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DNCD07 Initial Disclosures 2019

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) ss
COUNTY OF ________________ ) _______________ JUDICIAL DISTRICT

Plaintiff:____________________________, ) Civil Action Case No. __________

(Print name of person filing) )
vs. )
Defendant:__________________________. )
(Spouse) (Print name)


The following initial disclosures are submitted by the Defendant pursuant to Wyoming
Rule of Civil Procedure 26(a)(1.1)(A). This information is required in all divorce proceedings to
the extent that the information pertains to a particular claim or defense in the action. This
information must be made available to the opposing party’s attorney (or the opposing party if he
or she does not have an attorney) within thirty (30) days after the Defendant’s Answer to the
Complaint for Divorce is required to be served. For any of the following disclosures that do
not pertain to you, write “not applicable” on the appropriate schedule.

1. A schedule of financial assets owned individually or jointly, such as savings or

checking accounts, stocks, bonds, cash or cash equivalents, including the name and address of
the depository, the date such account was established, the type of account, the account number,
the current value of the account, and whether the account is acknowledged to be a marital asset
or asserted to be a non-marital asset and, if asserted to be a non-marital asset, an explanation of
the legal and factual basis for such assertion. (See attached Schedule of Financial Assets.)

2. A schedule of non-financial assets, such as personal or real property (i.e. house,

land, vehicles, household items, etc.) owned individually or jointly, including the purchase price
and the date of purchase or acquiring the property, the present market value, any indebtedness
relating to such asset, the state of record ownership, the current location of the asset, whether
Initial Disclosures
Revised September 2019
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purchased from marital assets or obtained by gift or inheritance, and whether acknowledged to
be a marital asset or asserted to be a non-marital asset and, if asserted to be a non-marital asset,
an explanation of the legal and factual basis for such assertion. (See attached Schedule of Non-
Financial Assets.)

3. A schedule of all debts owed individually or jointly, identifying the date any
obligation was incurred, the spouse in whose name the debt was incurred, the present amount of
all debts and monthly payments, the use to which the money was put which caused the debt to
arise, identification of any asset which serves as security for such debt, and an acknowledgement
of whether each debt is a marital or non-marital debt, and if asserted to be a non-marital debt, an
explanation of the legal and factual basis for such assertion. (See attached Schedule of Debts.)

4. A schedule of safe deposit boxes, including the name and address of the
institution where the box is located, the box number, the name and address of the individual(s)
who has access to the box, an inventory of the contents, and the value of the assets located
therein. (See attached Schedule of Safety Deposit Boxes.)

5. A schedule of employment, including the name and address of your employer;

gross monthly wage; payroll deduction(s), specifically identifying the type and amount; the
amount of other benefits including transportation, employer contributions to health care, and
employer contributions to retirement accounts; and outstanding bonuses. (See attached Schedule
of Employment.)

6. A schedule of all other sources of income, including the name and address of the
source and the amount and date the income was received. (See attached Schedule of Other

7. A schedule of all retirement accounts or benefits, including the name and address
of the institution holding the accounts or benefits, the present value if readily ascertainable, the
initial date of any account, the expected payment upon retirement and the specific retirement
date, and the value of the account at the date of the marriage if the account existed prior to
marriage. (See attached Schedule of Retirement Accounts or Benefits.)

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8. If seeking custody, or a change in custody, set forth the facts believed to support
your claim of superior entitlement to custody. In addition, as to a change of custody, set forth
the facts comprising a substantial change in circumstances and disclose any supporting
documentation. (See attached Schedule of Custody.)

9. NOTE: Supplementation of disclosures and responses. Wyoming Rules of Civil

Procedure 26(e)(1): A party who has made a disclosure or responded to a request for discovery
with a disclosure or response is under a duty to supplement or correct the disclosure or response
to include information thereafter acquired, if ordered by the court or in the following
A party is under a duty to supplement at appropriate intervals, its
disclosures if the party learns that in some material respect the information
disclosed is incomplete or incorrect and if the additional or corrective
information has not otherwise been made known to the other parties during
the discovery process or in writing.

DATED this _____ day of _____________, 20___.

Printed Name:
Phone Number:

Initial Disclosures
Revised September 2019
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I certify that on (date) a true and accurate copy of this

document was served on the other party by Hand Delivery OR Faxed to this number
OR by placing it in the United States mail, postage pre-paid, and
addressed to the following:

(Print Other Party’s/Other Party’s Attorney’s Name and Address)

TO: ______________________________________



Your signature

Print name

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In the following tables you will be asked to distinguish marital property/debt from non-marital
(separate) property/debt. Marital property/debt will be divided between you and your spouse as
part of the divorce; non-marital property/debt usually will not be divided (depending on the

The general rule is that marital property and debt is any property or debt acquired during the
marriage for the benefit of the marriage, regardless of who paid for it or whose name is on it.
However, just because a party acquired property before marriage does not necessarily mean that
it won’t be considered marital property. A spouse's premarital separate property can become
marital when a married couple demonstrates an intent, through their words or actions during
marriage, to treat one spouse's separate property as marital property. Gifts and inheritances are
generally separate property, although gifts for the benefit of the marriage, such as a dishwasher,
may be considered marital property.

"During the marriage" generally means from the time of marriage until the time of separation.

People often dispute what property/debt is marital or how long the marriage lasted. When this
happens, you are urged to consult with an attorney to learn about the various legal arguments that
may be available to you.

If you want to read more about divorce and property division, you can review that information
here, http://www.legalhelpwy.org/.

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Not Applicable Financial Assets
Type of Account Name and Address of Depository Date Present Last 4 Record Source of Funds Asserted as Marital or Non-
Checking, Savings, List bank, credit union, brokerage or other location Account Market Value digits of Ownership (Marital assets, Marital Asset?
Stocks, Bonds, Cash, where the financial asset is held. Opened Account (Plaintiff, Gift, **If not a marital asset, an explanation of
Cash Equivalents, Number Defendant, Inheritance, legal and factual basis for such assertion
other Financial Assets Jointly Owned, Separate assets, is required. Please attach additional
Other-describe) Before this marriage, sheets of paper if more space is needed.







Attach additional sheets of paper if needed

Initial Disclosures
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Not Applicable Non-Financial Assets
Description of Asset Purchase Date Present Amount of Record Where is How acquired: Asserted as Marital or Non-
Price Acquired/ Market debt related Ownership asset (Marital assets, Marital Asset?
recorded or Gift,
Purchased Value to asset (Plaintiff registered **If not a marital asset, an explanation of
Defendant, Inheritance, legal and factual basis for such assertion
and where is Separate assets, or
Jointly Owned, it currently is required. Please attach additional
Before this
Other-describe) located marriage) sheets of paper if more space is needed.
(County & State)

List Personal Property (i.e., household

furnishings, jewelry, antiques, guns,
collectables, etc.)













Attach additional sheets of paper if needed

Initial Disclosures
Revised September 2019
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Not Applicable Non-Financial Assets Cont.
Description of Asset Purchase Date Present Amount of Record Where is How acquired: Asserted as Marital or Non-
Price Acquired/ Market debt related Ownership asset (Marital assets, Marital Asset?
recorded or
Purchased Value to asset (Plaintiff registered Gift, **If not a marital asset, an explanation of
Defendant, and where is Inheritance, legal and factual basis for such assertion
Jointly Owned, it currently Separate assets, or is required. Please attach additional
Other-describe) located Before this sheets of paper if more space is needed.
(County & State)
List All Vehicles by Year, Model &




Real Property (house, land, etc.)





Attach additional sheets of paper if needed

Initial Disclosures
Revised September 2019
Page 8 of 15
Not Applicable Non-Financial Assets Cont.
Description of Asset Purchase Date Present Amount of Record Where is How acquired: Asserted as Marital or Non-
Price Acquired/ Market debt related Ownership asset (Marital assets, Marital Asset?
recorded or
Purchased Value to asset (Plaintiff registered Gift, **If not a marital asset, an explanation of
Defendant, and where is Inheritance, legal and factual basis for such assertion
Jointly Owned, it currently Separate assets, or is required. Please attach additional
Other-describe) located Before this sheets of paper if more space is needed.
(County & State)
Interest in any business



Any other non-financial assets:






Attach additional sheets of paper if needed

Initial Disclosures
Revised September 2019
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Not Applicable Debts (Incurred Individually or Jointly)
Name of Creditor and Last 4 Digits Date Debt Who Incurred Current Monthly What You Received For Debt Asset serving as Asserted as Marital or Non-
of Account # Was the debt? Balance of Payment or Use to Which Money was security for Marital Debt?
Incurred (Plaintiff Debt Put Debt **If not a marital debt, an explanation of
Defendant, legal and factual basis for such assertion
Jointly Owned, is required. Please attach additional
Other-describe) sheets of paper if more space is needed.

Acct. #:

Acct. #:

Acct. #:

Acct. #:

Acct. #:

Acct. #:

Acct. #:

Acct. #:

Acct. #:

Acct. #:
Attach additional sheets of paper if needed
Initial Disclosures
Revised September 2019
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Not Applicable Safe Deposit Boxes
Name and Address of Institution Box All Name(s) to whom Names and Addresses of All Individuals Inventory of Contents Value of
where box is located Number the box is registered Who Have Access to the Box Contents



Attach additional sheets of paper if needed

Initial Disclosures
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Not Applicable Employment/ Self-Employment
Employer’s Name and Address Gross Monthly Wage and Payroll Other Benefits and Amount Received Outstanding Bonuses
Deductions (Identify Type and Amount) (including transportation, employer contributions to (owed to you but not yet received
health care, and employer contributions to List Amount and Due Date
retirement account)
a. Gross: Amount:

Fed Tax:
FICA (Social Security):
Medicare: Due Date:
Children’s Health Ins. Premiums:

Total Deductions:

b. Gross: Amount:

Fed Tax:
FICA (Social Security):
Medicare: Due Date:
Children’s Health Ins. Premiums:

Total Deductions:

c. Gross: Amount:

Fed Tax:
FICA (Social Security):
Medicare: Due Date:
Children’s Health Ins. Premiums:

Total Deductions:

Attach additional sheets of paper if needed

Initial Disclosures
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Not Applicable Other Income (Not Previously Indicated Herein)
Name and Address of Source of Other Income: Amount Received Date Received
1. Disability (Indicate type, i.e., Temporary total, permanent partial, permanent total, etc)

2. Unemployment

3. Worker’s Compensation

4. Retirement

5. Any Other Payments Made By Any Payor (describe)

Attach additional sheets of paper if needed

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Retirement Accounts or Benefits
Not Applicable (Pensions, Profit Sharing, IRA’s, 401K’s, Retirement Plans, etc.)
Name and Address of Institution, Who owns Last 4 Type of Date Plan Value of Present Loans Expected Asserted as Marital or Non-
Carrier, or Plan Administrator the plan? Digits of Plan Acquired Account on Value Against Date of Marital Asset?
holding the account or benefit Plaintiff Account Date of Plan Retirement **If not a marital asset, an explanation of
or Marriage and Expected legal and factual basis for such assertion
or ID
Payment is required. Please attach additional
Defendant) Number Amount sheets of paper if more space is needed.
1. Date:


2. Date:


3. Date:


4. Date:


5. Date:


Attach additional sheets of paper if needed

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Not Applicable Custody
1. If you are seeking custody, set forth the facts supporting your claim to superior entitlement to custody:

A. I have been the primary caretaker of the child(ren) as follows:

B. I have a good quality of relationship with the child(ren) as follows:

C. I have the ability to take care of the child(ren) as follows:

D. I am the more fit and competent parent to have custody as follows:

E. I am willing to support my child(ren) maintaining a relationship with both parents as follows:

F. I have the physical ability to care for the child(ren) as follows:

G. Other

Attach additional sheets of paper if needed

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