MR Logbo - 3RD MP Examination Questions
MR Logbo - 3RD MP Examination Questions
MR Logbo - 3RD MP Examination Questions
1. Which of the following quadratic has no real 4. The x−¿ coordinate of the vertex of the equation
root? 3 x 2+ 9 x −2=0 is
A. x 2=7 x+ 8 1
B. 3 x 2+ x =−3
C. 2 x2 −9 x+7=0 B.
D. x 2−2 x+1=0 −2
1 2
2. If the quadratic equation x= +3 is written in D.
2x 3
the form ax 2 +bx +c=0 , what is the value of
2 a−b−3 c ? 5. The quadratic function f ( x )=x 2 was translated
A. 1 vertically and horizontally resulting to the
B. −5 function g ( x )=( x +3)2+ 2. Determine the
C. 13 coordinates of the vertex of g( x ).
D. 7 A. (3 , 2)
B. (2 ,−3)
3. One of the roots of the equation x −5 x−14=0 is C. (−2 , 3)
A. −7 D. (−3 , 2)
B. 2
C. −2 6. Which of the following quadratic equations has
D. 9 repeated root?
A. 2 x2 −3 x −2=0
11. Factorize the quadratic expression 4 x2 −81
B. 5 x 2+19 x−2=0
C. 36 x 2−12 x +1=0
A. ( 2 x−3 ) ( x−3 )
D. 5 x + 8 x +2=0
B. (2 x+ 9)(2 x−9)
C. ( x−9 ) (2 x +9)
7. Which of the following quadratic equations is not
D. ( 2 x−9 ) ( 2 x−9 )
A. 3 x 2−10 x+3=0 12. Find the value of k in the quadratic equation
x −kx +25=0 for which the equation has
B. 3 x 2−10 x−3=0
C. x 2−x−6=0 repeated roots.
D. 3 x 2−2 x −1=0 A. 10
B. 5
C. 9
8. Convert the quadratic equation y=x 2−4 x−2 to
D. 15
the vertex form.
A. y= ( x −2 )2+ 4
13. Factorize 2 x2 +5 x−3=0
B. y= ( x +2 )2 +4
A. (2 x−3)( x+ 1)
C. y= ( x −2 )2−4
B. (2 x−1)(x +3)
D. y= ( x +2 )2−4
C. (2 x+3)(x−1)
D. (2 x+1)(x−3)
9. Which of the following quadratic functions gives
a concave down parabola when sketched?
14. The standard of the quadratic equation
A. y=1−3 x2
(x−1)2−16 is
B. y=−(−x −2 x +1 )
A. x 2+ 2 x +16
C. y=−2+ 3 x +5 x 2
B. x 2−2 x+16
D. y=3 (1+ x 2) C. x 2−2 x−17
D. x 2−2 x−17
10. The vertex form of a quadratic function is given
as y= ( x −3 )2−6 . What are the coordinates of the 15. The line of symmetry of the quadratic function
vertex? f ( x )=3 x 2−1 is
A. (−3 , 6) −1
A. x=
B. (−3 ,−6 ) 6
C. (3 ,−6) B. x=0
D. (3 , 6) C. y=0
1 A. f ( x )=6 x 2−4 x +5
D. x=
B. f ( x )=7 x 2−11 x−7
C. f ( x )=8 x 2−10 x +3
16. A quadratic function f ( x) is defined as
2 2 D. f ( x )=6 x 2−4 x +9
f ( x )=(3 x−2) −( x−1) . The standard form of
f ( x) is
(CRITERIA A & D: all strands) – 16 MARKS
CRIT. A 1. Determine the nature of the roots of the following quadratic equations. Find the roots where possible.
(a) 2 x2 −3 x +5=0
(b) 2 x2 −6 x+3=0
2. Write the following quadratic equations in standard form and then find their zeros using the quadratic
CRIT. equation formula. Leave your answers exact where necessary.
A, D
(a) 25 x ( x +1 )=−4
1 2 4
(b) x+1 + x +2 = x+ 4 ; x ≠−1 ,−2 ,−4
B, D 3. Solve the equation 2 x2 −5 x +1=0 using any method of your choice. (Leave your answers correct to 3 s. f.)
3 4 29 1
4. Sketch the graph of the quadratic equation + =
x+1 x −1 4 x−1
; x ≠−1 ,1 ,
A, C, D
A, D 5. The sum of the age of a man and his son is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages was four times
the man’s age at the time. Find their present ages.
Good Luck! 😊
Third Marking Period Examination 2022/2023
INSTRUCTION: For each of the questions 1 to 16 in this part, write IN BLOCK LETTER the option which
corresponds to the correct answer in your answer booklet. SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION PAPER
1. If f ( x )=
√ 4 + x−2 , x ≠ 0 is continuous at x=0 , B.
6 x−5
x (3 x+ 1)
then f ( 0 )=¿ −9
C. 2
1 (3 x+ 1)
2 7−6 x
D. 2
1 (3 x+ 1)
C. 2 dy
5. If y=cos x 2, find
3 dx
A. 2 x sin x 2
4−x B. −sin x 2
2. The function f ( x )= is
4 ( x−x 3 )
C. −2 sin x cos x
A. discontinuous at exactly two points
D. −2 x sin x 2
B. discontinuous at exactly three points
C. discontinuous at only one point 6. Given that f ( x )=2 √ x− , find f ' (x)
2√ x
D. none of these 1
A. x +
x √x
x 2−4
3. lim 2 is B. x−1 /2 + x−3/ 2
x →2 x +4
A. 1 4 x−1
4 x √x
B. 0
1 1
C. – 4 D. +
√x 4 x √x
D. ∞
7. If f ( x )=( x3 −2 x +5 ) ( x−2 + x−1 ) , then f ' ( 1 )=¿
A. −10
4. If f ( x)= , then f ' ( x )=¿ B. −¿6
3 x+ 1
−7 −9
A. C.
(3 x+ 1)
2 2
2 x
f ( x )= ' 1
12. If a and f ( 1 )= , what is the value of
8. Which of the following lines is an asymptote of x− 2
x +5 x+6 a?
the graph of f ( x )= 2 ?
x −x−12 −5
I. x=3 2
B. −1
II. x=4 1
III. y=1 2
D. 2
A. II only
B. III only
C. 1 and III only 13. If y=x 2 ∙ f ( x ¿ , then y ' ' =¿
A. x 2 f ' ' ( x )+ x f ' ( x )+ 2 f ( x)
D. II and III only
B. x 2 f ' ' ( x )+ x f ' ( x )+ f ( x )
9. If x=1 is the vertical asymptote and y=−3 is the C. x 2 f ' ' ( x )+ 2 x f ' ( x ) + f ( x )
horizontal asymptote for the graph of the function D. x 2 f ' ' ( x )+ 4 x f ' ( x ) +2 f ( x)
f , which of the following could be the equation
of the curve?
−3 x
A. f ( x )=
−3( x −1) The table below shows values of f , f ' , gand g ' for
B. f ( x )=
x+3 given values of x
−3( x −1)
C. f ( x )= 2
( x −1) x 0 1 2
−3 x f ' ( x) 5 −3 7
D. f ( x )=
( x −1)2
f (x) 3 5 0
g(x ) 1 2 4
10. Determine the average rate of change of the
function y=3 x on the interval [2, 4] g '( x ) 6 −8 1
A. 2
B. – 2
Use the information to answer questions 14 – 16
C. – 3
D. 3 14. If h ( x )=f [f ( x ) ], find h '( 2)
A. 30
11. If g ( 2 )=3 and g' (2 )=−1, what is the value of B. 25
dx x2 ( )
d g( x )
at x=2?
C. 35
D. 20
A. −3
B. −1 15. Given that h ( x )=g[ f ( x ) ], find h '( 2)
C. 0 A. 30
D. 2 B. 32
C. 40 A. 10.5
D. 42 B. 12.0
C. 11.5
f (x)
16. Find h ' (1) if h ( x )= D. 13.0
g (x)
INSTRUCTION: AP Calculus AB candidates are required to answer questions 1, 3 and 4 only.
AB/BC 1) (a) If g ( 1 )=−2 , g' (1 ) =7, h ( x )=√ x and F ( x )=g ( x ) ∙ h( x ), find F ' (1)
(b) If f ( 3 )=−1 , f ' ( 3 )=0 , g ( x )=x 3, evaluate [ f ( x ) ∙ g ( x ) ] at x=3
g(x )
(c) If g ( 1 )=5 , g' (1 ) =−3 , h ( x )=x 2 and f ( x )= , find f ' (1)
f ( x)
(d) If f (−2 )=8 , f ' (−2 )=4 , h ( x )=x 3 and F ( x )= , find F 'at x=−2
h( x )
AB/BC 4) The table below gives values of f , f ' , g , and g ' at selected values of x .
x f (x) g(x) f '( x) g' ( x )
1 3 2 1 −1
2 −2 1 −1 3
3 1 4 2 3
4 5 2 1 −2
Good luck! 😊
INSTRUCTION: For each of the questions 1 to 16 in this part, write IN BLOCK LETTER the option which
corresponds to the correct answer in your answer booklet. SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION PAPER
1. In which of these is a person continually 6. All of the following are examples of real security
chased/followed by another person or a group of and privacy threats except
various people? A. Hackers
A. Identity theft B. Virus
B. Stalking C. Spam
C. Bullying D. Worm
D. Phishing 7. …………..monitors user activity on the internet
2. Which of these is an antivirus program type? and transmit that information in the background
A. Kaspersky to someone else
B. Quick heal A. Malware
C. McAfee B. Spyware
D. All of the above C. Adware
3. A ………………can be a hardware device or a D. None of these
software program that filters all the packets of 8. Viruses are
data that comes through a network, the internet, A. man made
etc B. naturally occurring
A. firewall C. machine made
B. antivirus D. all of the above
C. malware 9. Firewall is a type of
D. cookies A. virus
4. Which of these would refer to the exploration of B. security threat
the apt, ethical behaviours that are related to the C. worm
digital media platform and online environment? D. none of the above
A. Cybersecurity 10. Which of the following is not an external threat to
B. Cyber safety a computer or a computer network?
C. Cyber ethics A. Ignorance
D. Cyber law B. Trojan horses
5. Which of these techniques is used to verify a C. Adware
message’s integrity? D. Crackers
A. Message digest 11. When a person is harassed repeatedly by being
B. Protocol followed, called or written to, he/she is a target of
C. Decryption algorithm A. bullying
D. Digital signature B. stalking
C. identity theft
D. phishing B. firewall
12. ……………is a type of software designed to help C. vlc player
the user’s computer detect viruses and avoid them D. script
A. Malware 15. Which of the following can be considered as the
B. Adware elements of cyber security?
C. Antivirus A. Application security
D. Both B and C B. Operational security
13. Which of the following refers to stealing one’s C. Network security
idea or invention of others and use it for their D. All of the above
own benefits? 16. The term ‘TCP/IP’ stands for ……………….
A. Piracy A. Transmission Contribution Protocol/Internet
B. Plagiarism Protocol
C. Intellectual property rights B. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
D. All of the above Protocol
C. Transaction Control Protocol/Internet
14. To protect the computer system against hackers Protocol
and different kinds of viruses, one must always D. Transmission Control Protocol/Intranet
keep ………………on the computer system Protocol
A. antivirus
1. Cyber bullying is harassment behaviour, using digital technology, including the internet, email or mobile
2. Stealing of a person’s email, identity and address is not a privacy issue. …………………….
3. A cracker is a person who breaks into someone else’s computer system, often on a network. ………
4. You cannot use anti – spyware program to remove the spyware from your computer. ……………..
5. Phishing is one type of hacking. …………………………………
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions
1. Define cyber safety
2. List four criminal activities related to information technologies
3. List 10 ways of combatting cyber crime
4. List four internet safety measures
Good luck! 😊
Third Marking Period Examination 2022/2023
You have received the marks of your final exam and you want to assign yourself a grade according to the marks
scored in the exam. The grading system is given below:
Marks 81 – 100 61 – 80 41 – 60 33 – 40 0 - 33
Grades A B C D E
Good luck! 😊
Third Marking Period Examination 2022/2023
Subject: AP CSP
Customer comments from the purchasing A. User – selected tags. (e.g., “Vacation,”
A. How some of the buying public feel about D. Program used to read the file
their purchases
4. a) What is metadata?
b) What are the advantages of metadata
c) Give ten (6) metadata related to Oak International School
(Criterion A : all strands) – 8 MARKS
INSTRUCTION: For each of the questions 1 to 24 in this part, write IN BLOCK LETTER the option which
corresponds to the correct answer in your answer booklet. SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION PAPER
7. A freely suspended magnet always aligns in the 12. According to Ohm’s law
…………..direction A. V = I + R
A. North – South B. V = IR
B. North – East C. V = I R
D. V = I – R A. ammeter, series
B. voltmeter, series
13. The voltage rating on a cell when it is not C. ammeter, parallel
delivery current in a external circuit is called D. voltmeter, parallel
A. potential difference
B. current 18. When resistors are connected.
C. resistance ……………………. the same current flows
D. energy through them.
A. in parallel
14. Which of the following is used to measure B. in series
current? C. perpendicularly
A. Ohmmeter D. linearly
B. Voltameter 19.
C. Voltmeter
D. Ammeter
(CRITERIA A, B, C: all strands)
INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions in this part.
R2 R3 R6 R7 V1
6. Kevin and Kisha are ice skating. Kisha has a mass
v of 60 kg, and Kevin has a mas of 45 kg. As they
3. A basketball is thrown upwards on an arc at a 60 face each other, Kevin pushes off Kisha with a
degrees angle with the horizontal. If the velocity force of 54 N. Determine correct to two significant
of the ball is 5 m/s how fast must the thrower run figures, the magnitude of Kevin’s acceleration.
to catch the ball after it is released? (Assume the friction between the skaters and the
A. 2.5 m/s ice is negligible)
B. 4.3 m/s A. 0.51 m/s2
B. 1.2 m/s2 10. A vector P is multiplied by a positive whole
C. 0.9 m/s2 number scalar. Which of the following statement
D. 3.6 m/s2 is true?
7. Two dogs pull on a 0.15 kg chew toy from A. The magnitude and direction of the product
opposing directions. One dog pulls with a force of change
3.0 N to the left, and the other dog pulls with a B. Only the magnitude changes
force of 1.0 N to the right. Calculate the horizontal C. Only the direction changes
acceleration of the chew toy. D. The magnitude and direction remain the same
A. 13 m/s2 to the right
B. 13 m/s2 to the left 11. The total time it takes a projectile launched from a
C. 0.075 m/s2 to the right horizonal plane with a velocity u m/s at an angle θ
D. 0.075 m/s2 to the left to the horizontal to return to the plane of
projection is given by
8. Given that the horizontal component Ax and the
u sinθ
vertical component AY of a vector A are 50 N and A.
80 N respectively, the magnitude and direction 2u sin θ
with respect to the horizontal of vector A is g
A. 94.34 N, 57.99o u cos θ
B. 130.25 N, 48.34o
2u sin θ
C. 78.37 N, 50.85o D.
D. 89.29 N, 87.67o
9. The vertical component of a vector V with
12. The direction of a changes when it is multiplied by
direction βo to the horizontal is given as
A. a positive scalar
A. V sin β
B. a negative scalar
B. V cos β
C. a positive decimal scalar
C. V sin(180−β)
D. a positive fractional scalar
D. V sin(90−β )
INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL questions in this part.
1. State Newton’s first and second laws of motions.
2. An object is launched at a velocity of 20 m/s making an angle of 25o upward with the horizontal.
a) What is the maximum height reached by the object?
b) What is the total time of flight (between launch and touching the ground) of the object?
c) What is the horizontal range of the object?
d) What is the magnitude of the velocity of the object just before it hits the ground? [Take g = 9.81 m/s2]
3. Two balls A and B of masses 100 grams and 300 grams respectively are pushed horizontally from a table of
height 3 meters. Ball A is pushed so that its initial velocity is 10 m/s and ball B is pushed so that its initial
velocity is 15 m/s.
a) Find the time it takes each ball to hit the ground
b) What is the difference in the distance between the points of impact of the two balls on the ground? [Take
g = 10 m/s2]
Good luck! 😊