GX About Deloitte Global Report Full Version 2022
GX About Deloitte Global Report Full Version 2022
GX About Deloitte Global Report Full Version 2022
Message from Deloitte Global CEO
The past year has been a striking reminder of The year of progress, then, wasn’t quite At Deloitte, we have found that the key to
what global progress really looks like—and what it as straightforward as we hoped. Meaningful continued success during periods of disruption is
demands from all of us. progress never is. It involves surprises and to ground our work in a purpose that transcends
setbacks—and sometimes, solutions that go the day-to-day. It’s not possible to know what lies
We published last year’s report amidst what some on to create their own set of problems. ahead, but with a clear north star, organizations
dubbed a “summer of hope.” After the health, like ours can more effectively navigate uncertainty
economic and social crises that began the decade, Yet the last twelve months were also proof of and keep moving forward resiliently and with
millions were completing their full course of COVID what’s possible when we keep marching forward agility.
vaccines, and economic growth was roaring back. together, combining the efforts, insights, and
We appeared to be set up for a year of healing resources of different people and organizations to In fact, we have found that when organizations
and recovery. drive progress. successfully embed purpose their people find
ways to reframe challenges as opportunities.
Of course, the reality wasn’t quite so simple. When they are able to do this, they make an
New variants and inequitable vaccine rollouts “Purpose-driven organizations not only impact on the issues that matter most to them,
perpetuated the pandemic. The economic their clients and the communities in which
create enormous value for society
buzzword switched from “recovery” to “recession.” they live and work. As a result, purpose-driven
And just as we were all ready to take a breath as a whole, but also thrive themselves, organizations not only create enormous value for
from the constant crises, Russia’s invasion of consistently demonstrating higher society as a whole, but also thrive themselves,
Ukraine shocked the world, threatening the growth and profit than their counterparts. consistently demonstrating higher growth and
democratic norms that lay at the very foundation profit than their counterparts.
of global peace and stability.
Deloitte’s record over the past year is
testament to that.”
Deloitte’s record over the past year is testament markets. Our multi-disciplinary business model impact to the National Olympic Committees,
to that. is a competitive strength that allows Deloitte to billions of fans, and the thousands of athletes who
bring the broadest set of capabilities to clients make the Olympic Games possible.
In the last 12 months, Deloitte has delivered and uphold the public trust.
nearly 20 percent aggregate revenue growth—a Investing in our communities
record for our organization. Analysts have In addition to Deloitte’s work with clients, we are The health, economic, and social challenges of the
highlighted Deloitte’s leadership across industries, also creating the ecosystem changes needed to last several years illuminated and exacerbated
regions, and capability areas. And Brand Finance build a more sustainable future. Knowing that inequities in our communities. At the same time,
recognized Deloitte—for the fourth year what gets measured gets managed, we built these crises demonstrated how our fates are
running—as the world’s strongest and most on our collaboration with the World Economic intertwined: for business to thrive, communities
valuable commercial services brand. Forum’s International Business Council that must thrive.
identified 21 stakeholder capitalism metrics to
help align Environmental, Social, and Governance During the COVID-19 pandemic, Deloitte doubled
“Our multi-disciplinary business model is a (ESG) reporting across industries and regions. our WorldClass commitment to impact 100 million
competitive strength that allows Deloitte Over the past year, Deloitte represented the futures in our communities with education and
World Economic Forum in the working group career-building opportunities by the year 2030.
to bring the broadest set of capabilities to set up by the International Financial Reporting In addition, over the past year, Deloitte expanded
clients and uphold the public trust.” Standards (IFRS) Foundation. This group helped our WorldClass efforts through the WorldClass
to lay the groundwork for the International Education Challenge, selecting 12 innovative
Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), which aims initiatives that support access to quality education
Guiding clients’ journeys of transformation to enable a comprehensive global baseline of for more of the world’s students. For instance, one
Serving clients globally with solutions that are sustainability information. entrepreneurial winner from Nigeria is building
built up from deep, industry-specific knowledge— virtual labs so that students in under-resourced
combined with understanding of local market Deloitte is also committed to the Sustainable schools can access the practical scientific training
needs—is an essential part of what we do at Markets Initiative (SMI) and collaborates with they need. Another, in India, is creating virtual
Deloitte. SMI on its mission to build a coordinated global communities that provide resources for parents to
effort within the private sector to accelerate the teach their young children vital life skills, including
In recent years, as the challenges clients have transition to a sustainable future. language, numeracy and social-emotional skills.
faced became increasingly complex, Deloitte
found new opportunities to deliver on purpose Finally, we are enormously proud of Deloitte’s These innovators prove that when it comes to
and to make an impact that matters. For clients, new, decade-long, five-Games partnership with tackling global issues, we must start with local
this has included helping them re-route supply the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to help action—investing in, and being led by, individuals
chains, incorporate new audit standards, digitize the IOC realize the possibilities of its strategic who understand their community’s needs best.
operations, or transition to a lower carbon future. roadmap for the future, Olympic Agenda 2020+5,
and its vision to build a better world through That same philosophy informs the Deloitte Health
Clients want Deloitte’s guidance and insights sport. In partnership with the IOC, Deloitte will Equity Institutes (DHEIs) recently launched in
on their transformation journeys because of apply its expertise in management and business the US, India, and Africa. These institutes study
our digital capabilities, innovative approach and consulting to help enhance and secure the IOC’s local disparities in health equity so they can be
a deep understanding of their business and digital ecosystem while also delivering meaningful addressed better in the future.
“We have evolved our talent programs We have evolved our talent programs to help We fundamentally believe that the organizations
to help empower Deloitte people to empower Deloitte people to design a work life that will lead the 21st century will be those that
that works for them—giving them the flexibility allow the challenges around them to sharpen their
design a work life that works for them— to pursue their passions and care for the people sense of purpose, spark innovations that advance
giving them the flexibility to pursue they love. We have expanded health benefits so their mission, and compel them to be the change
their passions and care for the people our practitioners and professionals can get the the world needs most.
they love.” care they need, wherever and whenever they
need it. And we’ve made significant investments Together, we will lead the way to a more
in their mental wellbeing, from offering stronger sustainable and equitable future for all of us.
Supporting our people mental health benefits to enhancing flexible work
Finally, we know making an impact that matters arrangements to increasing paid time off.
begins and ends with our people. It is their hard
work, knowledge, commitment and ingenuity that Building better futures
power everything we do. While the last few years have been especially
challenging, Deloitte has been adapting to and
Like many organizations, we too have experienced leading through change and disruption for the
the Great Resignation. For Deloitte, it presented better part of 177 years. And each time, we have Punit Renjen
us with an opportunity to re-evaluate the ways we emerged stronger. Deloitte Global CEO
support our people to do better.
Table of contents
Business Environmental Social Governance ESG highlights
Overview Overview Overview Overview FY2022 Environmental,
Innovation Environmental Support for Ukraine Leadership and Social and Governance
progress governance highlights
Deloitte core services Health equity
Sustainable and Deloitte organization Performance metrics
Locations Human rights
responsible supply structure table
Business metrics chain Social metrics
Environmental metrics Anti-corruption
Our people commitment
Gender balance Independence
Racial and ethnic Risk and opportunity
inclusion management
Disability and Confidentiality, privacy
neurodiversity inclusion and cybersecurity
LGBT+ inclusion Global security
Mental health Public policy
Learning and Stakeholder engaement
development and materiality
People metrics
For Deloitte, the answer was simple: focus on driven by what the future of work could look like
the future. We recognize how recent challenges across sectors: a workplace that may not be a
present a valuable opportunity—not simply to single place at all, but is flexible and sustainable;
figure out a return to the way things used to work that is technology-enabled and data-driven;
be, but to imagine a better way things can be. and a workforce that is diverse in skills and
While no one can predict the future, purpose- backgrounds, developed in the flow of work, with
led organizations can help shape it and build the appropriate quality controls, and supported
something better together. by an equitable, inclusive culture.
Envisioning better futures, then designing and No discussion of the future would be complete
implementing strategies to bring them to life— without an examination of the future of the
these are challenges Deloitte practitioners have planet we inhabit. Deloitte has been a leader in
been tackling for years. And in doing so, they draw promoting a standard approach to environmental,
on core Deloitte strengths, including our ability to social and governance (ESG) metrics. We regularly
bring together talented teams to identify critical report on our own progress and continue to
issues, forge connections, leverage technology collaborate with clients through the Deloitte
and create practical solutions to meet each Sustainability & Climate practice, helping them
client’s needs. advance on their own journeys to a lower-carbon
deliver value in areas such as digital identity and are helping organizations anticipate and address
threat detection and response. these issues, including major implications for
data quality and access, with advanced tools
Moving forward
We remain committed to integrity and that automate processes, speed response times
independence in serving our vital role in the and improve accuracy. At the same time, the Our people’s creative thinking and bold solutions
financial ecosystem. Deloitte Audit & Assurance acceleration of new business models is driving the have helped clients address disruption and
practices uphold trust in the capital markets by need to transform tax operating models through resolve their toughest challenges. Guided by our
driving accountability, transparency and reliability outsourcing, in-sourcing and co-sourcing of purpose to make an impact that matters, we are
of reporting across 180,000+ engagements routine compliance and reporting activities. helping Deloitte clients move their businesses
worldwide. Ongoing investments in the forward and create a better future.
development of Deloitte Audit & Assurance Deloitte Legal practices worked with clients
practitioners, solutions and technologies, as well to design and roll out policies to address the
as expanded assurance services, enable us to changing work environment, including the trend
redefine what’s possible in corporate reporting, toward more hybrid arrangements.* Deloitte Legal
including the impact of ESG reporting across practitioners helped clients navigate employment
industries. laws as they implemented changes to COVID-19
restrictions, remote working accommodations
and return-to-office rules. Deloitte Legal practices
also helped clients transform their legal operating
Adapting to a models with tech-based solutions for managing
contract lifecycles, collaborating with advisors in
changing landscape real-time and automating routine tasks, which
improve the accuracy and speed of processes,
while producing cost efficiencies.
Over the past year, Deloitte Tax practitioners
guided clients through the shifting tax and
economic landscape, helping them navigate the
global push for tax transparency, the digitalization
of tax authorities and the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development’s two-
pillar approach to tax challenges arising from
the digital economy. Deloitte Tax practitioners
Where permissible under local laws and regulations
Deloitte envisions and creates industry-defining high-quality audit standards and meeting To better serve clients seeking solutions to
innovations that allow clients to drive change deadlines. complex issues, Deloitte offers CortexAITM, a
and turn disruption into lasting value for their multi-cloud, secure and scalable platform that
customers. These capabilities have been Additionally, Deloitte has developed an ESG makes it easier to access data, analytics and
essential in helping clients navigate the COVID-19 Module for Omnia: a structured framework artificial intelligence. With its smooth interface
pandemic, and will remain critical as business, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that and integration of a client’s data and external
government and other institutions rise to the addresses multiple standards, disclosure data, CortexAITM has already helped hundreds of
challenge of climate change. frameworks, and rising regulator expectations. clients across industries generate new insights
Omnia’s ESG Module was named Digital and turn unstructured data into searchable intel.
Deloitte innovation investments are increasingly Innovation of the Year by the International In addition, by adhering to Deloitte’s Trustworthy
focused on developing products and services Accounting Bulletin at The International Accounting AI™ framework, CortexAI provides the level
that generate social and environmental benefits. Forum and Awards in 2022. of governance needed for organizations to
Deloitte’s innovation investments have created confidently apply and scale AI.
services that help clients reduce their carbon Deloitte has also made significant investments
footprints, manage the risks of transitioning in the digital transformation of its Tax practices Deloitte is also committed to shaping the future
to a low-carbon economy, and integrate with Intela by Deloitte, a digital platform that of industries through investments in industry
environmental, social and governance (ESG) and enables seamless collaboration between cloud platforms. An example is Deloitte’s suite of
climate criteria into their investment decisions. Deloitte Tax practitioners and clients. An end- ConvergeHEALTH solutions that are supporting
to-end cloud-based solution, Intela provides a the digital transformation of life sciences and
Deloitte Audit & Assurance practices have single workspace to support tax compliance, health care for millions of patients in more than
invested—and continue to invest—hundreds of documentation and risk mitigation. Intela can 20 countries. Specifically, ConvergeHEALTH
millions of dollars to transform our audit services also extract, organize and analyze data, helping ConnectTM helps health care companies engage
to be highly responsive to organizations’ evolving Deloitte Tax practitioners provide greater strategic more effectively with their patients.
needs in the dynamic regulatory landscape. insights. Intela will allow Deloitte Tax practitioners
Deloitte Omnia, our digital audit platform, enables to enhance how they—and their clients—spend In 2022, Deloitte announced Converge™
Deloitte audit professionals working remotely to their time. by Deloitte, an expansion of Deloitte’s
execute their audits digitally while maintaining ConvergeHEALTH businesses into the consumer
Contact: Ragu Gurumurthy, Deloitte Global Innovation Officer
and financial services sectors as part of a US$750 For clients needing to strengthen their
million investment in new software platforms, cybersecurity defenses, Deloitte Cyber
ecosystems and alliance relationships. This professionals developed Predictive Analytics
expansion also included hiring additional diverse for Cyber in Enterprises (PACE TM), a cloud-native
software engineering, data scientist and industry analytics solution supporting on-premises, hybrid
professionals to dramatically accelerate the future and multi-cloud environments. PACE enhances
transformation of industry. Deloitte’s cyber risk quantification and risk
management frameworks by quickly combing
ConvergePROSPERITY TM cloud-based software through petabytes of data and providing faster,
solutions, combined with Deloitte’s technology simpler, persona-driven decision-making for cyber
ecosystem, helps financial institutions offer security organizations.
exceptional customer experience, expand
product offerings, acquire new customers, reduce Looking ahead, Deloitte continues to envision
customer acquisition cost, deliver strong ROI and develop innovative solutions to meet clients’
goals from technology investments, and better needs and drive positive change across industries.
reach the underserved.
ConvergeCONSUMERTM is focused on
understanding the consumer, predicting future
demand, and optimizing decision-making to
improve experiences and offerings to consumers
ethically and responsibly across industries.
ConvergeCONSUMER combines first party, client
and external data sets and applies predictive
analytics in its next-generation analytics and
experience platforms to drive actionable insights.
Financial Advisory
M&A Transaction Services
Turnaround & Restructuring Services
Valuation and Modeling
Corporate Finance Advisory
Infrastructure and Capital Projects
Economics and Real Estate
The above list of services is a representative sampling of Deloitte business capabilities. Deloitte offers many
services, not all of which are available from every Deloitte firm and not all of which are permissible for audit
clients under various professional and regulatory standards.
Business Environmental
Social Governance Global ESG highlights
Geographies with at least one Deloitte office in operation during FY2022 are listed below.
These are listed for ease in identifying locations where Deloitte has a presence. They are
not intended as statements on political sovereignty.
Note: On 24 May 2022, Deloitte exited from Belarus and the Russian Federation. Data for those geographies is included in FY2022 reporting as the fiscal year ended on 31 May 2022.
Total revenue
Revenue figures are in US$ billion. Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
Revenue by business
$9.9B $11.4B
$7.0B Total
$59.3B Financial Advisory
Risk Advisory
Tax & Legal
Revenue figures are in US$ billion. Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
Due to rounding, sum of revenue by business may not equal total.
Revenue by industry
Consumer $11.9B
Revenue figures are in US$ billion. Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
Due to rounding, sum of revenue by industry may not equal total.
Revenue by region
Revenue figures are in US$ billion. Figures are aggregated across Deloitte member firms
in the relevant region. Due to rounding, sum of revenue by region may not equal total.
However, when restrictions eased, emissions and practices throughout the organization and
rebounded. And the temporary reduction in measuring performance against our goals.
emissions wasn’t enough to slow the rise in
extreme weather events and other impacts of In addition, we continue to make strong progress
climate change. Globally, the calls for immediate in realizing our commitments to all three core
action on climate became more urgent. initiatives of the Climate Group supporting the
advancement of renewable electricity (RE100),
Deloitte’s ambition is to help lead the world’s electric vehicle adoption (EV100) and energy
transition to a lower-carbon future. And over efficiency/productivity (EP100). For instance,
the past year, Deloitte has shown that we have 91 percent of the energy Deloitte purchased
the scale, knowledge and resources to turn this in FY2022 was renewable energy. Along with
ambition into meaningful, measurable action. Deloitte’s own operations, we are also reviewing
our global supply chains more closely to help
ensure procurement sustainability. We are
working to quantify Deloitte emissions across our
organization’s entire supply chain.
Advancing responsible
climate choices As we translate our ambition into action, we also
continue to examine environmental issues more
widely—for example, looking at our impact on
Recognizing the necessity of collective action nature and biodiversity, as well as our carbon
to effectively tackle the climate crisis, Deloitte footprint. Biodiversity is critical to the health of
worked to advance our WorldClimate strategy, the planet, and while our organization’s direct
which consists of a three-pronged approach— impacts in this area are limited, Deloitte supports
actions we take, actions we inspire our people to nature-positive solutions and will assess impacts
take, and actions we take with clients and others throughout our value chain.
in our ecosystem.
Deloitte is also working with Indigenous peoples
Deloitte has committed to achieving science- in Australia, Asia, and Canada, among other
based net-zero emissions and we currently geographies, to advance nature-based climate
have a 1.5⁰ C near-term (2030) goal in place, solutions. We recognize the importance of
validated by the Science Based Targets initiative. collaborating with these communities to honor
We are embedding sustainability into policies their knowledge and to support Indigenous-
volunteering with environmental non-profit climate action more broadly through WEF’s created transformation plans; redefined business
organizations. In addition, Deloitte created Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders. strategies to incorporate ESG; embedded
Climate Exchange, a global content hub designed sustainability into operations; met tax, disclosure
to inspire ideas and provoke discussions that Recognizing the desire of young people to lead and regulatory requirements; and established
drive action. During Earth Month, we focused the way in helping to ensure the long-term health collaborations across their ecosystems.
on specific, achievable ways our people can help of our environment, Deloitte Global established a
build “Better Futures. Together.” collaboration with One Young World (OYW) to help In addition, we launched the Deloitte Center for
develop young professionals into future leaders. Sustainable Progress (DCSP) to help accelerate
Through this collaboration, Deloitte supports and transformation of clients’ organizations and
inspires impactful youth-led initiatives focused on value chains. The DCSP provides results-oriented
climate action and educational equity, as well as insights and analysis that draw upon Deloitte’s
Collaborating with providing sponsorships for young professionals to experience and global network, including acting
our ecosystem attend the annual OYW Summit. as a convenor of specialists, industry influencers
and thought leaders from around the world. Our
recent report, The Turning Point, offers a detailed
Deloitte also engages with like-minded exploration of how letting climate change go
organizations and initiatives across our
ecosystem, such as the Sustainable Aviation
Guiding clients’ unchecked could cost the global economy US$178
trillion over the next 50 years—though conversely,
Buyers Alliance, to inspire action, increase
demand for sustainable products and services,
sustainability journeys it could gain US$43 trillion over the same time
period by rapidly accelerating the transition to
and develop solutions. net-zero.
This year our organization significantly expanded
While Deloitte’s air travel remains significantly and invested in Deloitte Sustainability & Climate,
below pre-pandemic levels, further reducing a practice serving clients globally as they
travel-related carbon emissions is an important define their paths to a more sustainable future.
part of our WorldClimate strategy. Deloitte US Building upon decades of climate client service,
entered into Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Deloitte has assembled one of the largest global
agreements with several airlines to help achieve networks of sustainability experience, including
carbon reductions, and is among the first an investment of US$1 billion in client-related
organizations to account for SAF purchases in services, data-driven research, and assets and
their impact reporting. Deloitte is also helping to capabilities.
accelerate SAF usage through our involvement
in WEF’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition Over the past year, Deloitte practitioners have
and First Movers’ Coalition, as well as advancing supported clients around the world as they
Deloitte supply chains cross multiple industries targets, and category-specific Initiatives of this kind help Deloitte to calculate
and regions of the world. Because more than ESG-related items such as recycling and our emissions with greater precision and identify
two-thirds of Deloitte’s aggregate emissions are electricity-use standards. which suppliers we should engage with directly.
derived from purchased goods and services, our These initiatives also help to lay the foundation
WorldClimate strategy includes a specific focus on In support of these goals, Deloitte Global has for Deloitte’s 2025 goal of having two-thirds of our
developing more sustainable supply chains. established a Procurement Sustainability team, suppliers (by emissions) set science-based targets.
with the express purpose of driving sustainability
solutions in Deloitte supply chain and
Assessing, managing
procurement processes.
Looking ahead
and reducing supply chain
Carbon emission reporting Beyond outreach, collaboration for emissions
emissions intensity reduction is a defining aspect of our
by suppliers plan for making Deloitte’s supply chain more
sustainable. For example, Deloitte US entered into
As part of Deloitte’s WorldClimate initiative, in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) agreements with
FY2022 we continued to expand on previous Deloitte’s outreach to our global supply base several airlines to help achieve carbon reductions,
years’ supply chain sustainability activities. for carbon emission reporting has more than and Deloitte is among the first organizations
Efforts to assess, manage and reduce supply doubled for FY2022, to over 400 suppliers. to account for SAF purchases in their impact
chain emissions are underway across Deloitte’s Continuing to use the CDP (formerly Carbon reporting. We are also actively investigating other
major purchasing categories, and include Disclosure Project) platform, Deloitte has engaged innovative means of reducing our organization’s
implementation of sustainability-related our largest suppliers to report their emissions travel emissions, as well as helping to accelerate
request for proposal (RFP) questions and through this centralized climate-focused reporting SAF usage more broadly through our involvement
contract language. These improvements include mechanism. Deloitte was named a CDP Supplier in the World Economic Forum’s Clean Skies for
introducing WorldClimate-specific requirements Engagement Leader in 2021 in recognition of Tomorrow Coalition and First Movers’ Coalition.
with our suppliers, such as setting science-based these efforts.
Contacts: Kathryn Alsegaf, Deloitte Global Chief Sustainability Officer; John Brugge. Senior Manager, CoRe Procurement Sustainability
In FY2020, Deloitte’s near-term (2030) greenhouse reductions in business travel. While we recognize post-pandemic as we pursue our travel
gas (GHG) reduction goals were validated by our business travel was still heavily impacted reduction goals.
the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as by restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic,
1.5°C-aligned, science-based targets. Deloitte Deloitte began implementing new policies and Additional details of our greenhouse gas
has also committed to set long-term emissions practices around business travel in FY2022, emissions and performance against goals
reduction targets using the SBTi’s Net-Zero aimed at addressing business travel intentionality are included in the Performance Metrics and
Standard. Since setting our validated, science- and keeping us on track to minimize rebounds Reporting Frameworks Summary.
based targets, we have been working toward
achieving these goals, recognizing the increasing
urgency of the climate crisis.
Renewable electricity consumption
The positive impacts of setting an ambitious
strategy are clear. We continue to make progress
toward our goal of procuring 100% of our 12% 74% 85% 91%1 100%
electricity from renewable sources, achieving 85%
in FY2021 and 91% in FY2022.
Greenhouse gas emissions by scope than doubling our supplier outreach from the
previous year.
Scope 2 named by CDP as a Supplier Engagement Leader
Electricity in
buildings and fleet for effectively engaging our suppliers on climate
change, an honor awarded to only the leading
688,661 Scope 3
Business 8% of disclosing companies. See Sustainable and
travel responsible supply chain for details on the steps
Scope 3 we are taking with our suppliers.
Purchased goods
and services
Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
Beginning with FY2019, we have calculated our on sustainability and carbon emissions. To
supply chain emissions beyond business travel. In improve the quantification of emissions from
FY2022, purchased goods and services emissions purchased goods and services, and to better While our current environmental strategy focuses
comprise more than 75% of Deloitte’s aggregate understand our suppliers’ engagement on climate, primarily on energy and GHG emissions, we are
emissions. Reducing these emissions is a key Deloitte continued reaching out to suppliers in also actively working to improve management
component of our carbon-reduction strategy, FY2022 via the CDP’s (formerly Carbon Disclosure systems for water, waste and single-use plastics. A
and demonstrates why we have also significantly Project) supply chain reporting program. We number of key meetings globally are now planned
increased our interaction with our supply chains asked over 400 of our suppliers to respond, more as zero- or low-waste events.
Cut emissions
Commitment to science-based
net-zero with 2030 goals
Embed sustainability
Address internal policies and practices
Empower individuals
Educate and inspire Deloitte
people to act on climate change
Engage ecosystems
Engage with ecosystems to address
climate change
As Deloitte sought to support and inspire our increase access to telemedicine and other digital
people and communities, for us this has also been healthcare solutions for people across Europe.
a year of reaffirming our commitment to making
an impact that matters in society; reimagining When Russia invaded Ukraine, Deloitte moved
the future of work to help our people thrive; quickly to support our people and others
and reconnecting in person, where possible, for impacted by the war. We helped colleagues
moments that matter to foster our sense in Ukraine and their family members move
of belonging. to safety and provided them with temporary
housing, financial support, immigration and legal
For our purpose-led organization, this has assistance, and counseling.
required resilience and creativity both to tackle
the challenges of the present, and to lay the Deloitte and its people have demonstrated
groundwork for shaping better futures. It has incredible solidarity and support to Ukrainians,
required the collective ambition, energy and and provided financial donations and time—in pro
ingenuity of our 415,000 Deloitte people around bono services and volunteer work—to global and
the world, connecting for impact. local non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
For example, Deloitte Central Europe created an
app called IRENA, a chatbot that enables NGOs
and governmental organizations in the region
Responding to to provide necessary information to refugees at
scale. Worldwide, Deloitte has raised more than
humanitarian crises US$7 million in monetary donations to support
the immediate humanitarian needs, including
food, housing, health care and psychological
Deloitte has continued to devote significant support. Deloitte also made the decision
resources to help our communities address the to separate from our practices in Russia and
pandemic. COVID-19’s disproportionate effect Belarus; our organization no longer operates
on underserved and marginalized populations in those countries.
highlights the need to address health inequity
in our communities. Over the past year, Deloitte Deloitte is committed to supporting education,
has driven collaboration and investment with skills building and employment opportunities
the launch of Deloitte Health Equity Institutes for refugees and displaced persons, in Europe
in Africa, India and the US. In addition, Deloitte and beyond.
formed a strategic alliance with Vodafone to
When the news broke that Russia had invaded To address Ukrainian colleagues’ immediate and Since the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine,
Ukraine, Deloitte was prepared and mobilized essential needs, Deloitte member firms in the donations were directed to the International
our organization to move quickly. We brought region provided temporary housing, financial Committee of the Red Cross and UNHCR, the UN
the strength of our global resources to bear in support, counseling, and immigration and legal Refugee Agency, as well as to the Deloitte Poland
providing support and assistance to Deloitte assistance. Foundation, which in turn donated to local NGOs.
Ukraine people and their families. We also
activated initiatives to support the immediate and Deloitte also made the decision to exit its The Deloitte Poland Foundation has been at
long-term humanitarian needs of the people of practices in Russia and Belarus. Our organization the heart of many of the initiatives in Europe to
Ukraine. no longer operates in those countries. support Ukrainians who have fled their homes,
including providing food, housing, health care
and psychological support. One of the NGOs it
has supported is the Our Choice Foundation,
Providing for the safety Serving Ukrainian which runs the Ukrainian House in Warsaw—
the first contact point for many refugees. The
of our colleagues refugees’ needs Deloitte Poland Foundation provided donations
to purchase 10 tons of food to supply food
banks in Poland and Lithuania that provide
With the safety and wellbeing of our people as Deloitte people around the world have shown meals to reception points and organizations
our top priority, Deloitte worked swiftly to help their strong solidarity and support to Ukrainians helping refugees. In addition, other Deloitte firms
colleagues in Ukraine and their family members by providing donations and time—including both contributed directly through their foundations,
move to safety, as well as support those who pro bono services and volunteer work—to global such as the Deloitte Romania Foundation, which
chose to remain in the country. Deloitte continues and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs). donated to World Vision Romania, to set up two
to help Deloitte Ukraine people move, as needed, Deloitte people, member firms and foundations facilities to provide educational and counselling
as well as support those who have stayed. have made financial donations totaling more than services for Ukrainian children in Romania.
US$7 million to support the humanitarian needs Deloitte Ukraine provides assurance services
of those impacted by the war. (on a pro bono basis) to UNITED24, an initiative
launched by the President of Ukraine as the main • Deloitte Spain has provided pro bono than 50 initiatives, leveraging their unique skills
platform for collecting charitable donations in assistance to the Spanish Commission for and experience to assist those in need. For
support of Ukraine. The platform allows legal Refugees (CEAR), an NGO that is playing a example, our people prepared a practical guide
entities and individuals to direct money broadly in key role in the reception and integration to help Ukrainian colleagues navigate their new
three main directions: 1) to support the Ukrainian process for refugees from Ukraine. When environments and access critical information and
army and demining, 2) to rebuild infrastructure CEAR needed to increase its capacity so it resources. Individuals also coordinated a clothing
and 3) to support humanitarian needs, including could serve more refugees, Deloitte Spain drive to collect business attire, which was donated
rebuilding destroyed hospitals. supported them to quickly pre-select more to foundations that support refugees as they
than 120 staff. seek employment. In addition, a Deloitte Spain
Around the world, Deloitte has launched local professional is raising funds to support the United
giving campaigns, as well as volunteer and pro • Deloitte US is providing pro bono support Nations Refugee Agency by swimming across the
bono initiatives. Examples include: to HealthRight International, an NGO that English Channel.
expands equitable access to quality health
• Deloitte Central Europe developed an systems for marginalized communities.
app called IRENA. A chatbot that provides HealthRight has been working to build
assistance to refugees, the app has been
shared with NGOs operating in countries
accessible, equitable systems of care in
Ukraine since 2005, providing housing, health
A long-term commitment
receiving refugees from Ukraine, including
Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Romania.
care and social support to over 125,000
people affected by violence throughout
to refugees
the country. With the start of the war, the
• Deloitte Ireland, working in partnership organization shifted to provide critically As the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and across
with Ireland’s Office of the Revenue needed humanitarian support services to Europe continues, we will remain steadfast in our
Commissioners, is helping Ukrainians access Ukrainians across the country. Deloitte US support of our Deloitte Ukraine colleagues and
employment opportunities in Ireland. Deloitte is providing strategic and financial advisory those impacted by the ongoing war. Deloitte is
Ireland practitioners supported Revenue’s support to help the organization navigate committed to supporting education, skills building
development of virtual workers to speed the crisis and achieve an even greater impact and employment opportunities for refugees and
up the registration process for Ukrainian at scale. displaced persons, in Europe and beyond.
refugees. More than 3,000 Ukrainian people
have been helped, enabling them to start Deloitte has also fostered a variety of employee-
work more easily. led initiatives. The Deloitte Poland Foundation
created an online platform where Deloitte
people can connect and share ideas. To date,
almost 500 people have collaborated on more
Health equity is the fair and just opportunity ambition to advance health equity to make an the Global Health Equity Network—a network
for everyone to fulfill their human potential in impact that matters, the DHEIs shape initiatives that mobilizes executive leaders across sectors
all aspects of health and wellbeing. This overall to help address the root causes of health inequity and geographies to commit to prioritizing health
state of wellbeing is influenced not just by through four levers: equity.
access to health care, but also by systemic and
unintentional bias and the conditions in which • Advancing health equity as an outcome for
people are born, grow, live, work and age—the individuals and communities to transform
social, economic and environmental drivers of
the systems that exacerbate disparities; Joining the fight
• Enhancing Deloitte clients’ ability to drive against COVID-19
While history shows that global society has made change in health equity through their own
tremendous strides in extending average life organizations, offerings, communities and
expectancy, marginalized communities are still ecosystems; The COVID-19 pandemic has also laid bare the
more likely to experience worse health outcomes reality of health inequities around the world,
than the overall population. These health • Driving action across the ecosystem by highlighting the urgent need for action.
inequities are being exacerbated by the ongoing working in collaboration with like-minded
COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, forced organizations and key decision-makers; and In India, the DHEI collaborated with leaders in
migration and the rising cost of living. India’s State of Haryana (Districts of Karnal and
• Empowering, activating and energizing Rohtak) to pilot “Expand the Ward,” a program
Achieving health equity is a complex, global Deloitte people to create change within to reduce the strain on hospitals by helping to
challenge—one where many organizations our organization and in the communities we provide virtual home care to those with mild to
have a role to play, including Deloitte. Over serve. moderate COVID-19. The program mobilizes local
the past year, Deloitte firms have taken action health care practitioners and community-based
by launching Deloitte Health Equity Institutes As an example, Deloitte leads a collaboration with workers to help provide early detection and
(DHEIs) in Africa, India and the US. Unified by the the World Economic Forum to launch and expand essential care of patients in their homes.
Contacts: Greg Reh, Deloitte Global Life Sciences & Health Care Industry Leader; Ashleigh Theophanides, Executive Director, Africa Deloitte Health Equity Institute; Charu Sehgal, Executive
Director, India Deloitte Health Equity Institute; Dr. Jay Bhatt, Executive Director, US Deloitte Health Equity Institute
Deloitte’s commitment to human rights is inherent In addition, Deloitte has committed to the US The Deloitte Supplier Code of Conduct includes
in our Shared Values and ALL IN, our global Business Roundtable Statement on the Purpose prohibitions on forced or involuntary labor. It
diversity, equity and inclusion strategy. We believe of a Corporation. also requires that work be conducted based on
all people are endowed with fundamental human freely agreed terms; that documents relating to
rights, including the right to equal treatment workers’ identities or immigration status may not
under the law, freedom of mobility, and other be withheld or destroyed, concealed, confiscated
rights as outlined in the UN Declaration of
Human Rights and UN Standards of Conduct
Human rights or otherwise made inaccessible by the supplier;
and that there be no exploitation of child labor
for Business in Tackling Discrimination against
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex
risk assessments or employment of workers under the age of
15 (or the minimum legal working age, whichever
people. Deloitte’s commitment to protecting these is greater).
human rights is expressed in our organization’s Following the UN Guiding Principles on Business
Commitment to Responsible Business and and Human Rights, we focus on our business The Supplier Code of Conduct is provided to
Global Principles of Business Conduct. and operations, including our global supply suppliers each time a new or renewed contract
chains, to identify and evaluate potential human is established. In addition, in Deloitte Global
Deloitte Global is a founding member of the rights impacts as a part of our human rights due requests for proposals (RFPs) we require that
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). In diligence process. suppliers answer questions regarding compliance
addition, Deloitte was an early signatory to with the International Labour Organization
The World Economic Forum’s Partnering As a part of this process, we determined that Principles in respect to human rights and
Against Corruption Initiative (PACI). Deloitte the professional services industry has a lower conditions of employment, and public reporting
also supports the principles and standards for risk of incidents of child, forced or compulsory on their efforts to eliminate slavery, forced
responsible business conduct espoused in several labor in direct operations relative to many other labor and child labor in their operations and
international instruments, including the OECD industries, given the type of work performed and supply chain.
Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, its delivery methods. Deloitte is not aware of any
OECD Anti-bribery Convention, and UN Guiding instances of child, forced or compulsory labor in
Principles on Business and Human Rights. our direct operations.
Contacts: John Brugge, Senior Manager, CoRe Procurement Sustainability; Anna Nefedova, Deloitte Global ESG Reporting Leader
Transparency and
Deloitte includes our human rights practices and
policies in our Global Impact Report to provide
transparency to clients and other stakeholders.
In addition, we encourage our people to raise
any human rights or other ethical concerns.
Our organization provides multiple channels for
consultation and reporting of concerns, with an
emphasis on confidentiality and non-retaliation.
Societal investments
Total societal investments
Hours of volunteer and pro bono time
Total societal investments from
FY2018 through FY2022
WorldClass commitment
Through WorldClass, we seek to expand opportunities for 100 million individuals by 2030 by providing access to education and job skills.
Individuals reached toward our 100M goal
Individuals reached in FY2022
WorldClass investments
Hours of volunteer and pro bono time
dedicated to WorldClass
Total societal investments of US$284M include US$126.3M in donations, US$131.1M in value of volunteer and pro bono work, and US$26.6M in management costs. Figures are aggregated
across the Deloitte organization. “Individuals reached” refers to the total number of people, external to Deloitte, impacted through support provided by Deloitte people to individuals (e.g.,
mentoring) and organizations (e.g., capacity building for nonprofit organizations) toward Deloitte’s goal of reaching 100 million individuals by 2030. Because of rounding, numbers may not tally
with the total.
Expand opportunities
Reach 100 million individuals by 2030
Empower individuals
Support and inspire our 415,000
people to lead in their communities 100
Engage ecosystems
Collaborate across sectors to create
education and skills building opportunities
While much has changed over the past year, Deloitte does not waver from our
commitment to providing opportunities, programs and resources to help our people
thrive. We live our Shared Values—particularly Take care of each other—and prioritize
respect and inclusion, fairness, development and well-being.
and throughout their Deloitte Global’s 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey
showed that financial security is the top concern
careers We have evolved our approach to learning and for these generations. As a people-powered
development, with a greater focus on promoting business, Deloitte supports its professionals
agility and advancing the technology skills our throughout their career journeys with innovative
Over the past year we have seen that hybrid people want and Deloitte clients need. This and challenging work, extensive professional
work offers solutions for many people, but also includes “hiring to train” programs where future development opportunities, and competitive,
challenges—particularly for women, Gen Zs and Deloitte professionals earn the credentials and market-based compensation and benefits.
millennials—including maintaining a healthy on-the-job experiences they need to succeed in
separation between work and life, advancing future roles. This past year we were excited to
their careers, and feeling a sense of purpose and welcome people back to Deloitte University for
Going ALL IN for our Externally, Deloitte Global has published research
on diversity-related topics such as gender
inclusive workplace balance with Women @ Work 2022: A Global
Outlook, mental health through the 2022 Gen Z
and Millennial survey research paper, and LGBT+
Deloitte’s global diversity, equity and inclusion inclusion in the LGBT+ Inclusion @ Work: A Global
strategy—ALL IN—emphasizes a workplace Outlook report. Throughout the year, Deloitte
culture founded on respect and characterized campaigns also help drive the conversation on
by inclusive behaviors and an appreciation for inclusion in the societies around the world in
diversity in its many forms. ALL IN is focused not which Deloitte operates. These include Deloitte’s
only on helping our people live our values and International Women’s Day celebration, which
thrive in a culture that is respectful and inclusive, encouraged everyone to #BeTheButterfly all
but also on designing and implementing targeted year, taking seemingly small actions that can
actions and interventions that can make a positive have a big impact to help break gender bias, as
impact when it comes to our diversity, equity and well as our World Mental Health Day stories from
inclusion goals. Deloitte people, which aimed to challenge stigma
around mental health challenges. Deloitte’s Pride
Throughout the year, Deloitte Global has celebration this year focused on the importance
developed a range of internal resources—from of LGBT+ inclusion year-round under the theme
inclusive leadership training and conversation #QueerAllYear. Finally, Deloitte Global also
guides to practical tips and guidance on topics debuted three additional films in the award-
ranging from microaggressions to transgender winning “Can you see me?” series, a moving
inclusion—to help Deloitte people feel more reminder of how powerfully words and actions
confident having conversations in the workplace can impact people.
about diversity-related topics including race,
sexual orientation, gender identity, neurodiversity
and disability.
Deloitte strives to make gender balance the norm Deloitte’s commitment globally to achieving (DEI) Transparency Report, which contains a
across our organization. We have set aspirational gender pay equity goes beyond what is typically wealth of detail on Deloitte US’s DEI goals. The
goals against which Deloitte Global leadership required by local legislation in the countries 2022 DEI Transparency Report provides an
monitors progress. We have developed consistent where its firms are located, and the Deloitte update on progress in the US to date. It also
global standards spanning the entire career Global Executive has a zero-tolerance approach to extends this work to include other historically
lifecycle—from recruitment, promotion and gender pay inequity across Deloitte. To that end, underrepresented groups. Going forward, Deloitte
succession processes, to development, mentoring, through a consistent methodology, Deloitte Global is keen to expand that focus to other geographies
sponsorship and flexible working. Talent provides the Deloitte Global Executive as well.
with visibility and analysis of gender pay equity
The Deloitte Global Executive comprises 23% practices by identifying statistically significant Deloitte’s focus on working toward gender
women and the Deloitte Global Board of gender pay differences on a like-for-like basis and equality does not end with our own organization.
Directors is 38% women, progressing toward the highlights underlying factors that contribute to Many Deloitte firms and Deloitte Global are
aspirational goal of 30% female representation in differences so action can be targeted across the signatories of the UN Women’s Empowerment
Deloitte Global leadership roles by 2023 and 40% talent lifecycle. Principles. Deloitte believes we should be a
by 2025. Since 2019, Deloitte firms have increased force for good and lead the way on the complex
female representation in both member firm Deloitte has a longstanding commitment to challenges facing women and girls in society.
partnership and other leadership roles. Twenty- transparency when it comes to gender balance. Through a number of our WorldClass societal
five percent of member firm partners, principals For example, Deloitte UK started voluntarily impact projects, Deloitte is working to positively
and managing directors are female, with the goal reporting its gender pay gap (the total average impact the lives of women and girls around the
of reaching 30% by 2025. Progress against these difference between earnings for men and world. Stories of this impact formed the basis
aspirational goals and other measurements is women) in 2015, two years before it became for the first-ever Deloitte Global Gender Impact
monitored and reported to the Deloitte Global required by legislation. In the US, where neither Report, released on International Women’s Day
Executive and Deloitte Global Board of Directors public nor private reporting is required, Deloitte in 2020. The report, centered on the theme of
semi-annually. US made a public commitment to pay equity the “Butterfly Effect,” demonstrates the impact
in its inaugural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion of Deloitte’s work with girls and women in our
Contacts: Emma Codd, Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader; Nhu Fabros, Managing Director, Deloitte Global Talent
communities and beyond, anchored in the idea Deloitte, as well as Deloitte clients and other
that a small action can have a widespread, lasting stakeholders, when it comes to the engagement
impact. Deloitte is committed to helping girls and and retention of women in the workforce.
women around the world access the right skills
and opportunities through education initiatives, Deloitte is a global member of the 30% club and
supporting social enterprises, sponsorship and a number of Deloitte firms have collaborated with
mentorship programs and more. the organization to publish research in chapters
around the world, including Australia, Canada,
Building on the Butterfly Effect theme, Deloitte’s Colombia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, the Middle East,
2021 campaign illustrated the individual impact Southern Africa, the United Kingdom and the
of Deloitte women on the lives of women United States. For more than 20 years, Deloitte
and girls in our communities, and the 2022 has been a supporter of Catalyst, a global
campaign featured a call to action for everyone to nonprofit organization working with some of the
#BeTheButterfly through their everyday actions. world’s most powerful CEOs and more than 800
This campaign was amplified internally and leading organizations to build workplaces that
externally through the engagement of Deloitte work for women.
people around the world.
Deloitte stands against systemic bias, racism accounting, and in 2022 Deloitte US also launched Report and the Deloitte UK 2021 Ethnicity Pay
and inequitable treatment. We take seriously our the DEI Institute to further sustain equity and Report. Deloitte UK has reported its ethnicity pay
responsibility to listen, learn and lead the change belonging for all. gap (the difference in the average hourly rate of
we wish to see in the world. As an example, in pay between earnings for ethnic minority and
2021, Deloitte US launched the Deloitte Health Deloitte Canada, in 2022, signed a multi-year non-ethnic minority employees) since 2017.
Equity Institute whose mission is to drive change agreement with Indspire—an organization that
that addresses racism, bias and inequity in health invests in the education of Indigenous peoples Deloitte firms offer their leaders a range of
outcomes through public, private and social —for over CAD$500,000. Both Deloitte Canada resources to help them support their Black
sector collaboration. The Deloitte Health Equity and Deloitte Australia published Reconciliation professionals and to mitigate the disproportional
Institutes, which include Deloitte US, Deloitte Action Plans outlining each firm’s commitments to impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on them.
India and Deloitte Africa, aspire to be catalysts further engage and collaborate with First Nations These resources include the Deloitte US Support
for change by bringing business, government People. your Black workforce, now toolkit and the Deloitte
and community leaders together to intentionally Canada Black in Canada report. The Deloitte US
design and build systems that advance health Deloitte is actively engaged in global and local 2021 equity imperative report addresses the
equity as an outcome. recruitment, learning and development, need for business to take bold action. Deloitte
career progression and mentoring initiatives UK is a Founding Partner of the Change the Race
To help foster racial inclusion, Deloitte US and aimed at increasing Black and ethnic minority Ratio campaign that focuses on increasing racial
Deloitte Canada donated more than US$10 million representation throughout the organization. For and ethnic participation in business. The Deloitte
in contributions and pro bono commitments to example, Deloitte UK is supporting the 10,000 UK Black Action plan outlines five actions to help
a number of organizations that are fighting for Black Interns initiative. Some Deloitte firms— develop Black professionals, including a “5 Million
social justice, tackling employment and wealth including Deloitte US, Deloitte UK and Deloitte Futures” societal collaboration with Blueprint for
inequality, and creating educational opportunities South Africa—report on racial and ethnic All.
for underserved communities. Deloitte US’s representation within their firms. Read more
Making Accounting Diverse and Equitable (MADE) about their efforts in the Deloitte US 2022
initiative has committed US$75 million to fuel Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Transparency
greater racial and ethnic diversity in tax and Report, the Deloitte South Africa Transparency
Contacts: Emma Codd, Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader; Nhu Fabros, Managing Director, Deloitte Global Talent
Deloitte aims to provide an environment by a progress update in 2022. Deloitte Japan has in underrepresented groups such as Thiago, a
where people with both visible and non-visible published demographic data on its people with wheelchair user, and Delphine, an autistic person.
disabilities can actively and fully participate in disabilities as part of the firm’s drive to increase
the workplace and society. As such, disability as representation, accessibility and awareness of Deloitte’s global focus on fostering an inclusive
well as neurodiversity inclusion are increasingly talent with disabilities. workplace for colleagues with disabilities has been
priority areas for Deloitte’s global diversity, equity recognized by third-party organizations around
and inclusion strategy. Many Deloitte firms are also committed to funding the world, including in the US where, in 2021,
scholarships and offering apprenticeships to Deloitte achieved a perfect score in the Disability
Deloitte has launched a number of awareness- neurodivergent talent and those with disabilities. Equality Index’s best places to work ranking.
building, coaching and education programs Examples include Deloitte Canada’s funding Deloitte UK is part of the UK Government’s
to help remove obstacles that may hinder toward scholarships for law students with Disability Confident employer scheme focused on
professionals with disabilities from reaching disabilities through the Legal Leaders for Diversity best practices around the recruitment, retention
their full career potential, as well as to support and Inclusion (LLD) scholarship fund and the and development of talent with disabilities.
skills development and career progression Deloitte US Neurodiversity@Deloitte program
in society at large. This includes initiatives consisting of a three-month apprenticeship with Deloitte Global and many Deloitte firms have
focused on accessibility in the physical work an opportunity for full-time employment. also sought to advance the inclusion of people
environment, such as the Deloitte US human- with disabilities through the sharing of leading
centered design (HCD) initiative that seeks to This intentional action is complemented by practices and resources across the organization,
better understand the experiences of people with Deloitte’s global focus on fostering an inclusive as well as via external platforms and networks.
disabilities, identify ways to improve accessibility, workplace culture underpinned by respect, and by This includes Deloitte Global, Deloitte UK and
and create a more inclusive culture. Deloitte encouraging Deloitte people to practice empathy Deloitte Japan memberships in the Valuable
Canada launched its first AccessAbility Action by considering the perspective of others, including 500 and Deloitte Australia membership in
Plan in 2021 to reinforce its commitment to the those in underrepresented groups. Highlighted the Australian Network on Disability.
inclusion of people with disabilities as well as in Deloitte Global’s award-winning Can you see
those with different accessibility needs, followed me? campaign, are stories representing people
Contacts: Emma Codd, Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader; Nhu Fabros, Managing Director, Deloitte Global Talent
At Deloitte, we want our LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bi, means that, within the walls of Deloitte, we apply We also embrace and promote the power of
transgender and more) people to feel confident in LGBT+ inclusive policies and practices for our allyship to support our LGBT+ people and their
being who they are and empowered to thrive at own people in all jurisdictions – in an approach rights and well-being, and to amplify LGBT+ voices.
Deloitte and within the communities we serve. known as the embassy model.* We have updated And because allyship is such a critical element
our Global Code, Global Anti-discrimination of LGBT+ diversity, we have created a host of
Deloitte proudly signed up to the UN Standards and Anti-harassment Policy, Supplier Code and resources, including digital learning and guides, to
of Conduct for Business in Tackling Discrimination Commitment to Responsible Business Practices to support our LGBT+ and allies networks and our
against LGBTI people (the UN Standards). As reflect this stance (specifically referencing sexual people. We have incorporated guidance on critical
such, Deloitte continues to act to further LGBT+ orientation and gender identity). And to further issues, including LGBT+ inclusion generally as well
inclusion aligned with the five core areas of these advance LGBT+ inclusion, Deloitte introduced a as specifically focusing on transgender inclusion,
standards, with LGBT+ inclusion being one of our global LGBT+ inclusion baseline in 2022, which and on how to have respectful and inclusive
global inclusion priority pillars. In line with the sets out minimum expectations on inclusion for conversations about related topics.
UN standard to act in the public sphere, Deloitte each country in which Deloitte operates.
is proud to be a member of the Partnership In 2021, Deloitte Global released additional
for Global LGBTI Equality. Deloitte has also Deloitte offers a variety of platforms that enable resources to help Deloitte firms to review their
joined the Brunswick Group’s coalition, Open LGBT+ colleagues and allies to build community internal policies through an LGBT+ inclusion lens
for Business, a network of major businesses and to feel seen and heard at work. This includes and augment the LGBT+ inclusion learning and
campaigning for LGBT+ inclusion globally, which StandOUT, an LGBT+ and allies network that support resources available to Deloitte people
recently recognized Deloitte as a Global Equality operates globally, as well as more than 30 local worldwide. Deloitte Global also developed an
Champion. employee resource groups (ERGs) across Europe, LGBT+ inclusion e-learning that was released in
Africa, the Americas and Asia Pacific. Our LGBT+ 2022 and is available to Deloitte people.
Our commitment to the UN Standards applies inclusion strategy is informed by the lived
to our organization as a whole, regardless of experience of our LGBT+ professionals, with an In 2021, Deloitte began introducing LGBT+
geography, and is aligned to our global approach LGBT+ advisory group and an LGBT+ network/ERG demographics questions for some Deloitte firms
to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, which stands leaders Community of Practice helping to inform in our annual Global Talent Experience (GTE)
against all forms of discrimination, worldwide. This our actions. survey in those countries where it is permissible
Contacts: Emma Codd, Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader; Nhu Fabros, Managing Director, Deloitte Global Talent
to gather such data. This data enables Deloitte to is a sum of their parts and experiences, and how
measure the impact of our actions to help foster words and actions have an impact on others.
inclusion and identify additional actions to further
support the global LGBT+ inclusion strategy. Deloitte is also recognized by various
organizations for its work to help foster LGBT+
Externally, we have championed the inclusion. For example, Deloitte Australia is
transformative power of allyship more broadly. recognized as an employer of choice for LGBT+
Our Pride celebrations in 2020 and 2021 were inclusion, achieving Gold Employer Status in the
centered around the themes of LGBT+ visibility 2020 Pride in Diversity Annual Workplace Equality
and allyship, with our 2021 campaign featuring Index. In addition, Deloitte US has achieved a
the ”Can you see me – do you hear me?” lived perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign
experience stories of some of our LGBT+ Foundation Corporate Equality Index for 14
professionals from around the world. In 2022, consecutive years. Deloitte US also made the list
Deloitte Global released the LGBT+ Inclusion @ of Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality in both
Work report, based on a survey of 600 non- 2021 and 2022.
Deloitte respondents from organizations across
12 geographies and territories and a range
of sectors. The research provides a snapshot
of the lived workplace experiences of LGBT+
employees, to understand their daily realities,
what organizations are getting right and what can
be improved.
*The embassy model approach refers to an organization applying LGBT+ inclusive policies and practices to their own employees in all jurisdictions, but not seeking to exert influence externally
by lobbying the government or supporting local activists.
Deloitte believes that supporting mental health baseline and identify actions needed to meet the Each year, World Mental Health Day provides
and well-being is critical to attracting and requirements. Building on the baseline, we are an opportunity to advocate for and accelerate
retaining the best people and helping them be focusing on developing tailored guidance and positive change for mental health in the
their authentic and productive selves today and tools to help firms to continue to address the workplace. In October 2021, as part of our global
into the future. We recognize the importance of most significant workplace issues, with an initial World Mental Health Day campaign, Deloitte
mental health and the need for Deloitte people to focus on the mitigation of burnout. published stories of the journeys of some of our
know where and how to seek support when people when it comes to mental health. Our hope
they are facing mental ill health. Our leaders Deloitte offers various resources to support its is that these stories make clear the importance of
understand their roles in maintaining a stigma- people when it comes to their mental health. We being able to talk about mental health at work—
free workplace. believe that prevention is critical. To this end, the and that it’s OK to not be OK.
Deloitte Global Mental Health Podcast Series
To advance mental health awareness and features leaders from across and outside the Externally, Deloitte aims to promote the
support Deloitte people globally, our organization Deloitte organization who share practical tips importance of mental health as a priority for
introduced a mental health baseline in January and ideas to help support mental health and business leaders globally. Deloitte is a founding
2021 that sets clear expectations in each country well-being. Other resources include well-being partner of the Global Business Collaboration for
in which we operate. This set of requirements articles, videos and educational materials, and Better Workplace Mental Health (GBC),
includes reducing stigma, providing leadership information published on Deloitte’s Inclusion Hub, established in January 2021 to advocate for and
learning and support, and identifying causes of an online resource accessible to Deloitte people accelerate positive change in mental health in
mental ill health and corresponding actions to globally. In 2022, Deloitte Global created the workplaces around the world. Deloitte Global
help address them. Each Deloitte firm committed “Supporting Mental Health at Work” e-learning, CEO Punit Renjen signed the GBC pledge on
to meeting this set of minimum requirements which has been released globally. This learning behalf of Deloitte, and Deloitte hosted an affiliate
within 18 months and guidance was provided to module aims to raise awareness of signs session on reducing stigma on mental health in
help firms meet each element of the baseline. that someone might be experiencing mental the workplace at the 2022 World Economic Forum
This included a Mental Health Diagnostic health challenges, how to have a supportive Annual Meeting in Davos.
Tool—a self-assessment that allows Deloitte conversation, and the resources available that can
firms to evaluate their current state against the help.
Contacts: Emma Codd, Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader; Tim Ackroyd, Senior Manager, Deloitte Global Talent
As we emerged from the initial COVID-19 matter—augmented by Cura. As the pandemic year on average represents US$5.12 billion. That
pandemic lockdowns, Deloitte continued to enters the next phase, DU will be an even more figure also excludes other independent learning
provide virtual learning as part of a hybrid important place for Deloitte people to meet in time spent by Deloitte professionals—such as
approach to professional development. Our digital a renewed context of personal safety, inclusion, utilizing Cura resources and pursuing on-the-job
learning platforms allowed us to respond quickly and physical and mental well-being. Time spent coaching and mentoring—that are a core aspect
and provide our professionals virtual offerings to together in person at DU is focused on capability of development at Deloitte.
complement in-person training classes. building, coaching and mentoring, role playing,
and making connections. The way Deloitte people work continues to evolve
We are leveraging Cura, a digital learning and we have seen a shift in strategy to embed
platform that uses artificial intelligence to The importance of DU to Deloitte’s future is learning into the flow of work, as well as to
provide customized, online development underscored by the continued investment in its align with Deloitte’s environmental strategy to
options covering more than 400,000 learning global footprint: DU EMEA will move to a new reduce travel.
assets from both internal and external sources. bespoke facility near Paris in 2023; DU Asia
Cura also personalizes learning based on the Pacific announced it is moving forward with a
learner’s needs and interests. Cura democratizes second facility in the region in China; Deloitte
the process, giving our people both a voice India announced its intent to build a DU campus
and a choice in their learning while enabling in Northern India; and in June 2022, Deloitte US
collaboration and individual contribution. By the opened an expanded DU US India facility.
end of the fiscal year, more than 360,000 Deloitte
people had accessed the platform. Despite curtailed operations at DU during the
pandemic, we estimate Deloitte’s total direct,
As Deloitte offices around the world reopened, global investment in learning for FY2022
Deloitte University (DU) and learning teams to average US$1,150 per person. This does
worked to balance in-person classroom activities not include the “opportunity cost” of taking
and virtual learning delivery. DU is Deloitte’s professionals offline for formal training, which
cultural home, providing in-person moments that at 42 developmental hours per person per
Contacts: Stevan Rolls, Deloitte Global Deputy Talent Leader; Lieven De Groodt, Deloitte Global Learning Leader; Anila DeHart, Managing Director, Deloitte Global Talent
Total headcount
Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
By gender
Women 45%
Men 55%
By age 46%
47% 7%
Deloitte people align to gender identities beyond ‘male’ and ‘female’. We are on a journey to more accurately and
completely capture gender identity information across our organization. The data provided is a mix of biological sex
and gender identity data based on information available at this time. Age ranges are estimated based on data collected
from Deloitte firms. Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization. Because of rounding, numbers may not
tally with the total.
Asia Pacific
Women Men
Deloitte people align to gender identities beyond ‘male’ and ‘female’. We are on a journey to more accurately and
completely capture gender identity information across our organization. The data provided is a mix of biological sex
and gender identity data based on information available at this time. Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte
member firms in the relevant region. Because of rounding, numbers may not tally with the total.
Americas 46%
47% 7%
Asia Pacific 46%
48% 6%
EMEA 45%
48% 7%
Figures are aggregated across Deloitte member firms in the relevant region.
Age ranges are estimated based on data collected from Deloitte firms. Because
of rounding, numbers may not tally with the total.
Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
*New hires as a percentage of total headcount.
Applications received
across the organization
5.72 million
New hires
Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
Training hours do not include on-the-job learning hours that are a core aspect of development at Deloitte. Average annual direct training cost per individual represents data
collected across Deloitte. Indirect training cost is the opportunity cost based on estimates from Deloitte Global and reporting Deloitte firms.
The Deloitte organization comprises Deloitte as they designate individuals to these positions. The Board and Chair receive input from the
Touche Tohmatsu Limited (Deloitte Global), The Global Board has 21 members, with women Deloitte Global Independent Non-Executive
member firms of Deloitte Global and each of their making up 38% of the Board. Deloitte Global Chair (INE) Advisory Council, a group consisting of
related entities in more than 150 countries and Sharon Thorne began her four-year term of office independent non-executives who are directors of
territories, and has governance and management on 1 June 2019. member firm boards. The group provides advice
structures in place at the Deloitte Global, member and insights on a variety of matters, including
firm and local levels. Except for the Deloitte Global CEO and Deloitte strategy, planning, public policy, quality, risk and
Global Chair, all Deloitte Global Board members regulatory matters, and broader stakeholder
are active member firm partners. No Deloitte engagement.
Global Board members hold any other significant
The Deloitte Global positions and commitments in other commercial
organizations. More information about Deloitte
Board of Directors Global Board members is available here.
The Deloitte
The Board of Directors addresses Deloitte
The Board has several committees to support its
oversight and governance work, including:
Global Executive
Global’s most important governance issues, • CEO Nominating (cyclical)
including approval of the global strategy, major • Compensation The Deloitte Global Executive, currently composed
policies, major transactions and the selection of • Finance & Audit of 22 senior leaders from Deloitte Global and
the Deloitte Global CEO. • Risk & Ethics select Deloitte member firms, is responsible for
• Stewardship embedding Deloitte’s Purpose and advancing its
Board composition is diverse in terms of • Succession Planning strategic business priorities. The Executive also
geography, with Board members living in 14 • Technology & Transformation Ad Hoc sets policies and champions initiatives that help
countries, and has proportionate representation Committee Deloitte make an impact that matters for Deloitte
of Deloitte member firms. Gender and business clients, Deloitte people, communities and other
background are considered by member firms stakeholders.
Contacts: Em Sendall, Chief of Staff, Office of the Deloitte Global Chair; Michelle Varney, Chief of Staff, Office of the Deloitte Global CEO; Robert Young, Chief of Staff, Office of the Deloitte Global COO
Contacts: Susan Yashar, Deloitte Global Deputy CEO and General Counsel; Danielle Almagor, Deloitte Global Deputy General Counsel, Corporate
Deloitte’s reputation is one of our most cherished senior Deloitte leaders to build and enhance the firms’ own individual policies, subject to
assets. It distinguishes Deloitte in the marketplace, organization’s ethics program, which consists of local laws. The global policy requires anti-
differentiating us from the competition and the following elements: discrimination and anti-harassment training
enabling us to attract the world-class talent that • The Global Code and Deloitte firms’ codes for all Deloitte people upon joining and every
is our hallmark. That’s why Deloitte’s Ethics teams of conduct, which provide additional local two years thereafter;
work diligently and proactively to continually guidance, detailed expectations, consultation • A global familial and intimate personal
advance the culture of integrity across the channels, links to policies and guidelines, and relationships policy that sets out the
organization. Deloitte is committed to conducting further support for professionals; requirements for Deloitte firms’ own individual
business with transparency, honesty and the • A global ethics policy that sets out the policies and processes, subject to local
utmost professionalism. requirements for Deloitte firms’ ethics laws, designed to help ensure that working
programs, along with an Ethics Officer relationships are, and are perceived to be,
Our Global Principles of Business Conduct (“Global Playbook to set clear expectations and objective, fair and at arm’s length, and to
Code”) outlines Deloitte’s ethical commitments reinforce the strategic role and responsibilities mitigate real or perceived conflicts of interest;
and expectations of our 415,000 Deloitte of Deloitte firms’ Ethics officers;
people globally, giving the organization a strong • Deloitte ethics training programs—including
foundation built upon indelible principles. At • Ethical due diligence processes for Deloitte online courses, classroom and virtual
Deloitte, we have placed ethical culture and values firm CEOs, board chairs, and other senior programs, and facilitator-led interactive
at the heart of our agenda, and we understand leaders, and enhanced expectations for case discussions—and communications
the critical responsibility Deloitte has to build trust firms’ boards of directors in governing ethical campaigns. Ethics training is required for
and serve the public interest. Driving a proactive culture, ethical risks and ethics program all new hires upon joining Deloitte, upon
approach to ethics, and building and sustaining agendas; promotion to manager (specific to their roles)
a culture of integrity, helps Deloitte people make and for all Deloitte people every two years.
• A global anti-discrimination and anti-
the most appropriate professional decisions. Additional ethics training is also delivered
harassment (including discrimination on the
to members of the Deloitte Global Board
grounds of sex, gender identity or sexual
The Deloitte Global Ethics team and Deloitte of Directors and Deloitte firm boards on a
orientation, and sexual harassment) policy
firms’ Ethics officers continue to work closely with periodic basis. This training emphasizes how
that sets out the requirements for Deloitte
Deloitte actively supports multiple efforts to including but not limited to: and
eradicate corruption throughout the world. • Appointment of an Anti-Corruption leader • An annual confirmation from each member
Deloitte Global was an early signatory to the who is responsible, with oversight from firm to Deloitte Global that all of its people
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and to the applicable Deloitte firm’s leadership or have read, understood, and agree to comply
the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against governing body, for the applicable Deloitte with the local anti-corruption policy and are
Corruption Initiative (PACI). firm’s anti-corruption program; not in violation of this policy, and understand
• Annual Deloitte firm anti-corruption self- their obligation for reporting actions that do
Deloitte Global’s anti-corruption policy includes assessments, guidance and tools (including not comply with this policy.
requirements for Deloitte firms’ own anti- guidance on anti-corruption testing and
corruption programs and addresses matters monitoring) to measure the effectiveness of Additionally, Deloitte Global has a written policy
including bribery, facilitation payments, political anti-corruption programs across Deloitte; requiring member firms to escalate corruption
and charitable contributions, and gifts and incidents meeting established criteria to the
entertainment. This policy requires Deloitte firms • A globally consistent process to perform anti-
appropriate Deloitte Global senior leaders. In
to conduct business in accordance with certain corruption due diligence on nonclient third
FY2022, no substantiated incidents of corruption*
anti-corruption principles, including that Deloitte parties, including subcontractors, marketplace
were reported to Deloitte Global under this policy.
neither makes nor accepts bribes, and does not alliances, vendors and suppliers;
induce or permit any other party to make or • A process for Deloitte firms to perform or All Deloitte people are required to complete anti-
receive bribes on our behalf. update corruption risk assessments at least corruption training—after being hired and every
annually; other year thereafter—that includes applicable
The Deloitte Global anti-corruption team and
• Channels for Deloitte people to report policies, corruption red flags and case scenarios.
Deloitte firm anti-corruption leaders work closely
concerns; Deloitte Global conducts a review program to
with senior Deloitte leaders to build and enhance assess compliance with anti-corruption policies
a globally consistent, internal anti-corruption • Supporting activities—including and drive continuous improvement in Deloitte
program across the Deloitte organization. The communications, workshops and webinars— firm anti-corruption programs.
program consists of a number of elements, to facilitate the sharing of leading practices;
*For the purpose of this disclosure, “corruption” is defined as any form of bribery including offering, promising, giving, accepting or soliciting anything of value for the purpose of gaining or securing any improper
business advantage.
Contact: Mohammed Ahmed, Deloitte Global Anti-Corruption and Financial Crime Compliance Leader
public interest Independence Standards) issued by the Each Deloitte firm has a director of independence
International Ethics Standards Board for who is responsible for overseeing independence
Accountants (IESBA) matters, including the design, implementation,
The Deloitte Global Board of Directors has • US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) operation and monitoring of independence
adopted robust independence policies and • Public Company Accounting Oversight Board quality controls. On an annual basis, all Deloitte
procedures (including around global systems and (PCAOB) firms report to Deloitte Global that they have
tools) to help Deloitte and its people safeguard conducted procedures to confirm that their
their objectivity. When applicable national or regional firm and professionals are in compliance with
requirements are more restrictive than the Deloitte Global’s independence policies. Deloitte
All Deloitte people are required to follow the requirements in Deloitte Global’s policies, Global supports Deloitte firms with on-going
independence policies and procedures, which Deloitte firms and their people must meet those independence consultation, enabling continuous
address professional and regulatory jurisdictions’ requirements as well.
Contacts: Denise Canavan, Deloitte Global Independence Leader; Melissa Langlois, Managing Director, Deloitte Global Independence
the focus
Deloitte operates in dynamic regulatory
environments in which national rulemaking often
has broad-reaching global implications. Deloitte
Global Independence leaders continually engage
with external professional bodies and regulators
to advance the development of independence
requirements around the world. Internally,
Deloitte Global provides Deloitte professionals
worldwide with information and guidance
on independence issues, as well as enabling
technologies to raise awareness and help them
comply with rapidly changing and increasingly
complex requirements. Deloitte leadership
reinforces the importance of compliance with
independence and related quality control
standards, setting the appropriate tone at the top
and reflecting its importance in the Shared Values
and culture of Deloitte.
Deloitte has a robust process for identifying, Emerging risks are also discussed, and any These risks and opportunities have been
assessing, managing and monitoring risks and necessary mitigation actions are agreed and considered based on the potential primary
opportunities, both at the Deloitte Global level executed upon. impact, including where the impact is a loss of
and at the member firm level through their opportunity. The risks and opportunities have
respective Enterprise Risk Frameworks (ERFs). The Deloitte Global CRO reports on Deloitte’s been categorized into the following impact
priority risks on a regular cadence to the Deloitte dimensions:
The Deloitte Global ERF sets out the Deloitte Global Executive, enabling discussion of risk • Risks impacting our brand, reputation and/
Global Executive’s assessment of the priority risks exposures and mitigation actions. Priority risks or public interest obligations;
and emerging risks facing Deloitte—specifically, are also regularly reviewed by the Risk and
those that could impact the ability of Deloitte Ethics Committee of the Deloitte Global Board of • Risks impacting our strategic success or
to achieve its strategic priorities, meet its public Directors. market differentiation; and
interest obligations, and protect its reputation • Risks impacting our people, Purpose and
and people. The member firm ERFs are managed Shared Values.
in coordination with the Deloitte Global ERF.
There is ongoing and frequent dialogue between Priority risks and It is recognized that risks do not operate in
discrete categories and they may have more
the Deloitte Global ERF team, which facilitates
the operation of the ERF, the risk owners, and
opportunities than one impact. However, for the purposes of
the categorization, the focus is on the potential
other Deloitte Global teams to help ensure early primary impact. Each of Deloitte’s enterprise
identification and escalation of any matters The enterprise risks and opportunities listed are risks and opportunities have been linked
requiring consideration by the risk owner or the those that, as of August 2022, are considered to to one or more ESG categories included in
Deloitte Global Chief Risk Officer (CRO). This is have the most potential for significant impact on Deloitte’s materiality matrix.
complemented by a regular cadence of meetings Deloitte’s ability to achieve its strategic priorities,
between the Deloitte Global CRO, the Deloitte meet its public interest obligations and protect its
Global ERF team, and each risk owner, during reputation and people, should the risk materialize.
which the exposure to each risk is assessed.
Contacts: Cees de Boer, Deloitte Global Chief Data Security and Confidentiality Leader; Graham McKay, Deloitte Global Privacy Leader; David Mahon, Deloitte Global Chief Information Security Officer
Threats come in many sizes and forms, including travel guidance, and share best practices to and business operations. To that end, in
geopolitical instability, crime, natural disasters support consistent response approaches across FY2022 Deloitte Global achieved ISO 22301
and, most recently, global pandemics. The the organization. certification, the leading international business
Deloitte Global Security Office (GSO) collaborates continuity standard.
with Deloitte firms worldwide to help keep The second half of FY2022 was profoundly
Deloitte people safe, particularly during times of impacted by the war in Ukraine. The GSO team
emergency or when Deloitte firms are called upon
by clients to work in higher-risk areas. The past
began contingency planning as part of Deloitte’s
response effort, and then responded following Keeping Deloitte safe
year presented multiple challenges that had the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The team worked
potential to threaten the safety of people around closely with leadership in Deloitte Ukraine The safety of Deloitte people is the GSO team’s
the globe. As the COVID-19 pandemic continued, and Deloitte Global to account for the safety top priority. Staying on top of world events and
other risks have emerged, including the war in of Deloitte Ukraine professionals, helped to identifying potential threats is key to our Global
Ukraine and various natural disasters. As the evacuate some Deloitte Ukraine people and Security strategy. In the event of an unexpected
security landscape evolves, the GSO team will their immediate family members who wanted to crisis, the GSO team is ready to respond quickly
continue to help protect Deloitte people and firms depart the country, and established additional by coordinating closely with local Deloitte firms
around the world. communications options. Deloitte Central Europe to help account for the safety of their people and
provided additional support, including temporary provide necessary relief while minimizing the
As the pandemic extended into FY2022, the accommodations and follow-on travel assistance. impact to Deloitte business operations. The GSO
GSO team supported Deloitte Global leadership team continues to respond around the world
through daily monitoring of COVID-19 case In addition, support was provided to our people to an increasing number of natural disasters,
counts—externally and among Deloitte people— based in Russia. including earthquakes and hurricanes/typhoons,
and the pandemic’s impact on our people around as well as geopolitical instability. For example,
the world. Regular calls took place with the Global Recent developments around the world highlight during FY2022, in the Asia Pacific region alone,
Security Council, made up of Deloitte firm security the ongoing importance of business continuity the team monitored the potential impacts of 24
officers, to review COVID-19 developments and planning in Deloitte’s preparation and ability to storms and 10 earthquakes.
respond to crisis events impacting our people
Contacts: Ava Cooper-Davis, Deloitte Global Chief Security Officer; Sean Toohey, Deloitte Global Deputy Chief Security Officer
The Deloitte Global Public Policy team participates Our key policy focus areas include: • Organization for Economic Co-operation and
in policy discussions focused on some of today’s Development (OECD), including Business at
• Championing the long-term health and
most important socioeconomic challenges, OECD (BIAC)
sustainability of the planet through climate
helping to inform the policy debate and bring equity and reporting of Environmental, Social • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
clarity to the interconnected challenges facing the and Governance (ESG) information; (APEC)
• Underscoring diversity, equity and inclusion • International Organization of Employers (IOE)
The unique breadth of Deloitte’s businesses, and to empower greater economic and social • Social Progress Imperative (SPI)
the perspectives gained by working with clients, prosperity;
our people and the communities in which we live • Informing the future of regulation in an era The Deloitte Global Public Policy program is
and work, informs our policy voice. The public of exponential technological advancement, complemented by a range of Deloitte firm public
policy team works closely with Deloitte’s risk and including artificial intelligence; and policy programs. Together, Deloitte Global and the
regulatory teams to develop our policy agenda Deloitte firms coordinate public policy activities,
and inform the choices the Deloitte organization • Supporting a holistic approach to measuring
engagement and positions across geographies
makes, aligning Deloitte’s broader societal social progress.
and businesses, amplifying impact and influence.
interests with responsible business decision-
making. Deloitte people help advance our public policy
agenda by actively participating in The World
The public policy team executes our policy agenda Economic Forum and the United Nations Climate
by engaging meaningfully with policymakers, Change Conference (COP). We also work with key
regulators and many other key policymaking stakeholders within economies and supranational
influencers—advocating that business, organizations, including the:
government and society work together to make • Group of 20 (G20), including the Business 20
a positive impact for people, the planet, and (B20)
Contacts: Simon Cleveland, Deloitte Global Public Policy Leader; David Gruner, Director, Deloitte Global Public Policy; Kyra Kaszynski, Director, Deloitte Global Public Policy
Ethics and integrity
the “significant” and “more significant” topics for
Board and corporate governance
Deloitte to prioritize. The significance of impact
was assessed both in terms of severity and Economic performance
likelihood. The impacts considered were those
that impact people and the environment outside
Impact of client services
the organization. These impacts were aligned with
the list of topics and scored for prioritization.
More Significant
Climate change Talent experience
At the completion of our materiality exercise, Data privacy and cybersecurity Societal impact
new topics were introduced, and some existing
Health and well-being
topics were merged together; no prior year
topics were deprioritized as a result of the Diversity, equity and inclusion
updated assessment. Changes from the previous
materiality assessment include:
ESG highlights
Environmental 79
FY2022 Environmental,
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
FY2022 ESG Highlights
Social and Governance (ESG) highlights
Percent reduction of metric tonnes CO2e (FY2022 vs. FY2019):
32% Environmental
gross emissions reduction
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Percent reduction of metric tonnes CO2e reduction
(FY2022 vs.
emissions per FTE
gross emissions reduction
Progress towards WorldClimate goals
emissions reduction per FTE
75% Offset 100% of operational
scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction and business travel emissions in
FY2021 and FY2022
Progress towards WorldClimate goals 81%
business travel emissions
per FTE reduction
metric tonnes CO2e of Sustainable
91% Offset 100%
Aviation Fuel (SAF) environmental
of operational
attributes purchased
scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction and business travel emissions in
renewable electricity purchased
FY2021 and FY2022
toward our 100% goal
14% business travel emissions
per FTEscience-based
4,617 e-learning
of employees have completed
of suppliers (by emissions) adopted targets; metric tonnes CO2e of Sustainable
an additional 10% have committed to do so Aviation Fuel (SAF) environmental
91% attributes purchased
renewable electricity purchased
toward our 100% goal
14% of employees have completed
WorldClimate e-learning
of suppliers (by emissions) adopted science-based targets;
an additional 10% have committed to do so
Notes: Monetary values are presented in $USD and used as the basis for revenue growth and innovation investment percentages, unless otherwise specified. Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
Training hours do not include on the job learning hours that are a core aspect of development at Deloitte
Average annual direct training cost per individual represents data collected across Deloitte
Indirect training cost is the opportunity cost based on estimates from Deloitte Global and reporting Deloitte firms
Societal investment Learning
societal investment
total societal investments from FY2018 to FY2022
individuals reached through WorldClass 42
annual training hours per individual1
individuals reached toward our 100M $463M
WorldClass goal from FY2018 to FY2022 annual direct training cost; average of $1,150 per individual2
45% 55%
female male
female partners, principals and managing
directors (goal of 30% by 2025)
156,430 6
new hires Deloitte University facilities
5.72M 2
applications received Deloitte University additional locations under construction
Notes: Monetary values are presented in $USD and used as the basis for revenue growth and innovation investment percentages, unless otherwise specified. Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.
Training hours do not include on the job learning hours that are a core aspect of development at Deloitte
Average annual direct training cost per individual represents data collected across Deloitte
Indirect training cost is the opportunity cost based on estimates from Deloitte Global and reporting Deloitte firms
Based on annual survey of Deloitte firms
Economic contribution Deloitte Global Board of Directors
members living
in 14 countries
$59.3B 19.6% 22
total aggregate aggregate Deloitte members living
Deloitte firm firm revenue growth in 11 countries
revenue from FY2021
Innovation investment
Ethics and anti-corruption
4.3% 3.5
of aggregate
Deloitte firm hours of mandatory
revenue4 training upon hire and
1 hour refresher
every year thereafter
of employees have
completed required
anti-corruption training5
Notes: Monetary values are presented in $USD and used as the basis for revenue growth and innovation investment percentages, unless otherwise specified.
Training hours do not include on the job learning hours that are a core aspect of development at Deloitte
Average annual direct training cost per individual represents data collected across Deloitte
Indirect training cost is the opportunity cost based on estimates from Deloitte Global and reporting Deloitte firms
Based on annual survey of Deloitte firms
All Deloitte people are required to complete anti-corruption training—upon being hired and every other year thereafter—that includes Global policies, corruption red flags and case scenarios. This figure may not reflect 100%
participation at any point in time, as required, because it includes Deloitte people on extended leave and those with recent start dates who may still complete the training before their designated due date.
Environmental sustainability FY2022 FY2021 FY2020
(Base Year)
GHG emissions by scope and source Metric tonnes CO2e
Scope 1 GHG emissions by source
Fuel combustion in buildings 10,285 8,668 11,554 18,174
Vehicle fleet (internal combustion engine) 32,418 24,009 37,032 43,727
Total Scope 1 emissions 42,703 32,677 48,586 61,901
Scope 2 GHG emissions by source
Purchased electricity—buildings and fleet (market-based) 15,507 25,738 54,544 201,771
Note: Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte
organization except where otherwise noted. Due to District heating and cooling 6,454 4,270 n/a1 n/a1
rounding, sum of sections may not equal total.
offsets that are completed and in progress as of the date 68% 64% 52% 30%
of publication. through carbon credit purchases
Performance tracking for this indicator is reported for Diesel fuel 210 168 271 405
the most recent year(s) only.
District heating and cooling 127 n/a1
Reflects purchases of renewable electricity and carbon
offsets that are completed and in progress as of the date
of publication. Total energy consumed 2,036 1,707 2,312 2,590
Pro bono refers to professional service engagements
By source—program costs
performed at no cost (pro bono) or significantly reduced
cost (low bono) to qualifying organizations, for which Costs for managing societal impact 27 19 21
Deloitte would normally bill for the professional services
performed. Expenses incurred to deliver pro bono work Monetary value of societal investments
are included in the total reported costs for managing
societal impact. Total societal investments 284 223 265
Deloitte firms.
Performance tracking for this indicator is reported for Age <30 48% 44% n/a9
the most recent year(s) only.
Age 30-50 46% 51% n/a9
The rate is calculated using the total Deloitte people at
the end of the reporting period. Age >50 6% 5% n/a9
Partners, principals, and managing directors new hires3 835 511 656
Partners, principals, and managing directors new hire 5% n/a9
Professional staff new hires 4 139,565 75,562 77,321
Professional staff new hire rate 10
41% n/a9
Administrative staff new hires5 16,025 7,654 10,845
Administrative staff new hire rate 10
28% n/a9
Note: Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte By region
organization except where otherwise noted. Due to
rounding, sum of sections may not equal total. Americas new hires 74,486 36,593 33,232
Beginning with FY2022, Talent data is being reported Americas new hire rate 10
38% 23% 22%
using a consistent set of career levels globally. This
change in the methodology for career level mapping has Europe/Middle East/Africa new hires 46,321 27,191 32,170
been applied retroactively to recalculate FY2021 and
FY2020 data; as a result, there may be minor variations
to data that was reported in prior years.
Europe/Middle East/Africa new hire rate10 36% 24% 29%
Partners, principals, and managing directors refer to
Asia Pacific new hires 35,618 19,943 23,420
Deloitte firm partners, principals and managing directors.
Asia Pacific new hire rate 10
41% 26% 31%
For purposes of this report, professional staff is defined
as Deloitte firm individuals spending at least 50% of their By gender 6
time serving clients and includes professionals from
director to junior staff. Male new hires 86,268 n/a9 n/a9
For purposes of this report, administrative staff Male new hire rate10 55% 55% 53%
is defined as Deloitte firm individuals spending less
than 50% of their time serving clients and includes
professionals from director to junior staff. Administrative
Female new hires 70,061 n/a9
staff also includes Deloitte Global professionals who do
not serve clients. Female new hire rate10 45% 45% 47%
Performance tracking for this indicator is reported for Total new hires
the most recent year(s) only.
Total new hires 156,425 83,727 88,822
The rate is calculated using the total Deloitte people at
the end of the reporting period. Total new hire rate10 38% 24% 27%
For purposes of this report, professional staff is defined
Female 43 n/a9 n/a9
as Deloitte firm individuals spending at least 50% of their
time serving clients and includes professionals from
Hours of training per individual12 42 55 43
director to junior staff.
Other learning metrics
Deloitte people align to gender identities beyond ‘male’
and ‘female’. We are on a journey to more accurately Annual direct training investment12 $463M $726M n/a9
and completely capture gender identity information
across our network. The Talent data provided is a mix Average annual direct training investment per individual12 $1,150 $2,200 n/a9
of biological sex and gender identity data based on
information available at this time. Annual indirect training investment13 $5.12B $5.4B n/a9
Performance tracking for this indicator is reported for
the most recent year(s) only.
Number of e-learning courses completed 8.8M 5.9M 5.5M
Training hours do not include on the job learning hours
Number of Deloitte University facilities14
6 6 n/a9
that are a core aspect of development at Deloitte.
The methodology for calculating training information
evolved from an estimate based on actual costs from
reporting Deloitte firms in FY2021 and FY2020, to full
data collection from all Deloitte firms in FY2022. As
such, data presented for FY2022 reflects the revised
methodology, while data presented for FY2021 and
FY2020 reflects amounts calculated using the prevoius
Indirect training investment is the opportunity cost
based on estimates from Deloitte Global and reporting
Deloitte firms.
Two additional Deloitte University facilities are under
construction, and another location is planned.
Deloitte provides industry-leading audit and assurance, tax and legal, consulting,financial advisory, and risk advisory servicesto nearly 90% of the Fortune
Global 500® and thousands of private companies. Our professionals deliver measurable and lasting results that help reinforce public trust in capital mar-
kets, enable clients to transform and thrive, and lead the way toward a stronger economy, a more equitable society and a sustainable world. Building on its
175-plus year history, Deloitte spans more than 150 countries and territories. Learn how Deloitte’s 415,000 people worldwide make an impact that matters
at www.deloitte.com.
This communication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms
or their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”) is, by means of this communication, rendering professional advice or services. Before
making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should consult a qualified professional adviser.
No representations, warranties or undertakings (express or implied) are given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this communication,
and none of DTTL, its member firms, related entities, employees or agents shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising directly
or indirectly in connection with any person relying on this communication. DTTL and each of its member firms, and their related entities, are legally separate
and independent entities.