1 s2.0 S2213398422000392 Main
1 s2.0 S2213398422000392 Main
1 s2.0 S2213398422000392 Main
Keywords: Background: Diarrhea is the second-largest cause of death in under-five children, killing an estimated seven
Attitude hundred sixty thousand children in Africa each year. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude &
Diarrhea practice of child caregivers towards oral rehydration salt and zinc use for the treatment of diarrhea in under 5
children in Gondar town, Amhara regional state, Ethiopia.
Oral rehydration salt
Methods: Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted at the pediatrics outpatient department of the
Zinc University of Gondar comprehensive specialized hospital. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire
and were entered and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Frequencies and
percentages were used to describe descriptive data and the results were presented using tables and figures. Both
binary and multivariable logistic regression analyses were conducted to test for association between the different
Results: A total of 306 caregivers were participated in the study. The majority of them 269(87.9%) defined
diarrhea as the occurrence of watery or loose stool three and more times a day. Almost all caregivers but a few
297(97.1%) believed that diarrhea is a series problem of childhood. Caregivers’ educational level, occupational
status, and sex were significant factors associated with their knowledge about Oral Rehydration Salt and zinc (P
≤ 0.05), while occupational status was the only significant factor associated with their attitude (P ≤ 0.05).
Female caregivers were found 2.8 times more practical about Oral Rehydration Salt and zinc utilization for
diarrheal management compared to male counterparts (AOR = 2.875(1.319,6.263)). Similarly, employed
caregivers were 2.9 times more to have good practice than unemployed caregivers (AOR = 2.927(1.533,5.587).
Conclusion: There was good knowledge, attitude, and practice about Oral Rehydration Salt and zinc consumption
among child caregivers in Gondar. Regular educational strategies aimed at improving child caregivers’ aware
ness of diarrhea disease management and utilization of Oral Rehydration Salt and Zinc tablets are advised.
* Corresponding author. Department of Pharmacology, School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar, P.O. Box: 196, Gondar,
E-mail address: zeme2010@gmail.com (Z.D. Kifle).
Received 16 January 2022; Received in revised form 3 February 2022; Accepted 10 February 2022
Available online 16 February 2022
2213-3984/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of INDIACLEN. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
D.K. Yimenu et al. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 14 (2022) 100998
Ethiopia’s child mortality rate was 199 per 1000 live births, or around By adding a non-response rate of 5% the final sample size was 306.
one out of every five deaths. It’s treatable as well as preventable.5
Rehydration using oral rehydration salts (ORS) solution is an 2.3. Data collection methods and procedure
important part of treating diarrhea.6 During episodes of diarrhea,
rehydration therapy is an essential step to save children’s lives. Every A structured, interviewer-administered questionnaire was used for
year, however, millions of children die as a result of a failure to data collection. The questionnaire was adapted from previous studies
adequately replace the fluid. Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) for diar and modified to fit the current study setup.11–14 First, the English version
rhea could prevent over 1.5 million fatalities per year or 15% of all of the questionnaire was prepared. Then it has been translated to the
deaths in children under the age of five.7 Diarrhea morbidity and mor Amharic version (local language) then back to English. The question
tality can be reduced with proper home management. Dehydration naire consisted of four parts. The first part contains questions about the
owing to a loss of fluids and electrolytes is thought to be the cause of socio-demographic characteristics of caregivers and their dependents.
60–70% of diarrhea-related deaths. Knowledge of the causes of diarrhea The second part consisted of eleven questions to assess the knowledge of
and the accompanying warning indicators among caregivers, as well as the participants. The third and fourth parts consist of six and nineteen
the prevention of dehydration during diarrheal episodes through the use questions to assess the attitude and practice of the study participants.
of Oral Rehydration Salts, are all important factors.8,9 Dependent variables: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of the
In developing countries, diarrheal illnesses remained the second child caregivers on ORS and Zinc utilization.
leading cause of death in children under the age of five. Diarrhea is also a Independent variables: Caregiver’s factors (Sociodemographic and
major killer of children in Ethiopia, making it a severe public health work-related characteristic; age, sex, level of education, marital status,
issue. Every year, an estimated 73,700 children under the age of five religion, occupation etc …), Child related factors (Demographic char
years die because of diarrhea.10 acteristics; age of the child, breastfeeding, sex, number of under-five
Oral Rehydration Salts solution and zinc uses a component of child children etc …), Other factors (Partner’s occupation, educational sta
survival strategy. However, available studies and information provided tus, income etc …).
limited or inadequate knowledge to increase Oral Rehydration Salts
solution and zinc use. This is study will provide information on de 2.4. Operational definition of terms
terminants of Oral Rehydration Salts solution and zinc use aimed at
guiding health providers & policymakers in improving childhood mor • Caregiver: A person who is responsible for a child.
bidities and mortalities due to diarrhea. Thus, this study aimed to assess • Diarrhea: the passage of three or more loose or liquid stools per day
the knowledge, attitude & practice of child caregivers towards oral • Dehydration: the loss of water from the body, as a result of diarrhea.
rehydration salt and zinc use for the treatment of diarrhea in under 5 • Good attitude: who answer above the mean of the attitude question
children in Gondar town, Amhara regional state, Ethiopia. was considered as having a good attitude.
• Good knowledge: who answer above the mean of the Knowledge
2. Method and materials question was considered as having good knowledge.
• Good practice: who able to answer above the mean of the practice
2.1. Study design, period, and area question was considered as having good practice
• Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT): administration of recommended
A descriptive study was conducted at the university of Gondar fluid by mouth to prevent or correct dehydration as a result of
comprehensive specialized hospital. The hospital is located in Gondar diarrhea.
city, North West Ethiopia. It is located 737 km away from the capital city • Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS): A Solution used for the replacement
of Ethiopia. It is one of the most prestigious hospitals in the country of water secondary to diarrhea.
currently serving about seven million people in the catchment area. The • Poor attitude: who answer below the mean of the attitude question
study was conducted from August 07/2021 to September 10/2021. was considered as poor attitude.
Source population: All caregivers living in Gondar town having • Poor knowledge: who answer below the mean of the knowledge
under 5 children. question was considered as poor knowledge.
Study population: All under-five child caregivers in Gondar town • Poor practice: who answer below the mean of the practice questions
that fulfill the inclusion criteria. was considered as Poor practice.
Inclusion and Exclusion criteria: The inclusion criteria includes • Rehydration: replacement of fluid.
those under-five child caregivers in Gondar town that presented to the
pediatric outpatient department of the University of Gondar specialized 2.5. Data quality management
hospital during the study period, and those volunteers to participate in
the study. However, the exclusion criteria include those under-five child To ensure the quality of the data the following activities were un
caregivers that were unable to communicate freely with the data col dertaken: careful design, translation, and retranslation of the question
lectors due to medical conditions and/or language barriers. naire, close supervision of the data collection procedures, proper
categorization and coding of the data, reviewing the collected data for
2.2. Sample size determination accuracy and completeness by data collectors and supervisors, and by
checking the recorded data. A pre-test of the questionnaire was also
The sample size was calculated by using single population proportion conducted on 5% of the total sample size before the actual data collec
formula with the following assumption. Prevalence of caregiver’s tion, and necessary amendments were made based on the feedback. The
knowledge of ORS 74.4%, based on the finding of a study conducted in participants in the pre-test were excluded from the final study.
Wolaita Sodo town in 2016,11 the margin of error of 5%, and confidence
interval of 95%. 2.6. Data analysis
n = (Z α/2) 2 P (1-P) /d2 After data collection, each questionnaire was checked for
completeness and consistency by data collectors. The collected data
Where, n = the sample size, Z = Critical value = 1.96, P= Prevalence =
74.4%, d = Margin of error = 5% were entered and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 20. Frequencies and percentages were used to describe
n = (1.96)2 X 0.744(1–0.744) / (0.05)2 = 292 descriptive data and the results were presented using tables and figures.
D.K. Yimenu et al. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 14 (2022) 100998
D.K. Yimenu et al. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 14 (2022) 100998
D.K. Yimenu et al. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 14 (2022) 100998
D.K. Yimenu et al. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 14 (2022) 100998
Fig. 1. Attitude of caregivers towards Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) and zinc use for diarrheal disease management in under-five children in Gondar town, Amhara
regional state, North West Ethiopia, 2021.
Fig. 2. Attitude of caregivers regarding the frequency of Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) administration for management of diarrhea in under-five children in Gondar
town, Amhara region, North West Ethiopia, 2021.
3.5. Factors associated with caregivers attitude towards ORS and zinc use 3.6. Factors associated with care-givers practice towards use of ORS and
in under-five children zinc in under five children
In the bivariate analysis, a significant association was observed be In the binary logistic regression analysis, there was a statistically
tween the educational status of caregivers and their attitude about ORS significant association between caregivers’ educational level, occupa
and zinc utilization for diarrheal disease case management. Caregivers tional status, family size, and sex with their practice on ORS and zinc
with high school education, and with higher education (college, uni usage for diarrhea management at a P-value of ≤0.05. Caregivers with
versity level) were 4.872 and 4.148 times more likely to have a good high school and higher education levels (Diploma, Degree) were 6.537
attitude about ORS and zinc utilization, respectively than those who had and 9.00 times more likely to have good practice compared with those
D.K. Yimenu et al. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 14 (2022) 100998
Fig. 3. KAP of Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS) and Zinc use for diarrheal disease management among caregivers of under-five children in Gondar town, Amhara regional
state, North West Ethiopia, 2021.
Table 4
Association of the socio-demographic variables with knowledge of ORS and zinc usage in under-five children in Gondar town, Amhara regional state, North West
Ethiopia, 2021.
Variables ORS and Zn use Knowledge Total COR (95%CI) P-value AOR P-value
Poor Good
Abbreviations: AOR: Adjusted odds ratio, COR: Crude odds ratio, CI: Confidence interval, ORS: Oral Rehydration Salt, and Zn: Zinc.
D.K. Yimenu et al. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 14 (2022) 100998
Table 5
Association of the socio-demographic variables with attitude of ORS and zinc usage in under-five children in Gondar town, Amhara regional state, North West Ethiopia,
Variables ORS and Zn use Attitude Total COR (95%CI) p-value AOR P-value
Poor Good
Abbreviations: AOR: Adjusted odds ratio, COR: Crude odds ratio, CI: Confidence interval, ORS: Oral Rehydration Salt, and Zn: Zinc.
Table 6
Association of the socio-demographic variables with the practice of ORS and zinc usage in under-five children in Gondar town, Amhara regional state, North West
Ethiopia, 2021.
Variables ORS and Zn use Practice Total COR (95%CI) p-value AOR P-value
Poor Good
Abbreviations: AOR: Adjusted odds ratio, COR: Crude odds ratio, CI: Confidence interval, ORS: Oral Rehydration Salt, and Zn: Zinc.
D.K. Yimenu et al. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 14 (2022) 100998
addition, caregivers who have had higher education and those employed at any point of the interview. Moreover, the confidentiality of the in
were 6.293 and 2.313 times more knowledgeable than their counter formation was assured by using an anonymous questionnaire and
parts, respectively. keeping the data in a secured place.
This study also revealed that 84% of the participants had a good
attitude towards ORS and zinc usage which is higher than a study done Availability of data and materials
in wolaita sodo town, 76.8%.11 Caregivers’ employment status was also
a significant factor associated with their attitude towards ORS and Zinc Most of the data is included in the manuscript. Additional can be
utilization in which employed caregivers were found to be 2.408 times found from the corresponding author based on reasonable request.
more likely to have good attitude about ORS and zinc utilization than
unemployed respondents. This could be due to the fact that employed
caregivers would have better knowledge and access to medical infor
mation during their study times and/or at their workplaces which will
No funding to report.
have a direct influence to their overall health-related knowledge, atti
tude and practice.
Employed caregivers were also found 2.9 times more likely to have Declaration of competing interest
good ORS and Zinc usage practice than their unemployed counterparts.
Similarly, female caregivers were found 2.8 times more practical about The authors declares that they have no competing interests.
ORS and zinc utilization for management of diarrhea compared to
males. This could be because of the fact that female caregivers (mostly
mothers) are naturally very caring to their children’s health and will
most likely follow medical instructions in the care for their children.
We would like to acknowledge University of Gondar for material
In this study, about 94.1% of the caregivers followed the correct
procedures in the preparation of ORS solution. This finding was greater
than other studies done in Diredawa (85.4%), and India (76.7%).13,14
This could be justified by differences in educational status/awareness References
level of participants in these studies, and or frequent education by health
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