Chapter Three
Chapter Three
Chapter Three
3.0 Introduction
This chapter deal with the research design, the description of street children, the sample
and sampling procedures, data collection procedures, data quality control measurements
This study will adopt the survey method to gather data. The survey research had the right
attributes that allowed for guiding, systematic and objective collection of the needed data
statistics; hence, the choice of the survey research method. As suggested by Terre-Blanche
and Durrheim (1999). The research design is a planned background for achievement that
serves as a tie between research questions and the implementation of research. The
methods in which data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted. Although each methodology
varies, be it, quantitative and qualitative, it is critical to assess the strengths and weakness
of each design (Terre-Blanche and Durrheim, 1999). In reaching the objectives of this
research study on the psychological well-being of street children, the study will use a
purely quantitative approach in line with the aims and objectives of the study. The specific
used will be a cross-sectional design, whereby the study collected data as a specific point
deemed appropriate for this study, as participants had different backgrounds and reasons
32 participants
The research participants in the study will be street children living on the streets of
Kampala district, Busoga sub-region (Central Uganda). The study will be used as a non-
probability convenience sampling technique due to easier access the street children
Broadly defines sampling as a procedure that comprises choices about which people,
allow researcher
to choose participants which are available from the population at a point in time (Haer and
Becher, 2012). This sampling method will be useful, as the most convenient way of
collecting data was unknown. This sampling type method will also justify because
street children will be interviewed within Kampala district area. The sample size of 20 will
the literacy levels of homeless youths may vary greatly, making it difficult for them to
complete it themselves. Three research assistants and principal researcher will be primarily
responsible for the cla„tl collection process and procedure. The questionnaire will consist
an NGO that provides multifaceted interventions for children on the streets in Kampala
The NGO acted as gatekeepers because these youths will be vested on their well-being,
rights and welfare in their care (Blanche, Durrheim and Painter, 2006). Once access will
be granted, one of the officials from the organization contacted the researcher to facilitate
the data collection process. With this primary relationship established, the data collection
process will be more effective and efficient with less confusion from all participants
involved. Each participant on the street will be informed about the focus of the study, after
which they asked if they will be willing to participate. Voluntary participation will be
emphasized and the participants will be informed that they could freely withdraw from the
study at any time. Verbal consent will be obtained from those who agreed to participate in
the study. Those who participatecl will be interviewed to complete the questionnaires
pertaining to the biological data sheet. The participants that will be available within the
organization and within the streets during the early hours of the morning will be selected
and interviewed.
This study —approved by the Head of the Depaltment of Applied psychological, Kampala
Children Organization will be approached for consent as they serve as legal guardians of
children living on the streets. All participants will be informed about the purpose of the
they so with, Participants will be encouraged to ask questions concerning the study if they
Descriptive statistics ill analyze and describe the nature of the data collected, as well as to
determine the levels of psychological functioning and health risks. In addition, data will be
used by the use of questionnaire; it will be entered into a computer, edited and coded to
minimize errors. Then it will be grouped into tables, analyzed, interpreted, discussed and
3.7 Validity
After constructing questionnaire, the researcher will contact expertise in this area to go
through it to ensure that instrument is clear, relevant, specific and logically arranged.
3.8 Reliability
The research assistants sed for content analysis for the researcher. To calculate this kind
of reliability, the researcher reported the percentage of agreement on the same subject
between his raters and that of the assistants. However, half of the test, instrument, or a
survey, were used to analyze half as if it be the whole thing. The test-retest reliability of
whether the behavior patterns match with what the respondents filled in the questionnaires.
3.10 Limitations of the Study
deal with through use of my family members in Kampala district to submit different
Question avoidance arose in the answers for fear of some respondents to speak the truth
and others regard of their information as being confidential especially homeless youths
and street children. This will overcome through use of community leaders and introduction
Poor infrastructures limited data collection especially in some areas, however, this will