Final Def Papers P1 1 1
Final Def Papers P1 1 1
Final Def Papers P1 1 1
Marievella M. Dagangon
Je-anne Mae L. Dragon
Rochie Angeli S. Vedra
August 2022
The Faculty of the Graduate School of Initao College, Initao, Misamis Oriental accepts
Submitted by Marieveila M. Dagangon, Je-anmae Lumucso Dragon, and Rochie
Angeli Sacay Vedra, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Elementary Education.
August 2022
Bachelor in Elementary Education, Initao College, Zone 2-A , Jampason, Initao Misamis
This study tries to find out if there is a significant relationship between the profile
of the respondents and the effects of student's satisfaction. This study aims to
and generic skills and learning experiences of the students enrolled in BEED course in
Initao College, located at Zone 2-A Jampason, Initao, Misamis Oriental. There were fifty
(50) second year students who are involved in the survey questionnaire.
and assess the effects of satisfaction of students of Initao College. The correlational
research design was utilized to link the dependent and independent variables employed
in the study. Responses to each item were scored using the five-point Likert scale. The
following scheme is adopted for the interpretation of the data from the said
questionnaire which would find out the effects of students’ satisfaction on the students
of Initao College.
The following significant findings surfaced in the course of the investigation of the
1. The majority of the students aged 18 – 21 years old. Most of them are female and
their average family income is 5,000 pesos and below. The highest proportion of the
respondents is non-working, which means that they are supported by their parents in
all of the aspects of the education. They are mostly available in any time of the week
for practice and rehearsals for projects or group work. However, the other
respondents belonged to the working status, they are the ones who work to support
themselves, family at some part and their education. They are not always available
for group works and other practice for they have to work in order to continue being in
ask questions they are also occasionally satisfied. In the satisfaction of being treated
with respect they are often satisfied and so as in understanding the learning needs
of the subject. They occasionally communicate with the subject content effectively.
3. In the assessment aspect, they occasionally knew how they are going to be assess.
The respondents are also occasionally assessing with fair test of their skills. In terms
of being assessed at appropriate intervals they are also occasionally satisfied. The
in the assessment aspect they are occasionally satisfied with how they are assessed
develop problem-solving skills. They also responded that they often have develop
the ability to work as a team member. They occasionally improve their skills and
written communication. And they are occasionally satisfied on the aspects on how
they are help in developing their ability to plan their work. They are occasionally
satisfied on the aspect that they are more confident about tackling unfamiliar
problems. And they are also occasionally satisfied on how they are confident about
the ability to learn. They are often satisfied about how they are positive on achieving
their goals. On the aspect of having new opportunities in life they are often satisfied.
Overall, in the generic skills and learning experience of the respondent they are
often satisfied.
5. The relationship between the profile and satisfaction of the respondents. Analysis
which leads to the statistical significance of family income into overall satisfaction of
the respondents. Another relationship was also found in Average Family Income on
also leads to the significant relationship between family income and overall students’
satisfaction. While the rest of the pair of relationship were found to be not significant.
Thus, the null hypothesis of the study is rejected and concludes that the profile of the
respondents can affect their satisfaction of students in schooling for some cases.
To our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dragon, Mr. and Mrs. Mercado and Mr. and Mrs. Vedra;
Gratitude filled our hearts for His mercy, love, and grace that this research became possible and
reliable. He had given us the people that extended their effort and time to help us with this
study. This paper would have not been possible if they are not around. So, we would like to
acknowledge these following persons for they are the ones who are helping us to make this
paper trustworthy and successful.
To our parents and siblings, the researchers would like to extend their thanks to each one of
you for you all made us inspired in motivated to continue this paper. On the other hand, the
researchers would like to give thanks for the financial and moral support that our family had
given us throughout all the process of this paper.
Prof. Alidangie Mangilala Gabe, PhD., their thesis adviser for his support and efforts in helping
us to successfully make this paper. His unending acts of kindness and his commitment to us
and this subject made us motivated to pursue this study.
Prof. Genno J. Cayhao, Ph.D., panel member for the suggestions and words of encouragement
for the betterment and to finish this paper.
Ms. Elieda L. Apor, MAEd- EED, panel member for suggesting some points to help us improve
and for the appropriateness and correctness of this research study.
Her friends and classmates for their endless support and encouragement to the researchers.
Their presences keep the researchers to move forward and conduct this study.
To all whose lives are dear to the writer of this paper, from their supportive professors, their
dearest friends, her colleagues, and her most loyal loved one, who motivated and inspired the
researchers the prosper in continue this paper, thank you; Above all to the Almighty God, for
without His grace and blessings, this study would not have been possible.
Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Abstract iii- vi
Dedication vii
Acknowledgment viii
Table of Contents ix-x
List of Tables xi
List of Figures xii
Rationale 1
Theoretical Framework 6
Conceptual Framework 8
Statement of the Problem 10
Hypotheses 11
Significance of the Study 11
Scope and Limitations 13
Definition of terms 13
Research Design 22
Research Environment 22
Respondents and Sampling Procedures 24
Research Instruments Used 24
The Scoring Procedure 25
Research Protocol 25
Data Gathering Procedure 26
Statistical Tools Used 27
Conclusions 47
Recommendations 48
Bibliography 50
Letter of Request 53
Questionnaire 55
Curriculum Vitae 58
Figure PAGE