India and Sino-Russian Alliance
India and Sino-Russian Alliance
India and Sino-Russian Alliance
The triangular dynamic between the US, Russia and China has long
been the principal factor shaping independent India’s geopolitics.
The unveiling of a new Sino-Russian alliance last year, the Russian
aggression towards Ukraine, and the deepening confrontation
between the West and Russia and China are compelling India to
recalibrate its international relations.
strengthen its alliances and partnerships in
Europe and Asia.
• During the NATO summit in June
2022, America's Asian allies
participated for the first time, and
NATO has pledged to take an active
role in shaping Indo-Pacific power
In what ways does the China-Russia Alliance affect
▪ Geopolitical:
o The alliance between China and Russia can shift
the balance of power in the region, potentially
limiting India's influence and heightening
competition for regional dominance.
• For Example: The China-Russia alliance
may result in both countries backing a
particular position in the United
Nations Security Council, making it
harder for India to get its own position
▪ Economic:
o India could face increased economic
competition from China and Russia, particularly
in areas such as energy, natural resources, and
• For Example: The alliance between
China and Russia could result in
increased economic cooperation,
including joint ventures and trade deals
that could make it more difficult for
Indian businesses to compete in
certain markets.
▪ Military:
o The alliance could result in increased military
cooperation between China and Russia,
potentially leading to a strengthening of their
military capabilities and a threat to Indian
• The strengthening of ties between
China and Russia can lead to increased
cooperation in military and
technological spheres, potentially
creating challenges for India's military
▪ Diplomatic:
o India may have to navigate a more complex
diplomatic landscape as a result of the alliance,
particularly in international forums such as the
United Nations, where China and Russia wield
significant influence.
• For Example: The China-Russia alliance
may result in both countries working
together to block certain initiatives
supported by India in international
forums such as the United Nations.
What should be the Way Forward?
▪ Pursuing a Multi-Aligned Foreign Policy:
o India should engage in dialogue with both China
and Russia to address areas of mutual
concern and manage any potential conflicts.
o India should strengthen its partnerships with
other countries, particularly in the Indo-Pacific
region, to counterbalance the growing influence
of China and Russia.
• India has also been seeking to deepen
its economic ties with countries in the
region and beyond, to promote its
economic growth and development.
o Through these efforts, India can safeguard its
national interests and maintain a stable regional
and global order.
o India can also seek to strengthen its own
military capabilities and alliances with other
countries, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region.
▪ Leveraging its Position as Growing Economy:
o India's growing economy and large market
size can be leveraged as a strategic asset to
promote its interests in regional and global
forums, particularly in the context of the rising
China-Russia alliance.
o India's status as a rapidly growing economy and
a large market can provide it with significant
bargaining power in trade negotiations and
other economic forums.
o India can use this bargaining power to promote
its economic interests and to secure access to
resources and markets.
o By leveraging its economic growth, India can
also increase its political influence in regional
and global forums, thereby helping to
counterbalance the rising China-Russia alliance.
▪ Leveraging its position as Soft Power:
o India can use its soft power, such as cultural
heritage, democracy, and reputation as a peace-
loving nation, to attract international support and
build alliances.
o This can help India enhance its standing and
influence on the global stage, particularly in the
context of the China-Russia alliance.
o By leveraging its soft power, India can project a
positive image and create a favorable perception
among other nations, making it easier to forge
partnerships and alliances.