Class 9 VEGETATION Worksheet
Class 9 VEGETATION Worksheet
Class 9 VEGETATION Worksheet
(ii) Choose the option that best captures the central 'idea of the passage from the given
It's all about quality of life and finding a To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.
happy balance between work and friends. — Confucius
— Philip Green
(1) (2)
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your Balance is not something you find, it's
balance you must keep moving. something you create.
— Albert Einstein — Jana Kingsford
(3) (4)
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2) (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(iii) Which of the characteristics are apt about the writer in the following context: "I
know I have limits and that I've reached them but I'm going to ignore them and see if or
how long I can get by with it"?
1. Negligent 2. Indecisive 3. Spontaneous 4. Reckless 5. Purposeless 6. Patient
(a) 2 and 5 (b) 3 and 6 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 3
(iv) Which of the following will be the most appropriate title for the passage?
(a) Much too soon (b) Enough is enough
(c) How much is too much? (d) Have enough to do?
(v) The phrase "potentially harmful circumstances" refers to circumstances that can:
(a) certainly be dangerous (b) be fairly dangerous
(c) be possibly dangerous (d) seldom be dangerous
(vi) Select the option that makes the correct use of "unsustainable", as used in pars 5.
(a) In the long run, the unsustainable officials followed emergency procedures.
(b) Emergency procedures were unsustainable by the officials.
(c) Officials reported an unsustainable set of events during the emergency.
(d) Officials admit that the emergency system is unsustainable in the longer run.
(vii) Choose the option that correctly states the two meanings of 'outlook', as used in the
1. A person's evaluation of life 2. A person's experiences in life
3. A person's point of view towards life 4. A person's regrets in life 5. A person's
general attitude to life
(a) (1) and (4) (b) (2) and (3) (c) (3) and (5) (d) (4) and (5)
(viii) The author uses colloquial words such as “yeah, and "Woo-hoo!". Which of the
following is NOT a colloquial word?
Q- 1- Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow-
1. More than 87,000 healthcare workers have been infected with Covid-19, with just six
states - Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, West Bengal and Gujarat - accounting
for three-fourths (around 74%) of the case burden and over 86% of the 573 deaths due to the
infection, official data showed. Maharashtra alone, with the highest number of over 7.3 lakh
confirmed Covid cases so far, accounts for around 28% of the infected healthcare workers
and over 60% of the total deaths, according to the data.
2. While Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu had tested over one lakh healthcare
workers each till August 28, Karnataka reported only 12,260 infected healthcare workers -
almost half the burden in Maharashtra. Tamil Nadu reported 11,169 cases that included
doctors, nurses and Asha workers. The three states together accounted for 55% of the total
cases among health workers. Risk to frontline workers can jeopardise India's Covid fight -
The three states also reported the highest number of deaths in healthcare professionals,
though with a wide gap between Maharashtra and the other two. While Maharashtra reported
292 deaths among healthcare workers, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu had 46 and 49 deaths,
Covid-19 Cases till August 2020
(viii) On how many healthcare workers have COVID-19 tests been conducted in
(ix) Lax infection control in hospitals is the main reason for high infection among
healthcare workers. (True/False)