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Professor Sérgio Gama Revisão

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Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.



Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

Choose the correct answer to complete the blanks:

1. You may get there by car by train.

a) or / or
b) either / or
c) or / either
d) either / nor
e) none of these

2. My mother doesn't drink tea and do I.

a) or
b) also
c) too
d) either
e) neither

3. Grace isn't going to London. Aren't you going ?

a) too
b) either
c) also
d) neither
e) yet

4. He knows her and .

a) so I do
b) b) so do I
c) c) nor I do
d) d) nor do I

5. As the demand for power increased, the size of the dynamos.

a) so did
b) as too
c) but also
d) too were
e) more than

6. "I won't go to the theater this week." " ."

a) Neither I will
b) Nor am I
c) Nor I will go
d) I will neither
e) Neither will I

7. If you are guilty of this crime you must.

a) punished
b) have punished
c) been bunished
d) punish
e) be punished

8. Our school system must .

a) be improved
b) been improved
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

c) had improved d
d) being improved
e) improved

9. I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being .

a) taught
b) teach
c) to teach
d) teacher

10.A modern shpping center is already near my house.

a) build
b) been erected
c) construct
d) being built
e) building

11. "This discovery was made by various people." The active voice of the sentenceabove is:
a) Various people have made this discovery.
b) Various people made this discovery.
c) Various people had made this discovery.
d) Various people are making this discovery.
e) Various people make this discovery.

12. The passive voice of "Thousands of people welcomed the President at the airport."is:
a) The President was welcomed by thousands of people at the airport.
b) The President at the airport welcomed thousands of people.
c) The President is welcome at the airport by thousands of people.
d) At the airport the President be welcomed by thousands of people.
e) The President was welcome at the airport by thousands of people.

13."They were told" traduz-se por:

a) contaram-lhes
b) elas disseram
c) ordenaram-lhes
d) eles foram mandados
e) elas estavam garantidas

14.The passive form of "Nobody will lay the stones on the wall" is:
a) The stones will be lain on the wall.
b) Nobody will be laid the stones on the wall.
c) The stones will be lied on the wall by nobody.
d) The wall will be lay the stones by nobody.
e) The stones will not be laid on the wall.

15."Do you know the meaning of couch potato, Sam?""No, I don't. Why don't you look it up in a
dictionary ?"

"I can't find it. You know., it's a rather recent expression and dictionaries only list wordsthat for quite a while."
a) have been used
b) will be used
c) have used
d) will use
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

e) use

16.Indique a forma passiva de: "People found out all the truth.":
a) All the truth was found out.
b) All the truth had been found out.
c) All the truth was found out by people.
d) All the truth had been found out by the people.
e) All the truth has been found out.

17.What order did he receive?

a) he ordered to stop smoking
b) He was ordered stop to
c) They ordered to him stop smoking
d) They ordered him to stop smoke
e) he was ordered to stop smoking

18.The little girl that she cold.

a) told / has
b) told / is
c) said / was
d) said / has
e) said / i

19.Assinale a alternativa correta:

a)He asked her where is she going to spend her vacation.
b)He asked her where were she going to spend your vacation.
c)He asked her where she were going spend your vacation.
d)He asked her where was she going to spend her vacation.
e)He asked her where she was going to spend her vacation.

20.Mother: "John, bring this package over here."

Mother told John ( I ) ( II )package over ( III ).

a) brings hers over here
b) takes that now
c) bring those over there
d) to take that there
e) take his today

21. Qual destas formas está correta se usada por uma pessoa que narra o acontecimento?
a) he thought she has not known waht she is going through.
b) He thought she will never know what she will have to go through now.
c) He thought she would never know what she had gone through then.
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

d) He thinks she did not know what she was going through.
e) He will think she did not know what she went through then.

22. Assinale a alternativa que equivale a: Suddenly Peter said to me, "Are youhungry?":
a) Suddenly Peter said that Iwas hungry.
b) Suddenly Peter told me that I was hungry.
c) Suddenly Peter asked if he were hungry.
d) Suddenly Peter asked me whether I was hungry.
e) Peter informed me that he was hungry.

23. A forma indireta correspondente à forma direta de: The teacher said, "Are you sureyou have all understood me?" é:
a) The teacher said if you are sure you had understood him.
b) The teacher asked whether we were sure we did understood him.
c) The teacher said if we all are sure we have understood him.
d) The teacher asked if they were sure they had all understood him.
e) The teacher asked them to be sure to understood him.

24. The sentence: "What do you know about my business?" in reported speechbecomes:
a) He asked me what did I know about his business.
b) He asked me what did I knew about his business.
c) He asked me what do you know about my business.
d) He asked me what do I know about his business.
e) He asked me what I knew about his business.

25.The agent said, "When do you plan to leave for Australia?"

a) The agent asked when we plan to leave for Australia.
b) The agent asked us when we do plan to leave for Australia.
c) The agent asked when you plan to leave for Australia.
d) The agents asked you about when you planned to leave for Australia.
e) The agent asked when we planned to leave for Australia.

26. Patient to his psychiatrist: "Don't worry. I'll pay every cent I owe you or my nameisn't Alexander the Great."
A proposição que indica a forma correta de discurso indireto para o trecho acima é:

a) The patient told his psychiatrist not to worry. He would pay every cent he owed orhis name isn't Alexander the Great.
b) The patient told his psychiatrist not to worry. He would pay every cent he owed orhis name wasn't Alexander the
c) The patient told his psychiatrist not to worry. He will pay every cent he owed or hisname isn't Alexander the Great.
d) The patient told his psychiatrist not to worry. He paid every cent he owed or hisname wasn't alexander the Great.
e) e). The patient told his psychiatrist not to worry. He would heve paid every cent he owed or his name wasn't Alexander
the Great.

27. Change the following sentence to the reported speech: Miss Jones said to her niece,"I´m longing to see what you
have written."
a) Miss Jones told her niece that she was longing to see what she had written.
b) Miss jones told her niece that she was longing to see what she has written.
c) Miss jones told her niece that she is longing to see what she has written.
d) Miss Jones told her niece that she was longing to see what he has been written.
e) Miss Jones told her niece that he is longing to see what she has written.
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

28.The man said to her, "Can you tell me the time?" No discurso indireto, fica:

a) theman told her if she can tell me the time.

b) The man asked her whether she can tell him the time.
c) The man wanted to know if she could tell him the time.
d) The man said if she couldn't tell her the time.
e) The man asked whether she could have told him the tim


01-B 02-E 03-B 04-B 05-A 06-E 07-E 08-A 09-A 10-D 11-B 13-C 14-E 15-A
16-A 17-E 18-C 19-E 20-D 21-C 22-D 23-D 24-E 25-E 26-B 27-A 28-C

1. He doesn’t anymore.
a) smoking
b) no smoking
c) smokes
d) smoked
e) smoke

2. She often on weekends, poor girl!

a) work
b) works
c) working
d) have worked
e) having worked

3. Paul: Jane, this is my friend Peter. Jane: .

a) Peter is.
b) Peter, where are you ?
c) Thank you, Peter.
d) How do you do, Peter ?
e) It is good of you, Peter.

4. Will you that door ?

a) to open
b) open
c) opening
d) opened
e) opens

5. She his proposal, but she a decision for a while.

a) considers – doesn’t need to make
b) is considering – doesn’t want to make
c) has considered – had to take
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

d) has been considering – is taking

e) considered – needs to take

6. Everybody is not the end of everything.

a) says death
b) said dead
c) say die
d) is saying die
e) are saying to die

7. – Hi, John.
- Hi, Peter. How are you ?
- Just fine. Where are you going ?
- To the beach.
- Far from here ?
- No, I’m getting off at the next stop.

a) Do you always drive to the beach ?

b) Why do you come by bus ?
c) Oh, I’m so sorry about that.
d) Hurry up or you’ll miss the ride.
e) Don’t go yet. Let’s have another drink.

8. not a cat on the chair.

a) There are
b) there is
c) There wasn’t
d) There won’t
e) There were

9. many trees and rivers in this forest.

a) Has
b) There was
c) There are
d) There is
e) Have

10. On each side shelves filled with books.

a) there was
b) there is
c) there are
d) there isn’t
e) there wasn’t

11. Look at today’s headlines.: The government an all-out war on narcotics abuse

a) is declared
b) will declare
c) are declared
d) being declared
e) going to declare
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

12. The 9:15 bus to town never here but it at this moment because an elderly woman the street.
a) stops – is stopping – crosses
b) stop – is stopping – is crossing
c) are stopping – stops – is crossing
d) stops – is stopping – is crossing
e) is stopping – stopped – crossed

13. Mom often when we a joke.

a) laugh – tell
b) laughs – tell
c) laughs – tells
d) laughes – tell
e) laugh – tells

14. “The feeling of failure persists”. A forma negativa correspondente a esse verbo é:
a) doesn’t persist
b) b) don’t persist
c) c) won’t persist
d) d) didn’t persist
e) e) wouldn’t persist

15.A forma correta no singular de “Why do bees fuss about so much when they fly ?” é:
a) Why does bees fuss about so much when they flys ?
b) Why do an bee fusses about so much when they flies ?
c) Why does a bee fuss about so much when it flies ?
d) Why does the bee fuss about so much when they fly ?
e) Why does a bee fuss about so much when it fly ?

16.Choose the alternative which contains a verb form in the Present Continuous Tense:
a) The lion was dying
b) The animal will stay outside
c) The animals have gone into the cave
d) The goat and the sheep were visiting the lion.
e) The fox is waiting for the lion.

17. “– Isn’t my eating spoiling your cigar ?”

A pergunta correta feita demonstra:

a) agressividade
b) desprezo
c) displicência
d) indiferença
e) ironia

18.Escolha a alternativa correta quanto à grafia dos seguintes números: 13, 330, 303.
a) thirteen / thirty-three / three hundred and three
b) thirteen / thirty-third / three hundred and three
c) ten and three / thirty-third / three hundred and three
d) thyrteen / thirty-third / thee hundred and tree
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

19.After I a cup of coffee, I left home.

a) have had
b) had had
c ) has had
d) have
e) had

20.Two thousand years ago Latin the language which people spoke in Italy.
a) had been
b) was being
c) were
d) has
e) has been

21.Paul half the work, when they in.

a) finished - come
b) has finished - came
c) had finished - had come
d) has finished - had come
e) had finished - came


01-E 02-B 03-D 04-B 05-B 06-A 07-B 08-B 09-C 10-C 11-B 12-D 13-B 14-A

15-C 16-E 17-E 18-D 19-B 20-A 21-A 22-E

1. When I met John, he breakfast.

a) has already had
b) had already had
c) have already had
d) had already have
e) had already has

2. She asked me if I had seen a submarine and I answered I I had

a) ever - not
b) always - no
c) ever - no
d) never - yes
e) already – yet

3. They about art last night.

b) talk
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

c) was talking
d) talking
e) were talking

4. The phone _______ while I _______my bath, as usual.

c)was talking
e) were talking

5. Yesterday, as he down the street, he an old friend of his.

a) had walked - met
b) walked - had met
c) was walking - met
d) walked - was meeting
e) none of these

- For how long did those two teachers talk ?
- Oh, they talked and talked, and as they talked, they a lot of common students.
a) discover
b) were discovered
c) have discovered
d) are discovering
e) were discovering

7. Romeo is telling juliet that loves her.

a) him
b) I
c) he
d) she
e) her

8. This car is mine. I bought last week.

a) us
b) him
c) them
d) it
e) you

9. Mary often sees in school, but she doesn't talk to .

a) he - him
b) he - his
c) him - his
d) his - he
e) him – him

10. Our friends insist that there is something .

a) between her and I
b) between she and me
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

c) between hers and mine

d) between her and me
e) between she and I

11. I know he'll tell a different story.

a) they
b) his
c) your
d) we
e) us

12. Leia os períodos e marque a alternativa cujos pronomes substituem os termos sublinhados:

Dian Fossey lived in a rain forest where she studied mountains gorillas.
Gorillas were gentle and caring. Somebody killed Dian Fossey.
a) it - they - her - them
b) her - they - them - she
c) she - him - he - it
d) she - his - his - she
e) it - them - they – her

13. I cut with a knife.

a) myself
b) me
c) yourself
d) itself

14."Here is some money. Go and buy some decent clothes."

a) myself
b) herself
c) themselves
d) himself
e) yourself

15. His sister told me that the children amused very much at the Zoo yesterday.
a) himself - herself
b) herself - themselves
c) himself - itself
d) herself - himself
e) themselves – themselves

16.Which is the correct form ?

a) Himself the king wrote the letter.

b) The king himself wrote the letter
c) The king wrote the letter for herself.
d) The king wrote the himself letter.
e) The king wrote herself the letter.

17.The primary purpose of luggage is to protect contents from harm.

a) its
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

b) him
c) hers
d) us
e) theirs

18.Peter has lost umbrella; perhaps you can lend him .

a) your - your
b) yours - yours
c) yours - his
d) his - yours
e) his – your

19.The English love queen.

a) his
b) their
c) theirs
d) mine
e) ours

20. I'll pay for services and you'll pay for , OK ?

a) my - your
b) your - my
c) your - mine
d) yours - mine
e) mine – yours

21. He offered a drink because everybody knew was a friend of

a) she - she - hers
b) she - her - hers
c) her - he - her
d) her - she - his
e) her - him - him

22. A alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II e III de "The blue pencil is not I and is not II; it is III." é:
a) my his hers
b) your of her our
c) mine of him your
d) yours hers mine
e) yours his her


01-B 02-A 03-E 04-B 05-C 06-E 07-C 08-D 09-E 10-D 11-E 12-E 13-A 14-E 15-B 16-B

17-A 18-D 19-D 20-C 21-D 22-D

Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

1. manager of that company is honest man

a) Ann - a
b) An - the
c) A - a
d) The - an
e) The – a

2. smile is worth hundred words.

a) The - a
b) X - X
c) A - a
d) A - the
e) The – the

3. The picture was so valuable that guards watched it for twenty-four hours day.
a) the
b) a
c) an
d) any
e) this

4. Mary's brother doesn't play soccer but he plays guitar and drums.
a) The, the, the, X
b) X, X, X, the
c) X, the, X, X
d) X, X, the, the
e) The, X, X,the

5. From midnight tonight price of petrol will have rise. rise is caused by the present high price of
oil in the Middle east.
a) X, X, a, The, a
b) the, X, a, The, X
c) the, the, a, The, X
d) X, the, the, A, X
e) the, X, the, A, the

6. coffee is the national drink of Brazil. Coca-Cola is the national drink of United States.
a) The, the, X, X
b) X, X, X, X
c) X, X, X, the
d) The, the, The, the
e) The, the, The, X

7. There will always be a conflict between poor and rich.

poor people want change but rich people want
things to stay same.
a) X, X, X, X, X, X, the
b) the, the, X, X, X, X, the
c) the, the, the, a, the,X , the
d) X, X, the, the, the, X, X
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

e) the, X, the, X, the, X, the

8. Marque a única opção errada em que se emprega o artigo A ou AN:

a) a year
b) an answer
c) an university
d) an honest man
e) a ewe

9. "... a useful thing ..." A (an) is the indefinite article. The indefinite articles are used appropriately before a word or set
of words in the following alternatives, except:
a) A train, an open book, an honest man, a useful pen, an uncertain quantity.
b) An egg, a ewe, a child, an hour, a headache
c) a university, a feather, a unilateral agreement, an umbrella, an unabridged edition
d) A yard, a heir, a house, a hundred cows, an apron
e) A one-eyed girl, a year, a European, an owl, an eye

10. Choose the correct alternative. "I have just learned your names." This sentence is in the:
a) Simple present
b) Simple past
c) Present perfect
d) Past perfect
e) Conditional tense

11. Qual das seguintes formas verbais expressa uma ação que iniciou no passado e que continua até o momento presente ?
a) are able
b) have developed
c) is deflected
d) shields
e) reflecting

12.Have you the correct alternative?

a) choose
b) chase
c) choosed
d) chose
e) chosen

Have you my uncle jack ?
a) not meet
b) meets
c) meeting
d) met
e) meet

Audrey - Hey, carla! What about that book you were going to lend me ?
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

carla: Well, with all the work at the office plus the baby and all, I reading it yet!
a) haven't finished
b) won't finish
c) don't finish
d) didn't finished
e) am not finishing

15.We live in a highly technological society. It for mankind some of the most intricate and beautiful discriminating
machines ever seen as well as some of the most powerful.
a) had devised
b) will have devised
c) has been devised
d) has devised
e) was devising

16. this company a really interesting software package.

a) is already began to ship
b) has just begun shipping
c) has never began shipping
d) has always begun to shiping
e) was just begun to ship

17. " you ever a dress ?" "Yes, I one last month."
a) Have, sewn, sewed
b) Have, saw, sewed
c) Did, sew, have swen
d) Did, saw, have sawed
e) Do, sew, will sew

18. "You look tired." "Yes, I non-stop all day."

a) am working
b) work
c) have been working
d) will work
e) will have worked

19. I since breakfast and I'm very tired.

a) was travelling
b) travel
c) am travelling
d) travelled
e) have been traveling

20. Indique a sentença correta.

a) I've lived in this neighborhood since a child.
b) I've been lived here since I was a child.
c) I've been living around here since childhood.
d) I live in this place since I was young.
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

e) I'm living in the neighborhood for a long time.

21.How long have you at the American consulate ?

a) is working
b) been working
c) had worked
d) has worked
e) was worked

22. I this book for a couple of hours now.

a) had read
b) am read
c) had been read
d) having read
e) have been reading

23.Here are the boys! is yours ?

a) What
b) Who
c) Whose
d) Which
e) Whom

24. Qual alternativa corresponde à pergunta para a seguinte resposta: For two weeks.
a) How long have you had it ?
b) How many time do you have it ?
c) How long did you had it ?
d) How much time you have got it ?
e) There is how long you've got it ? 25.

25. Bob: have you worked here? Ann: For about three months.
a) Why
b) When
c) Whatever
d) How long
e) Which time

26. are these shoes and is this hat ?

a) Who, whom
b) Those, that
c) These, this
d) Whose, whose
e) What, which

-" tall students are there in your school ?"
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

- "There are 50 tall students."

a) How much
b) How old
c) How many
d) How high
e) How long

Peter: shall we go? By bus or by train ?
Fred: By train. do you want to know ? Peter: do you call your family on ?
Fred: Twice a year.
a) When - Where - Why
b) What - Where - When
c) How - What else - How often
d) How far - What about - How many

29. I have a friends

a) ten
b) few
c) some
d) many
e) several

30. Some people like to take sugar with tea.

a) lot of
b) a lot of
c) few
d) many
e) very

31.Would you like some candy ? There is more of it.

a) plenty
b) enough
c) many
d) many a
e) lots of

32. "Mary had work to do: dishes to wash, clothes to iron, pairs of pie to cook, but just
time to do it all."
a) much - many - a few - a little – much
b) few - much - a few - many - many
c) a little - little - few - a few – much
d) much - many - many - many - little
e) many - many - few - few – many

33. He seems to have money but he lives as a needy man.

a) a great deal of
b) many
c) few
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

d) a lot
e) very

34. I like watching this program because it's got advertising and interruptions.
a) a few - little
b) little - few
c) quite a few - a little
d) little - quite a little
e) few - a few

35. Pollution is a serious problem. There are trees and fresh air nowadays.
a) lots - few
b) much - less
c) few - many
d) many - fewer
e) fewer – less

36.There are dangerous drivers in our city.

a) very many of
b) a lot of
c) a very lot of
d) too much of
e) very much of

37."How much money have you got ?" " ."

a) Few
b) Not many
c) A few
d) None

38. She eats bread and drinks coffee but people prefer dangerous calories.
a) many - much - few – much
b) much - many - much – little
c) much - little - many – few
d) little - much - much – few
e) many - many - few – many

39.Yesterday, I bought too milk.

a) much
b) few
c) many
d) a lot of
e) any

Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

01-D 02-C 03-B 04-D 05-B 06-C 07-C 08-C 09-D 10-C 11-B 12-E 13-D 14-A 15-D 16-B

17-A 18-C 19-E 20-C 21-B 22-E 23-D 24-A 25-D 26-D 27-C 28-C 29-B 30-B 31-A 32-D

33-A 34-B 35-E 36-B 37-D 38-C 39-A

1.Those organisms pose danger to human life.

a) any
b) none
c) no
d) not
e) nothing

2. said she is right.

a) Somebody
b) Anybody
c) Anyone
d) Something
e) Anything

3.Mozart never asked how to compose.

a) anyone
b) no one
c) nobody
d) everybody
e) none
4.She has fine flowers in her garden.
a) any
b) not some
c) some
d) a lot
e) nothing

5."Why didn't you buy that sweater? It was such a good offer!" "Because I didn't have money
on me."
a) a
b) no
c) any
d) some
e) none

6. of the lion's friends came to visit him.

a) Anybody
b) Some
c) Much
d) Little
e) Somebody
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

7.In the sentence "Trees in the tropics don't have rings", the phrase underlined might be replaced by:
a) have no
b) has got no
c) haven't no
d) had no
e) hasn't no

8. A alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I,II e III de:

1. I met (I) twenty peo´ple there.
2. I don't have (II) money on me.
3. You have made (III) mistakes, haven't you? é:
a) some some some
b) some any some
c) any some any
d) any some some
e) any any any

9. brought books but knows where they are. They have disappeared. A alternativa que completa os espaços em
branco do trecho acima é:
a) somebody, some, nobody
b) something, none, anybody
c) anything, any, something
d) anybody, no, everybody
e) nobody, no, someone

10. Choose another way of saying"There isn't anything really like that."
a) There is nothing really like that.
b) There aren't many things really like that.
c) There aren't no things really like that.
d) There is anything hardly really like that.
e) There are a few things really like that.
11. The phrase "longer than" is one of the comparative forms of the adjective "long". Choose the alternative which has
another comparative form and a superlative one:
a) as long / longest
b) so much longer / longest
c) as long / the longest
d) as long as / longest e) as long as / the longest

12. Which alternatives contain comparative statements? I - Some dreams are more mysterious than
I - Some dreams are more mysterious than
II - Some dreams are as real as life.
III - Some dreams are longer than others.
IV - Freud became famous for studying dreams.
V - It is clear that some dreams are universal.
a) I / II / III
b) IV e V
c) I / II / V
d) II e IV
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

13. Riding a horse is not riding a bicycle.

a) so easy as
b) easyer than
c) more easy than
d) the least easy
e) so easy so

14. John: Is Sam from China? Hellen: No, he is from Canada.

John: Is Canada than China? Hellen: I don't know.
a) most large
b) large
c) largest
d) more large
e) larger

15. Our next examination may be the last one.

a) more bad than
b) more worse than
c) much bad than
d) worse than
e) more badly than

16. Mr. Smith: I'm sorry, Mr. Johnson. I believe the candidate you sent us will not suit our purposes. We need somebody
than he.
Mr Johnson: In that case I would suggest Miss Cary. She is definitely the person in our group.
a) smarter / most intelligent
b) smart / intelligent
c) smartest / more intelligent
d) as smart / as intelligent
e) as smart as / as intelligent as

17. Dadas as afirmações de que o comparativo de superioridade de:

1. clever é cleverer
2. much é more
3. many é more
Constatamos que está(ão) correta(s):
a) apenas a afirmação 1
b) apenas a afirmação 2
c) apenas a afirmação 3
d) apenas as afirmações 1 e 2
e) todas as afirmações

18. Qual o superlativo de little?

a) most little
b) littlest
c) lesser
d) least
e) less

19. Of all the movies I have seen lately the one I saw yesterday was .
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

a) worse
b) worst
c) the worse
d) the worst
e) the most worse

20. Bob Evans, that athletic-looking young man, ran and finally won the race.
a) fast and faster
b) faster and fast
c) fast and fast
d) faster and faster
e) more and more fast

21. the child the payment.

a) The eldest / the greater
b) Older / greater
c) The oldest / the greatest
d) The elder / the greatest
e) The elder / the greater

22. Air-jets are much . Let's go by car. It's .

a) slower / quicker
b) cheaper / more cheap
c) expensive / more cheap
d) quicker / more slow
e) more expensive / cheaper

23. "When will you be able to give us information about the crime?"
a) far
b) furthest
c) farthest
d) farther
e) further

24. The people know about our private lives, the better.
a) few
b) little
c) least
d) lest
e) less

25. Choose the sentence(s) that contains (contain) adjectives in the comparative form:

I-The mountain air is fresher in winter.

II- He got to the top as fast as Mary.
III-Climbing mountains is more difficult than swimming.
IV-Chris Dawson is a good climber.
V-He feels cold in the morning.
VI-People in expeditions usually know each other.
a) I / II / III
b) IV e V
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c) I / II / V
d) II e IV

26. There must be a better way this.

a) do
b) of do
c) to do
d) for do
e) we do

27. Before sent to prison, the thief will be given the right to defend himself.
a) being
b) be
c) to be
d) he will be
e) he has been

28. Most people cannot learn verbs without them.

a) to study
b) studying
c) study
d) studied
e) studies

29. We enjoy .
a) telling jokes
b) play cards
c) practice sports
d) go parties
e) buy clothes

30. John denied her before.

a) have seen
b) having seen
c) having seening
d) have seeing
e) to have seen

31. He stopped only after the doctor said he was going to die.
a) drank
b) drink
c) drinks
d) drinking
e) to drink

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01-C 02-A 03-A 04-C 05-C 06-B 07-A 09-A 10-A 11-B 12-A/B/C 13-A 14-E 15-D 16-A 17-E

18-D 19-D 20-D 21-E 22-E 23-E 24-E 25-B/E/F 26-C 27-A 28-D 29-A 30-B 31-D

1. That is the one I always use.

a) whose
b) who
c) what
d) which
e) whom

2. Aids, is killing thousands of people all over the world, is a terrifying disease.
a) which
b) that
c) whose
d) what
e) who

3. Here is a book is very helpful in your studies.

a) who
b) which
c) whom
d) what
e) whose

4. The writer, works are about scientific fiction, deserves his popularity.
a) who
b) which
c) that
d) whose
e) whom

5. Jim decided to marry my sister,may be a good thing for him.

a) who
b) whom
c) what
d) which
e) whose

6. "The bacteria that cause cholera are part of nature's system." Nesta frase, o pronome
pode substituir "that", que é relativo à /ao .
a) whose / cholera
b) which / bacteria
c) whom / cholera
d) which / nature
e) who / system
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

7. My youngest sister, is also my favourite, got married at eighteen.

a) how
b) whom
c) what
d) who
e) that

8. Na sentença "Who apparently was not used to all this traddic", podemos substituir who
pelo equivalente:
a) which
b) she
c) whom
d) that
e) whose

9. Qual palavra pode ser omitida da frase "I think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than
anyone else", sem afetar seu sentido geral?
a) that
b) children
c) appreciate
d) better

10. Assinale a alternativa que preenche as lacunas I, II e III respectivamente:

1. The girl to (I) I spoke is your classmate.
2. That is the teacher (II) car was stolen.
3. The room (III) window is broken will be cleaned tomorrow.

a) who that which
b) who whose whose
c) whom which that
d) who which that
e) whom whose whose

11. Janet: Look, our boat is sinking! Peter: oh, dear! Can you swim?
Janet: Yes, but we won't have to. there's a life boat on board.
In the above dialogue, the underlined verbs express respectively and .
a) ability / obligation
b) permission / prohibition
c) possibility / prohibition
d) permission / possibility
e) ability / necessity

12. "Mr. Wood was not able to sleep", has the same meaning that:
a) Mr. Wood wouldn't sleep.
b) Mr. Wood may not sleep.
c) Mr. Wood might not sleep
d) Mr. Wood couldn't sleep.
e) Mr. Wood must not sleep.

13. The child mustn't get out of his room. The underlined word indicates:
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

a) no necessity
b) prohibition
c) inability
d) no obligation
e) no possibility

14. Qual dessas expressões corresponde a "ele não deveria ter feito isso"?
a) He mustn't have made it.
b) He shouldan't have done that.
c) He could not have made it.
d) He might not have done that.
e) He cannot have done that.

15. Na frase "If you must be good, be careful", o verbo must pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por:
a) be able to
b) may
c) can
d) have to
e) might

16. Indique a única alternativa em que não aparece um modal verb:

a) I made a lot of noise when I came home. You must have heard me.
b) Thank you for doing the washing-up but you needn't have done it really. I was going to do it later.
c) We tried hard but we couldn't persuade them to come with us.
d) "I wonder why Carlos didn't come to the meeting." "He might not have known about it."
e) You don't look very well. You'd better not go to work today.

17. Miss Taylor swim well when she was younger.

a) might to
b) should to
c) ought to
d) have to
e) was able to

18. Mark the wrong choice:

➢ He go for a walk later. It depends on the weather.
a) must
b) might
c) will
d) is going to

19. We hurry. The bus leaves in 10 minutes.

a) can
b) must
c) do
d) is going to
e) would
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

20. Mr. Anderson be at home. I his car in front of his house.

a) could / am seeing
b) must / can see
c) should / am seeing
d) ought / can see
e) might / am seeing

21. I smoke in this room? No, you smoke here. It's forbidden.
a) Ought / may not
b) Should / needn't
c) Can / mustn't
d) Need / may not
e) Have / can't

22. She at that restaurant. I looked everywhere for her last night.
a) could have been
b) couldn't have been
c) couldn't had been
d) couldn't has been

23. He avoid mistakes.

a) ought / making
b) must / make
c) shall / make
d) needs / make
e) should / making

24. If he loses this election, hefrom public life.

a) retire
b) going to retire
c) has retired
d) will retire
e) retired

25. If the weather improves, .

a) we'll has a picnic.
b) we have a picnic
c) we don't have a picnic
d) we'll have a picnic
e) we will don't have a picnic

26. If Stephanie to the hospital before next week, let me know.

a) will go
b) would go
c) go
d) goes
e) to go

27. Take a message, .

Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

a) if he can phone.
b) if he doesn't phone
c) if he will phone
d) if he won't phone

28. If I were you, I her.

a) will forgive
b) would forgive
c) forgave
d) would have forgiven
e) had forgave

29. If I were the chairman, I long ago.

a) would have resigned
b) resigned
c) would resign
d) had resigned
e) was resigning

30. If she hadn't been wearing a seat-belt , she in the crash.

a) would have injured
b) would had been injured
c) would have being injured
d) would have been injured
d) would have be injured

31. The design would have been better if they to a reputable architect.
a) went
b) will go
c) had gone
d) are going
e) have gone

32. If I in your place, I that again and again.

a) have been / would not do
b) had been / would not have done
c) were / will not do
d) was / will not have done
e) had being / would not have done

33. "They every hotel full if they later."

a) would found / arrives
b) would have found / had arrived
c) would founded / arrived
d) will find / arrived
e) will find / will arrive

34. Aspirin is the best drug to fight headache.

a) on
b) against
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

c) with
d) to
e) for

35. Smoking in elevators is the law.

a) beneath
b) inside
c) against
d) unlike
e) underneath

36. Sorry. I can't see you now; I'm the phone.

a) on
b) in
c) of
d) from
e) for

37. Let's talk your problem.

a) to
b) at
c) about
d) on
e) in

38. There is no rule an exception.

b) by
c) from
d) with
e) without

39. O antônimo de below é:

a) above
b) beneath
c) beside
d) about
e) on

40. Please, send this letter my mother me.

a) for / for
b) to / for
c) from / for
d) at / for
e) by / from

41. "Dr Johnson's office. Can I help you?" "Yes, please. Could I see Dr. Johnson January 30th 4 o'clock?"
a) in / on
b) at / in
c) on / on
d) on / at
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

e) in / at

42."Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me where Spencer's is?" "It's 3rd Avenue, between
34th and 35th Street."
"Would you know whether they are open late tonight?" "Well, on Thursdays they close 8."
a) on / at
b) at / in
c) in / at
d) at / on
e) on / in

43. He pushed the door open Jack enter.

a) to / for
b) for / from
c) for / to
d) to / to
e) n.d.a

44. "Where have you come ?" " I've come Brazil."
a) from / to
b) for / from
c) of / to
d) to / to
e) from / from

45. the end of the test I am glad to go bed a rest.

a) At / to / for
b) To / to / over
c) At / to / to
d) On / to / in
e) In / to / in

46. Come and see me Tuesday four o'clock the afternoon.

a) at / at / on
b) on / at / at
c) on / on / at
d) on / at / in
e) X / X/ on

47. He arrived London 6 p.m. a foggy November day. We often have fogs November.
a) in / at / in / in
b) in / at / on / in
c) at / at / in / on
d) at / in / at / at
e) on / on / in / in

48. During the week I get up early the morning and go to bed late night. But normally weekends I sleep
a) in / at / at / until
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

b) on / in / in / as far as
c) on / at / at / even
d) in / at / in / until
e) in / in / at / till

49. Mr. Watson was born eight o'clock the morning a fine day,
August, the year Our Lord, 1452.
a) in / in / at / of / off / over
b) in / at / in / of / between / in
c) from / to / at / of / in / along
d) at / in / of / in / in / of
e) about / in / along / on / of / at

50. Qual a sentença correta?

a) We were deprived from playing games for a week.
b) We were deprived of playing games for a week.
c) We were deprived of playing games through a week.
d) We were deprived at playing games for a week.
e) We were deprived from playing games by a week.

51. Read the following statements and indicate the ones where the underlined prepositions are correctly used:
I. The quarrel was over the nutritious properties of chocolate.
II. There seems to be nothing against eating chocolate.
III Scientists have come to interesting findings about the nutritious properties of chocolate.
a) Only I is correct.
b) Only I and II are correct.
c) Only I and III are correct.
d) Only II and III are correct.
e) I, II and III are correct.


01-D 02-A 03B 04-D 05-D 06-B 07-D 08-D 09-A 10-E 11-E 12-D 13-B 14-B 15-D 16-E 17-E

18-B 19-B 20-B 21-C 22-D 23-E 24-D 25-D 26-D 27-A 28-B 29-A 30-D 31-C 32-B 33-B 34-B

35-C 36-A 37-C 38-D 39-A 40-B 41-D 42-A 43-C 44-E 45-A 46-D 47-B 48-A 49-B 50-A 51-E
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com
Licensed to Vinícius dos Santos Soares da Silva - vinicius16042007@gmail.com

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