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Airbus Maintenance Training

Boeing 777 Student Book

Data Communication
Management System

Training Code 77SA3

Revision Rev2.1.0-20180101
Airbus Maintenance Training
Boeing 777 Student Book
Data Communication Management System - CMCF - central maintenance computing function
Introduction COMM - communication
General CPI - communication program interface
CPM core processor module
The data communications management system (DCMS)
supplies a common interface for AIMS functions and other DCMF - data communication management function
systems that need to exchange data. The DCMS has these DCMS - data communication management system
DFDAF - digital flight data acquisition function
• Data communications management function (DCMF)
DLGF - data load gateway function
• Flight deck communication function (FDCF).
DSP - display select panel
Abbreviations and Acronyms
EICAS - engine indication and crew alerting
ACARS - aircraft communications addressing and system
reporting system ETA - estimated time of arrival
ACMF - airplane condition monitoring function FDCF - flight deck communication function
AIMS - airplane information management system FDDI - fiber digital data interface
AMI - airline modifiable information FMCF - flight management computing function
APL - airplane GBST - ground base software tool
ARINC - Aeronautical Radio, Inc. GSP - ground service provider
ATC - air traffic control info - information
ATIS - airline traffic information system I/O - input/output
Auto - automatic IOM - input/output module
AVLAN - avionics local area network ISO - International Standards Organization
BITE - built-in test equipment
BSU - bypass switch unit
CCD - cursor control device
CDU - control display unit
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Boeing 777 Student Book
Data Communication Management System - sw - switch
Introduction SDU - satellite data unit
LAN - local area network VHF - very high frequency
LRU - line replaceable unit xcvr - transceiver
MAT - maintenance access terminal xpdr - transponder
MCP - mode control panel
MFD - multi-function display
MTF - maintenance terminal function
NOTAMS - notice to airmen
OLAN - onboard local area network
OPC - operational program configuration
OPS - operational program software
OSI - open systems interconnection
PCM - power conditioning module
PDF - primary display function
PDS - primary display system
PIIC - passenger inflight information computer
PLAN - Planenet local area network
PMAT - portable maintenance access terminal
pri - primary
PROC - processor
RTP - radio tuning panel
SATCOM - satellite communication
sec - secondary

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Boeing 777 Student Book

Data Communication Management System - Introduction

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Data Communication Management System - Introduction

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DCMS - General Description
• Maintenance access terminal (MAT)
• Brouter.
The data communication management system (DCMS) The brouter connects to the portable maintenance access
manages analog and digital data in many different formats. It terminals (PMATs).
divides the work into these two functions:
The print driver sub-function manages all print requests for the
• Data communication management function (DCMF) DCMS. It sends data from the DCMS to the flight compartment
• Flight deck communication function (FDCF). printer, and sends print job status and any fault data back to the
The DCMF manages the radio hardware interfaces and internal DCMS.
processing. The FDCF controls the flight deck interface and FDCF
passes it on to the DCMF.
DCMF The FDCF supplies an operator interface for the DCMS. You
use these components to make inputs to the FDCF:
The DCMF supplies the protocols and manages data for these • The display select panel (DSP)
sub-functions: • The multi-function display (MFD)
• ACARS datalink sub-function • The control display units (CDU)
• Onboard local area network (OLAN) interface subfunction • The cursor control devices (CCD)
• Print driver sub-function. • Accept/reject/cancel switches.
The aircraft communications addressing and reporting system The DSP controls which display unit shows the MFD. You use
(ACARS) datalink sub-function manages flight plan and the DSP to select the COMM MFD display.
maintenance data between the airplane and the ground service
provider (GSP). The ACARS datalink subfunction connects to When you select the COMM display on the DSP, the MFD
these components of other systems: shows the FDCF main menu.
• Satellite data unit (SDU) You use the CDUs to enter text to the FDCF displays. After you
type text in the CDU scratch pad you use the CCD select switch
• Center and right VHF communication transceivers
to move it to the FDCF display.
• Left, center and right radio tuning panels (RTPs).
You also use the CCDs to select menu items, buttons, and text
The OLAN interface sub-function manages the data exchange boxes on the FDCF displays.
between the DCMF and the components on the avionics local
area network (AVLAN). The AVLAN is part of the OLAN. The You use the accept/reject/cancel switches to accept, reject, or
AVLAN includes these components: cancel messages that show on the FDCF displays.

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DCMS - General Description

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DCMS - ARINC 429 Inputs And ARINC 618
Interfaces Inflight Entertainment System
The inflight entertainment system sends data to the DCMF on a
The data communication management function (DCMF) high speed ARINC 429 bus. The DCMF sends this data to the
receives data on low speed and high speed ARINC 429 buses. GSP. The data is downlink data.
It also receives and sends data on ARINC 618 buses. Inflight entertainment system data goes to IOM (M009) in both
AIMS cabinets.
Input Components
Radio Tuning Panels
These components exchange data with the DCMF:
• Satellite data unit (SDU) The RTPs send tuning data and broadcast status data to the
DCMF and the flight deck communication (FDCF) on low speed
• Flight deck printer
ARINC 429 buses.
• Inflight entertainment system
Left RTP data goes to IOM (M004) in the left AIMS cabinet and
• left, center, and right radio tuning panels (RTP) IOM (M003) in the right AIMS cabinet. Center RTP data goes to
• Center and right VHF communication transceivers (VHF). IOM (M008) in both cabinets. Right RTP data goes to IOM
(MOO3) in the left AIMS cabinet and IOM (M004) in the right
Satellite Data Unit
AIMS cabinet.
The SDU sends ground service provider (GSP) data to the VHF Communication Transceivers
DCMF on a high speed ARINC 429 bus.
The SDU data goes to IOM (M003) and IOM (M004) in the left The DCMF receives and sends GSP data to the VHF
AIMS cabinet, and IOM (M008) and IOM (M009) in the right transceivers on ARINC 618 data buses.
AIMS cabinet. The center VHF exchanges data with the ACARS modem in the
left CPM/Comm. The right VHF exchanges data with the
Flight Compartment Printer
ACARS modem in the right CPM/Comm. The DCMF does not
The flight compartment printer sends status and error data to interface with the left VHF transceiver.
the DCMF on a high speed ARINC 429 bus.
Printer data goes to IOM (M009) in both AIMS cabinets.

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DCMS - ARINC 429 Inputs and ARINC 618 Interfaces

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DCMS - FDCF Display Overview

The FDCF displays show on a multifunction display (MFD). The The COMPANY menu shows all customer configured downlink
FDCF receives messages from the airline's ground station and messages.
sends them to the PDS to show on the MFD. The flight crew can
also send messages to the airline's ground station.
To show the FDCF main menu bar, select COMM on the display The flight crew uses the REVIEW menu to look at uplink or
select panel (DSP). downlink messages. Uplink messages show here after the crew
accepts or rejects them. Messages that do not require an accept
These are the six menu selections that show on the FDCF main
or reject also show here.
menu bar:
The MANAGER menu shows status information and supplies
• COMPANY controls for flight deck communication external support devices.
• REVIEW In the MANAGER menu, pages show for:
• MANAGER • The radios
• NEW MESSAGES. • The flight compartment printer
Buttons show at the bottom of the display to give the flight crew • Message configuration
control. • Datalink configuration.

The air traffic control (ATC) menu shows all of the displays the
flight crew uses to communicate with the ATC system.
Flight Information

The FLIGHT INFORMATION selection is not available now.

There is no response when the crew puts the CCD cursor in this
menu selection.

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Boeing 777 Student Book
DCMS - FDCF Display Overview
The ACCEPT button shows when a received message requires
The NEW MESSAGES menu shows the new messages that an accept or reject response and all pages of the message have
require flight crew review. The new messages usually come been displayed.
from the airline ground station. They may also be messages that The SEND button shows when all required data for the
the flight crew enters. message has been entered and all pages have been displayed.
Buttons The LOAD FMC button shows when the air traffic control (ATC)
system sends a flight plan modification. The flight crew uses this
The flight crew uses the buttons to control the flight deck button to send the modified flight plan to the flight management
communication function (FDCF) displays. Each FDCF display computing function (FMCF).
causes different buttons to show.
The PRINT button shows when a page has the capability to be
The ACCEPT, REJECT, and CANCEL buttons on the FDCF printed and the printer is available.
display do the same functions as the ACCEPT, REJECT, and
CANCEL switches on the P7 glareshield panel. The PRINT LIST button is available for the REVIEW or NEW
MESSAGES pages when a list shows. This lets the light crew
These buttons can show on the FDCF displays: print multiple messages.
• ACCEPT The RESET button shows when a downlink message is
• SEND displayed. This clears the message text.
• LOAD FMC The STANDBY button lets the flight crew tell the ATC that the
• PRINT ATC message is in review.
• PRINT LIST The RETURN button shows when a review message page, a
• RESET downlink message page, or a manager page shows. This
• STANDBY returns you to the previous list box page or menu.
• RETURN The APPEND button shows if the received message has the
capability for the crew to add information and downlink a
response message. The APPEND button shows only if all pages
• REJECT REASONS have been shown.
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Boeing 777 Student Book
DCMS - FDCF Display Overview
The REJECT REASONS button shows when a received
message requires an accept or reject response and all pages of
the message have been shown. A list of reject reasons shows
when you select this button.
The REJECT button shows when a received message requires
an accept or reject response and all pages of the message have
been shown. The message is rejected when the flight crew
selects this button.
The CANCEL button shows when a received message does not
require a response or the received message has been accepted
or rejected.
The EXIT button shows when the downlink page or manager
page shows.
The EXIT MENU button shows when a menu shows. The EXIT
MENU button takes you back to the FDCF main menu screen.

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DCMS - FDCF Display Overview

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DCMS - FDCF Information Messages
General REJECTING shows after the crew selects REJECT and until the
REJECT uplink is successful or the flight crew selects EXIT
During the uplink or downlink mode, information messages INFO.
show on the display. The information box and the button show REJECTED shows that the uplink is successful and shows
at the bottom of the display and hides other data. Information when the flight crew selects EXIT INFO.
messages show in the box as the flight crew looks at the uplink
NO REJECT shows when the uplink queue is full or the crew
or downlink message text. Information messages occur either
selects EXIT INFO.
as a result of flight crew action or automatically.
When you select the PRINT button on the MFD, one of these
Uplink Information Messages information messages show:
When you select the ACCEPT button on the MFD or the • MESSAGE TO PRINTER 1
glareshield, one of these information messages show: • NO PRINT.
• ACCEPTING MESSAGE TO PRINTER 1 shows when the print format goes to
• ACCEPTED the primary flight compartment printer. It shows until the flight
crew selects EXIT INFO or until NO PRINT occurs.
NO PRINT shows when the print format cannot be sent to the
ACCEPTING shows after crew selects ACCEPT and until the
flight compartment printer. It shows until the flight crew selects
ACCEPT uplink is successful or the flight crew selects EXIT
INVALID DATA shows when the uplink has invalid data.
ACCEPTED shows that the uplink is successful and shows
when the flight crew selects EXIT INFO. DATALINK LOST FOR THIS MESSAGE tells the flight crew that
the datalink to respond to this message is not available. This
NO ACCEPT shows when the uplink queue is full or the crew
type of information message requires a flight crew response. It
selects EXIT INFO.
shows until the flight crew makes a response. EXIT INFO then
When you select the REJECT button on the MFD or the causes the message to go away.
glareshield, one these information messages show:
INCOMPLETE MESSAGE shows when the flight crew receives
• REJECTING an uplink with mandatory data fields blank. The message shows
• REJECTED until the flight crew selects EXIT INFO.

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DCMS - FDCF Information Messages
Downlink Information Messages

When you select the PRINT button on the MFD, one of these
information messages show:
MESSAGE TO PRINTER 1 shows when the print format goes to
the light compartment printer. It shows until the flight crew
selects EXIT INFO or NO PRINT occurs.
NO PRINT shows when the print format cannot be sent to the
flight compartment printer. It shows until the flight crew selects
When you select the SEND button on the MFD, one of these
information messages show:
SENDING shows until the downlink is successful or the flight
crew removes the response from the downlink list or the flight
crew selects EXIT INFO.
SENT shows that the downlink is successful. It shows until the
flight crew selects EXIT INFO.
NO SEND shows when the flight crew deletes the response
from the downlink list. It shows until the crew selects EXIT

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DCMS - FDCF Information Messages

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Boeing 777 Student Book
DCMS - FDCF Company Menu
General Flight Initialization Display

The COMPANY menu gives you access to company format The flight crew can initialize flight plan data from a single
displays and sub-menus to downlink. You can transmit location on this display.
messages and data from a display. you can select the company
Diversion Report Display
menu anytime.
These are the displays you can select from the company menu: The flight crew uses the diversion report display to tell the airline
• Flight initialization the ETA at the diversion destination.
• Diversion Estimated Time of Arrival Display
• Estimated time of arrival (ETA)
The flight crew uses the estimated time of arrival display to tell
• Flight times
the airline the planned ETA at the destination airport.
• Departure report
Flight Times Display
• Position report
• Arrival report The flight crew uses the flight times display to show the OUT,
• Message to ground OFF, ON, and IN times. This shows the fuel on board and
• Voice contact request boarded fuel for the current and previous flights.
• Weather requests Departure Report Display
• Maintenance report
The flight crew uses the departure report display to send
• Miscellaneous codes information that shows on the flight times display and additional
• Situation. information that relates to a departure.
These are the sub-menus you can select from the company
• Delay reports
• Crew requests.
Use the cursor control device to highlight and select a display or

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DCMS - FDCF Company Menu Maintenance Report Display

Position Report Display The flight crew uses the maintenance report display to enter
codes and/or free text about maintenance problems for
The flight crew uses the position report display to send this transmissions to the ground.
Miscellaneous Codes Display
• Position information
• Current position The airline uses the miscellaneous codes display to support
• Flight level new display functions.
• Next position Situation Display
• Other performance data.
The flight crew uses the situation display to tell the ground
Arrival Report Display station of an emergency situation.
The flight crew uses the arrival report display to send Delay Reports Sub-menu
information that shows on the flight times display and additional
information that relates to an arrival. The flight crew uses the delay reports sub-menu to tell the
airline of a departure, takeoff, or enroute delay.
Message To Ground Display
Crew Requests Sub-Menu
The flight crew uses the message to ground display to send free
text messages to a selected ground station. When you select the crew requests box, the crew requests sub-
menu shows. The crew requests sub-menu shows more display
Voice Contact Request Display selections.
The flight crew uses the voice contact request display to start
voice contact with a selected ground station.
Weather Requests Display

The flight crew uses the weather request display to request

weather information from the airline host or ground service

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DCMS - FDCF Company Menu

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Boeing 777 Student Book
DCMS - FDCF Manager Menu

The MANAGER menu selection gives the flight crew access to

these manager sub-menus:
• ACARS. This provides the selection to verify that the
center radio is defaulted to data, and change if desired.
• Automatic dependent surveillance (ADS)
• System information. This selection provides the
capability to Enter or Validate the Tail ID. This must be
done before engine start, it is inhibited after engine start.
The Tail number will be lost if the CBs on the
• Printer
• Automatic messages
• Master. This selection provides the Reset Function of
the ACARS system

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DCMS - FDCF Manager Menu

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ACARS Sub-menu Page One

Page one of the ACARS sub-menu lets the flight crew select the
ACARS frequency and scan rate. It also lets the flight crew set
the secondary frequency. To do this, type the frequency into the
CDU scratch pad. Use the cursor control device (CCD) to
highlight the box prompts. Use the CCD cursor select switch to
select the secondary frequency.
The RETURN and EXIT buttons show on the display.
ACARS Sub-menu Page Two

Page two of the ACARS sub-menu lets the flight crew select the
ACARS mode of transmission. The selections are:
• SATCOM mode only
• VHF mode only
• HF mode only
Page two of the ACARS sub-menu also shows ACARS status
messages. The status message field holds the 25 most recent
messages. The newest messages show first. The possible
ACARS messages are:
The RETURN and EXIT buttons show on the display.

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DCMS - FDCF Communication Sub-Menus
SATCOM Sub-menu VHF Sub-menu.

The SATCOM sub-menu lets the flight crew see the SATCOM The VHF sub-menu lets the flight crew set the radio
STATUS messages. The status message field holds the 25 transmission mode and select the HF radio as the default data
most recent messages. The newest messages show first. radio (left or right). The graphic shows the power up default
These are the possible SATCOM messages:
The sub-menu also shows HF status messages. The status
message field holds the 25 most recent messages. The newest
• SATCOM LINK ESTABLISHED messages show first. These are the possible HF messages:
The RETURN and EXIT buttons show on the display. • HF DATA MODE RADIO FAILURE

The VHF sub-menu lets the flight crew set the radio
transmission mode and select the VHF radio as the default data
radio (right or center only). The graphic shows the power up
default selections.
The sub-menu also shows VHF status messages. The status
message field holds the 25 most recent messages. The newest
messages show first. These are the possible VHF messages:
The RETURN and EXIT buttons show on the display.

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Boeing 777 Student Book

DCMS - FDCF Communication Sub-Menus

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DCMS - DCMF Operational Tests

You can do DCMF operational tests from the MAT. These are
the operational tests for the DCMF:
• Left DCMF - FDDI (fiber digital data interface) LAN reset
• Left DCMF - modem reset
• Right DCMF - FDDI LAN reset
• Right DCMF - modem reset.
Left DCMF - FDDI LAN Reset

This test makes sure that the left AIMS cabinet can exchange
data on the avionic local area network (AVLAN). The time for
this test is about one minute.
Left DCMF - Modem Reset

This test makes sure that the DCMF modem in the left AIMS
cabinet operates correctly. The test stops ACARS
communication. The time for this test is about one minute.
Right DCMF - FDDI LAN Reset

This test makes sure that the right AIMS cabinet can exchange
data on the AVLAN. The time for this test is about one minute.
Right DCMF - Modem Reset

This test makes sure that the DCMF modem in the right AIMS
cabinet operates correctly. The test stops ACARS
communication. The time for this test is about one minute.

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Boeing 777 Student Book

DCMS - DCMF Operational Tests

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