Marketing Strategy of Dell
Marketing Strategy of Dell
Marketing Strategy of Dell
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I hereby declare that the Project Work with the title Marketing Strategy of Dell
submitted by me for the partial fulfillment of the degree of B.Com. (Honours) in
Accounting & Finance under the University of Calcutta is my original work and
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Supervisor’s Certificate
This is to certify that SUMIT KUMAR SHAW, a student of B.Com.
(Honours) in Accounting &
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Calcutta has worked under my supervision and guidance for his Project
Work and prepared a Project Report with the title Marketing Strategy
of Dell.
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Date: Designation: Assistant Professor
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( Signature of Student )
Background Of The Study :
Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited
resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive
A marketing strategy refers to a business's overall game plan for reaching prospective
consumers and turning them into customers of their products or services. A marketing strategy
contains the company's value proposition, key brand messaging, data on target customer
demographics, and other high-level elements.
Strategic planning involves an analysis of the company's strategic initial situation prior to the
formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented competitive position that contributes
to the company's goals and marketing objectives.
Marketing strategy in a nutshell maps an idea which forms the base of sustaining business
keeping in mind the long-term benefits and competition in market. Marketing strategy is an
idea which grows from the seed of value proposition enabling the company a step further over
its competitors in terms of brand development and profit making. Its effects over the companies
worldwide have been astonishing, especially over public - centric domains like automobiles,
beverages etc. A marketing strategy usually consists of some default points for its
establishment. The most important of those being the organizational short-term and long-term
In Marketing strategy there is The marketing mix : Product, price, place and promotion. The
marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce
a desired response from its target market. It consists of everything that a company can do to
influence demand for its product.
All the elements of the marketing mix influence each other. They make up the business plan
for a company and handled right, can give it great success. But handled wrong and the business
could take years to recover. The marketing mix needs a lot of understanding, market research
and consultation with several people, from users to trade to manufacturing and several others.
For an industry, targeting the relevant customers and expanding the client domain is of utmost
importance. Also, making a SWOC (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges)
analysis of provided services or sold products will help the organization to analyze itself. A
successful marketing strategy will create a win-win situation for both, customer and the
organization. The study of the marketing structure will help in understanding the weakness and
strength of current available marketing techniques. The results of such study can help in solving
various marketing problems. Understanding heavy demand area, low demand area, reasons for
such high or low demand remedial actions, etc.
A market is a place where two parties, usually buyers and sellers, can gather to facilitate the
exchange of goods and services. In the market there are different types of companies sale their
products with a slight differentiation, like HP, DELL, LENOVO etc. They sales computer and
accessories but their products have some slight differences and there is a competition between
them. To survive in the competition they used different types of marketing strategies. The
companies develop effective marketing strategies to fulfil customers demand with highest sales
volumes at the desired profit margins. So, rationale for using different marketing strategies is
to obtain a better understanding of market needs and to more completely satisfy them.
• Marketing strategy provides an organization an edge over it’s competitors.
• Strategy helps in developing goods and services with best profit making potential.
• Marketing strategy helps in discovering the areas affected by organizational growth and
thereby helps in creating an organizational plan to cater to the customer needs.
• It helps in fixing the right price for organization’s goods and services based on
information collected by market research.
• Strategy ensures effective departmental co-ordination.
• It helps an organization to make optimum utilization of its resources so as to provide a
sales message to it’s target market.
• A marketing strategy helps to fix the advertising budget in advance, and it also develops
a method which determines the scope of the plan, i.e., it determines the revenue
generated by the advertising plan.
• To understand the concept of marketing strategies.
• To study on benefits regarding marketing strategies used by DELL company.
• To find the aspects of the product which attracts the customer.
Review Of literature :
Author Bradley (2003) A marketing strategy consists of an internationally integrated but
externally focused set of choices about the organisation addresses its customers in the
context of a competitive environment.
Hitesh Bhasin (2019) conducted study on “MARKETING STRATEGY”. The study
concludes that if a company wants to survive it needs to be very adaptive that is it should
change its strategies.
This chapter contains the review of literature related to consumer satisfaction towards
Dell laptops.
There are various study have already been conducted satisfaction & relation, consumer
satisfaction through direct investment, quality, after sales service, through appearance of
product market, consumer relation through services, technology.
• Stiffen (1983) in his research explained that Dell always adopts new technology to the
laptop. This strategy makes customer faithful for Dell laptops.
• Parasuram (1984) in his research, he identified a set of discrepancies, or gaps between
how executives perceive the quality of the service they provide and the task associated
with delivering those services to customers. They found that the customer perception
service quality depends upon the size and direction of the gap between the service and
the customer aspect to receive. Dell company makes all the product according to the
customer requirement and task customer views time to time for any change in there
• Rama than (1989) in his research concluded that Dell attracts to the consumer for its
high quality feathers. By adding new features DELL always satisfied to their consumer
that’s why consumer retained with Dell.
• Williams (1990) in his research explore customers sales person interaction from the
communication perspective. They found that consumer of Dell are retained because it
provides assure quality and fast after sales services. Dell company provide the
communication ( verbal and non verbal ) training to its sales person so that they can
impacts its customers.
• Chimpa (1991) in his research, he identified that customer always think about the
services. Dell manufactures their product according to the need of the consumers and
change time to time according to the consumer demand.
• Finelli (1994) in his research he conclude that Dell attracts to the consumer for its high
quality of the product. Dell is a customer oriented brand and always work in favour of
fill gap between customer satisfaction and quality.
• Robert ( 1995) in his research concluded that Dell improve his customer relationship
by providing good after sales services to the consumer. Dell focus on consumer
satisfaction and also focus on the services which is provided to the consumer after sales.
• Guha (2001) in his research, she identified that consumer wants that product should
available in the market when they want to purchase them, otherwise they go for other
brand. Dell always conscious for the customer satisfaction and get available the product
in market everytime.
Area of the study : In the project marketing strategy based on Dell Inc. company is been
studied. What type of strategy applied by the company in order to survive in the market. How
to spread their business in the world, increasing their sale by using the strategy.
TOOLS FOR DATA COLLECTION : In this research the tools for collecting data
is primary data as well as secondary data. Primary Data are those, which are collected afresh
and for the first time, and thus happen to be original in character. It is the backbone of the
study. It is obtained from respondents with the help of widely used and well known method of
survey, through a well-structured questionnaire. On the other hand, Secondary data are those
which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed
through the statistical process. Secondary Data is collected from websites, annual reports,
journals etc. The source of data can either be external or internal or both.
➢ Internal source- This source originates from the specific field or area where research
is carried out like published companies annual reports.
➢ External source- This source originated from outside the field of study like books,
articles, journals, magazines, newspapers reports prepared by research scholars and the
Company Profile of Dell :
Dell Inc., formerly PC’s Limited (1984–88) and Dell Computer Corporation (1988–2003),
global company that designs, develops, and manufactures personal computers (PCs) and a
variety of computer-related products. The company is one of the world’s leading suppliers of
PCs. Dell is headquartered in Round Rock, Texas.
The company, first named PC’s Limited, was founded in 1984 by American Michael Dell, who
was then a student at the University of Texas in Austin. Initially running the business from a
dormitory room, Dell started out providing customized upgrades for PCs. The venture proved
profitable, and Dell dropped out of college that same year to begin building PCs. In 1985 the
company released the Turbo PC, the first computer featuring Dell’s own design, Founded on
the premise of creating and selling custom-built PCs directly to consumers, the company
initially sold its products through advertisements and mail-order catalogs. The company sold
for US$795. By avoiding the costs associated with traditional retail markets, Dell was able to
offer high-quality PCs at competitive prices. Dell emphasized customer support, sending
technicians to service PCs and implementing a policy of risk-free returns. This business model
proved successful, and the company quickly grew, expanding into international markets. The
Company grossed more than $73 million in its first year of trading. The company, renamed
“Dell Computer Corporation’’, in 1988 and began expanding globally first in Ireland. In June
1988, Dell’s Market capitalization grew $30 Million to $80 Million from its June 22 initial
public offering of 3.5 Million shares at $8.50 a share.
Dell released its first notebook computer, the 316LT, in 1989. The following years were
marked by advancements in Dell’s mobile technology. In 1991 Dell’s first colour notebook
computer went on sale, and in 1994 Dell was the first company to offer long-lasting lithium-
ion batteries. In 1996 Dell began selling PCs online and also used the Internet for customer
support. Online sales helped Dell overtake the Compaq Computer Corporation in 1999 as the
largest seller of PCs in the United States.
In 1992 fortune magazine included Dell computer corporation in its listed of the world’s 500
largest companies, making Michael Dell the youngest CEO of a fortune 500 company ever. In
1996, Dell began selling computers via its website. In the early 21st century Dell expanded its
product line to include televisions, digital cameras, and a variety of computer-related products.
In 2003 the company was renamed Dell Inc. to signify a move into the broader consumer
electronics market. Dell’s dominance in the market began to falter, however, and the company
returned to private ownership in 2013, when Michael Dell and the private equity firm Silver
Lake Partners purchased it for $25 billion. In 2016 the company and an investment firm
acquired EMC, an American corporation that specialized in data storage. The merger, valued
at approximately $60 billion, was the largest technology deal at the time.
Until 2013 'The Soul of DELL' (DELL UK, 2015a) (DELL ZA, 2015b) defined their mission to
be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer
experience in markets we serve"
and their vision to create a better world for all an image of the future we seek to create, the way
we interpret the world around us – our customer needs, the future of technology, and the global
business climate.
2013 DELL introduced the 'DELL 2020 Legacy of Good Plan' extensively outlining
the '10x20-Goal' which is, as Michael Dell expressed it about capturing the innovative ways
our customers are using Dell technology to do good in the world' (DELL, 2013).
• Target market
DELL's success builds on direct sales and their build-to-order strategy for producing and selling
PCs. Originally targeting individual PC-users they, by the end of the 1980's, evolved targeting
the corporate market. Developing their own sales force and starting dealing with CIOs and
other top executives directly, they penetrated corporate accounts that long were dominated by
established IT-vendors such as HP, IBM or Compaq.
The immanent advantages of their business model enabled quick growth by offering
competitive prices, customised products and high levels of support.
Their sophisticated supply-chain-management-system is the key advantage of their build-to-
order and direct sales model. Expensive inventory is not building up in warehouses and therefor
not losing value before sold and as well new products can be introduced without the obligation
to clear old inventory. Dell's inventory turnover rate of 60 times per year compares to 12-15
times for most indirect vendors. Customers at DELL often pay the final product before
suppliers are paid for the parts that go into a PC, so that DELL operates on a negative cash
conversion cycle. Probably most important are the benefits that Dell gains from the direct
relationship to their customers.
Unlike their competitors whose channel partners often refuse to reveal who the final customer
is, DELL knows the end-user, what equipment they previously bought and where it was
delivered. Using that information to offer add-on products and services, DELL coordinates
maintenance and technical support helping the customer plan its PC replacement and upgrade
cycle. For many of their corporate customers DELL has become what they call a 'PC
outsourcer', managing the customer's PC inventory, from purchase to disposition.
• Market trends
DELL, ahead of its competitors, enthusiastically converted to the Internet early, creating their
first web site 1994 and moving many of its activities online. They recognised that their direct
model provided an advantage in selling online. DELL, unlike indirect sellers as IBM, Apple
and HP, need not worry about conflicts with resellers and distributors when they started selling
online. Their build-to-order manufacturing processes were already in place which made
offering opportunities for the consumer to configure products online just as they already did
on the phone easy.
By the early 2000s, DELL's daily internet sales went up to $50m, but not enough, DELL also
developed extranets called 'Premier Pages' (now 'Premier') using the actual Internet
link to their customers. By the mid-2000s DELL had over 50,000 Premier Pages for thousands
of large business customers, these being used to configure, order, service and support the
customer's systems and needs. Small and medium customers could buy hard- and software
online from and receive technical support and other services through the
web sites. Probably as important is DELL's effort using the Internet to coordinate their
complete value network, including suppliers, third-party-product-distributors and system
integrators, logistics providers and service providers which is only possible because of the tight
information linkages between DELL and its customers.
Most of DELLs revenue comes from the sales of hardware as part of e-business-solutions
including high-margin items as large server and storage devices needed to support e-commerce,
as well as desktops and laptops but DELL also does make money from services.
Looking at Product-Market-Expansion-Grid DELL follows a market-penetration strategy
(DELL,2014). Their strategy over the long-term is to turn Dell into an IT-services company
that can compete with IBM , HP or Cisco and therefore they keep targeting corporate customers
with their strategy they used to dominate the PC sales market almost 20 years ago – focussing
on low prices and service .
How dell reached in current position of fame is due to their own marketing strategies
which they have adopted. Some marketing strategies which i found followed by Dell are as
The strategy which helped Dell to run in the current position was direct sales approach. The
reason behind to use this model is to avoid the intermediaries and sell the product directly to
the final user in cheap rate. Direct sales model is a example of market penetration strategy.
Direct sales means that dell must reach out to potential customer, either through its own sales
force or through advertising and other marketing efforts.
Market Segmentation :
Dell has divided its customers into two parts. One is corporate customers and another is home
user customers. It has differentiated the product and services according to its customers. This
segmentation is very necessary as business based customers generally need mainframes and
different types of equipment opposed to the ordinary user at home who could just need the bare
minimum to do his/her computing.
Dell has mainly focused on its customer’s relationships. It provides equal priority to each
customer. Through the direct sales model it can find out the need and desire of customer what
they want. Vendors who sells their product through resellers often don’t know who their final
customer are, so they must rely on secondary market research to identify their own customer
trends earlier so it can respond with the desired products before its competitors. It has
established a 24*7network mechanism to listen and to provide services to its customers.
SWOT stands for strengths, weakness, opportunities and challenges. A SOWT analysis is a
powerful tool to help a business to develop their strategies. A strong SWOT assessing the
company’s performance, compilation, risk. SWOT and SWOC are the same thing, with
"challenges" and "threats" being essentially the same thing. In SWOT strength and weakness
are internal attributes of the company and opportunities and challenges are external factors of
the company. Strength is strong activities which a company does. Weakness is considered as
lacks or struggles of a business. Opportunities is a scope which help a business grow and
succeed with a new or existing product. challenge are most important factors of SWOT
analysis. when a business implement their marketing programs they or the business faces some
external issues that is a challenge for a business and it is necessary for the business to improve
Dell has been a hugely successful, but they have some strengths, weakness
opportunities and challenges. These are –
Instead of selling through retail stores DELL sells directly to corporate and individual
customers, keeping the thin profit margin to themselves.
DELL's individual product customization services add great value to the customers providing
a sustainable competitive advantage as similar services are not offered by many competitors.
Beneficial for business with public and government agencies is DELL's well known and
respected brand reputation for quality products and their standing ethical standards being know
two years in a row nominated to be one of the 'World's most ethical companies' (Ethisphere®
Institute,2015). Further advantage is their involvement in many green initiatives having
received many awards for being an eco-friendly business.
Over the last years DELL has spent billions for successful mergers and acquisitions, which
brought new capabilities and assets, new patents and skills for the company.
Although the major proportion of DELL's revenue comes from the corporate high-margin
server market their income from commodities (PCs, laptops) is small as these products are sold
with a rather low profit margin.
DELL's customer service, once praised, subsided due to outsourced offshore call centers. They
already invested large amounts in regaining their reputation for service, but they have not yet
reached their previous standards in this area.
Due to their low spending on R&D DELL long missed opportunities to develop product lines
for the tablet and mobile market and therefor as well is late on the market for mobile services.
Their weak portfolio of patents hampered their ability to compete in the lucrative market for
smartphones and tablets.
Selling products online and allowing product customization may be cost effective but provides
less visibility for the products as many consumers want to touch and see a product before they
DELL's cost leadership strategy providing competitive advantage became increasingly
challenging on today's market being only little differentiated from competitors' products and
considering the increasing Asian presence on the markets. DELL are even in competitive
disadvantage if competitor's prices are lower.
Dell provides various services (infrastructure, security and cloud) and enterprise solutions
(storage, servers, networking), which at present are their most profitable business. Focussingon
growing these divisions is highly important as they promise better growth opportunities and
higher profit margins.
DELL, to diversify, requires new technology patents and new ideas. Having not invested much
in R&D facilities means to obtain these quickly they need to acquire other companies.
Emerging markets are the fastest growing markets for laptops, tablets and other electronic
devices. Dell has a good presence in India, China and Brazil but should strengthen its position
considering the PC industry experiencing declining market share.
The market expectance for mobile devices like tablets is growth in double digits within the next
few years and the company has great opportunities due to their newly established partnership
with Microsoft to grasp market share from developing new Windows devices.
Our society is 'on-the-go' and therefor the consumer demand for tablets and smartphones will
further increase. Due to the lower price and strongly improved capabilities, consumers will
more often choose these 'mobile solutions' over laptops. This growing demand takes a share
out of DELL's laptop market and the growth rate for PCs and laptops is slowing down. Apple
dominating the market for smartphones and tablets it proves hard for DELL to compete.
DELL faces strong competition in all its business areas in terms of quality and price, and
furthermore in regards of reputation, distribution and their range of products.
Although DELL's value chain is very similar to the standard in the industry they developed
some distinct advantages within their value chain. They have built a collaborative supply chain
and an innovative ordering and production system which as a result brings value from supplier
to the customer and provides DELL with a competitive advantage.
Strategic marketing problems of Dell
One problem that is visible in this regard is that it would need to re-evaluation of the current
marketing campaign whereby the campaign addresses the consumer at large. By narrowing the
scope of the current marketing strategy Dell would be able to achieve niche marketing goals.
Another problem with niche marketing in a pervasive company like Dell is that it tends to
reverse some of the process of manufacturing or rather alter it. For example suppliers would
have to be unique who can do mass customization at shorter production time frame as well as
maintaining quality standards. Dell therefore has to focus on quality control as it gradually
integrates this new marketing strategy.
there is also the issue of global positioning. Dell’s consumer base is not a typical American or
Canadian but a wide range of customers from Asia, Latin America, and Europe as well each
with distinct needs and requirements. The difference in corporate culture as well as professional
attitudes towards IT products and services create a difficult need/requirement profile that would
be challenging for Dell. As more and more consumers in developing regions like China, Brazil,
France, and India grow to appreciate computerized environment, they also have complex needs.
This way Dell would have a difficult time to incorporate a pervasive marketing strategy.
Instead, it should maintain differential but integrative marketing strategy so that the company
has a niche in each of the markets in which it
manufactures products.
The PC industry in general is in the declining stage as showed in figure 14. Applying this on
DELL they had a short introduction phase with an enormous demand, to have a long growth
phase reaching their maturity in the early 2000's and started declining since the mid 2000's. In
2015's first quarter global PC shipments are the lowest in the past six years (Statista Inc., 2015).
In the declining phase DELL reduced costs, closed factories and outsourced staff to be in the
position to offer their products for a lower price while still harvesting and expanding on the
enterprise market. They also focussed on emerging markets like China and India which still
have huge growth rates (Prasad, 2011). While desktop and laptop sales are decreasing DELL
jumped into the tablet market by offering several hybrid laptop/tablet solutions to adapt to the
changing demand and partnering with Microsoft the market will soon see some exciting
Windows 10 tablet products on the market.
To meet the market requirements DELL as well spent several billion acquiring businesses on
the market. At the moment they are in talks to acquire the storage giant EMC, as are Lenovo
and HP (McDougall, 2014). Whoever may win would gain an important advantage on the
Marketing Strategy of Dell brand with the marketing mix framework
DELL is one of the leading Consumer durables brand. The marketing mix of dell talks about
the way in which dell has improvised to gain a competitive position.
Marketing Strategy of Dell analyses the brand with the marketing mix framework which
covers the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion). There are several marketing strategies like
product innovation, pricing approach, promotion planning etc. These business strategies,
based on Dell marketing mix, help the brand succeed.
Dell marketing strategy helps the brand/company to position itself competitively in the
market and achieve its business goals & objectives.
Let us start the Dell Marketing Strategy & Mix to understand its product, pricing, advertising
& distribution strategies:
• Dell believes that, ‘Marketing is not about providing products or services it is
essentially about providing changing benefits to the changing needs and demands of
the customer’.
• Dell provides a wide variety of both business class and home/consumer class products
and services.
• Dell designs, develops, manufactures, markets, sells, and supports a wide range of
products that in many cases are customized to individual customer requirements.
• A few examples of products for individual and professional customers are Dell
Precision workstations, OptiPlex desktops, Dimension desktops, and Inspiron and
Latitude notebooks.
• Pricing strategies usually change as the product passes through its life cycle, because
there is constrains on the company’s freedom to price a product at different stage.
• The main objective of Dell is to produce the low price and profitable PC for the
• For the above reason Dell’s product pricing reflects the affordability of the local
• Because Dell products are so customizable, the price is largely dependent on the options
and services added to the product.
• Dell is undercutting competitors in price to rapidly gain market share.
• Another one of the 4 P’s is promotion. This includes all the tools available to the
marketer for ‘marketing communication’.
• Dell in the past have not concentrated on extensive marketing campaigns but these
revolutionaries in 1999 when Dell changed its tactics by engaging in extensive
marketing campaigns.
• Dell markets its products primarily by advertising on television and the Internet,
advertising in a variety of print media, and mailing or emailing a broad range of direct
marketing publications, such as promotional materials, catalogs, and customer
• Dell has recently started promoting its products through retailers like Best Buy, Staples,
Wal-Mart, GOME, and Carrefour.
DELL positions itself based on User & benefit based positioning strategies in order
to differentiate itself from the other players in the market.
Competitive advantage in the Marketing strategy of DELL –
Dell has its manufacturing units in emerging markets like China, India, Ireland etc. apart from
the developed economies in the world. The major competitive advantage that the Dell is its
serviceability i.e. prompt response, better customer service and the value delivery channel.
One of the sources of Dell’s initial competitive advantage can be attributed to its famous direct
selling and build-to-order approach. This just-in-time (JIT) strategy allowed it to operate with
the lowest inventory level in the industry. Dell works on customer driven strategies by
collaborating with customers to find ways to make technology work for them.
This is the BCG Matrix Analysis of Dell Inc. which has been operating in information
technology and providing robust products to their customers.
Dell Inc. is a leading name in the technology industry that has recently been changed into a
privately owned firm. There are various products being managed by the company which aim
to fulfil the Information Technology (IT) related needs of the customers. The management has
helped the company to evolve from a computer manufacturer into other technology related
areas such as data management and cloud based solutions (Dell Inc, 2016). Dell has increased
its scope of operations through acquisitions and joint ventures with other technology relate
firms, enabling it to bring effective IT solutions. The following section has conducted an
analysis of the products being managed by Dell Inc. using BCG Matrix. The evaluation is based
on the market share and growth prospects of the different products, which helps in placing
these products in different categories of cash cows, stars, question marks and dogs.
Cash Cows
The cash cow in BCG Matrix is used for products that have a high market share in their
respective industry. Moreover, the industry has reached its potential therefore, it is not likely
to have any further development, thus limiting the chances of any further significant growth
for the product. Nevertheless, the situation is still deemed as favorable by the organization as
the high market share makes the product a source of sustainable profits and revenues for the
business entity.
Dell Inc. has some products which can be categorized as a cash cow on the basis of the high
market share and revenues of these products. One of the prominent examples in this case is the
Dell PC which has been able to provide the company with sustainable profits. There has been
a decline in the market need of PC, nevertheless, Dell has been able to continue getting
operational profits through its PC segment (Lev-Ram, 2016). This positioning of the PC can
help Dell to maintain a strong position in the market, while use the cash generated by this
segment for promoting the operations of its other product ranges.
According to the BCG framework, stars on the other hand have the potential to grow in the
market as the industry is still progressing. The high market share possessed by the stars is also
likely to increase with the growth of the product. Any product that is categorized as a star is
required to fulfil these two criteria, a good source of income for the firm and a significant
market share that has future growth potential due to favorable industry dynamics. The matrix
has further reflected the possibility of a star product turning into cash cow if the favorable
industry environment and market success drives the product into becoming a leading source of
earning for an organization.
Dell monitors can be seen as stars owing to their innovative ideas and the possible appeal that
the innovative products can create in the target market. According to Hardavar (2017) the ultra-
thin monitor required some major changes in the design of monitors and this step has enabled
the company to gain positive response from the target market. The monitor is expected gain
significant market share in the future, indicating the possibility of this star product turning into
a cash cow for Dell Inc. At present, the ultra-thin monitor is operating in a growing industry
which allows the firms to create new product designs and use the innovative ideas to make the
products profitable. Another notable example that has generated significant amount of revenues
for the company is its laptops, primarily the XPS 13 which is marked by a high degree of
flexibility and offers the users 360 degree hinge, along with the ease of portability (Kingsley-
Hughes, 2017).
Question Marks
The BCG Matrix has also focused on products that seem to have an uncertain future, which has
been termed as question marks. These products can either become a success case for the firm
by improving their financial performance, or become a prime candidate for divestment due to
low performance. The market share of these products is low however they seem to have some
chance of improvement in terms of market share and financial performance. Cloud computing
is a question mark for the company as it has recently taken the initiative to obtain cloud
computing platforms. The future of cloud computing platforms under the management of Dell
is still in an emerging phase. It can become a profitable venture for Dell as the rising trend of
cloud computing can bring higher revenues and profitability to the company. However the
possibility of failure indicates that this product segment is a question mark as the future
progress is still uncertain. A positive development in this domain, Dell can place the cloud
computing as a star, and eventually a cash cow.
The dogs in BCG Matrix are products that are the low performing items or business units that
fail to generate enough revenues. In addition to this, these products have a low market share
which is an additional issue in managing the production of these items. The low profits
emerging attributed to the low sales of these items is the key reason for identifying these items
as a dog. The continuous stream of investment followed by low revenues make this category a
likely target for divestment by the management. Dell has decided to launch its own brand of
cell phones to cater the needs of smart phone users across the globe. Its smart phone can be
identified as a dog as it the product is included in the list of items that have not been able to
become a source of profitability for the technology leader. Contrary to the company
expectations, its entry into the smart phone market didn’t succeed and it was unable to compete
against market leaders such as Apple Inc. Reisinger (2011) has analyzed the lack of success of
Dell mobiles and found the root cause of problem as the lack of product compatibility with the
consumer needs and preference. Due to this reason the company had greater investment than
the return it was able to gain for that financial input.
Overall from BCG matrix we can summarised that Most of Dell products are stars
because of the heavy competition in the technology segment. Personal computers segment of
DELL is a star. Due to the high acceptance of Smartphones, people are shifting to smartphones
because they find it portable & handy. But still, many tech savvy people love Dell’s unique
offerings like Alienware as well as XPS series.
Enterprise solution of DELL are stars as they work on “Build to Order” strategy to cater the
vast B2B market.
Recently it ventured out in smartphone market but still is unable to make its presence felt and
it stands as question mark in BCG matrix.
Distribution strategy in the Marketing strategy of DELL –
DELL works on build to order business model and uses Just in time strategy to distribute its
products at optimal prices there by decreasing the inventory cost and delivery time. Dell also
has its own dedicated retail stores. But the major sale is driven through modern retailers as well
as Ecommerce.
Dell is one company where the direct orders to its home site are also fantastic. This is because
Dell offers you to build up your laptop with the specifications that you want, thereby giving
you a customised laptop.
In order to support its hardware business it has DELL solution centres to provide support
services 24/7 to its customers.
DELL saw a meteoric rise in year 2013 , going from fifth place to second in terms
of Brand equity. Despite being the third-most popular brand — with 12.8 percent market share,
according to Gartner (2013) report, DELL relies on customer trust to build evolving brand
image. Customers rely on Dell to deliver technology solutions that help them do and achieve
more, whether they’re at home, work, school or anywhere in their world.
The market is highly competitive with many branded as well as unbranded players in the
market, keeping the company on its toes. The advantage of Dell is its set distribution
channel with some strong players. Internal market is ripe with competition with many brands
trying innovation and differentiation. In the external market front, the sale of smartphones is
restricting the sale of laptops a lot.
Customers of DELL are the tech Savvy youngsters as well as professionals who use DELL
products to make their life easier. DELL has different SKU’s for different customers, each of
them holding its own advantage. For example – the premium customers have Alienware and
XPS at their disposal. Under enterprise solution business vertical it targets companies with
customised solutions.
Dell Inc. is one of the world's leading suppliers of PCs. In this long journey Dell has launches
so many advertisement, there are maximum advertisement are memorable and successful
which was help to grow the company. Dell markets its products primarily by advertising on
television and the Internet advertising. In 1985 the company released the Turbo PC, the first
computer featuring Dell's own design. Founded on the premise of creating and selling custom-
built PCs directly to consumers, the company initially sold its products through advertisements
and mail-order catalogs.
In 2002 Dell Inc. was at this time that Dell shifted its advertising approach, introducing its
"Dude, You're Getting a Dell" campaign in 2001. The advertisements starred Steven, a "surfer
dude" teen, and were intended to attract high school and college students and their parents. The
Chicago office of ad agency DDB created the campaign, which consisted of approximately 20
television commercials that placed Steven in various scenarios in which he could promote the
computer, using the ubiquitous tagline "Dude, you're getting a Dell." Throughout the campaign
Steven persistently promoted Dells in a way that appealed to teens and both charmed and
annoyed adults. The "dude" became incredibly popular with TV viewers, prompting Dell, from
2000 through 2002, to spend a large portion of its $200 million annual advertising budget on
the campaign.
Dell launched "Dell4me," a $30 million ad campaign that was accompanied by the theme "Your
thoughts exactly." "Dell4me" represented an attempt to appeal more directly to individual
consumers, it was not altogether personable in its approach. To improve Dell's image, a more
upbeat advertising campaign was deemed necessary.
Thus "Dude, You're Getting a Dell" was introduced in 2001. Steven, played by actor Benjamin
Curtis, who was 21 in 2001, was himself a representative of the lucrative young-adult
demographic. In the "Dude, You're Getting a Dell" television commercials, Steven spoke most
directly to parents who were purchasing computers for their high school and college-age kids.
The character became a phenomenon among consumers in the 13-to-24 age bracket.
Dell Computer Commercial 2000
The campaign, which includes print, online, outdoor and television executions, will start in the
US and progressively launch across international markets. Dell confirmed it will be spending
"hundreds and hundreds of millions" on revamping its image in an attempt to move away from
price as the focus point of its communications. According to the company, the new global
campaign, led by Y&R, speaks only of the best products, services and customer
experience. Each creative execution showcases a product plus benefits and tags onto the ‘You
can tell it's Dell’ theme. This tagline will lead the brand image for Dell in the future.
DELL - Lollipop "Treats" commercial HQ
The ads air constantly from June of 2009 to July of 2010. The laptops were not even Lollipop
themed, They are just regular colored Dell Laptops.
The Dell XPS 12 looks like a MacBook Air merged with an iPad (2012)
Dell has made a series of enhancements to its portfolio of OptiPlex commercial PCs, as the
company looks to help optimise the modern workplace.
Dell XPS 13 Laptop Innovative Performance (2020)
Dell XPS – Get Into Your Youniverse (2021)
New XPS 13 Plus Laptop (2022)
Dell also dose social media advertisement to interact more people. Dell is a highly respected
PC brand and its social media communication carries that forward. It’s dignified and warm.
The brand has presence on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and is leveraging all three of them
to their maximum potential. Being a technologically forward company, they have got the hold
of it real quick.
Let’s dive deep into the details of their social media strategy.
Dell’s Facebook strategy is simple – Be helpful and interesting. The page publishes updates
once a day mostly and the updates are a mix of helpful tips and fun activities.
Considering that people do face technical issues with their systems, Dell shares updates that
aims to help people improve their experience. This is a great tactic as it adds to Dell’s reputation
and authority.
Dell is doing a fair job with its Twitter profile. On one hand its broadcasting the updates that
are similar to its Facebook’s content and on other it’s also managing customer queries.
The communication is humane and warm. They have mastered the art of empathy on social
media and are doing a noteworthy job at it.
Another thing worth mentioning is that the personnels Tweeting are using their initials while
responding to queries. Which is nice touch that I don’t see many brands adopting.
A breath of fresh air, Dell’s YouTube channel is focussed more on content than TVCs. With a
good mix of helpful tips, fun ‘masti’ videos and reviews, there are hardly any TVCs you can
come across.
Nice to see a brand using YouTube the way it should be used. Now if only they start promoting
these videos aggressively.
Dell’s strategy of being warm and helpful is a great way to carry forward its respectful brand
position on social media. It’s doing a fabulous job at communicating with a heart and will go
a long way.
➢ Turn it up to 11
➢ The Dell XPS 12 looks like a MacBook Air merged with an iPad
➢ Real brilliance.
➢ Work in style
➢ Be stylish. Always.
➢ Chosen by professionals
Dell is an American company that develops, sells, repairs, and supports computers and related
products and services, and is owned by its parent company of Dell Technologies. Founded in
1984 by Michael Dell, the company is one of the largest technology corporations in the world,
employing more than 165,000 people around the world. 1995 Dell expands worldwide
operations in Europe, Asia, Japan and the Americas driving big ideas across the globe. Dell
Technologies, coming off the best sales year in its history, continued to accelerate in its fiscal
2022 with record-breaking first quarter revenues, helped by a surge in remote work and
education around the globe. For the net revenue worldwide from 1996 till present have a look
on the graph below.
Dell Technologies net revenue worldwide from 1996 to 2022 (in billion U.S.
The revenue of Dell Technologies reached approximately 101.2 billion U.S. dollars in the
2022 fiscal year. The company's revenue was consistently increasing since 2015 until 2020,
when it declined by approximately 6 billion U.S. dollars. Since then, the company's revenue
trajectory has recovered again. This section discusses Dell's last Nine years Annual Revenue,
Gross profit, Net Income of Dell, and Net Cash Flow from 2014 to 2022. From the last five
years financial statement.
➢ Revenue of Dell
According to Dell company annual report, the researcher found the revenue of Dell for the last
9 years from 2014 to 2022 were $14075M, $54142M, $50911M, $62164M, $79040M,
$90621M, $84815M, $86670M, and $101197M respectively. In 2014 the revenue was
$14075M. The fall in revenue in 2020 was due to world pandemics and covid19 situation.
2014 14,075 -
Dell annual/quarterly revenue history and growth rate from 2015 to 2022. Revenue can be
defined as the amount of money a company receives from its customers in exchange for the
sales of goods or services. Revenue is the top line item on an income statement from which all
costs and expenses are subtracted to arrive at net income.
• Dell revenue for the twelve months ending January 31, 2022 was $101.197B, a 16.76%
increase year-over-year.
• Dell annual revenue for 2022 was $101.197B, a 16.76% increase from 2021.
• Dell annual revenue for 2021 was $86.67B, a 2.19% increase from 2020.
• Dell annual revenue for 2020 was $84.815B, a 6.41% decline from 2019.
2014 1,393 -
• Dell gross profit for the twelve months ending January 31, 2022 was $21.891B, a 8.69%
increase year-over-year.
• Dell annual gross profit for 2022 was $21.891B, a 8.69% increase from 2021.
• Dell annual gross profit for 2021 was $20.14B, a 2.42% decline from 2020.
• Dell annual gross profit for 2020 was $20.639B, a 17.62% decline from 2019.
2014 -
2015 -7,500
2016 127
2017 1,762
2018 1,606
2019 -8684
2020 4,049
2021 5122
2022 -10,135
2014 -1,612 -
Dell annual net income history and growth rate from 2015 to 2022. Net income can be defined
as company's net profit or loss after all revenues, income items, and expenses have been
accounted for.
• Dell net income for the twelve months ending January 31, 2022 was $5.563B, a 71.17%
increase year-over-year.
• Dell annual net income for 2022 was $5.563B, a 71.17% increase from 2021.
• Dell annual net income for 2021 was $3.25B, a 29.59% decline from 2020.
• Dell annual net income for 2020 was $4.616B, a 299.83% decline from 2019.
Data Analysis :
Brand Percentage
Dell 45 %
Hp 30 %
Lenovo 15 %
Apple 3%
Other 7%
From the above graph it could be concluded that 45% of respondents are Dell users , 30% HP
, 15% Lenovo , 3% Apple , and remain 7% are some others brand users.
Budget Friendly 9 20 %
Company Services 12 27 %
Better Performance 6 13 %
Technologically updated 6 13 %
Looks & Gate up 3 7%
From the above graph it could be concluded that 27% of Dell users are prefer the brand of
computer for the reason company services , 20% for budget friendliness , 20% for after sale
services, 13% for better performance, 13% for technologically updated, and the remain 7% for
looks & Gateup & others.
Sales Person 8 18 %
Senior Advisor 10 22 %
others 3 7 %
The above graph shows How people get to know about Dell which is 53% by advertisement,
22% by Senior advisor, 18% by sales person , and 7% by some other way.
Social Media 20 44 %
others 4 9%
The above graph shows that 44% of people mostly notice Dell advertisement on social media,
22% people on Television and radio, 13% of people on newspaper and Magazine , 11% of
people on hording & banner ,and the remain people are noticed Dell advertisement on some
other media.
✓ Consumers opinion about switching to another brand
Particulars Percentage
Yes 8.8 %
No 61.8 %
Maybe 29.4 %
From the above graph it could be conclude that approx 9% of respondents are in the favor of
switching to another brand and 62% are not . And there are approx 28% of respondents are not
sure about switching to another brand or not.
✓ Consumers opinion about recommend Dell brand to others
Particulars Percentage
Yes 97.1 %
No 2.9 %
From the above graph it could be conclude that 97% of respondents are in the favor to
suggest others for purchase Dell laptop and 3% are not in the favor to suggest others.
➢ Dell Technologies, coming off the best sales year in its history, continued to accelerate
in its fiscal 2022 with record-breaking first quarter revenues.
➢ Annual Revenue of Dell Company was highest in 2022 during the period of study from
2014 to 2022. The fall in revenue in 2020 was due to world pandemics and covid19
➢ Annual Gross Profit of Dell company was highest in 2019 during the period of study
from 2014 to 2022.
➢ The Dell company achieved their highest positive net annual income in 2022 during the
period of study from 2014 to 2022.
➢ The Dell company achieved their highest positive net cash flow in 2014 during the
period of study from 2014 to 2022.
➢ The Consumers survey in the study shows that most of the consumers are prefer to
➢ 22% consumers have heard about Dell from television & radio.
Dell is one of the largest computer manufacturers of the world. Since 1984, Dell has grown
very fast because of its unique “direct-build-to-order” sale model. The key success of dell was
fast supply chain, cost efficient; providing its service over phone or over website. Direct sale
model and fast supply chain was the competitive and key success of Dell Company
Marketing is the entire concept that has started from production to the selling of the product in
market t targeted concept. In the behalf of this statement, the concerned person has collected
various relevant data by using various sources such as primary as well as secondary. Secondary
data has been explained in the literature part of the study and primary data has been collected
from the targeted respondents in the market that has helped the concerned person to collect
relevant data in order to conclude the entire study. In this section of the study the concerned
person has aimed to justify the concerned person objective that has been set in the introductory
part of study. In the previous section several questions have been asked to various respondents
regarding after sales services by Dell Computers. As per the analytical study it has been
interpreted yet Dell Computers have sufficient market as most of the customers are in the
favour of after sales services of the Dell Computers.
Though Dell is a very successful company because it gives customer the option of
customization and also it has direct interaction with customers. Dell is very successful towards
its basic mission of direct sale to customers. Dell faced also recession but they tried to recover
the situation but we have to keep in mind that Dell is not only company which is facing
problems in recession. Dell has to look other alternatives to boost its revenue. Dell has the cost
advantage. There are many suggestions and key issues mentioning as follows. If Dell try to
apply these suggestions then it would be beneficial.
There are many suggestions which can be given to Dell. According to the recent market Dell
can boost its position by following these suggestions.
Dell can look to merger with other companies. Dell should also focus on China, India and other
third world countries which can boost in their revenues.
Dell should invest more on research and development and improve its customer services.
They should not only depend on their internet or direct sale but also focus on their retail stores
indirect sale. Although Dell has entered in indirect sale sector in retail stores but they have to
expand it to more accessible stores by customers.
They should improve their product line. In the recent market tablet PCs are also a big demand
by customers like iPad. Before launching iPads analysts predicted that it will be a great failure
of market but it proved that iPad became above expectations. Dell launched Dell Steak but it
should launch tablets type PCs which can also support mobile phone capabilities. Modify
laptop style and design according to student’s mind because there is a massive demand of
products if Dell attracts the students. The ratios tell us that Dell has very little number of student
customers who purchase Dell products. Dell does not spend sufficient funds on marketing. Dell
is very slow in adapting new technology as compared to its competitors. There is tough
competition environment in the market now-a-days.
However, several strategies are adopted by the company in order to maintain the organizational
effectiveness. In order to figure out the demand, the management of Dell is using few attractive
strategies. The management builds a team to understand customers’ needs and wants. It is basic
responsibility of that team is to collect data from the market and identify market trends. With
the help of these collected data, the management develops strategies and modifying their
products and services.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am conducting a research on topic “A Study on Marketing Strategic of Dell Company”.
Please spare a few minutes to fill the questionnaire. I will be highly thankful to you for your
valuable response.
1. Name: ___________________________________________
4. Occupation:
A) Service B) Business C) Student D) Other
5. Annual Income:
A) Below 2.4 L B) 2.4 – 3.6 L C) 3.6 – 4.8 L D) 4.8 – 6 L Above
11. How did you get to know about the particular brand?
15. Give a reason to switch another brand or stay in the same brand?
16. Would you recommend this brand to others?
A) Yes B) No
17. How easily the brand available in e-commercial site & any offline store?
A) Very Much B) Relatively readily available C) Poorly Available