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The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the Question of


Conference Paper · January 2002


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1 author:

Tarja Kallio-Tamminen
Physics Foundations Society


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Infinity, Causality and Determinism
Cosmological Enterprices and Their Preconditions
Colloquim in Helsinki 8-9 May 2000
Tarja Kallio-Tamminen

The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

and the Question of Causality

A philosopher once said 'It is necessary for the very existence of science that the same conditions always produce
the same results'. Well they do not. The characteristics of nature are not to be determined by pompous
preconditions, but by nature herself.1

1. Introduction

In the beginning of the modern era, reality was sharply divided into two parts: res extensa and res cogitans.
Physics began to study the measurable world of extended objects, whereas subjective phenomena belonged to a
different realm. Newtonian mechanics presented a clear and visualizable model of mechanical world where
nothing could happen that was not in principle predictable. The behaviour of material particles was supposed to be
governed by strict deterministic laws. The end of nineteenth century saw a common belief that physics had
revealed the real nature of world. The power of the detached human mind had been able to catch an objective
God’s-Eye-View to whole cosmos.

Visualizable Newtonian mechanics was replaced in the 1920’s by the indeterministic and abstract formalism of
quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics entailed a radical shift of paradigm within physics. It offered a same
kind of broad and universally applicable theoretical framework that was able to lead the modern research as
Newton´s mechanics had done at its time. The interpretation of this irrevocably complex theory that deals with
manydimensional spaces, however, has been difficult. In spite of prolonged discussions a consensus concerning it
is yet to be found. Even the basic question whether the theory has any profound implications for our understanding
of reality and its metaphysical foundations has remained open.

Many problems emerged in connection with quantum mechanics that are difficult to conceptualize and understand
within the visualizable framework of classical physics. For example, the interpretation of wave-particle dualism,
the principle of uncertainty, and quantum non-locality have caused controversies for more than 70 years. The
founding fathers of the Copenhagen interpretation, who were also largely responsible for the construction of the
theory, were convinced that quantum theory could not be satisfactorily interpreted and understood within the
prevailing mechanistic and deterministic framework of classical physics. They proposed profound revisions to our
ontological and epistemological approaches to reality. The ideas of Niels Bohr especially represented radical
reconsideration and reconstruction of the traditional metaphysics. The role of the human observer and his position
in reality is understood in his framework of complementarity in a new way that reconstructs the strict dualism of

Richard P. Feynman, The Character of Physical Law. London: Benguin Books, 1992 (1965) p. 147.
Many of the post-copenhagen interpretations of quantum mechanics such as David Bohm´s causal interpretation or
the many- worlds´ interpretation aim to maintain familiar metaphysical presuppositions of determinism,
reductionism and detached observer. When these interpretations have been considered within the framework of
classical metaphysics, they have often been perceived as realistic. Comparably the basically realistic tendency of
the Copenhagen group is ignored, and their ideas are seen either positivist or anti-realistic. The Copenhageans did
not, however, consider themselves as positivists. They were explicitly trying to understand the nature of reality. In
light of their wider viewpoint the latter interpretations appear as futile attempts to return to classical metaphysics
by postulating unfounded auxiliary hypotheses. These post-Copenhagen interpretations can be seen in Kuhnian
terms as efforts to hold onto a "normal science," i.e. classical metaphysics, even if new evidence might actually
demand entirely new approaches.

2. The Indeterminism of Quantum Mechanics

The new features of quantum mechanics convinced the Copenhagen group that the theory enabled and even made
necessary the rejection of some of the metaphysical preconditions of previous physics. Illustrative for their starting
point is the question of Max Born: How can we speak about objective reality when the atomic world cannot even
reveal itself without the observer and his measurement arrangements. 2 The Copenhagen group come to see the
objective world of the nineteenth century science as ‘a straightforward simplification, an ideal limiting case, that
was not the whole reality’3. Classical physics presupposed that one could always in principle determine the state of
a physical system to any desired degree of accuracy by measuring certain quantities. When a system of
exceedingly small mass was considered in quantum mechanics, however, the state of the object was disturbed by
the measuring process in an unpredictable way. 4

The nature of this "disturbance" was difficult to conceptualize. It was something inherent in the nature, something
that could not be overcome by better instruments or observation techniques. The interaction between the
measuring instruments and the object under observation could no longer be neglected or totally controlled.
Measurement was not possible without an unpredictable statistical impact produced by the measurement
instruments; for this reason the state of the observed system was changed during the measurement process. In
addition the principle of uncertainty removed the possibility of knowing precisely the mechanical state of the
system under study. Even if in classical physics knowledge about exact position and momentum had been a
prerequisite for determining the path of a particle as well as predicting its future, in quantum physics when the
position of the system was determined precisely the experimenter was unable to determine the momentum of the

The Copenhageans believed that quantum mechanics had revealed a deeper underlying unity in nature. Niels Bohr
spoke about the unsuspected limitation of the mechanical conception of nature as well as indivisibility of the
measurement process.5 He maintained that Planck´s discovery of the elementary quantum of action had revealed a
feature of wholeness inherent in atomic processes. Since the symbolic operators of quantum mechanics were liable
to a non-commutative algorism, the mechanistic and reductionistic space-time description of classical physics was
prevented. Indeed, the usefulness of the mechanistic models within which all events could be described as
independent objective movements in time-space was limited to the macroscopic world. In quantum theory we are
beyond the reach of pictorical visualization. Firthermore, the demand of unrestricted divisibility, that all
phenomena can be arbitrarily subdivided, is not applicaple. It is not even always possible to divide the subject from
the object in an unambiguous way. The subject-object distinction is not fixed and no clear-cut distinction can be
made between the objects themselves and their interaction with the measuring instruments. Observations can be
obtained only under given experimental conditions. 6

Max Born, Physik im Wandel meiner Zeit. Braunschweig, Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1983, p. 59.
Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Beyond. London: George Allen & Unwin LTD, 1971, p. 88.
March Arthur, Quantum mechanics of particles and wave fields. New York:
John Wiley & Sons, 1951, p. 1.
Niels Bohr, Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1958, pp. 61, 74,
Niels Bohr, Essays 1958/62 on Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge. New York: Interscience, 1963,
pp.2, 92.
The Copengagen group thus clearly recognized and drew serious attention to this novel holistic feature inherent in
the world described by quantum mechanics. Bohr debated it for decades with Einstein, but only nowadays when
the experiments of Alain Aspect have proved that so called local realistic theories predict wrong results, the
EPR-controversy has been settled in favour of Bohr. Recent experiments on quantum coherences have also
confirmed a certain entanglement of spatially separated systems. These results are still described as unexpected
and counterintuitive7 even if they would not have surprised the Copenhagen group. This implausible nonlocality is
clearly anticipated by the formalism of quantum mechanics even if the results are difficult to understand within the
accustomed framework of mechanically interacting individual particles.

Arthur March, a German professor of physics, tried to conceptualize the Copenhagen ideas on the foundations of
quantum mechanics in clear and careful manner. He reflected the new situation in his remark that any phenomenon
that occurs in the micro-world consists of elementary processes or acts which, by virtue of natural law, cannot be
analyzed. Hence, the micro-world is by nature atomistic not only with respect to matter but also with respect to
events. We shall never know, what happens in atom during the process that leads to the production or annihilation
of a photon. The emission or absorption of light as well as the scattering of a photon by an electron are examples of
elementary processes or acts which resist any attempt to analyze them. Therefore, we cannot apply the principle of
causality to these processes. The atomicity of events appears to us as a discontinuity in the course of events, and
only probability relations exist between present and future. 8

The illusion of an autonomous external world broke down in the micro level. Quantum mechanics did not allow for
the possibility of making observations without reference to the observer or the means of observation. Werner
Heisenberg connected this problem to the indisputable fact that natural science bears the stamp of human beings.
He supposed that the science of nature does not deal with nature itself but with nature as man views and describes
it. Natural science does not simply describe and explain nature as it is but is a part of the interplay between nature
and ourselves. It describes nature as exposed to our method of questioning. 9

3. The Copenhagen Explanations for Indeterminism

Quantum mechanics convinced the Copenhagen group that the new physics is essentially statistical. Thus, the
world is not totally predictable for human beings and the classical concept of causality is inapplicable. Different
situations produce different phenomena; human beings are not only passive observers but, by manipulating the
boundary conditions, also design or shape the obtainable outcomes. According to Heisenberg, Descartes could not
have attained such a concept. It makes the sharp separation between the world and the I impossible. 10
The founding fathers of the Copenhagen interpretation clearly noticed that this critique of the very foundation of
classical physics demands a new orientation. It is not easy, however, even today to acknowledge the consequences
of this evidence. While a detached observer is not able to grasp all the mechanisms of material world, should we
give up the idea of detachment or, perhaps better look for hidden variables that guarantee the strictly deterministic
structures of the world even if we cannot detect them? Here is where an operationalistic physicists stops to
speculate. She has no means to decide the question by experiment. Therefore she contents herself with the idea that
in quantum physics the concept of chance plays a role for which there is no room in the methods of classical
physics. The idea of statistical causality is connected to those situations that cannot be exactly predicted.11

S. Haroche, "Entanglement, Decoherence and the Quantum/Classical Boundary." Physics Today, July
March, Quantum mechanics of particles and wave fields, pp. 1-3. and March Arthur, Das neue Denken
der modernen Physik. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1957, pp.47-50.
Heisenberg Werner, Das Naturbildt der heutigen Physik. Hamburg: Rowohlt,
1955, pp. 18-21. (1962, 81.)
Heisenberg Werner, Physics and Philosophy. New York: Harper&Row, 1962, p. 81.

March, Quantum mechanics of particles and wave fields, pp. 9-11.
Even though the Copenhagen group admitted that in the observable world something is at work which can be
designed only as change, they were not content with just noticing it. They wanted to know why. Wolfgang Pauli
and Werner Heisenberg suggested the concept of ontological renewal. Pauli did not believe that statistical causality
was blind. He compensated the lack of natural cause by a metaphysical one by saying that nature makes a choice
among the different possibilities that are allowed by the state function. Pauli even presented a speculative
ontological framework that involved consciousness. In his psychophysical and irrational reality cosmic architypes
were able to control and harmonize mind as well as matter. They chose the results they preferred, sometimes,
perhaps, by working through the subconscious mind.

Heisenberg also directed his attention to the concept of causa. It had had a much broader meaning in earlier
philosophy, but in the beginning of the modern era universe was stripped of personal or supernatural aspects. The
physical world was no more a visible expression of spiritual reality but was opaquely material and possessed no
deeper intrinsic meaning. Only the causa efficiens of the four causes asserted by Aristoteles was adopted as the
determining cause of every event in nature. Heisenberg did not hesitate to suggest that the new results of physics
gave credibility to some Aristotelian ideas. He assumed that probability meant a tendency toward something. It
was a quantitative version of the old concept of ‘potentia’ in Aristotelian philosophy. It introduced something
standing in the middle between the idea of an event and the actual event, a strange kind of physical reality lying
between possibility and reality.12

Niels Bohr was also convinced that the nature of ultimate reality could no longer be taken for granted. He carefully
considered the tacit metaphysics of classical physics and could not even accept the fundamental subject-object
dualism. He laid stress on the fact that natural scientists acquire their knowledge by actively participating in the
processes of reality. They do not know in advance what kind of reality they are exploring, so they are not able to
start from any given ontology. This fact does not mean, however, that would have doubted the existence of the
external world. We are observers and actors, not just onlookers but also participators in the drama of existence. But
because in quantum reality phenomena are necessarily interconnected, contextual, and indivisible and because the
observer and his instrument are embedded in that reality, the behaviour of objects under study can never be
captured as they are in themselves. Thus the scientist is unable to totally separate himself from the object of his
study or to take the viewpoint of an objective external observer, as was supposed within classical physics. Bohr
drew serious attention to this epistemological lesson taught by quantum mechanics. He tied his complementary
scientific description firmly to human experience; but, at the same time, he also struggled to create a new
exhaustive viewpoint that would overcome the limits inherent in the previously supposed God’s-Eye-View.

Bohr paid serious attention to the nature of language in the formation of knowledge. He particularly wanted to
understand why we have to use seemingly incompatible concepts such as waves and particles to describe empirical
observations concerning atomic systems even though no real paradoxes can exist, because the unequivocal
mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics guarantees the consistency of quantum description. He came to the
conclusion that it is no longer possible to presume that our language ‘corresponds with reality’ in the way that was
postulated in classical physics. By proceeding into areas far beyond our ordinary experience and immediate
observation, the new physics had shown that the scope of classical concepts previously held as universal was rather
limited. Our classical concepts that are adapted to the macroscopic world simply do not fit to the atomic world,
which does not allow familiar partitions and space-time models.

Bohr distinguished clearly between mathematical symbolic schemes and the intuitive modes of description yielded
by classical concepts. He believed that the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics revealed structures of
reality that simply could not be captured by ordinary language. Pure mathematics can not, however, evoke real
understanding of the nature of reality. Understanding the content of the theory requires retaining to the
macroscopic experience and the familiar classical concepts and analogies. We are bound to the use of well-defined
familiar images and idealizations from our daily experience, even though they are inferior to mathematics for
coping with quantum reality.

Heisenberg, Das Naturbildt der heutigen Physik, p. 24 and Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy, p. 40.
Bohr challenged through his notion of complementarity the alleged objectivity of classical physics. His approach
is not, however, subjectivistic. Scientific theories contain the best intersubjective understanding of reality at any
present time, even though one can never know whether they can capture reality it in its entirety. When quantum
mechanics made it evident that our classical language and models can not correspond with ultimate reality, Bohr
did not conclude that we should give them up. On the contrary, he looked for a new comprehensive standpoint
concerning the world and our role in it. He noticed that we can communicate all information obtained from the
atomic world in terms of our familiar classical concepts. We have to use complementary descriptions, however, in
different situations. For example, in certain experiments a given atomic object must be described as a wave,
whereas in others it must be treated as a particle. These complementary descriptions may seem contradictory, but
they actually complete each other. The concept of waves and particles are applicable in different situations and
they offer varying perspectives to reality. They are not arbitrary constructions, because they do refer to real
phenomena. Atomic objects, however, do not need to be limited to either a wave or a particle form, even if our
experiences in the macro-world have provided us with only these two images. Since the data that we acquire in
complementary experiments and descriptions also contains the impact of the instruments used, our observations do
not necessarily reach to the independent existence of the micro-world, but merely to phenomena that come forth in
the interaction. In the other words, the possible conflicts within complementarity are not caused by paradoxes
within reality itself, but by inconsistencies of our own mechanical models and classical language.

(Because we are embedded in reality it is not possible for us to create an exhaustive god-eye-view and look at it
totally from outside. The observer and his instrument interact with the studied phenomenon. In quantum reality
phenomena are necessarily interconnected, contextual, and indivisible, the behaviour of the studied objects can
never be captured as they are by themselves. Therefore, it is impossible for a scientist totally separate himself from
the object of his study or to take the viewpoint of an external and objective observer. On the contrary, the observer
acquires his knowledge by actively participating in the processes of the studied reality.)

Bohr emphasized that the principle of complementarity allows the use of classical causal representation in such
macro-level situations that are independent from the act of observation. At the micro-level, however, this
exception is not applicable and accordingly, our own participation cannot be avoided. Thus physical description
has to be reduced to the wider framework of complementary. It provides a rational generalization of the previous
ideal of causality and certainly does not refer to any limitations concerning quantum mechanical description.13

4. The Unsolved Problem of Measurement

The philosophical path of deep conceptual and metaphysical revisions paved by the Copenhagen group has not
nowadays been followed in physics. Rather the basic presuppositions and objective ideals of classical metaphysics
are taken for granted. Trust in abstract mathematics is often connected to instrumentalism, which naturally does
not produce any further understanding concerning the nature of reality. The chosen road has lead to countless
successes in adapting quantum mechanics to different sorts of problems. Physicists, however, have not been able to
find a consensus concerning measurements.

Abner Shimony described the conceptual problem of the reduction of a superposition as a "small cloud" in
contemporary physical theory in which the laws are otherwise completely independent of the existence of minds.
He anticipated that our present intellectual discomfort would be compensated if this difficulty eventually provides
some insight into the mysterious coexistence and interaction of mind and matter. ‘Small clouds’ in an otherwise
highly successful theory have often been precursors of great illumination. 14

See further Tarja Kallio-Tamminen, Observers and Actors, the Role of Human Beings Within Classical
and Quantum Physics. University of Helsinki, Department of Philosophy, Doctoral thesis, 2000, forthcoming.
A. Shimony, "Role of observer in Quantum Theory." Ann.Jnl.of Physics, vol 31, (1963), p. 773.
It is generally assumed that a 'complete' theory should be applicable to microscopic objects as well as experimental
setups. In classical physics the process of measurement could be described objectively from outside by comparing
the result given by measurement to a space-time picture or model created by the theory. Quantum theory, however,
does not generate a model for the process of measurement. Thus, it is not able to describe how it is possible to
proceed from the uncertain and unclassical quantum realm to the stable and separable world of everyday
experience. When the theory is applied to measuring apparati as well as to microscopic objects the final state of the
system will be a superposition of state vectors. It does not, however, represent a definite observable state. The final
state should be a so called mixed state, but no transformations map initial pure states into final mixed states.
Apparently, then, according to quantum mechanics, measurement should be impossible. 15

Physicists have tried many ways to establish substantive criteria for classicality within quantum framework in
order to give a better treatment of classical characteristics. They include superselection rules, decoherence effects,
systems with infinite degrees of freedom and generalized observables. Most distressingly, none of them seems
satisfactory; and results lead to inconsistencies that cannot be resolved in an obvious way.16 An increasing number
of physicists have begun to suspect that this open problem of measurement may have far-reaching consequences
for the possibility of recognizing an objective reality in physics. 17

While the universality of the theory is taken for granted, it is difficult to understand why the objectification of
measurement has not succeeded. Why has the ‘complete’ theory, contrary to accustomed way of thinking, not been
able to generate a model for measurement? Should we, perhaps, conclude that the solution may indeed demand a
completely new starting point instead of mathematical manipulation. Maybe the traditional dualistic framework of
thinking does not offer tools for solving the dilemma. As a matter of fact the question concerning the interpretation
of quantum theory also culminates in measurement problem. The conflict between Copenhagen and
post-Copenhagen ways of approaching reality and positioning human beings in it can be illustrated in their
different treatment of the measurement problem. While the post-Copenhagen interpretations have tried to retain to
classical ideas concerning measurements, some have suggested that the Copenhagen solution to the measurement
problem is to say that there is no solution18 I would rather say, however, that for Bohr there is no problem.

As a matter of fact, the Copenhagen interpretation has dealt measurements in two different ways. Both of them
emphasize the role of observer, but in totally different ways. In his orthodox theory of measurement John von
Neuman, in 1932 tried to find an traditional objective solution to the problem by introducing a concept of the
collapse of the wavefunction. This postulate states simply that measurement causes an abrupt and irreversible
transformation where a pure state turns into a mixture of states. The development of the quantum mechanical
system could, thus, happen in two totally different ways. Measurements should be treated differently from all other
interactions in nature. Von Neuman did not provide any clear explanation for his projection postulate; but later the
concept has lead to idealistic and subjectivistic interpretations according to the suggestion that consciousness
somehow collapses the wavefunction.

Actually there is no evidence that this collapse really takes place. It is commonly thought that speech about
collapses, reductions or jumps can only be metaphorical by the standard of physics, difficult as it may be to avoid
if one wants to treat measurements in the accustomed classical way. Niels Bohr´s approach offers a constructive
alternative. Bohr was silent on the question of the collapse of wavefunction. He did not accept the common
requirement that quantum theory should generate a model for the process of measurement. Neither did he believe
that the traditional treatment of measurement problem was possible. For Bohr quantum mechanics demanded the
rejection of the whole idea of causal space-time description of classical physics.19 When it is not possible to create
a visualizable model from micro-world, neither is it possible to give a true description of how to proceed from
micro-level to classical reality. Classical language is not able to give an exhaustive model of the measurement

Dugald Murdoch, Niels Bohr´s Philosophy of Physics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989,
p. 113.
Sunny Y. Auyang, How Is Quantum Field Theory Possible. New York: Oxford University Press 1995,
p. 82.
Peter Mittelstaed, The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the Measurement Process.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp. ix, 103.
Jim Baggott, The Meaning of Quantum Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992, p. 194.
Henry J. Folse, The Philosophy of Niels Bohr - The Framework of Complementarity. New York: North
Holland, 1985, pp. 68-70.
This failure does not mean, however, that any real difficulties arise concerning measurements. Bohr avoided the
whole problem by treating measurement apparati in classical terms. The macroscopic world and all the marks of
measurement instruments can be described precisely in classical language. Nor does the quantum mechanical
treatment of measurement create a problem for Bohr, because the superposition states of macroscopic systems
cannot in practice be differentiated from mixed states. For Bohr, the purpose of measurement is not to check a
value of some pre-existent quantity but rather to get information and knowledge about reality by participating in its
processes. When the system under study is not unambiguously separable from the measurement apparatus during
the measurement process, the system is not closed and, accordingly, the human impact on the observed reality does
not create any physical problem. The course of so called objective reality is actually changed in the different
processes following our divergent choices and actions. The choices concerning different kinds of measurement
methods and apparati are part of our irreversible activities. In the framework of complementarity the idea of
universal predestination shall be replaced by the concept of natural evolution.20

5. Conclusions

Niels Bohr's framework of complementarity offers a possibility of avoiding the measurement problem. It also
removes all of the apparent paradoxes of quantum mechanics without need to add any auxiliary hypotheses to the
theory. His approach would, however, entail radical changes to our understanding of reality. Criticizing the subject
- object dualism challenges the accustomed foundations natural sciences. Descartes proclaimed that neither God
nor any rational soul are present in World will ever disturb the ordinary course of nature in any way21. Saying ‘no’
to this foundational dualism would probably collapse the paradigm concerning the western conception of reality
that has characterized the modern era. The post-Copenhagen interpretations try to rescue us from such a radical
shift, being perhaps comparable to the transformations that took place in antiquity and at the turn of the Early
Modern era when the most profound metaphysical presuppostions concerning reality were also changed.

Clinging to out-dated presuppositions, however, may prevent a proper understanding of the role of human beings
in the world: What are the actual limits and possibilities of our existence? The dualism of Descartes gave birth to
the mind-body problem, but it was not able to provide any elucidation or justification for it. Neither could the
problem be satisfactory solved by an idealism or materialism that could not overstep the traditional mechanical
view concerning physical reality. By allowing indeterministic and irreversible processes, however, quantum
mechanics is able to give a preferable approach to understanding man’s relation to nature. In quantum reality our
role and existence can be viewed from new perspectives; especially it is easier to locate our mental activities within
the actual physical world.

Bohr in his approach replaced the passive observer of classical physics with an active participant who is deeply
interconnected with reality. The knowledge, values, and goals of human beings directly influence the distribution
of possibilities in reality through our choices and actions. As our knowledge of reality is expanding, we are
increasingly able to influence even areas of nature that were previously thought to be objectively given and beyond
human reach. Yet, the increase of influence is bound to increased responsibility. Quantum mechanics made it clear
that we are not allowed to consider ourselves as totally omnipotent agents who are able to rule and manipulate
deterministic realm of matter as we like; for we are deeply influenced and dependent on the contextual processes of
nature. Our actions do have an effect both on ourselves and our future circumstances.

Bohr’s viewpoint is compatible with the emerging understanding concerning symmetries and complex systems.
Herman Weyl has already said in his book Symmetry: ‘The truth as we see it today is this: The laws of nature do not
determine uniquely the one world that actually exists.’ The important laws of conservation in physics are governed
by simple symmetrical principles. These symmetrical principles may lead to many asymmetrical outcomes; hence,
as soon as a system has symmetry, a good chance arises that the symmetry may break. Symmetry breakage gives
rise to the growth of complexity in the universe by generating outcomes that are more complicated than the laws
themselves. When a symmetry breaks, very tiny asymmetries play a crucial role in selecting the actual outcome
from a range of potential results that are allowed by natural law.22

Niels Bohr, Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1958, p. 81.
Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method and related Writings. London: Benguin Books, 1999 (1637), p.
Stewart and Gikubitsky, Fearful symmetry. London: Penguin Books, 1993, pp.15-17, 54.
I think there is no point to deny that human beings as well are very much able to generate some of these symmetry
breakages. Their meaning can be minor in the scale of the universe, but our local neighborhood depends decisively
on our own actions as well. They are not unaffected by our beliefs or by our theories. For the sake of our future I
think it would be time to update our conception of reality. This magnificent complex system is not a simple
clock-like world.

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