QIP Example Home Visit With ES Responses
QIP Example Home Visit With ES Responses
QIP Example Home Visit With ES Responses
Project Title and why it was chosen Title: Improving the appropriateness of ME You have provided a clear title
home visiting which is helpful.
You should explain what trigger (case, data or You describe your trigger
Trigger experience: I had gone on a home
events) led you to look at this area. You should visit whilst at the practice and the patient experience well.
comment on the likely impact of this on patients, had expressed her relief that I had arrived There is not much in your
and review the guidance or evidence that is before the taxi taking her to her hair comments here which looks at
relevant to the area (e.g. a literature review). appointment arrived. I had felt on several the patient perspective / the
previous home visits that the patient could impact on patients, which is an
have come down to surgery rather than important consideration. (I note
requesting a home visit. Home visits are
you have commented on the
obviously more time consuming than
seeing patients in surgery. In addition there medical advantages of a
is full access to the medical notes if change but not looked as
patients are seen in surgery and easy requested from the patient’s
access to diagnostics such as ECG if perspective.)
needed. There are a large amount of
Guidance or evidence: I have not found articles on the medicolegal
much relevant evidence here aspects of a GPs duty here…
and there is NICE guidance on
home visiting too…
The lack of apparent awareness
of this and comment on this is
Project Aim This QIA looked at a review of the home ME On balance this description of
visit policy at the surgery to ensure that your aims meets expectations.
When explaining your project aim, consider what home visits were undertaken if clinically The bit that is missing is the
you are trying to accomplish, how will you know indicated and other alternatives considered patient perspective.. Will
that a change is an improvement and what if appropriate. I was responsible for leading patients feel that they are better
changes could you make that would result in on the review. cared for (that change is an
improvement in patient safety or patient care? The project looks at visiting rates before improvement)?
Aim. and after interventions which will show if In a future review it might be
there are improvements. important to talk to patients or
Patient care will be improved if the team do a patient survey at various
are able to make better use of their time points in your quality
than home visits including finishing reviews improvement work so that you
of results and hospital letters in a more can identify their perceptions,
timely way. and their perspective on patient
care. (I note that there is
reference to this in your final
thoughts/ reflection but I can
find no details of when you did
this, its contents etc.)
Describe what baseline data or information you The number of home visits undertaken in ME I’m not clear whether this was
gathered the practice each day by the doctors was individualised to the Drs… or
collected for three weeks as a baseline. was just a grand total.
You should explain how you understood the Did you separate those
requested on the day from those
current position in order to decide that
which were generated by follow
improvements were needed. Explain which QI up visits by Drs?
tools or methods you used to fully understand the This answer would have been
‘problem’ you were trying to solve. Suitable improved to achieve above
methods would include QI tools for example; expectations by mapping the
assessing baseline data, process-mapping, process involved in generating a
conducting a survey and using fishbone analysis. home visit at the start of the
quality improvement project. (It is
Quality improvement requires attempting to important to look at both the
measure some change, though the nature of the process and the numbers!)
measurement will be different in different projects
and some data could be available before the start
of your personal involvement.
Describe what subsequent data or information Following the introduction of the first ME This is a clear explanation of
you gathered change, the number of home visits the data and the process you
performed each day was collected. The followed
How did you measure and evaluate the impact of first change proposed was a discussion It would have been useful to be
change? You should share enough data to on the telephone with the patient/carer more clear about what you mean
demonstrate outcomes; you may not need to share requesting the visit and the on call by significant difference. You
all your data. doctor. The patient would then be could have explained that a lack
of data points meant that no
triaged to having a home visit/directed
trend /number of points above or
towards another service/given below the median line could be
telephone advice or given an seen to demonstrate a significant
appointment in surgery. The results change.
were plotted on a run chart. The first
proposed change did not influence the
number of home visits performed. The
duty doctor was often too busy to
effectively and safely triage all requests
for home visits, prior to the coffee
break when home visits were
distributed among the doctors present.
In addition if it was felt that the patient
could safely attend the surgery, there
were often no free appointments in
surgery. It was decided after studying
the results not to persist with this
change after a period of two weeks. A
second change was introduced and a
further data collection undertaken. The
second change involved the doctor
being allocated the visits phoning the
patient/carer to triage the home visit
request. If the patient required an
appointment in surgery, the doctor
concerned could add them to their
surgery appointments. A run chart
demonstrated that this second change
did reduce the number of home visits
although there was not a significant
difference shown on a run chart.
How did you plan and test out your changes? See run charts and above. BE Though you have mentioned
run charts and described two
Effective QI work involves testing out changes PDSA cycles, there is not
(small cycles of change) and then learning from enough explanation of the
this experience and building on it. How did you process you followed here
apply this principle to your QI project?
How have you engaged the team, patients and I discussed the issue informally over coffee ME It is good to start with informal
other stakeholders throughout the project? with the other doctors, some of whom discussions to see the lie of the
shared my frustrations. I then discussed land. And very appropriate after
Describe any challenges of getting different team the process at a practice team meeting. this to discuss at a practice
The practice manager and the reception meeting.
members engaged with your QIA. team were very keen to reduce the number
Describe how you maintained momentum e.g. of visits if possible to ensure that afternoon However I am unclear exactly
planning for an early win:win. surgeries started on time and urgent which members you involved in
results and paperwork could be done at the project and note you
lunchtime. The reception staff suggested describe yourself producing the
that patients were told that a doctor would run charts with no support ….
phone them back to discuss the visit
request to ensure they were seen by the It is good that you described your
most appropriate person in a timely contact with 10 people who had
manner. I produced a series of run chart been telephone triaged. It would
which I displayed in the meeting room to have made more sense if this
demonstrate the impact of the changes had been tied into a description
introduced. It became clear after the first of how this changed attitudes or
change was ineffective that there was acceptance of the work within
some resistance to the idea of telephone the team
triage by some doctors. After listening to The outcome meets
their concerns, I contacted a random expectations… but could
selection of ten patients requesting a home probably easily have been above
visit that had been triaged and asked them expectations with a little more
about their experience. All ten patients attention to detail
stated that they felt it was appropriate to
contact them and were happy with the
outcome. One patient stated that she had
gone for a coffee after attending the
surgery – the first time in 2 years!
Summarise the changes as a result of your work The new policy will probably be continued BE There is neither clarity on how
and how these will be maintained. by certain doctors who are keen to reduce the changes will be maintained,
the number of home visits they personally nor on what the reasons are
If improvement was not achieved, explain why undertake. Several of the doctors are not that some doctors will not take
and what you learnt about this. keen on the change and just undertake on the suggested changes.
the visits allocated to them. The feedback There is also a lack of detail
and reaction to the changes is discussed about addressing the question
Describe how you relayed your results to the team above. of how you shared results with
and the feedback you received. the team, and the feedback you
received which is suggested as
part of this section.
What have you learnt and have you got any ME There are some areas you could
outstanding learning needs? This project was challenging. Although I have reflected on further… the
felt it was very important to reduce the number of weeks you did this for,
Think about what you will maintain, improve and how you individualised the data
number of unnecessary home visits (and
(or not) how much you could
stop in QIA? ensure the patient was seen in the best have worked more fully with an
environment with appropriate resources), admin team, or with some other
It is important to consider what changes you not all the doctors felt the same way – members of the team to ensure
might need to make as you continue to engage some feeling that triaging the request continuation of the work … etc
with QIA, for example consider the size of project, could effect the doctor-patient relationship At the same time you have
the amount of evidence collected, how you worked and possibly led to complaints. The pulled some useful learning
with others, the effective use of IT, its value to points for yourself out and
patient survey did help to alleviate these
long term care and its impact on sustainability reflected on the sustainability of
fears and was an excellent idea which the project which is enough to
(health outcomes for patients and populations
helped ensure that the project continued. justify my Meets Expectations
from an environmental, social and financial
(My trainer suggested this – he had used assessment here.
it previously when introducing telephone
Based on this Observation, please rate the overall competence at which the trainee has shown that they are performing:
Below level expected prior to starting on a GP Training programme ▢
Below the level expected of a GP trainee working in the current clinical post ▢
At the level expected of a GP trainee working in the current clinical post x
Above the level expected of a GP trainee working in the current clinical post ▢
Identified continued learning needs in It is important that you demonstrate that you can perform a literature review at a later point in
relation to the QI process [to be completed your training as this would normally be considered part of this assessment.
after discussing the assessment with trainee]
Completion of this project is a mandatory part of GP Speciality Training; failure to complete all parts will affect training progression.
Feedback that the trainee is Below expectation in some sections does not mean that the project needs to be repeated although there may be agreement that
this is the best way to get evidence for the competences which this part of training provides evidence for.
The assessment of overall competence at which the trainee is performing in this assessment will influence the ES’s overall assessment in the ESR for the
year of training in which it is carried out.
Trainees are welcome to share relevant (Caldecott compliant) data related to this project with this entry. Please note that some file formats will take up more
space, using formats like pdf will take up less space. The GP Supervisor is not expected to work through a presentation to find the data which should be
clearly demonstrated on this form or referenced.