Shen School Learning Recovery Plan SLRP Log Frame
Shen School Learning Recovery Plan SLRP Log Frame
Shen School Learning Recovery Plan SLRP Log Frame
PROJECT TEACH Conduct of E-SAT To train teachers about Successfully conducted E- There are 12 teachers 100% of teachers were trained or
to assess Teachers teaching skills and strategies SAT and collected the that are needed to be capacitated
Needs To conduct series of trainings Development Plan of each trained for the sudden
Transform Collecting of and capacity building that fits teachers through their IPCRF shift and updates in
Educators Ability Development Plan to the need of the teachers. List and Schedule of education
by Continuously of Teachers based To promote different skills Trainings
Giving them on their IPCRF and teaching strategies that Successfully conducted 10
Helpful Capacity Listing of they can use in their daily SLAC Sessions and 2 In-
Building trainings/capacity classroom instructions service Training (INSET)
building that were
based on the
result of E-SAT
Scheduling of
Conduct of
Trainings and
Capacity Building