En CPTC-02 Um e A6 PDF
En CPTC-02 Um e A6 PDF
En CPTC-02 Um e A6 PDF
Table of contents
1. Safety instructions
5. Mechanical installation
6. Electrical installation
3AXD50000030058 Rev E
Original instructions
EFFECTIVE: 2021-09-01
Table of contents 5
Table of contents
1 Safety instructions
Contents of this chapter ............................................................ 9
Use of warnings and notes ....................................................... 9
ATEX/UKEX-certified motor thermal protection functions ......... 10
Instructions for functional safety circuits ................................... 10
Electrical safety precautions ..................................................... 12
2 Introduction to the manual
Contents of this chapter ............................................................ 15
Applicability ............................................................................... 15
Compatibility ............................................................................. 15
Target audience ........................................................................ 16
Exclusion of liability ................................................................... 16
Related manuals ....................................................................... 16
Terms and abbreviations ........................................................... 17
3 Hardware description
Contents of this chapter ............................................................ 21
Product overview ...................................................................... 21
External power supply interface ......................................... 22
Layout ................................................................................. 22
Markings ................................................................................... 23
Module ................................................................................ 23
Type designation label ................................................. 23
ATEX/UKEX markings .................................................. 23
Drive ................................................................................... 24
SMT function ................................................................ 24
4 Option description
Contents of this chapter ............................................................ 27
Overview ................................................................................... 27
Wall-mounted drives and drive modules ............................ 28
Cabinet-installed drives ...................................................... 28
6 Table of contents
Start-up ..................................................................................... 45
Validation test ............................................................................ 47
8 Fault tracing
Contents of this chapter ............................................................ 51
Reporting problems and failures related to safety functions ..... 51
CPTC-02 module replacement ................................................. 51
Fault and warning messages .................................................... 52
LED ........................................................................................... 53
9 Maintenance
Contents of this chapter ............................................................ 55
Safety circuit maintenance ........................................................ 55
Proof test ................................................................................... 56
Proof test interval ...................................................................... 56
Functional safety components .................................................. 57
Competence .............................................................................. 57
Residual risk ............................................................................. 57
Intentional misuse ..................................................................... 58
Decommissioning ...................................................................... 58
10 Technical data
Contents of this chapter ............................................................ 59
Dimension drawing ................................................................... 60
Isolation areas ........................................................................... 61
Connections .............................................................................. 61
Motor thermistor connection (60…61) ................................ 61
Relay output (STO) connection (62…63) ........................... 62
External power supply (40…41) ......................................... 62
Ambient conditions .................................................................... 62
Safety data ................................................................................ 63
Safety block diagram ................................................................ 63
Response times ........................................................................ 64
Relevant failure modes ............................................................. 64
Related standards and directives ............................................. 64
Compliance with the Machinery Directive (EU) ........................ 65
8 Table of contents
Further information
Safety instructions 9
Safety instructions
Contents of this chapter
This chapter contains the safety instructions which you must obey
when you install, operate and do maintenance on the safety functions
of a drive.
Electricity warning tells about hazards from electricity which
can cause injury or death, or damage to the equipment.
10 Safety instructions
General warning tells about conditions other than those caused
by electricity, which can cause injury or death, or damage to
the equipment.
Electrostatic sensitive devices warning tells you about the risk
of electrostatic discharge which can cause damage to the
Obey the safety instructions of the drive. If you ignore
them, injury or death, or damage to the equipment can
This manual does not contain the complete safety instructions of the
drive. It only includes the instructions related to the scope of this
manual. The general instructions are given in this section and the
option-specific instructions in the applicable chapter.
Safety instructions 11
The safety function described in this manual does not isolate
the main circuit or auxiliary circuit from the power supply. Do
not do work on the drive, motor cable or motor before you
have isolated the drive system from all power supplies and
measured that there are no dangerous voltages. Before you
start the work, do the steps in section Electrical safety
precautions (page 12).
12 Safety instructions
Obey these instructions. If you ignore them, injury or death,
or damage to the equipment can occur.
If you are not a qualified electrical professional, do not do
installation or maintenance work.
Go through these steps before you begin any installation or
maintenance work.
Introduction to the manual
Contents of this chapter
This chapter gives basic information on the manual.
This manual is applicable to the CPTC-02 module and to the Safe
motor temperature safety (SMT) function which uses the CPTC-02
module (option +L537+Q971).
The CPTC-02 module is compatible with:
• ACS580-01/-04, ACH580-01/-04/-31/-34, and
ACQ580-01/-04/-31/-34 wall-mounted drives and drive modules
to be installed in user-defined cabinet
• ACS580-07, ACH580-07, and ACQ580-07 cabinet-installed drives
• ACS580 standard control program version 1.70 or later
16 Introduction to the manual
Target audience
This manual is intended for people who install, commission, use and
service the ATEX-certified thermistor protection module of the drive.
Read the manual before working on the drive. You are expected to
know the fundamentals of electricity, wiring, electrical components,
electrical schematic symbols, functional safety, and Ex regulations.
Exclusion of liability
ABB is not responsible for the implementation, verification and
validation of the overall safety system. It is the responsibility of the
system integrator (or other party) who is responsible for the overall
system, Ex regulations and system safety.
The system integrator (or other responsible party) must make sure
that the entire implementation complies with the instructions in this
manual, all relevant standards, directives and local electrical code,
and that the system is tested, verified and validated correctly.
Related manuals
Name Code
Drive hardware
ACS580-01 (0.75 to 250 kW) hardware manual R1-R9 3AXD50000044794
ACS580-04 drive modules (200 to 500 kW) hardware 3AXD50000015497
ACS580-07 drives hardware manual 3AXD50000045815
ACH580-01 (0.75 to 250 kW) hardware manual R1-R9 3AXD50000044839
ACH580-04 drive modules (250 to 500 kW) hardware 3AXD50000048685
ACH580-07 hardware manual 3AXD50000045816
ACH580-31 hardware manual 3AXD50000037066
Introduction to the manual 17
Name Code
ACH580-34 hardware manual 3AXD50000419708
ACQ580-01 (0.75 to 250 kW) hardware manual R1-R9 3AXD50000044862
ACQ580-04 hardware manual 3AXD50000048677
ACQ580-07 hardware manual 3AXD50000045817
ACQ580-31 hardware manual 3AXD50000045935
ACQ580-34 hardware manual 3AXD50000420025
Drive firmware
ACS580 standard control program firmware manual 3AXD50000016097
ACH580 HVAC control program firmware manual 3AXD50000027537
ACQ580 pump control program firmware manual 3AXD50000035867
PC tools
Drive composer start-up and maintenance PC tool 3AUA0000094606
user's manual
Functional safety; Technical guide No. 10 3AUA0000048753
ABB Safety information and solutions www.abb.com/safety
Motors and drives in potentially explosive atmospheres 3AUA0000037223
- What you need to know
Option manuals
ACS-AP-x assistant control panels user’s manual 3AUA0000085685
CPTC-02 ATEX-certified thermistor protection module, 3AXD50000030058
Ex II (2) GD (+L537+Q971) user’s manual
CPTC-02 ATEX-certified thermistor protection module, 3AXD10001243391
Instructions for pairing the module with an ATEX-certi-
fied drive
Manuals and quick guides for I/O extension modules,
fieldbus adapters, etc.
Term Description
ATEX Directives 2014/34/EU and 1999/92/EC are commonly re-
ferred to as the ATEX directives (from "Atmosphères Explos-
Cat. Classification of the safety-related parts of a control system
in respect of their resistance to faults and their subsequent
behavior in the fault condition, and which is achieved by the
structural arrangement of the parts, fault detection and/or by
their reliability. The categories are: B, 1, 2, 3 and 4. (EN ISO
CCF Common cause failure (%) (EN ISO 13849-1)
CPTC-02 Multifunction extension module (external 24 V and
ATEX/UKEX-certified PTC interface)
DC Diagnostic coverage (EN ISO 13849-1)
DI Digital input
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
Ex An IEC term used in the context of explosive atmospheres
(IEC 60079)
Ex d Type of protection, flameproof enclosures (IEC/EN 60079-1)
Ex eb, Ex ec Types of protection, increased safety (IEC/EN 60079-7)
Ex motors Motors used in explosive atmospheres
HFT Hardware fault tolerance (IEC 61508)
MTTFD Mean time to dangerous failure: (Total number of life units)
/ (Number of dangerous, undetected failures) during a partic-
ular measurement interval under stated conditions (EN ISO
PFDavg Average probability of dangerous failure on demand (IEC
PFH Average frequency of dangerous failures per hour (IEC
PL Performance level. Levels a...e correspond to SIL (EN ISO
SC Systematic capability (IEC 61508)
SFF Safe failure fraction (%) (IEC 61508)
SIL Safety integrity level (1...3) (IEC 61508)
SMT Safe motor temperature (IEC/EN 61800-5-2)
STO Safe torque off (IEC/EN 61800-5-2)
Introduction to the manual 19
Term Description
T1 Proof test interval. Defines the probabilistic failure rate (PFH
or PFDavg) for the safety function or subsystem. Performing
a proof test at a maximum interval of T1 is required to keep
the SIL capability valid. The same interval must be followed
to keep the PL capability (EN ISO 13849) valid. Note that
any T1 values given cannot be regarded as a guarantee or
TM Mission time: the period of time covering the intended use
of the safety function/device. After the mission time elapses,
the safety device must be replaced. Note that any TM values
given cannot be regarded as a guarantee or warranty.
(EN ISO 13849-1, IEC 61800-5-2)
UKEX The Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in
Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2016 (+
amendment SI 2019 No. 696)
Validation Confirmation by, for example, analysis that the safety system
meets the functional safety requirements of the specific ap-
Verification Confirmation by, for example, testing that the safety system
meets the requirements set by the specification.
Zone Potentially explosive atmosphere. Hazardous areas are di-
vided into zones, based on the frequency and duration of the
occurrence of an explosive atmosphere. (IEC/EN 60079-10)
Hardware description 21
Hardware description
Contents of this chapter
This chapter gives a short description of the module.
Product overview
The CPTC-02 module has a motor thermistor connection for
supervising the motor temperature and one relay output, which
indicates motor overtemperature. To trip the drive at motor
overtemperature, the relay output must be connected to the Safe
torque off (STO) input of the drive.
The CPTC-02 module together with the drive STO implements the
Safe motor temperature (SMT) safety function as defined in
IEC/EN 61800-5-2.
The CPTC-02 module is Type Examined as a protective device within
the scope of the European ATEX (and UKEX) Product Directive. This
allows the use of the module in temperature protection of motors in
explosive atmospheres (Ex motors).
22 Hardware description
■ Layout
5 4
6 3
1 Grounding screw
2 Hole for mounting screw
3 2-pin terminal block for motor thermistor connection
4 2-pin detachable terminal block for relay output
Hardware description 23
■ Module
Type designation label
1 2 3
4 5
1 Type
2 Serial number in format RYWWSSSSWS, where:
R: Component revision
Y: Last digit of the manufacturing year (for example, 5 = 2015)
WW: Manufacturing week (for example, 01 = week 1)
SSSS: Number that starts every week from 0001
WS: Manufacturing location
3 ABB MRP code of the module
4 Combined ABB MRP code, serial number and manufacturing location
5 RoHS mark
ATEX/UKEX markings
The markings on the module show the ATEX/UKEX classification of
the CPTC-02 module.
24 Hardware description
1 2 3 4
■ Drive
SMT function
When the CPTC-02 module is delivered as an add-on kit, the package
contains a sticker to show the ATEX/UKEX classification of the Safe
motor temperature (SMT) function. The user must attach this sticker
near the type designation label of the drive to ensure the ATEX/UKEX
compliance of the safety circuit.
In the cabinet-built drives, this sticker is attached to the cabinet door
at the factory.
Hardware description 25
1 2 3 4 5 6
Option description
Contents of this chapter
This chapter describes the Safe motor temperature (SMT) function
implemented with the CPTC-02 module and gives instructions for the
To implement the Safe motor temperature (SMT) function, the relay
output of the CPTC-02 module must be connected to the Safe torque
off (STO) input of the drive.
When the motor temperature rises above the PTC sensor limit
temperature, the sensor resistance increases sharply. This indicates
overtemperature to the CPTC-02 module. The module switches the
drive Safe torque off (STO) circuit off which activates the drive STO
The STO function disables the control voltage of the power
semiconductors of the drive output stage. This prevents the drive
28 Option description
from generating the torque required to rotate the motor. If the motor
is running when STO function is activated, it coasts to a stop.
For more information on the drive STO function, see the appropriate
drive hardware manual.
■ Cabinet-installed drives
For cabinet-installed drives, the module is available as a
factory-installed option +L537+Q971.
Option description 29
The user connects the PTC temperature sensors of the motor to the
PTC inputs of the module.
Note: The reset function of the safety function is not SIL classified.
■ CPTC-02 module
The CPTC-02 module has a fault reaction function. When the module
detects an internal fault or a fault in the temperature sensor circuit,
Option description 31
Mechanical installation
Contents of this chapter
This chapter contains a delivery checklist and instructions on installing
the module.
Electrical installation
Contents of this chapter
This chapter contains instructions on wiring the module.
Obey the safety instructions of the drive. If you ignore
them, injury or death, or damage to the equipment can
occur. If you are not a qualified electrical professional,
do not do installation or maintenance work.
Cabinet-built drives: Do not connect, test or measure a drive
based on the diagrams in this manual. Each delivery is unique.
Before starting the work on the electric circuits of a drive,
always refer to the delivery-specific circuit diagrams.
36 Electrical installation
Make sure that the drive is disconnected from the input power
during installation. Before you start the work, stop the drive
and do the steps in section Electrical safety
precautions (page 12).
Terminal designations
Wiring examples
Connect the external control cables to the applicable module
terminals. Ground the outer shield of the cables 360 degrees under
a grounding clamp on the grounding shelf of the control cables.
Electrical installation 39
Ex M
34 OUT1
35 OUT2
37 IN1
38 IN2
Electrical installation 41
34 OUT1
35 OUT2
37 IN1
38 IN2
K Activation switch
40 24V AC/DC + in
- 41 24V AC/DC - in
Do not connect the +24 V AC cable to the control unit ground
when the control unit is powered using an external 24 V AC
Start-up and validation test 43
Start-up and validation test
Contents of this chapter
This chapter describes the start-up, validation test procedure, and
validation of the safety function.
■ Competence
The person who does the validation test of the safety function must
be a competent person with expertise and knowledge of the safety
function and functional safety, as required by IEC 61508-1 clause 6
and Ex regulations. This person must document and sign the test
procedures and report.
44 Start-up and validation test
■ Validation procedure
You must do the validation test using the checklist given in this manual
and the validation test plan of the complete safety system:
• at the initial start-up of the safety function
• after changes related to the safety function (wiring, components,
safety function -related parameter settings, etc.)
• after maintenance work related to the safety function
• at the proof test of the safety function.
The validation test must include at least the following steps:
• you must have a validation test plan
• you must test all commissioned functions for proper operation,
from each operation location
• you must document all validation tests
• you must sign and store the validation test report for further
The module is started up through drive parameters. Use the Drive
composer PC tool or the control panel to set the parameter values.
1. Power up the drive.
2. If no warning is shown:
• Make sure that the value of both parameter 15.02 Detected
extension module and parameter 15.01 Extension module
type is CPTC-02.
If warning A7AB Extension I/O configuration failure is shown:
• Make sure that the value of parameter 15.02 Detected
extension module is CPTC-02
• Set parameter 15.01 Extension module type to CPTC-02.
You can now see the parameters of the extension module in
parameter group 15 I/O extension module. See the firmware manual.
In addition, set the parameters in this table.
46 Start-up and validation test
Validation test
Use the Drive composer PC tool or a control panel to do the validation
Obey the safety instructions of the drive. If you ignore them,
injury or death, or damage to the equipment can occur.
Initial status
Make sure that the drive is ready for use, that is, you have done the
tasks of the drive start-up procedure. See the drive hardware manual.
48 Start-up and validation test
Make sure that the CPTC-02 module is installed and started up as in-
structed in this manual.
Make sure that the drive STO function is configured and validated. See
the hardware manual.
Checks and settings with no voltage connected
Stop the drive and do the steps in section Electrical safety precau-
tions (page 12) before you start the work.
Make sure that the necessary ATEX/UKEX markings are attached.
Make sure that the classification of the motor thermal protection function
corresponds to the Ex classification of the environment and the Ex motor.
The motor manufacturer selects the PTC sensors for the motor temper-
ature measurement according to the specified temperature class. Make
sure that the temperature on-off resistances match those of the module.
If you have done any changes to the wiring, do a check of the connec-
tions against the applicable circuit diagrams.
Make sure that the installation of the motor temperature sensor complies
with the requirements for the applicable type of protection.
Make sure that the SIL/PL of the safety function meets the target SIL/PL.
Make sure that the wires are connected to the correct terminals and
that the terminal connections are tightened to the correct torque.
Settings with voltage connected
Make sure that you have set all the necessary parameters for the safety
Validation test procedure
Make sure that you can run and stop the motor freely during the test.
Start the drive and make sure that the motor is running.
Do an overtemperature monitoring test: increase the resistance in the
PTC input to more than 4 kohm (for example, open the circuit by discon-
necting the wires).
Make sure that the correct indications are activated: the SMT fault and
other indications depending on the parameter settings.
Start-up and validation test 49
Make sure that the STO is activated and that the motor coasts to a stop.
Make sure that you cannot start the drive before you reset the drive.
Reset the drive. Make sure that you cannot reset and restart the drive
before the resistance in the PTC input decreases to less than 1.6 kohm
(that is, the thermistor wires are reconnected).
Restart the drive and the motor. Make sure that they operate normally.
Do a short-circuit detection test: decrease the resistance in the PTC
input to less than 50 ohm (for example, connect a jumper wire between
the terminals of the PTC input).
Make sure that the correct indications are activated: the SMT fault and
other indications depending on the parameter settings.
Make sure that the STO is activated and that the motor coasts to a stop.
Make sure that you cannot start the drive before you reset the drive.
Reset the drive. Make sure that you cannot reset and restart the drive
before the resistance in the PTC input increases to more than 50 ohm
(that is, the jumper wire connected earlier is removed).
Restart the drive and the motor. Make sure that they operate normally.
Fill in and sign the validation test report. Store the report in the logbook
of the machine.
Fault tracing 51
Fault tracing
Contents of this chapter
This chapter shows how to trace faults with fault and warning
messages of the drive and LED on the module.
6. Measure the
resistance of the
sensor. If necessary,
replace the sensor.
Fault tracing 53
The CPTC-02 module has one diagnostic LED.
Color Description
Green The module is powered up.
Maintenance 55
Contents of this chapter
This chapter contains information for the maintenance and
decommissioning of the safety function.
Proof test
To do a proof test, activate the safety function to make sure that it
operates correctly. For guidelines, refer to the validation test
The person who does the maintenance and proof test activities of
the safety function must be a competent person with expertise and
knowledge of the safety function and functional safety, as required
by IEC 61508-1 clause 6 and Ex regulations.
Residual risk
The safety functions are used to reduce the recognized hazardous
conditions. In spite of this, it is not always possible to eliminate all
58 Maintenance
potential hazards. Thus, the warnings for the residual risks must be
given to the operators.
Intentional misuse
The safety circuit is not designed to protect a machine against
intentional misuse.
When you decommission the module, make sure that the safety of
the machine is maintained until the decommissioning is complete.
Mark clearly on the module that it is decommissioned.
Technical data 59
Technical data
Contents of this chapter
This chapter contains the technical data of the module, gives general
rules, notes and definitions related to safety functions and lists the
related standards and directives. The safety data, relevant certificates
and Declarations of Conformity are also included.
60 Technical data
Dimension drawing
The dimensions are shown in millimeters and inches.
Isolation areas
The following figure shows the different isolation areas of the module.
40 41 62 63
60 61
Ambient conditions
For the environmental limits for the safety functions and the drive,
refer to the drive hardware manual.
Technical data 63
Safety data
The CPTC-02 module is a type A safety component as defined in
IEC 61508-2.
The table gives the safety data for the SMT function. The calculations
are based on the worst case data of the drive Safe torque off (STO)
function. The given safety data applies with proof test interval T1 =
20 years (high demand and continuous mode of operation) and T1
= 2 years or T1 = 5 years (low demand mode of operation).
SIL PL SFF [%] PFH [1/h] PFDavg PFDavg
(T1 = 20 a) (T1 = 5 a)(T1 = 2 a)
2 c >60 1.43E-08 3.12E-04 1.25E-04
DC [%] SC Cat. HFT CCF Mission
time [a]
0 2 1 0 N/A 20
3AXD10000473876 H
1 2 3
1 PTC sensor
2 CPTC-02 module
3 Drive STO
64 Technical data
Response times
• CPTC-02 module: less than 10 ms
• SMT function: the response time of the PTC sensor + CPTC-02
module (< 10 ms) + drive STO (< 50 ms)
EU Declaration of Conformity
ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU and Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Manufacturer: ABB Oy
Address: Hiomotie 13, 00380 Helsinki, Finland.
Phone: +358 10 22 11
declare under our sole responsibility that the following products:
Directive 2014/34/EU
Notified Body: Eurofins Expert Services Oy, Notified Body number: 0537, Address: Kivimiehentie 4, 02150 Espoo, Finland
has assessed the conformity of the “ATEX certified thermal motor protection” function and has issued the certificate EESF 20 ATEX
Page 1 of 2
68 Technical data
Directive 2006/42/EC
The product(s) referred in this Declaration of conformity fulfil(s) the relevant provisions of other European Union Directives which are
notified in Single EU Declaration of conformity 3AXD10000497690 for ACS580, 3AXD10000497691 for ACH580 and 3AXD10000497692
for ACQ580.
Authorized to compile the technical file: ABB Oy, Hiomotie 13, 00380 Helsinki, Finland.
Page 2 of 2
Declaration of Conformity
The Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive
Atmospheres Regulations 2016 (+ amendment SI 2019 No. 696)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Manufacturer: ABB Oy
Address: Hiomotie 13, 00380 Helsinki, Finland.
Phone: +358 10 22 11
declare under our sole responsibility that the following products:
The Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
Regulations 2016 (+ amendment SI 2019 No. 696)
Approved Body: Eurofins E&E CML Limited, Approved Body number: 2503, Address: Newport Business Park, New Port Road, CH65
4LZ, Ellesmere Port, United Kingdom
has assessed the conformity of the “ATEX certified thermal motor protection” function and has issued the certificate CML 21 UKEX
Page 1 of 2
70 Technical data
The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
The product(s) referred in this declaration of conformity fulfil(s) the relevant provisions of other UK statutory requirements, which are
notified in a single declaration of conformity 3AXD10001325742 for ACS580, 3AXD10001325928 for ACH580 and 3AXD10001326271 for
Authorized to compile the technical file: ABB Limited, Daresbury Park, Cheshire, United Kingdom, WA4 4BT.
Page 2 of 2
Technical data 71
ATEX certificate
ATEX certificate for the Safe motor temperature function with the
CPTC-02 module and ACx580 drive series (EESF 20 ATEX 051).
72 Technical data
Technical data 73
UKEX certificate
Refer to attached certificate EESF 20 ATEX 051, Issue 0 for specific marking of explosion
protection symbols.
Refer to attached certificate EESF 20 ATEX 051, Issue 0 for marked code and ambient
temperature range.
CML 21UKEX9301
Issue 0
11 Description
For product description refer to attached certificate EESF 20 ATEX 051, Issue 0.
13 Conditions of Manufacture
For specific conditions of use, refer to attached certificate EESF 20 ATEX 051, Issue 0.
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Created 2021-09-01, 11:03:50