Abstract. Due to the popularity of using the technology, network security plays a
crucial role recently which supports to establish strong systems that work against
cyberattacks. Furthermore, the term “network vulnerabilities” refers to the flaws
in the network which attackers exploit to break security and steal critical data.
To discover the weaknesses of the network, the attackers use the mechanism of
open port scanning to reach the systems and data, therefore the administrator
should configure the network correctly and close any open ports. Monitoring
network traffic is very important, so the developer focus to design analyzing tools
that employ to inspect transmitted packets over the network to trace anomalous
activities. Wireshark is one of the most well-known packets analyzing tool that is
used to monitor the packets as well as used for examining the protocols. Moreover,
the type of attack can be determined from the statistic report which generated by
Wireshark tool. For instance, if the attacker sends syn packets to a target device,
Wireshark will show the detail of syn packets. Practically, when tcp syn requests
are flooded to any device, there will be a huge impact on the device’s resources like
consuming the bandwidth which affects system performance at the end. This paper
presents a penetration test to lunch syn flood attack by sending a huge number of syn
packets from Kali Linux machine to three targeted machines which are Windows
8.1, Windows 10 and Metasploitable. The test includes three scenarios, the first
one focus on flooding syn packets by using the real source ip address of the attacker
machine while the second scenario relays on sending syn packets by utilizing a
spoof source ip address. The final scenario depends on using a random source ip
address to flood syn packets. The Wireshark tool will be run in Kali machine to
capture the packets and generate detailed reports. The results of captured data will
be recorded to make analysis and list the capabilities of this tool.
1 Introduction
The cybersecurity field becomes very important, therefore there’re a lot of tools existing
currently that are used to enhance the security of the systems and support detecting
attacks. The increasing use of technology led to expanding cybercriminals in several
areas to exploit sensitive information, which is relevant to the systems, users and because
of that the security topic considers a significant field. Moreover, the developers start
building and designing appropriate tools that utilize to monitor and control capturing
data, to use for management, as well as for mitigating the issues [9]. In general, the idea
is not relying on upon send a message through the internet from a source and receiving
the same at the destination side, but it’s depending on making a secure channel [17],
so existing of security tools becomes a significant task to be highlighted especially in
recent days.
Traffic analysis is a practice of collecting information about the user activity on the
network. A packet sniffing tool is required in this case to collect traffic patterns and
identify the users who are attempting to access the internet and using the bandwidth.
The used tool is called Wireshark, and it is quite useful because it has features that make
analyzing networks quick and easy. A network administrator can use the data gathered
from a live network to manage it more accurately and to examine collected statistics for
analysis [21].
Observing and analyzing network traffic is a basic task to be considered, for it
required to make a further tracing of anomalous actions which can be detected by security
tools. This is needed to protect the network and look for any indications of possible
attacks or suspicious behavior. In this case, Wireshark can be used for packet sniffing to
examine captured data [15].
Network security is a matter of prime importance, and the techniques include pen-
etration testing which allows organizations to implement regular quality control and
detect threats as well as the system’s vulnerabilities. Normally, vulnerability assess-
ment is conducted as per multiple processes such as making the setup of a case study
and specifying the used tool. The next process is implementing the test to identify the
weaknesses and following that analysis stage to create a plan to handle issues and use
reasonable solutions to decrease the impact of any future attacks. After that, reporting the
case to record the outcomes and deliver the analysis’s data to the appropriate authorities.
The last step is the recovery stage which enforces security practices for mitigating the
vulnerabilities [17].
Many attacks can be detected by Wireshark, syn flood attack is one example of
the well-known threats which can be captured by this tool. It’s the most frequent and
harmful form of distributed denial of service attack that has resulted in server resource
unavailability. This kind of attack depends on using the TCP three-way handshaking
of TCP session setup process to waste resources on the targeted machine and make it
inaccessible by sending many packets per second [5].
Three-way handshaking establishes connection reliability in TCP communication
approach between client and server [10] that used three types of packets. Once the
sender needs to create a connection with the receiver, syn request will be transmitted to
the receiver side. Syn and Acknowledgment (Syn-Ack) packet sent back to the sender
from the receiver and the connection information will be saved in a block known as
transmission control block (TCB) and that state will be named by half-open connec-
tion (HOC). Finally, the sender will send (Ack) packet to the receiver for creating the
connection [20][23][5].
Wireshark is a packet analyzer tool that supports to provides more details to the
administrator such as time of transmission, source and destination ip addresses, and
116 N. A. L. Mabsali et al.
protocol information. This data may be useful for evaluating the incidents or addressing
network device issues.
Whenever there is a conversation over the network between two or more devices,
Wireshark can capture the packets and display statistics detail in its interface as it uses a
graphical user interface (GUI). Based on generated reports, the investigators can catch
malicious activities and decide the proper policies and security countermeasures needed
to protect the network.
Wireshark is used by a security analyst to determine if the network traffic represents a
suspicious behavior, identify the nature of the attack, and show the attacker ip addresses,
and the attack’s origin. To come up of proper set up rules on a firewall to prevent ip
addresses from which the malicious traffic came. Although using Wireshark is legitimate,
it could be criminal if someone intend to track the network without being legally allowed
to do [23].
The main objective of this project is to investigate the network traffic by using the
Wireshark packet analyzer tool in order to assess the tool’s capabilities for discovering
vulnerabilities and detecting syn flood attacks. The research depends on launching syn
flood attack by kali Linux machine to create a denial of service with the support of
using hping3 command. The packets will be flood to three nodes which are Windows
8.1, Windows 10 and metasploitable. Basically, the experiment focuses on performing
a penetration test to target an open port number 139/tcp netbios-ssn service. The study
includes various scenarios that help to give clear thoughts to generate the results of
analysis and identify the effectiveness of the Wireshark tool.
This paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 provides an overview of Wireshark tool and
shows the previous work conducted which is related to this domain (literature review).
Besides, Sect. 3 demonstrates the methodology that includes a brief idea about syn
flood attack, software & hardware used for the experiment, an overview of hping3, and
displays detail of three scenarios. After the observation stage, the results and analysis
will be described in Sect. 4. The last part of this paper specifies the conclusion and future
work which will be listed in Sect. 5.
2 Literature Review
Basically, the attacker can use packet analyzer tools to track the conversation in network
traffic between the client and server side to make cybercrimes and get unauthorized
access to the systems. On the other hand, the administrator takes advantage of these
tools for diagnosing the network packets to generate assessment reports that can be
supported to implement legitimate responses for any malicious actions [9].
This section presents some penetration testing conducted by previous research projects
that use to examine the flow of packets in the network and identify the system weaknesses
and vulnerabilities. Also, some of the research studies are evaluating the efficiency of
the Wireshark tool.
Effectiveness of Wireshark Tool for Detecting Attacks 117
(P. Goyal and A. Goyal, 2017) [9] were conducting a comprehensive study to compare
tcpdump and the Wireshark tool. Essentially, Wireshark is a packet sniffing tool that helps
to detect attacks, denial of service attack (DoS) is one example in this case. In addition,
the tool can work like an intrusion detection system (IDS) to discover the security
breaches of various protocols. Both tools are available in open source as packet sniffing
to enhance the collection of raw data that is being transmitted, also packet information
can be saved for future use. Tcpdump tool allows dumping the packets in raw pattern
with less analysis, whereas Wireshark enhances graphical interface that enable filtering
choice. For monitoring the speed of packet captured, it displayed that many of packets
dropped when using tcpdump tool for approximate 2 to 3 percent. On the other hand, it
showed that Wireshark is faster in term of packet capturing. Some features of Wireshark
make this tool more efficient such as ability of distinguish between the different protocols
and this feature is absent in tcpdump. Another feature is Wireshark has more capability
to analyze the packets more than tcpdump tool.
Based on paper (S. Sandhya et al., 2017) [19] discussed about penetration testing
to discover the vulnerabilities by using Wireshark that assist the tester to ensure the
network security and find out the correct measurements to prevent the attacks activities.
Because web applications mostly exploit by the attackers, so the organizations can
monitor the transmitted data to identify security breaches and analyze the packets while
performing user authentication process that shall give comprehensible detailed about the
user identity. Motivation of the research focus on analyze vulnerable website to check the
proficiency of Wireshark to capture credential data after user login process performed.
The final result displayed in this tool, to show the username and password which entered
by the user through (HTTP) protocol, so in this case the system can be controlled by
reporting the issue and implement proper solution.
Another article (P. Navabud and C. Chen, 2018) [16] covered the results of practicing
HTTP as well as HTTPs protocols with the support of using Wireshark tool. HTTPs
provides high level of security to protect data between web browser and server by
applying additional encryption mechanism such as SSL/TLS. While accessing the web
mail “http://stmail.nptu.edu.tw“, it will request for credential information. Once the user
provides the detail, the tool will record the data and filter the option of ‘HTTP’ to list the
sensitive information. On the other hand, the Wireshark can’t capture data which send
by using HTTPs protocol.
Searching for open ports is one of the main targets for any attacker to gain access
to the system and steal critical data. However, the attacker can use null scan method
through ‘nmap’ by sending TCP packets to victim without including flags. The result of
this kind of scan will determine if the port is open or close by waiting the response from
the destination. Once there is no response, so the attacker recognizes that the port is open
but if there’s RST response it indicates that the port is closed. (G. Bagyalakshmi et al.,
2018) [2] performed a study on network vulnerabilities to catch abnormal activities to
implement security management and ensure forensic analysis. Examining the packets
and finding out vulnerable ports detected by Wireshark that assist to generate the required
118 N. A. L. Mabsali et al.
The existence of various attacks catches the attention of the developers to improve
tools that are working against such activities. (R. Banu et al., 2019) [3] pinpointed in
their research about Xmas attacks that can be detected by Wireshark and Snort tools.
Also, the comparison of efficiency was highlighted in the research as well. Snort sends
false alarms and the attack’s nature is not specified in the detection process which led
to a low detection rate. On the other side, using Wireshark will not give a warning in
case of any threats located but it can generate detailed data about abnormal actions for
making a decision based on statistics and graphs produced. Moreover, it is applicable to
different platforms for execution purposes. Researchers introduced other methods that
were used to cover the drawbacks of Wireshark and Snort which is called ‘MONOSEK’
as its software supports session and packet analysis as well as packet inspection.
(V. Dang et al., 2018) [5] described syn flood attacks in detail and presented the
proposed solution “SDN-Based SYN Proxy” to mitigate such attacks. For the testing
process, the researchers used Wireshark for the experiment to check the effectiveness
of their solution by recording packet flow. The server was flooded with a massive num-
ber of Syn packets during a SYN flood exploit, that frequently utilised faked source
IP addresses. Syn requests consumed CPU resources and network bandwidth [7]. The
server generates several HOCs while being unknowing of the attack, and before these
HOCs reach to time out, the machine’s resources are rapidly wasted as a result of being
consumed with useless TCBs [5].
As per the research paper of (H. Iqbal and S. Naaz, 2019) [11] specified the impor-
tance of using the Wireshark tool to evaluate the network performance and detect several
types of attacks. Sometimes, outside attacks try to make the web server down by trans-
mitting fake ARP reply packets or penetrating the network with malicious activity to
become an aspect of a botnet that generates service interruptions. In this research, the
authors showed the efficiency of Wireshark to detect such attacks as DoS attack, DNS
attacks, ARP poisoning and the countermeasures specified to prevent the attacks. The
final result showed that Wireshark is a powerful tool used to keep track of network
(G. Jain and Anubha, 2021) [12] conducted a study to determine how Snort and
Wireshark work together to detect and analyze malicious practices. However, Wireshark
has the ability to show if the packets are encrypted, which will display as per captured
traffic, even though it is less accurate for detecting intrusions. Wireshark enables to detect
numerous cyberattacks, including DoS and DDOS. Snort captures real-time internet
traffic and matches it to established rules; if no match is achieved, alert messages are
sent to the user. This approach makes use of a router to connect to the internet and ensure
consistent data packet delivery. It creates a log file that contains all of the live packets
were recorded. Then, log file of Snort tool will be transferred to Wireshark to analyze
the collected network packets.
(Charles, AS Joseph, and P. Kalavathi, 2018) [4] focused on their paper about making
a quality evaluation of RPL routing protocol for IPv6 with support of the Wireshark
tool and Cooja Simulator. This protocol is a proactive protocol used for the wireless
network (low power and loosy networks) that’s a popular protocol used in IoT technology.
Packet analysis is one of the major fundamental fields in network security to make a
Effectiveness of Wireshark Tool for Detecting Attacks 119
comprehensive study of protocol patterns. The role of Wireshark is to enhance the study
of analyzing the protocol.
(Musa, Ahmad, 2020) [14] proposed approach to capture peer-to-peer traffic over the
network and apply inspection with the assistance of Wireshark tool as a part of forensic
analysis. According to the analysis’s findings, the suggested method was effective in
tracking the threats’ sources on the internet and providing valid digital evidence that
may be used in forensic investigations.
(Acosta, Jaime C., and Daniel E. Krych, 2021) [1] performed three practical software
reverse-engineering experiments to understand the pattern of Remote access trojans
(RATs) malware in the network. First of all, Wireshark used to examine malware traffic
seen between C2 server as well as the Bot. Another tool required to remove malware from
a hard drive by inspecting the drive through the Volatility tool. Ghidra tool utilize for
Reverse-engineering the C2 server and Bot’s communication. Based on the experiment
demonstrated in this article, it concludes that Wireshark can catch the traffic of RATs
malware to give detailed information.
An article by (Dodiya, Bindu, and Umesh Kumar Singh, 2022) [6] collected Indica-
tors of Compromise (IoC) in the network for malicious activities by gathering raw data
over the wire and studying the pattern of the activities. Authors depend on the Wireshark
analyzer tool to classify the signatures of the attacks, so it will provide accurate details
to system administrator. This tool has capabilities to display some data of (IoC) such as
Domain name, MAC address, File Hashes, Hostname and Host ip address.
(X. Guo and X. Gao, 2022) [13] proposed method to detect syn flood attack. “hping3”
tool was used in the experiment to flood syn packets to a target device, and the flow of
spoof packets monitor by Wireshark to display packets information and ip addresses
was used. The administrator will take immediate response to block source ip address
and disable open ports [24] as a task of the incident response matrix.
3 Methodology
3.1 Hardware Requirements and Parameters
Basically, this section specifies the hardware and software requirements that needed for
implementing the experiment and evaluating the analyzed reports generated by Wire-
shark tool based on the attack detection process. VMware workstation utilizes for run-
ning Kali Linux, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and metasploitable machines. Wireshark
tool runs on Kali Linux machine to detect the packets of the attack and monitor the sim-
ulation results to extract useful information. Besides, draw.io application will be used
for making diagram for detection process and draw scheme of testing process.
The following, Table 1 displays the required specifications of hardware and software
which will be used for the experiment.
120 N. A. L. Mabsali et al.
Recently, there’re various of attacks available which target the systems and computers
in the network in order to gain access and make use of sensitive data while other attacks
impact the network resources to make it busy and unavailable to legematic users that lead
to denial of service [8] such example is TCP syn flood attack. Attacker transmits huge
number of syn packets for each second [5] to the victim without waiting for the response
of (Syn-Ack) packets, therefore when usual user needs to establish TCP connection, syn
packet will send to server but no replay will happen due to unavailability of the server
(Fig. 1).
Effectiveness of Wireshark Tool for Detecting Attacks 121
Machine IP address
Kali Linux (attacker)
Windows 8.1 (Target 1)
Windows 10 (Target 2)
Metasploitable (Target 3)
To execute the experiment and examine the effectiveness of Wireshark tool for detecting
the attack traffic in network, the case required to perform TCP syn flood attack in VMware
workstation by using Kali Linux as attacker or source machine and monitor the flow of
syn packets by Wireshark. This case relays on flood syn spoofing packets to three nodes
in the network.
Generally, for enhancing the implementation process, three basic requirements
needed as initial steps such as displaying IP addresses of source machine (Kali Linux)
and destination machines that need to be used in the experiment to flood syn packets.
Table 2 displays Kali machine IP address as well as IP addresses for Windows 8.1,
Windows 10, and metasploitable.
The second initial requirement is examining the connectivity of the attacker machine
(Kali Linux) with target machines in the network by using ping command once ping
successful the syn flood packet can be transmitted. ICMP request messages send to
specific devices and reply massages show to ensure the reachability of attacker machine
to other machines. Figure 2 lists the success result of ping to view icmp request along
with response and time that establish between attacker machine and victims.
Third requirement is scanning for open ports to find and exploit the services on the
network of targeted resources. In order to find open ports for all victim machines, nmap
command used to generate scan report and list all vulnerable port numbers. For about
65,535 ports are available but not all of these are used, some of them used for specific
services that so-called well-known ports and the number of well-known ports is 1024.
Here, the attacker takes advantage of open ports to use it as a door for compromising
the system and consume the resources.
122 N. A. L. Mabsali et al.
To run nmap, it required to scan all numbers of ports from 0 to 65535 to identify the
vulnerable ports and specify the version of each service. The following part clarify the
command used along with arguments.
nmap -sV -p 0-65535 <target ip address>
The next Fig. 3 list the detail of open ports, service names as well as the versions
which needed as basic requirement for implementation.
Generated reports for all victims show that port number 139/tcp (netbios-ssn) is open
and it will be considered as target port in this experiment. The purpose of netbios-ssn is
for session service that allow tcp netbios connections to be created through port 139 for
windows machines as well as for other machines which running Samba (SMB). That’s
used for connection-oriented to allow file sharing services over network, so the TCP
connections establish NetBIOS sessions [22].
In general, the testing process shows in Fig. 4 to illustrate executed steps:
Running command of Scenario 1 show in following part and the original ip address
of attacker machine will be used in this case and ip addresses of all victim machines will
be specified.
124 N. A. L. Mabsali et al.
The next running command for Scenario 2 state the needed arguments and
Wireshark tool is packet and protocol analyzer that support to capture the live flow of
data over the network also the researchers can employ this tool to get accurate graphs
representation since it has graphical user interface (GUI) feature. Some data can be
recorded by Wireshark like network characteristics, bandwidth utilization and detecting
malicious actions (syn flood attack) that performed by intruders [18]. More than 400
protocols can be decoded [4] to enhance the flexibility [13], as well as more than 750
protocols can be handled. Also, new protocols included in this tool to be applicable with
the various versions. Wireshark can be supported by 20 different platforms. Moreover,
both promiscuous and non-promiscuous mode can be maintained by Wireshark [4].
Effectiveness of Wireshark Tool for Detecting Attacks 127
For enhancing evaluation and detection process this tool support the following
– Collection stage: As first step this tool will gather raw data in form of binary from
the network once the attack performed. When the network interface is shifting to
promiscuous mode, then this mode will enable network card to monitor all flowed
traffic [18].
– Conversion Stage: After that, the collected binary data will be transferred into under-
standable format that will support for analyzing stage. General data about the packets
as well as statistics and graphs are presenting in readable forms [18].
– Analyzing Stage: The last stage is evaluating and analyzing captured packets by
examiners based on the final represented data which extracted from the tool [18].
Using GUI instead of command line makes this tool more popular for conducting
studies. Another crucial feature of using Wireshark is ability of capturing real time
packets on the network and record it to make data analyzing offline that support analyzer
to make a decision of incident response [18].
The following Fig. 5 displays detailed diagram for detection process, based on the
demonstrated experiment and performed scenarios. Starting from executing the attack
through Kali and ending to documentation stage. Wireshark will be run in Kali to capture
and monitor the packets. While collecting the raw data the tool will convert it to readable
format to present it in analyzing stage. System specialist can gather the report of statistic
for any incident during investigation process. In any future cases, the recorded document
will be beneficial to make incident response for the attacks.
After executing the command for all three scenarios (Real, Spoof, Random ip
addresses for the source), the following data can be captured by Wireshark. Figures 6, 7
and 8 are displaying in the interface of the tool for implemented scenarios in sequence.
128 N. A. L. Mabsali et al.
4 Results Analysis
Section (3.3.2) examined three different Scenarios for executing the attack, while this
section will be illustrated the results after analyzing the scenarios by Wireshark tool
to assess the efficient of this tool and determine the accuracy of the tool to deal with
vulnerable packets.
ip. Moreover, Table 5 indicates received and loss packets based on using random source
ip. Table 6 summarized all three scenarios to identify calculating percentage of packet
ratio that collected from Wireshark.
Syn flood attack impact the delivery of packets. This can be seen in all three sce-
narios, the packets will not receive perfectly at receiver side, therefore there’s different
percentage in the rate of packet loss.
The following Fig. 9 displays the overall packet ratio for three scenarios.
The detailed evaluation and analysis demonstrate in following:
For scenario 1, the attacker used real ip to exploit the victims, so there will be
dedicated infection perimeter from one source to a destination to flood the packets.
Windows 10 achieve highest percentage of packet ratio which gives sign that it affected
Effectiveness of Wireshark Tool for Detecting Attacks 131
with syn packets more than other nodes and the percentage of packet loss decrease to
be (7.5%) compare with the rest machines. The reason could be there’s low latency and
high bandwidth in the network that enable the machine to receive more packets. Even
though, the attacker will consume the bandwidth and affect machine performance at
end. In other side, the percentage of dropped packets grow in metasploitable to reach
(29.1%). In general, Wireshark tool capable to show the significant information about
violate machine, because real ip used in this case.
Scenario 2 relays on using spoof ip address to send syn packets, so the identity of the
attacker will be hidden and not detected by Wireshark. General observation and analysis
show that packet ratio rate is raised in this scenario compared to scenario 1 and scenario
3. As it’s noticed there’s a significant increase in packet ratio that received by Windows
8.1 machine to be (99.9%) compare with other victim machines. One factor could be
increase in the bandwidth and throughput of the machine that make network connectivity
good. Because of the attack, this machine will be infected by flood packets which lead
to consume the resources. The results show packet loss percentages for Windows 10 and
metasploitable as (8.5% and 14.9%) progressively. One reason is due to a lot of traffic
arrived at these machines that lead to extent peak time, so network traffic will reach to
maximum limit which cause packets loss and slow down the performance.
132 N. A. L. Mabsali et al.
One of the major factors that cause packet loss is congestion that happened due to
flooding huge number of syn packets as DoS. In scenario 3, the attacker used multiple
random ip addresses that create botnet cluster to target one machine at time, so there will
be more network congestion, and this lead to discard a lot of packets (as it’s observed
the percentage of loss packet in scenario 3 has dramatic increase and at the same time
there’s decrease in packet delivery). Because of network congestion, the bandwidth will
be consumed rapidly. Practically, this will not affect attacker machine due to using of
flood flag that ignore any response (Syn-Ack) from victim, but significant impact will be
occurred in target machines. Both, Windows 10 and metasploitable machines achieved
convergent percentage in packet ratio that equal to (82.2% and 83.6%) in sequence.
• Ability to detect syn packets that transmitted from attacker device to victim. SYN
data was displayed on the tool’s UI.
• Wireshark is user friendly tool that uses GUI and provide filtering option to determine
precise requirements as needed.
• Show graphs and statistical information of the collected packets to enhance analyzing
• Displaying details of attacking machine such as ip address and port number.
• The ability to capture packets online and preserve them for offline analysis.
• Once the administrator monitors the traffic, the abnormal activities will be displayed
by this tool, so it can be considered as Intrusion Detection System (IDS).
• Support cybersecurity specialist to implement the necessary security controls/polices.
• Applicable with different platforms of operating systems as well as new protocols can
be added in this tool whenever there’s updates.
• Unable to send notification in case there’s malicious activity detected, so the system
specialist needs to access the tool and capture the traffic in order to get awareness
about the attacks.
• Wireshark is an open-source tool that is accessible for free on the internet to everyone,
including attackers.
Effectiveness of Wireshark Tool for Detecting Attacks 133
Network vulnerabilities can be described as flaws and weaknesses in the network that
can be exploited by attackers. In addition, administrator should be aware about these
weaknesses to make immediate action and to protect the data, devices and entire network.
Basically, network security will support to ensure the implementation of the rules and
policies in order to provide a high level of security that works against unethical activities.
Security tools become very critical task for any organization, therefore new tools are
constantly being developed to prevent network attacks.
This study analyzes network traffic by launching a tcp syn flood attack on different
network nodes and Wireshark tool used to track packets flow. Furthermore, the imple-
mentation of attack carried out in three distinct scenarios which are using real source
ip address, spoof source ip address and random source ip address. As protection mech-
anism, intrusion prevention system (IPS) needs to be used in any machine to stop the
traffic once the attack has been identified as well as it required to turn on a firewall to
filter network traffic.
Based on the findings, it was determined that Wireshark is a powerful packet analysis
tool that can record syn packets. According to data statistics produced by Wireshark,
there is a high percentage of packet ratio which gives indicator that; the attacker takes
advantage of the machines’ weaknesses and able to waste performance. Furthermore,
Wireshark able to display attacker machine’s information which make it easier for the
administrator to block the ip address. Also, protocol statistics and graph representation
can be generated by this tool. Wireshark provides the feature of saving “. pcap” file for
each scenario, so additional evaluations can be performed offline as needed.
In contrast, additional improvements required to apply to this tool which help to
reduce drawbacks. For instance, apply restriction on use, so attacker can’t utilize it
for illegal purposes. Might be upgraded to enhance extra security features like deliver-
ing alert to system administrator for infected network/systems. Also, more information
should be specified by Wireshark whenever there’s spoof or random source ip address,
therefore the reliability of this tool will be increased.
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