Industrial Attachment Report
Industrial Attachment Report
Industrial Attachment Report
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................iii
CORE VALUES..........................................................................................................................2
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE.............................................................................................5
AREA MANAGER......................................................................................................................6
DATA ANALYST.......................................................................................................................6
OUTDOOR COMPLIANCE.....................................................................................................11
IT UNIT.....................................................................................................................................11
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................11
I render my upmost gratitude to the Almighty God for the gift of life and for seeing me through
the industrial attachment exercise, I am grateful to Him. I also thank Him for His guidance
I thank the University and the Staff for instituting this training into the academic calendar. Much
appreciation also goes to our Coordinators and Supervisors for their words of wisdom and
I also acknowledge Ghana Revenue Authority, Obuasi Taxpayer Service Centre, for granting me
this opportunity to join your notable institution and for making me experience first-hand the
benefits of the industrial exercise. I am very grateful for the opportunity and words will not be
enough to express my indebtedness so I say thank you and God bless you all.
The industrial attachment forms part of the third trimester field practical program of the
curriculum of the University for Development Studies (UDS). The attachment was instituted
officially for the third year (level 300) students. Pursuant to that, students are encouraged to go
on voluntary attachment based on the felt need as well as the enormous academic benefits and
attendant employment opportunities associated with such an exercise. This industrial attachment
In this report I talk about what the industrial exercise is about and the advantages it brings. I also
give an overview of the Ghana Revenue Authority and its mandates, functions, operations and so
more. I also stated some of the taxes GRA, Obuasi TSC is responsible collecting. To mention a
few of the taxes are; Personal Income Tax (PIT), Pay As You Earn (PAYE), Rent Income Tax,
The report shows the organizational structure of Obuasi TSC and its various units, the chain of
command, the duties of the units and the units I worked under during my industrial training.
The various systems and tools used at the Tax Office, the types of techniques and methods
employed to acquire the information provided in this report is also stated. The weeks of training
spent at the Ghana Revenue Authority, Obuasi TSC was productive, as I gained education and
insight in taxes and the issues associated with taxation as stated in the conclusion of this report
Industrial attachment forms part of the academic requirements offered by the University for
Development Studies. Its basic aim is to provide me and my fellow colleague students with the
needed exposure to industrial operations as well as to equip the students with practical skills in
their field of study or area of specialization, leading to employable skills development and
As an integral component for the Third-Year students of the University, all level 300 students are
expected to take on an out program to enable them acquire field knowledge, skills, experience
and also practical behavior required in the job market and its challenges. Students are afterwards
required to provide a report on the practical office exercise undertaken, hence this report gives an
account for activities carried out, knowledge and skills and also experiences and challenges
encountered during my weeks of training at the Ghana Revenue Authority, Obuasi TSC.
The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) was established in 2009 as a merger of three revenue
agencies, the Customs, Excise and Preventive Service (CEPS), the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS), the Value Added Tax Service (VATS) and the Revenue Agencies Governing Board
(RAGB) in accordance with the Ghana Revenue Authority Act 2009, (Act 791).
The core mandate is to ensure maximum compliance with all relevant tax laws in order ensure a
sustainable revenue stream for government, trade facilitation and a controlled and safe flow of
goods across the country’s borders. Also administer a number of international agreements that
govern our relations with other tax jurisdictions and institutions such as World Customs
Organization Protocols, World Trade Organization Protocols, Double Taxation and Exchange of
Information Agreements.
The Authority is headed by the Commissioner-General, with support from three Commissioners
in charge of the following divisions; Domestic Tax Revenue Division (DTRD), Customs
The mission of GRA is to mobilize revenue for national development in a transparent, fair,
These are the fundamental ethics by which GRA operates, they are listed below as follows;
Integrity – We are committed to performing all duties with sound moral and ethical
Fairness – To ensure the provision of consistent and standardized services at all times.
Service – Providing timely and accurate responses when dealing with customers using a
and inclusive workplace and recognize that we are the sum of our collective talents and
Innovation – Our approach is to build a culture that readily adapts to changes in the
operating environment and acquires new skills to match the needs of our customers.
Professionalism – Our officers apply the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities to meet
Obuasi TSC falls under the Domestic Tax Revenue Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority.
The introduction of TSCs forms part of the DTRDs transformational agenda to champion
Revenue Growth, Modernization and Structural Transformation. The Obuasi TSC are
responsible for the collection of taxes within Obuasi and its environs in the Ashanti Region of
Ghana. They undertake all revenue mobilization from both the private and public agencies, and
also from individuals. The following are some of the tax types the Obuasi TSC is responsible for
1) Personal Income Tax (PIT): This a tax charged on an individual’s total income (income
2) Corporate Income Tax (CIT): This is a tax charged on a company’s total income sources
3) Pay As You Earn (PAYE): It is a tax deducted from employees’ income and is paid by an
4) Vehicle Income Tax (VIT): It is a tax designed to be collected from commercial transport
5) Rent Income Tax: This a tax which accrues to someone as a result of letting or leasing a
6) Value Added Tax (VAT): It is s tax applied on the value added to goods and services at
agent (a person required to deduct tax) when making payment to another person and
8) Excise Tax Stamp: It is a specially designed stamp with digital and other security features
which is affixed on excisable goods to show that taxes and duties have been paid or
would be paid.
Client Service
Taxpayer Services
Analyst/Statistician CFO
Area Manager Head, TSC
Indoor (TCC)
Supervisor, Registration
Compliance Outdoor
Desk Audit
The Ghana Revenue Authority, Obuasi TSC has different units and work hand in hand to achieve
their mandate and to also provide taxpayers with the required assistance.
The Area Manager supervises other tax offices within his designated location. The Obuasi TSC
Head (Office Manager) oversees all the units in the tax office. The Obuasi TSC also doubles as
the Area Manager. All the units in the tax office communicate and report to him as he is
This unit is responsible for providing credible, reliable and accurate reports for the TSC Head
and for the tax office. These reports are based on data. They analyze and scrutinize the data
sources to ensure a credible report or information is the outcome. They also do data mining and
sectorial analyses.
Taxpayer Services unit is responsible for offering the services needed and requested by
taxpayers. Filing of taxpayers’ documents in the Central Filing Office (CFO), providing
This unit handles all activities regarding the payment of taxes by taxpayers and ensuring the
exercise at the Ghana Revenue Authority, Obuasi TSC, I was stationed at TPS (Taxpayer
Services) unit. That is where I spent most of my training days doing what I was taught, learnt and
assigned to do. I once joined the Outdoor Compliance team for a Tax Compliance exercise and I
The Taxpayer Services unit perform a lot of taxpayer related activities, and listed below are some
Information Systems
GRA already had in place systems they use for taxpayer related activities. Content Management
Systems (CMS), Management Information Systems and online website for payment of taxes
were some of the systems in use. Examples are the TIBCO Jaspersoft, TRIPS, GITMS 2,
GITMIS 3, Tax Manager and the website for online tax payment.
TIBCO Jaspersoft, TRIPS and GITMIS 2, I was told were old systems which were being ushered
out while transitioning to the use of the new systems being the GITMIS 3 and the online
payment platform. Most of the activities I did were done by the use of GITMIS 3, Tax Manager
TIBCO Jaspersoft and TRIPS are systems that contains the database of all individuals who
registered for the Tax Identification Number (TIN). They are used to register new applicant for
Ghana Integrated Tax Management and Information System (GITMIS) 2, this MIS is a system
that captures tax management in Ghana. GITMIS 2 can be used to Add New Taxpayer which
also generates a File Number to be used on the new taxpayer’s file by inputting the necessary
information. This system is used less as its outdated and is gradually being ushered out, and its
This system is currently the active and frequently used system at the tax office. It replaces
GITMIS 2 and provides an improvement to GITMIS 2. All officers have been trained to operate
the system but the privileges vary for them based on their positions. GITMIS 3 performs a lot of
functions and accordingly with the type of user logged on. Activities the GITMIS 3 can be used
GITMIS 3 can be used to register a new taxpayer or search for existing taxpayers.
It can be used to activate TIN for payment and also to assign TIN to tax office.
It can be used to search, generate or print receipts for taxes paid using Ghana.Gov
GITMIS 3 can be used activate Ghana card to enable payments and also to assign it to tax
GITMIS 3 can be used to generate, extract or download Ghana.Gov payments and their
tax types.
Tax Manager
Tax Manager is an application developed to manage tax administration for GRA. The system is
operated by only a few personnel at the office. Once the user is logged in, the Tax Manager
interface comes next. On the interface, there are five modules located on the left-hand side. The
modules are; Payments, Registration, Files, Assessment and Reports. Tax Manager can perform
many functions, below are some of the activities that can be performed using Tax Manager,
Tax Manager is used to generate the Tax Position of a taxpayer. Tax Position shows the
liability of a taxpayer.
Tax Manager is used to register new taxpayers into the system with their TIN and/or File
Online Payment Platform is an online platform that has been developed for making all tax types payments
online as GRA seeks to push for the cashless and paperless agenda. GRA does not accept cash
for payment of taxes anymore and hence taxpayers’ tax is now payed via an online website, that
is “” website. This online platform can be accessed and operated by anyone, but a
user must create or signup with an email address before payments of taxes can be made. After a
successful payment is completed the taxpayer receives a confirmation message via email and the
The use of hardcopy forms was also used by the tax office. The forms were filled to assist in
certain activities done at the tax office. Forms used at the TSC include;
based on the estimation of what the possible tax payable will be.
Tax Relief Application Form: this form is filled to request for personal tax relief by
GRA Zero (0): this form is used for the direction of taxpayer’s premises.
This team is responsible for making sure taxpayers pay their taxes on or before the due dates,
also ensuring taxpayers who do not adhere receive the appropriate punishment. Also embarking
The is not an actual unit like the other offices, it acts like a support service in the TSC helping
each unit with their network, hardware and technical issues. Also monitoring the systems been
used by the officers to make sure they are always working properly and effectively. Issues of
hardware are worked on by this unit, faulty computer components and other peripherals (printers,
scanners, photocopiers) are replaced or worked on by this unit. Network related issues;
maintenance and upkeep of the server and proper functioning of the network (Local Area
Network) is also handled by this unit. Software issues; installation, reinstallation, upgrade and
The use of various techniques and methods were employed to gather information for the outcome
Primary Data
Interviews and interactions with the staff at the TSC helped me obtain certain information about
Secondary Data
This helped me to access and get other vital information on some part of the work. The use of
I hereby conclude that, the industrial attachment showcased its enormous academic benefits and
the employment opportunities accompanied with the exercise. My weeks of training at Ghana
Revenue Authority, Obuasi TSC was very educative, insightful and broadened my scope on the
mandate, responsibilities operations of GRA, taxes and tax related issues. It also taught me how
to effectively relate and interact with clients and also how to work with others to arrive at a
fruitful end.
More and further information about GRA and taxes not stated in this report can be acquired at
the nearest Tax Office by you and more clarification will be given.
I can now attest to the benefits of partaking in the industrial attachment, that it is very important.
And I recommend that the University should continue to encourage students to participate in the
industrial training program and to also take it seriously because it enriches resumes and provides
working experience for the students. This program also provides students with the environment
to learn more about the job market, employment opportunities and the career path they may
CD Customs Division
CFO Central Filing Office
IT Information Technology