Valvetronic Engine Technology PDF Free
Valvetronic Engine Technology PDF Free
Valvetronic Engine Technology PDF Free
Working Of Ordinary
In engines without valvetronic intake valve with throttle plate.
technology fuel injection systems the supply of the fule/air
monitor the volume of air passing mixture is controlled by the
throttle plate. valve lift is
through the throttle butterfly and
determine the corresponding amount of
fuel required by the engine. The larger Working Of Valvetronic Engine
the throttle butterfly opening, the more
air enters the combustion chamber. Compared with conventional twin-cam
At light throttle, the throttle engines with finger followers,
butterfly partially or even nearly closes. Valvetronic employs an additional
eccentric shaft, an electric motor and means of an extra, electronicly actuated
several intermediate rocker arms, which camshaft. This movement alone, without
in turn activates the opening and closing any movement of the intake camshaft,
of valves. If the rocker arms push can open or close the intake valves.
deeper, the intake valves will have a
higher lift, and vice-versa. Thus, The Valvetronic system is based
Valvetronic has the ability to get deep, on BMW's established double VANOS
long ventilation (large valve lift) and system, which steplessly varies the
flat, short ventilation (short valve lift), timing of both the inlet and exhaust
depending on the demands placed on the cams. However, the Valvetronic system
engine. adds variable valve lift to the inlet cam,
achieved by the use of a lever positioned
between the camshaft and the inlet
valves. Valvetronic varies the timing and
the lift of the intake valves. The
Valvetronic system has a conventional
intake cam, but it also uses a secondary
eccentric shaft with a series of levers and
roller followers, activated by a stepper
motor. Based on signals formerly taken
mechanically from the accelerator pedal,
the stepper motor changes the phase of
intake valve with valvetronic. the eccentric cam, modifying the action
of the intake valves. An additional
the fuel/air mixture is controlled by
a variable valve lift, without a throttle plate. eccentric shaft alters the lever's distance
Cylinder heads with Valvetronic use an from the camshaft, with the eccentric's
positioned between the valve stem and the lever converts the cam action into a
the camshaft. These intermediate arms smaller or larger valve lift, as requested
seconds, 1.8 seconds faster than before, Valvetronic highly beneficial to the
and the top speed of the 316ti is now 201 customer is that a Valvetronic engine
offers at least the same fuel economy as
the most advanced direct-injection petrol Other Advantages
engines without the same compromises
in terms of emissions. Accordingly, the Anti-knock control for running
316ti is able to do without the elaborate on all fuel grades between 87 and
and so far hardly reliable emission 99 octane.
management technologies still required Maintenance-free ignition system
today on a direct-injection petrol engine. with individual coils.
And it does not require sulfur-free fuel Maintenance-free valve drive
like a direct-injection petrol engine, with hydraulic valve play
achieving its superior fuel economy with compensation.
proven l =1 technology, which allows A Service Interval Indicator to
the Valvetronic engine to run on all keep the cost of service to a
commercially available grades of regular minimum
petrol. In other words, the customer A two-mass flywheel for
enjoys all the consumption-related maximum running smoothness
advantages of Valvetronic also when Valve drive with roller bearings
driving in countries without a throughout in the interest of
nationwide supply of sulfur-free fuel. minimum friction and fuel
The consumption figures for the 316ti consumption.
nevertheless relate to the use of premium Advanced catalysts near the
fuel with an octane rating of 95 RON. engine in special manifold design
Together with its 63-liter (13.9 Imp gal) for minimum emissions.
fuel tank, the 316ti offers a much longer In Valvetronic engines coolant
range than its predecessor, with extra- flows across the head, resulting
urban fuel consumption in the European in a temperature reduction of
EU test cycle of just 5.3 liters for 100 60%.
kilometers (53.3 Imp gals). This means The water pump size is cut in
that the driver would only have to refuel half, reducing power
after a very significant 1,188 kilometers consumption by 60%.
or 737 miles. The power steering fluid is
warmed quickly, reducing the
power used by the hydraulic system calls for multi-parameter load
pump. management requiring the introduction
Mounting the water and power of new control algorithms and new, even
pump on the same shaft and a more efficient, engine management.
heat exchanger between coolant Disadvantages
and engine oil reduces oil
Facing such a high standard of
temperature by 30%.
software and hardware complexity, a
manufacturer obviously also runs a
greater risk of making mistakes. It is
BMW has successfully
essential to acquire a sufficient stock of
completed this quantum leap in
data under all kinds of operating
technology, even in the light of a
conditions in order to understand how
demanding product development
such a new system behaves. However,
process. An important task in this
such data cannot be provided by the
process is to reduce the product
usual sequential test runs.
development period to just 30 months.
All-round, general use of the
This applies to all new products. A
latest direct-injection technology, in
further objective is to reduce the amount
turn, faces some significant drawbacks
of hardware required and provide a
such as costs, the need to make the
broad knowledge base for the new
combustion process very robust and the
Valvetronic technology, the know-how
potentials in exhaust emissions
acquired in this process serving to
develop this technology to an even
higher standard with new functions.
Computer aided exercise (CAx)-based
methods and three-dimensional EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
calculations were applied consistently in First Working Model
this project, ensuring successful The first BMW model to enter
application of the new technology in the the market in 2001 with a large-
car despite the high level of product production spark-ignition engine
complexity. This new mechatronic featuring fully variable Valvetronic and
Vanos valve control was the 316ti
Compact. In turn, the first representative at just 2,000 revolutions per minute
of this newly developed family of (rpm), with torque peaking at 3,750rpm.
engines was a four-cylinder four-valve Engine output, in turn, remains
spark-ignition power unit displacing 1.8 consistently at its near-maximum
litres, developing maximum torque of throughout a wide speed range.
175 Newton meters (Nm) and maximum The 4.4-litre power unit develops
output of 85kW (see Figure 4). BMW’s a maximum output of 245kW with a fuel
new Valvetronic four-cylinder power consumption of only 10.9 litres/100km
units come with 1.8-litre and 2.0-litre (or 25.9 miles per gallon) and already
capacities. complies with the EU4 standard, which
does not become obligatory until 2005.
Some Experimental results The oil service intervals, in turn, have
Despite the reduction in engine been extended up to 40,000km or 25,000
size by 100 cubic centimeters, compared miles.
with the former generation of power One of the most important
units, torque is up from 165Nm to objectives from the start was to reduce
175Nm, with output increasing from fuel consumption. These engines offer a
77kW to 85kW. With displacement of particular enhancement of fuel economy
the 2.0-litre engine being increased by above all at low loads. When idling, fuel
5%, torque was up by no less than 11% consumption is down by approximately
from 180Nm to 200Nm, engine output 25% and the overall improvement in the
increasing from 87kW to 105kW, European fuel consumption test cycle is
resulting in specific torque of 12%. The customer will also experience
100Nm/litre and specific output of this improved economy and fuel
52.5kW/litre. efficiency in everyday motoring on the
The driver senses this enhanced road. Using the power of the engine in
performance through the more powerful full, on the other hand, the driver does
torque curve, the car’s dynamic not have greater fuel efficiency than with
behaviour on the road clearly proving a conventional power unit. The reason
the advantages of this extra torque. More for this is that, under these conditions,
than 90% of the engine’s torque comes the engine runs like a throttle butterfly
power unit with its butterfly fully open. very robust and the potentials in exhaust
Under normal driving conditions, emissions treatment.
however, throttle-free load management Valvetronic combines a
significantly reduces fuel consumption significant improvement of fuel
in practice. consumption with excellent engine
response and control, allowing optimum
valve timing under all running
conditions. The result is smooth and free
In summary, these innovative operation of the engine under part load
developments provide a combination of with very little throttle effect. Optimised
product features thus far inconceivable fuel/air mixture management ensures
with a spark-ignition engine. The significant advantages in fuel efficiency
introduction of the world’s first intake compared with a conventional four-
manifold providing infinite variation in cylinder engine, reaching the same
manifold length serves to improve the standard as today’s lean-burn concepts.
torque level, which is already very good Since such an engine with Valvetronic
to begin with. A particular highlight of does not require an NOx removal
engines with Valvetronic load catalyst, it can be used worldwide with
management is the significantly all types and grades of fuel.
improved fuel/air mixture guaranteeing
minimum fuel consumption, maximum
spontaneity and optimum refinement.
DFI with a stochiometric air/fuel
ratio provides the highest level of
specific output as well as a combustion
process helping to fulfil all exhaust
emissions standards worldwide. All-
Internal Combustion Engines by
round, general use of the latest direct-
injection technology, in turn, faces some
significant drawbacks such as costs, the
need to make the combustion process