, the motor will reach
the torque limit and result in poor path perform-
wc_dec Nominal Deceleration Axis deceleration in rad/s 2 (or m/s 2 for linear
axes). If the value is too high, the motor will reach
the torque limit and the axis will overshoot in fine
8.2 Arm
These parameters are applicable to each arm of the robot in question.
Parameter description
The parameters belong to the configuration type Arm in the Motion topic.
Common parameters
These parameters are applicable to each arm of the external robot in question.
Parameter description
The following parameters belong to the topic Motion and the type Arm Calib.
These parameters are applicable to each arm of the robot in question.
Parameter description
The parameters below are the parameters used to describe a kinematic model in
GEN_KIN and they are based on the standard Denavit-Hartenberg convention and
follows the description provided in Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control
by John J. Craig. The parameters are provided for each joint and to be able to set
up a kinematic model, it is necessary to understand how coordinate systems in
the respective joints are transformed based on the parameters. Here coordinate
system 0 is a fixed coordinate system with a certain relation to the world coordinate
system. Coordinate system 1 is attached to joint 1, coordinate system 2 is attached
to joint 2, etc. The description below is assumed to be provided for joint k
(coordinate system k), the previous joint coordinate system is referred to as
coordinate system k-1 and the next coordinate system hence k+1.
-use_robot_calib "r11_uncalib" \
-use_joint_0 "rob11_1" -use_joint_1 "rob11_2" \
-use_joint_2 "rob11_3" -use_joint_3
The base_pose_rot parameters are used to get the coordinate system for the
first joint such that the z-axis is aligned with the linear movement direction, the
x-axis in the world coordinate system. In addition, JOINT and ARM sections has to
be set up in the MOC.cfg to be complete, see the template files. The property to
decide whether the axis is rotating or linear is part of the type TRANSMISSION. By
using rotating_move, the axis will be rotating around the local z-axis, otherwise
the motion will be translational along the z-axis.
With the parameters above, the type ARM_TYPE is shown below.
y y
z x
x x
World coordinate system Coordinate system 0 or 1 Coordinate system 2 Coordinate system 3 or 4
8.5 Brake
These parameters control the emergency brake behavior. They are applicable to
each additional axis with a brake strong enough to hold against gravitation.
Parameter description
The parameters belong to the configuration type Brake in the Motion topic.
Cfg name Parameter name Description
name Name ID name of the brake.
control_off_delay_time Control Off Delay The motor torque is turned off after this
delay time has expired. It must be long
enough to ensure that the mechanical brake
has started working, or the axis risk drop-
ping toward the ground.
brake_control_on_delay_time Brake Control On Period of time during which deceleration by
Delay motor is used. It should be set close or
equal to the mechanical brake activation
time and must be long enough to damp
mechanical oscillation. If the axis is still
moving after this time has expired, the
electrical torque brake is activated.
brake_control_on_min_delay_time Brake Control Min Used by the brake algorithm much the same
Delay as Control Off Delay. Should be set to the
same value as that parameter.
absolute_brake_torque Absolute Brake Specifies max brake torque generated by
Torque the motor in the electrical torque brake
phase. Absolute Brake Torque together with
torque generated by the mechanical brake
must not exceed max allowed torque for
the arm, in order not to damage arm and
brake_ramp_speed_limit Brake Ramp Speed Specifies the speed limit for torque reduc-
Limit tion in the electrical torque brake phase and
is typically set to zero.
Force Master is used to define how a servo gun behaves during force control. The
parameters only affect the servo gun when it is in force control mode.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belongs to the topic Motion and
the type Force master.
These parameters are used to set the speed limit and speed loop gain as functions
of the torque.
Parameter description
The following parameters belong to the topic Motion and the type Force Master
Cfg name Parameter name Description
no_of_posts No. of Speed Limits The number of points used to define speed limit and
speed loop gain as functions of the torque. Up to 6
points can be defined.
torque_1 - Torque 1- Torque 6 The torque levels, corresponding to the ordered tip
torque_6 force, for which the speed limit and speed loop gain
values are defined.
speed_lim_1 - Speed Limit 1-6 Speed Limit 1 to Speed Limit 6 are used to define the
speed_lim_6 maximum speed depending on the ordered tip force.
Kv_1 - Kv_6 Kv 1-6 Kv 1 to Kv 6 are used to define the speed loop gain for
reducing the speed when the speed limit is exceeded.
8.8 Joint
These parameters are used to identify individual axes.
Parameter description
The following parameters belong to the topic Motion and the type Joint.
The type Lag Control Master 0 is normally used for regulation of axes without any
dynamic model.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Lag Control
Master 0 in the topic Motion.
Common parameters
The type Measurement Channel provides parameters that are applicable to each
axis of the robot in question.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Measurement
Channel in the topic Motion.
The type Mechanical Unit provides parameters that are used to define the
Mechanical Unit.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Mechanical
Unit in the topic Motion.
Common parameters
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Motion Planner
in the topic Motion.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Motion System
in the topic Motion.
8.14 Motor
The type Motor provides parameters that are applicable to each axis of the robot
in question.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Motor in the
topic Motion.
The type Motor Calibration provides parameters that are applicable to each axis
of the robot in question
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Motor Calibration
in the topic Motion.
Common parameters
The type Motor Type provides parameters that are applicable to each axis of the
robot in question.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Motor Type in
the topic Motion.
Common parameters
8.17 Relay
The type Relay provides parameters that are used to define relay.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Relay in the
topic Motion.
Common parameters
8.18 Robot
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Robot in the
topic Motion.
A maximum of 8 instances of the type Robot can be configured in a system.
8.19 SG Process
The type SG Process provides parameters that are applicable for servo guns.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type SG Process
in the topic Motion.
8.20 Single
Parameter description
The following table contains parameters that belong to the topic Motion and the
type Single.
A maximum of 12 instances of the type Single can be configured in a system.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the topic Motion and
the type Single Type.
The type Stress Duty Cycle provides parameters that are applicable to each axis
of the robot in question.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Stress Duty
Cycle in the topic Motion.
Common parameters
8.23 Supervision
The type Supervision provides parameters that are applicable to each axis of the
robot in question.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Supervision
in the topic Motion.
The type Supervision Type provides parameters that are applicable to each axis
of the robot in question.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the data group
Supervision Type in the topic Motion.
8.25 Transmission
The type Transmission provides parameters that are applicable to each arm of the
robot in question.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Transmission
in the topic Motion.
Common parameters
The type Uncalibrated Control Master 0 provides parameters that are applicable
to each axis of the robot in question.
Parameter description
The following table contains the parameters that belong to the type Uncalibrated
Control Master 0 in the topic Motion.
Common parameters
9 Hardware
9.1 Configuration of the drive system
The IRC5 Controller contains one Main Drive Unit and up to three Additional Drive
Units, and in some cases an Additional Rectifier Unit. The allowed combinations
of these, depending on the robot type, is specified below.
The robot system may also be equipped with up to three additional drive modules,
which are described in Product manual - IRC5.
The drive system is located in the Single Cabinet Controller as shown below.
DC bus cables
Between the units are fitted DC bus cables, which are specified below:
Description Art. no. Note
DC bus cable 3HAC032612-001 Between Main Drive Unit MDU-790A and Additional
Drive Units.
DC bus cable 3HAC036612-001 Between Additional Rectifier Unit and first Additional
Drive Unit.
DC bus cable 3HAC036612-002 Between Additional Rectifier Unit and second Addi-
tional Drive Unit.
IRB 2400, 2600, 4400, 4600, 6600, 6620, 6640, 6650, 6660, 660, 7600, 460, 760
The following illustration shows the drive units. The table specifies which units
may be fitted in which positions.
Main Drive Unit Template file name Power stage Designation in cir-
(drive unit name) cuit diagram
MDU-430A M1 (DMX) a INV_14_20 M3 (U,V,W) b
DSQC 406 M2 (DMX) INV_14_20 M1 (U,V,W)
Used for IRB 120, 140 M3 (DMX) INV_6_8 M6 (U,V,W)
M4 (DMX) INV_6_8 M4 (U,V,W)
M5 (DMX) INV_14_20 M2 (U,V,W)
M6 (DMX) INV_6_8 M5 (U,V,W)
MDU-430A M1 (DMX) a INV_14_20 M1 (U,V,W) b
DSQC 406 M2 (DMX) INV_14_20 M2 (U,V,W)
Used for IRB 1400, 1600 M3 (DMX) INV_6_8 M4 (U,V,W)
M4 (DMX) INV_6_8 M6 (U,V,W)
M5 (DMX) INV_14_20 M3 (U,V,W)
M6 (DMX) INV_6_8 M5 (U,V,W)
MDU-430A M1 (DMX) a INV_14_20 M2 (U,V,W) b
DSQC 406 M2 (DMX) INV_14_20 M1 (U,V,W)
Used for IRB 360 M3 (DMX) INV_14_20 M3 (U,V,W)
- - -
M5 (DMX) INV_6_8 M4 (U,V,W)
- - -
MDU-430A M1 (DMX) a INV_14_20 M1 (U,V,W)
DSQC 406 M2 (DMX) INV_14_20 M2 (U,V,W) b
Used for IRB 260 M3 (DMX) INV_14_20 M3 (U,V,W)
- - -
- - -
M6 (DMX) INV_6_8 M6 (U,V,W)
MDU-790A M1 (DMX) a INV_31_54 M1 (U,V,W) b
DSQC 663 M2 (DMX) INV_17_26 M2 (U,V,W)
Used for IRB 2400 M3 (DMX) INV_31_54 M4 (U,V,W)
M4 (DMX) INV_17_26 M6 (U,V,W)
M5 (DMX) INV_31_54 M3 (U,V,W)
M6 (DMX) INV_17_26 M5 (U,V,W)
MDU-790A M1 (DMX) a INV_31_54 M1 (U,V,W) b
DSQC 663 M2 (DMX) INV_17_26 M4 (U,V,W)
Used for IRB 2600, 4400, M3 (DMX) INV_31_54 M2 (U,V,W)
4600, 6600, 6620, 6640, 6650, M4 (DMX) INV_17_26 M5 (U,V,W)
6660, 7600
M5 (DMX) INV_31_54 M3 (U,V,W)
M6 (DMX) INV_17_26 M6 (U,V,W)
MDU-790A M1 (DMX) a INV_31_54 M1 (U,V,W) b
DSQC 663 - - -
Used for IRB 660 M3 (DMX) INV_31_54 M2 (U,V,W)
- - -
M5 (DMX) INV_31_54 M3 (U,V,W)
M6 (DMX) INV_17_26 M6 (U,V,W)
ADU-790A - INV_30_55 -
X= drive module number.
Phase R,S,T (U,V,W).
For details about the connection pins, see the circuit diagram in Product
manual - IRC5.
The Main Drive Unit can handle a maximum of 3 axes for each of EXC1 and
EXC2. Measurement nodes 1, 2 and 3 use EXC1 and measurement nodes 4, 5,
6 and 7 use EXC2. See Serial measurement cables and connections on page 169.
9.2 Transformers
The transformer is used to transform the incoming voltage to the voltage used in
the cabinet. The selection of transformer depends on the selection of primary
voltage and drive units.
Voltage alternative
The transformers are reversible to following primary voltage alternatives.
• 200 V
• 220 V
• 400 V
• 440 V
• 480 V
• 500 V
• 600 V
Technical data
The following table details the standard option transformers.
Robot type Primary voltage (V) Effect (kVA)
140, 260, 360, 200-600 V 4.2 kVA
1410, 1600, 2400, 2600
4600, 66xx, 7600, 460, 760 < 400 V 13 kVA
480 V 1.2 kVA, for electronics
> 480 V 13 kVA
A Main Drive Unit (MDU) consists of 6 power stages.
An Additional Drive Unit (ADU) consists of one power stage.
Additional axes in combination with a low voltage Main Drive Unit, requires an
Additional Rectifier Unit (ARU) to supply the Additional Drive Units.
Drive Unit Type Output voltage to motor (Vrms) Max dc bus voltage
a) (Vrms)
Power stage Rated current Time limited cur- Max current Time limit for max
(Arms) a) rent (Arms) b) (Arms) c) current (s) d)
INV_6_8 6.0 8.25 8.3 unlimited
INV_14_20 13.5 17.4 19.6 30
INV_17_26 17 23 26 10
INV_31_54 31 48 54 8
INV_30_55 30 39 55 3
Max current for zero speed in indefinite time.
Max current for zero speed in 3 seconds.
Max current during acceleration or deceleration during a limited time (specified
by d) ).
Max time for max current during acceleration or deceleration.
This system can control up to nine axes at the same time, and measure another
five axes.
Back-up battery
A back-up battery supplies the SMB with power during power failure. If an axis is
moved a small distance during power off, the system is ready for operation, and
no synchronization is needed after power on.
Specifications for the measurement system:
• Each drive module can handle up to four SMBs divided on two serial links.
• Each serial link can handle up to seven axes.
• Each node 1 - 7 may only be used once on each link.
1 + 2 Additional axes
The following is an example of a setup with three serial measurement boards on
two measurement links, e.g Trackmotion.
A IRC5 Controller
B Main Computer
C Axis Computer
D Serial Measurement Link 1 connector XS.2
E Serial Measurement Link 2 connector XS.41
F Serial Measurement Link 1
G Serial Measurement Link 2
H Serial Measurement Board
J Six axes Robot system
K Trackmotion
L Axes 8-9
R Resolvers
1 + 2 Additional axes
The following is an example of a setup with two serial measurement boards on two
measurement links, e.g Servo Gun or Trackmotion. If both Servo Gun and
Trackmotion are to be used, the Trackmotion is connected to serial measurement
link 2 and resolver node 1.
A IRC5 Controller
B Main Computer
C Axis Computer
D Serial Measurement Link 1 connector XS.2
E Serial Measurement Link 2 connector XS.41
F Serial Measurement Link 1
G Serial Measurement Link 2
H Serial Measurement Board
J Six axes Robot system
K Servo Gun
L Axes 8-9
R Resolvers
A IRC5 Controller
B Main Computer
C Axis Computer
D Serial Measurement Link 1 connector XS.2
E Serial Measurement Link 2 connector XS.41
F Serial Measurement Link 1
G Serial Measurement Link 2
H Serial Measurement Board
J Six axes Robot system
K Three axes Positioner
R Resolvers
A number of parts needed to install and operate additional axes are available from
9.7 Motors
The motor units sold by ABB are specifically designed for ABB's robots and can
be used for peripherals requiring power-steered motors that are synchronized with
the robot movements. The motor units are designed for optimal performance and
to facilitate installation and application.
Before a motor is acquired, read also the information on how to calculate the
correct motor data, see Simple dimensioning of the motor on page 162.
Motor description
Motor shall be a permanent magnet servo-motor of synchronous type intended for
three-phase sinusoidal AC voltage, coupled in star (Y) connection.
• the motor should preferably be winded as class F according to IEC 85.
• dielectric strength minimum 1600 V. For low voltage motors connected to
drive module. For high voltage motors connected to drive module, see
Requirements for high voltage motors on page 160
• Measurement signal cables must be separated from power cables and cables
from temperature sensor and brake.
Thermal protection
The temperature sensor normally used is of type PTC resistor. A high resistance
or open circuit indicates that the temperature of the motor exceeds the rated level.
If temperature sensor is not used, the circuit must be strapped. If more than one
motor is used, all PTC resistors are connected in series.
The system input characteristics are:
• High temperature >3500 ohm
• Low temperature <3500 ohm
Motor connection
Positive electric rotation R ->S ->T -> (U, V, W) results in positive mechanical
rotation defined as clock wise direction, seen from the drive shaft side. See
illustration below. For connection and cabling for the motor to the controller, see
the product manual for the robot controller listed in References on page 9.
Select a brake with minimum brake torque, sufficiently large to handle emergency
stop when axis is moving downwards with maximum gravity. Check that maximum
brake torque does not exceed allowed mechanical stress levels.
• Brake release voltage: 24 VDC +/- 10%.
Motor types
For more information about the recommended motor types from ABB, see section
Equipment for additional axes on page 159.
Before connecting a motor, read the general description for motors in chapter
Motors on page 160
Calculate Tmax and Taverage for the drive unit and the motor, then choose the limiting
Criteria Calculate the minimum value
Tmax(system) = min( Ktmin*Imax(drive unit), Ktmin*Imax(motor) )
Taverage(system) = min( T0(motor), Ktmin*I0(drive unit) )
Check intermittence
When Tmax and Taverage for the system is found, check the thermal load factor. It
could be of importance if the additional axis accelerates slowly or if the axis moves
with short quick movements without stops. The motor, or the drive unit could be
over heated. Observe the planned cycle and calculate the total acceleration time.
The other time is treated as static load.
Tstat = friction torque + gravitational torque
Value Description
i Time in acceleration and deceleration divided by total time
Tstat Static load
1-i Time in constant speed and standing still (only friction and gravity
influences the motor)
Trms should be lower than Taverage. Otherwise reduce Trms or change one of the
components, drive unit or motor.
Acceleration performance on arm side could now be calculated:
Acceleration = (Tmax - GravitationalTorque - Friction) / (Inertia * Transmission)
Deceleration = (Tmax - GravitationalTorque + Friction) / (Inertia * Transmission)
An alternative is to tune the acceleration and deceleration (parameters: Nominal
acceleration and Nominal deceleration) directly on the external axis and find out
if the assessable torque (Tmax) gives desired performance.
If it is impossible to reach desired performance replace the motor or the drive unit.
In this example we use worst case performance which means acceleration against
the gravity
T0 5 (Nm)
Ktmin 1.0 (Nm/A)
Imax (motor) 15 (A)
Imax (drive unit) 10 (A)
I0 (drive unit) 6 (A)
intermittence 0.1
Transmission (n) 100
Gravitational torque = (M*L*g)/n =(20*1*9.81)/100 = 1.96
Tstat= FrictionTorque + GravitationalTorque = 2 + 1.96 = 3.96
Tmax (system) = min (Ktmin * Imax (drive unit), Ktmin * Imax(motor) = min(1*10, 1*15)=10
Taverage(system) = min((T0(motor), Ktmin*I0(drive unit)) = min(5.0, 1*6) = 5.0
Trms= sqrt( Tmax 2 * i + Tstat 2 * (1-i) ) = ( 10 2 *0.1+3.96 2 *(1-0.1) ) 0.5 =4.9
Trms is lower than average. No need to change motor or drive unit.
Total moment of inertia on motor side J= Jm+(M*L 2 )/n 2 =0.005+(20*1 2 )/100 2 =0.007
Acceleration = (Tmax - GravitationalTorque - Friction)/(J*n) =
Deceleration = Tmax -
Both acceleration and deceleration are within the demand.
9.9 Resolvers
The resolver is integrated in the motors from ABB. The resolver must be approved
by ABB for reliable operation.
Approved resolvers
The following resolvers are approved by ABB
Manufacturer Article numbers
LTN Servotechnik GmbH LTN RE-21-1-V02, size 21
LTN RE-15-1-V16, size 15
AG V23401-U2117-C333, size 21
Tamagawa Seiki Co TS 2640N141E172, size 21
TS 2640N871E172, size 21
TS 2620N871E172, size 15
Resolver specification
The resolver has one rotor and two stator windings. The definition of the output
signals are:
E(S1, S3) = 0.5 x E(R1, R2) x cos(resolver angle)
E(S2, S4) = 0.5 x E(R1, R2) x sin(resolver angle)
The resolver must be tested together with a robot system to verify that the resolver
also functions during battery mode.
The following technical information must be considered before the installation:
• The maximum allowed resolver cable length is 30 m, from the resolver to the
serial measurement board (SMB).
• The total length for all resolver cables using the same excitation must not
exceed 70 m.
• A resolver cable consists of six wires. Two wires for excitation, and two wires
each for the X and Y signals
• Use a shielded, AWG 24, max 55pF/m cable.
• To avoid disturbances in the signals due to magnetic fields generated by the
brake it is recommended to use non-magnetic motor shaft.
The unshielded part of the resolver cable must be as short as possible, less than
100 mm, and be well separated from the motor cables, more than 20 mm.
Resolver connection
A Resolver
B 9 pin D-sub
C Positive motor direction
Normally in ABB motors, resolvers are connected to the internal cable in robot by
a 9 pin D-sub connector, with pins at the resolver side.
When the motor rotates in a positive direction, the resolver rotates mechanically
in a negative direction, as the resolver is mounted at the opposite side of the drive
shaft side.
To deliver electrically positive rotation the y-winding connection S2 and S4 has
changed place.
9 pin D-sub SMB input Resolver connection Color resolver wires
6 X S1 Red
1 X 0V S3 Black
7 Y S4 Blue
2 Y 0V S2 Yellow
X S1
0V X S3
Y S4
0V Y S2
Resolver direction
Commutation can be done in several ways. The following method is one of the
possible methods.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Turn the motor to commutation by feeding posit- The number of different commuta-
ive current into power winding S with T connected tion positions that the motor can turn
to ground (R is not connected). to is the same as the number of pole
For detailed description, follow the first part of pairs.
the procedure in Tuning the commutation offset
on page 105.
2 Select a resolver commutation position enabling
the resolver cables to be routed in the best pos-
sible way.
3 Feed a 4 kHz sinus signal to the EXC (R1) input
of the resolver.
4 Connect an oscilloscope to EXC (R1), X (S1) and
Y (S4).
5 Adjust the commutation position to +90 degrees The Y (S4) signal should be at max
+/-0.5 degrees by turning the resolver. output and with the same phase as
the EXC (R1) feeding signal.
The X (S1) signal should be 0.00 V
This section details the cables and connection between the resolver and the serial
measurement board.
Signal Classes
The cabling must comply with a valid signal class "measurement signals" see
Serial measurement cables and connections on page 169. The enclosure for external
serial measurement board/boards must comply with enclosure class IP54, in
accordance with IEC 144 and IEC 529.
It is very important that the noise level on the measurement signals from the
additional axes is kept as low as possible, to prevent bad performance, (keep
motor and resolver cables apart). Correct shielding and ground connections of
cables, measurement boards and resolvers is essential.
The X, Y, 0V X and 0V Y:
• Signals are used to connect resolvers to a serial measurement board.
The EXC and 0V EXC:
• are used for common supply for all resolvers, parallel connected.
• 1 - 3, should always be connected to EXC 1.
• 4 - 7, should always be connected to EXC 2.
Contact point R2.G R2.SMB R2.SMB 1-2 R2.SMB 1-4 R2.SMB 3-6
2 0V BAT - 0V EXC2 X1 X4
3 0V 0V EXC1 Y1 Y4
4 SDO-N Y7 X2 X5
5 SDI-N X7 Y2 Y5
6 - Y1 0V EXC1 0V EXC2
7 +24V X1 0V EXC1 0V EXC2
8 SDO - 0V EXC1 0V EXC2
9 SDI EXC2 X3 X6
10 EXC1 Y3 Y6
11 0V Y7 X4 X3
12 0V X7 Y4 Y3
13 0V Y1 0V EXC2 0V EXC1
Contact point R2.G R2.SMB R2.SMB 1-2 R2.SMB 1-4 R2.SMB 3-6
14 0V X1 0V X1 0VX4
15 0V Y1 0V Y4
16 0V X2 0V X5
17 0V Y2 0V Y5
18 EXC1 EXC2
19 EXC1 EXC2
20 EXC1 EXC2
21 0V X3 0V X6
22 0V Y3 0V Y6
23 0V X4 0V X3
24 0V Y4 0V Y3
25 EXC2 EXC1
Term Description
SDO serial communication output
SDI serial communication input
+BAT Battery +
0V BAT Battery 0V
BATLD Not to be used
BATSUP Not to be used
EXC1 excitation power to resolver 1, 2, 3
EXC2 excitation power to resolver 4, 5, 6, (7)
+24V 24 V power
0V 0 V power
X1 Input x-stator node 1
Y1 Input y-stator node 1
The connection point on the resolver corresponds to the connection table above.
X S1
0V X S3
Y S4
0V Y S2
To connect from resolver to SMB, use input 7 (i.e. node 7). Connect to contact
R2.SMB 1-2.
Signals Contact point SMB Contact point Resolver
EXC 2 9 3
EXC 2, 0 V 2 8
X7 5 6
X7, 0 V 12 1
Y7 4 7
Y7, 0 V 11 2
9.11 Relays
Additional relays
When using an additional relay between the drive unit and the motor, the power
supply to the relay shall be designed with a holdup time of about 800 ms. This is
to avoid the motor from loosing power before the brakes are applied, which could
cause unintended limited movements at power fail.
Robotics & Discrete Automation
Nordlysvegen 7, N-4340 BRYNE, Norway
Box 265, N-4349 BRYNE, Norway
Telephone: +47 22 87 2000
ABB Inc.
Robotics & Discrete Automation
1250 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Telephone: +1 248 391 9000
3HAC051016-001, Rev J, en