II. Give specific examples on the different kinds of obligations and differentiate obligations
from each other.
1. Pure Obligation
- It is an obligation that immediately demandable and also a debt that there is no
specific date for its fulfillment.
Example: Chim obliges himself to pay Van 3,000php.
2. Conditional Obligation
- This obligation is rises when the condition is fulfilled and it shall be deemed to be
one with a period of time.
Example: Mr. Antonio give his Porsche 911 to her daughter, if Maria
passes her Architect Examination.
9. Indivisible Obligation
- This obligation must be fulfilled at one time and as a whole.
Example: Mrs. Alvarez obliges himself to deliver to Mr. Tucks a specific
car on December 15.
10. Obligation with a Penal Clause
- In obligation with a penal clause, all that creditor has to prove and the penalty is
demandable without a proof of actual damages.
Example: a Forman promised to construct a house for Mr. Justin, the
contract carried a penal clause that in case of non – compliance, Froman
would have to pay a penalty of 150,000php and Mr. Justin suffered damage
in the amount of 50,000php because Forman refuses to construct a house.
But Mr. Justin need not prove fraud to recover the penalty.
III. Kindly explain how can Payment extinguish obligations and; state the different kinds of
payments...... Are rights transmissible?
A payment can be extinguished obligations if the payment made by debtor to the person
of creditor or by the law to receive extinguishes obligation.
Different kinds of payments;
a. Dation in payment – in this kind of payment the debtor delivers and transmits to
the creditor the former's ownership over a thing as an accepted equivalent of the
payment or performance of an outstanding debt.
b. Application payments - Payments are applied to Charges, it means that
contractor’s monthly partial invoice for payment.
c. Payment by cession - assignment of the debtor’s property must be involve in
favor of creditors.
d. Tender of payment in consignation - the debtor shall be released from
responsibility by the consignation of the thing or sum due if the creditor to whom
a tender of payment has been made refuses without just cause to accept it.
Under art. 1311, par 1. obligations derived from a contract are transmissible. Contracts
take effect only between the parties, their assigns and heirs, except in case where the
rights and obligations arising from the contract are not transmissible by their nature, or by
stipulation or by provision of law.
Rights are can and cannot be transmissible depends on the situation and also depends
between the contract of parties.
IV. What are the different kinds of conditions? What are the different kinds of period?
Explain all briefly and give examples.
VII. Explain Article1189 and 1198. Then how and why Loss of a thing due extinguish
obligations? Explain and give examples.
In article 1189, whoever has the responsibility to return the item in the event of loss,
deterioration, or improvement. The courts have the authority to evaluate whether the
accomplishment of resolutory conditions has retroactive effect. If the thing is loss without
the fault of the debtor, the obligation shall be extinguished and if the thing is loss through
the fault of debtor, he shall be obliged to pay damages. If the thing is deteriorated without
the fault of debtor, the impairment is to be deducted by creditor. If it is through fault of
debtor, the creditor may choose between the recission of obligation and its fulfillment.
Example: Osama obliges himself to give Saitama his car worth
1,000,000php if Saitama will sell Osama ‘s Property. The car was lost
without the fault of Osama. The obligation of Osama is extinguished even
if Saitama sells the property.
The debtor shall lose every right to make use of the period:
(1) When after the obligation has been contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless he gives
a guaranty or security for the debt;
(2) When he does not furnish to the creditor the guaranties or securities which he has
(3) When by his own acts he has impaired said guaranties or securities after their
establishment, and when through a fortuitous event they disappear, unless he immediately
gives new ones equally satisfactory;
(4) When the debtor violates any undertaking, in consideration of which the creditor
agreed to the period;
In article 1198, the general rule is that the obligation is not demandable, before the lapse
of the period, however, in any of the cases mentioned in Article 1198, the debtor shall
lose every right to make use of the period so the period and the obligation becomes pure
and, therefore, immediately demandable.
Example: Jackie owes Jack 50,000php due and payable on December with
Jacki’s house as mortgage. If Jackie fails to furnish the said security as
promised, Jack may demand immediate payment. (When debtor does no
furnish guaranties or security promised.)
VIII. Explain clearly the difference between joint and solidary obligations and divisible
and indivisible obligations.
The difference between joint and solidary obligations are in Joint Obligation It is the
obligation that is responsible for satisfying liability by two or more partners to pay back a
debt while Solidary obligation that allows either obligors or oblige to be bound together.
In Divisible Obligation, its delivery or performance is capable for partial fulfillment
while on the other hand Indivisible Obligation must be fulfilled at one time and as a