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Total Solution For Gear Machining

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NUM Solutions and Systems
Established Worldwide

Outstanding solutions in machine automation have one thing in common: They are always the product
of outstanding performance, exceptional technologies and a high degree of creativity!

And NUM has earned its exceptional As an international company head-

reputation in the machinery and tools quartered in Switzerland, we have
02 NUM Solutions and Systems industry exactly with that. We devel- sales, application development and
Established Worldwide op customized automation solutions service locations all over the world
that ensure a high degree of added (see back cover) from which we oper-
03 Customized Projects value both to the machine manufac- ate worldwide. Our research and de-
turer and the user. With our expertise velopment departments are located
04 NUM Solutions and Systems that we have developed over decades, in Switzerland, Italy and France. Our
Intelligent and Creative we put our motto “NUM automation main production facility is located in
solutions provide machine builders Italy.
05 NUMgear - Perfection in Gear with a competitive advantage” into
Machining practice.NUM had already developed It is our clearly defined vision that we
the first CNC controller in 1961, i.e. 10 keep the development and manufac-
06 NUMgear moves Machines years before CNC- or NC control sys- ture of the core products in the CNC
tems found a wide acceptance among system, including the drives and mo-
07 NUMgear is precise users. With the launch in 1964, NUM tors, under our control. This enables
was one of the first CNC providers in us to adjust the important flexibili-
09 Flexium+ CNC System the world. Since then, we have main- ty and readiness of the systems to
Flexibility, Productivity & Safety tained our position as a technology new market requirements even in the
leader in this segment and are eager short-term.
10 NUM Motors to expand it further. Today’s systems,
Perfect for all Applications with their flexibility and our exper- The ready and flexible NUM auto-
tise, enable us to automate the most mation systems combined with our
11 NUM Services varied machinery. Our long, success- locally available engineering exper-
Worldwide at your Service ful track record supports this find- tise and the machine manufacturer
ing in an impressive manner. We will as a competent partner, results in a
continue to develop the readiness uniquely flexible and powerful team.
and flexibility of our systems in this
direction and make the necessary
investments in R&D as well as in our

Customized Projects

NUM supports you with your projects in the same way as it is ideal for your business and infrastructure.
The goal of our cooperation, however, always remains the same: To find the most efficient solution for
your project together with you.

Project facilitation PRODESIGN

Efficient consulting for optimal application solutions
This model is ideal for companies with their own development
teams and automation specialists. As an external partner, we
provide our entire know-how in the field of CNC automation
and take on an advisory role.

Project cooperation CODESIGN

Merging knowledge - potentiating results
Your development team will be combined with our team of
specialists. Together we will realize the automation of your
machine with clearly defined responsibilities. This form of
cooperation has proven to be extremely efficient in many

Total solutions ALLDESIGN

Delegating responsibility - controlling result
We assume the entire project management in the sense of a
general contractor and are fully responsible for the successful
implementation. Starting with the development of the re-
quirements specification, over the development and commis-
sioning, up to support and service.

NUM Solutions and Systems
Intelligent and Creative

We have developed countless customer- and application-specific solutions for different industries and
thus mapped out practical solutions for professional requirements. Based on this, our engineers have
created groundbreaking total solutions for demanding applications.

All of our solutions are based on a wide range of perfectly

matched proprietary products such as CNC, drive amplifiers
and motors. The partnership with our customers in the evalu-
ation, project and installation phase is further maintained by
our training, support and other services even after commis-
sioning. We attach importance to ensuring that our customers
are served by our professionals with specific knowledge.

NUMROTO - successful trendsetter in high-precision tool NUMhsc - excellent quality at the highest speeds on ma-
grinding for many years chines with 5 or more axes

NUMspecial - creative and practical solutions for your specif- NUMgrind - grinding and dressing cycles, with intuitive shop
ic applications floor entry screens and 3D visual validation

NUMcut - a complete solution for advanced cutting machines NUMmill - flexible solution with a graphical interface for
extensive milling cycles, including full 3D simulation

NUMgear - intelligent total solutions for new machines or as NUMwood - long tradition with powerful complete solutions
a retrofit in the field of gear machining in woodworking

NUMtransfer - economical and flexible for all lot sizes for NUMretrofit - rational extension of the service life of your
transfer, rotary transfer and multi-spindle machines machine by years

NUMgear - Perfection in Gear Machining

NUMgear on NUM‘s current control system Flexium+ is one of the leading industrial solutions for the
production of gears in the world. NUMgear is fully integrated in the controller. With NUMgear, gears
can be produced - after a few hours of training - by just entering the tool, workpiece and process
data with first-class precision of up to DIN 1 for continuous generating grinding and up to DIN 3 for
gear hobbing.

Gears move the world

In 2010, the number of vehicles has exceeded the one billion
mark. More than 90 million new vehicles are produced every
year worldwide.

In most of these vehicles, at least one gear train is installed

in the drive train in order to bring the power from the engine
onto the road by changing combinations of gears.

For better efficiency, lower noise emissions and quicker start,

the transmission technology is constantly evolving. Automat-
ic transmissions with nine speeds are driven since 2013, and
since 2015, ten speeds are available for particularly economi-
cal driving. More speeds require more gears.

And gear drives are used not only here. Gearboxes for axle
differentials, wipers, window lifters or power seat adjust-
ment use gears. Gear trains are also installed in oil pumps
and wind turbines, in machinery, mining, marine propulsion
and aircraft. Thus, more and more gears are required which
have to meet increasingly higher requirements.

Various methods are distinguished in the production of gears.

In general, the continuous process is the most productive one
(hobbing and generating grinding). Rolling has been used for
the production of gearing for over a hundred years already.
Since then, machinery and technology have been developed
further on a continuous basis.

NUMgear moves Machines

On new machines, the old mechanical drives and couplings were replaced by modern CNC controls a
long time ago. It is possible this way to manufacture gears that meet the requests of today‘s gearbox

As a leading manufacturer of modern, high-performance CNC

controllers, NUM offers the complete technology software for
the production of gears on hobbing machines, generating
grinding machines and honing machines.

• NUMgear is fully integrated into the modern Flexium+ con-

trol system and provides an interactive user interface for
the input of machine, workpiece and tool data as well as
for the definition of the machining processes.
• Input fields are illustrated by graphics.
• Several processing steps can be easily combined.
• Once the data are entered, machining is started by the
simple push of a button.
• In a central overview, the relevant production data are
displayed during automated machining.
• The integrated tool management allows to record the ma-
chining and wear condition of various tools.
• For automatic loading, an extremely fast measuring sys-
tem ensures that tool and workpiece are mounted in the
correct position.

NUMgear is precise

Gears that are manufactured on a machine with a NUM control system meet the highest standards.

• DIN 1 for generating grinding.

• DIN 3 for hobbing.
• Combinations of different flank modifications - and profile
modifications in case of grinding - are already a reality
• Beveled flanks and crowns - spherical, eccentric, or lim-
ited to certain flank areas - can be combined simply by
entering the corresponding values ​​in the NUMgear work-
piece data.

NUMgear is versatile
The required CNC cycles are included in the tech-
nology software NUMgear.

• Radially/axially the tool moves radially to depth and then

cuts parallel to the tool axis. With this method, spur-
toothed and helical cylindrical gears, axes and splines can Radial Axial
be machined.
• Radially the tool cuts only by infeed without axial move-
ment. Worm gears are thus milled. Radial
• Radially/tangentially the tool moves to the radial retrac-
tion perpendicular to the radius and thus cuts worm gear
Radial Tangential
• Diagonally it is another method for spur-toothed and heli-
cal cylindrical gears and splines.
• For each workpiece, several different gears can be defined
and produced in one operating cycle.
Diagonal Cycle
• The tool can be shifted continuously or incrementally in
order to utilize the entire width.
• Cooling, clamping and other functions can be controlled
with the machine functions.

NUMgear is precise

NUMgear is flexible NUMgear with super flexible EGB

NUMgear can be used as a complete package on NUM provides a very flexible and powerful elec-
new machines or on upgraded older machines. tronic gear train with the current control system
generation Flexium+, with the accuracies up to
Since NUMgear is fully modular, a different user interface, the sub-nano range. Higher speeds increase the
proprietary technology- and calculation modules or other productivity and new technologies improve the
advanced functionalities can be integrated - as required. A precision.
particular strength of the experts of NUM is to work closely
with customers and to make the best of both worlds into an NUM‘s Electronic Gear Box (EGB) is integrated directly into the
outstanding product. We feel to be, in the best sense of the CNC kernel and can be used for gear production as well as
word, responsible for the success of the joint work. Projects for other technologies. There are two basic types, static and
and data can be stored centrally or locally. The HMI applica- dynamic gear mechanism. With this EGB, tool speeds of up to
tion NUMgear itself can run on both the individual machine, 25,000 revolutions per minute are possible.
or on a Windows computer in the corporate network. This
means that corrections can be carried out on multiple gear Static gear mechanisms use the factor specified in its defini-
machines from a mobile device or from an office PC. NUMgear tion factor for the axis coupling. Each axis of a machine can
is, of course, „Industry 4.0 ready“. be the leading or controlled axis. Gear mechanisms can be
combined and connected in series. Several axes can control
an additional axis - this can also be virtual - and become the
leading axis of another gear mechanism. In this case, linear
and rotary axes can be combined with each other. In addition,
it is possible to superimpose further movements to controlled
axes. Dynamic gear mechanisms use curve tables instead of
the fixed coupling factor. The interpolation between two ta-
ble points is done linearly or as spline. Thus, the movement of
the tool for non-circular gears, for special flank shapes can be
controlled more flexibly. Static and dynamic gear mechanisms
can also be combined. A calibration or parameter set change-
overs are not needed; the EGB takes care of it.

Flexium+ CNC-System
Flexibility, Productivity and Safety

Extreme Scalability

NUM EtherCAT Terminals CNC System

NUMSafe PLC & Safe Terminals Axis Motors /
FSoE (Fail Safe over EtherCAT) Safe Axes Spindle Motors

Operator Panel with Integrated iPC

EtherCAT NCK 1



Machine Panel

CANopen Axes
Host NCK n
HBA-X nPad Interpolated Axes
Portable Handheld Panel Up to 32 axes/spindles per NCK and
more than 200 per CNC system

The control system is characterized by an extremely high scal- The NUMDrive X drive solution is the result of more than 20 years
ability. It allows the perfect adaptation to the respective appli- of experience in the development of fully digital drive systems.
cation solution. Thus, in a simple way, systems from 1 to over 200 It is available in different versions with different performance
CNC axes can be realized. The Flexium+ system has a secure PLC data. The wide range of drive amplifiers is available in single
in addition to the normal PLC, which communicates via FSoE (Fail and dual axis versions and also in different performance lev-
Safe over EtherCAT) with the secure inputs and outputs as well els (processing power). This allows a technical and financially
as with the NUMDrive X drive control systems. The system covers optimum adaptation to every application. These modules are
all necessary safety functions in a simple manner. The program- designed for rated currents of a few up to 200 amps. Another
ming of the safety logic is carried out with the same software strength of the drive amplifier is its compactness and high en-
tool as the rest of the PLC. This same tool is also used for the en- ergy efficiency.
tire system parameterization and commissioning of the machine.

NUM Motors
Perfect for all Applications

Excellent volume/performance ratio and great dynamics, so that our motors can satisfy almost
all applications.

NUM has more than 50 years of experience developing servo

and spindle motors. We pioneered the development and pro-
duction of AC brushless servo motors, as well as synchronous
spindle motors with flux weakening.

The comprehensive servo-motor series of NUM offer an excel-

lent volume/output ratio, as well as first-class dynamic prop-
erties optimized for the machine tool industry. They, with per-
fect concentric run-out, satsify even at very low speeds. The
so-called “single cable” motors offer the advantage that the
complete measuring system cable is eliminated. This simplifies
the wiring of the machine significantly and thus saves money.

The asynchronous motors of the AMS series offer excellent

quiet running at low speed, quick and accurate positioning
and are ideally suited as a C-axis and for spindle indexing.

The TMX series torque motors have an extremely low cogging

torque as well as a very high S1 torque density. They are ideal
for applications that require very smooth and precise motion,
especially at low speeds. Typical applications are direct drive
rotary tables or workhead axes of machine tools. The TMX
motors are complemented by an extensive range of torque
motors from our partner company Schaeffler Industrial Drives
(IDAM), who’s customers include many well-known European
machine builders.

Key data of the motor series:

• Servo-motors from 0.318 to 160 Nm (IP65, IP67)
• Rated speeds of the servo-motors up to 8000 rpm
• Spindle motors up to 55 kW
• Special kit motors
• Liquid-cooled spindle motors
• Liquid-cooled servo motors
• Asynchronous and synchronous motor spindles (motor spindle)
• “Single cable” motors
• Custom motors

NUM Services
Worldwide at your Service

The decision for NUM is also the decision for a customer service that will support you long after the
initial investment as on the first day - even after 20 years and on-site. Our specialists can ensure an
extended life for your good (but old) machinery with NUM retrofits.

Worldwide support by experts Technically always up to date

For professional analysis and trainings, a perfect infrastruc- Our team of specialists will actively inform you on the latest
ture is available to our experts in all centers of excellence. hardware- and software developments and provide you with
So that we can assist you quickly and efficiently around the useful technical information.
world, we also rely on the advantages of the most modern
communication technologies, e.g. for remote maintenance Repair- and spare parts service
via Internet. Of course, we will be happy to offer advice on If an error unexpectedly occurs in your CNC system in spite of
site in your company. proper maintenance, you can trust that this will be fixed by
dedicated service employees of our global network.

Comprehensive training offer

We orient our training to your indivual needs - whether its
operator training, maintenance, repair and service training,
PLC programming, or adjustment of servo drives.

NUM provides a training offer matched to the customer needs: Customer service
• CNC operation For you and your markets, we have a worldwide service or-
• CNC programming ganization. The International customer service provides tele-
• PLC programming phone consultation, deployment on site, even for many years
• Commissioning and servicing old installations. With a retrofit from NUM, the operating time
• Preparation of custom surfaces of an excellent machine can be extended by many years.
• Customized customer training
Our customer service is available and responsive to help even
with cutting edge products and custom developments. We car-
ry local inventory and have your materials and components in
stock ready to meet your requirements for quality and delivery

Complete CNC Solutions

Great Britain Russia
Germany Austria
France Switzerland (Headquarters)
USA Spain Italy Turkey

India Thailand

South Africa

NTC (NUM Technology Center)
NUM Agent
NUM Contact

NUM systems and solutions are used worldwide.

Our global network of sales and service locations guarantees professional service from the beginning
NUMgear © 2019 NUM AG - All rights reserved

of a project to its execution and for the complete life cycle of the machine.

NUM has service centers around the world. Visit our website Follow us on our social media channels for the latest infor-
for the current list of locations. mation on NUM CNC Applications.

www.num.com facebook.com/NUM.CNC.Applications

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