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Mechanistic implications of plastic degradation

Article  in  Polymer Degradation and Stability · March 2008

DOI: 10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2007.11.008


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2 authors:

Baljit Singh Nisha Sharma

Chisholm Institute Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry


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Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215

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Rhizosphere stochiometry, fruit yield, quality attributes and growth T

response to PGPR transplant amendments in strawberry (Fragaria ×
ananassa Duch.) growing on solarized soils
Pramod Kumara,*, Nisha Sharmab, Sandeep Sharmac, Rucku Guptad
YS Parmar UHF (Fruit Science), Nauni 173 230, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India
YS Parmar UHF, Basic Sciences (Microbiological Section), Nauni 173 230, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India
Punjab Agricultural University (Soil Science), Ludhiana, 141 004 Punjab, India,
SKUAST-J (Fruit Science), Chatha, 180 009 Jammu, India


Keywords: Plant Growth Promoting Rhizosphere microorganisms transplant amedements were tested for improving growth,
Organic nutrients yield, quality traits, runner production and rhizosphere stochiometry of strawberry cv. Chandler. The plants
Root inoculation were grown on solarized and non-solarized organic matter rich soil. Exogenous root inoculation of six PGPR
Solubilizers inoculants viz., Pseudomonas florescence, Bacillus subtilis, Azotobacter chroococcum, K-mobilizing bacteria and AM
fungi were carried out in different combinations in a randomized completely block design with three replicates.
The solarization was done with transparent plastic sheet. Application of 250 g PGPRs consourtium along with
soil solarization significantly improved vegetative growth traits, rhizosphere microbial count, fruit number,
cumulative yield, fruit quality traits as compared to non-solarized (natural) conditions. Root soil ratio of resident
microbes at 15 cm depth was also worked out in the rhizosphere zone and non-rhizosphere zone. The data
suggested an increased rhizosphere acid- and alkaline phosphate and dehydrogenase enzyme activity can be
used as a good indicator of phosphorus nutrition in solarized organic soils compared to non-solarized (natural)
soils. The results suggested that PGPR inoculations could alleviate the deleterious effects of soil borne microbial
population on the phenological and pomological attributes of strawberry plants under organic growing solarized
soils. Root inoculation with PGPR probiotics significantly affected leaf nutrient concentration in terms of DOP
and ΣDOP indexes which showed an increase in N, P, K and Mg concentration in the leaves in solarized plots
compared to natural plots. Principal component analysis induced the differences at various PGPR probiotics
applied has identified maximum of the total variance based on the Eigen value (> 1) and explained 65.38%
(PC1), 79.68% (PC2), 88.05% (PC3) and 92.67% (PC4) of the cumulative variance. PC4 accounted for highest
total cumulative variances among fruit phenological, morphometric and generative potential strawberry traits.
The study indicated PGPR probiotics coupled with soil solarization as a promising technology to maintain
healthy rhizosphere, and as an alternative to chemicalised farming of strawberry to enhance quality production
in calcareous soils of Shiwalik foothills of north-west Himalayas.

1. Introduction fertility and health (Tulipani et al., 2008). It is one of the most re-
munerative and potential crops of the temperate world but the culti-
The cultivated strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa Duch., a perennial vation is also extending towards the sub-tropical zone conditions. In
herbaceous rosette, is one of the most valued soft fruits (berry) of the India, now-a-days, the Shiwalik foothills lies in the north-west Hima-
world with desirable taste and an unique flavor. The berries are ex- layas has proved the boon to the farmers. The simultaneous infestation
cellent dietary sources of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), potassium, fibers, of pests and diseases, soil borne pathogens, also plays havoc in its
simple sugars, secondary metabolites including antioxidant agents such successful cultivation. To consider this menace, inorganic chemicals
as anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds. The nutritional and have long been in use, has checked the diseases occasionally but re-
dietary contents of such compounds are entirely dependent upon soil sulted in residual harms. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: pk09sharma@rediffmail.com (P. Kumar).

Received 14 November 2019; Received in revised form 16 January 2020; Accepted 17 January 2020
0304-4238/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Kumar, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215

(PGPR) probiotics could be an alternative to improve the content of Frost is experienced occasionally. Cooler nights and fairly warmer days
these nutritive compounds along with cultivation for sustainable live- enriched by deep sandy loam soil rich in humus (forest soils) have
lihood security. The impetus lies on use of organic amendments for provided novelty to the crop under Shiwalik foothills ranges of north-
conservative crop cultivation. In organic crop production system, the west Himalayas.
use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth regulators and livestock feed
additives are avoided (Yavari et al., 2009). Biofertilization, crop rota- 2.2. The edaphic conditions
tion, crop residues, animal manures, legumes, green manures, off-farm
organic wastes, mechanical cultivation, mineral-bearing rocks, and the The experimental unit of 4 m × 2 m plot size comprised of 8 rows
aspects of biological pest control to maintain soil productivity are 0.5 m apart. The soil samples were also taken for analysis from 0 to
promoted. Earlier studies confirmed that resident microbial commu- 15 cm depth before the study. The experimental soil was sandy clay
nities and/ or species associated with the rhizosphere is beneficial for loam in texture (sand: 38.2%, silt: 25.9%, clay: 30.6%) towards neutral
growth, fruit yield and crop quality improvement, as the PGPR. Plant- soil reaction (pH 6.89, 1:2 soil water suspension), 21 dS m−1 electrical
associated PGPR cause beneficial effects are the ‘Plant Probiotics’ which conductivity, 1.31 g cm−3 bulk density, organic carbon (4.5 g kg−1),
released and also triggers the metabolites directly to stimulate crop alkaline KMnO4 extractable-N (150.3 mg kg−1), available NaHCO3-ex-
growth through the synthesis of (i) phytohormones, auxins (Aslantas tractable P (9.2 mg kg−1) and available NH4OAC-K (112.5 mg kg−1).
et al., 2007), cytokinins (Garcia de Salamone et al., 2001), gibberellins Diethylene-triamine-penta-acetic acid (DTPA)-extractable micro-
(Gutierrez-Manero et al., 2001) and inhibit the ethylene production (ii) nutrient cations viz., zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe) and copper
cause asymbiotic N2 fixation (Sahin et al., 2004) (iii) the solubilization (Cu) were 1.24, 36.3, 49.4 and 1.67 mg kg−1, respectively. The ex-
of inorganic phosphates and mineralization of organic phosphates perimental soil contained an initial viable microbial population (clony
(Aslantas et al., 2007), (iv) the siderophores production and antag- forming units, cfu) of Bacillus sp. (4.4 × 104 cfu g−1), Pseudomonas sp.
onistic against phytopathogenic microorganisms by synthesizing en- (11.2 × 104 cfu g−1), total soil fungi (10.1 × 104 cfu g−1), Azotobacter
zymes in rhizosphere area (Lucy et al., 2004). Plant probiotics con- chroococcum (10.6 × 104 cfu g−1) and actinobacteria (9.8 × 104 cfu
ferred beneficial specific effects towards plant health (Islam and g−1). Before the establishment of the experimental platform, the ex-
Hossain, 2012), colonize plant roots (Jiménez-Gómez et al., 2016), perimental area was fallow, not previously used for the cultivation. Soil
growth promotion (Güneş et al., 2014), the efficient plant nutrition was kept fallow to avoid any indigenous microbial population and
(Yildirim et al., 2015) and thus, increases crop quality (García-Seco propagules in the root portions of the previous crop (stubbles). The
et al., 2015). Although the relationships between host plants and PGPR examination of native microflora in the experimental soil revealed very-
are documented (Bashan et al., 2004), and the subsequent effects of very less indigenous viable arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal popu-
PGPR inoculation on soil microorganisms have been investigated. Pre- lation.
vious studies reported either no inoculation effect or significant effects
on the composition of the indigenous total bacterial communities and a 2.3. Soil solarization
stimulation of the activity of AM fungi. Besides, several studies have
been conducted on the effects of PGPR on growth and productivity The experiment was conducted comprising moisture conservation
under drought and salt (Woitke et al., 2004; Arshad et al., 2008; practice with transparent plastic mulch (solarized) and natural (grass
Yildirim et al., 2008; Karlidag et al., 2011). Little information is mulch) supplemented with bio-organic treatment in each soil plot.
available about PGPR induced effects as elicitors of tolerance to high Under set of treatment, each soil disinfestations practice was replicated
calcareous solarized soils on the rhizospheric stochiometry. In the lit- thrice. Soil sterilization was done for 4–6 weeks (1st May–20th June)
erature search, we found few reports on the use of these microorgan- before planting. Thoroughly mixed potting mixture was spread as 60 cm
isms under solarization vis-a-vis moisture conservation practices in thick layer on the concrete floor. Mixture was completely drenched
organically grown strawberries. The present study, therefore, was with water followed by covering with 100 μm thick UV stabilized
planned and focused with the objective to unravel the growth pro- polythene sheets in summer months (May-June) when atmospheric
moting interactive effects of PGPR probiotics as transplant amendments temperature is very high. Trenches of size 45–60 cm deep were dug
on cropping behaviour, resident microbial dynamics, crop load and around the perimeter and between the experimental plots to bury in the
nutritional quality in high calcareous solarized soils of strawberry cv. soil to make them air-tight. To increase the transmission of heat
Chandler in Shiwalik foothills of north-west Himalayas. through the soil and make other resting structures more sensitive to
high temperature, the soil was smoothly maintained on the surface and
2. Material and methods irrigated prior to solarization to the saturation level to facilitate better
solar heat movement. The edges of polythene sheet were completely
2.1. Experimental set up sealed with soil to avoid vapor loss. The transparent plastic polythene
sheet of 100 μm thickness was used to cover the appropriate experi-
The experiment was conducted in the Research Farm of Regional mental plot. The individual effect of mulch materials used was also
Horticultural Research and Training Station of YS Parmar University of recorded both in solarized (organic) and natural experimental plots.
Horticulture and Forestry at Dhaulakuan, Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh,
India (Elevation: 468 m above mean sea level; latitude: 28°25′ North, 2.4. Microbial probiotics and field trial
longitude: 75°48′ East). The experiment was carried out on ‘Chandler’
strawberry cultivar between the late September and October during the Six PGPR transplant amedements, i.e. Pseudomonas florescence,
cropping period of 2015 and 2016. The climate of the experimental Bacillus subtilis, Azotobacter chroococcum, K-mobilizers, the consortium
area was typically sub-tropical. The winters are cold and summers are of PGPR and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) including the con-
very hot. Maximum mean temperature was 39.5 °C, while the minimum sortium of Glomus fasciculatum, G. clarum, G. mosseae, were included in
mean temperature was 17.3 °C during the growth period. The normal the study. The treatments comprised of the combinations namely, T1-
annual rainfall is 1100 mm, which is unevenly distributed. The south 250 g AMF+125g A. chroococcum; T2-150 g A. chroococcum+150 g K-
west monsoon contributes 90 per cent which sets in last week of June mobilizers; T3-250 g PGPRs consourtium; T4-150 g AMF+125 g B.
and withdraws in middle of the September. July and August are rainy subtilis+150 g K-mobilizers; T5-150 g P. florecence+ 125 g A. chroo-
months. Rest 10 per cent of the annual rainfall occurs in the non- coccum+125 g K-mobilizers; T6-150 g AMF+125 g A. chroococcum
monsoon months in the wake of western disturbances and thunder +125 g K-mobilizers; T7-Recommended dose of feriizers (N:P:K,
storms. Fog is regularly cast in the months of December and January. 80:40:40); T8 (uninoculated control). The experiment was replicated

P. Kumar, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215

thrice in Randomized Block Design. Twenty-five plants in each re- chloroform-fumigation incubation method (Jenkinson and Ladd, 1981).
plication (75 plants in total in treatment) were inoculated with PGPR Fifty gram of soil sample was fumigated with chloroform, defumigated
probiotics transplant amendments. The uniform plantlets (runners) and then incubated with 1 g fresh unfumigated soil. This was then in-
were planted on 1st September 2015 on raised nursery and mulched cubated for 10 days in the presence of NaOH in a vial suspended inside
beds spaced at 30 x 60 cm using double-row planting method (Guleryuz the flask to trap the evolved CO2. Fifty gram of soil was also taken in
et al., 1997), accommodated 25 plantlets on each raised nursery bed another beaker without chloroform fumigation and incubated similarly
(55,000 plantlets in one hectare). The probiotics application was per- in the presence of NaOH to trap the evolved CO2. MBC was determined
formed using a dipping method in which plant roots were inoculated according to the equation: MBC= (Fc–UFc)/Kc, where, Fc= CO2
with the microbial suspensions at the concentration of 109 cfu ml−1 in evolved from fumigated soil, UFc= CO2 evolved from unfumigated soil,
sterile water for about 30 min prior to transplantation. Control plants Kc = 0.45. The amount of MBN was also determined as per the equa-
were dipped into sterile water. Prior to transplanting, the strawberry tion: MBN= (FN–UFN)/KN, where, FN= NH4–N mineralized during 10
runners were dipped in warm water (45 °C) for 10 min to prevent mite days from fumigated soil, UFN= NH4–N mineralized during 10 days
infestation on plants during cropping period. from unfumigated soil, KN = 0.54. All the parameters were expressed
on dry weight basis soil (Jenkinson, 1988).
2.5. Sampling protocol and chemical studies
2.8. Acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase bioassay
Rhizosphere area soil samples with at least four soil cores combined
to make a composite sample (weighed up to 1 kg) were collected con- A representative sample of moist soil (1 g), stored at -4 °C was
currently with each plant sampling at 0–15 cm soil depth using an auger weighed in duplicates into polypropylene vials (5 replicate of sub-
of 5 cm diameter in the rhizosphere of common vetch. The samples samples). Acid (AcP) and alkaline phosphatase (AlP) activity was de-
were carefully taken to avoid the bands of the microbial probiotics termined using p-nitrophenol phosphate by adding 4 ml of a pH buffer
applied. The samples were air-dried in the shade, ground to pass at pH 6.5 (acid phosphatase) and pH 11 (alkaline phosphatase), and
through a 2 mm sieve, stored in plastic bags. Subsequently, the samples 1 ml of 0.1 M disodium phenylphosphate as a substrate. Both enzymes
were stored at 4 °C for the enumeration of the cultivable resident mi- hydrolyzed p-nitrophenol phosphate to p-nitrophenyl and the bioassay
crobial indicators. The chemical properties of soils were determined of phosphatase activity was done according to Tabatabai (1994). Mix-
according to standard methods. Soil pH and EC were measured in of ture of the polypropylene vials was incubated at 37 °C for 1 h. There-
soil-water suspensions (1:2). Soil organic carbon (OC) was analyzed after, at the end of incubation, 1 ml of 0.5 M CaCl2 and 4 ml of 0.5 M
according to Walkey and Black (1934) using wet oxidation method, NaOH were added, the mixture was filtered through Whatman filter
available N by alkaline potassium permanganate method (Subbiah and paper. The yellow color intensity of p-NP (supernatant) analyzed using
Asija, 1956), Olsen P (0.5 M NaHCO3 extractable) by Olsen et al. (1954) a UV spectrophotometer at wavelength of 420 nm for both AcP and AlP.
and1 N neutral ammonium acetate extractable K estimated using flame Absorbance of filtrates was compared with p-nitrophenol standards for
photometery (Merwin and Peach, 1951). Exchangeable Ca and Mg were calculation of the results. Dehydrogenase (DHA) enzymatic activity in
determined according to ammonium acetate method suggested by Black soil was measured according to Casida (1977), and the accumulation of
(1957). DTPA-extractable soil micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn), buffered the triphenyl formazan (TPF) was estimated.
at pH 7.3 ± 0.05 were analyzed using atomic absorption spectro-
photometer (Lindsay and Norvell, 1978). 2.9. Growth indexes and leaf chlorophylls

2.6. Microbial diversity in rhizosphere and bulk soils The plant height was measured at the interval of 60, 90 and 120
days of the crop growth and the average was taken. Several samplings
To quantify resident microbial communities in rhizosphere soil, the were taken from the plants at blooming time to the end of the cycle and
population of cultivable microbes was assessed. Viable plate count the last harvest stage. Ten randomly selected plants were taken from
method was used to monitor changes in population of inoculated PGPR each of the experimental sub-unit at blooming stage, and the data on
probiotics associated with plant roots. Each soil sample was analyzed in number of leaves plant−1, root surface area and root fresh weight
three replicates. Pure and viable microbial count was isolated using plant−1 (g) were recorded. Leaf area of the fully developed newly un-
serial dilution technique on nutrient agar medium (Pseudomonas spp., folded leaves was measured at the end of the cycle using a bench top LI-
Bacillus spp.), Martin’s Rose Bengal medium (soil fungi), Jensen’s N-free COR-3100 leaf area meter, and the values were expressed as square
agar medium (A. chroococcum), Kenknight and Munaires medium (ac- centimeters (cm2). The newly emerged runners were cut from mother
tinobacteria). 10 g of soil from each sample was diluted at 1:10 (i.e. plants. The plantlets with 2 to 3 unfolded leaves were cut and further
10−1) and suspensions were homogenized for 1 h on a horizontal maintained on the growth media. The cumulative number of runners
shaker. After that serial dilutions were prepared, and 0.1 ml of dilutions was counted periodically every week through the entire course of in-
10−3, 10−4, 10−5, 10−6 and 10−7 dilution were used was spread on vestigation.
specified medium (Subba Rao, 1993). The cfu were assessed after three For total chlorophylls estimation, the leaf samples were stored in
days’ of the incubation at 25 ± 2 °C and was expressed per gram (g−1) refrigerator at sub-zero temperature to avoid the dehydration of the
of dry soil. AM fungal spores of were extracted from the rhizosphere pigments. 100 mg of chopped leaf samples were placed in vials con-
according to wet sieving and decanting technique (Gerdemann and tained 7 ml of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO). The extraction, estimation
Nicolson, 1963). Total number of AM fungal spores was estimated ac- and bioassay of total leaf chlorophylls (mg g−1 of fresh weight) in leaf
cording to Gaur and Adholeya (1994), and the final spore count was were done using Spectronic-20 at 645 and 663 nm wavelengths (Hiscox
expressed as the number of spores per 50 g of soil. and Israelstam, 1979). The optical density of the extract was recorded
against DMSO as blank. Total leaf chlorophylls were calculated as:
2.7. Root soil Ratio and microbial biomass
20.2A 645+ 8.02A 663
Total leaf chlorophylls = ×V
Root soil (R/S) ratio of microbes was calculated by dividing the
indigenous microbial population in the rhizosphere zone (depth 15 cm) where, V = volume of the extract made; a = length of the light path in
by microbial population in the non-rhizosphere zone. Microbial bio- cell (usually 1 cm); W = weight of the sample; A645=absorbance at
mass-C (MBC) and microbial biomass-N (MBN) were also monitored 645 nm; A663= absorbance at 663 nm. The results thus obtained were
under different PGPR probiotics inoculated. MBC was estimated using expressed as mg of total chlorophyll per gram of fresh weight.

P. Kumar, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215

2.10. Yield and yield efficiency indicates the significance or severity of an anomalous nutritional status.
A large absolute value in a DOP indexing indicates a large deviation
The fruit were handpicked twice a week with a total 8–10 times of from the optimum situation. For any given element, a negative DOP
harvesting throughout the cropping period. The data were recorded on index indicates a deficiency, whereas a positive DOP index indicates an
total marketable berries, and expressed in g plant−1. The quantity of excess. The DOP index based on leaf analysis is calculated as, DOP=
fruit harvested was calculated for total yield (kg ha−1). The yield ef- {Cn/Co-1} x 100, where, Cn= foliar concentration of the tested nu-
ficiency (YE) was calculated on leaf area basis as g cm-2 of leaf area. trient, and Co= critical (reference) optimum nutrient concentration.
The C0 was taken from optimum values (Thomas et al., 2013). Besides,
2.11. Fruit analyses it provides the general nutritional status of nutrients through the ΣDOP
index, and obtained by adding the values of DOP index irrespective of
The berries produced during the cropping cycle, the ripe berries sign. Larger the ΣDOP value, the greater is the intensity of imbalances
(fruits) were sampled, and then rapidly transferred to the laboratory for among nutrients and the lower the ΣDOP value, the greater is the in-
physico-biochemical analyses using standard procedures (A.O.A.C., tensity of balance among nutrients.
1980). Thirty fruit samples from each treatment (n = 90) were ran-
domly selected to determine fresh berry weight using electronic digital 2.14. Statistics and PCA
balance ( ± 0.01 g accuracy) and the data were expressed in g fruit−1.
The berry dimension (length, breadth, thickness), and shape index were Statistical analyses of the data were carried out using general linear
also determined in the samples by digital vernier scale ( ± 0.05 mm model of the standard errors of the mean. Mean values for each of the
accuracy). Berry firmness was determined using Effegi Penetrometer respective parameter were tested by ANOVA and the difference be-
model FT (Effegi, Milan, Italy). Biochemical quality characteristics viz., tween the treatments was compared by least significant difference
juice pH, total soluble solids (TSS) with a hand refractometer (°Brix, °B), (LSD) test at the 5% level of probability (confidence), wherever the
sugars and ripening index were measured at 25 ± 2 °C at consumer results were significant. Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was also
maturity stage. Titratable acidity (TA) was estimated by neutralization tested for multiple comparisons at p ≤ 0.05 using DSAASTAT version
in the diluted juice solution by titrating to pH 8.2 using 0.1 N NaOH, 1.101 (Onofri, 2007). Correlation analysis was worked out between all
TSS: TA ratio was also calculated. For the estimation of sucrose content, possible combinations including, agro-morphometric characters, fruit
5 g fruit sample homogenates were diluted to 50 ml with deionized yield and quality traits according to the procedure suggested by Panse
water, shaken at 200 rpm for 1 h, filtered through Whatsman filter and Sukhatme (1989). Data reduction using the principle component
paper and decolored twice with poly vinyl pyrrolidone (PVP). One ml of analysis (PCA) of agro-morphometric traits, fruit yield and quality traits
the colorless serum was taken and further diluted in deionized water were also worked out according to XLSTAT version 2014.6.02. Mean-
(1:2 v/v). Ascorbic acid concentration was determined by diluting fruit ingful loadings were also included in the interpretation of principal
homogenate (5 g) with 50 ml of deionized water. The solution was components (PCs). The graphical interpretation is done by constructing
shaken at 200 rpm for 10 min at RT, filtered with filter paper and de- ‘scree’ plot and PCA biplots, with the original variables drawn as vec-
colorized twice with PVP (0.1 g-1 10 ml). The acid content was mea- tors that summarize the correlation between the variable and both il-
sured at 578 nm. Anthocyanin pigmentation was recorded using horti- lustrated axes.
cultural color chart of Royal Horticultural Society, London, United
Kingdom. 3. Results and discussion

2.12. Tissue sampling and chemical analyses 3.1. Impact analysis of PGPR transplant amendments

For plant analysis, macro- and micronutrient contents, recently Dual or triple inoculation of microbial transplant amedements used
matured trifoliate leaves (petiole along with blade) samples were col- as PGPR with fruit crops mainly belong to the genus Pseudomonas,
lected. The represented sample size of leaflets from the randomly se- Bacillus, Azotobacter, and K-mobilizers and AM fungi have determined
lected within the tested PGPR probiotics applied. Leaves were rinsed the beneficial effects on strawberry production and fruit quality traits in
with 0.5% detergent solution, deionized water to minimize surface field conditions. The data extrapolated that PGPRs inoculation have a
contamination. The petioles were removed from the leaf blades, and the great potential to improve phenological traits including growth mea-
tissues were oven-dried separately. Sampling and the preparation for surements, fruit yield, biochemical attributes and runner production.
chemical analysis was carried out according to Chapman (1964). The Agro-morphometric, biochemical traits and generative potential sub-
digestion of leaf sample (1 g) for the estimation of total N was carried jected to analysis of variance showed significant effect of applied PGPRs
out in concentrated H2SO4, contained a digestion mixture of potassium probiotics.
sulphate (400 parts), CuSO4 (20 parts) and selenium powder (1 part).
For the estimation of P, K and B the samples (0.5 g) were digested in 3.1.1. Growth indexes and total leaf chlorophylls
diacid mixture (HNO4:HClO4) in the ratio of 4:1 (Piper, 1966). Total The studies on the affects of PGPR application on vegetative growth
leaf blade N was determined using a nitrogen auto-analyzer, Kjeltech traits, runner formation, leaf area and total leaf chlorophyll were
Foss Tecator model 2300 (FOSS, Denmark), and P by the phosphova- evaluated on the newest unfolded leaves of each treatment in natural
nadomolybdate method (Jackson, 1973). K concentration was de- and organic conditions. The data presented in Table 1 revealed that all
termined by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, whereas, the quantification vegetative growth indexes were significantly increased by PGPR pro-
of micronutrients was carried on atomic absorption spectroscopy biotics application under organic (solarized) and natural (non-solar-
model-4141. ized) grown strawberries. In organic conditions, the greatest root plant
height, number of leaves and leaf area, root surface area, root fresh
2.13. DOP indexing weight (RFW), number of crowns and runners in strawberry leaves were
obtained in T3 (PGPR consourtium) compared to uninoculated control.
The Deviation from optimum percentage (DOP) index is defining PGPR probiotics inoculation also improved the growth parameters of
the quantity and quality of each nutrient in plants. DOP nutrient index strawberry plants compared with the natural (non-solarized). These
and the respective blade nutrient concentration were calculated as findings on PGPR transplant amedements in strawberry were also ac-
optimum (DOP = 0), deficiency (DOP < 0) or excess (DOP > 0) ac- cording to Seo et al. (2009); Pırlak and Köse (2009) and Perez et al.
cording to Montañes et al. (1991). The absolute value of DOP index (2009). Plant growth indexes like total biomass leaf area, chlorophyll

Table 1
Growth indexes and total chlorophylls of strawberry ‘Chandler’ fruits affected by PGPRs amendments inoculation.

Treatment (T) Organic (Solarized) Natural (Non-solarized)

P. Kumar, et al.

Growth indexes Total Growth indexes Total

chlorophylls chlorophylls
Plant Number of LA (cm2) RSA RFW (g) Number of Number of (mg g−1) Plant Number of LA (cm2) RSA RFW (g) Number of Number of (mg g−1)
height leaves (cm2 plant−1) crowns runners height leaves (cm2 plant−1) crowns runners
(cm) plant−1 plant−1 (cm) plant−1 plant−1

T1 26.9 12.10 91.4 117.4 28.9 4.61 26.8 38.6 24.8 11.63 86.9 110.7 20.8 4.17 24.1 37.7
T2 23.4 11.08 88.4 110.9 24.3 4.32 25.2 37.9 22.5 10.61 83.9 98.9 21.4 3.65 21.2 36.9
T3 28.7 13.23 91.9 129.2 32.2 4.71 32.7 39.8 27.8 12.76 87.4 117.2 23.7 4.22 29.7 38.8
T4 25.3 10.39 88.1 111.8 25.4 4.39 26.1 35.9 24.4 9.92 83.6 99.8 21.6 3.92 22.9 34.9
T5 24.4 10.78 85.2 111.9 26.0 4.27 24.5 35.1 23.5 10.31 80.7 100.0 22.5 3.80 22.5 34.1
T6 25.7 11.19 89.1 112.0 27.1 4.44 26.6 38.3 24.5 10.72 84.6 105.4 19.5 3.94 23.6 37.3
T7 22.5 10.12 85.8 100.0 23.6 4.42 25.3 34.5 21.6 9.65 81.4 88.0 20.9 3.25 21.4 33.5
T8 18.9 7.10 82.0 88.1 19.1 3.49 19.7 28.2 16.8 6.63 77.3 76.1 18.6 3.02 18.4 27.2
LSD (p ≤ 0.05) 2.0 1.4 2.9 7.5 3.2 0.3 3.0 2.2 2.3 1.4 2.2 7.5 1.2 0.2 2.7 2.2

LA, leaf area (newly unfolded leaves); RSA, Root surface area; RFW, Root fresh weight.

Table 2
Soil microbial communities (cfu g−1 moist soil between 1–5% of the total microbial community that grown on artificial media) at sampling depth of 0–15 cm.

Treatment (T) Organic (Solarized) Natural (Non-solarized)

Bacteria (x106) Fungi (x105) Actinobacteria (x104) Bacteria (x106) Fungi (x 105) Actinobacteria (x104)

Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere

T1 16.8 8.4 15.4 8.4 17.4 9.2 13.1 7.3 11.6 6.9 10.9 5.8
T2 16.4 7.2 14.5 7.6 16.3 8.8 10.7 5.9 11 6.3 9.6 4.6
T3 17.0 8.7 15.8 8.5 18.9 9.7 15 8.2 13.7 7.0 13.0 6.0
T4 15.5 7.2 14.6 7.5 17.1 9.2 10.9 6.4 10.9 6.2 9.5 4.9
T5 15.5 8.1 15.1 8.1 17.0 9 10.7 5.9 10.4 6.2 10.3 5.7
T6 16.6 8.3 15.5 8.2 17.2 9.4 11.6 6.8 11.3 6.6 10.6 5.7
T7 14.2 7.9 13.8 8.5 16.9 9.1 10.9 6.1 11 6.8 10.2 5.5
T8 12.9 7.7 12.3 7.9 13.4 8.6 10.3 6.5 9.8 6.1 8.3 4.8
LSD (p ≤ 0.05) 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.3

Values represent mean values of three replicates from soil samples obtained during two cropping cycles (2015–2016).
Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215
P. Kumar, et al.

Table 3
Beneficial microbial communities (cfu g−1 moiist soil) affected by PGPRs amendments inoculation at rhizosphere sampling depth of 0–15 cm.

Treatment (T) Organic (Solarized)

AM fungi (50 g−1 soil) A. chroococcum (x106) Pseudomonas spp. (x 105) K-mobilizer

Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere

T1 299.6 219.8 27.7 12.8 19.9 11.9 14.7

T2 202.8 151 26.9 12.0 18.4 11.4 16.8
T3 230.5 174.7 29.5 12.6 28.7 17.7 15.3
T4 222.1 166.3 26.9 12.6 20.3 12.3 21.9
T5 237.9 182.1 27.2 12.3 22.4 14.4 19.3
T6 186.8 141 27.0 12.1 14.3 9.8 18.6
T7 169.8 131 26.8 11.9 14.2 8.2 12.6
T8 98.1 78.3 12.7 7.8 9.3 6.9 7.4
LSD 30.2 22.5 4.2 1.2 4.1 2.3 3.0
(p ≤ 0.05)

Treatment (T) Organic Natural (Non-solarized)

K-mobilizer AM fungi (50 g−1 soil) A. chroococcum (x106) Pseudomonas spp. (x 105) K-mobilizer (x104)

Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-rhizosphere Rhizosphere Non-


T1 11.0 187.6 130.6 11.3 6.5 14.9 9.7 9.2 5.2

T2 13.1 149.7 109.7 10.4 5.6 13.0 8.6 9.9 6.3
T3 10.6 157.4 117.4 11.6 6.7 20.3 12.5 8.8 5.8
T4 18.2 158.3 111.3 10.4 5.7 14.9 10.1 14.4 10.1
T5 15.6 178.6 104.8 11.2 6.8 17.1 12.2 11.8 8.3
T6 14.9 147.8 128.6 10.6 6.4 11.9 7.1 11.1 8.0
T7 9.2 145.4 105.4 11.0 7.2 9.8 6.2 5.5 3.9
T8 5.7 88.6 67.6 8.6 4.8 6.4 4.7 4.9 3.6
LSD 2.7 19.8 14.2 0.8 0.8 2.8 0.8 1.9 1.5
(p ≤ 0.05)

Values represent mean values of three replicates from soil samples obtained during two cropping cycles (2015–2016).
Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215
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content etc. were significantly improved with PGPR probiotics due to

HCO3− ascribed to greater nutrient uptake and leaf chlorophyll through
lowered root enzymatic activity of Fe reductase and alkaline phos-

phorous (Cartmill, 2004). These probiotics have the ability to produce
the plant growth regulators like indole-acetic acid, gibberellins and
Pseudomonas sp.

cytokinins which might have played the significant role in plant growth
promotion (Bent et al., 2001; Khalid et al., 2004). Our results were also
in accordance with those of Bhattacharyya and Jha (2012) who docu-
mented that PGPR interaction depended upon the type of microbial
consortium, plant species and their combinations used. It is well es-
tablished that microbial consortium especially B. subtilis has been re-
A. chroococcum

ported to secrete gibberellins in rhizosphere (Gutierrez-Manero et al.,

2001) beside insoluble phosphates into soluble form through the pro-
cess of acidification, chelatiation and exchange reactions (Banik and

Dey, 1981; Bhattacharya et al., 1986), nitrogen fixation and pathogen

defense. It has been reported that production of organic acids by PGPR
AM fungi

contributes the conversion of insoluble form of P to soluble (H2PO-4,

HPO2-4) forms (Richardson et al., 2009) which in turn improved various

vegetative growth indexes. This increase is also be explained by the

production of organic acids by plants and PGPR in the rhizosphere,

which in turn stimulated the availability of P, Fe and Zn (Esitken et al.,

2010). The results are in agreement with the previous reports which
emphasized to the increased leaf area and plant growth characters as-

cribed to increased mineral nutrition and the possibility of PGPR con-

Natural (Non-solarized)

sortium which produced growth hormones in rhizosphere zone and the


release of metabolites that directly stimulate growth (Pırlak and Köse,


2009), thereby increased photosynthesis, enhanced carbohydrates ac-

cumulation, and efficient partitioning of photosynthates towards the

sink stimulated by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (Kumari et al.,


2018), better root development, better translocation of water and nu-

trients, uptake and efficient utilization of nutrients (Pırlak and Köse,

2009; Singh et al., 2017, 2017). The berries have sympodial type of
growth habit which resulted in its propagation through vegetative

means from cyme inflorescence emerges from the axils of the older
inflorescence followed by secondary flowers repeated several times
(Kurokura et al., 2017) which revealed the incremental runners’ pro-
Pseudomonas sp.

duction through the PGPR transplant amedements (Erturk et al., 2012;

Lowe et al., 2012). The studies also depicted that no serious symptoms
of any pest and/ or pathogen attack were recorded during the course of

entire investigation either with or without PGPR probiotics used. These

Root: Soil (R/S) ratio affected by PGPRs amendments at sampling depth of 0–15 cm.

observations indicated the improvement of defense mechanism against

A. chroococcum

pathogens due to PGPR amedements like P. florescence, B. subtilis, A.

chroococcum and the consortium of AM fungal species used (Silva et al.,
2004; Tahmatsidou et al., 2006). Moreover, the growth promotion ef-

fect ascribed to the variation in the intensity of colonization of AM

fungi was more effective due to capacity by forming extensive and ef-
fective network of external hyphae around the root zone for nutrient
AM fungi

acquisition (Kumar et al., 2006; Kumar and Sharma, 2009; Sharma


et al., 2011a, b; Singh et al., 2012). Besides, the production of plant

growth regulating substances like auxin, cytokinins and gibberellins by

PGPR probiotics interfere on resident soil microbial communities

especially AM fungi by colonizing the roots causes increased root
growth and exudation rate (Bashan et al., 2004), and exerted both di-

rect and indirect effects on plant growth characteristics such as the

modulation of plant immunity (Lugtenberg and Kamilova, 2009;
Organic (Solarized)

Vander Ent et al., 2009; Sugiyama et al., 2014). Moreover, improved



total leaf chlorophylls content could be due to the increased leaf area
was by the application of PGPR probiotics in this study, but not due

photosynthetic ability of the plantlets, as it was reflected (Kurokura


et al., 2017).

3.1.2. Rhizosphere stochiometry

LSD (p ≤ 0.05)
Treatment (T) Soil temperature, microbial population and root soil

interaction. Organic (solarization) soil temperature mainly depends on
Table 4

the increase in average of maximum soil temperatures during the


period of solarization. Soil solarization resulted in increase in average

Table 5
Microbial biomass and different enzyme activities exposed subsoil in the 0–15 cm soil profile.a.

Treatment (T) Organic (Solarized)

P. Kumar, et al.

MBC (mg kg−1) MBN (mg kg−1) MBC: MBN Acid phosphatase Alkaline DHA
(μg PNP g−1 h−1) phosphatase (μg TPF g−1 h−1)
(μg PNP g−1 h−1)

T1 380.6 28.8 13.2 147.3 97.7 7.8

T2 382.9 29.4 13.0 137.3 98.8 7.2
T3 429.7 29.7 14.5 161.2 102.6 8.7
T4 365.3 26.5 13.8 136.5 90.4 6.8
T5 360.5 26.0 13.9 128.6 93.0 6.5
T6 377.8 27.9 13.5 126.8 95.8 5.8
T7 379.1 27.4 13.8 112.8 76.9 4.7
T8 330.9 26.2 12.6 103.9 72.0 4.0
LSD (p ≤ 0.05) 24.6 1.1 0.6 8.8 6.1 0.6

Treatment (T) Natural (Non-solarized)

MBC (mg kg−1) MBN (mg kg−1) MBC: MBN Acid phosphatase Alkaline DHA
(μg PNP g−1 h−1) phosphatase(μg (μg TPF g−1 h−1)
PNP g−1 h−1)

T1 365.2 25.9 14.1 132.3 75.5 6.2

T2 370.9 26.5 14.0 126.3 74.7 5.6
T3 404.3 26.8 15.1 137.2 81.2 7.1
T4 342.9 23.6 14.5 120.5 69.2 5.2

T5 361.5 25.0 14.5 114.6 71.2 4.9
T6 352.4 25.0 14.1 110.8 71.8 4.2
T7 353.7 26.2 13.5 99.8 53.9 3.1
T8 298.5 23.3 12.8 90.9 46.2 2.4
LSD (p ≤ 0.05) 32.1 1.7 0.7 5.8 6.3 0.6

Treatment-wise composite sampling each from solarized and natural plots; MBC, microbial biomass carbon; MBN, microbial biomass nitrogen DHA, dehydrogenase.
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Table 6
Post-harvest chemical indicator of exposed subsoil of organic plots in the 0–15 cm soil profile.a.

Treatment (T) pH EC (d Sm−1) OC (g kg−1) Available macronutrient (mg kg−1) Exchangeable cations (mg kg−1) DTPA micronutrient cations (mg kg−1)

N P K Ca Mg Fe Cu Zn Mn

T1 7.03 0.143 6.86 159.7 13.7 134.9 29.0 27.7 79.2 2.53 1.94 66.7
T2 6.94 0.144 6.88 158.6 13.6 134.7 27.3 27.5 75.2 2.49 1.91 62.1
T3 7.04 0.134 6.98 164.4 13.8 139.3 29.9 28.0 80.4 2.62 1.99 69.6
T4 6.94 0.155 6.84 158.3 12.5 132.2 28.9 25.3 74.6 2.36 1.82 59.3
T5 6.93 0.144 6.83 155.4 13.6 128.7 27.8 24.5 70.1 2.27 1.88 52.8
T6 7.02 0.143 6.68 147.3 13.2 121.8 22.3 25.6 65.8 2.28 1.78 47.0
T7 7.09 0.142 6.70 143.1 12.4 125.2 22.6 25.5 68.1 2.14 1.72 46.9
T8 6.20 0.148 6.68 133.2 10.2 116.1 20.0 19.8 59.2 1.72 1.34 39.4
LSD (p ≤ 0.05) 0.05 0.005 0.1 4.5 0.8 3.9 2.1 2.7 3.9 0.2 0.1 5.6

Treatment-wise composite sampling; EC, electrical conductivity; OC, organic carbon.

Table 7
Yield related traits of cultivar Chandler obtained in organic and natural at PGPRs amendments inoculation.

Treatment (T) Organic (Solarized) Natural (Non-solarized)

Cumulative fruit Cumulative yield Yield YE Cumulative fruit Cumulative yield Yield YE
number (g plant−1) (q ha−1) (g cm−2 LA) number (g plant−1) (q ha−1) (g cm−2 LA)

T1 61.3 575.4 287.7 6.30 29.4 484.6 242.3 5.58

T2 64.5 611.2 305.6 6.91 27.6 490.7 245.3 5.85
T3 68.1 648.5 324.2 7.06 29.0 500.8 250.4 5.73
T4 60.5 551.4 275.7 6.26 26.4 460.5 230.2 5.51
T5 62.7 536.9 268.4 6.30 25.8 445.4 222.7 5.52
T6 60.3 566.4 283.2 6.36 27.2 455.7 227.8 5.39
T7 58.6 459.8 229.9 5.36 26.2 429.4 214.7 5.28
T8 49.8 437.8 218.9 5.34 23.9 398.6 199.3 5.16
LSD (p ≤ 0.05) 3.3 41.6 20.8 0.4 0.9 16.0 8.0 0.1

YE, yield efficiency; LA, leaf area.

maximum soil temperature the period of solarization (data not shown). soil in the under different PGPR transplant amedements applied. Si-
The maximum soil temperature average was 28.4 °C in the solarized milarly, AM fungal spore population ranged between 98.1 and 299.6
plot. Maximum soil temperature was 26.7 °C in the natural per 50 g soil (Table 3). Under favourable climatic conditions and proper
(conventional) soil plots. Similarly, solarization also increased the use, solarization can provide excellent control of soil-borne pathogens
maximum daily temperature to 35.3 °C and the average minimum in the field, greenhouse, nursery, and home garden (Stapleton, 2000).
daily soil temperature to 22.7 °C compared to natural soil plots. It is also In natural plots (at zero time), total microbial population of bacteria,
concluded that temperatures recorded from solarized soils were higher fungi and actinobacteria under solarized and natural soils at 0–15 cm
compared to natural soil plots. The temperature fluctuation amplitude, depths, indicating variability in the population of native soil microbial
calculated as the difference between means of maximum and minimum community present in the tested field. The quantitative estimation of
temperatures of soil, was relatively high at the top layer of organic resident soil microflora from the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil
solarized soil compared to natural soils. obtained in the present study is in conformation with the respective
The number of total resident soil microbial population in the sample microbial populations generally reported in literature. The plate count
increased from the dual inoculation to triple inoculation of the PGPR studies have revealed a pronounced rhizosphere effect for substantial
probiotics compared to control irrespective of the organic and natural soil microbial community in the rhizosphere of both organic and nat-
plots studied. The effect of PGPR probiotics on the total cultural mi- ural plots.
crobial population had significant effect on the microbial count of the
rhizosphere soil in organic (solarized) plots compared to natural (con-
ventional) soil plots. In general, the quantity of total culturable mi- Root soil (R/S) ratio. The R/S ratio, in general, was the highest
croorganisms analyzed in terms of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes in organic plots than natural plots. The higher population count and
were higher in rhizosphere soil than in non-rhizosphere soils irrespec- root soil (R/S) ratio for organic and natural plots were expected.
tive both of organic than natural plots (p < 0.05). The total resident Highest and lowest R/S ratio of the resident microflora like total
microbial population in organic and natural plots varied among the bacterial count, soil fungi, actinobacteria, P. florescence, B. subtilis, A.
different PGPR probiotics as shown in (Table 2). The plate counts es- chroococcum, K-mobilizers, and AMF was based respective PGPR
timated less than 5% of the total propagule density of soil culturable probiotic combination and soil plot (Table 4). In the present study,
total bacterial population, soil fungi and actinobacteria was sig- the resident microflora was significantly benefited by their proximity to
nificantly improved in rhizosphere, which reflected a stimulation of the roots, and the R/S ratio exceeded 1.50. Irrespective of the organic and
resident microflora in response to PGPR probiotics. In organic plots, the natural plots, compared to the rhizosphere soil, the microbial
plate count of Pseudomonas spp., A. chroococcum and K-mobilizers population enumerated in the control soil in this study was relatively
varied with respective values of 14.2 × 105-28.7 × 105 cfu g−1 soil, small. However, the total microbial count obtained for bacteria,
12.7 × 106-29.5 × 106 cfu g−1 soil and 7.4 × 104-21.9 × 104 cfu g−1 actinobacteria and fungi could be considered as a sufficiently
moderate value by soil-dilution plate-count method, besides, low pH,

P. Kumar, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215

Table 8
PGPRs amendments inoculation affects berry traits and shape index of strawberry cv. Chandler.

Treatment (T) Organic (Solarized) Natural (Non-solarized)

Berry dimension (mm) Berry weight Berry firmness Shape Berry dimension (mm) Berry weight Berry firmness Shape
(g) (kg cm−2) index (g) (kg cm−2) index
Length Width Thickness Length Width Thickness

T1 25.6 29.0 26.2 12.2 0.81 0.88 22.9 27.9 25.9 9.39 0.80 0.82
T2 25.9 25.6 25.2 12.4 0.83 1.01 23.2 24.5 24.6 9.48 0.81 0.92
T3 30.1 30.9 31.3 13.5 0.87 0.97 27.4 29.8 29.5 9.53 0.84 0.95
T4 24.5 27.6 28.8 11.9 0.79 0.89 21.8 26.5 28.2 9.11 0.74 0.82
T5 25.2 29.7 25.2 11.4 0.80 0.85 22.5 28.6 24.6 8.56 0.77 0.79
T6 23.3 25.3 27.4 12.2 0.83 0.92 20.6 24.2 26.8 9.40 0.79 0.85
T7 22.4 22.6 28.1 12.0 0.84 0.99 19.7 21.5 28.5 9.23 0.79 0.92
T8 20.8 20.5 22.2 10.3 0.76 1.01 18.1 19.4 21.6 7.47 0.71 0.74
LSD (p ≤ 0.05) 1.9 2.0 2.5 0.6 0.03 0.04 1.9 1.9 2.5 0.5 0.03 0.05

and organic content of the soil. Generally the plate counts estimated up 3.1.3. Post-harvest soil chemical indicators
to 200 million resident microbial populations per gram of dry soil Mean values of soil chemical indicators were recorded the highest in
dependent upon the abundance being a reflection of several 250 g PGPR consourtium (T3) which further reduced through 250 g
environmental factors. Although, in organic plots used in the present AMF+125g A. chroococcum (T1) and 150 g A. chroococcum+150 g K-
study, the bacterial, actinobacterial and fungal populations were less mobilizers (T2), while, the T8 (Uninoculated control) has the least
than those of natural plots which might be due to the soil samples (Table 6). There was a significant effect of microbial probiotics on soil
collection from the solarized and natural cultivated conditions that pH and EC (P < 0.05), but differences in pH were very small. Different
accounted for the variations and differential stimulation on the microbial probiotics (dual or triple inoculation) changed pH of the soil
rhizosphere microflora by the roots of the plantlets. towards neutral. The treatment T3 had a pH of 7.04, which was towards
neutrality in compared to T8 with pH of 6.20. All the PGPR treatments
were also effective in decreasing soil EC level. The data presented on Soil microbial biomass and enzymatic activity. The data depicted soil OC content indicated a significant increase due varied dual or triple
in Table 5 revealed that MBC and MBN were significantly influenced inoculation of microbial probiotics tested. Maximum soil OC build up
under different PGPR probiotic combinations. Microbial Biomass-C was observed with T3 treatment. In general, the extent of soil OC was
(MBC) was significantly higher in organic plots than natural plots by higher when the consortium of PGPR was inoculated with the test crop.
6.28%, 3.23%, and 4.22%, respectively. Microbial Biomass-N (MBN) Maximum soil OC increased by 55.1% T3 over initial (4.5 g kg−1). The
was also significantly higher in T3, T2 and T1 by 10.8, 10.7, and 11.1 extent of increase of soil OC content over initial was 52.9, 52.4 and 52%
fold, respectively (p < 0.05). Mean MBC and MBN contents were both in T2, T1, T4, respectively. Among the tested PGPR probiotics, T3
the highest in organic plots at 375.9, 27.7 mg kg−1, and in natural plots showed maximum available macro-(N, P, K), meso-(exchangeable Ca,
at 356.2, 25.3 mg kg−1, respectively. MBC: MBN ranged for the various Mg) and DTPA-extractable micronutrient cations (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn) fol-
components of the microbial biomass were as follows: 13.0–14.5 for lowed by T2, T1, T4 compared to T8 which recorded the least (Table 6).
organic plots and 13.5–15.1 for natural plots studied. MBC and MBN are Soil available N significantly increased under different probiotics in-
the main driving force involved in decomposition of soil organic oculations being the highest in T3 (9.38%) followed by T1 (6.25%), T2
material due to changes in the physico-chemical and biological (5.52%) over initial (150.3 mg kg−1). The comparison of available P
properties of rhizosphere soils (Sharma et al., 2015). In organic plots, and available K under different microbial treatments showed that T3
MBC content was mostly higher under T3 compared to other probiotic exhibited maximum values for these chemical indicators. The result
combinations which is ascribed due to more microbial biomass coupled also showed that in T3 treatment exchangeable Ca and Mg content in-
with more microbial incorporation and/or decomposition (Sharma creased with corresponding values of 49.5%, 41.4% over uninoculated
et al., 2017), which reflected the magnitude of increased MBC and control. Concerning to the availability of DTPA extracted Fe, Cu, Zn,
MBN in the rhizosphere area (Akmal et al., 2012). The differences Mn, the dual or triple inoculation of PGPR amedements T3 increased
recorded in MBC and MBN contents were emphasized that microbial 35.8%, 52.3%, 48.5%, 76.6%, respectively, over uninoculated control.
turnover is considerably more rapid (Kaschuk et al., 2010; Sharma PGPR secrete carboxylic acid, thus lowered the pH in the rhizosphere
et al., 2015, 2017). MBC and MBN are sensitive indicators of the effects and consequently release the bound forms of phosphate like Ca3 (PO4)2
of soil and crop management regimens in the cropping system utilized. in the calcareous soils. Soil P easily forms insoluble complexes with
The relative activities of the soil enzymes (i.e. acid phosphatase, cations, and/or incorporated into organic matter by microbial popula-
alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenases) are shown in Table 5. The tion (Tran et al., 2010). Moreover, the PGPR probiotics could increase
data showed that acid- and alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenases the availability of accumulated phosphates by solubilization, increase
(DHA) activity was again higher in the rhizosphere soils of solarized the efficiency of biological nitrogen fixation and render availability of
plots compared to bulk soil and or natural soil lots. Acid phosphatase Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn through production of plant growth promoting
and alkaline phosphatase activities were significantly higher in organic substances. Increased availability of mineral contents in soils during the
plots (T3) than natural plots (p < 0.05). The activities of acid-, alkaline cultivation and bacterial inoculation in the soil ascribed to increased
phosphatase and dehydrogenases were 17.4%, 26.4% and 22.5%, mineralization of the organic complex and organic acid production by
higher than natural plots, respectively. The increase of acid- and plants and bacteria in the rhizosphere zone (Sundra et al., 2002; Shen
alkaline phosphatases and DHA enzyme activity might be due to et al., 2004; Esitken et al., 2010).
intense activity of the soil microorganisms especially PGPR probiotics
in the rhizosphere soils which intern degraded easily metabolizable 3.1.4. Number of fruits, yield and yield efficiency
compounds. Total fruit yield and number of fruits per plant of the first fruit truss
to final harvest (cumulative) was higher in the PGPR probiotic treated

Table 9
Biochemical quality attributes at PGPRs amendments inoculation in ‘Chandler’ strawberry.

Treatment (T) Organic (Solarized)

P. Kumar, et al.

Juice pH TSS (0Brix) Acidity (%) TSS: acidity RS (%) NRS (%) TS (%) Sucrose (%) Ripening Ascorbic acid Anthocyanin
Index (mg/100 g pigmentation

T1 3.89 8.46 0.69 12.3 4.75 3.49 8.24 3.32 12.9 39.7 RG 45
T2 3.56 9.18 0.76 12.1 4.59 3.69 8.30 3.51 12.6 36.5 RG 42A
T3 4.23 9.65 0.69 14.0 4.88 3.88 8.57 3.66 13.4 45.9 RG 46
T4 3.85 8.92 0.85 10.5 4.45 3.85 7.95 3.19 10.5 40.3 RG 44A
T5 3.29 8.33 0.74 11.3 4.42 3.84 8.26 3.65 11.3 35.4 RG 43
T6 4.04 8.54 0.66 12.9 4.47 3.76 8.23 3.57 11.8 34.6 RG 42A
T7 3.39 8.68 0.77 11.3 4.54 3.36 8.42 3.69 11.3 32.9 RG 44A
T8 2.89 6.18 0.89 12.3 3.41 2.69 6.10 2.56 6.9 28.4 RG 42A
LSD 0.3 0.7 0.01 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 1.7 3.4
(p ≤ 0.05)

Treatment (T) Natural (Non-solarized)

Juice pH TSS (0Brix) Acidity (%) TSS: acidity RS (%) NRS (%) TS (%) Sucrose (%) Ripening Ascorbic acid Anthocyanin
Index (mg/100 g fruit) pigmentation

T1 4.59 8.37 0.98 8.5 4.30 3.15 8.35 3.60 11.5 33.6 RG 45
T2 4.46 9.09 0.97 9.4 4.14 3.35 8.16 3.46 11.2 31.9 RG 42A
T3 4.79 9.02 0.88 10.3 4.43 3.54 8.50 3.61 12.0 35.6 RG 46
T4 4.55 8.83 0.99 8.9 4.09 3.50 8.23 3.27 9.1 30.2 RG 44A

T5 4.39 8.24 0.92 9.0 3.97 3.42 8.19 3.14 10.2 28.8 RG 43
T6 4.04 8.45 0.99 8.5 4.02 3.02 8.35 3.52 10.4 29.9 RG 42A
T7 4.44 8.59 0.92 9.3 4.00 3.54 7.88 3.64 9.7 32.6 RG 44A
T8 3.99 6.09 1.04 5.9 2.96 2.35 6.03 2.51 5.5 24.3 RG 42A
LSD 0.2 0.8 0.05 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.3 1.7 2.7
(p ≤ 0.05)

TSS, Total soluble solids; RS, Reducing sugars; NRS, Non-reducing sugars; TS, Total sugars.
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Table 10
The DOP index and ΣDOP determined from strawberry leaf nutrients at various PGPR probiotics inoculation.

Treatment (T) N P K Ca Mg Fe Cu Zn Mn ΣDOP

Organic (Solarized)
T1 +23 +70 +63.3 −20 +12 +2.5 −2 +19.6 +14 226.4f
T2 +22.5 +30 +106.6 −15 +32 −9.3 +10.5 +1.3 +6.5 233.7e
T3 +24.5 +100 +106.6 −13.5 +28 +6.3 +27 +22 +46.5 374.4a
T4 +21 +50 +116.6 −26 +20 −4 +22.5 +5 +17.5 282.6c
T5 +21.5 +60 +131.6 −24 +24 −2.1 +18.5 +12.6 +23.5 317.8b
T6 +11 +60 +113.3 −16 +12 −14.1 −7 −28.6 −1.5 263.5d
T7 +13 +40 +105 −23 +20 −18.8 −0.5 −4.6 +4.5 229.4f
T8 +11 +50 +103.3 −16 +8 −17 −16 −18 −17 256.3e
Mean +18.4 +57.5 +105.8 −19.2 +19.5 −7.1 +6.6 +1.2 +11.8

Natural (Non-solarized)
T1 +16 +70 +111.6 −21.5 +4 −6.5 −6.5 0.6 −2 238.7d
T2 +18.5 +30 +103.3 −21.5 +16 −11.1 +8.5 −15 +8.5 232.4e
T3 +19.5 +90 +123.3 −18.5 +20 +2.1 +24 +12.6 +26 336a
T4 +16.5 +50 +115 −23.5 +8 −13 +2 +5.3 +14 247.3c
T5 +15.5 +50 +100 −20 +4 −14 −2 −4.3 −1 210.8f
T6 +13.5 +80 +130 −15.5 +32 −6.8 1.5 +1 +10.5 290.8c
T7 +12.5 +60 +113.3 −16 +12 −14.1 −7 −28.6 −1.5 264.5d
T8 −8 −20 +68.3 −28.5 −8 −29.8 −30.5 −29.6 −34.5 257.2b
Mean +13.0 +51.3 +108.1 −20.6 +11.0 −11.7 −1.3 −7.3 _2.5

Leaf standards for strawberry based on whole leaf along with petioles sampled; sign (−) indicates deficiency level, sign (+) indicates excessive (Thomas et al., 2013);
mean followed by same small and capital letters within columns indicate significant differences among ΣDOP indexes within each PGPR probiotic treatment are not
significant according to DMRT (p ≤ 0.05).

verified in the organic and in the natural field cultivation is presented in solids (9.65°Brix), reducing sugars (4.88%), non-reducing sugars
Table 7. In relation to cumulative yield and number of fruits per plant, (3.88%), total sugars (8.57%) and TSS: acidity (14) were recorded with
the effects of dual or triple inoculation of microbial probiotic were T3 treatment with lowest acidity (0.69%),and while the minimum were
significant in any of the environments. The average cumulative number observed in uninoculated control. The data also revealed a positive
of fruits in organic plots was 125.5% higher than natural plots. A relation between fruit dimension and fruit juice pH due to balanced
significant yield increase was obtained with T3 (648.5 g plant−1), T1 nutrient acquisition to the plant and secretion of phytohormones by the
(611.2 g plant−1) and T2 (575.4 g plant−1) treatments as compared applied PGPR probiotic. Endogenous factors like carbohydrates during
with the control (437.8 g plant−1). During the two cropping years of ripening of fruits as reserves of the roots and stem are drawn upon
strawberry in organic plots, an increase in fruit-yield was observed at heavily by fruits which might have resulted into higher TSS and sugar
dual or triple PGPR inoculation. The average cumulative fruit yield contents in fruits. Maximum TSS: acidity ratio recorded in treatment T3
value obtained in organic plots was 19.7% higher than natural plots. due to corresponding increase in total soluble solids and acidity. Lingua
et al. (2013) recorded anthocyanin pigmentation altered by the PGPR
3.1.5. Fruit analyses which employed naked eyes, thus there is a possibility that enhance-
Morphometric traits of fruits is also subjected to analysis of variance ment in pigmentation process in PGPR resulted in the earlier picking
showed significant effects of microbial probiotics both in organic and even though no statistical difference was observed in the time between
natural plots on berry dimension (length, width and thickness), berry anthesis to harvest. Yadav et al. (2016) recorded an improved antho-
weight, berry firmness and shape index (Table 8). It was found that all cyanin pigmentation attributed to the significant uptake of N within the
the parameters were significantly increased in organically treated plots plant system when 50% N through organic fertilizers along with Azo-
as compared to natural plots irrespective of the PGPR probiotic treat- tobacter inoculation, at establishment of plant and before flowering
ment applied. In organic plots, maximum berry length (30.1 mm), berry stage, performed better to enhance productivity and all quality attri-
width (30.9 mm), berry thickness (31.3 cm), berry weight (13.5 g), butes, which in turn attributed to increased number of flowers and
berry firmness (0.87 kg cm−2) were recorded with dual inoculation of berries, extended duration of harvesting, higher production of berries
PGPR probiotics in T3 treatment. Increase of these physical traits of through sustained nutrient availability in soil profile under optimum
fruits ascribed to balanced macro- and micronutrients and the pro- physico-chemical environment.
duction of growth promoting hormones especially IAA, gibberellins and
cytokinins by PGPR combinations (Lingua et al., 2013; Kudoyarova 3.1.6. DOP index
et al., 2014; Kurokura et al., 2017). Moreover, better fruits might be In the present investigations, DOP indexing were in close agreement
due to more balanced nutrients uptake that have led to improved me- to diagnose N, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn excesses, whereas, it was in
tabolism resulted in high protein and carbohydrate synthesis. The ca- deficiencies for leaf Ca, and DOP reference values (Montañes et al.,
pacity of microbial inoculants to secretes phytohormones especially 1991). The DOPN, P, K, Mg, Zn, Mn was positive and DOPCa was negative in
gibberellins increased the fruit size. Also the efficient partitioning of organic plots regardless of PGPR transplant amendments applied. The
photosynthesis towards the sink by Azotobacterization and AM fungal results are in close conformity with those of Thomas et al. (2013) who
inoculation increased the fruit size and weight. The vigorous growth reported the leaf N, P, Mg, Zn and Mn concentrations in strawberries.
traits of strawberry plantlets were also associated with higher sink ca- For DOPN, P, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn level, the plants fertilized with T3 tend to
pacity resulted in better root proliferation, increased uptake of nutrients have a positive DOP value except DOPK irrespective of PGPR probiotics
and water due to higher photosynthesis with an increased assimilation applied. Status that leaf N, P, K, Mg is in excessive range, when leaf Ca
rates (Rana and Chandel 2003). The data on biochemical traits of fruit was in deficiency has been previously reported, probably a consequence
were significantly influenced by the PGPR transplant amedements of lower K competition, which was universally trait of leaf Mg
(Table 9). In organic plots, maximum juice pH (4.23), total soluble (Table 10). Furthermore, the negative DOPCa attributed to low mobility

P. Kumar, et al.

Table 11
Correlation matrixes (Pearson, n) of agro-morphometric and fruit quality traits at PGPRs amendments inoculation in ‘Chandler’ strawberry.

Variables Plant Number of LA RFW Number of Number of CY CFN BL BW BT BWt SI FF Juice pH TSS Acidity RI RS NRS TS Sucrose
height leaves crowns runners

Plant height 1
Number of leaves 0.94 1
LA 0.78 0.84 1
RFW 0.81 0.83 0.69 1
Number of Crowns 0.94 0.81 0.75 0.81 1
Number of runners 0.92 0.87 0.72 0.82 0.82 1
CY 0.81 0.83 0.93 0.86 0.86 0.76 1
CFN 0.54 0.51 0.58 0.77 0.66 0.57 0.82 1
BL 0.81 0.82 0.82 0.89 0.79 0.88 0.90 0.77 1
BW 0.87 0.79 0.63 0.88 0.91 0.81 0.79 0.69 0.86 1

BT 0.78 0.81 0.60 0.46 0.55 0.77 0.44 −0.01 0.52 0.46 1
BWt 0.75 0.81 0.89 0.57 0.69 0.62 0.74 0.21 0.62 0.53 0.76 1
SI −0.39 −0.21 0.10 −0.25 −0.50 −0.15 −0.06 −0.08 −0.03 −0.53 −0.08 −0.05 1
FF 0.60 0.71 0.74 0.63 0.47 0.69 0.63 0.21 0.67 0.42 0.74 0.81 0.29 1
Juice pH 0.91 0.85 0.83 0.68 0.88 0.84 0.81 0.46 0.70 0.67 0.76 0.83 −0.20 0.68 1
TSS 0.79 0.91 0.86 0.67 0.67 0.66 0.75 0.29 0.70 0.64 0.77 0.93 −0.10 0.77 0.74 1
Acidity −0.59 −0.52 −0.54 −0.64 −0.70 −0.56 −0.60 −0.29 −0.52 −0.58 −0.44 −0.69 0.28 −0.68 −0.69 −0.53 1
RI 0.80 0.81 0.81 0.76 0.80 0.72 0.78 0.35 0.71 0.70 0.69 0.92 −0.20 0.84 0.84 0.85 −0.89 1
RS 0.66 0.75 0.83 0.57 0.66 0.49 0.71 0.24 0.62 0.60 0.59 0.93 −0.15 0.69 0.65 0.93 −0.63 0.87 1
NRS 0.48 0.61 0.39 0.36 0.37 0.22 0.28 −0.15 0.19 0.38 0.57 0.67 −0.43 0.41 0.38 0.78 −0.37 0.61 0.75 1
TS 0.61 0.73 0.67 0.50 0.56 0.39 0.54 0.06 0.44 0.53 0.62 0.87 −0.30 0.60 0.56 0.92 −0.54 0.80 0.94 0.93 1
Sucrose 0.47 0.60 0.39 0.35 0.37 0.22 0.27 −0.16 0.19 0.37 0.57 0.67 −0.43 0.40 0.37 0.77 −0.36 0.61 0.75 1.00 0.93 1

Values in bold are different from 0 with a significance level alpha = 0.05; LA, Leaf area; RFW, Root fresh weight; CY, Cumulative yield; CFN, Cumulative fruit number; BL, Berry length; BW, Berry width, BT Berry
thickness; BWt, Berry weight; SI, Shape index; FF, fruit firmness; TSS, total soluble solids; RI, Ripening Index; RS, Reducing sugars; NRS, Non-reducing sugars; TS, Total sugars.
Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215
P. Kumar, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215

Table 12
PCA and factor loading of agro-morphometric and fruit analysis at various PGPRs probiotics.

Parameter Principal Component


Eigen value 14.38 3.15 1.84 1.02

Variability (%) 65.38 14.31 8.37 4.61
Cumulative variance (%) 65.38 79.68 88.05 92.67

Vegetative and fruit quality traits Factor loadings Eigen vectors

F1 F2 F3 F4 F1 F2 F3 F4

Plant height 0.930 0.153 −0.174 0.239 0.245 0.086 −0.128 0.237
Number of leaves 0.952 0.016 −0.003 0.097 0.251 0.009 −0.002 0.096
Leaf area 0.890 0.121 0.296 −0.206 0.235 0.068 0.218 −0.205
Root fresh wt 0.845 0.345 −0.144 −0.102 0.223 0.194 −0.106 −0.101
Number of Crowns 0.884 0.266 −0.309 0.060 0.233 0.150 −0.227 0.059
Number of runners 0.842 0.360 0.038 0.366 0.222 0.203 0.028 0.363
Cumulative yield 0.879 0.366 0.068 −0.261 0.232 0.206 0.050 −0.259
Cumulative fruit number 0.509 0.757 −0.130 −0.348 0.134 0.427 −0.096 −0.345
Berry length 0.842 0.448 0.088 −0.084 0.222 0.253 0.065 −0.083
Berry width 0.826 0.305 −0.406 −0.029 0.218 0.172 −0.300 −0.029
Berry thickness 0.751 −0.258 0.198 0.542 0.198 −0.146 0.146 0.538
Berry weight 0.902 −0.284 0.242 −0.041 0.238 −0.160 0.179 −0.041
Shape index −0.241 0.142 0.942 −0.133 −0.064 0.080 0.694 −0.132
Firmness 0.775 −0.077 0.535 0.106 0.204 −0.043 0.394 0.106
Juice pH 0.888 0.130 0.064 0.262 0.234 0.073 0.047 0.260
Total soluble solids 0.923 −0.288 0.134 −0.108 0.243 −0.162 0.099 −0.107
Acidity −0.721 −0.001 0.037 −0.050 −0.190 0.000 0.027 −0.050
Ripening Index 0.940 −0.114 0.074 −0.010 0.248 −0.064 0.054 −0.010
Reducing sugars 0.863 −0.342 0.087 −0.296 0.227 −0.193 0.064 −0.294
Non-reducing sugars 0.610 −0.730 −0.223 −0.098 0.161 −0.411 −0.164 −0.098
Total sugars 0.794 −0.562 −0.064 −0.216 0.209 −0.317 −0.047 −0.214
Sucrose 0.607 −0.733 −0.223 −0.101 0.160 −0.413 −0.165 −0.101

Factor scores

Treatment (T) F1 F2 F3 F4

T1 1.588 0.378 −0.901 −0.078

T2 1.154 −0.283 1.521 −2.305
T3 5.122 2.877 1.322 0.922
T4 1.003 −0.713 −1.275 0.676
T5 0.065 −0.159 −2.399 −0.708
T6 1.425 −0.724 −0.159 0.390
T7 −1.415 −3.397 1.524 0.896
T8 −8.941 2.020 0.366 0.208

PC1, Principal component-1; PC2, Principal component-2; PC3, Principal component-3; PC4, Principal component-4.
F1, factor-1; F2, factor-2; F3, factor-3; F4, factor-4.

and low availability in soil, while, negative DOPFe, Zn, Mn in some (r = 0.94), leaf area (r = 0.78), root fresh weight (r = 0.81), number of
treatment combinations indicated the tendency of these nutrients de- crown (r = 0.94), number of runners (r = 0.92), commutative fruit
ficiency under all treatments although its soil content is high, ascer- yield (r = 0.81), berry length (r = 0.81), berry width (r = 0.87), berry
tained the reason explained by the decreased availability in the soil due thickness (r = 0.78), berry weight (r = 0.75), juice pH (r = 0.91), TSS
to fixation by clay particles. N, P, K, Mg improved leaf N, P, K and Mg (r = 0.79) and ripening index (r = 0.80) of the fruits, whereas, it was
content which could be explained with the scarcity or absence of irri- positive or negative and non-significant with all other morphometric
gation and low precipitation during harvest periods due to limited the and biochemical traits studied. Ripening index of the fruits is also ex-
organic matter decomposition. The data also showed the significant hibited a positive and significant relationship with plant height,
differences between treatments, for nutritional balance (ΣDOP). The number of leaves, leaf area, root fresh weight, berry weight and firm-
larger the ΣDOP, the greater is the intensity of imbalances among nu- ness, whereas, all other biochemical parameters had shown a non-sig-
trients (Montañes et al., 1991; Kumar et al., 2016, 2017; Kumar and nificant relationship among themselves. No significant correlation was
Chandel, 2017) did not find any significant differences for nutritional determined between fruit pH and sucrose content of the fruits. On the
balances (ΣDOP). other hand, the effect of PGPR probiotics on titratable acidity was ne-
gative but non- significant with various agro-morphometric and bio-
3.2. Correlation matrix chemical fruit traits studied.

The relationship between morphometric traits and fruit quality 3.3. PCA analyses
parameters ‘Chandler’ strawberry affected at PGPRs amendments in-
oculation is depicted in Table 11. The data showed that plant height The graphical interpretation of correlation biplots and Scree plot is
exhibited a positive and significant relationship with number of leaves done by constructing PCA biplots with the original factors/variables

P. Kumar, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215

Fig. 1. PCA-Correlation biplot (A–C) and Scree plot (D) of between agro-morphometric and fruit traits at various PGPRs probiotics.

drawn as ‘Eigen vectors’ that summarize the correlation between the runners, cumulative yield, cumulative fruit number, berry length, berry
variable and both illustrated axes of fruit quality attributes. PCA studies width, berry thickness, berry weight, shape Index, firmness, juice pH,
identified the first components which accounted for maximum of the total soluble solids, acidity, ripening Index, reducing sugars, non-re-
total variance f based on the Eigen value (> 1) and explained 65.38% ducing sugars, total sugars and sucrose content by PCA studies. Factor
(PC1), 79.68% (PC2), 88.05% (PC3) and 92.67% (PC4) of the cumu- loadings > 0.40 among different PCs being the highly weighted vari-
lative variance. PC4 accounted for highest total cumulative variances ables were considered (Wander and Bolero, 1999) Fig. 1.
among fruit phenological, morphometric and generative potential
strawberry traits (Table 12). The PCA studies considered variables with
equal or greater values than 2/3rd of the highest variable value within 4. Conclusions
each PC. The PCA explained the variability for the different PGPR
probiotics in PCs, showing that microbial consortium is important in The study indicated PGPRs coupled with soil solarization as a pro-
the fourth PC; this means that the PGPR group was influenced by the mising technology to maintain healthy rhizosphere and an alternative
plots and environmental conditions. The PC1, which accounted for to chemicalised farming of strawberry for enhancing its quality pro-
about 65.38% of the variation, was strongly associated with all mor- duction in calcareous soils of Shiwalik foothills of north-west
phometric and biochemical traits expect shape index and titratable Himalayas.
acidity of the fruits. The sign of the factor loading indicates the direc-
tion of the relationship between the component and the variable. The
CRediT authorship contribution statement
PC2, which accounted for about 14.31% of the total variation, was
named as yield component as it considered number of fruits affected by
Pramod Kumar: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis,
different PGPR inoculation. Similarly, the PC4 accounted for the
Investigation, Project administration, Resources, Supervision. Nisha
highest cumulative variances among plant growth, yield and quality
Sharma: Data curation, Writing - original draft. Sandeep Sharma:
traits. The minimum data set suggested for plant height, number of
Formal analysis, Writing - review & editing. Rucku Gupta: Formal
leaves, leaf area, root fresh weight, number of crowns, number of
analysis, Writing - review & editing.

P. Kumar, et al. Scientia Horticulturae 265 (2020) 109215

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