Structures: Highway Design Standards 2010
Structures: Highway Design Standards 2010
Structures: Highway Design Standards 2010
11.1 Introduction 11-1 11.5 Load combinations and structural 11.9 Safety Barriers 11-6
11.1.1 Design Criteria 11-1 analysis 11-4 11.9.1 General Standards 11-6
11.1.2 Codes and Standards 11-1 11.5.1 Load Combinations 11-4
11.1.3 Reference Codes 11-1 11.5.2 Structural Analysis 11-4 11.10 Typical Structures 11-7
11.5.3 Allowable Stresses in Prestressed 11.10.1 Pedestrian Utility Design Parameters 11-7
11.2 Structural clearances 11-1 Concrete Members 11-4
11.10.2 Animal Crossings 11-7
11.2.1 Vertical and Horizontal Clearances over Highways 11-1
11.6 Minimum and Maximum Design Values 11-4
11.2.2 Vertical Clearance Above Water Streams and Wadis 11-1 11.11 Bridge Accessories 11-10
11.6.1 Minimum Concrete Strength 11-4
11.11.1 Bearings 11-10
11.3 Architectural considerations 11-1 11.6.2 Minimum Depth of Structural Members 11-4
11.11.2 Expansion Joints 11-10
11.6.3 Maximum and Minimum Reinforcement 11-4
11.3.1 Basic Principles 11-1 11.11.3 Deck Drainage 11-11
11.6.4 Minimum Concrete Cover to Reinforcement 11-5
11.3.2 Further Guidelines 11-2 11.11.4 Approach Slab 11-11
11.6.5 Maximum Deflection 11-5
11.6.6 Maximum Crack Width 11-5
11.4 Loading 11-2 11.12 Box Culvert/Pipe Culvert Details 11-11
11.4.1 Permanent Loads 11-2 11.12.1 Box Culvert Standard Details 11-11
11.7 Utility and Maintenance
11.4.2 Live Loads 11-2 Requirements 11-5 11.12.2 Pipe Culvert Standard Details 11-11
11.4.3 Water Loads 11-3
11.7.1 Utility Requirements 11-5
11.4.4 Wind Load 11-3 11.13 References 11-11
11.7.2 Maintenance and Inspection Requirements 11-6
11.4.5 Earthquake Loading 11-3
11.4.6 Earth Pressure 11-3
11.8 Concrete Durability 11-6
11.4.7 Force Effects due to Superimposed Deformations 11-3
11.8.1 Marine Environment 11-6
11.4.8 Friction Forces 11-3
11.8.2 Concrete Permeability Requirements (Coastal Zone) 11-6
11.4.9 Floating Debris 11-3
11.8.3 Concrete Surface Protection (Coastal Zone) 11-6
11.8.4 Bridge Deck Protection (Applicable Universally) 11-6
List of Figures Drawings SD 11-18: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
Base Slab R.C. Details 4/9 11-30
Figure Oman Standard Bridge Loading 11-2 SD 11-01: Box Culvert Barrel Details,General
Arrangement Details 11-13 SD 11-19: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
Figure Oman Special Truck 11-2
Base Slab R.C. Details 5/9 11-31
SD 11-02: One Cell Box Culverts Typical R.C. Details Sh 1/2 11-14
Figure Seismic Acceleration Coefficient for Oman 11-3
SD 11-20: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
SD 11-03: One Cell Box Culverts Typical R.C. Details Sh 2/2 11-15
Figure Typical Treatment of Utility Locations 11-5 Base Slab R.C. Details 6/9 11-32
SD 11-04: Two Cell Box Culverts Typical R.C. Details Sh 1/2 11-16
Figure Typical Mounting of Lighting Posts SD 11-21: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
on Bridge Decks 11-5 SD 11-05: Two Cell Box Culverts Typical R.C. Details Sh 2/2 11-17 Base Slab R.C. Details 7/9 11-33
Figure Bridge without Pedestrian Walkway 11-7 SD 11-06: Three Cell Box Culverts Typical R.C. SD 11-22: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
Details Sh 1/2 11-18 Base Slab R.C. Details 8/9 11-34
Figure Pedestrian Railing with Concrete Barrier 11-7
SD 11-07: Three Cell Box Culverts Typical R.C. SD 11-23: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
Figure Pedestrian Railing with Metal Guardrail 11-7
Details Sh 2/2 11-19 Base Slab R.C. Details 9/9 11-35
Figure Pedestrian Overpass 11-8
SD 11-08: Four Cell Box Culverts Typical R.C. SD 11-24: Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details,
Figure Animal Crossing 11-9 Details Sh 1/2 11-20 General Arrangement Details 1/2 11-36
Figure Pot Bearings 11-10 SD 11-09: Four Cell Box Culverts Typical R.C. SD 11-25: Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details,
Figure Elastomeric Bearing 11-10 Details Sh 2/2 11-21 General Arrangement Details 2/2 11-37
Figure Asphaltic Plug Joint 11-10 SD 11-10: End Detail Plan For Skewed Box Culverts 11-22 SD 11-26: Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details,
SD 11-11: R.C. End Details For Skewed Box Culverts 11-23 Base Slab R.C. Details 1/3 11-38
Figure Typical Laminated Elastomeric
Expansion Joints 11-10 SD 11-12: Retaining Wall Types & R.C. Details 11-24 SD 11-27: Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details,
Base Slab R.C. Details 2/3 11-39
Figure Direct Deck Drainage Details (Rural Areas) 11-11 SD 11-13: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, General
Arrangement Details 11-25 SD 11-28: Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details,
Figure Approach Slab Typical Details 11-11 Base Slab R.C. Details 3/3 11-40
Figure Typical Deck Drainage Details (Urban Areas) 11-12 SD 11-14: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
Walls Wing R.C. Details 11-26 SD 11-29: Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details,
Walls Wing R.C. Details 11-41
List of Tables SD 11-15: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
Base Slab R.C. Details 1/9 11-27 SD 11-30: Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details,
Table Concrete Cylinder Compressive Strengths Headwall R.C. Details 1/2 11-42
to be used in Normal Structures 11-4 SD 11-16: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
Base Slab R.C. Details 2/9 11-28 SD 11-31: Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details,
Table Minimum Depth of Structural Members 11-4 Headwall R.C. Details 2/2 11-43
SD 11-17: Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details,
Base Slab R.C. Details 3/9 11-29
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
11.1 INTRODUCTION 11.2.2 Vertical Clearance Above Water Streams and Wadis The minimum vertical clearance for the bridge deck soffit above the flood level corresponding to 100-year
11.1.1 Design Criteria
return period (freeboard) is recommended to be 1 m minimum. In addition, the minimum vertical clearance The following standards are applicable to conventional steel, concrete and composite bridges and between the highest ground level and the deck soffit is recommended to be not less than 3 m regardless of the
other highway structures. Special structures such as cable-stayed or suspension bridges should have additional flood level. This latter limit is set for inspection and maintenance purposes. Further discussion of culvert sizing
standards applied that should be defined in project-specific design criteria. and clearances are given in Sub-section 12.5 of these Standards. The Criteria set forth are minimum standards. The designer may propose more conservative criteria if
in his judgment, such criteria are required. However, all deviations from the criteria must be justified and receive 11.3 ARCHITECTURAL CONSIDERATIONS
prior approval from the Overseeing Authority.
11.3.1 Basic Principles The design life of structures shall not be less than 100 years. Bridges and other highway structures last for a long life span and are seen by observers on a daily basis.
11.1.2 Codes and Standards They should be esthetically pleasing. Attention should be paid to the architectural design along the following
principles: Highway structures such as bridges, viaducts, overpasses, underpasses, cut-and-cover tunnels and
1. Bridges and other highway structures should complement their surroundings, be graceful in form and present
animal crossings, elevated ramps, retaining walls and culverts shall be designed in accordance with the latest
the appearance of adequate strength.
edition, including interim revisions, of the design code AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications issued by the
2. Form should follow the flow of forces. Extraordinary and non-structural embellishments should be avoided.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, as modified and complemented herein.
3. The bridge should be seen as a whole, with all members consistent and contributing to that whole; the bridge Concrete bridges, which will be constructed using the precast segmental method, shall be designed in as an entity, should have a clear and logical relationship to its surroundings.
accordance with AASHTO Guide Specifications for Design and Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges, 2nd 4. Structures should be transparent: components should be slender and widely spaced, preserving views through
Edition, 1999. the structure.
5. Transparency should, however, be balanced with strength to give a feeling of safety, that the structures are
11.1.3 Reference Codes well anchored in the ground. Observers should not feel alarmed or alerted when crossing on or under the
structure. The following codes may be used as references to be consulted for more specialized aspects of design
not covered in the ruling design code: 6. Architectural design of Omani highway structures should marry tradition and modernity via:
Forms and lines should reflect Omani characteristics throughout the ages, including recent times, by
1. Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
way of cultural heritage, lifestyle and activities,
Officials (AASHTO), latest edition, including interim revisions.
Design should also be indicative of the technical era of its construction.
2. Eurocode standards issued by the European Committee on Standardization (CEN), in particular:
7. Each structure should have individuality. However, structures in the same project or along the same corridor
EN 1990 Euro code 0: Basis of Structural Design.
should possess continuity in forms and features.There should be a combination of unified and unique features.
EN 1991 Euro code 1: Actions on Structure.
Unified features reflect continuity while distinctive features are meant to avoid monotony and give a sense of
EN 1992 Euro code 2: Design of Concrete Structures.
placement. The proper balance rests with the architectural designer with due consideration of placement and
EN 1993 Euro code 3: Design of Steel Structures.
conditions at each particular location.
EN 1994 Euro code 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures.
8. Components should be shaped to respond to the structural function. They should be thick where the stresses
EN 1997 Euro code 7: Geotechnical Design.
n are greatest and thin where the stresses are smaller.
EN 1998 Euro code 8: Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance.
n 9. The function of each part and how the function is performed should be visible. The size of each member
3. British Standard Institution, BS5400, Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridges, latest edition. compared with the others is clearly related to the overall structural concept and the job the component does.
10. The designer should be aware of the difference between rural and urban settings. In a rural setting, the CEB-FIP Model code for Concrete Structures, 1990 (CEB-FIP MC90).
structures can generally be seen from very far distances in a panoramic view. In an urban setting, structures
can be seen from very close range, particularly if they are close to signal controlled junctions. Accordingly,
11.2 STRUCTURAL CLEARANCES while the form and proportions are the main focus for rural structures, details and finishes are at least equally
important for an urban structure.
11.2.1 Vertical and Horizontal Clearances Over Highways Vertical clearances, for bridges crossing over highways and horizontal clearance for piers and abutments,
are defined in Section 3 - Cross Sections and Capacities. (See Figure
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Structures The following are not binding rules but some conventional guidelines to help the architectural Vehicular live loading on the roadways of bridges shall consist of a combination of the:
designer: Design truck, or design tandem
1. Order in the Structural System: designers should retain the selected structural system and only combine it with Design lane load
another system, if the topographical boundary conditions change significantly along the length of the bridge.
2. Harmony: the designer should strive for balanced proportions among the length of the spans, the construction The design truck, tandem and lane loads are shown in Figure These are AASHTO LRFD HL-93
depth and the natural profile, and between the supporting and supported structural elements. loading times 1.5. The weights and spacings of axles and wheels for the design truck shall be as specified in Figure
3. Order in the Lines: attempt should be made to restrict the characteristic lines to few directions and avoid their The design truck shall be applied simultaneously with the design lane load specified in the same Figure.
intersection; a straight line should merge smoothly into a curve. The design tandem shall consist of a pair of 165 kN axles spaced 1200 mm apart as shown in Figure
The design tandem shall be applied simultaneously with the lane load. Oman Special Truck Type A specified in
4. Simplicity and Clearness: designers should allow the function of the structural element and the necessity of
previous editions of the Highway Design Manual has been omitted here since its effect is consistently smaller
the material to be perceived.
than the specified vehicular live load.
5. Integration into the Environment: either subordinate the bridge to its surroundings; or, if the landscape is
monotonous, or the surroundings are disorderly built up, make a feature of the highway structure.
6. The designer should attempt to pay attention to the order of scale between the bridge and its surroundings
and between the bridge and the individual person.
7. Attention to details and finishes should not be overlooked, particularly in an urban setting.
8. The use of the bridge, as a support for messages or directional signing or lighting, should be avoided wherever
possible, or should be integrated in the structure and made part of the architectural design.
9. Architectural features should be functional, durable and easily maintainable.
10. Forms and finishes should be selected to age well.
11.4.1 Permanent Loads Application of the design vehicular live loads shall be strictly as per AASHTO LRFD Article This
modified loading shall be used for calculation of other related loads such as braking, centrifugal forces, etc. Dead Loads; the unit weight of materials to be used for dead loads shall be as follows:
Reinforced and prestressed concrete f’c ≤ 40 MPa: 25 kN/m3
n In addition, National and Arterial Routes shall be checked for the Special Truck shown in Figure
Reinforced and prestressed concrete f’c > 40 MPa: 22 + 0.075 f’c kN/m
3 Only one such truck shall be applied over the whole width of the carriageway in the position that results in
maximum action on the structure. It shall not be combined with any distributed live load over the carriageway.
Structural steel: 78.5 kN/m3
It shall be combined only with pedestrian load over the sidewalks (if any). This special truck is the same as the Superimposed dead load shall be the weight of all materials forming loads on the structure that are not previous Special Truck Type B1 specified in earlier editions of the Highway Design Manual, while the Previous
structural elements. This includes the wearing surface, parapets and railing, noise barriers. Special Truck Type B2 has now been omitted here since its effect is not significant.
Asphalt wearing course (110 mm shall be assumed for design) 23 kN/m3
The actual weight and position of all known or provisional utilities crossing shall be considered.
n Erection loads in final state are the effects resulting from the method of erection which remain locked
into the structure in the final state. These shall be included in all load combinations. Prestressing load effects are those effects resulting from the application of prestressing loads to the
structures as follows: The effects of prestressing, both primary (PP) and secondary (PS), shall be included in load combinations Figure Oman Special Truck
corresponding to the service and fatigue (where applicable) limit states. Only the secondary effect shall be
considered in load combinations corresponding to the strength and extreme event limit states.
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
11 No dynamic allowance shall be applied to the Special Truck load. 11.4.6 Earth Pressure The Special Truck shall be used in the STRENGTH II Load Combination as defined in AASHTO LRFD Loading will follow AASHTO LRFD Article 3.11 for earth pressure: EH, ES, LS and DD.
Table 3.4.1-1.
11.4.7 Force Effects Due To Superimposed Deformations Pedestrian live load on highway bridge sidewalks shall be in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Article In consideration of Uniform Temperature (TU), designers must follow AASHTO LRFD Article 3.12.2 using
the following values: Pedestrian live load on pedestrian bridges shall be in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Article
1. Temperature range for concrete bridges: +/- 30 deg C Other live load effects on highway bridges shall follow the AASHTO LRFD articles: 2. Temperature range for steel bridges: +40/- 30 deg C
n Article 3.6.2 for Dynamic Load Allowance 3. The coefficient of thermal expansion shall be taken as 0.000011/deg C
n Article 3.6.3 for Centrifugal Forces 4. The design mean temperature shall be taken as 30 deg C
n Article 3.6.4 for Braking Force For incorporation of temperature gradient AASHTO LRFD Article 3.12.3, zone 1 must be followed.
n Article 3.6.5 for Vehicular Collision Force To determine the effects of creep and shrinkage, AASHTO LRFD Articles 3.12.5, 3.12.6 and shall
11.4.3 Water Loads be followed, together with the recommendations of CEB-FIP MC90 for the assessment of creep and shrinkage
strains. Water loads will follow the AASHTO LRFD articles noted:
n Article 3.7.1 for Static Pressure The mean annual relative humidity assumed for the calculation of drying shrinkage and creep shall be
n Article 3.7.2 for Buoyancy. In sound rock, take 50%, elsewhere, take 100%. taken as 60% (humid climate). The magnitude of differential settlement shall be determined on the basis of the soil investigation and the
11.4.4 Wind Load
foundation type selected. AASHTO LRFD Article shall be used as reference for the case of pile foundations. For wind load on the structure (WS) and wind on live load (WL), refer to AASHTO LRFD Article 3.8, with Unless the soil investigation report conclusively precludes possibility of any settlement, the cumulative effect of
base wind velocity 160 km/h. at least 25 mm differential settlement of individual foundations shall be considered (higher values if the report
specifies so).
11.4.5 Earthquake Loading
11.4.8 Friction Forces Structures shall be designed in
accordance with AASHTO LRFD Article The resistance of bearings and carriageway joints to movement shall be determined using the following
3.10.The acceleration coefficient A shall criteria:
be determined from the contour map in The coefficient of sliding friction for pot bearings which incorporate PTFE sliding surfaces shall be
Figure Linear interpolation shall assumed to be 4%, unless bearing supplier recommends a higher value.
be used for sites located between contour The elastic stiffness of carriageway movement joints, both in tension and compression, shall be
lines. Values given in this figure are assumed to be 40 kN/m at maximum compression or extension, unless joint supplier recommends
expressed in percent. Numerical values a higher value.
for the coefficient A are obtained by
dividing contour values by 100. The value 11.4.9 Floating Debris
for the Musandam area shall be taken
as 18%. For more accurate values the Wadi bridge piers shall be designed for impact from floating debris. The equivalent static horizontal
designer shall refer to the 475-year return force H, generated by floating debris (such as logs, trees, loaded boats etc.), strike the pier at the high flood level
period contour map in the comprehensive at the speed of flood. This force may be estimated as follows:
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11.5 LOAD COMBINATIONS AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Structural Type Structural Unit 28 day strength (MPa)
Bottom slab 30
Underpasses, Cut-and-
11.5.1 Load Combinations Cover Tunnels, Pedestrian Walls and retaining walls 30
Underpasses and Reinforced concrete top slab 30 Load combinations shall be as per AASHTO LRFD Article 3.4 for the limit states: Service Limit State, Animal Crossings
Prestressed concrete top slab 40
Fatigue and Fracture Limit State, Strength Limit State and Extreme Event Limit State.
Piles 30 Load Combinations EXTREME EVENT I and EXTREME EVENT II are interpreted as follows: Foundations and pedestals 30
Columns 30
Extreme Event I includes earthquake and water loads of static pressure and buoyancy but does not
n Pedestrian Overpasses
Stairs and Ramps 30
include general and local scour for wadi and water stream bridges unless specific site conditions
Reinforced concrete superstructure 30
dictate otherwise.
Prestressed concrete superstructure 40
Extreme Event II includes scour, force effects due to superimposed deformations and collision
Culverts 30
load CT but does not include earthquake. The live load factor for this combination is 0.50 to reflect
Other Elements Approach slabs 30
the low probability of the concurrence of the maximum vehicular live load (other than CT) and the
Parapets, concrete barriers and curbs 30
extreme events.
Table Concrete Cylinder Compressive Strengths to be used in Normal Structures (continued) The load combinations should be applied judicially.
11.6.2 Minimum Depth of Structural Members
11.5.2 Structural Analysis The following Table provides guidance on the minimum dimensions for common structural Bridge superstructures shall be analyzed as grillage or by use of the 3-dimensional finite element method. forms – where L= the span length and S = slab span length.
11.6.4 Minimum Concrete Cover to Reinforcement If required, pipes for water, sewage, stormwater or other wet utility can hang below the deck slab as
shown in Figure The number and size of pipes will be as required for the particular location. Preference, Minimum concrete cover (in millimeters) to reinforcing steel shall be as noted in the listing below: however, is to find alternative routes for the pipes. At wadi bridges, pipes, where possible, should cross
1. Concrete exposed to salt water and splash zone 100 underground below the bed level. Where pipes are supported by a bridge structure, utility designers should use
2. Concrete of all substructure elements cast against earth 100 the strongest methods and most durable materials to seal and protect pipe joints against leakage.
3. Concrete of all substructure elements exposed to weather 75 In the case of beam and slab bridges, the pipes should hang from the slab between two beams such they are
4. Apron slabs 60 not seen in the bridge elevation as shown in Figure They must, however, be accessible from underneath.
5. Superstructure cast-in-situ concrete exposed to weather 60
6. Interior faces of superstructure cast-in-place concrete except slabs 40 In the case of box girder bridges, the pipes should pass inside the box as shown in Figure They
must, however, be accessible from inside the box girder (see paragraph
7. Cast-in-situ slabs 30
8. Precast superstructure elements, exposed surfaces 40 High voltage electric cables should be treated as a special case and are not covered in these Standards.
9. Precast superstructure elements, interior faces 30 Typically, a vibration study of the bridge under traffic load should be conducted and its effect on the cables evaluated.
10. Precast parapets, concrete barriers, curbs, etc. 30 Lighting posts should be mounted on bridge decks in accordance with the details shown in Figure Minimum edge cover and spacing of prestressing ducts shall be 75mm +/-5 The following deflection limits shall be considered for road and pedestrian bridges in concrete and steel
construction: Notwithstanding the measures specified in AASHTO LRFD Article for distribution of reinforcement
to control cracking, the maximum flexural crack width at the tensile face of a concrete section shall not exceed the
following values: Figure Typical Treatment of Utility Locations.
n For normal conditions above ground 0.30 mm
For normal conditions below ground
n 0.25 mm
In the coastal zone
n 0.20 mm
Under sea water
n 0.10 mm Viaducts, overpasses, at-grade bridges over underpasses and animal crossings and other bridge decks
shall be equipped with provision for accommodating utilities. Sidewalks and emergency walkways should house the electric and telephone cables. One side should be
dedicated for electric cables and the other for telephone cables as shown in Figure Electric cables include
those that supply power to the lighting posts on the bridge deck. These, however, can be on both sides if needed.
Figure Typical Mounting of Lighting Posts on Bridge Decks
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11.7.2 Maintenance And Inspection Requirements 11.8.3 Concrete Surface Protection (Coastal Zone) All parts of the structures should be easily accessible for inspection particularly the following Concrete surfaces that are in the sea water below the high sea level and in the splash zone shall be
elements: protected with an epoxy coating. All end and intermediate diaphragms in concrete, steel and composite box girder bridges should have The protective coating shall be supplied, applied and tested in accordance with the Specification. The
an opening of 1000x2000mm (as an absolute minimum it will be 600x1000mm) to allow for passage of inspectors acceptance limits of the permeability tests shall be reduced for the coated surfaces as follows:
inside the box as shown in Figure The inside of the box shall be accessible from the outside through
DIN 1048 results for coated surfaces:
openings in the deck soffit and/or at the abutment behind the end diaphragms. The openings should be free of
any utility pipes or ducts. One fifth of the limits for the unprotected surfaces.
Rapid Chloride permeability test results for coated surfaces:
n Where there is a joint between the abutment and the superstructure, a gallery shall be provided between Charge passed should be that specified for the uncoated surfaces minus 500 coulombs.
the abutment back wall and the superstructure end diaphragms to allow for inspection of the bearings, expansion
joint, end diaphragm, prestressing anchorage, steel diaphragm, etc, as shown in Figure The gallery 11.8.4 Bridge Deck Protection (Applicable Universally)
should be accessible from the outside through an opening in the abutment side wall. Concrete bridge decks shall be overlain with a proprietary waterproofing membrane and asphalt wearing All bearings shall be replaceable. The design shall show the location of the jacking points on the course of minimum thickness 60mm.
substructure and superstructure drawings. The design of the bridge superstructure shall account for the amount
of lifting necessary for the bearing replacement.
11.9 SAFETY BARRIERS Where cladding walls are used on underpass walls, the space behind the cladding walls should be
accessible to allow for inspection for ground water leakage and other damage. 11.9.1 General Standards All vehicular bridges shall be equipped with metal or concrete safety barriers as shown in Figures
11.8 CONCRETE DURABILITY to C, which show treatments for bridges with and without pedestrian walkways. Where pedestrians are
expected to use bridges, and in all urban situations, a minimum sidewalk width of 1.5 m shall be provided. This
11.8.1 Marine Environment will be located behind the roadway barriers. For structural design purposes, the definition of the “Coastal Zone” is that area which is characterized by The type of barrier used to protect pedestrians is directly related to the utilization of the bridge, speed
air-borne chloride ions and therefore needs special attention to durability. To ensure protection of the reinforced of traffic and the probability of collision. As a general practice, the best protection for pedestrians in all cases is a
and prestressed concrete elements structures located in this zone, all concrete used for construction in this zone concrete barrier that has no deflection and no need for a “clear zone” behind. At low to medium speeds, however,
will be as per the strengths specified in Table INCREASED by 5 MPa. (up to 80km/h) the use of metal beam guard rail can be considered. This should be the strongest Thrie Beam Type,
suitably fixed to the deck slab.
11.8.2 Concrete Permeability Requirements (Coastal Zone) Railings shall be designed and tested in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Article 13.7. Test levels shall be Permeability tests are specified to be conducted on concrete elements as per DIN 1048 and AASHTO TL-3 to TL-6 in accordance with the classification and design group of the highway carried over the bridge.
T277 Rapid Determination of the Chloride Permeability of Concrete. The acceptance limits are: The design forces for traffic railings shall be in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Section 13, Appendix A.
DIN 1048
• In-situ construction: less than 25 mm In addition to the requirements set by AASHTO LRFD, the following shall apply:
• Precast units less than 20 mm Where livestock (cattle, sheep etc) are expected to use the bridge, the minimum height of the parapet
shall be 1500mm; at least the lower 800mm shall be of solid construction.
• In-situ construction 1500 coulombs Where horses and camels are expected to use the bridge, the minimum height of the parapet shall
Structures Where the total rise of a ramp exceeds 3500mm, landings shall be provided along the ramp length so
that the rise of any section does not exceed 3500mm. The length of the landing shall not be less than 2000mm. The number of steps in a single stair flight shall be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 20. Goings should be 350mm, risers 125mm. 300mm goings with 150mm risers may be accepted in constrained
sites. Stairs and ramps should be provided with handrails on both sides. Where a ramp or stair is wider than
3600mm, a central handrail shall also be provided. Pedestrian overpasses should be provided with handrails in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Section 13. Where pedestrian underpasses are to be provided, they should be made dual function if appropriate so
that there is no need to locate a separate animal crossing nearby. Animal crossings should only be located where a need is clearly demonstrated. In general, the distance
between animal crossings can vary from a few kilometers to between 20 and 30 km. Animal crossings should be located to minimise construction costs without affecting their utility. They
should cross under the highway at 90 degrees where possible. Animal crossings should be as shown in Figure Their entrance and exit outlets should have
wing walls at 45 degrees with their axes. The ground leading to the entrance and exist shall be graded at a slope
not higher than 7 percent.
Figure P
edestrian Railing with Figure Pedestrian Railing with Metal Guardrail Where the highway has a wide median, the top slab may be discontinued over this width and replaced
Concrete Barrier
with an opening for natural lighting and ventilation.
11.10 TYPICAL STRUCTURES The recommended desirable clear width is 10 m minimum and the recommended clear height is 5.5 m
11.10.1 Pedestrian Utility Design Parameters In case of high ground water level, higher than the invert level of the crossing, the structure will consist Pedestrian crossings in the form of overpasses and underpasses shall be provided with both stairs and of a closed box section of reinforced concrete construction. Outer surfaces in contact with the earth below a
ramps for handicapped as shown in Figure for a pedestrian overpass. The minimum clear width of stairs, height of 0.5 m above the ground water level, shall be covered with a waterproofing membrane as per the
ramps and pedestrian overpasses shall be 2000mm from the inside of handrails. specifications. This includes the bottom slab and side walls as shown in Figure Other surfaces will be
covered with bituminous coating. The minimum clear structural width and height of pedestrian underpasses depends on its length as
follows: In case of no ground water or low ground water level lower than the invert level the structure will
For length less than 23 m,
n width = 3300mm, height = 2400mm, consist of a portal frame of reinforced concrete construction as shown in Figure All surfaces in contact
with earth shall be coated with bitumin.
For length 23m and longer
n width = 3600mm, height = 2700mm The minimum vertical headroom above the pitch line shall be 2300mm. Ramps should preferably not be steeper than 1:20. Where necessary, up to 1:14 may be acceptable, but
in no case shall ramps be steeper than 1:12.
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
11.11 BRIDGE ACCESSORIES Pot bearings shall be equipped with a dust-proof skirt as shown in Figure to protect the
elastomeric and sliding surfaces from windblown sand.
11.11.1 Bearings
11.11.2 Expansion Joints There are many types of bearing devices that can be used for bridges. For the range of conventional Designers are encouraged to reduce the number of expansion joints in bridge decks as possible to
reduce their effect on durability and maintenance. There are many types of expansion joints that can be used for bridges:
Buried joint within the bridge deck
n Buried joints are used mostly when they are covered by a layer of soil such as in cut-and-cover tunnels.
structures covered in these design Standards, the most appropriate types are pot
bearings and elastomeric bearings as shown in Figures and Bearings shall be constructed as specified in the latest edition of Asphaltic plug joints as shown in Figure are used for a range of movement up to ± 25 mm. They
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, Section 18. are suitable when the distance between expansion joints is up to 50 m.
11.11.3 Deck Drainage 11.12 box culvert/pipe culvert detail Provision for deck drainage should be made on all bridges.
11.12.1 Box Culvert Standard Details In rural areas and as permitted by the Overseeing Authority, the water may be drained from the deck Box culvert details are provided in Standard Drawing formats and are presented at the end of this
directly to the surface below as shown in Figure This is particularly suitable when crossing over a wadi
Section. These drawings cover general arrangement of barrels and standard details, single and multi-cell box
or water stream. No such drainage will be allowed above a carriageway or footway.
culverts, for both perpendicular and skewed crossings, including inlet/outlet arrangements at various heights of
overburden. All required dimensions, reinforcement details and bar bending schedules are provided. Requirements for protection against scour at inlets and outlets and erosion of embankments in the
region of box culvert provision is provided in Section 12 of these Standards. Pipe culvert standard details are provided in Standard Drawing format and are presented at the end of
this Section. These drawings cover inlet and outlet details for a series of perpendicular and skewed pipe crossings
for single, double and triple pipes. All reinforcement details and bar bending data is also provided for headwalls,
Figure Direct Deck Drainage Details (Rural Areas) wing walls and aprons. In urban areas and as indicated elsewhere, drainage should be collected in drainage pipes located inside Further information concerning scour and other protection at inlets and outlets can be found in Section
the structure as shown in Figure Where there is a stormwater drainage system, the water collected should be 12 of these Standards.
drained to the system. Otherwise, the water may be drained at the foot of the piers and abutments where permitted.
11.11.4 Approach Slab
1. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, SI Units, 3rd Edition, 2004 and Interim Revisions 2008.
2. AASHTO Guide Specifications for Design and Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges, 2nd Edition, 1999.
3. Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials (AASHTO), 17th Edition, 2002.
4. BS5400, British Standard Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridges, British Standards Institute.
5. CEB-FIP Model Code for Concrete Structures, 1990.
6. Abdalla, J. A. and Al-Homoud, A. S., Seismic Hazard Assessment of United Arab Emirates and its Surroundings,
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 6, 2004. Approach slabs should be provided behind bridge abutments. They should also be provided under
carriageways crossing over an underpass /box culvert if the thickness of fill over the underpass/box culvert slab is
less than 600 mm. Relaxation of this principle can be applied to low order, low trafficked routes with the approval
of the Overseeing Authority. Figure gives typical details for the dimensions and reinforcement of an approach slab.
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
SD 11-15 Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 1/9
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
W D BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
W DiaD Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 16 Dia
250 Space
7 No
2300 Length
12 7Dia No
2300 Length
12 Dia
250 Space
3 No
1534 Length
12 Dia
250 Space
3 No
1534 Length
12 3Dia No
1534 Length
12 3Dia No
1534 Length
12 Dia
250 Space
7 No
2666 Length
12 7Dia No
2666 Length
12 Dia
250 Space5532
10 No Length
12 Dia
250 Space1300
12 No Length
12 Dia
250 Space
28 1300 No Length
12 Dia
250 Space1900
20 No Length
1500 1000
1000 250
16 9250 23007 12
2300 9 12 23007 12
2300 250
12 3250 15343 12
1534 25012 3250 15343 12
1534 3 12 15343 12
1534 3 12 15343 12
1534 250
12 7250 31667 12
2666 7 12 31667 12
2666 250
12 10250 6032
10 12
5532 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 32250 1300
28 12
1300 25012 20
250 1900
20 1900
1500 1500
1000 250
12 9250 34009 12
2300 9 12 34009 12
2300 250
12 6250 19843 12
1534 25012 6250 19843 12
1534 6 12 19843 12
1534 6 12 19843 12
1534 250
12 11250 38867 12
3166 1112 38867 12
3166 250
12 10250 7171
10 12
6032 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 40250 1300
32 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 1900
2000 1000
1500 250
12 11250 23009 12
3400 1112 23009 12
3400 250
12 3250 15346 12
1984 25012 3250 15346 12
1984 3 12 15346 12
1984 3 12 15346 12
1984 250
12 7250 3666
11 12
3886 7 12 3666
11 12
3886 250
12 10250 6532
10 12
7171 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 36250 1300
40 12
1300 25012 20
250 1900
20 2000
2000 1500
1000 250
12 11250 3400
11 12
2300 1112 3400
11 12
2300 250
12 6250 19843 12
1534 25012 6250 19843 12
1534 6 12 19843 12
1534 6 12 19843 12
1534 250
12 11250 43867 12
3666 1112 43867 12
3666 250
12 10250 7671
10 12
6532 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 44250 1300
36 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 1900
2000 2000
1500 250
12 11250 4400
11 12
3400 1112 4400
11 12
3400 250
12 8250 25516 12
1984 25012 8250 25516 12
1984 8 12 25516 12
1984 8 12 25516 12
1984 250
12 15250 4963
11 12
4386 1512 4963
11 12
4386 250
12 10250 8826
10 12
7671 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 54250 1300
44 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 2000
2500 1000
2000 250
12 13250 2300
11 12
4400 1312 2300
11 12
4400 250
12 3250 15348 12
2551 25012 3250 15348 12
2551 3 12 15348 12
2551 3 12 15348 12
2551 250
12 7250 4166
15 12
4963 7 12 4166
15 12
4963 250
12 10250 7032
10 12
8826 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 40250 1300
54 12
1300 25012 20
250 1900
20 2000
2500 1500
1000 250
12 13250 3400
13 12
2300 1312 3400
13 12
2300 250
12 6250 19843 12
1534 25012 6250 19843 12
1534 6 12 19843 12
1534 6 12 19843 12
1534 250
12 11250 48867 12
4166 1112 48867 12
4166 250
12 10250 8171
10 12
7032 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 48250 1300
40 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 1900
2500 2000
1500 250
12 13250 4400
13 12
3400 1312 4400
13 12
3400 250
12 8250 25516 12
1984 25012 8250 25516 12
1984 8 12 25516 12
1984 8 12 25516 12
1984 250
12 15250 5463
11 12
4886 1512 5463
11 12
4886 250
12 10250 9326
10 12
8171 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 58250 1300
48 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 2000
α = 90
2500 2500
2000 200
12 17250 5500
13 12
4400 1712 5500
13 12
4400 200
12 13250 31758 12
2551 20012 13250 31758 12
2551 1312 31758 12
2551 1312 31758 12
2551 200
12 24250 6183
15 12
5463 2412 6183
15 12
5463 200
12 12250 10465
10 12
9326 20012 16250 1300
12 12
1300 20012 82250 1300
58 12
1300 20012 24
250 2100
20 2000
α = 90
3000 1500
2500 250
12 15200 3400
17 12
5500 1512 3400
17 12
5500 250
12 6200 1984
13 12
3175 25012 6200 1984
13 12
3175 6 12 1984
13 12
3175 6 12 1984
13 12
3175 250
12 11200 5386
24 12
6183 1112 5386
24 12
6183 250
12 10200 8671
12 12
10465 250
12 12200 1300
16 12
1300 25012 52200 1300
82 12
1300 25012 20
200 2000
24 2100
3000 2000
1500 250
12 15250 4400
15 12
3400 1512 4400
15 12
3400 250
12 8250 25516 12
1984 25012 8250 25516 12
1984 8 12 25516 12
1984 8 12 25516 12
1984 250
12 15250 5963
11 12
5386 1512 5963
11 12
5386 250
12 10250 9826
10 12
8671 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 62250 1300
52 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 2000
3000 2500
2000 200
12 19250 5500
15 12
4400 1912 5500
15 12
4400 200
12 13250 31758 12
2551 20012 13250 31758 12
2551 1312 31758 12
2551 1312 31758 12
2551 200
12 24250 6683
15 12
5963 2412 6683
15 12
5963 200
12 12250 10965
10 12
9826 20012 16250 1300
12 12
1300 20012 88250 1300
62 12
1300 20012 24
250 2100
20 2000
3000 3000
2500 150
12 25200 6500
19 12
5500 2512 6500
19 12
5500 150
12 21200 3742
13 12
3175 15012 21200 3742
13 12
3175 2112 3742
13 12
3175 2112 3742
13 12
3175 150
12 38200 7260
24 12
6683 3812 7260
24 12
6683 150
12 14200 12120
12 12
10965 150
12 16200 1300
16 12
1300 15012 132200 1300
88 12
1300 15012 32
200 2100
24 2100
3500 2000
3000 250
12 17150 4400
25 12
6500 1712 4400
25 12
6500 250
12 8150 2551
21 12
3742 25012 8150 2551
21 12
3742 8 12 2551
21 12
3742 8 12 2551
21 12
3742 250
12 15150 6463
38 12
7260 1512 6463
38 12
7260 250
12 10150 10326
14 12
12120 250
12 12150 1300
16 12
1300 25012 66150 1300
132 12
1300 25012 20
150 2000
32 2100
3500 2500
2000 200
12 22250 5500
17 12
4400 2212 5500
17 12
4400 200
12 13250 31758 12
2551 20012 13250 31758 12
2551 1312 31758 12
2551 1312 31758 12
2551 200
12 24250 7183
15 12
6463 2412 7183
15 12
6463 200
12 12250 11465
10 12
10326 200
12 16250 1300
12 12
1300 20012 92250 1300
66 12
1300 20012 24
250 2100
20 2000
3500 3000
2500 150
12 28200 6500
22 12
5500 2812 6500
22 12
5500 150
12 21200 3742
13 12
3175 15012 21200 3742
13 12
3175 2112 3742
13 12
3175 2112 3742
13 12
3175 150
12 38200 7760
24 12
7183 3812 7760
24 12
7183 150
12 14200 12620
12 12
11465 150
12 16200 1300
16 12
1300 15012 138200 1300
92 12
1300 15012 32
200 2100
24 2100
3500 3500
3000 150
12 29150 7600
28 12
6500 2912 7600
28 12
6500 150
12 25150 4323
21 12
3742 15012 25150 4323
21 12
3742 2512 4323
21 12
3742 2512 4323
21 12
3742 150
12 45150 8480
38 12
7760 4512 8480
38 12
7760 150
12 14150 13759
14 12
12620 150
12 16150 1300
16 12
1300 15012 154150 1300
138 12
1300 15012 32
150 2200
32 2100
4000 2000
3500 250
12 19150 4400
29 12
7600 1912 4400
29 12
7600 250
12 8150 2551
25 12
4323 25012 8150 2551
25 12
4323 8 12 2551
25 12
4323 8 12 2551
25 12
4323 250
12 15150 6963
45 12
8480 1512 6963
45 12
8480 250
12 10150 10826
14 12
13759 250
12 12150 1300
16 12
1300 25012 70150 1300
154 12
1300 25012 20
150 2000
32 2200
4000 2500
2000 200
12 24250 5500
19 12
4400 2412 5500
19 12
4400 200
12 13250 31758 12
2551 20012 13250 31758 12
2551 1312 31758 12
2551 1312 31758 12
2551 200
12 24250 7683
15 12
6963 2412 7683
15 12
6963 200
12 12250 11965
10 12
10826 200
12 16250 1300
12 12
1300 20012 98250 1300
70 12
1300 20012 24
250 2100
20 2000
4000 3000
2500 150
12 32200 6500
24 12
5500 3212 6500
24 12
5500 150
12 21200 3742
13 12
3175 15012 21200 3742
13 12
3175 2112 3742
13 12
3175 2112 3742
13 12
3175 150
12 38200 8260
24 12
7683 3812 8260
24 12
7683 150
12 14200 13120
12 12
11965 150
12 16200 1300
16 12
1300 15012 144200 1300
98 12
1300 15012 32
200 2100
24 2100
4000 3500
3000 150
12 32150 7600
32 12
6500 3212 7600
32 12
6500 150
12 25150 4323
21 12
3742 15012 25150 4323
21 12
3742 2512 4323
21 12
3742 2512 4323
21 12
3742 150
12 45150 8980
38 12
8260 4512 8980
38 12
8260 150
12 14150 14259
14 12
13120 150
12 16150 1300
16 12
1300 15012 160150 1300
144 12
1300 15012 32
150 2200
32 2100
4000 4000
3500 150
12 32150 8600
32 12
7600 3212 8600
32 12
7600 150
12 29150 4803
25 12
4323 15012 29150 4803
25 12
4323 2912 4803
25 12
4323 2912 4803
25 12
4323 150
12 52150 9557
45 12
8980 5212 9557
45 12
8980 150
12 14150 15414
14 12
14259 150
12 16150 1300
16 12
1300 15012 176150 1300
160 12
1300 15012 32
150 2200
32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 32 8600 12 32 8600 12 150 29 4803 12 150 29 4803 12 29 4803 12 29 4803 12 150 52 9557 12 52 9557 12 150 14 15414 12 150 16 1300 12 150 176 1300 12 150 32 2200
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
W D BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
W DiaD Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 16 Dia Space
250 9 No Length
2300 12 No Length
9Dia 2300 12 Dia
250 Space
1 No
1467 Length
12 Dia Space
250 3 No
1534 Length
12 1Dia No
1467 Length
12 3Dia No
1534 Length
12 Dia Space
250 7 No
2439 Length
12 7Dia No
2439 Length
12 Dia 10
250 Space5026
No Length
12 Dia
250 Space1300
12 No Length
12 Dia Space
250 24 1300 No Length
12 Dia 20
250 Space1900
No Length
1500 1000
1000 12
1000 250
16 11250 23009 12
2300 1112 23009 122300 250
12 1250 14671 12
1467 25012 3250 1534 3 12
1534 1 12 14671 12
1467 3 12 15343 12
1534 250
12 7250 29577 12
2439 7 12 29577 12
2439 250
12 10250 5544
10 12
5026 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 28250 1300
24 12
1300 25012 20
250 1900
20 1900
1500 1500
1500 12
1000 250
12 11250 3400
11 12
2300 1112 340011 12
2300 250
12 2250 21001 12
1467 25012 6250 1984 3 12
1534 2 12 21001 12
1467 6 12 19843 12
1534 250
12 11250 34317 12
2957 1112 34317 12
2957 250
12 10250 6389
10 12
5544 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 36250 1300
28 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 1900
2000 1000
1500 12
1500 250
12 13250 2300
11 12
3400 1312 230011 12
3400 250
12 1250 14672 12
2100 25012 3250 1534 6 12
1984 1 12 14672 12
2100 3 12 15346 12
1984 250
12 7250 347511 12
3431 7 12 3475
11 12
3431 250
12 10250 6061
10 12
6389 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 34250 1300
36 12
1300 25012 20
250 1900
20 2000
2000 1500
2000 12
1000 250
12 14250 3400
13 12
2300 1412 340013 12
2300 250
12 2250 21001 12
1467 25012 6250 1984 3 12
1534 2 12 21001 12
1467 6 12 19843 12
1534 250
12 11250 39497 12
3475 1112 39497 12
3475 250
12 10250 6906
10 12
6061 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 40250 1300
34 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 1900
2000 2000
2000 12
1500 250
12 14250 4400
14 12
3400 1412 440014 12
3400 250
12 3250 26342 12
2100 25012 8250 2551 6 12
1984 3 12 26342 12
2100 8 12 25516 12
1984 250
12 15250 4372
11 12
3949 1512 4372
11 12
3949 250
12 10250 7752
10 12
6906 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 48250 1300
40 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 2000
2500 1000
2000 12
2000 250
12 15250 2300
14 12
4400 1512 230014 12
4400 250
12 1250 14673 12
2634 25012 3250 1534 8 12
2551 1 12 14673 12
2634 3 12 15348 12
2551 250
12 7250 399215 12
4372 7 12 3992
15 12
4372 250
12 10250 6579
10 12
7752 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 38250 1300
48 12
1300 25012 20
250 1900
20 2000
2500 1500
2500 12
1000 250
12 16250 3400
15 12
2300 1612 340015 12
2300 250
12 2250 21001 12
1467 25012 6250 1984 3 12
1534 2 12 21001 12
1467 6 12 19843 12
1534 250
12 11250 44677 12
3992 1112 44677 12
3992 250
12 10250 7424
10 12
6579 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 44250 1300
38 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 1900
2500 2000
2500 12
1500 250
12 16250 4400
16 12
3400 1612 440016 12
3400 250
12 3250 26342 12
2100 25012 8250 2551 6 12
1984 3 12 26342 12
2100 8 12 25516 12
1984 250
12 15250 4889
11 12
4467 1512 4889
11 12
4467 250
12 10250 8269
10 12
7424 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 52250 1300
44 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 2000
α = 75
2500 2500
2500 12
2000 200
12 20250 5500
16 12
4400 2012 550016 12
4400 200
12 5250 33613 12
2634 20012 13250 31758 12
2551 5 12 33613 12
2634 1312 31758 12
2551 200
12 24250 5364
15 12
4889 2412 5364
15 12
4889 200
12 12250 9115
10 12
8269 20012 16250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 58250 1300
52 12
1300 20012 24
250 2100
20 2000
α = 75
3000 1500
2500 12
2500 250
12 18200 3400
20 12
5500 1812 340020 12
5500 250
12 2200 21005 12
3361 25012 6200 198413 12
3175 2 12 21005 12
3361 6 12 1984
13 12
3175 250
12 11200 4984
24 12
5364 1112 4984
24 12
5364 250
12 10200 7942
12 12
9115 25012 12200 1300
16 12
1300 25012 50250 1300
58 12
1300 25012 20
200 2000
24 2100
3000 2000
3000 12
1500 250
12 18250 4400
18 12
3400 1812 440018 12
3400 250
12 3250 26342 12
2100 25012 8250 2551 6 12
1984 3 12 26342 12
2100 8 12 25516 12
1984 250
12 15250 5407
11 12
4984 1512 5407
11 12
4984 250
12 10250 8787
10 12
7942 25012 12250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 56250 1300
50 12
1300 25012 20
250 2000
20 2000
3000 2500
3000 12
2000 200
12 23250 5500
18 12
4400 2312 550018 12
4400 200
12 5250 33613 12
2634 20012 13250 31758 12
2551 5 12 33613 12
2634 1312 31758 12
2551 200
12 24250 5881
15 12
5407 2412 5881
15 12
5407 200
12 12250 9632
10 12
8787 20012 16250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 64250 1300
56 12
1300 20012 24
250 2100
20 2000
3000 3000
3000 12
2500 150
12 30200 6500
23 12
5500 3012 650023 12
5500 150
12 9200 38015 12
3361 15012 21200 3742
13 12
3175 9 12 38015 12
3361 2112 3742
13 12
3175 150
12 38200 6304
24 12
5881 3812 6304
24 12
5881 150
12 14200 10478
12 12
9632 15012 16200 1300
16 12
1300 25012 70250 1300
64 12
1300 15012 32
200 2100
24 2100
3500 2000
3000 12
3000 250
12 21150 4400
30 12
6500 2112 440030 12
6500 250
12 3150 26349 12
3801 25012 8150 255121 12
3742 3 12 26349 12
3801 8 12 2551
21 12
3742 250
12 15150 5925
38 12
6304 1512 5925
38 12
6304 250
12 10150 9305
14 12
10478 250
12 12150 1300
16 12
1300 25012 60250 1300
70 12
1300 25012 20
150 2000
32 2100
3500 2500
3500 12
2000 200
12 26250 5500
21 12
4400 2612 550021 12
4400 200
12 5250 33613 12
2634 20012 13250 31758 12
2551 5 12 33613 12
2634 1312 31758 12
2551 200
12 24250 6399
15 12
5925 2412 6399
15 12
5925 200
12 12250 10150
10 12
9305 20012 16250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 68250 1300
60 12
1300 20012 24
250 2100
20 2000
3500 3000
3500 12
2500 150
12 34200 6500
26 12
5500 3412 650026 12
5500 150
12 9200 38015 12
3361 15012 21200 3742
13 12
3175 9 12 38015 12
3361 2112 3742
13 12
3175 150
12 38200 6822
24 12
6399 3812 6822
24 12
6399 150
12 14200 10995
12 12
10150 150
12 16200 1300
16 12
1300 25012 74250 1300
68 12
1300 15012 32
200 2100
24 2100
3500 3500
3500 12
3000 150
12 34150 7600
34 12
6500 3412 760034 12
6500 150
12 11150 43419 12
3801 15012 25150 4323
21 12
3742 1112 43419 12
3801 2512 4323
21 12
3742 150
12 45150 7296
38 12
6822 4512 7296
38 12
6822 150
12 14150 11841
14 12
10995 150
12 16150 1300
16 12
1300 25012 82250 1300
74 12
1300 15012 32
150 2200
32 2100
4000 2000
3500 12
3500 250
12 23150 4400
34 12
7600 2312 440034 12
7600 250
12 3150 2634
11 12
4341 25012 8150 255125 12
4323 3 12 2634
11 12
4341 8 12 2551
25 12
4323 250
12 15150 6442
45 12
7296 1512 6442
45 12
7296 250
12 10150 9822
14 12
11841 250
12 12150 1300
16 12
1300 25012 66250 1300
82 12
1300 25012 20
150 2000
32 2200
4000 2500
4000 12
2000 200
12 29250 5500
23 12
4400 2912 550023 12
4400 200
12 5250 33613 12
2634 20012 13250 31758 12
2551 5 12 33613 12
2634 1312 31758 12
2551 200
12 24250 6917
15 12
6442 2412 6917
15 12
6442 200
12 12250 10668
10 12
9822 20012 16250 1300
12 12
1300 25012 72250 1300
66 12
1300 20012 24
250 2100
20 2000
4000 3000
4000 12
2500 150
12 38200 6500
29 12
5500 3812 650029 12
5500 150
12 9200 38015 12
3361 15012 21200 3742
13 12
3175 9 12 38015 12
3361 2112 3742
13 12
3175 150
12 38200 7339
24 12
6917 3812 7339
24 12
6917 150
12 14200 11513
12 12
10668 150
12 16200 1300
16 12
1300 25012 80250 1300
72 12
1300 15012 32
200 2100
24 2100
4000 3500
4000 12
3000 150
12 38150 7600
38 12
6500 3812 760038 12
6500 150
12 11150 43419 12
3801 15012 25150 4323
21 12
3742 1112 43419 12
3801 2512 4323
21 12
3742 150
12 45150 7814
38 12
7339 4512 7814
38 12
7339 150
12 14150 12358
14 12
11513 150
12 16150 1300
16 12
1300 25012 86250 1300
80 12
1300 15012 32
150 2200
32 2100
4000 4000
4000 12
3500 150
12 38150 8600
38 12
7600 3812 860038 12
7600 150
12 13150 4781
11 12
4341 15012 29150 4803
25 12
4323 1312 4781
11 12
4341 2912 4803
25 12
4323 150
12 52150 8236
45 12
7814 5212 8236
45 12
7814 150
12 14150 13204
14 12
12358 150
12 16150 1300
16 12
1300 25012 92250 1300
86 12
1300 15012 32
150 2200
32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 38 8600 12 38 8600 12 150 13 4781 12 150 29 4803 12 13 4781 12 29 4803 12 150 52 8236 12 52 8236 12 150 14 13204 12 150 16 1300 12 250 92 1300 12 150 32 2200
SD 11-16 Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 2/9
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
NO 03a
03a BAR
04 04 BAR
04a04a BAR
05 05 BARBAR NO 06
NO 08 BAR09NO 09
BAR NO 10NO 10
Dia Space
Dia Space No Length
No Length Dia
Dia No
No Length Dia
Length Dia Space
Space No LengthDia
No Length DiaSpace LengthDiaDia
Space NoNoLength LengthDiaDia
NoNoLength Length
No NoLength DiaDia Space
Space No No Length
Length Dia DiaNo No Length
Length Dia Dia Space
Space No No Length
Length Dia Dia
No No Length
Length Dia Dia
SpaceSpace No Length
No Length Dia Space
Dia Space No Length
No Length
1000 1000
1000 12
12 250
250 88 2300
2300 12
12 88 2300
2300 12
12 250
250 1 1 1467
1467 1212 250
250 3 3 1534 1212
1534 1 1 1467 12 12
1467 3 3 1534
1534 12 12 250250 7 7 2604
260412 12 7 72604260412 12250 25010 1051755175
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
24 24
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
1900 1900
1500 1000
1000 12
12 250
250 10 2300
10 2300 12
12 10
10 2300 12
2300 12 250250 1 1 14671467 1212 250250 3 3 15341534 1212 1 1 1467 1467 12 12 3 3 1534153412 12 250250 7 7 3181
318112 12 7 73181318112 12250 25010 10
5753575312 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12250 25028 28
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
1900 1900
1500 1500
1500 12
12 250
250 10 3400
10 3400 12
12 10
10 3400 12
3400 12 250250 2 2 21002100 1212 250250 6 6 19841984 1212 2 2 2100 2100 12 12 6 6 1984198412 12 250250 11 113765376512 12 11 113765376512 12250 25010 10
6604 6604
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12
250 25036 36
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
2000 2000
2000 1000
1000 12
12 250
250 12 2300
12 2300 12
12 12
12 2300 12
2300 12 250250 1 1 14671467 1212 250250 3 3 15341534 1212 1 1 1467 1467 12 12 3 3 1534153412 12 250250 7 7 3759
375912 12 7 73759375912 12250 25010 1063306330
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12250 25034 34
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
1900 1900
2000 1500
1500 12
12 250
250 13 3400
13 3400 12
12 13
13 3400 12
3400 12 250250 2 2 21002100 1212 250250 6 6 19841984 1212 2 2 2100 2100 12 12 6 6 1984198412 12 250250 11 114342434212 12 11 114342434212 12250 25010 1071817181
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12
250 25040 40
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
2000 2000
2000 2000
2000 12
12 250
250 13 4400
13 4400 12
12 13
13 4400 12
4400 12 250250 3 3 26342634 1212 250250 8 8 25512551 1212 3 3 2634 2634 12 12 8 8 2551255112 12 250250 15 154765476512 12 15 154765476512 12250 25010 1080278027
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12
250 25048 48
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
2000 2000
2500 1000
1000 12
12 250
250 14 2300
14 2300 12
12 14
14 2300 12
2300 12 250250 1 1 14671467 1212 250250 3 3 15341534 1212 1 1 1467 1467 12 12 3 3 1534153412 12 250250 7 7 4336
433612 12 7 74336433612 12250 25010 1069086908
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12250 25038 38
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
1900 1900
2500 1500
1500 12
12 250
250 15 3400
15 3400 12
12 15
15 3400 12
3400 12 250250 2 2 2100
2100 1212 250250 6 6 19841984 1212 2 2 2100 2100 12 12 6 6 1984198412 12 250250 11 114919491912 12 11 114919491912 12250 25010 1077597759
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12
250 25044 44
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
2000 2000
2500 2000
2000 12
12 250
250 15 4400
15 4400 12
12 15
15 4400 12
4400 12 250250 3 3 2634
2634 1212 250250 8 8 25512551 1212 3 3 2634 2634 12 12 8 8 2551255112 12 250250 15 155342534212 12 15 155342534212 12250 25010 1086048604
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12
250 25052 52
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
2000 2000
α = 60
2500 2500
2500 12
12 200
200 19 5500
19 5500 12
12 19
19 5500 12
5500 12 200200 5 5 3361
3361 1212 200200 1313 3175
3175 1212 5 5 3361 3361 12 12 13 13 3175
317512 12 200200 24 245925592512 12 24 245925592512 12200 20012 1294559455
12 12200 20016 16
1300 1300
12 12
250 25058 58
1300 1300
12 12
200 200
24 24
2100 2100
3000 1500
1500 12
12 250
250 17 3400
17 3400 12
12 17
17 3400 12
3400 12 250250 2 2 2100
2100 1212 250250 6 6 19841984 1212 2 2 2100 2100 12 12 6 6 1984198412 12 250250 11 115497549712 12 11 115497549712 12250 25010 1083368336
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12
250 25050 50
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
2000 2000
3000 2000
2000 12
12 250
250 17 4400
17 4400 12
12 17
17 4400 12
4400 12 250250 3 3 2634
2634 1212 250250 8 8 25512551 1212 3 3 2634 2634 12 12 8 8 2551255112 12 250250 15 155920592012 12 15 155920592012 12250 25010 1091829182
12 12250 25012 12
1300 1300
12 12
250 25056 56
1300 1300
12 12
250 250
20 20
2000 2000
3000 2500
2500 12
12 200
200 22 5500
22 5500 12
12 22
22 5500 12
5500 12 200200 5 5 3361
3361 1212 200200 1313 3175
3175 1212 5 5 3361 3361 12 12 13 13 3175
317512 12 200200 24 246503650312 12 24 246503650312 12200 20012 12 10033
10033 12 12200 20016 16
1300 1300
12 12
250 25064 64
1300 1300
12 12
200 200
24 24
2100 2100
3000 3000
3000 12
12 150
150 29
29 6500
6500 12
12 29
29 6500
6500 1212 150150 9 9 3801
3801 1212 150150 2121 3742
3742 1212 9 9 3801 3801 12 12 21 21 3742
374212 12 150150 38 386926692612 12 38 386926692612 12150 15014 10878
14 12
10878 12150 15016 1300 1300
16 12 12
250 25070 70
1300 1300
12 150 150
12 32 2100
32 2100
3500 2000
2000 12
12 250
250 20
20 4400
4400 12
12 20
20 4400
4400 1212 250250 3 3 2634
2634 1212 250250 8 8 25512551 1212 3 3 2634 2634 12 12 8 8 2551255112 12 250250 15 156497649712 12 15 156497649712 12250 25010 1097599759
12 12250 25012 1300 1300
12 12 12
250 25060 60
1300 1300
12 250 250
12 20 2000
20 2000
3500 2500
2500 12
12 200
200 25
25 5500
5500 12
12 25
25 5500
5500 1212 200200 5 5 3361
3361 1212 200200 1313 3175
3175 1212 5 5 3361 3361 12 12 13 13 3175
317512 12 200200 24 247080708012 12 24 247080708012 12200 20012 10610
12 12
10610 12200 20016 1300 1300
16 12 12
250 25068 68
1300 1300
12 200 200
12 24 2100
24 2100
3500 3000
3000 12
12 150
150 33
33 6500
6500 12
12 33
33 6500
6500 1212 150150 9 9 3801
3801 1212 150150 2121 3742
3742 1212 9 9 3801 3801 12 12 21 21 3742
374212 12 150150 38 387503750312 12 38 387503750312 12150 15014 11456
14 12
11456 12150 15016 1300 1300
16 12 12
250 25074 74
1300 1300
12 150 150
12 32 2100
32 2100
3500 3500
3500 12
12 150
150 33
33 7600
7600 12
12 33
33 7600
7600 1212 150150 1111 4341
4341 1212 150150 2525 4323
4323 1212 11 11 4341
4341 12 12 25 25 4323
432312 12 150150 45 458086808612 12 45 458086808612 12150 15014 12307
14 12
12307 12150 15016 1300 1300
16 12 12
250 25082 82
1300 1300
12 150 150
12 32 2200
32 2200
4000 2000
2000 12
12 250
250 22
22 4400
4400 12
12 22
22 4400
4400 1212 250250 3 3 2634
2634 1212 250250 8 8 25512551 1212 3 3 2634 2634 12 12 8 8 2551255112 12 250250 15 157074707412 12 15 157074707412 12250 25010 10336
10 12
10336 12250 25012 1300 1300
12 12 12
250 25066 66
1300 1300
12 250 250
12 20 2000
20 2000
4000 2500
2500 12
12 200
200 28
28 5500
5500 12
12 28
28 5500
5500 1212 200200 5 5 3361
3361 1212 200200 1313 3175
3175 1212 5 5 3361 3361 12 12 13 13 3175
317512 12 200200 24 247658765812 12 24 247658765812 12200 20012 11188
12 12
11188 12200 20016 1300 1300
16 12 12
250 25072 72
1300 1300
12 200 200
12 24 2100
24 2100
4000 3000
3000 12
12 150
150 37
37 6500
6500 12
12 37
37 6500
6500 1212 150150 9 9 3801
3801 1212 150150 2121 3742
3742 1212 9 9 3801 3801 12 12 21 21 3742
374212 12 150150 38 388080808012 12 38 388080808012 12150 15014 12033
14 12
12033 12150 15016 1300 1300
16 12 12
250 25080 80
1300 1300
12 150 150
12 32 2100
32 2100
4000 3500
3500 12
12 150
150 37
37 7600
7600 12
12 37
37 7600
7600 1212 150150 1111 4341
4341 1212 150150 2525 4323
4323 1212 11 11 4341
4341 12 12 25 25 4323
432312 12 150150 45 458664866412 12 45 458664866412 12150 15014 12884
14 12
12884 12150 15016 1300 1300
16 12 12
250 25086 86
1300 1300
12 150 150
12 32 2200
32 2200
4000 4000
4000 12
12 150
150 37
37 8600
8600 12
12 37
37 8600
8600 1212 150150 1313 4781
4781 1212 150150 2929 4803
4803 1212 13 13 4781
4781 12 12 29 29 4803
480312 12 150150 52 529086908612 12 52 529086908612 12150 15014 13730
14 12
13730 12150 15016 1300 1300
16 12 12
250 25092 92
1300 1300
12 150 150
12 32 2200
32 2200
01 BAR
02 BAR
NO0303 BAR
BAR 04a04a BAR NO NO
NO 06
NO 07
NO 08
BAR09NO 09 BAR NO 10NO 10
Dia Space
Space No
No Length
Length Dia
Dia No
No Length
Length Dia
Dia Space
Space No Length
No LengthDia Space NoNoLength
DiaSpace LengthDiaDia NoNoLength
LengthDiaDia No NoLength DiaDia
Length Space
SpaceNo NoLength Dia DiaNo
Length Length
No Dia
Length Space
Dia SpaceNo Length
No Dia
Length Space
Dia No
Space Length Dia Dia
No Length Space No
Space Length Dia Space
No Length No Length
Dia Space No Length
1000 1000
1000 12
12 250
250 99 2300
2300 12
12 99 2300
2300 1212 250250 0 0 400400 1212 250250 7 7 1400 1400 1212 0 0 400400 12 12 7 7 1400140012 12 250250 7 7 2966 296612 12 7 72966296612 12250 25010 1055095509
12 12250 25012 1300 1300
12 12 12
250 25026 1300 1300
26 12 250 250
12 20 1900
20 1900
1500 1000
1000 12
12 250
250 12
12 2300
2300 12
12 12
12 2300
2300 1212 250250 0 0 400400 1212 250250 7 7 1400 1400 1212 0 0 400400 12 12 7 7 1400140012 12 250250 7 7 3673 367312 12 7 73673367312 12250 25010 1062166216
12 12250 25012 1300 1300
12 12 12250 25032 1300 1300
32 12 250 250
12 20 1900
20 1900
1500 1500
1500 12
12 250
250 12
12 3400
3400 12
12 12
12 3400
3400 1212 250250 0 0 500500 1212 250250 1111 20002000 1212 0 0 500500 12 12 11 11 2000
200012 12 250250 11 114277 427712 12 11 114277427712 12250 25010 1070827082
12 12250 25012 1300 1300
12 12 12
250 25040 1300 1300
40 12 250 250
12 20 2000
20 2000
2000 1000
1000 12
12 250
250 15
15 2300
2300 12
12 15
15 2300
2300 1212 250250 0 0 400400 1212 250250 7 7 1400 1400 1212 0 0 400400 12 12 7 7 1400140012 12 250250 7 7 4380 438012 12 7 74380438012 12250 25010 1069246924
12 12250 25012 1300 1300
12 12 12250 25038 1300 1300
38 12 250 250
12 20 1900
20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 15
2000 1500 12 250 15 3400
3400 12
12 15
15 3400
3400 1212 250250 0
0 500500 1212 250250 1111 20002000 1212 0
0 500500 12 12 11
11 2000
200012 12 250250 11 114984 498412 12 11 114984498412 12250 25010 107790 12
7790 12250 25012 1300
12 12
1300 250
12 46
250 1300
46 12
1300 250
12 20
250 2000
20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 15 4400 12 15 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 5407 12 15 5407 12 250 10 8635 12 250 12 1300 12 250 52 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 15 4400 12 15 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 5407 12 15 5407 12 250 10 8635 12 250 12 1300 12 250 52 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 18 2300 12 18 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 5088 12 7 5088 12 250 10 7631 12 250 12 1300 12 250 44 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1000 12 250 18 2300 12 18 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 5088 12 7 5088 12 250 10 7631 12 250 12 1300 12 250 44 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 18 3400 12 18 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 5691 12 11 5691 12 250 10 8497 12 250 12 1300 12 250 50 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1500 12 250 18 3400 12 18 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 5691 12 11 5691 12 250 10 8497 12 250 12 1300 12 250 50 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 18 4400 12 18 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 6114 12 15 6114 12 250 10 9342 12 250 12 1300 12 250 58 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 18 4400 12 18 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 6114 12 15 6114 12 250 10 9342 12 250 12 1300 12 250 58 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2500 12 200 23 5500 12 23 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 6718 12 24 6718 12 200 12 10208 12 200 16 1300 12 200 80 1300 12 200 24 2100
2500 2500 12 200 23 5500 12 23 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 6718 12 24 6718 12 200 12 10208 12 200 16 1300 12 200 80 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 21 3400 12 21 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 6399 12 11 6399 12 250 10 9204 12 250 12 1300 12 250 56 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 1500 12 250 21 3400 12 21 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 6399 12 11 6399 12 250 10 9204 12 250 12 1300 12 250 56 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 21 4400 12 21 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 6821 12 15 6821 12 250 10 10050 12 250 12 1300 12 250 64 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 21 4400 12 21 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 6821 12 15 6821 12 250 10 10050 12 250 12 1300 12 250 64 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 27 5500 12 27 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 7425 12 24 7425 12 200 12 10916 12 200 16 1300 12 200 88 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 2500 12 200 27 5500 12 27 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 7425 12 24 7425 12 200 12 10916 12 200 16 1300 12 200 88 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 35 6500 12 35 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 7848 12 38 7848 12 150 14 11761 12 150 16 1300 12 150 126 1300 12 150 32 2100
3000 3000 12 150 35 6500 12 35 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 7848 12 38 7848 12 150 14 11761 12 150 16 1300 12 150 126 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 24 4400 12 24 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 7529 12 15 7529 12 250 10 10757 12 250 12 1300 12 250 68 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2000 12 250 24 4400 12 24 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 7529 12 15 7529 12 250 10 10757 12 250 12 1300 12 250 68 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 30 5500 12 30 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 8132 12 24 8132 12 200 12 11623 12 200 16 1300 12 200 94 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 2500 12 200 30 5500 12 30 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 8132 12 24 8132 12 200 12 11623 12 200 16 1300 12 200 94 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 40 6500 12 40 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 8555 12 38 8555 12 150 14 12468 12 150 16 1300 12 150 136 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3000 12 150 40 6500 12 40 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 8555 12 38 8555 12 150 14 12468 12 150 16 1300 12 150 136 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 41 7600 12 41 7600 12 150 0 700 12 150 45 4250 12 0 700 12 45 4250 12 150 45 9159 12 45 9159 12 150 14 13334 12 150 16 1300 12 150 148 1300 12 150 32 2200
3500 3500 12 150 41 7600 12 41 7600 12 150 0 700 12 150 45 4250 12 0 700 12 45 4250 12 150 45 9159 12 45 9159 12 150 14 13334 12 150 16 1300 12 150 148 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 27 4400 12 27 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 8236 12 15 8236 12 250 10 11464 12 250 12 1300 12 250 74 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2000 12 250 27 4400 12 27 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 8236 12 15 8236 12 250 10 11464 12 250 12 1300 12 250 74 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 34 5500 12 34 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 8840 12 24 8840 12 200 12 12330 12 200 16 1300 12 200 102 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 2500
3000 12
12 200
150 34 6500
45 5500 12
12 34
45 5500 12
6500 12 150200 0 0 600600 1212 150200 3824 36753100 1212 0 0 600600 12 12 38 24 3675
310012 12 150200 38 249262 884012 12 38 249262884012 12150 20014 12 12330
13176 12 12150 20016 16
1300 1300
12 12150 200
146 102
1300 1300
12 12
150 200
32 24
2100 2100
4000 3000
3500 12
12 150
150 45 7600
46 6500 12
12 45
46 6500 12
7600 12 150150 0 0 700600 1212 150150 4538 42503675 1212 0 0 700600 12 12 45 38 4250
367512 12 150150 45 389866 926212 12 45 389866926212 12150 15014 14 13176
14042 12 12150 15016 16
1300 1300
12 12150 150
158 146
1300 1300
12 12
150 150
32 32
2200 2100
4000 3500
4000 12
12 150
150 46 8600
46 7600 12
12 46
46 7600 12
8600 12 150150 0 0 700700 1212 150150 5245 47254250 1212 0 0 700700 12 12 52 45 4725
425012 12 150150 52 4510289986612 12 52 45
10289986612 12150 15014 14 14042
14887 12 12150 15016 16
1300 1300
12 12
150 150
168 158
1300 1300
12 12
150 150
32 32
2200 2200
4000 4000 12 150 46 8600 12 46 8600 12 150 0 700 12 150 52 4725 12 0 700 12 52 4725 12 150 52 10289 12 52 10289 12 150 14 14887 12 150 16 1300 12 150 168 1300 12 150 32 2200
SD 11-17 Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, Wing Base Slab R.C. Details 3/9
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 16 250 11 2300 12 11 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 3666 12 7 3666 12 250 10 6532 12 250 12 1300 12 250 36 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 15 2300 12 15 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 4666 12 7 4666 12 250 10 7532 12 250 12 1300 12 250 44 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 15 3400 12 15 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 5386 12 11 5386 12 250 10 8671 12 250 12 1300 12 250 52 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 19 2300 12 19 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 5666 12 7 5666 12 250 10 8532 12 250 12 1300 12 250 52 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 19 3400 12 19 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 6386 12 11 6386 12 250 10 9671 12 250 12 1300 12 250 60 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 19 4400 12 19 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 6963 12 15 6963 12 250 10 10826 12 250 12 1300 12 250 70 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 23 2300 12 23 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 6666 12 7 6666 12 250 10 9532 12 250 12 1300 12 250 60 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 23 3400 12 23 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 7386 12 11 7386 12 250 10 10671 12 250 12 1300 12 250 68 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 23 4400 12 23 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 7963 12 15 7963 12 250 10 11826 12 250 12 1300 12 250 78 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 90
2500 2500 12 200 29 5500 12 29 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 8683 12 24 8683 12 200 12 12965 12 200 16 1300 12 200 108 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 27 3400 12 27 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 8386 12 11 8386 12 250 10 11671 12 250 12 1300 12 250 76 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 27 4400 12 27 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 8963 12 15 8963 12 250 10 12826 12 250 12 1300 12 250 86 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 34 5500 12 34 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 9683 12 24 9683 12 200 12 13965 12 200 16 1300 12 200 118 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 45 6500 12 45 6500 12 150 21 3742 12 150 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 150 38 10260 12 38 10260 12 150 14 15120 12 150 16 1300 12 150 172 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 31 4400 12 31 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 9963 12 15 9963 12 250 10 13826 12 250 12 1300 12 250 94 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 39 5500 12 39 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 10683 12 24 10683 12 200 12 14965 12 200 16 1300 12 200 128 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 52 6500 12 52 6500 12 150 21 3742 12 150 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 150 38 11260 12 38 11260 12 150 14 16120 12 150 16 1300 12 150 184 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 52 7600 12 52 7600 12 150 25 4323 12 150 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 150 45 11980 12 45 11980 12 150 14 17259 12 150 16 1300 12 150 200 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 35 4400 12 35 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 10963 12 15 10963 12 250 10 14826 12 250 12 1300 12 250 102 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 44 5500 12 44 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 11683 12 24 11683 12 200 12 15965 12 200 16 1300 12 200 138 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 58 6500 12 58 6500 12 150 21 3742 12 150 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 150 38 12260 12 38 12260 12 150 14 17120 12 150 16 1300 12 150 198 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 59 7600 12 59 7600 12 150 25 4323 12 150 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 150 45 12980 12 45 12980 12 150 14 18259 12 150 16 1300 12 150 214 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 59 8600 12 59 8600 12 150 29 4803 12 150 29 4803 12 29 4803 12 29 4803 12 150 52 13557 12 52 13557 12 150 14 19414 12 150 16 1300 12 150 228 1300 12 150 32 2200
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 12 250 13 2300 12 13 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 3757 12 7 3757 12 250 10 6320 12 250 12 1300 12 250 34 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 18 2300 12 18 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 4837 12 7 4837 12 250 10 7355 12 250 12 1300 12 250 42 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 18 3400 12 18 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 5313 12 11 5313 12 250 10 8201 12 250 12 1300 12 250 50 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 22 2300 12 22 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 5891 12 7 5891 12 250 10 8391 12 250 12 1300 12 250 52 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 23 3400 12 23 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 6367 12 11 6367 12 250 10 9236 12 250 12 1300 12 250 58 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 23 4400 12 23 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 6790 12 15 6790 12 250 10 10081 12 250 12 1300 12 250 66 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 27 2300 12 27 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 6944 12 7 6944 12 250 10 9426 12 250 12 1300 12 250 62 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 27 3400 12 27 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 7421 12 11 7421 12 250 10 10271 12 250 12 1300 12 250 68 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 27 4400 12 27 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 7843 12 15 7843 12 250 10 11116 12 250 12 1300 12 250 74 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 75
2500 2500 12 200 34 5500 12 34 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 8319 12 24 8319 12 200 12 11962 12 200 16 1300 12 250 82 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 32 3400 12 32 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 8474 12 11 8474 12 250 10 11306 12 250 12 1300 12 250 78 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 32 4400 12 32 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 8897 12 15 8897 12 250 10 12152 12 250 12 1300 12 250 84 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 40 5500 12 40 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 9373 12 24 9373 12 200 12 12997 12 200 16 1300 12 250 90 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 53 6500 12 53 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 9796 12 38 9796 12 150 14 13842 12 150 16 1300 12 250 98 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 37 4400 12 37 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 9950 12 15 9950 12 250 10 13187 12 250 12 1300 12 250 94 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 46 5500 12 46 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 10427 12 24 10427 12 200 12 14032 12 200 16 1300 12 250 100 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 61 6500 12 61 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 10849 12 38 10849 12 150 14 14878 12 150 16 1300 12 250 106 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 61 7600 12 61 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 11325 12 45 11325 12 150 14 15723 12 150 16 1300 12 250 114 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 41 4400 12 41 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 11004 12 15 11004 12 250 10 14222 12 250 12 1300 12 250 102 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 52 5500 12 52 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 11480 12 24 11480 12 200 12 15068 12 200 16 1300 12 250 110 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 68 6500 12 68 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 11903 12 38 11903 12 150 14 15913 12 150 16 1300 12 250 116 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 69 7600 12 69 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 12379 12 45 12379 12 150 14 16758 12 150 16 1300 12 250 122 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 69 8600 12 69 8600 12 150 13 4781 12 150 29 4803 12 13 4781 12 29 4803 12 150 52 12668 12 52 12668 12 150 14 17603 12 150 16 1300 12 250 130 1300 12 150 32 2200
SD 11-18 Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 4/9
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 12 250 12 2300 12 12 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 3759 12 7 3759 12 250 10 6330 12 250 12 1300 12 250 34 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 17 2300 12 17 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 4913 12 7 4913 12 250 10 7485 12 250 12 1300 12 250 42 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 17 3400 12 17 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 5497 12 11 5497 12 250 10 8336 12 250 12 1300 12 250 50 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 21 2300 12 21 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 6068 12 7 6068 12 250 10 8640 12 250 12 1300 12 250 52 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 22 3400 12 22 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 6652 12 11 6652 12 250 10 9491 12 250 12 1300 12 250 58 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 22 4400 12 22 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 7074 12 15 7074 12 250 10 10336 12 250 12 1300 12 250 66 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 26 2300 12 26 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 7223 12 7 7223 12 250 10 9795 12 250 12 1300 12 250 62 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 26 3400 12 26 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 7807 12 11 7807 12 250 10 10646 12 250 12 1300 12 250 68 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 26 4400 12 26 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 8229 12 15 8229 12 250 10 11491 12 250 12 1300 12 250 74 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 60
2500 2500 12 200 33 5500 12 33 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 8813 12 24 8813 12 200 12 12343 12 200 16 1300 12 250 82 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 31 3400 12 31 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 8961 12 11 8961 12 250 10 11801 12 250 12 1300 12 250 78 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 31 4400 12 31 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 9384 12 15 9384 12 250 10 12646 12 250 12 1300 12 250 84 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 39 5500 12 39 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 9967 12 24 9967 12 200 12 13497 12 200 16 1300 12 250 90 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 52 6500 12 52 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 10390 12 38 10390 12 150 14 14343 12 150 16 1300 12 250 98 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 36 4400 12 36 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 10539 12 15 10539 12 250 10 13801 12 250 12 1300 12 250 94 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 45 5500 12 45 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 11122 12 24 11122 12 200 12 14652 12 200 16 1300 12 250 100 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 60 6500 12 60 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 11545 12 38 11545 12 150 14 15498 12 150 16 1300 12 250 106 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 60 7600 12 60 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 12128 12 45 12128 12 150 14 16349 12 150 16 1300 12 250 114 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 40 4400 12 40 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 11694 12 15 11694 12 250 10 14956 12 250 12 1300 12 250 102 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 51 5500 12 51 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 12277 12 24 12277 12 200 12 15807 12 200 16 1300 12 250 110 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 67 6500 12 67 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 12700 12 38 12700 12 150 14 16652 12 150 16 1300 12 250 116 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 68 7600 12 68 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 13283 12 45 13283 12 150 14 17504 12 150 16 1300 12 250 122 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 68 8600 12 68 8600 12 150 13 4781 12 150 29 4803 12 13 4781 12 29 4803 12 150 52 13706 12 52 13706 12 150 14 18349 12 150 16 1300 12 250 130 1300 12 150 32 2200
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 12 250 15 2300 12 15 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 4380 12 7 4380 12 250 10 6924 12 250 12 1300 12 250 38 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 20 2300 12 20 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 5795 12 7 5795 12 250 10 8338 12 250 12 1300 12 250 50 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 21 3400 12 21 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 6399 12 11 6399 12 250 10 9204 12 250 12 1300 12 250 56 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 26 2300 12 26 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 7209 12 7 7209 12 250 10 9753 12 250 12 1300 12 250 60 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 27 3400 12 27 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 7813 12 11 7813 12 250 10 10619 12 250 12 1300 12 250 68 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 27 4400 12 27 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 8236 12 15 8236 12 250 10 11464 12 250 12 1300 12 250 74 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 32 2300 12 32 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 8624 12 7 8624 12 250 10 11168 12 250 12 1300 12 250 72 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 32 3400 12 32 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 9228 12 11 9228 12 250 10 12034 12 250 12 1300 12 250 80 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 32 4400 12 32 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 9651 12 15 9651 12 250 10 12879 12 250 12 1300 12 250 86 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 45
2500 2500 12 200 41 5500 12 41 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 10254 12 24 10254 12 200 12 13745 12 200 16 1300 12 200 116 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 38 3400 12 38 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 10643 12 11 10643 12 250 10 13448 12 250 12 1300 12 250 90 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 38 4400 12 38 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 11065 12 15 11065 12 250 10 14294 12 250 12 1300 12 250 98 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 48 5500 12 48 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 11669 12 24 11669 12 200 12 15160 12 200 16 1300 12 200 130 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 64 6500 12 64 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 12092 12 38 12092 12 150 14 16005 12 150 16 1300 12 150 184 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 44 4400 12 44 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 12480 12 15 12480 12 250 10 15708 12 250 12 1300 12 250 108 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 55 5500 12 55 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 13084 12 24 13084 12 200 12 16574 12 200 16 1300 12 200 144 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 73 6500 12 73 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 13506 12 38 13506 12 150 14 17420 12 150 16 1300 12 150 202 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 74 7600 12 74 7600 12 150 0 700 12 150 45 4250 12 0 700 12 45 4250 12 150 45 14110 12 45 14110 12 150 14 18286 12 150 16 1300 12 150 214 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 49 4400 12 49 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 13895 12 15 13895 12 250 10 17123 12 250 12 1300 12 250 120 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 62 5500 12 62 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 14498 12 24 14498 12 200 12 17989 12 200 16 1300 12 200 158 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 82 6500 12 82 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 14921 12 38 14921 12 150 14 18834 12 150 16 1300 12 150 222 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 83 7600 12 83 7600 12 150 0 700 12 150 45 4250 12 0 700 12 45 4250 12 150 45 15525 12 45 15525 12 150 14 19700 12 150 16 1300 12 150 232 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 83 8600 12 83 8600 12 150 0 700 12 150 52 4725 12 0 700 12 52 4725 12 150 52 15947 12 52 15947 12 150 14 20546 12 150 16 1300 12 150 244 1300 12 150 32 2200
SD 11-19 Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 5/9
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 16 250 15 2300 12 15 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 4666 12 7 4666 12 250 10 7532 12 250 12 1300 12 250 44 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 21 2300 12 21 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 6166 12 7 6166 12 250 10 9032 12 250 12 1300 12 250 56 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 21 3400 12 21 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 6886 12 11 6886 12 250 10 10171 12 250 12 1300 12 250 64 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 27 2300 12 27 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 7666 12 7 7666 12 250 10 10532 12 250 12 1300 12 250 68 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 27 3400 12 27 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 8386 12 11 8386 12 250 10 11671 12 250 12 1300 12 250 76 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 27 4400 12 27 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 8963 12 15 8963 12 250 10 12826 12 250 12 1300 12 250 86 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 33 2300 12 33 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 9166 12 7 9166 12 250 10 12032 12 250 12 1300 12 250 80 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 33 3400 12 33 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 9886 12 11 9886 12 250 10 13171 12 250 12 1300 12 250 88 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 33 4400 12 33 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 10463 12 15 10463 12 250 10 14326 12 250 12 1300 12 250 98 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 90
2500 2500 12 200 42 5500 12 42 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 11183 12 24 11183 12 200 12 15465 12 200 16 1300 12 200 132 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 39 3400 12 39 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 11386 12 11 11386 12 250 10 14671 12 250 12 1300 12 250 100 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 39 4400 12 39 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 11963 12 15 11963 12 250 10 15826 12 250 12 1300 12 250 110 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 49 5500 12 49 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 12683 12 24 12683 12 200 12 16965 12 200 16 1300 12 200 148 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 65 6500 12 65 6500 12 150 21 3742 12 150 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 150 38 13260 12 38 13260 12 150 14 18120 12 150 16 1300 12 150 212 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 45 4400 12 45 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 13463 12 15 13463 12 250 10 17326 12 250 12 1300 12 250 122 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 57 5500 12 57 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 14183 12 24 14183 12 200 12 18465 12 200 16 1300 12 200 162 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 75 6500 12 75 6500 12 150 21 3742 12 150 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 150 38 14760 12 38 14760 12 150 14 19620 12 150 16 1300 12 150 232 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 76 7600 12 76 7600 12 150 25 4323 12 150 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 150 45 15480 12 45 15480 12 150 14 20759 12 150 16 1300 12 150 246 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 51 4400 12 51 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 14963 12 15 14963 12 250 10 18826 12 250 12 1300 12 250 134 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 64 5500 12 64 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 15683 12 24 15683 12 200 12 19965 12 200 16 1300 12 200 178 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 85 6500 12 85 6500 12 150 21 3742 12 150 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 150 38 16260 12 38 16260 12 150 14 21120 12 150 16 1300 12 150 252 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 86 7600 12 86 7600 12 150 25 4323 12 150 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 150 45 16980 12 45 16980 12 150 14 22259 12 150 16 1300 12 150 266 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 86 8600 12 86 8600 12 150 29 4803 12 150 29 4803 12 29 4803 12 29 4803 12 150 52 17557 12 52 17557 12 150 14 23414 12 150 16 1300 12 150 282 1300 12 150 32 2200
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 12 250 18 2300 12 18 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 4976 12 7 4976 12 250 10 7614 12 250 12 1300 12 250 42 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 25 2300 12 25 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 6580 12 7 6580 12 250 10 9167 12 250 12 1300 12 250 56 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 25 3400 12 25 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 7055 12 11 7055 12 250 10 10012 12 250 12 1300 12 250 64 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 32 2300 12 32 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 8133 12 7 8133 12 250 10 10720 12 250 12 1300 12 250 70 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 32 3400 12 32 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 8608 12 11 8608 12 250 10 11565 12 250 12 1300 12 250 78 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 32 4400 12 32 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 9030 12 15 9030 12 250 10 12410 12 250 12 1300 12 250 84 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 39 2300 12 39 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 9686 12 7 9686 12 250 10 12273 12 250 12 1300 12 250 84 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 39 3400 12 39 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 10161 12 11 10161 12 250 10 13118 12 250 12 1300 12 250 92 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 39 4400 12 39 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 10583 12 15 10583 12 250 10 13963 12 250 12 1300 12 250 98 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 75
2500 2500 12 200 49 5500 12 49 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 11058 12 24 11058 12 200 12 14809 12 200 16 1300 12 250 104 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 46 3400 12 46 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 11714 12 11 11714 12 250 10 14671 12 250 12 1300 12 250 104 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 46 4400 12 46 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 12136 12 15 12136 12 250 10 15516 12 250 12 1300 12 250 112 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 58 5500 12 58 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 12611 12 24 12611 12 200 12 16362 12 200 16 1300 12 250 118 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 76 6500 12 76 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 13033 12 38 13033 12 150 14 17207 12 150 16 1300 12 250 126 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 53 4400 12 53 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 13689 12 15 13689 12 250 10 17069 12 250 12 1300 12 250 126 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 66 5500 12 66 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 14164 12 24 14164 12 200 12 17915 12 200 16 1300 12 250 132 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 88 6500 12 88 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 14586 12 38 14586 12 150 14 18760 12 150 16 1300 12 250 140 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 88 7600 12 88 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 15061 12 45 15061 12 150 14 19605 12 150 16 1300 12 250 146 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 60 4400 12 60 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 15242 12 15 15242 12 250 10 18622 12 250 12 1300 12 250 140 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 75 5500 12 75 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 15717 12 24 15717 12 200 12 19467 12 200 16 1300 12 250 146 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 99 6500 12 99 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 16139 12 38 16139 12 150 14 20313 12 150 16 1300 12 250 152 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 100 7600 12 100 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 16614 12 45 16614 12 150 14 21158 12 150 16 1300 12 250 160 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 100 8600 12 100 8600 12 150 13 4781 12 150 29 4803 12 13 4781 12 29 4803 12 150 52 16777 12 52 16777 12 150 14 22003 12 150 16 1300 12 250 166 1300 12 150 32 2200
SD 11-20 Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 6/9
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 12 250 17 2300 12 17 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 4913 12 7 4913 12 250 10 7485 12 250 12 1300 12 250 42 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 24 2300 12 24 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 6646 12 7 6646 12 250 10 9217 12 250 12 1300 12 250 56 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 24 3400 12 24 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 7229 12 11 7229 12 250 10 10069 12 250 12 1300 12 250 64 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 31 2300 12 31 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 8378 12 7 8378 12 250 10 10950 12 250 12 1300 12 250 70 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 31 3400 12 31 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 8961 12 11 8961 12 250 10 11801 12 250 12 1300 12 250 78 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 31 4400 12 31 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 9384 12 15 9384 12 250 10 12646 12 250 12 1300 12 250 84 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 38 2300 12 38 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 10110 12 7 10110 12 250 10 12682 12 250 12 1300 12 250 84 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 38 3400 12 38 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 10694 12 11 10694 12 250 10 13533 12 250 12 1300 12 250 92 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 38 4400 12 38 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 11116 12 15 11116 12 250 10 14378 12 250 12 1300 12 250 98 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 60
2500 2500 12 200 48 5500 12 48 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 11700 12 24 11700 12 200 12 15230 12 200 16 1300 12 250 104 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 45 3400 12 45 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 12426 12 11 12426 12 250 10 15265 12 250 12 1300 12 250 104 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 45 4400 12 45 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 12849 12 15 12849 12 250 10 16111 12 250 12 1300 12 250 112 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 57 5500 12 57 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 13432 12 24 13432 12 200 12 16962 12 200 16 1300 12 250 118 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 75 6500 12 75 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 13855 12 38 13855 12 150 14 17807 12 150 16 1300 12 250 126 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 52 4400 12 52 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 14581 12 15 14581 12 250 10 17843 12 250 12 1300 12 250 126 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 65 5500 12 65 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 15164 12 24 15164 12 200 12 18694 12 200 16 1300 12 250 132 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 87 6500 12 87 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 15587 12 38 15587 12 150 14 19540 12 150 16 1300 12 250 140 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 87 7600 12 87 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 16170 12 45 16170 12 150 14 20391 12 150 16 1300 12 250 146 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 59 4400 12 59 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 16313 12 15 16313 12 250 10 19575 12 250 12 1300 12 250 140 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 74 5500 12 74 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 16896 12 24 16896 12 200 12 20426 12 200 16 1300 12 250 146 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 98 6500 12 98 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 17319 12 38 17319 12 150 14 21272 12 150 16 1300 12 250 152 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 99 7600 12 99 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 17903 12 45 17903 12 150 14 22123 12 150 16 1300 12 250 160 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 99 8600 12 99 8600 12 150 13 4781 12 150 29 4803 12 13 4781 12 29 4803 12 150 52 18325 12 52 18325 12 150 14 22968 12 150 16 1300 12 250 166 1300 12 150 32 2200
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 12 250 20 2300 12 20 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 5795 12 7 5795 12 250 10 8338 12 250 12 1300 12 250 50 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 29 2300 12 29 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 7917 12 7 7917 12 250 10 10460 12 250 12 1300 12 250 66 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 29 3400 12 29 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 8521 12 11 8521 12 250 10 11326 12 250 12 1300 12 250 74 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 37 2300 12 37 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 10039 12 7 10039 12 250 10 12582 12 250 12 1300 12 250 84 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 38 3400 12 38 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 10643 12 11 10643 12 250 10 13448 12 250 12 1300 12 250 90 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 38 4400 12 38 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 11065 12 15 11065 12 250 10 14294 12 250 12 1300 12 250 98 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 46 2300 12 46 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 12161 12 7 12161 12 250 10 14704 12 250 12 1300 12 250 100 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 46 3400 12 46 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 12765 12 11 12765 12 250 10 15570 12 250 12 1300 12 250 108 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 46 4400 12 46 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 13187 12 15 13187 12 250 10 16416 12 250 12 1300 12 250 114 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 45
2500 2500 12 200 59 5500 12 59 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 13791 12 24 13791 12 200 12 17282 12 200 16 1300 12 200 150 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 55 3400 12 55 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 14887 12 11 14887 12 250 10 17692 12 250 12 1300 12 250 124 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 55 4400 12 55 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 15309 12 15 15309 12 250 10 18538 12 250 12 1300 12 250 132 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 69 5500 12 69 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 15913 12 24 15913 12 200 12 19404 12 200 16 1300 12 200 172 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 92 6500 12 92 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 16336 12 38 16336 12 150 14 20249 12 150 16 1300 12 150 240 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 63 4400 12 63 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 17431 12 15 17431 12 250 10 20660 12 250 12 1300 12 250 148 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 80 5500 12 80 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 18035 12 24 18035 12 200 12 21526 12 200 16 1300 12 200 194 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 106 6500 12 106 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 18458 12 38 18458 12 150 14 22371 12 150 16 1300 12 150 268 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 107 7600 12 107 7600 12 150 0 700 12 150 45 4250 12 0 700 12 45 4250 12 150 45 19061 12 45 19061 12 150 14 23237 12 150 16 1300 12 150 280 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 72 4400 12 72 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 19553 12 15 19553 12 250 10 22782 12 250 12 1300 12 250 166 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 90 5500 12 90 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 20157 12 24 20157 12 200 12 23648 12 200 16 1300 12 200 214 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 120 6500 12 120 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 20580 12 38 20580 12 150 14 24493 12 150 16 1300 12 150 296 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 121 7600 12 121 7600 12 150 0 700 12 150 45 4250 12 0 700 12 45 4250 12 150 45 21183 12 45 21183 12 150 14 25359 12 150 16 1300 12 150 308 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 121 8600 12 121 8600 12 150 0 700 12 150 52 4725 12 0 700 12 52 4725 12 150 52 21606 12 52 21606 12 150 14 26204 12 150 16 1300 12 150 320 1300 12 150 32 2200
SD 11-21 Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 7/9
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Dia Space No Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 16 250 19 2300 12 19 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 5666 12 7 5666 12 250 10 8532 12 250 12 12 250 52 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 27 2300 12 27 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 7666 12 7 7666 12 250 10 10532 12 250 12 12 250 68 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 27 3400 12 27 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 8386 12 11 8386 12 250 10 11671 12 250 12 12 250 76 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 35 2300 12 35 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 9666 12 7 9666 12 250 10 12532 12 250 12 12 250 84 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 35 3400 12 35 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 10386 12 11 10386 12 250 10 13671 12 250 12 12 250 92 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 35 4400 12 35 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 10963 12 15 10963 12 250 10 14826 12 250 12 12 250 102 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 43 2300 12 43 2300 12 250 3 1534 12 250 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 3 1534 12 250 7 11666 12 7 11666 12 250 10 14532 12 250 12 12 250 100 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 43 3400 12 43 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 12386 12 11 12386 12 250 10 15671 12 250 12 12 250 108 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 43 4400 12 43 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 12963 12 15 12963 12 250 10 16826 12 250 12 12 250 118 12 250 20 2000
α = 90
2500 2500 12 200 54 5500 12 54 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 13683 12 24 13683 12 200 12 17965 12 200 16 12 200 158 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 51 3400 12 51 3400 12 250 6 1984 12 250 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 6 1984 12 250 11 14386 12 11 14386 12 250 10 17671 12 250 12 12 250 124 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 51 4400 12 51 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 14963 12 15 14963 12 250 10 18826 12 250 12 12 250 134 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 64 5500 12 64 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 15683 12 24 15683 12 200 12 19965 12 200 16 12 200 178 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 85 6500 12 85 6500 12 150 21 3742 12 150 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 150 38 16260 12 38 16260 12 150 14 21120 12 150 16 12 150 252 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 59 4400 12 59 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 16963 12 15 16963 12 250 10 20826 12 250 12 12 250 150 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 74 5500 12 74 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 17683 12 24 17683 12 200 12 21965 12 200 16 12 200 198 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 98 6500 12 98 6500 12 150 21 3742 12 150 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 150 38 18260 12 38 18260 12 150 14 23120 12 150 16 12 150 278 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 99 7600 12 99 7600 12 150 25 4323 12 150 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 150 45 18980 12 45 18980 12 150 14 24259 12 150 16 12 150 294 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 67 4400 12 67 4400 12 250 8 2551 12 250 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 8 2551 12 250 15 18963 12 15 18963 12 250 10 22826 12 250 12 12 250 166 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 84 5500 12 84 5500 12 200 13 3175 12 200 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 13 3175 12 200 24 19683 12 24 19683 12 200 12 23965 12 200 16 12 200 218 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 112 6500 12 112 6500 12 150 21 3742 12 150 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 21 3742 12 150 38 20260 12 38 20260 12 150 14 25120 12 150 16 12 150 304 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 112 7600 12 112 7600 12 150 25 4323 12 150 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 25 4323 12 150 45 20980 12 45 20980 12 150 14 26259 12 150 16 12 150 320 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 112 8600 12 112 8600 12 150 29 4803 12 150 29 4803 12 29 4803 12 29 4803 12 150 52 21557 12 52 21557 12 150 14 27414 12 150 16 12 150 336 12 150 32 2200
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Dia Space No Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 12 250 22 2300 12 22 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 6244 12 7 6244 12 250 10 8908 12 250 12 12 250 52 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 32 2300 12 32 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 8392 12 7 8392 12 250 10 10979 12 250 12 12 250 70 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 32 3400 12 32 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 8867 12 11 8867 12 250 10 11824 12 250 12 12 250 78 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 41 2300 12 41 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 10463 12 7 10463 12 250 10 13049 12 250 12 12 250 88 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 41 3400 12 41 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 10937 12 11 10937 12 250 10 13895 12 250 12 12 250 96 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 41 4400 12 41 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 11360 12 15 11360 12 250 10 14740 12 250 12 12 250 102 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 50 2300 12 50 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 12533 12 7 12533 12 250 10 15120 12 250 12 12 250 108 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 51 3400 12 51 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 13008 12 11 13008 12 250 10 15965 12 250 12 12 250 114 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 51 4400 12 51 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 13430 12 15 13430 12 250 10 16810 12 250 12 12 250 120 12 250 20 2000
α = 75
2500 2500 12 200 63 5500 12 63 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 13905 12 24 13905 12 200 12 17656 12 200 16 12 250 128 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 60 3400 12 60 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 15078 12 11 15078 12 250 10 18036 12 250 12 12 250 132 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 60 4400 12 60 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 15501 12 15 15501 12 250 10 18881 12 250 12 12 250 140 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 75 5500 12 75 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 15975 12 24 15975 12 200 12 19726 12 200 16 12 250 146 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 99 6500 12 99 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 16398 12 38 16398 12 150 14 20572 12 150 16 12 250 152 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 69 4400 12 69 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 17572 12 15 17572 12 250 10 20952 12 250 12 12 250 158 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 86 5500 12 86 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 18046 12 24 18046 12 200 12 21797 12 200 16 12 250 164 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 115 6500 12 115 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 18469 12 38 18469 12 150 14 22642 12 150 16 12 250 172 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 115 7600 12 115 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 18943 12 45 18943 12 150 14 23487 12 150 16 12 250 178 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 78 4400 12 78 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 19642 12 15 19642 12 250 10 23022 12 250 12 12 250 176 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 98 5500 12 98 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 20116 12 24 20116 12 200 12 23867 12 200 16 12 250 184 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 130 6500 12 130 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 20539 12 38 20539 12 150 14 24713 12 150 16 12 250 190 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 131 7600 12 131 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 21014 12 45 21014 12 150 14 25558 12 150 16 12 250 196 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 131 8600 12 131 8600 12 150 13 4781 12 150 29 4803 12 13 4781 12 29 4803 12 150 52 21048 12 52 21048 12 150 14 26403 12 150 16 12 250 204 12 150 32 2200
SD 11-22 Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 8/9
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 12 250 21 2300 12 21 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 6068 12 7 6068 12 250 10 8640 12 250 12 1300 12 250 52 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 31 2300 12 31 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 8378 12 7 8378 12 250 10 10950 12 250 12 1300 12 250 70 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 31 3400 12 31 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 8961 12 11 8961 12 250 10 11801 12 250 12 1300 12 250 78 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 40 2300 12 40 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 10688 12 7 10688 12 250 10 13259 12 250 12 1300 12 250 88 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 40 3400 12 40 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 11271 12 11 11271 12 250 10 14111 12 250 12 1300 12 250 96 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 40 4400 12 40 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 11694 12 15 11694 12 250 10 14956 12 250 12 1300 12 250 102 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 49 2300 12 49 2300 12 250 1 1467 12 250 3 1534 12 1 1467 12 3 1534 12 250 7 12997 12 7 12997 12 250 10 15569 12 250 12 1300 12 250 108 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 50 3400 12 50 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 13581 12 11 13581 12 250 10 16420 12 250 12 1300 12 250 114 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 50 4400 12 50 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 14003 12 15 14003 12 250 10 17266 12 250 12 1300 12 250 120 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 60
2500 2500 12 200 62 5500 12 62 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 14587 12 24 14587 12 200 12 18117 12 200 16 1300 12 250 128 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 59 3400 12 59 3400 12 250 2 2100 12 250 6 1984 12 2 2100 12 6 1984 12 250 11 15890 12 11 15890 12 250 10 18730 12 250 12 1300 12 250 132 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 59 4400 12 59 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 16313 12 15 16313 12 250 10 19575 12 250 12 1300 12 250 140 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 74 5500 12 74 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 16896 12 24 16896 12 200 12 20426 12 200 16 1300 12 250 146 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 98 6500 12 98 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 17319 12 38 17319 12 150 14 21272 12 150 16 1300 12 250 152 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 68 4400 12 68 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 18623 12 15 18623 12 250 10 21885 12 250 12 1300 12 250 158 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 85 5500 12 85 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 19206 12 24 19206 12 200 12 22736 12 200 16 1300 12 250 164 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 114 6500 12 114 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 19629 12 38 19629 12 150 14 23581 12 150 16 1300 12 250 172 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 114 7600 12 114 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 20212 12 45 20212 12 150 14 24433 12 150 16 1300 12 250 178 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 77 4400 12 77 4400 12 250 3 2634 12 250 8 2551 12 3 2634 12 8 2551 12 250 15 20932 12 15 20932 12 250 10 24195 12 250 12 1300 12 250 176 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 97 5500 12 97 5500 12 200 5 3361 12 200 13 3175 12 5 3361 12 13 3175 12 200 24 21516 12 24 21516 12 200 12 25046 12 200 16 1300 12 250 184 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 129 6500 12 129 6500 12 150 9 3801 12 150 21 3742 12 9 3801 12 21 3742 12 150 38 21938 12 38 21938 12 150 14 25891 12 150 16 1300 12 250 190 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 130 7600 12 130 7600 12 150 11 4341 12 150 25 4323 12 11 4341 12 25 4323 12 150 45 22522 12 45 22522 12 150 14 26742 12 150 16 1300 12 250 196 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 130 8600 12 130 8600 12 150 13 4781 12 150 29 4803 12 13 4781 12 29 4803 12 150 52 22945 12 52 22945 12 150 14 27588 12 150 16 1300 12 250 204 1300 12 150 32 2200
BAR NO 01 BAR NO 02 BAR NO 03 BAR NO 03a BAR NO 04 BAR NO 04a BAR NO 05 BAR NO 06 BAR NO 07 BAR NO 08 BAR NO 09 BAR NO 10
Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length Dia Space No Length
1000 1000 12 250 26 2300 12 26 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 7209 12 7 7209 12 250 10 9753 12 250 12 1300 12 250 60 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1000 12 250 37 2300 12 37 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 10039 12 7 10039 12 250 10 12582 12 250 12 1300 12 250 84 1300 12 250 20 1900
1500 1500 12 250 38 3400 12 38 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 10643 12 11 10643 12 250 10 13448 12 250 12 1300 12 250 90 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 1000 12 250 49 2300 12 49 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 12868 12 7 12868 12 250 10 15412 12 250 12 1300 12 250 106 1300 12 250 20 1900
2000 1500 12 250 49 3400 12 49 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 13472 12 11 13472 12 250 10 16278 12 250 12 1300 12 250 114 1300 12 250 20 2000
2000 2000 12 250 49 4400 12 49 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 13895 12 15 13895 12 250 10 17123 12 250 12 1300 12 250 120 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 1000 12 250 60 2300 12 60 2300 12 250 0 400 12 250 7 1400 12 0 400 12 7 1400 12 250 7 15697 12 7 15697 12 250 10 18241 12 250 12 1300 12 250 128 1300 12 250 20 1900
2500 1500 12 250 61 3400 12 61 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 16301 12 11 16301 12 250 10 19107 12 250 12 1300 12 250 136 1300 12 250 20 2000
2500 2000 12 250 61 4400 12 61 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 16724 12 15 16724 12 250 10 19952 12 250 12 1300 12 250 142 1300 12 250 20 2000
α = 45
2500 2500 12 200 76 5500 12 76 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 17328 12 24 17328 12 200 12 20818 12 200 16 1300 12 200 186 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 1500 12 250 72 3400 12 72 3400 12 250 0 500 12 250 11 2000 12 0 500 12 11 2000 12 250 11 19131 12 11 19131 12 250 10 21936 12 250 12 1300 12 250 158 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2000 12 250 72 4400 12 72 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 19553 12 15 19553 12 250 10 22782 12 250 12 1300 12 250 166 1300 12 250 20 2000
3000 2500 12 200 90 5500 12 90 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 20157 12 24 20157 12 200 12 23648 12 200 16 1300 12 200 214 1300 12 200 24 2100
3000 3000 12 150 120 6500 12 120 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 20580 12 38 20580 12 150 14 24493 12 150 16 1300 12 150 296 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 2000 12 250 83 4400 12 83 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 22383 12 15 22383 12 250 10 25611 12 250 12 1300 12 250 188 1300 12 250 20 2000
3500 2500 12 200 104 5500 12 104 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 22986 12 24 22986 12 200 12 26477 12 200 16 1300 12 200 242 1300 12 200 24 2100
3500 3000 12 150 139 6500 12 139 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 23409 12 38 23409 12 150 14 27322 12 150 16 1300 12 150 334 1300 12 150 32 2100
3500 3500 12 150 140 7600 12 140 7600 12 150 0 700 12 150 45 4250 12 0 700 12 45 4250 12 150 45 24013 12 45 24013 12 150 14 28188 12 150 16 1300 12 150 346 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 2000 12 250 95 4400 12 95 4400 12 250 0 500 12 250 15 2500 12 0 500 12 15 2500 12 250 15 25212 12 15 25212 12 250 10 28440 12 250 12 1300 12 250 210 1300 12 250 20 2000
4000 2500 12 200 119 5500 12 119 5500 12 200 0 600 12 200 24 3100 12 0 600 12 24 3100 12 200 24 25816 12 24 25816 12 200 12 29306 12 200 16 1300 12 200 272 1300 12 200 24 2100
4000 3000 12 150 158 6500 12 158 6500 12 150 0 600 12 150 38 3675 12 0 600 12 38 3675 12 150 38 26238 12 38 26238 12 150 14 30152 12 150 16 1300 12 150 372 1300 12 150 32 2100
4000 3500 12 150 159 7600 12 159 7600 12 150 0 700 12 150 45 4250 12 0 700 12 45 4250 12 150 45 26842 12 45 26842 12 150 14 31018 12 150 16 1300 12 150 384 1300 12 150 32 2200
4000 4000 12 150 159 8600 12 159 8600 12 150 0 700 12 150 52 4725 12 0 700 12 52 4725 12 150 52 27265 12 52 27265 12 150 14 31863 12 150 16 1300 12 150 394 1300 12 150 32 2200
SD 11-23 Box Culverts Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 9/9
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
SD 11-26 Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 1/3
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
SD 11-27 Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 2/3
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
SD 11-28 Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details, Base Slab R.C. Details 3/3
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
Ministry of Transport & Communications . DGRLT
SD 11-30 Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details, Head Wall R.C. Details 1/2
Sultanate of Oman. Highway Design Standards 2010
SD 11-31 Pipe Culvert Inlet/Outlet Details, Head Wall R.C. Details 2/2