CRS WFCS 594092 A
CRS WFCS 594092 A
CRS WFCS 594092 A
Now that you’ve learned about the differences between our brokerage and investment advisory services, let’s look at the fees for both
categories of services. Fees depend on the types of products and services you choose.
Other Fees
Applicable to both Brokerage and Investment Advisory Services
• You will bear a proportionate share of an investment product’s expenses, such as investment management fees that are paid to
the product’s adviser, which may be an affiliate of ours, and distribution, shareholders services or other fees paid to us and our
affiliates. These expenses are an additional expense to you and not covered by the fees or charges described above; rather,
they are embedded in the price of the investment product.
• Other operational and service fees may be charged as outlined in the Annual and Operational Fee Schedule.
• You will be charged interest on the amount borrowed through margin loans and securities-based loans.
You will pay fees and costs whether you make or lose money on your investments. Fees and costs will reduce any amount of money
you make on your investments over time. Please make sure you understand what fees and costs you are paying.