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Millenium Concrete Admixers

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High Range Water Reducing I Retarding Admixture Technologies

SUPERCRETE is a fourth generation into the fresh concrete or with the final
superplasticizer formulated specifically to give quantity of mixing water. It should not
high range water reduction with retarding come into contact with dry cement or
effect for hot weather construction. At normal other admixture until they are mixed in
dosage rates, SUPERCRETE can produce the concrete batch.
highly fluid concrete with extended
workability for placing. SUPERCRETE has SUPERCRETE Will extend the time span
been formulated without added chlorides. It is

of the slumr twin~ or longer. compare to
_compatible with waterproofing agent and conventional superplasticizers. However,
other admixtures. variations in slump loss and setting
characteristics are a function of the
ADVANTAGES amount of admixture used, material and
• Produces "flowing" concrete with ambient temperature, cement
controlled delay of slump loss and characteristics and the mi x design
extended workability. selected. -An intrease in concrete
() • Reduces segregation & bleeding in the temperature will cause an increase in
plastic concrete. slump loss and a decrease in setting time .
• Reduces porosity and hence permeability
of hardened concrete. PACKAGING AND STORAGE
• Reduces concrete placement time and
cost. SUPERCRETE is supplied in 205 litres drums
• When used as a water reducer without or bulk delivery. SUPERCRETE should be
cement reduction, it Increases stored under shade The shelf life of
compressive strength by 70% to 100% SUPERCRETE is 12 months in its unopened
depending ondosage and concrete mix drums and tanks. Once opened, we
design. recommend that the balance be consumed
within 3 months .
• High performance concrete. TECHNICAL SERVICE
• Low water/cement concrete mix design The company provides good servicing from a
• High slump, flowable concrete team of dedicated specialists in the field .
When used in accordance with its current
PROPERTIES (Typical Results) published directions, the product will perform
• SUPERCRETE conforms to the as described in this catalogue . Millennium
requirement of ASTM C494 Type G, BS Concrete Technologies will not be responsibl e
5075 and 55320: 1987 for difficulties caused by other materials,
• SUPERCRETE can be used to obtain conditions or inferior workmanship and quality
16% to 35% water reduction depending control. We reserve the right to determine the
on dosage used. true cause of any difficulty by acce pted test
The optimum dosage should be determined
by site Lr ials wilh Lhe pa1ticular raw materials.
As a guide, SUPERCRETE is normally used at
a dosage range of 0.6 litres to 2.0 litres per
lOOkg of cement.


• SUPERCRETE Should be dispensed

Millennium Concrete Technologies (Pvt) Ltd.

No. 117112A, Sir Baron Jayathillaka Mawatha, Pilapitiy a, Kel aniya.
Tel: + 94-11 4 4012 34
F?.x : +94 11 -2690206
High Range Water Reducing I Superplasticizer Technologies


admixture formulated specifically to give high • SUPERCRETE HS should be dispensed
range water reduction for hot weather into the fresh concrete or with the final
construction. At normal dosage rates,
quantity of mixing water. It should not
SUPERCRETE HS can produce highly fluid
come into contact with dry cement or.
concrete with extended work ability for
other admixture until they are mixed in
placing . SUPERCRETE HS has been
formulated without added chlorides. It is the concrete batCh .
compatible with waterproofing agent and
other admixtures. • SUPERCRETE HS will extend the time
span of the slump twice or longer
ADVANTAGES compared to conventional
superplasticizers. However, variations in
• Anticipate a higher early strength
• Lesser dosage leads to a higher slump slump loss <}nd setting characteristics

0 against the co;nventional type of

are a function of the amount of
admixture used, material and ambient
• Produces "flowing" concrete with temperature, cement characteristics
controlled delay of slump loss and and the mix design selected. An
extended workability. increase in concrete temperature will
• Reduces segregation & bleeding in the cause an increase in slump loss and a
plastic concrete. decrease in setting time.
• Reduces porosity and hence permeability
of hardened concrete.
• Reduces concrete placement time and cost.
• When used as a water reducer without
cement reduction, it Increases SUPERCRETE HS is supplied in 205 litres
compressive strength by 70% to 100% drums or bulk delivery. SUPERCRETE HS
depending on dosage and concrete mix shou ld be stored under shade The shelf life
design. of SUPERCRETE HS is 12 months in its
unopened drums and tanks. Once opened,
USES we recommend that the balance be
• High performance concrete. consumed within 3 months.
• Low water/ cement concrete mix design
• High slump, flowable concrete TECHNICAL SERVICE
• High early strength concrete The company provides good servicing from
a team of dedicated specialists in th e field.
PROPERTIES (Typical Results) When used in accordance with its current
• SUPERCRETE HS conforms to the published directions, the produ ct wi ll
requirement of ASTM C494 Type F, BS 5075 perform as described in this catal ogue .
and SS320 : 1987 Millennium Concrete Technologies will not
• SUPERCRETE HS can be used to obtain
be responsible for difficulties caused by
16% to 35% water reduction depend ing on
other materials, cond itions or inferior
dosage used.
workmanship and quality control. We
reserve the righ t to determine th e true
cause of any difficulty by acce pted test
Th e optimum dosage should be determined by
site trials with the particular ra w materials. As a
guide, SUPERCRETE HS is normal ly used at a
dosage range of0.6 litres to 2.0 litres per lOOkg
of ceme nt.

Millennium Concrete Technologies (Pvt) Ltd.

No. 117/12 A, Sir Baron Jayathillaka Mawatha, Pilapitiya, Kelaniya.
Tel: +94-11 -4401234
Fax : + 94-1 1-2690206
. '
. •\ _ . ; ,
New generation Polycarboxylic based superplasticizer Tech no I o·g i es

HYPERCRETE R is polycarboxylic ether COMPATIBILITY

based advanced superplasticizer which is Please seek the advice of Millennium
specially developed for Self Compacting Concrete Technologies before being used
Concrete applications. The product could be with other admixtures.
used for virtually any type of ready-mix
concreting where the slump retention is
HYPERCRETE R should be dispensed into
HYPERCRETE R is compatible with all the fresh concrete or with the final quantity of
types of cements and other mineral mixing water. It should not come into contact
admixtures. HYPERCRETE R is free of with dry cement or other admixture until they
chlorides and meets the requirements of are mixed in the concrete batch.
AS1MC494 TypeA& F and BS 5075.

Sulfonic groups of Naphthalene or Melamine DOSAGE

based admixtures which adsorbed on to the The optimum dosage should be determined by
cement particles induce a negative charge and site trials with particular raw materials. As a
repulse each other and increase the guide HYPERCRETE R is normally used at
workability. With a similar mechanism, but a dosage 600ml to 2000ml per 1OOkg of
unlike sulfonic groups, the lateral chains of cement. However for specific requirements
the main polymer of polycarboxylic ether dosages outside the above could be used.
induce a steric hindrance with strong Specific Gravity is 1.10± 0.02
repulsive force which in tern increase the
workability ofthe cement paste.
ADVANTAGES HYPERCRETE R is supplied in 205 L
• · Make fluid concrete drums or in bulks tankers of 2400 L.
• SelfCompactingConcrete
• Longer slump retention. STORAGE
• No bleeding & segregation. HYPERCRETE R has a shelf life of 6
• Reduce shrinkage and creep. months in its unopened drums.
• Reduces porosity and hence permeability
ofhardened concrete. SAFETY OF HANDLING
• Rheoplasticity leads to a densely HYPERCRETE R does not contain any
compacted durable concrete at hardened hazardous chemicals and non toxic. But it is
state. recommended that safety glows are used in
• Substantially reduce the placement cost handling the product.
and the time.
• Esthetically attractive surface texture and
sound finish.
• Very high water reduction and thereby
low permeability and shrinkage.
• Less pumping pressure and ease of
• Helps in hot weather concreting

Millennium Concrete Technologies (Pvt) Ltd.

No. 117/12A, Sir Baron Jayathillaka Mawatha, Pilapitiya, Kelaniya.
Tel: +94-11-4401234 UKAS
()I JMln
\iA.·' · A. (. f..\\ISI
Fax : + 94-11 ·2690206 005
New generation Polycarboxylic based superplasticizer Technologies

DESCRIPTION • Esthetically attractive surface

HYPERCRETE is HS texture and sound finish.
polycarboxylic ether based advanced • Very high water reduction and
superplasticizer which is specially thereby low permeability and
developed for precast concrete shrinkage.
applications. Hence the product could • Less pumping pressure and ease of
be used for virtually any type of pump mg.
concreting where high early strength is
Please seek the advice of Millennium
HYPERCRETE HS is compatible Concrete Technologies before being
0 with all types of cements and other
mineral admixtures. HYPERCRETE
used with other admixtures.

HS is free of chlorides and meets the DIRECTIONS FOR USE

requirements ofASTM C494 Type A& HYPERCRETE HS should be
F and BS 5075. dispensed into the fresh concrete or
with the final quantity of mixing water.
Sulfonic groups of Naphthalene or It should not come into contact with
Melamine based admixtures which dry cement or other admixture until
adsorbed on to the cement pa11icles they are mixed in the concrete batch.
induce a negative charge and repulse
each other and increase the DOSAGE
workability. With a similar The optimum dosage should be
mechanism, but unlike sulfonic detennined by site trials with particular
groups, the lateral chains of the main raw materials. As a guide
polymer of polycarboxylic ether HYPERCRETE HS is nom1aliy used
induce a steric hindrance with strong at a dosage 400ml to 900l:1l per 1OOkg
) repulsive force which in tern increase of cement. However for specific
the workability of the cement paste. requirements dosage s outside the
above could be used .
• Ca n make fluid concrete for SCC.
• AchievE'._s high early strength . PACKAGING
• No bleeding & segregation . HYPERCRETE-HS is supplied in
• Reduce shrinkage and creep . 205 L drums or in bulks tankers of
• Reduces porosity · and hence 24(J0 L.
permeability of hardened concrete.
• Rheoplasticity leads to a densely STORAGE
compacted durable concrete at HYPER CRETE HS has a shelf 1i fe of
hardened state. 6 months in its unopened drums. Once
• Substa nti all y reduce the placement opened the balance be consumed
cost and the time. w ithin 3 weeks.
Millennium Concrete Technologies (Pvt) Ltd.
No. l l 7/l 2A, Sir Baron Jayathillaka Mawatha, Pil ap itiya, Kelaniya.
Tel + 94 114401234
Fax · • ::u ; 1 769'J20G
i '· ·; . . ~ . { . ! •\
New generation Polycarboxylic based superplasticizer Technologies

HYPERCRETE HS does not contain
any hazardous chemicals and non
toxic. But it is recommended that
safety glows are used in handling the

The company provides g9od servicing
from a team of.dedicated specialists in
the field . When used in accordance
with its current published directions,
0 the product will -·perform -as described
in this catalogue. Millennium Concrete
Technologies will not be responsible
for difficulties caused by other
materials, conditions or inferior
workmanship and quality control. We
reserve the right to determine the tme
cause of any difficulty by accepted test

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Millennium Concrete Technologies (Pvt) Ltd.

No . l 17/12A, Sir Baron Jayathillaka Mawath3, Pilapitiya, Kelaniya .
Tel + 94 11 -440 1234
Accelerating Admixture for Concrete Technologies

RAPIDCRETE ready to use, liquid admixture is
designed to make more uniform and predictable The optimum dosage should be determined by site
trials with the particular raw materials. As a guide,
qua! ity concrete while accelerating the setting time
the dosage rate is nonnally in the range of 1 liter to
and strength development. RAPIDCRETE 3 liters per 1OOkg of cement.
admixture meets ASTM C 494 requirements for
Type C, accelerating, admixture. DIRECTIONS FOR USE
RAPIDCRETE should be dispensed into the
FEATURES fresh concrete or with the final quantity of mixing
• Increast:;d early and ultimate strengths - water. It should not come into contact with dry
compressive and flexural cement or other admixtures until they are mixed in

c • Accelerated setting time characteristics

the concrete batch. RAPIDCRETE should be
ideally dispensed with automatic equipment, thus
ensuring uniformity of admixture used throughout
• Can be used for concrete interlocking the job. RAPIDCRETE can be first mixed with
blocks, paving slabs, curb stones, cement the pre-measured total quantity of water for the
blocks or any other concrete work. concrete in order to distribute the admixture
uniformly in the concrete.
• At site RAPIDCRETE can be used f o r
concrete void fillings , concrete or PACKAGING AND STORAGE
mortar beddings, rendering, plastering RAPIDCRETE is supplied in 5, I 0, 25 and 205
liters drums or bulk delivery. RAPIDCRETE
• Highly recommended for concrete should be stored under shade. The shelf life of
roads, Roller compacted concrete where RAPIDCRETE is 12 months in its unopened
early strength is critically important drums and tanks. Once opened, we recommend
that the balance be consumed within 3 months. Stir
• For ready-mixed concrete , the content prior to use .
RAPIDCRETE can be added to the
truck mix er at site irrespective of the ty pe TECHNICALSERVICE
of the pre-treated admixture. The company proyides good servicing from a team
of dedicated specialists in the field . When used in
ADVANTAGES accordance with its current published directions,
• Superior finishing characteristics for the product will perform as described in this
flatwork and cast surfaces catalogue. Millennium Concrete Technologies
will not be responsible for difficulties caused by
• Earlier finishing of slabs - reduced labor other materials , conditions or inferior
costs. Drastically reduce the waiting tim e workmanship and qu ality control. We reserve the
for power trowel Iing.
right to detennine the true cause of any difficul ty
by accepted test method s.
• Reduced protection time in cold weath er.
Earlier stripping and reuse of forms.
RAPIDCRETE causes severe burns to th e sk in
• Easy to disperse in concrete mi xtures, and there fore sk in protection and eye protecti on is
avoiding man y of the pr o blem s
highl y rec o mmend e d during handling.
associated with powder adm ixtures.
RAPI DCRETE is for industrial use only.

Millennium Concrete Technologies (Pvt) Ltd. ~ .1 ....

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