Lab 00
Lab 00
Lab 00
1 Acknowledgements 2
2 Administrivia 2
2.1 Learning Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 Hardware Resources 2
4 Introduction 3
4.1 Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5 Lab Tasks 5
5.1 Introduction to Atmel Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
5.2 Burning the Code in Microcontroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1 Acknowledgements
This lab exercise is prepared by Mohammad Azfar Tariq and Muhammad Usman under the
supervision of Dr. Rehan Ahmed for the course EE-222 Microprocessor Systems. Reporting
any error or discrepancy found in the text is appreciated.
2 Administrivia
2.1 Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lab you will be able to;
2.2 Deliverables
You are required to submit
3 Hardware Resources
• ATmega16A Microcontroller Unit
• Universal Programmer
• Power source with voltage regulator (may use from trainer kit)
4 Introduction
You should not worry about nitty gritty details of code for the moment. The purpose of this
lab is to familiarize with you, the AVR toolchain and it’s workflow. We employ following
code for this purpose.
1 ; i n i t i a l constants
2 l d i R16 , 0xFF
3 l d i R17 , 0xFF
4 ; s e t DDRB a s output
5 out DDRA, R17
6 ; code t o t o g g l e LEDs
7 toggler :
8 s u b i R16 , 0xFF
9 out PORTA, R16
10 rjmp i d l e l o o p
11 ; delay loop
12 idle loop :
13 l d i R19 , 0xFF
14 l d i R20 , 0x0F
15 l d i R21 , 0 x01
16 idle loop 0 :
17 idle loop 1 :
18 idle loop 2 :
19 dec R19
20 brne i d l e l o o p 2
21 dec R20
22 brne i d l e l o o p 1
23 dec R21
24 brne i d l e l o o p 0
25 rjmp t o g g l e r
The code is designed to count from 0x00 to 0xFF which will be displayed on 8 LEDs. There
are two nested loops in the code, the outer loop (named “toggler” in the code) increments
the count on each iteration and the inner loop (named “idle loop” in the code) just iterate for
some time doing nothing, wasting the time of CPU (a sort of time delay). We will simulate
and burn the code in ATmega16A. You can find this code here1 as well.
4.1 Workflow
Following is the workflow we shall observe.
1. Create project and code in Atmel Studio.
Same workflow is elaborated in the following flowchart:
Hex File A file format that conveys binary information in ASCII text form. The file
is used to burn code in microcontrollers. IDE generates the hex file. It is then used by
Universal Programmer to burn the code in microcontroller unit. After burning the code,
microntroller becomes ready to be installed in breadboard or PCB designed for the specific
application in mind
5 Lab Tasks
5.1 Introduction to Atmel Studio
Atmel Studio is an IDE for programming 8 bit and 16 bit AVR microcontrollers. The
IDE generates hex file for a range of such microcontrollers. Moreover, quite a handful of
simulations can be undertaken and observed in it.
Familiarize yourself with Atmel Studio by
2. Coding Environment
3. Simulation/Debugging Features
Introductory Tutorial Slides2 have been compiled to help you through this.
Add a break-point on line 9 (as directed in Introductory tutorial slides) of the code (which
is inside the “toggler” loop) for simulation purposes. It will assist you in understanding the
overall functionality of the code. Observe the following parameters,
• Status Register
• Register R16
• I/O Port A
Fill the table for first 20 iterations. The table to be filled is available in doc and pdf format.
Note Time and cycles for each iteration can be calculated from Stop Watch time and Cycle
Counter in the simulation panel.
2 atmel tutorial.pdf
5.2 Burning the Code in Microcontroller
Patch the circuit as schematic suggests. You may utilize the resources available in the trainer
kits of lab.
Burn the hex file generated in the above project using universal programmers. Follow the
Universal Programmer Tutorial3 to familiarize yourself with the task.
Oscillator Clock is an essential component of any processing unit. It is the primary signal,
the entire circuitry synchronizes itself to. Generally clock can be generated in two ways:
• External RC Oscillator
• External Clock
Do not worry about these different sources of clock for the moment. By default, 1 MHz
Internal RC Oscillator is being used. This frequency is enough for lab exercise under
Task Does the implementation follow simulation? Time blinking of any reasonable LED
and compare it with simulation. Document these comparisons and observations.
3 programmer.pdf