Civil Suit: Kelley v. Onekama Consolidated Schools
Civil Suit: Kelley v. Onekama Consolidated Schools
Civil Suit: Kelley v. Onekama Consolidated Schools
SETH PRATT, in his
individual and official capacity,
KIMBERLY BLASZAK, in her individual
and official capacity, GINA HAGEN, in her
individual and official capacity,
in their individual and official capacities,
This is an original proceeding; there is no pending or resolved civil action arising out of the
transaction or occurrence alleged in this Complaint. This is not a class action lawsuit.
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NOW COMES Plaintiff, Kelly Kelley, by and through her attorneys, Lisa C. Ward and
Veronica L. Stachurski, Law Offices of Lisa C. Ward, PLLC, to hereby timely file her Complaint
and Jury Demand. In support of her Complaint, Plaintiff states the following:
1. This is an action for unlawful discrimination and retaliation in violation of Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act (Title VII), 42 USC § 2000e et seq.; the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act,
MCL 37.2101 et seq.; and for unlawful depravation of constitutional rights in violation of
42 USC § 1983.
2. Plaintiff, Kelly Kelley, is a citizen of the United States and the State of Michigan, and
4. Defendant, Seth Pratt (Defendant Pratt), is a citizen of the United States and the State of
5. Defendant, Gina Hagen (Defendant Hagen), is a citizen of the United States and the State
Punches; Secretary Nick Dye; Trustee Gary Madden; Trustee Tom Berard; and
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7. To the best of Plaintiff’s knowledge, all members of Defendant Board reside in Manistee
County, Michigan.
8. Jurisdiction is proper in this court under 28 USC 1331, which authorizes federal courts to
decide cases concerning federal questions; 28 USC 1343(a)(3) and (4), which authorize
federal courts to hear civil rights cases; and 28 USC 1367, which authorizes federal courts
to exercise supplemental jurisdiction over state-law claims arising from the same core
operative facts.
9. Venue is proper because the parties reside in, and the majority of the events alleged took
11. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Plaintiff, who is female, was an employee of
Defendant Employer.
12. Plaintiff began her employment with Defendant Employer at or around September 2018 as
a school teacher.
13. At all times, Plaintiff has performed her duties in a satisfactory manner.
14. Defendant Seth Pratt, who is male, is the principal of the school where Plaintiff taught and
15. On or about March 17, 2022, Plaintiff was exercising on a treadmill in the high school
workout room (which is adjacent to the high school gym), as she had done several times
before. On this day, Plaintiff was exercising after classes had ended.
16. To the best of Plaintiff’s knowledge, several other male teachers regularly use the workout
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17. On March 17, 2022, Defendant Pratt walked toward Plaintiff while she was exercising on
a treadmill in the high school workout room, took a picture of her, and immediately left.
Plaintiff was the only one in the workout room at this time.
18. Plaintiff did not consent to Defendant Pratt taking her picture. Plaintiff felt harassed and
19. To the best of Plaintiff’s knowledge, Defendant Pratt has never taken pictures of any male
20. On March 23, 2022, Defendant Pratt sent an email to the entire teaching staff of Onekama
Consolidated Schools stating that teachers were no longer allowed to exercise in the
21. On April 7, 2022, Plaintiff reported Defendant Pratt’s actions to Defendant Gina Hagen,
22. Defendant Hagen was also the compliance manager for the school. Pursuant to Defendant
Employer’s Policies and Procedures, Defendant Hagen was the individual to whom she
23. During that conversation, Plaintiff explained to Defendant Hagen that she felt that
24. In response to Plaintiff’s complaint and concerns, Defendant Hagen simply stated that she
believed the incident to be "a misunderstanding.” However, Defendant Hagen did not
25. On April 14, 2022, Defendant Hagen had a meeting with Plaintiff, Defendant Pratt, and
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26. During that April 14, 2022 meeting, Defendant Pratt denied taking Plaintiff’s picture and
27. During a staff meeting the next day, on April 15, 2022, Defendant Pratt instructed teachers
to come to him directly if they had issues, rather than “go above his head.” During this
meeting, Plaintiff was unfairly singled out because she brought her complaint to Defendant
28. After the meeting, Defendant Pratt continued to harass Plaintiff and retaliate against her
for her complaint to Defendant Hagen. This included telling Plaintiff that parents had
“concerns" about her, but refusing to allow her to address any alleged concerns raised by
the parents. Defendant Pratt also continued to allow male teachers to use the workout
29. Defendant Pratt also interfered with Plaintiff’s ability to run her classroom by giving
students permission to leave her class early. Defendant Pratt then denied that he had
30. On May 4, 2022, Plaintiff was singled for a performance evaluation, when no other teachers
31. On May 18, 2022, during a routine end-of-year performance evaluation with Defendant
Hagen, she discouraged Plaintiff from pursuing any sort of formal investigation into the
32. During the new school year in autumn of 2022, Defendant Pratt and Defendant Hagen
33. This included Defendant Pratt falsely accusing Plaintiff of violating Defendant Employer’s
student backpack policy on October 17, 2022. On October 21, 2022, Defendant Pratt
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falsely accused Plaintiff of advising a student to take a controlled substance during school
34. On October 21, 2022, Plaintiff became aware of a group chat between students that
discussed Defendant Pratt’s intent to fire Plaintiff. Defendant Pratt’s nephew, who was a
35. On or about October 28, 2022, Plaintiff’s husband, Shawn Kelley, filed a complaint about
Defendant Pratt’s harassment and retaliation against his wife with Defendant Board.
36. In his complaint, Mr. Kelley complained about Defendant Hagen’s failure to look into or
investigate previous complaints from Plaintiff regarding Defendant Pratt’s harassment and
37. After Mr. Kelley filed this complaint, Defendants Pratt and Hagen escalated their
38. On or about November 2, 2022, Defendant Pratt sent another employee to sit in Plaintiff’s
39. On or about November 4, 2022, Mr. Kelley emailed Defendant Employer’s School Board
because he had not received a response to his October 28, 2022 complaint. In this email,
he reiterated how the harassment was negatively affecting Plaintiff, and re-stated his
40. On or about November 6, 2022, School Board President, Lori Gildersleeve, emailed Mr.
Kelley and told him that Defendant Employer would be launching “an objective third-party
investigation into the allegations” that he lodged in his October 28, 2022 email.
41. Rather than hiring an objective third party to investigate, the investigation was conducted
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42. On November 14, 2022, the investigator, MaryJo Banasik, interviewed Plaintiff regarding
the allegations in Mr. Kelley’s email. Not only did Ms. Banasik not consider evidence
presented by Plaintiff, she refused to interview students and teachers who could corroborate
43. On November 14, 2022, Defendant Hagen convened a special school board meeting and
failed to notify Plaintiff, in spite of the fact that her performance would be discussed. Thus,
44. Moreover, during that school board meeting, Defendant Pratt encouraged his sister, Ashley
Rozga, to make inflammatory and false statements about Plaintiff, which were later
45. The very next day, on November 15, 2022, Plaintiff received a letter from Defendant
Employer and Defendant Board, which stated that Plaintiff was being placed on
46. Plaintiff was not given documentation of the charges against her at this time.
47. On or about November 29, 2022, Ms. Banasik released her report determining that she was
unable to find by a preponderance of the evidence that Defendant Pratt violated district
48. On or about December 12, 2022, Plaintiff was again interviewed by Ms. Banasik for a new
investigation into allegations against Plaintiff as a result of the November 14, 2022 school
board meeting.
49. In the December 28, 2022 report, Ms. Banasik concluded that Plaintiff was dishonest and
had violated school policies. Plaintiff had no notice prior to the December 12, 2022
interview what allegations had been made against her and was unable to defend herself.
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50. On or about December 19, 2022, Plaintiff filed a complaint of discrimination and retaliation
51. Plaintiff received a notice of her right to use from the EEOC on January 20, 2023.
52. On February 20, 2023, Defendant Board voted to terminate Plaintiff’s employment.
54. Plaintiff was employed by Defendant Employer at all times relevant to this complaint.
55. Title VII prohibits employers from discriminating against any individual regarding the
56. Defendant Employer, through its agent, Defendant Pratt, discriminated against Plaintiff on
the basis of her sex when he took her picture and prohibited her from using the workout
room and equipment; while he continued to allow male staff to use the same workout room
57. Defendants’ actions were intentional, with reckless indifference to Plaintiff’s rights.
58. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ unlawful actions against Plaintiff as
described, Plaintiff has sustained injuries and damages, including, but not limited to, loss
of career opportunities; mental and emotional distress; and loss of reputation and esteem
in the community.
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60. Defendant Pratt and Defendant Hagen retaliated against Plaintiff for reporting the
discrimination and harassment that she suffered, as well as, for her husband’s submission
of a complaint on her behalf, in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
61. Defendant Pratt accused Plaintiff of policy violations and encouraged parent complaints in
62. Defendant Pratt also intentionally interfered with Plaintiff’s ability to teach her students,
as well as, encouraging parents, including his sister, to submit false allegations against
63. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ unlawful actions against Plaintiff as
described, Plaintiff has sustained injuries and damages, including, but not limited to, loss
of career opportunities; mental and emotional distress; and loss of reputation and esteem
in the community.
65. The Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) prohibits employers from discriminating
66. At all times relevant to this Complaint, Plaintiff worked for Defendant Employer as a
67. As set forth more fully above, Plaintiff was initially harassed by Defendant Pratt, when he
took a picture of her while using the exercise equipment in the school’s workout room.
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68. In response, Defendant Pratt prohibited Plaintiff, a woman, from using the workout room,
but did not stop male employees from using the same room and/or equipment.
69. Defendant Employer, through its supervisor, Defendant Pratt, excluded Plaintiff from the
use and enjoyment of the school’s workout room and equipment because she is a woman.
70. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ unlawful actions against Plaintiff as
described, Plaintiff has sustained injuries and damages, including, but not limited to, loss
of career opportunities; mental and emotional distress; and loss of reputation and esteem
in the community.
72. Defendants retaliated against Plaintiff for reporting the discrimination and harassment that
she suffered, as well as, for her husband’s submission of a complaint on her behalf, in
73. Defendant Pratt accused Plaintiff of policy violations in order to terminate her employment
and encouraged parents to file false allegations against Plaintiff. Defendant Pratt also
74. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ unlawful actions against Plaintiff as
described, Plaintiff has sustained injuries and damages, including, but not limited to, loss
of career opportunities; mental and emotional distress; and loss of reputation and esteem
in the community.
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76. Plaintiff’s constitutionally protected rights that Defendants violated include the following:
a. The right to fair and equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth
77. Defendant Pratt, acting under color of state law, denied Plaintiff her constitutional right to
a. took a picture of her without her permission while she was exercising in the high
school workout room; and prohibited Plaintiff from using the high school workout
room and exercise equipment because she is a woman, while allowing male staff to
78. Defendant Employer, acting under color of state law, authorized, tolerated, ratified,
in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United
States Constitution.
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79. Defendant Employer, Defendant Hagen, and Defendant School Board violated Plaintiff’s
constitutional right to substantive due process under the Fourteenth Amendment when:
b. Defendant Employer, Defendant Hagen, and Defendant School Board ratified the
investigation that was performed, despite the investigator’s clear bias and
against her, including convening a secret school board meeting, which prevented
Plaintiff from any ability to defend herself against the allegations made against her.
80. Defendant School Board, by and through the members of the School Board, including but
not limited to, Defendant Gildersleeve, as well as Defendant Employer and Defendant
Hagen, violated Plaintiff’s constitutional right to procedural due process under the
a. refused to inform Plaintiff of the allegations against her before she was interviewed,
b. withheld from Plaintiff the names of the individuals who complained against her,
81. Defendant Employer, acting under color of state law, authorized, tolerated, ratified,
Gildersleeve, and Hagen, as described above, in violation of the Equal Protection Clause
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82. Defendant Pratt, Defendant Employer, Defendant Hagen, and Defendant School Board
acting under color of state law and in concert with one another, by their conduct, showed
intentional, outrageous, and reckless disregard for Plaintiff’s constitutional due process
83. As a direct and proximate result of these actions, practices, and policies, Plaintiff has
sustained injuries and damages, including, but not limited to, loss of career opportunities;
mental and emotional distress; and loss of reputation and esteem in the community.
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Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 USC 2000e eq seq., as well as the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights
Act, MCL § 37.2101 et seq., and having been deprived of her constitutional rights to equal
protection and due process of law in violation of 42 USC § 1983, requests this Honorable Court to
1. Damages for the emotional distress, mental anguish, embarrassment and humiliation;
3. Economic damages to compensate Plaintiff for any loss of wages, loss of fringe benefits,
4. Award Plaintiff punitive damages reflecting the blatant disregard Defendants demonstrated
for Plaintiff’s rights under the Constitution of the United States, Title VII, and the ELCRA;
6. Any other legal or equitable relief that Plaintiff is entitled to as a matter of law.
Respectfully submitted,
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SETH PRATT, in his
individual and official capacity,
KIMBERLY BLASZAK, in her individual
and official capacity, GINA HAGEN, in her
individual and official capacity,
in their individual and official capacities,
NOW COMES Plaintiff, by and through her Attorneys, to request a trial by jury.
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