Millenium Concrete Admixers
Millenium Concrete Admixers
Millenium Concrete Admixers
High Range Water Reducing I Retarding Admixture Technologies
SUPERCRETE is a fourth generation into the fresh concrete or with the final
superplasticizer formulated specifically to give quantity of mixing water. It should not
high range water reduction with retarding come into contact with dry cement or
effect for hot weather construction. At normal other admixture until they are mixed in
dosage rates, SUPERCRETE can produce the concrete batch.
highly fluid concrete with extended
workability for placing. SUPERCRETE has SUPERCRETE Will extend the time span
been formulated without added chlorides. It is
of the slumr twin~ or longer. compare to
_compatible with waterproofing agent and conventional superplasticizers. However,
other admixtures. variations in slump loss and setting
characteristics are a function of the
ADVANTAGES amount of admixture used, material and
• Produces "flowing" concrete with ambient temperature, cement
controlled delay of slump loss and characteristics and the mi x design
extended workability. selected. -An intrease in concrete
() • Reduces segregation & bleeding in the temperature will cause an increase in
plastic concrete. slump loss and a decrease in setting time .
• Reduces porosity and hence permeability
of hardened concrete. PACKAGING AND STORAGE
• Reduces concrete placement time and
cost. SUPERCRETE is supplied in 205 litres drums
• When used as a water reducer without or bulk delivery. SUPERCRETE should be
cement reduction, it Increases stored under shade The shelf life of
compressive strength by 70% to 100% SUPERCRETE is 12 months in its unopened
depending ondosage and concrete mix drums and tanks. Once opened, we
design. recommend that the balance be consumed
within 3 months .
• High performance concrete. TECHNICAL SERVICE
• Low water/cement concrete mix design The company provides good servicing from a
• High slump, flowable concrete team of dedicated specialists in the field .
When used in accordance with its current
PROPERTIES (Typical Results) published directions, the product will perform
• SUPERCRETE conforms to the as described in this catalogue . Millennium
requirement of ASTM C494 Type G, BS Concrete Technologies will not be responsibl e
5075 and 55320: 1987 for difficulties caused by other materials,
• SUPERCRETE can be used to obtain conditions or inferior workmanship and quality
16% to 35% water reduction depending control. We reserve the right to determine the
on dosage used. true cause of any difficulty by acce pted test
The optimum dosage should be determined
by site Lr ials wilh Lhe pa1ticular raw materials.
As a guide, SUPERCRETE is normally used at
a dosage range of 0.6 litres to 2.0 litres per
lOOkg of cement.
HYPERCRETE HS does not contain
any hazardous chemicals and non
toxic. But it is recommended that
safety glows are used in handling the
The company provides g9od servicing
from a team of.dedicated specialists in
the field . When used in accordance
with its current published directions,
0 the product will -·perform -as described
in this catalogue. Millennium Concrete
Technologies will not be responsible
for difficulties caused by other
materials, conditions or inferior
workmanship and quality control. We
reserve the right to determine the tme
cause of any difficulty by accepted test
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RAPIDCRETE ready to use, liquid admixture is
designed to make more uniform and predictable The optimum dosage should be determined by site
trials with the particular raw materials. As a guide,
qua! ity concrete while accelerating the setting time
the dosage rate is nonnally in the range of 1 liter to
and strength development. RAPIDCRETE 3 liters per 1OOkg of cement.
admixture meets ASTM C 494 requirements for
Type C, accelerating, admixture. DIRECTIONS FOR USE
RAPIDCRETE should be dispensed into the
FEATURES fresh concrete or with the final quantity of mixing
• Increast:;d early and ultimate strengths - water. It should not come into contact with dry
compressive and flexural cement or other admixtures until they are mixed in