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Marx and Marxism in Politics

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Marx and Marxism in Politics

Dingping Guo


Marxism has been defined and studied as a
political theory, political ideology and political Karl Marx, one of the most famous and influ-
movement. In political studies, Marxism refers ential theorists of the modern historical age
to a specific school of social and political from whom the socialist or communist move-
theory about human life, historical develop- ments have derived their ideas, was not only
ment, capitalist crisis and communist revolu- a political thinker but also social philosopher
tion, which was developed by Karl Marx and and economist whose research ranged widely
Friedrich Engels during the mid-to-late 19th over many fields. Marx has had a profound
century, and subsequently elaborated on by impact on the thoughts and actions of people
their disciples from various backgrounds all in many countries since the mid 19th century,
over the world. Although there are inconsist- and in the 21st century he is still regarded as
encies and contradictions in Marx’s theory the greatest instructor by the political left,
during the different periods of its develop- including the adherents of communist par-
ment, and there are considerable debates and ties, and is derided as a source of political
disputes over its nature and structure, some and social chaos by the political right. The
basic consensus can be reached based on an ideas and programs developed by Marx and
analysis of Marx’s works and the studies on Engels have been generally called Marxism.
the subsequent evolution of Marxist theory. Born in Trier, German Rhineland, into a
Marxism is not only one of the most impor- Jewish family on May 5, 1818, Karl Marx
tant social and political schools of thought, received a good education and displayed
but also the guiding ideology in the commu- great potential as an outstanding student.
nist revolution and the socialist construction During his student days at the universities of
of many countries worldwide. Bonn and Berlin, Marx studied law and the

history of philosophy, took a strong interest in an article on capitalism in German-French

the works of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Annals, he angered his partner Arnold Ruge
and joined a student/professor group called and their journal was banned in France and
the ‘Young Hegelians’. Marx submitted his Germany. Based on his experiences of living
doctoral dissertation at the University of Jena among the working class and his compre-
in 1840 and received a doctoral degree the hensive researches on history, economics,
following year. This dissertation is entitled politics and philosophy, Marx became an
‘The Difference between the Democritean ardent communist. He proposed his ideas
and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature’ and can about communism by criticizing the aliena-
be regarded as the starting point of his tran- tion of labor in a capitalist society. According
sition from idealism to materialism (Jessop, to Marx, under capitalism, the working class
1999: 98). After his initial failure to establish invests its creative labor, while the capital-
an academic career, his liberal political views ist class appropriates the results of this labor
led him to find employment as an editor of in exchange for wages. This means that the
a radical newspaper in Cologne, Rheinische human world created by the proletariat does
Zeitung. Because of his journalistic abilities not belong to them, but is owned instead by a
and radical views, Marx was well received in class of non-laboring owners.
liberal circles and quickly promoted to edi- In January 1845, Marx was expelled
tor of the newspaper. This radical newspaper, from Paris by Premier François Guizot at
under the guidance of Marx, had to face the the instance of the Prussian government
problem of censorship by the authoritative and moved to Brussels. During his stay in
Prussian government, and was finally sup- Brussels, Marx exchanged polemics with
pressed after the printing of Marx’s article on the Hegelians, Feuerbach, Stirner and the
the poverty of farmers in the Mosel Valley. ‘True Socialists’, and finished two important
In 1843, Marx married Jenny von works in collaboration with Engels, The Holy
Westphalen and emigrated to Paris with her Family and The German Ideology. In the The
in order to escape political persecution. There German Ideology, Marx and Engels provided
he became acquainted with French social- a historical and material basis for Marx’s rad-
ist thinkers and began to witness firsthand ical views and insisted that the nature of indi-
the living conditions of people in poverty viduals depended on the material conditions
by socializing himself with working-class determining their own productions. In 1847,
people. More importantly, he first encoun- Marx started another polemical exchange
tered, and subsequently established his life- with the French anarchist thinker Pierre-
long friendship with Friedrich Engels, the Joseph Proudhon and wrote The Poverty of
author of the classic work, The Condition Philosophy, in which he developed the fun-
of the Working Class in England in 1844. damental propositions of his economic inter-
As a result of his economic and philosophi- pretation of history.
cal researches, Marx wrote Economic and By early 1846, Marx established the
Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, in which Communist Correspondence Committee in
he showed great concern for the dignity and order to connect all of Europe’s socialist lead-
freedom of the individual. In February 1844, ers. Next year, the League of the Just held a
together with the philosopher and political congress in London where the two groups
writer, Arnold Ruge, Marx published the first, merged to form the Communist League.
and only issue of a new journal, Deutsch- Marx and Engels attended the Second
Französische Jahrbücher [German-French Congress of the Communist League at which
Annals] in which he published articles on a they were commissioned to write a manifesto
broad range of matters such as philosophy, for the League, which became Manifesto
politics and society. His radical ideas were of the Communist, inspired by Engels’
not tolerated in France. After Marx published The Principles of Communism (1847). The

Communist Manifesto, originally written as took an anti-government stance under the

the platform of the Communist League, has editorship of Marx and it was again sup-
become one of the most radical and influ- pressed by the authorities. In protest, Marx
ential books since it was first published in printed the last issue of the Zeitung in red ink.
February 1848. It begins with the famous He was arrested for press offences and incite-
proposition: ‘The history of all hitherto exist- ment to armed insurrection, but after a long
ing society is the history of class struggles’, and powerful speech delivered at his trial,
and contains a summary of Marxist theory Marx was acquitted by a jury in Cologne.
(Carver, 1996: 1–30). For example, one of Faced with expulsion from Cologne and sup-
the major points is to abolish private property pression of his newspaper, Marx visited Paris
and implement public ownership of the econ- again as a representative of German democ-
omy. The theory of the communists may be racy before the Paris National Assembly, but
summed up in the single phrase: ‘abolition of similarly was served with an expulsion order
private property’. The second point is to bring from Paris.
the proletariat to power and annihilate the Following his expulsion, in 1849 Marx
exploiting class, especially the bourgeoisie, moved to London where he lived with his
in politics. According to Marx and Engels, large but devoted family until his death.
the first step in the revolution by the work- Although Marx was a correspondent to the
ing class is to raise the proletariat to the posi- New York Tribune from 1852 to 1861, for the
tion of ruling class in order to win the battle most part he was dependent for his livelihood
for democracy. (This was why Mao Zedong on the generous financial support of Engels.
defined the nature of his new republic as the His typical day was spent in the Reading
‘people’s democratic dictatorship’, a hundred Room of the British Library, where from
years later.) The Communist Party as the 10am to 7pm (when opening hours allowed)
avant-garde of the proletariat then comes to he wrote a number of volumes on different
power after winning the struggle against the subjects. Sometimes he lacked money for
old classes, the landowners and the bourgeoi- the postage to send his manuscripts to his
sie. The third is to envision a classless soci- publishers. Afflicted with multiple health
ety in ‘which the free development of each problems and a contentious and uncompro-
is the condition for the free development of mising temper, Marx was not a prepossess-
all’ (Carver, 1996: 20). Upon publication ing figure during his final years. Although
in 1848, The Communist Manifesto quickly virtually unknown in England, he enjoyed
became the credo of the poor and oppressed great popularity on the Continent, especially
all over the world and led to the greatest polit- in liberal circles and among working peo-
ical upheavals of the 19th and 20th centuries ple, and in 1864 was invited to participate in
and the establishment of the communist gov- the formation of the International Working
ernments that ruled half the globe for several Men’s Association. Also known as the First
decades. It is regarded as the most important International, the organization was founded
classic text for Marxist political theory. at a meeting in St. Martin’s Hall, London,
After the Manifesto came to light, even and Marx was invited to draw up the guid-
the relatively tolerant Belgium government ing principles in the ‘Inaugural Address’.
served Marx with an expulsion order and he In 1867, the first volume of Marx’s greatest
returned to Paris. The revolutionary atmos- work, Das Kapital [Capital], was published.
phere in Germany in 1848 enabled him to The second, third and incomplete fourth vol-
return to Cologne where he persuaded some umes did not appear until after Marx’s death
liberal industrialists to back a new version in 1883 (McDonald, 1962: 347).
of his old newspaper, the Neue Rheinische In Capital, Marx analyzed the secret of
Zeitung. It became extremely radical and capitalist production by focusing on the

concept of surplus value and formulated his but also on political practices and social
revolutionary theory by revealing the injus- movements in many countries around the
tice of the capitalist system. According to world. Today, his works are reprinted and
Marx, labor is a commodity like any other read widely, and his ideas discussed and
commodity; therefore, following the labor debated in the fields of philosophy, sociology
theory of value, it must be valued by the and political science.
man-hours devoted to its ‘production’, that
is, to feeding, clothing and sheltering the
worker in order to maintain life at subsist-
ence level. In the capitalist system, labor is MARXISM AS A POLITICAL THEORY
bought just like any other commodity. But,
unlike any other commodity, labor is not Marxism is the system of social and political
consumed in a clearly determined period theory about human life, historical develop-
of time. A laborer is bought for the price of ment, the capitalist crisis and the communist
sustaining him physically, prorated in hours revolution developed by Marx and Engels,
or days or weeks. But he may produce the and elaborated on by such disciples as Lenin
equivalent of the price in economic value in and Mao. Although there are inconsistencies
6 or 8 hours of work, whereas the factories of and contradictions in the Marxist develop-
Marx’s day kept men going for 10, 12 or 14 ment, the basic doctrine of Marxism can be
hours a day. The difference between what the outlined as follows.
worker does and what he is paid is surplus
value, the source of all capitalist profits. In a
capitalist society that is divided into the capi-
Theoretical Sources
talist class with the means of production, and
the proletariat without the means of produc- Marx developed his eponymous theoretical
tion, the injustice heaped upon the workers is system from many different sources, such
not the result of bad men, but of a particular as utopian socialist thought in France and
system. Reform within the system, however England, classic philosophy in Germany,
well intentioned, is doomed to failure. Only political economics in England and the
revolutionary overthrow of the whole capi- Greek political and philosophical tradition
talist system can lead to the liberation of the (Xu, 2005: 277). Among these, three major
working class. sources are especially important: German
Marx died and was buried in Highgate philosophy, French politics and English
Cemetery, London, with a tombstone epitaph economics. In his early works, Marx
reading ‘Workers of all lands, unite’, the final showed great interest in law and philoso-
slogan in The Communist Manifesto. In the phy; and his later works were more con-
years following his death, Engels edited and cerned with political economy and political
translated his works, and in many ways con- strategy.
tinued their friendship until his own death in The German philosophy on which
1895. Since the intellectual activity of Marx Marx drew was primarily that of Hegel but
and Engels was intertwined based on their included the Young Hegelians and Ludwig
close friendship and great collaboration, Feuerbach’s materialism. During his student
when most people today speak of Marxism days at the universities of Bonn and Berlin,
they are speaking of the joint output of Marx Marx studied history and philosophy, took
and Engels (McDonald, 1962: 345). Although a strong interest in the works of Hegel and
Marx spent most of his life in reading and joined a student/professor group called Young
writing as a student and scholar, he has had Hegelians. Many of Marx’s basic ideas, such
a strong influence not only on modern ideas, as his critique of civil society and private

property, emerged when he was writing the he made an increasingly detailed study of the
Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right. He works of English economists. After moving
asserts that religion is the ‘opium of the peo- to London, Marx undertook deep and sys-
ple’ and calls for an ‘uprising of the proletar- tematic research on the development of the
iat’ to realize the conceptions of philosophy, capitalist mode of production in England. In
a point also made in Theses on Feuerbach writing the 1844 Manuscripts, Marx relied
(1845). Marx had been strongly influenced extensively on the work of Adam Smith,
by Hegel’s Logic and dialectical method, and especially his views on the division of labor,
his great work Capital is imbued with intel- rent, subsistence wages and the three stages
lectual categories derived from Hegel. As one of society. Once he became acquainted with
scholar pointed out, ‘Hegelian dialectic is a Ricardo’s work, On the Principles of Political
permanent tool of Marxist thought’ (Jessop, Economy and Taxation (1817), Marx aban-
1999: 128). doned the economic theory developed in
French politics and socialist movements the 1844 Manuscripts. His critique of The
played an important role in shaping Marx’s Poverty of Philosophy was Ricardian in char-
thoughts. Marx’s father-in-law, Baron von acter. By absorbing the ideas in the works
Westphalen and his teachers were all strongly of classic political economists and analyz-
influenced by the French Enlightenment. ing the capitalist development in England,
Marx was also strongly influenced by the Marx established his own status as political
French Revolution and French thinkers such economist.
as Jean-Jacques Rousseau. After he emi- Although Marx drew on various sources,
grated to Paris together with his wife in order he did not merely combine them mechani-
to escape political persecution by the German cally. A distinctive feature of Marx’s theory
authorities, Marx became acquainted with is his creative ability to synthesize. By study-
French socialist thinkers and began to wit- ing German philosophy, French politics and
ness the living conditions of people in English economics, Marx was able to develop
poverty by socializing himself with working- his own philosophical, economic, social and
class people. French socialism, as expressed political theory.
and explained in the works of Henri de Saint-
Simon and Charles Fourier, enabled Marx
to break with Hegel’s teleological approach
to history, to develop a broad-ranging social Historical Materialism and Social
economy, to understand the social and per- Development
sonal impact of modern industry and grasp the
Marx’s unique contribution to historical phi-
significance of socialism. After studying the
losophy is his historical materialism and
development of Bonapartism and comment-
theory of social development. According to
ing on the nature and significance of the Paris
his explanations in The German Ideology
Commune, Marx completed several political
(1846) and The Critique of Political Economy
works (The Class Struggles in France, 1840–
(1859), the nature of individuals depends on
1850 and The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis
the material conditions determining their
Bonaparte), and expounded his major politi-
productions. In the social production of their
cal ideas about the State and revolution.
existence, people enter into definite relations
The third major source of Marx’s theory
that are indispensable and independent of
is English (and Scottish) economics exempli-
their will. According to Marx in The Critique
fied by writers such as Adam Smith, David
of Political Economy:
Ricardo and Thomas Malthus. It was during
his years in Paris that Marx began his study [These] relations of production correspond to a defi-
of English economics. From the early 1840s, nite stage of development of their material forces of

production. The sum total of these relations of and control of the means of production. The
production constitutes the economic foundation of social group that controls the means of pro-
society on which there arise legal and political
duction forms the ruling class, and the group
superstructures and to which correspond definite
forms of social consciousness. (Preface) without the means of production constitutes
the ruled class. All political institutions and
As Marx and Engels put it in The German cultural beliefs are shaped by the ruling class
Ideology: ‘In direct contrast to Germany phi- so as to bolster the unequal distribution of
losophy, which descends from heaven to resources:
earth, here we ascend from earth to heaven’ The history of all hitherto existing society is the
(O’Malley, 1994: 125). Returning to The history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patri-
Critique of Political Economy, we learn that: cian and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and
journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed,
[t]he mode of production of material life condi- stood in constant opposition to one another, car-
tions the general process of social, political and ried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open
intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men fight that each time ended, either in a revolution-
that determines their existence, but, on the con- ary re-constitution of society at large, or in the
trary, their social existence that determines their common ruin of the contending classes. (Marx and
consciousness. At a certain stage of their devel- Engels, 1848: Section I)
opment, the material forces of production come
eventually into conflict with the existing relations Based on the conflict between the forces of
of production. … From forms of development of production and the relations of production,
the forces of production these relations turn into
the history of mankind progresses through
their fetters. Then begins an era of social revolu-
tion. With the change of economic foundation revolutions to the next higher stage. This
the entire immense superstructure … is more or theory of social development is usually
less rapidly transformed. In considering such called historical materialism. In the Marxist
transformations the distinction should always be view of history, the primitive agrarian soci-
made between the material transformation of
ety was followed by the slave society of the
the economic conditions of production … and
the legal, political, religious, aesthetic, or philo- ancient world, the feudal society, the capi-
sophical, in short, ideological transformation. talist society and finally by the communist
(Marx, 1859: Preface) society. The progress is made by inevitable
and ultimately uncontrollable material
All ideological transformations ‘must be forces, rather than human thought and ini-
explained from the contradictions of tiative. This is sometimes summarized as
material life, from the existing conflicts so-called economic determinism or histori-
between the social forces of production and cal determinism. In fact, while Marx
the relations of productions’ (ibid.). emphasized the crucial role of material
Therefore, the ‘legal relations as well as the forces in social development, he also ana-
forms of state could neither be understood lyzed the important and strong influences of
by themselves, nor explained by the political superstructure and human initia-
so-called general progress of the human tive on history. Political institutions and
mind; they are rooted in the material political leadership play an important role
conditions of life (ibid.). in many cases of historical development. As
Since every society is divided into various Wang Huning explains, political superstruc-
groups, a strong minority tends to use their ture is not completely passive and inert, and
economic power in order to exploit the mass contrarily, it may exert some decisive influ-
of the population by appropriating the eco- ences on economic foundations in some
nomic surplus for their own benefit. This special cases, especially during the prelimi-
inherently conflicting situation gives rise to nary stage of the socialist states (Wang,
a class struggle that centers on the ownership 2004: 60–1).

Capitalist Crisis and Proletarian production at home and abroad, other classes
Revolution were eliminated and the proletariat expanded.
As a result, the whole capitalist society was
In February 1848, Marx and Engels pub- increasingly divided into two major classes:
lished the Manifesto of the Communist capitalist and proletarian. According to Marx:
Party, generally regarded as a public state-
ment of the general theory and political With the development of industry the proletariat
ideology of Marxism, and a call for general not only increased in number; it became concen-
trated in greater masses, its strength grew, and it
cooperation among different workers’ felt that strength more. The various interests and
organizations. According to their analysis, conditions of life within the ranks of the prole-
capitalism as a revolutionary mode of pro- tariat were more and more equalized, in propor-
duction was fundamentally changing the tion as machinery obliterated all distinctions
course of civilization. It introduced market of labor, and nearly everywhere reduced wages
to the same low level. (Marx and Engels, 1848:
relations into all spheres of society and Section I)
throughout the world:
[T]he markets kept ever growing, the demand ever
As individual workers, then groups of work-
rising. … This market has given an immense devel- ers in a factory or trade, and eventually all
opment to commerce, to navigation, to communi- workers in a nation-state or even the world
cation by land’.… The bourgeoisie cannot exist economy mobilized to resist capitalist
without constantly revolutionizing the instruments exploitation, the proletariat would grow
of production, and thereby the relations of produc-
tion, and with them the whole relations of society.
more conscious of their shared class position
(Marx and Engels, 1848: Section I) and their common interest in the overthrow
of capitalism. When their economic strug-
By continually modernizing the forces of gles encountered the resistance of the State
production and promoting the division of as well as individual capitalists and groups of
labor, capitalism prepared the material condi- employers, the working class would develop
tions necessary for social cooperation and a revolutionary consciousness and move
planned management in economic life. from trade unionism to political party. With
Despite the ever increasing social character the economic crisis deepening and the prole-
of capitalist production or socialization of the tariat gaining in strength, the revolution
forces of production, the capitalist system would be inevitable.
was operated for private profit under private Since the revolution is an inevitable his-
ownership. The search for private profit torical product as the result of the conflict
imposed fetters on the further development between the forces of production and the
of production. The capitalist relations of pro- relations of production, and especially class
duction came finally into conflict with its struggle between the bourgeoisie and the pro-
forces of production. While a huge sum of letariat in capitalist society, neither Marx nor
wealth was accumulated in the hands of capi- Engels paid attention to the means of revolu-
talists, its direct producers were impover- tion, especially political leadership and politi-
ished. Lack of demand coexisting with unsold cal strategy which would be explained and
goods produced an ever worsening economic expounded by their followers such as Lenin
crisis of overproduction. This dynamic of and Mao Zedong. They also said little about
capitalism created conditions of its own what would happen after the revolution. It
overthrow. was believed that it would be absurd to predict
Moreover, capitalism was creating the the future society in detail. Nonetheless, some
industrial proletariat as ‘its own gravedig- major ideas about socialism and communism
gers’ (Carver, 1996: 14) (Manifesto). As can be found in the classic works of Marx and
capitalism destroyed pre-capitalist modes of Engels.

Marx’s Socialism and Communism manual laborers; to replace the standing army
by the armed people; and to divest the police
When the revolution broke out, the proletariat and clergy of their political influence. The
seized the power of the State and transformed initiative of the Commune could yield a
the means of production in the first instance decentralized, federal political structure and
into State property. As Marx and Engels sug- an economy based on cooperatives united by
gested, the revolutionary measures in the a common plan.
most advanced countries would include the According to Marx’s explanation and pre-
abolition of private property, a heavy progres- diction, the fundamental features of commu-
sive or graduated income tax, the abolition of nism include at least the following elements.
all rights of inheritance, confiscation of the The first is to eliminate the private prop-
property of all emigrants and rebels, centrali- erty and implement the public ownership in
zation of credit in the hands of the State and economy. The second is to limit free compe-
centralization of the means of communica- tition and carry out economic planning. The
tion and transport in the hands of the State classic socialist believes that the capitalist
(Carver, 1996: 19–20). By doing so, it puts an market competition may lead to economic
end to itself as the proletariat, it puts an end disorder and increasing inequality. Only after
to all class differences and class antagonisms, all economic activities are placed under the
and it puts an end to the State as the State. comprehensive economic plan can economic
The government of persons is replaced by the development be promoted and economic
administration of things and the direction of crisis avoided. The third is to distribute the
the process of production. The State is not economic surplus based on labor and need.
‘abolished’, it withers away. But in a few In contrast with the capitalism in which capi-
places Marx and Engels referred to the tran- tal plays the most important role in the pro-
sitional ‘socialist’ stage as ‘the dictatorship cess of distribution, the communists insist
of the proletariat’. As the avant-garde of the that labor and need are the most important
proletariat in the revolution, the Communist factor in distributing social wealth. Finally,
Party is established and then lead the struggle the State as a tool of rule by the ruling class
against the old classes: the landowner and the would wither away and gradually be replaced
bourgeoisie. Therefore, the existence of by the administration of public affairs.
classes is bound up with particular, historic As Marx described:
phases in the development of production; the
class struggle necessarily leads to the dicta- In a higher phase of communist society, after the
subjection of individuals to the division of labour,
torship of the proletariat after all other antag- and thereby the antithesis between mental and
onistic classes are annihilated; this physical labour, has disappeared; after labour has
dictatorship itself only constitutes the transi- become not merely a means to live but the fore-
tion to the abolition of all classes and to a most need in life; after the multifarious develop-
ment of individuals has grown along with their
classless society. With regard to post-revolu-
productive powers, and all the springs of coopera-
tionary politics, Marx cited the experience of tive wealth flow more abundantly – only then can
the Paris Commune and talked about the the limited horizon of bourgeois right be wholly
possibility of bridging the gap between the transcended, and society can inscribe on its
State and civil society that had been opened banner: from each according to his abilities, to
each according to his needs! (Critique of the
up by capitalist democracy. As an instance of
Gotha Programme, part I, in Carver, 1996:
the abolition of the division of labor in poli- 214–15)
tics, Marx welcomed the Commune’s pro-
posal to have all officials, including judges, In place of the old bourgeoisie society, with its
elected by universal suffrage and revocable at classes and class antagonisms, there shall be
any time; to pay officials the same wages as an association, in which the free development

of each is the condition for the free develop- into socialism and communism. By contrast,
ment of all. the revisionists and reformists tended to
accept the European economic and political
system, and practiced parliamentary politics
and social democracy.
WESTERN MARXISM AFTER MARX Meanwhile, a more complex and philo-
sophical form of Marxism entitled ‘Western
The classic Marxist theory was expounded Marxism’ developed in Western Europe from
and elaborated based on the historical devel- the early 20th century. As McLellan tells us:
opments in Western industrialized countries
such as England, France and Germany. After Unlike the previous generation of Marxist theoreti-
cians, most of the thinkers grouped under the
economic, social and political changes took
rubric of ‘Western’ Marxist were not important
place, many social theorists and political figures in political parties. They tended to be aca-
leaders tried to redefine and develop Marxism demics rather than activists, writing in a period of
based on the new situations. declining working-class activity [due to capitalist
During the period of economic depression democratic and economic developments] and
and political repression in the 1880s, Marxism therefore in comparative isolation from political
practice. … [T]he term ‘Western Marxism’ nor-
became dominant in the German Social mally excludes orthodox communists of strict
Democratic Party. Karl Kautsky ‘explained Marxist obedience … and is confined to the …
and defended the theories of surplus value, collection of thinkers that centred around the
immiseration, class polarisation and capitalist work of Lukács and Korsch in central Europe, that
crisis’ (Geary, 2003: 220). His works ‘defined of Gramsci in Italy, and perhaps above all, of the
Frankfurt school in Germany. Western Marxism is
Marxism for the generation after Marx and thus a philosophical meditation on the defeat of
constituted the fundament of “orthodox Marxism in the West.…While some people might
Marxism”’ (Geary, 2003: 220). Another theo- question whether these modes of thought were
rist, Eduard Bernstein, ‘launched the revi- really compatible with anything recognisable as
Marxism, they undoubtedly extended the horizons
sionist attack on “orthodox Marxism”’, and
of Marxist discussion beyond the rather limited
‘refuted the theories of surplus value, impov- perspectives of the Second International and
erishment, capital concentration and crisis’ Leninist orthodoxy. Gramsci’s concept of hegem-
(Geary, 2003: 228). According to Bernstein, ony and its consequences for political culture, the
‘[w]orkers were not becoming poorer; the treatment of Freud by Marcuse, the drastic critique
numbers of peasants was not declining; a of the Enlightenment in Horkheimer and Adorno –
all these attempts to remedy weaknesses or gaps
“new middle class” was growing in size and in the classical Marxist tradition have produced a
importance; share ownership refuted the claim compelling, if sometimes rather convoluted, litera-
of capital concentration; and capitalism was ture on philosophy, politics and society. (McLellan,
developing mechanisms to reduce competi- 2003b: 282–3)
tion and remove recurrent economic crisis’
(Geary, 2003: 228). Therefore, these revision- The first important thinker of Western Marxism
ist Marxists such as Bernstein rejected the is the Hungarian philosopher Georg Lukács
violent way of revolution against capitalism whose major ideas were expressed in his work,
and proclaimed the possibility of a peace- entitled History and Class Consciousness
ful, gradual and legal transition to social- (First published in 1923). Lukács reevaluated
ism, brought about through the adoption of the role of Hegel in the formation of Marx’s
the parliamentary road. During much of the thought and reinterpreted Marxist dialectics.
20th century, Marxism was thus divided into Unlike Engels who emphasized the dialectics
two different camps. Orthodox Marxism was of nature, Lukács focused more on the dialec-
adopted and developed by Lenin in Russia tics of human history. For Lukács, the subject
and Mao Zedong in China, and transformed and object have become separated in

the long history of human development. Only after discussing the organic quality of the intel-
with the rise of the proletariat in capitalist lectuals and their degree of connection with a
society, would subjective thought and objec- fundamental social group, Gramsci fixed two
tive action be finally united. ‘This historical major superstructural ‘levels’: ‘civil society’
interaction of subject and object was for and ‘political society’ or ‘the State’. According
Lukács the basic form of the dialectic’ to Gramsci, these two levels correspond on the
(McLellan, 2003b: 284). However, the class one hand to the function of ‘hegemony’ which
consciousness of the proletariat, its unifica- the dominant group exercises throughout soci-
tion of the roles of subject and object was ety and on the other hand to that of ‘direct
blocked by the comprehensive process of domination’ or command exercised through
‘reification’ in capitalist society. According the State and ‘juridical’ government; the intel-
to Lukács, ‘as the product of capitalism the lectuals are the dominant group’s ‘deputies’
proletariat must necessarily be subject to the exercising the subaltern functions of social
modes of existence of its creator. This mode hegemony and political government (Gramsci,
of existence is inhumanity and reification’ 1971: 12). Gramsci analyzed the civil society
(1971: 76). This process of reification has in detail and developed a quite different theory
originated from commodity fetishism in the about it from Marx. While, for Marx, the civil
age of modern capitalism and transformed the society usually meant private spheres and eco-
social relations between persons both subjec- nomic relations, Gramsci tended to use it to
tively and objectively into relations between refer to the superstructure, that is, all the organi-
commodities. The reified consciousness is zations and technical means that the ruling
‘trapped in the two extremes of crude empiri- classes used to justify their ideology. Finally,
cism and abstract utopianism’ (Lukács, 1971: based on the studies of civil society, Gramsci
77) and led to the ideological crisis of the drew a distinction between two different revo-
proletariat. The economic crisis will certainly lutionary strategies in the East and the West.
increase the possibility of revolution in capi- In less-developed societies, such as Russia,
talist society, but ‘the fate of revolution (and where there was no active civil society and the
with it the fate of mankind) will depend on the ruling class tended to use State power to sup-
ideological maturity of the proletariat, i.e. on press public protest; the target of revolution was
its class consciousness’ (Lukács, 1971: 70). naturally the State and governmental bureau-
Another influential figure in Western cracy. Gramsci called this kind of attack ‘a war
Marxism is Antonio Gramsci. He participated of movement or manoeuvre’ (Gramsci, 1971:
in revolutionary activities, helped to found the 233). By contrast, in more-developed societies,
Italian Communist Party in 1921 and became where there was an advanced civil society and
its leader for the two years before his arrest intellectuals played an important role in sup-
and imprisonment in 1926. His basic ideas and porting and legitimizing the ruling class, a ‘war
theoretical innovations were contained in his of position’ was more effective because a longer
Prison Notebooks (1971) which he compiled period of cultural assault on the ideological sup-
in prison during 1929–36. First, Gramsci ana- port of the ruling class was needed. According
lyzed the role and function of intellectuals in to Gramsci, in the most advanced States,
society and made a distinction between the ‘the superstructures of civil society are like the
the traditional and the organic. While the tra- trench-systems of modern warfare. In war it would
ditional intellectuals considered themselves sometimes happen that a fierce artillery attack
to be autonomous of social class and have no seemed to have destroyed the enemy’s entire
defensive system, whereas in fact it had only
substantial links with the social and economic
destroyed the outer perimeter; and at the moment
changes, the organic intellectuals maintained of their advance and attack the assailants would
close relations with their social class and con- find themselves confronted by a line of defence
sidered themselves to be members. Second, which was still effective’ (Gramsci, 1971: 235).

This is because the civil society has become Marxism such as Considerations on Western
a very complex structure. Gramsci’s analysis Marxism (1976), In the Tracks of Historical
of cultural hegemony and revolutionary strat- Materialism (1983) and The Antinomies of
egy represents a new development of revolu- Antonio Gramsci (2017). More importantly,
tionary theory in the Western advanced Anderson applied historical materialism
societies. to his studies of historical sociology in his
Among the varieties of Western Marxism brilliant work, Lineages of the Absolutist
after Karl Marx, the Frankfurt School State (First published in 1974). According
represented the latest and most philosophical to Anderson, there are ‘two different planes
developments. It took its name from the of Marxist discourse’: while Marxist histo-
Institute of Social Research founded in rians have paid little attention to theoreti-
Frankfurt in 1923. ‘Originally concentrating cal questions about historical materialism,
on a more orthodox form of Marxism, the Marxist philosophers have sought to solve
Institute changed its orientation with the the theoretical problems without engaging
appointment of Max Horkheimer as its with the specific empirical issues posed by
director in 1930’ (McLellan, 2003b: 289). historians. Anderson designed his work as
He and his colleagues, Theodor Adorno and a Marxist study of Absolutism and tried to
Herbert Marcuse, together with the most explore a mediated ground between the two
influential figure of the second generation by combining theoretical analysis and his-
of the School, Jürgen Habermas, contributed torical studies. Anderson argued that ‘[t]he
greatly to its development from the 1930s arrival of Absolutism was never a smooth
to the late 20th century. The results of their evolutionary process for the dominant class
research were described as ‘critical theory’, itself: it was marked by extremely sharp
perhaps originating from Horkheimer’s ruptures and conflicts within the feudal
seminal article of 1937 entitled ‘Traditional aristocracy’ (Anderson, 2013: 20). With
and Critical Theory’. Critical theory was the growth of commodity relations, ‘reor-
directed above all against positivism ganization of the feudal polity as a whole
and empiricism, a source of reification and the dilution of the original fief system,
and an endorsement of the status quo in landownership tended to become progres-
Western capitalism. The works of the sively less “conditional” as sovereignty
Frankfurt School were a blend of Marxist became correspondingly more “absolute”’
political economy, Hegelian philosophy (Anderson, 2013: 20).
and Freudian psychology, which focused Many others have conducted their research
on the comprehensive critique of the based on their understanding of Marxism
Western advanced societies and contributed and social development. For example,
greatly to the revival of Western Marxism. Barrington Moore Jr. studied the relation
Moreover, thanks to the wide spread of between political developments and social
Marcuse’s works and his ideas about one- classes in Social Origins of Dictatorship and
dimensional man, the Frankfurt School had Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making
a considerable impact on the New Left in of the Modern World (1966), and discussed
the 1960s and some substantial influences the issues of authority, inequality and justice
on political research (Jay, 1996: 9). in Moral Aspects of Economic Growth (First
Perry Anderson is one of the most published in 1998). Immanuel Wallerstein,
famous Marxist political scientists and the master of world-systems theory, analyzed
has contributed greatly to the study of the capitalist development and emergence of
Western Marxism. He served as the edi- a world market, and argued that capitalism
tor of New Left Review for many years has brought about immiseration in the Global
and published several books on Western South in his book, Historical Capitalism, with

Capitalist Civilization (First published in export of capital as distinguished from the export
1983). Michael Burawoy examined the legit- of commodities acquires exceptional importance;
(4) the formation of international monopolist capi-
imization mechanism in capitalist societies
talist associations which share the world among
in Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the themselves, and (5) the territorial division of the
Labor Process under Monopoly Capitalism whole world among the biggest capitalist powers
(1979), and called for ‘bringing workers back is completed (Lenin, 2008: 239).
in’ in The Politics of Production: Factory
Regimes under Capitalism and Socialism At the stage of imperialism, monopolies have
(1985). Burawoy argues that ‘the industrial stimulated the seizure of the most important
working class has made significant and sources of raw materials and also produced
self-conscious interventions in history.… fierce competition for resources and markets
[and] these interventions were and continue among the biggest capitalist powers. This
to be shaped by the process of production’ intense struggle for economic territory, for
(Burawoy, 1985: 5). the division and redivision of the world, will
inevitably lead to militarism and imperialist
war. This war has not only revealed the
nature of parasitic and decaying capitalism,
THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION AND but also created the opportunities for the pro-
RUSSIAN MARXISM letarian revolution in some underdeveloped
or colonial/semi-colonial societies. Based on
Contrary to Marx’s expectations, the socialist this assessment, the socialist revolution could
countries were not founded in the Western happen and succeed at the weak point of the
advanced countries but in some underdevel- global imperialist system.
oped countries such as Russia. After the Lenin insisted that the revolutionary a
Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917, the vanguard party play a crucial role in the
first socialist country was established in socialist revolution because he realized that
Russia under the strong leadership of V. I. the proletariat, easily deluded by bourgeoi-
Lenin. To lead the proletarian revolution, sie ideas for improving their working and
Lenin contributed much to Marxist theory living conditions, would not overthrow the
with his theory of the Party and his concept whole capitalist system. A revolutionary
of capitalistic imperialism. party must be established on a very firm
By musing on the theoretical points in foundation of Marxist theory, comprised
the works of Marxist writers and studying of professional and dedicated revolution-
the political and economic realities, Lenin aries capable of exercising ideological
developed his own theory about capitalism leadership through political education. Its
and imperialism in Imperialism: The Highest organization was to be based on the rigor-
Stage of Capitalism in 1916. According to his ous and truly iron discipline and the prin-
analysis, imperialism is the monopoly stage ciple of democratic centralism combining
of capitalism in which capitalist free com- free discussion and efficient action. The
petition is displaced by capitalist monopoly. Party was to serve as the vanguard of the
Specifically, this definition of imperialism working class and act in the interests of
includes the following features: the proletariat class with the fullest and
unreserved support from the entire mass of
(1) the concentration of production and capital has the working class.
developed to such a high stage that it has created In the process of building the first social-
monopolies which play a decisive role in economic
life; (2) the merging of bank capital with industrial
ist country, Lenin had been searching for
capital, and the creation, on the basis of this several models of socialism, such as War
‘finance capital’, of a financial oligarchy; (3) the Communism and the New Economic Policy,

in the face of foreign invasion and domestic During the long period of the communist
hardship. In comparison with the comprehen- revolution and socialist construction, the
sive State direction and management of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its
economy in ‘War Communism’, the ‘New leaders applied Marxism and Leninism to the
Economic Policy’ was the strategic retreat in military struggle, economic development and
which ‘the state withdrew from the ownership political construction of China. Communist
and management of small and medium enter- leaders, with Mao Zedong as their best repre-
prises, retaining only the very large-scale sentative, have developed many new ideas,
strategically important parts of industry and concepts and theories, all of which embody
communications. Freedom for peasants and Chinese Marxism. Mao Zedong is the princi-
traders to market their goods was extended pal Chinese Marxist theorist, and communist
as the state withdrew’ (Harding, 2003: 261). statesman who contributed to the founding of
However, after Joseph Stalin ascended to the CCP in 1921, the Communist Army in
the leadership of the Soviet one-party State, 1927 and The People’s Republic of China
he proceeded to announce radical plans for (PRC) in 1949. In contrast with Karl Marx
the rapid industrialization of the country spending his most of life in reading and writ-
and the collectivization of agriculture. When ing as an editor, reporter and scholar, Mao
Stalin announced the First Five Year Plan in had taken part in almost all military strug-
1928, it started the ‘second revolution’ of the gles, political conflicts and social move-
1930s, which brought about the swift and ments during his time. He emerged as a
total eradication of private enterprises. All supreme leader in 1935 in the CCP because
resources were brought under the control of his smart ideas and correct tactics were
the State, and a system of central planning adopted by most of the CCP leaders. He was
dominated by the State Planning Committee chairman of the PRC from 1949-59 and
was established. During the 1930s, empow- chairman of the CCP until his death in 1976.
ered by his cult of personality, Stalin estab-
lished an increasingly brutal authoritarian
dictatorship through a series of purges that
Maoism as Sinicized Marxism
suppressed and destroyed all opposition. This
system combining central planning and per- Maoism, officially called Mao Zedong
sonal dictatorship has been called Stalinism Thought in China, is composed of many ide-
or Stalin-style socialism. Although some ologies, strategies and tactics believed to be
mistakes were corrected and reforms imple- the creative result of applying Marxism-
mented after the death of Stalin in 1953, Leninism to China, a semi-feudal and semi-
the core principles of the Leninist Party and colonial country without modern industrial
Stalin-style socialism stubbornly resisted development. Maoism developed along with
pressure for reform and has had a huge the progress of the communist revolution and
impact on political and economic develop- socialist movement.
ments in many other Communist countries. After a bloody split in April 1927, Chiang
Kai-shek of the Kuomintang, or Nationalist
Party, dismantled the united front with the
Communist Party against the warlord gov-
THE RISE OF CHINA AND CHINESE ernment in Beijing and broke with his allies
MARXISM in the Communist Party. In the following
campaigns, many communist organizations
The October Revolution in Russia acceler- were destroyed, and a large number of com-
ated the spread of Marxism and the develop- munist leaders and members killed. Mao
ment of the Communist Revolution in China. led several peasant uprisings in Hunan and

Jiangxi provinces and established the com- competition and develop a planned economy,
munist military bases during the early 1930s. limit the role of capital in the distribution
Based on these experiences, Mao realized the of resources and promote egalitarianism in
importance of the Chinese peasantry in the order to eradicate exploitation and suppres-
Chinese communist revolution. In October sion. To promote the socialist transforma-
1934, Mao and the communists retreated tion and build a new socialist country, the
from Jiangxi under strong military attack Communist Party must always keep power
by Chiang’s Nationalist Army and started in the hand of the proletarian class, take the
their epic Long March to the new base in class struggle as basic line and consolidate
Shanxi province. By making use of the sec- the central leadership. After eight years of
ond united front with the Nationalist Party the socialist transformation, in 1957, Mao
against the Japanese, Mao and his commu- declared confidently:
nist comrades had not only consolidated their
base and expanded their sphere of influence, We are now building socialism.… The petty bour-
but also formulated an ideology and meth- geoisie in agriculture and handicrafts and the bour-
geoisie in industry and commerce have both
odology for Chinese revolution which was experienced changes.… [the] individual economy
officially described as Maoism in 1945. In a has been transformed into collective economy, and
new civil war between the communists and the capitalist private ownership is being transformed
nationalists from 1946 to 1949, the national- into socialist public ownership. (Mao, 1977: 403)
ist government ruled by Chiang was defeated
and retreated to Taiwan. As a result, the In search of its own socialist model, after
Communist Party came to power and Mao Stalin was criticized at the 20th Congress of
declared the founding of the PRC in Beijing the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in
on October 1, 1949. During the long period of February 1956, China, under Mao, adopted
military struggle against the Nationalist Party many radical policies and launched mass
and the Japanese, ‘one of the most original movements one after another. The most
contributions to the theory and practice of important was the ‘Great Leap Forward’
contemporary Marxism was his conception (GLF, 1958–60) and the ‘Cultural Revolution’
of guerrilla warfare’ (McLellan, 2003a: 270). (1966–76). During the period of the GLF, in
According to the logic of Marxist social- rural areas of China, 750,000 higher-stage
ism, only after the capitalist commodity cooperatives were merged into 25,000 peo-
economy developed fully would socialism ple’s multifunction communes in order to
succeed. After the communist revolution suc- bring private farmers into peasant collectives
ceeded and the CCP came to power in 1949, in the pursuit of egalitarian ideals. A huge
Mao and the communist leaders – dream- amount of manpower had been mobilized to
ing that their countries would immediately build the famous backyard steel furnaces and
leap forward into communism – decided to extensive irrigation works. China’s leaders
implement and promote a socialist transfor- were eager to catch up with Britain, and
mation of the Chinese economy and society, eventually with the United States, and at least
unfortunately ignoring the basic facts about for a brief moment were willing to believe
the country’s underdevelopment. In order that utopian methods worked and would pro-
to build socialism and realize communism duce more tons of steel and food. The GLF
as soon as possible, they conducted radical caused a great deal of waste by mobilizing
and drastic reforms in socialist practice in the great manpower and huge resources to pro-
light of Marxist theory, especially Stalinist duce low-quality, even useless, steel in an
theory imported from the Soviet Union. The unproductive way in the development of the
Party tried to eliminate private ownership socialist economy. What is more, owing to
and establish public ownership, reduce free this policy placing emphasis on the

development of heavy industry rather than incapable of revolutionary initiative and only
light industry, the meager development of marginally useful in backing urban proletar-
heavy industry came at a huge cost with little ian revolution. Based on his life experiences
or no improvement in people’s living stand- and his analysis of the rural situation in China,
ards. The GLF caused an immense famine Mao came to recognize the potential power
and an unusually high death rate – the conse- of China’s hundreds of millions of peasants
quence not only of declining harvests but of and decided to establish his base in rural
excessive requisitioning of grain, based on areas instead of big cities. The peasants con-
false reports that far more grain had been stituted the vast majority of China’s popula-
produced than was actually the case. Many tion and most of them were hard-pressed and
years later, official sources admitted that 8 lived in extreme poverty. According to Mao,
million people had died of causes related to they were very receptive to revolutionary
the GLF; unofficial sources estimated the agitation and could become a revolutionary
figure at about 30 million (Saich, 2004: 41). force if fully mobilized and properly guided.
During the period of the Great Proletariat Proceeding from this belief, Mao proposed
Cultural Revolution, Mao took the class to instill in them a revolutionary conscious-
struggle as fundamental. He believed that ness and make their force alone suffice for the
the main goal of the Cultural Revolution was revolution. By so doing, Mao led the Chinese
to save Chinese socialism from the threat of revolution to succeed and gradually formed
‘revisionism’ by purging his lieutenants who, a special sentiment for the peasants. During
as in case of Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, the Cultural Revolution, Mao sent many city
attached greater importance to economic effi- workers, intellectuals and bureaucrats to rural
ciency than ideological purity. The Cultural areas and forced them to receive re-education
Revolution placed emphasis on purifying the through agricultural labor, working alongside
superstructure rather than changing the eco- the peasants, because Mao believed the big
nomic conditions, because Maoists believed cities were a corrupting influence for many.
that purification would give a push to eco- In Mao’s thinking, there were long-stand-
nomic development in which the bureaucrats ing populist elements and continuous empha-
would engage directly, and to which the sis on the ‘mass line’. The mass line means
masses, imbued with revolutionary ideals, the emphasis on the interests and prefer-
would exert themselves on behalf of collec- ences of the common people and demands
tive undertakings. Meanwhile, with the ideal that the government be responsive to them. It
of egalitarian, a leftist ‘wind’ swept through was first created in the revolutionary period,
the country, resulting in the curtailing of based on the idea of class struggle. The idea
private landholding, a free market and other of the disadvantaged classes overthrowing the
personal rights. However, the facts show that privileged classes through interclass struggle
China ended up in 1976, at the end of the naturally entailed the idea of mobilizing the
Cultural Revolution, with neither efficiency oppressed masses to fight for their own inter-
nor equity. ests against those of the oppressing classes.
Although Maoism contains many different Thus, the notion of class struggle led to Mao’s
and sometimes contradictory elements during stress on the importance of the masses and
the different stages of Chinese Revolution and mass movements and to what Mao explic-
socialist construction, several salient features itly labeled as the ‘mass line’ in the Yan’an
can be found in his works and experiences. period (late 1930s and early 1940s) and thus
The first important feature is his emphasis on it is extolled as one of precious traditions in
the importance of peasant issues in Chinese communist history. Therefore, it is common
revolution and socialist construction. The to assert that the mass line is a style of leader-
Marxist-Leninist tradition treated peasants as ship, which is, at its best, a democratic style

of leadership, just as indicated in the slogans Xiaoping emerged as the new supreme leader
such as ‘Serve the People’ and ‘Everything and began to review and revise the basic line
depends on the Masses, from the Masses, adopted by Mao. He was dissatisfied with the
to the Masses’. Mao believed that even the poor performance that had been achieved in
vanguard Party needed to be rectified and the preceding 30 years and made the painful
reformed through criticism from the people discovery that Chinese socialism had pro-
it led and that the masses of China should be duced only meager results in comparison
encouraged to become involved in even the with the other nations of capitalist East Asia.
highest affairs of the State. In the Cultural He believed that these were consequences of
Revolution of 1966–76, the masses had been a rigid and dogmatic understanding of social-
mobilized so broadly and deeply that the ism; that is, taking classic socialist theory as
country verged on the edge of anarchy. the CCP’s guideline without considering
In spite of political disorder and economic China’s special circumstances and blindly
depression in China, Maoism developed into believing that socialism equals public owner-
a worldwide movement in the 1960s and ship plus planned economy. So Deng
thereafter. All Maoists expressed fidelity to Xiaoping thought it imperative to give a new
the thought of Mao Zedong. But at a prac- perspective on socialism and make a break-
tical level, self-identified Maoist political through in socialist theory under the banner
formations differed considerably. In parts of of ‘emancipating the mind’ and ‘seeking the
Asia where conditions were similar to those truth from the facts’ (Deng, 1994: 140). The
that prevailed in China before 1949, Maoism new theory of socialism with Chinese char-
was largely a peasant movement, engaging acteristics has been expounded and enriched
in guerilla warfare and establishing bases in by Deng Xiaoping and other communist
rural areas, and if successful, surrounding the leaders during recent decades.
cities and seizing State power. Elsewhere in In 1978, at the Third Plenary Session
the Third World, especially in Latin America, of the Eleventh Central Committee of the
facing very different conditions, Maoists had CCP, the Party with Deng Xiaoping as its
to modify classical Maoist forms of revolu- core leader, restored the principle of ‘seek-
tionary struggle. In the developed capitalist ing the truth from the facts’, stopped using
countries, Maoism meant something very the slogan ‘politics taking command’ and
different. Western Maoism was particularly shifted the major goals to socialist construc-
attractive to young people during the 1960s, tion, focusing on economic development and
if only for its ostensible purity and populist modernization. This made a good start on
nature. Although Maoism has been upheld ‘reconsidering’ socialism and brought about
as one of the major guiding principles in the the historic decision on ‘reform and opening
CCP and other left-wing parties, it has gradu- up’ – the Opening of China – which marked
ally lost its appeal in China and other parts of the beginning of China’s era of reform. At
the world since China adopted a new ‘reform the time, China had a clear desire to increase
and opening’ policy in 1978. productivity and raise living standards by
reforming its economic system. However,
it didn’t have a clear objective of what the
Contemporary Chinese Marxism new system would be like and thus pro-
ceeded with the reform as though ‘crossing
This is socialism with Chinese characteris- the river by touching the stones’. In 1982, at
tics; contemporary Chinese Marxism, pro- the 12th National Congress of the CCP, Deng
posed by the communist leaders with Deng Xiaoping proposed the idea of constructing
Xiaoping at its core. After the death of Mao socialism with Chinese characteristics by
and the end of the Cultural Revolution, Deng combining the basic principles of Marxism

and China’s special national conditions. By redefined in grand schemes for developing
1987, at the 13th National Congress of the productivity and creating wealth, and the mar-
CCP, the Party had a new perspective on the ket is regarded as the mere means to organize
progress of socialist development, proposing and regulate economic relations. In 1997, at
that as China was still in the primary stage, the Fifteenth National Congress of the CCP,
the private economy should be encouraged. the leaders made an official decision to adopt
At the beginning of 1992, Deng Xiaoping Deng Xiaoping’s theory as their guiding prin-
made a famous southern tour in which he ciple along with Marxist-Leninist and Mao
talked a lot about the nature of socialism, Zedong Thought (Maoism).
redefining it as ‘liberating productivity, devel- In the process of developing the socialist
oping productivity, eradicating exploitation, market economy, the private economy has
getting rid of the polarization between rich been playing a more and more important role
and poor, and finally getting rich together’ and a new stratum of private entrepreneurs
(Deng, 1993: 373). He said: ‘The planned has become more powerful and influential. At
economy is not equal to capitalism, and there the Meeting Celebrating the 80th Anniversary
are plans in the capitalist countries. The mar- of the Founding of the CCP, Jiang Zemin
ket economy is not equal to capitalism, and said that most of these people, such as pri-
there are markets in the socialist countries.’ vate entrepreneurs and technical personnel,
‘The measure of socialism or capitalism is not have contributed to the development of pro-
that there are more markets or more plans’, ductive forces and other social undertakings
‘but whether it is helpful to develop produc- through honest labor or lawful business oper-
tivity, enhance the comprehensive national ations, and they are also working for build-
power, and improve the living standard for ing socialism with Chinese characteristics
common people’ (Deng, 1993: 372–3). In (Jiang, 2006b: 286). This officially opened
October, at the 14th National Congress of the the door for private entrepreneurs to join
CCP, Jiang Zemin, the new supreme leader as the CCP. For the Communist Party, which
General Secretary of the CCP, attributed the insisted on the eradication of exploitation
fruits of ‘reform and opening up’ to the theory and the exploiting class for such a long time,
of socialism with Chinese characteristics pro- this decision to permit private entrepreneurs
posed by Deng Xiaoping, and declared that as ‘new blood’ was revolutionary. In 2002, at
the goal of economic structural reform would the 16th National Congress of the CCP, the
be to establish the socialist market economy CCP leaders endorsed officially the important
(Jiang, 2006a, 210). In 1993, at the Third thought of the ‘Three Represents’ proposed
Plenum of the Fourteenth Central Committee by Jiang Zemin as their guiding principle
of the CCP, the leaders adopted ‘the Decision along with the Marxism-Leninism, Mao
on Issues Concerning the Establishing of a Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping theory.
Socialist Market Economic System’, which The ‘Three Represents’ means that the CCP
was the turning point on China’s road to mar- must represent the most advanced productiv-
ketization. Thus, the Chinese government ity, the most advanced culture and the most
and Communist Party formally admitted and comprehensive interests of Chinese people
adopted the market economy, in which the (Jiang, 2006b: 2). This marked the fundamen-
market would play the fundamental role in tal transformation of the CCP from the party
allocating economic and social resources. In of the working class to a catch-all party.
contrast with the traditional socialist theory, Although China has achieved rapid growth
which rejected the commodity economy and and improved living standards for most of its
market mechanism, the new theory insisted residents, the developments in China are lim-
on the coexistence of socialism and the mar- ited, imbalanced and at a low-level in terms of
ket economy because socialism has been GDP per capita and technological innovation,

and also at high-cost. There are widening gaps China; the greatest strength of the system
between the urban and rural areas, between of socialism with Chinese characteristics is
the east and west and between the coastal the leadership of the Communist Party of
and mountainous areas. Environmental deg- China; and the Party is the highest force for
radation and the low efficiency of resource political leadership’ (Xi, 2017a: 20). In the
consumption as a result of fast industrializa- revised Constitution of the PRC, endorsed by
tion and urbanization have all contributed to the National People’s Congress in 2018, the
a bottleneck in sustainable development. After communist leadership has been included and
Hu Jintao came to power as supreme leader in reemphasized in an added article. This new
2002, the theory of scientific development and definition of socialism and the CCP’s role rep-
harmonious society was proposed as the new resented the latest development in contempo-
development of Chinese-style socialism. The rary Chinese Marxism and will contribute to
concept of scientific development was first the party-centered governance in China.
launched by Hu Jintao at the Third Plenum
of the 16th Central Committee in 2003. It
emphasized equitable, balanced and sustain-
able development. The building of harmoni- CONCLUSION
ous society is aimed to enable all the people
to share the social wealth brought by reform From the above reflections and discussions,
and development, forge an ever closer rela- we may conclude that Marxism has been
tionship between the people and government developing along with historical develop-
and result in lasting stability and unity. Social ment. During different periods of historical
harmony is an essential attribute of social- development, Marxism can be understood
ism with Chinese characteristics. Scientific from very different perspectives. For exam-
development and social harmony are integral ple, the new perspectives on socialism during
to each other; neither is possible without the the reform era in China represented the theo-
other. In 2007, at the 17th National Congress retical transition from the pure, classic and
of the CCP, the leaders decided to build the traditional socialism characterized by public
socialist harmonious society according to the ownership, planned economy and class strug-
notion of scientific development. gle, to socialism with Chinese characteristics
Since Xi Jinping rose to be the supreme emphasizing the reform and opening up, the
leader as the General Secretary of the CCP in development of the market economy and the
2012, enormous and massive political changes building of a prosperous and harmonious
have taken place in China. In contrast with society under the leadership of the CCP.
Deng Xiaoping’s ideas about the limited role Taking a long and broad view, global con-
of the Communist Party, General Secretary flict between Marxism and liberalism, com-
Xi has called for the overall leadership of munism and capitalism, left and right has
the CCP in all areas. On February 13, 2017, dominated world politics during the past two
when delivering a speech at the study session centuries. On the left there have been many
attended by provincial and ministerial lead- controversies and disputes over the inter-
ers, Xi Jinping emphasized that ‘the Party pretation of Marxism and its application.
exercises overall leadership over all areas of Generally speaking, Marxism has been criti-
endeavor in every party of the country’ (Xi, cized and rejected when capitalist countries
2017: 20). In the political report delivered are prosperous and socialist countries decline
at the 19th National Congress of the CCP, and collapse; on the contrary, Marxism has
Xi Jinping insisted that ‘the defining feature been adopted and embraced when capitalist
of socialism with Chinese characteristics is countries face crisis and socialist countries
the leadership of the Communist Party of make progress.

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