Encryption: To Study and Implement Columnar Transposition Cipher
Encryption: To Study and Implement Columnar Transposition Cipher
Encryption: To Study and Implement Columnar Transposition Cipher
A678 Srushti
In a transposition cipher, the order of the alphabets is re-arranged to obtain the cipher-
1. The message is written out in rows of a fixed length, and then read out again
column by column, and the columns are chosen in some scrambled order.
2. Width of the rows and the permutation of the columns are usually defined
by a keyword.
3. For example, the word HACK is of length 4 (so the rows are of length 4),
and the permutation is defined by the alphabetical order of the letters in the
keyword. In this case, the order would be “3 1 2 4”.
4. Any spare spaces are filled with nulls or left blank or placed by a character
(Example: _).
5. Finally, the message is read off in columns, in the order specified by the
1. To decipher it, the recipient has to work out the column lengths by dividing
the message length by the key length.
2. Then, write the message out in columns again, then re-order the columns by
reforming the key word.
Department of Computer Engineering
A678 Srushti
import math
key = "HACK"
# Encryption
def encryptMessage(msg):
cipher = ""
# track key indices
k_indx = 0
msg_len = float(len(msg))
msg_lst = list(msg)
key_lst = sorted(list(key))
# calculate column of the matrix
col = len(key)
# calculate maximum row of the matrix
row = int(math.ceil(msg_len / col))
# add the padding character '_' in empty
# the empty cell of the matix
fill_null = int((row * col) - msg_len)
msg_lst.extend('_' * fill_null)
# create Matrix and insert message and
# padding characters row-wise
matrix = [msg_lst[i: i + col]
for i in range(0, len(msg_lst), col)]
# read matrix column-wise using key
for _ in range(col):
curr_idx = key.index(key_lst[k_indx])
cipher += ''.join([row[curr_idx]
for row in matrix])
k_indx += 1
return cipher
Department of Computer Engineering
A678 Srushti
# Decryption
def decryptMessage(cipher):
msg = ""
# track key indices
k_indx = 0
# track msg indices
msg_indx = 0
msg_len = float(len(cipher))
msg_lst = list(cipher)
# calculate column of the matrix
col = len(key)
# calculate maximum row of the matrix
row = int(math.ceil(msg_len / col))
# convert key into list and sort
# alphabetically so we can access
# each character by its alphabetical position.
key_lst = sorted(list(key))
# create an empty matrix to
# store deciphered message
dec_cipher = []
for _ in range(row):
dec_cipher += [[None] * col]
# Arrange the matrix column wise according
# to permutation order by adding into new matrix
for _ in range(col):
curr_idx = key.index(key_lst[k_indx])
for j in range(row):
dec_cipher[j][curr_idx] = msg_lst[msg_indx]
msg_indx += 1
k_indx += 1
# convert decrypted msg matrix into a string
Department of Computer Engineering
A678 Srushti
msg = ''.join(sum(dec_cipher, []))
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("This program cannot",
"handle repeating words.")
null_count = msg.count('_')
if null_count > 0:
return msg[: -null_count]
return msg
# Driver Code
msg = "Srushti Patyane"
cipher = encryptMessage(msg)
print("Encrypted Message: {}".
print("Decryped Message: {}".