Baron Cohen Eyes Test
Baron Cohen Eyes Test
Baron Cohen Eyes Test
to test whether a group of adults with Asperger Syndrome (AS) or High-functioning Autism (HFA) would
be impaired on the revised version of the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ task.
Conclusion Procedure
- People with AS/HFA lack a - Pilot study is conducted
cognitive process which Each participant completed the
Participants with AS/HFA (group 1) eye test – individually in
allows them to properly identified fewer target words that the
identify emotions : lack of other 3 groups a quiet room. (36 sets of eyes which
TOM None of the participants checked the is balanced with the gender of 18
- There were some evidences glossary more than 2 times. males and 18 females .There were 4
of sex difference affecting There was a negative correlation choices of emotions for every
AQ (with males showing more between the scores of the AQ test and photograph.)
autistic traits than female) the eyes test (-0.53), but no
correlation between the IQ and
Group 1 – judge the gender of
revised eyes test scores (Higher AQ = each image.
fewer target words correctly Group 1,3,4 – questionnaire to
identified) measure their AQ.
All to read through glossary and
ask if they were unsure
– could revisit it at any time.
G - not representative as the sample is small - people with AS/HFA
R - high internal reliability, less confounding variables due to
controlled environment and standardised procedure
A - could help teachers to better understand autistic students and
tech them
V - Low ecological validity as it was conducted in a lab
E - no deception or harm was caused, but could have been stressed
over getting the answer right. More ethical than unethical